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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Saltillo Violence: Mother Killed With Daughter, Baby Found With Bodies, 3 Sicarios Killed

Borderland Beat
Five Killed in Saltillo
In Saltillo, Coahuila,  fear has permeated residents as violence becomes a common occurrence
in Coahuila, from Torreon (la Laguna) east to Saltillo, north to Piedras and Acuña, the once relatively peaceful state seems to have become the stage of violence and crime.  Yesterday, the two women were  killed, their executor killed, a grenade attack, 3 trucks founds filled with weapons, two sicarios killed and one wounded, another captured is the killer of  Nathaniel Rivera......all in below

Above is Perla she is the mother of the baby
A mother and daughter were executed on Wednesday morning with a bullet to the head, in the Saltillo area of  Florencia.
Elements were stunned to discover lying next to one of the bodies was an infant estimated to be eight months old.  Accompanying  the bodies a narco message was found  however the  contents have not yet been disclosed. 
The narco message was written on canvass and the bodies were laid on top the message.  
Hours before the detection of the bodies, the body of their alleged executor was killed by elements of SEDENA and GROMS mobile reaction group), Authorities did not disclose how they suspected he was the killer of the mother and daughter.
The events occurred around 9:00 am of yesterday, when after alerting several safety corporations, the body of Perla Yameli Torres Mata, 35 years old and Karina Monserrat Alvarado Torres, 18 years old, mother and daughter, were found 300 meters of Geminis Avenue, at the height of Florencia colony. Both women lived on Calle 20 #677 in La Herradura.
Another report from Vanguardia, says the women were aunt and niece.

Though alive the baby was suffering from hypothermia, information on  prognosis nor condition status was not given..
Also yesterday,  there was a clash between armed organized criminals  and officers of the Group GATE gunmen which resulted in leaving  two dead and two others were injured by firearms.
The shooting occurred at 14:30 pm when police Group Special Weapons and Tactics (GATES),  spotted the men who were traveling in a Chevrolet, gray double cab truck on Calle Nardos, in the  Colonia Valle de las Flores.   
GATES  surprised, the  occupants who  launched grenades in an attempt to flee,  initiating a chase to Jesus Valdes Sanchez Boulevard. Gunmen travelled  down the street from the Colony Oceania Malaysia, fleeing through the streets Portugal and Seville.

At that point the gunmen fled on foot, one of them, Angel Uriel Herrera Abasta, was wounded, upon being shot he fell to the asphalt.  Two others  climbed to the roof on the second floor of a house, where one  was shot causing him to fall  near the water tank of the house, which is  owned by a senior couple.
The other offender was shot in the  alley about  15 meters where  his partner was.
"it was horrible, the shots were loud,  I grabbed my children and I fell to the ground," said a young mother, looking shocked at the aftermath which looked  a battlefield.

The prosecutor of the Attorney General of the State moved the scene to take cognizance of the death of the two criminals who were taken to the Service Coroner.
The PGJE confirmed that the gunmen included the murderer of Nathaniel Rivera, executive secretary of the Electoral Institute of Citizen Participation of Coahuila, and six others, Nathaniel was reported missing, to the Deputy of Research and Search, between 6 and 7 December 2012 and his body found, along with six other people, all with shots to the head.

One of the criminals killed  is Nathaniel Garcia Pedro Castañeda, "The Chiquidrácula", originally from Acuna, Coahuila who escaped from the Youth Residence since 28th of  December. Another death is Juan Pablo Garcia Guajardo, "Barney", Cereso inmate escaped from Piedras Negras on November 17.

Detainees are Carlos Humberto Aguillón, “La Mija”, the assassin of  Natanael Rivera, and  Ángel Uriel Herrera Abasta, “La Cáscara, another child escaped from the group home, who was serving a sentence of 14 years and six months for manslaughter in the town of Parras.
El Diario of Coahuila-Vangardia-Zocalo

Thank you to the reader who sent the foto of Karina in. much appreciated


  1. I cannot imagine the deafening scream and agony of pain for the 18 yr. old girl begging the sicario(s) to spare the life of her 8 mos. old infant. I am grateful that the infant was spared but will grow up without a mother.

