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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Acapulco: Tourists Robbed and Raped by Gunmen

Borderland Beat
The masked rapists-robbers are reported being of an organized crime group although the group was unnamed
Early Monday, in the state of Guerrero  six Spanish tourists were sexually assaulted by men who reportedly stormed  a bungalow  in  the village of San Andrés, Barra Vieja of the  Acapulco region known as Zona Diamante de Acapulco.  The attack occurred at the Babaji Bungalows.
The  attackers also robbed the other tourists including the six men of Spanish origin and  a Mexican tourist.  All their valuables were taken, including Ipads, cell phones, computers and currency.
The security force supposedly in charge of the areas is “Operation Safe Guerrero”, a coalition of state and municipal forces.
At least 15 men wearing ski masks were involved in the attack of which half were heavily armed.
After raping six women, the men robbed the women of their money and belongings, all six were Spanish tourists.

While the women were being raped the men were restrained by wire and cell phone cords.

First reports stated seven women were raped later the mayor reported it was in fact six.
The first report of the crime came in through the Emergency Service 066, which alerted authorities about a theft,  but later confirmed the rape of the six Spanish tourists in addition to the robbery.
Operation “safe” Guerrero subsequently became involved in the investigation that not only includes elements of the state, municipal and federal agencies.

Sources use to compose this post-Milenio and Univision


  1. These are the type of dogs who are killing Mexico.I wonder if we will get the"the US has rapes too"These fuckin idiots are to stupid to realize the damage they are doing and has been done to tourism and the money brought in through tourism.Lots of business men go on holiday,do you think they would start any kind of business with dogs like these running around?15 armed men and no-one can get anything done?Acapulco needs all the help it can get and look?No-wonder citizen militias are starting to be seen.

  2. "But the brochure the travel agent gave us said this was a great vacation destination"!

  3. This is almost exactly like the attack that happened to my husband and I a year and a half ago at our home in Ixtapa. The sad thing is, the authorities will do NOTHING and the bad guys will not be caught or punished. The media will quickly bury this story and everyone will forget that the victims have to live with this life changing event forever.

  4. This type of shit will jus continue to go on and on. And its leavin mexico a bad rep. It will get so bad that mexico will be seen as a country like pakistan, or afganistan where nobody wants to go nor vacate to it! Those spanish ppl will spread the word to whom ever they can to keep them from going to mexico. Its sad and pro ably horrifying what they went through.

  5. wow thats messed up............. dang chivis you've been busy with these articles...awesome. thank you.

  6. The attackers will strike again being fully aware of this low risk high return operation.

    My Suggestion. They should allow concealed handgun owners carry their weapons intro Mexico. Perhaps leave a $5,000 deposit and collect it on the way out only if you show your weapon.


    1. They'll eat up that 5000$ you kidding me and lock you up if you carry weapons no peace stand up people of mexico and arm your selves its better to stand and fight then die on your knees .

  7. Restrained with cell phone cords?

  8. Wow! That's gotta be tough to sit there being restrained why your women are being raped, in front of you! Also, not knowing if your going to be murdered, afterwards! I guess it's no brainer that their vacation is over!!!!

  9. Thank you! A couple of contributors had emergencies so I am trying to fill in, but I have been ill so please be forgiving for any small errors..paz, chivis

    1. Hope you feel better that's the main thing other bb reporters can step up take it easy and take care .

  10. It is so sad to read what has happened to Acapulco and Mexico in general.
    I remember traveling to Acapulco with my family when I was about 13 years old and it was the greatest trip I have ever taken in my life.
    Nothing quite like Acapulco Bay as the Sun goes down over the Pacific...
    Anyone who has ever spent a day at Playa Langosta would never forget it!

  11. There is more to this story than being told. It doesn't make sense to rape the women if they are just thieves.

  12. When enough tourists are raped and killed (it's going to take a lot more than this) the Mexican government will feel compelled to do something. The place has really gone to the dogs.

  13. It was probably the security force that done it, i would not put it past seriously what type of security is there if 15 rapist/robbers can get into a fkn bungalow tourist resort,if security is that relaxed then the security are in on it..
    who the hell wanna go to acapulco anyways unless you want your face peeled off...and gang raped while your boyfriend watches...i'll pass,rather go nuevo laredo...visit the zeee'

  14. Love Mexico as I do, Acapulco has been in decline for years. They need a big clean up. I hope they find these guys and turn them over to a civilian vigilante group. A sports fishing fleet owner would probably be the best choice - chum for the day's fishing.

  15. Sad and Tragic. Tooo many websites telling people to ignore travel warnings and the media and go vacation in beautiful widdle Mexico.

    " Friends all tried to warn me but i held my head up high. All the time they warned but i
    only passed them by. They all tried to tell me
    but i guess didnt care. Turned my back and left them standing there"

  16. Well it depends on the area. I stopped recommending Aca as safe over two years ago. Yet I have no problem allowing my grandson to visit Cabos anytime. Not all Mexico is alike. and more regions are as safe or safer than the US, by far than are not.

