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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I felt like Simba when he lost his father

Luz del Carmen Sosa El Diario (2-23-13) 

Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

At night, just when it's time to go to sleep, is when Lilia most feels her mother's absence. She can't prevent the tears and silently says the prayer that, night after night, they would repeat together.

"At the end, she would always tell me. 'Good night, love', that's what I miss most about her," says the little girl, who didn't witness her mother's murder but lived for months with the fear that the killers would come back to finish off the rest of the family.

"I saw the film of the Lion King and I felt like Simba when he lost his father. I was very angry," the 9 year old recalls, orphaned months before when an armed group murdered her mother on the street.

The animated film was part of the group therapy that Lilia received through the Department of Justice's Special Office for the Care of Victims (FANVI: Fiscalia Especializada en Atencion a Victimas), created to provide services to those who lost a loved one in a violent crime. And in Juarez, that happened by the thousands.

The little girl remembers that it was in the cemetery, after her mother's body was covered with dirt, that she assimilated the magnitude of her reality.

"Everything changed. Everything. She would help me get ready to go to school, now I comb my hair by myself," she says, sadly.

"Well, sometimes I look OK, other times I don't, but there's nothing I can do about it, I go like that," she says with a half smile on her lips.

The girl can now talk about the murder of her mother and how much it took to get through the tragedy.

The assistance that this agency offers has not yet gained acceptance among the families of the victims of intentional homicide, perhaps due to ignorance or mistrust because of the impunity that prevails in the investigation of these crimes.     

An analysis performed by the Citizens Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice (Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad Publica y Justicia Penal) stated that Ciudad Juarez is the fifth municipality in the country -- among the 60 most violent at the national level -- with the highest index of impunity regarding the resolution of homicide cases.

According to the study, "The violence in Mexico's municipalities", presented by the civil association in Mexico City, in the 20 municipalities that showed the highest number of homicides, only an average of 4.81% of homicides were punished, a percentage that is three times lower than the number for the entire country in 2011: 16.21%.

In the case of Juarez, the city occupied 13th place among municipalities with the most homicides, with a homicide index of 48.97 per 100,000 population, while the sentencing index [crimes that were actually punished] was only 2.63%, that is, a level of impunity of 97.37%.

Here, only one out of every ten families seeks government assistance.

So far during this (state) administration, FANVI opened only 1,200 files and provided benefits to approximately 5,000 persons, mostly children, reports Israel Anaya Alarcon, the Northern Area coordinator for this agency.

"Justice is something we're working on. Building solid foundations so justice can reach the families requires movement of many aspects in social life, from the one who commits the crime, the victim, the one who reports it, the one who investigates, the one who delivers justice, the one who issues a sentence, the one who rehabilitates. We all have our tasks, there's still work to do, but it's everybody's duty," says the public servant.

The Strategy

Anaya Alarcon specifies that, through the trust fund for care for children of the fight against crime, they have provided care to families that have lost a loved one.

The assistance consists of comprehensive care for children, however, emotional health is the priority.

"In the context of the social violence we experienced in past years, workshops on mourning are offered as part of the emotional health care provided for families," he says.

"We are looking for the children's social and emotional rehabilitation, for families to retake life's projects, for it not to be truncated by a deplorable act of violence," he states.

He explains that the workshops on mourning must first be accepted by the person left in charge of the legal custody of the boy or girl.continues on next page

"And, it must be said, not all families are the same; some persons do not accept the service, neither for them or their families," he states.

The official says that many families refuse help for several reasons, among them the stigma associated with victimized persons. 

"Stigma is very common, many social references are made after an execution, whether the father or the mother was involved in illicit activities. etc. There's all sorts of moral judgments, but the boy was the son and the father was the victim, independent of what he was involved in, the emotional effect exists," he says.

In the last workshop on mourning, which ended with a movie, attendance was 190 children, whose ages fluctuated between six to twelve years.

He adds that the trust (fund) covers general health care provided through public health institutions, in addition to assistance like food, school uniforms, shoes and school supplies, as well as waiver of fees that parents pay in pubic education institutions.

"In the majority of the cases, the deceased was the provider and the family is left very impacted. Mothers are left with many necessities to cover and few opportunities to do so, that's why the government seeks to provide these necessities, but this is not an assistance program, it only tries to provide the initial necessities so the family can continue its life projects (sic)," states the official....continues on next page

Although he does not mention the budget that this agency manages, Anaya Alarcon states there's a possibility for helping more people.

A lack of precise facts

Statistics disseminated nationally report that there are 12,000 orphans in Juarez as a result of the violence that took place since 2007, however, for FANVI, that fact is difficult to determine with any degree of precision for several reasons, among them the fact that Juarez is a border city.

Anaya Alarcon explains that many families affected by the murder of their loved ones migrated immediately, and, in other cases, the children were not properly registered.   

"It's difficult to know how many minors have lost their parents as a result of homicide; first, we have to know if they are (legally) recognized. Because we have had cases where the children were not even registered by the father, and for them to solicit benefits, we have to begin there, by registering the minor. That's why determining the exact number of orphans in Juarez is complicated," he explains.