    This year 2013 - Feb 10, 2013 to be exact (Year of the Black Water Snake) will have more devastating consequences, violence, death & natural disasters & misery worldwide.

    Remember 9/11? It was also the year of the Snake. Again, these are the predictions from Taoist/Buddhist school of thought . . .

    Please stay safe everyone, especially the heroic B.B. journalists & their families.


  3. Mexico is Seriously Broken

  4. at least the baby survived... that baby is gonna grow up to be a super cop or sick ass narco killing machine of a soldier

  5. What is there to say but simply how sad.

  6. Oh ok then.. the baby wasnt killed.

  7. Its sad but the bitch killer got what he deserves.

  8. i was just informed that mayito gordo was captured and beheaded by chapo isidro and the Z's in culiacan. if this is true there will be lots of deaths! Attn. P@RR@ND3RO!

  9. Dah It's a drug cartel war anything goes!!!!

  10. Damn wat is wrong with this sick ppl im mexico

  11. at P@RR@ND3RO!

    Where did you hear? On the ground? blog o?
    if on media please provide link...that is big

    1. i cant say names but somebody close too him. attn P@RR@ND3RO

    2. @ P@RR@ND3RO:

      Vales verga mi compa...I have family in both El Salado and Culiacan and they all tell me this is not true...

    3. otro pendejo que no sabe distinguir un rumor con lo veridico, mire viejo ami me vale verga donde tenga familia como dije asi esta el rumor en culichi. attn P@RR@ND3RO!

  12. The Crisis by Thomas Paine
    December 23, 1776
    THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated

  13. Any more news on this mayto gordo thing? If this is true....chappo isidro doing so much dirt he really has them running scared

  14. Who is mayito gordo

  15. Holy shit mayito gordo? I hope for all of our sake, you jest, home slice.....

  16. O shit is This true ? Mayito Gordon cought tham this
    Novela is getting better and better !!

  17. its not public yet only people close to mayito know he was decapitated, also el morete was taken out toi with 2 girls in an apartment. Attn P@RR@ND3RO

    1. Yo vivo en mocorito y Ay como 12. Antrax ke viven Aki y no dise nada y estan calmado

  18. Let's hope the mayito gordo thing is false or else el mz will fuck shit up

  19. P@RR@ND3RO

    I understand. If you get additional info of specifics, where how when who etc could you email me? either the email where my name is under reporters or my other email;

  20. who the hell is mayito gordo?

  21. hahahahahahahahh mayito gordo is alive hes in sonora att comandante rifle

  22. Replies
    1. Mayito Gordo is one of the sons of El Mayo Zambada

  23. That incident supposedly happened a few.days ago. I doubt it. I don't believe el señor mayo would let it happen. Los zambada son muy apreciados aqui en sinaloa. Mucho respeto. No como ese chopito traicionero. Arriba culiacan plebes.

    1. no me digas q el chapo es tu dios haha pinche bato mamonsototote neta

  24. Apparently those who know who he is don't want to help the rest of us out.. who is he? What affiliation with which cartel? Plaza boss? From the reaction of those who kno who he is I guess he's big time.. an really? Leave the baby next to the bodies? In the cold? Wow.. no fucking heart.. but what do you expect from men who were most likely abando ed themselves as children...

    1. El Mayito Gordo is one of the sons of El Mayo Zambada, the real head of the Sinaloa cartel

    2. Dan: Mayito Gordo is (the youngest?) son of el Mayo Zambada. The heir apparent for the enterprise if/when his older brother Vicentillo beat his current U.S. case. I don't know how to embed, but type his name in google images , the kid is up the of command for the Sinaloa Cartel.

      I have asked and checked everywhere and no one has heard of him being killed. He is always escorted with members of Los Antrax and considering who his father is, he must have a good amount of men.

      Hope this helps you out brother

    3. mayito gordo is not the youngest of his sons, el sera is the youngest. its true you wont find it in any newspaper or tv like lopez doriga. apparently a car wash employee gave up mayitos wereabouts he goes by the name chapillo. mayito was with one of his sisters not sure if it was teresita. Attn P@RR@ND3RO

  25. El Chiquidracula lol!! Al piso con esas ratas de rio.

  26. One of mayos sons the mayos have anthrax guarding them hope its not true if not it on chapo isidrio head on a platter.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Maybe because they have other things to do, you DUMBASS.. maybe they have jobs.. and there not attached to the computer all day.. all you had to do is answer the question without been an asshole.. this why I don't read this site as much anymore, cause its like that Spanish site Blog del narco all they do is talk shit.. I only answer you cause you were rude to those people...