    One must be diligent in keeping up with news reflecting security. Check the state department website, though they are overly conservative that is what some people want. Follow the guidelines, register with the state department and nearest consulate and provide your itinerary

  17. @5:20 "Nothing quite like Acapulco Bay as the Sun goes down over the Pacific...
    Anyone who has ever spent a day at Playa Langosta would never forget it!"

    Yes , i been there. The burning memories too.
    However, i dont like decapitations,heads floating in the water, people calcinated in taxis, gunfire in the morning,cuerpos encobijados,descuartizados, nope .. not cool
    The best thing one can do is spread the word about whats happening in Mexico and boycott travel there. Shut the MF's down.
    with no touri$m industry what will they do ?
    Right now MF's (turds) in Mexico want money and with no regards to law or human dignity they will do anything to get it along with violating female tourists. So with that said its not your grandfathers or great grandfathers Mexico!!
    Fyi , there are still some good people too in Mexico & God/or somebody help them !! Men like Theodore Roosevelt and his Roughriders dont exist anymore.There is no one in Mexico to hear your screams or come to your aid. You cross that border u are on your own !!!! If Mexico was cigar call it "El Corrupto"

  18. 500+ anos despues pero finalmente nos vengamos, ahora siguen los descendientes de hernan cortez, lol

  19. @ 6:31 Well it depends on the area. I stopped recommending Aca as safe over two years ago. Yet I have no problem allowing my grandson to visit Cabos anytime. Not all Mexico is alike. and more regions are as safe or safer than the US, by far than are not.

    Hey Chivis.
    It also depends on method of travel. Land,Sea,Air. & what kinda vehicle one is driving.

  20. Hijos de perra .tremendo golpe al turismo los van a agarrar!!!!

  21. Mexico is a mess. If you are in that country you better be armed. Mexican government is a joke they are corrupted its in they roots. Punks

  22. Why, oh why, oh why, oh why, are people still taking trips to Mexico?

    How many times does this have to happen before people figure out that it is a mistake to visit Mexico during a cartel war?

  23. I guess this shows that all mexicans are rapists. We should kill all mexicans now whether with papers or not.

  24. Damn CDS, rapin again.

  25. two things i fucken hate inthe world are childmolesters and rapist and this ha nothing to do with organize crime cause what they stole is not signs of organize crime and the rape and what they use to tie these tourist up with is a sign of just local crime gangmembers i hope they find them and chop there balls off word is that the organize boss in acapulco is very pist off cause the resort is owned by him and it was areal money maker know its in jeapordydont be surprise if you find these cocsuckers hung or killed

  26. The Mexican government officials have allowed and helped this country end up like this. They sell out their own countrymen to slaughter and murder while they get rich. People need to hold them accountable too. They are the reason murderers get away with it and do as they please.

  27. This is not exactly a Mexican government issue. Before El Chapo invaded all the plazas, the plaza bosses enforced what was right and wrong and held criminals in check. The local businessmen paid cartels a tax to keep things safe. This is not always true but for the most part, tourist in Mexico was stable prior to the El Chapo era of grotesk war. The govenment alone cannot change this. But strong plaza bosses with direction from the governors most certainly can. Hopefully this is the direction the PRI will take Mexico. And I do know many of you including Chivis will disagree. It is just my opinion. I have been following crime in Mexico since the 90s.

  28. February 5, 2013 at 4:09 PM
    "This is almost exactly like the attack that happened to my husband and I a year and a half ago at our home in Ixtapa"
    Sorry to hear that.
    Hope you came out of it alright,you still have your husband,children,life,dont let any dogs ruin it for you,fuck them.
    Get on with your life and let that go if you can(easier said than done)
    Good luck to you and your dearest and be safe.

  29. This is so sit there and forcibly see your wife being raped and you can't do do diddly squat. What a horrible feeling.

    On another note every time I hear a travel agency radio commercial about going to Mexico I think of the killings and how unsafe it is down there. The damn commercial has squawking parrots, singing chirping birds ahaste beautiful calm waves splashing. Then it says it's sponsored by Mexico tourism. Pleas come visit.

    Yeah right I'll be there this weekend

  30. Who cares they were Spaniard!!!!

    1. 8:04 youre A piece of shit of a person..

  31. Mexico and its innocent people will soon be wiped off the planet.. Mexico will be long to the narcos and dirty politicians ... Beautiful Mexico is dying a slow and painful death.. RIP MEXICO.. all you cartel nuthuggers be proud of what Mexico is becoming , because the bastards you guys worship...

  32. Another mass rape ????? Remember last July there were seven females raped at a summer camp near Mexico City.
    What a messed up place !!!! Sick !!

  33. sorry for that hateful comment that came through yesterday about "all Mexicans". Sometimes comments from ignorant idiots get by us. :(

  34. Certain parts of Mexico you need to avoid. Renting Bungalows or stand a lone villas are not safe. Certain parts of Mexico is safe. Unfair to lump all Mexico as being bad & unsafe

  35. some tourists get drugs from there. so robbing them is stupid move. its bad for drug business.

    btw, what, no videos on that event? what is this, 1990? common, cellphones? video cam? duhh?

    oh man, why it has to be spanish? if its north korean women the outcome would be so good!


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