He argues that persons go to FANVI voluntarily to solicit any kind of assistance, which is why they have only 1,200 case files.

"Due to their social and economic condition, they may have gone to solicit some service, but many have not requested help, either because of ignorance (of the program) or because they did not want (the help). But they can join any time," he offers.

The psychologist emphasizes the need for children to receive psychological care:

"We are barely seeing the results from these strategies; these children are the ones who will make decisions in the future. We are trying to make sure the effect of this violent act will not have a negative impact on their lives, so that they will not go to the other side, which is what society is afraid of, and adopt antisocial conduct because they were exposed to violence and didn't get help," he points out.

Lilia states she does not think of revenge, but rather, of continuing with her studies and to continue to live with her abuelita (grandmother). "I want my mother to be proud of me, like Mufasa was of Simba," says the little girl.


  1. I feel bad and will regret it after or while the war is on. How can these stupid people dont want there children to get help and forget there loved ones get killed while looking. A childs mom die while looking repeat sake. Porque no quieren cooperrar a ese pograma? Quien manda? Those stupid assholes cartels arnt bosses. We are!!. we're The fucking best of this human life. We'll fight and show these fools who we really are. Tenemos la ventaja. We fight for venges, for the people. For peace and for mexico. C'mon we fight back. Call the police. No scare no weekness. Remember. We're winners. We're better. We fight back. We give them hell. Make it count. Do it for the children. if you have that statue of that death thing. Break it. If u keep it. Thats find but remember. You worshipping the enemy and ok watever. Worship those who u call god of the gods. Aint worth the effort. We fight for peace. We beat those assholes. We're kicking those sorry cartels asses. Guys ORRAH

    1. How can you not scare to call the police when the police bring you to them before to jail or they work for them.

  2. What the hell have u been smoking 8:58?

  3. That stupid Santa Muerte shit needs to get busted up where ever its found. That is long over due.

  4. I agree with 10:37pm . Destroy all altars and temples. Take Sledge-hammers & bulldozers to that BULLSHIT!!!!! Outlaw it..

  5. Not just that stupid statue. Theirs another one. Stupid people of mexico. Well some. Help the children and stop worshipping those cock roaches. Be tough.

  6. Un Vato- This has got to be the most heartbreaking story I've read. My heart aches for this little one and all the other innocent bambinos. Without proper mental health services, an entire generation will have mental,emotional and physical issues. Most of the children I treat have lost at least one parent due to death or prison. Even in the US, due to the stigma of mental health,takes a huge toll on these children. Add lack of education of these services to many inmigrantes and enough funding to these services, I see the damage to these children daily. I applaud México for at least starting to help these innocents. As for all who believe "LET'S JUST KILL EVERYONE", which I can understand the anger involved, until the judicial sysyem changes...nothing will change. And, whether someone is a greedy,murdering bastard or not, there will most likely many innocents involved. Many thanks. God bless the innocents. Texas Grandma. Peace.

  7. How is that Merida Innitiative working out for you? The War on Drugs should be fought within the Borders of the country who came up with it.
    Why is the war being fought in Latin America?
    to go after the distribution network?
    Its all a sham. The U.S. should be going after its own kingpins but its easier fighting and killing in foreign countries, it makes it seem as if the U.S. is so safe while the killings go on somewhere else.

  8. 8:58 obviously finding employment is not going to be an option for you.but I think I understand some of your desires .so why don't you go out and kill a couple gang members today and make mama proud .and don't forget to come back soon and tell us how you did .

  9. The real victims are the kids left over from the culture of violence......sad sad reality

  10. are these people burried in those caskets or do they um,, rent them for their wake... for poor people those are rather expensive caskets...

  11. anger and regrets 10:12 . Thats what I been smoking. I want all thos statue destroy. We're not quiters. We fight back

  12. @ 8:58 PM
    @ 9:22 AM
    Take no notice.Anyone,who reads this story will feel anger at these idiots who are taking parents from little girls and children.Your disgust is righteous brother and your anger.He is Mexican,i am not and i feel exactly the same as him,so what doe's he feel?Breaks your fuckin heart hearing her say"She would help me get ready to go to school, now I comb my hair by myself"Motherfuckers how angry does that make you?Whats he been smokin?Fuckin anger.

  13. "The real victims are the kids left over from the culture of violence."

    Um, yeah ... and don't forget the OTHER victims left over not only from the culture of violence BUT from violence itself.

  14. Guns don't make you a man, lots of these cartel guys probably find that at the moment the get into a boxing match. And worshiping any alter or figure is another sign of weakness and just another drug you take....

  15. This is so sad. Poor little girl.

  16. un vato. It is a very sad story, but also programs like this gives one a little hope for Mexico's children. I shared it with several friends on FB.

  17. DD said...
    Guns don't make you a man, lots of these cartel guys probably find that at the moment the get into a boxing match,i wonder if i am a complete panochas and maricón always i am a little girl who likes a wey to penetrar my culo with no lubricante y raw.The real victims are the kids left over from the culture of violence How can these stupid people dont want there suck children to get help and forget there loved ones get killed while looking.I will share this with several friends on FB

  18. Texas Grandma
    God bless her pedos


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