  28. What about mr chino antrax wasn't he or cheyo protecting him ? I don't kno but that's what this corridos say all the time that they are always protecting the zambada fam. Wonder if they went down to!

    1. Cheyo died a while ago

    2. Those corridos are just fantasies like when Drake makes songs about liking women. Anybody can be touched even if you have your pull.

  29. the son of mayo zambada, i hope its not true.

    1. Why not?? He doesn't give a FUCK about you!!! If you keep the path you are in now! Don't worry you will join him soon. Puro culiacan plebes


  31. I hope its true.. para Que se le quite Lo osicon a todos, Que el Mayo y el chapos families are UNTOUCHABLE.. whether you people like it or not Chapo isidro is no fucking joke.. neither is he's people.. Chapo guzman has money and buys all the politicians , BUT chapito isidro and his people have the balls... Cuando los antrax escuchan charritos, mazatlecos o isidro, se pierden.. Chapo isidro is the cure for the antrax virus..

  32. Cowards who shoot woman like this should be tortured and made to suffer the maximum amount of pain..

  33. Arriba la gente del chapo isidro y los de la FEMK. ay lez va zu ZORPREZZZAAAA ... ATT : GENTE DEL IZIDRO

    1. Sorpresa? Acaso les crecieron las pelotas y decidieron rifarsela contra los soldados y marinos? Lo dudo panochones mata niños igual que la mierda del chaputito Izidra y sus mamarreatas.

    2. Siempre no la rifamos culito y tu.sabes bien. Ustedes siempre se pellen pa dentro cuando hay resistencia. Matan a puros amarrados,mujeres,e inocentes. Arriba los beltran leyva. Nosotros puro contra matamos no como ustedes culeros. As tu tarea i ye fijas quien despacha mas Guachos,federales,u polis. Atte tu puta madre

  34. Is CT a cartel or who runs michoacn

    1. Yes it is a cartel you have a couple groups now in michoacan jalisco nueva gene ration a couple others but ct there more

  35. what the fuck is going on?

  36. And that is how rumors start swirling.
    " Chapo Isidro and Z's behead Mayito Gordo "
    Why do people start such nonsense?
    First off Antrax are personal bodyguards to the Zambada family but from what I hear only his kids. Mayo has own elite bodyguards. Some Antrax have died in the line of protection while others have been killed by contras. It's happened to all the cartels, they aren't invincible but abit more glorified in corridos as we well know. But never has a son of a capo been caught by contras and beheaded of this magnitude and doubt seriously this happened. I am sure the Zambada kids along with the Chapo kids stay in secure areas of which they would have most of the control. They aren't going into BL controlled areas nor Zetas controlled areas. I would give them that much credit of using their cabeza.

  37. When it comes to BABIES, that are a gift from GOD and are so helpless & innocent; these murderers are truly "Sick, scum, worthless, full of rabies, vicious ANIMALS!!!

  38. if mayito gordo was killed...GOOD!!! I hope his family suffers. Who cares about them...they're the ones causing/ordering all this chaos and killings. Stop idolizing these fucking low-lifes.

  39. @ 10:32
    thank you so much...I have added her foto, I looked yesterday on FB...I failed. Paz, Chivis

  40. Utter depravity,the most innocent and beautiful form of life left out to basically die,killing a mother and daughter is depraved enough,but to then leave a defenseless baby?What did they possibly do to deserve that?Is there something that justifies behavior like that?Fuckin dogs who don't deserve to walk amongst us,we all have moral restraints,these dogs choose to discard those restraints January 25, 2013 at 9:06 AM
    At least you wanted to help,unlike a lot of the ones who say they know.What the hell we are only gringos?Thanks for the input dude,yes i see it is Mayo Zambadas son,but it is not confirmed.

  41. el mentado p@rr@nd3ro es purro pedo . si es sierto lo ke dices tubo k ber mas muertos. nomas asi se lebantan al hijo del mayo ..y los guardias pake son?? yase ubiera echo un cochinero en sinaloa donde operan BLO,, Y SUS ALIADOS NO KRES?

    1. Primo cayese el osico. El gordo ya las
      Dio ahora vamos por el llorón de ivan. Segun dicen ya corrio pa el norte junto con los ántrax. Culiacan es si siempre ha sido de los beltran. Fierro

    2. mire viejo nunca dije que es verdad lea bien y vera que dije que es el rumor que anda por culichi. y si no sabe mejor no habra la mamadora Attn. P@RR@ND3RO!

    3. Pero de que mataron al morete ya esta en noticias eso dijo tambien el p@r@nd3ro

    4. Arriva yo, mi apa, y la chona!!

  42. Ok so yo quiero saver q onda con la manta diceq es pa el chapo alguen save q show

  43. El k se se debe kayar la supuesta mamadora era tu Maricon si tu estubieras poniendo antecion Sabrina's de ke mueren Los kemados . Y ya bete ala rriata wuey k Alfin me vale mais!!!!!

  44. El Mayito Gordo,is one of three sons de El MZ. he took over the Antrax after Cente got caught. El Roke was the one that was guarding him but once he died El 2 o Cheyo took over. El Chino is protecting El Mayo.

    1. "Chino protecting mayo" you're on drugs.. Chino is just another street gangster.. Mayo has real protection ..Jesus Pena el 20.. protects him

  45. chivis can u post pics of the five guys that got killed in acuna by sedena the guy that had escaped piedras prison they were zetas

  46. Ok so who did it el chapo

  47. Dammit I wish they would had killed the whole gang of these narco filth and not only 2!

  48. manta we think says:

    "Esto es de p--te del Chapo el cartel de Sinaloa
    Para Todos Z"

    saying chapo is responsible and dedicated to Zetas

  49. Isidro is done..word is that his family already had to leave moneterey.his front companies got exposed..his main concern should be to keep his family safe..cds been knowing where his fam was,buy they want him,not the if he went after mayos son,his career and family would just be a memory soon..keep in mind he works for one of,the weakest cartels there from sinaloa and go on the regular..blo is something we laugh at...

    1. Well i guess you can laugh all the way to fat asses funeral. No lie he was killed the decapitation wasn't.confirmed but he is dead. You would know that IF YOU WERE IN THE REALM.... By the way STOP BEING A POSER..every top dog has a family they know the risks especially los Flores. Rest in piss fat ass

    2. Youre one of the biggest nuthuggers here.." BLO is something we laugh at" Chapo isidro kills cds left and right .. and Sinaloa is mostly own by BLO, ISIDRO AND even some Zetas ... Chapo Guzman can't even control he's own state.. Mayo is the big dog in Sinaloa.. my friend is a real sinaloan .. not a fake like you're self.. he still lives there.

  50. Im pretty sure that el mayito gordo is well protected by chino,cheyo,chavo felix el talivan, el phonex and the rest of them anthrax

    1. Cheyo is dead. Phoenix is prison .. chavo has his own click.. chino doesn't do a Damn thing but run away from gun fights.. antrax are just typical coked out kids.. the corridos make them invincible.. if mayito gordo is protected is not by this clowns.. but by real sicarios.. don't listen to everything corridos say my friend, there 99.99% bullshit..

  51. I hope that the killers were cut down by the authorities. Unfortunately, in Mexico they sometimes grab the first guy they see and call him the perpetrator. Now the crime is solved and the case is closed. A dead perp can not claim innocence.

  52. @12:07pm really,you guys laugh at the people who gun down your people.....if an enemy of mine killed some of my people i'd be furious dude, hell i'd want revenge....and blo is something you's laugh at....i find something really wrong in what you say....i keep thinking back to that ambush with 21+ CDS sicario's dead...and you's still laugh at blo.

  53. not to mention if it is true that el mayito gordo got killed by el chapo isidro,mayo will not hesitate to look for his family!although la familia se respeta,eso es lo que el ondeado y la familia michoacana siempre tuvieron en mente igual a los caballeros templarios!Isidro not would only be wanted by mayo,but also from el vago o el cholo!mayo looses a son,isidro looses his whole family because el chapo,el mayo already know were his family spends time and were they live,pero they respect family,innocents,and women!

    1. Stop.. Just stop please!! You are giving all us sinoloenses a bad name not to mention a headache. Por favor ya cállate a la verga .. Pinche plebe falso

    2. If chapos and mayos go after isidros family then they no better than the zetas .if they did kill gordo hes part of the game if he wasnt he wouldnt need antrax o watever to protect him

  54. thats how the game is,yuh either go after the main one or yuh make that wrong move hurting a son and ur family gets it,for example el ondeado,beltranes killed his son,what did he his vengence the next day!he didnt even take it out on the beltranes family,and nacho coronel a couple years back got the order from chapo to kidnap hector beltrans wife for a reason,it was to show that family is not a case in this cartel war,and they returned her with no injury,and hector beltran never did anything to get his wife safely.el chapo let her go!and tru about that el 20 protects mayo,el chino is an armedwing for mayo,jus like los caballeros an armed wing for el cds!y cuidate chapo isidro que pronte te llega tu despedida Atte. tu mero padre y la tia

  55. Some of you talk as if the "Antrax" are invincible. They might be strong, but even the strongest fall to an ambush. Also "Chapo" Isidro has proven to be a strong rival. Especially with his ambush tactics. But in time we'll know for sure if this "Mayito Gordo" rumor is true. Also I'm not saying that an ambush happened.

  56. "Stop.. Just stop please!! You are giving all us sinoloenses a bad name not to mention a headache. Por favor ya cállate a la verga .. Pinche plebe falso"
    So true,wise words.They are arguing about people who they don't know,people who have nothing to do with them.Its like any of us hero worshiping movie stars and shit like that.The only people i worship are my family.

  57. callese pinche joto mamom,pareses vieja sinaloense peerro mocoso,donde te miro t mato puto at 4:10

  58. I feel so sad for these victims but not the only ones you think I am mentioning, the victims that are still alive in this violence are also the ones that kill. How much they must be lacking inside, how much hurt they must have inside, how much they must feel they are not worth living a better life, one that does not involve taking another life to feel any sense of being alive. I send blessings to this baby but also to these individuals and others like them that are not even aware how they are living and wasting their one and only life. they are not aware that when you hit in this universe the hit back is 1 million times worse to their soul, body and mind and those they love if they know love may suffer in front of their own eyes and in that moment maybe they'll remember the tiny body of this baby or the young mom, and wonder am I a human or have I descended to the level of animals to be able to do what I have done. I hope the Mexican government and the leadership realizes that their people deserve better than this; that the government themselves realize they are worth more than this. By the way this what I wrote applies to all the victims of crime all over the world including the very bad neighborhoods in the US itself where bloody violent crimes also take place. This is not Mexico's or US's or any other single country's problem. This is all our problems if anyone in this world can't feel safe; what are the rest of us not doing to allow that? How can we call ourselves leaders in power if we cannot save our own people and let them be slaughtered? are we ALL really doing all that we can to stop it? If any of the people that do think a life of crime is their only option, think again. You are worth so much more than you know, not because of a god, but because you came into this world; you are here to make life better for you and all around you. You are missing your own life by thinking you are worth nothing and so living this life. If the desire in you without even telling anyone is in you to stop a life of crime,you can and you will. You will find a way, you will stop taking life, you will find a way to give life. I think you are worth it and so would a lot of people if you let it in. You are loved regardless of what you have done before. You can still be a human being you can be proud of when it's time for you to leave this planet and you will like everyone. You also are not as powerful as you think you are it's an illusion you cannot kill a soul, you may cause a body to go lifeless but the soul comes back purely as another body. You accomplish nothing despite what it looks like. You cannot possibly be as powerful as what created life , created you. So wake up, stop thinking you are somebody or you have power , when time comes to die, you will not be able to stop it. But you gurantee an ugly life if you take life; choose a better life, choose a life where you can respect yourself for real. Be a winner, because at every moment in life you choose which direction you want to go, why would you not want to give yourself a chance to be a healthy loved and loving human being? do you think you deserve less, you don't and I don't care what you have done, you can turn it around, only if you want to! blessings to all


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