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Saturday, February 2, 2013

'Mamito' Pleads Guilty in U.S.

Borderland Beat
High-Ranking Member of Mexican “Los Zetas” Cartel Pleads Guilty to Drug Conspiracy Charges Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar, aka “Mamito” and “Caballero,” a high ranking member of the “Los Zetas” drug cartel, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to import multi-ton quantities of cocaine and marijuana into the United States, announced Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and Administrator Michele M. Leonhart of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Rejon Aguilar, 36, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Barbara J. Rothstein in the District of Columbia.  Rejon Aguilar was extradited to the United States in September 2012 and was ordered detained in federal custody pending trial.
On Nov. 4, 2010, Rejon Aguilar and 19 co-defendants were charged in a superseding indictment with conspiracy to manufacture and distribute five kilograms or more of cocaine and 1,000 kilograms or more of marijuana for importation into the United States. 
The indictment charges that between 2000 and 2010, members of Los Zetas, including Rejon Aguilar, engaged in a conspiracy with members of the Gulf Cartel in an arrangement referred to as the “Company” to import drugs into the United States.  Rejon Aguilar was an original member of Los Zetas and held a high ranking position with the Company.
 “As a leader of the Company’s drug trafficking operation, Rejon Aguilar ensured that mass quantities of cocaine and marijuana were brought into the United States for distribution,” said Assistant Attorney General Breuer. 
“The Justice Department is committed to working with its law enforcement partners to bring cartel members and associates to justice for their crimes.”                                                    
“As an original and high-ranking member of the Los Zetas cartel, Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar was responsible for funneling massive amounts of marijuana and cocaine into the United States while using violence to intimidate anyone that stood in his way,” said DEA Administrator Leonhart.
 “Rejon Aguilar’s plea today was possible only with the strength and power of international law enforcement cooperation.  DEA, along with our Mexican counterparts, are committed to bringing violent criminals like Rejon Aguilar, to justice.”
According to the indictment, the Company transported shipments of cocaine and marijuana by motor vehicles from Mexico to cities in Texas for distribution to other cities within the United States. 
The indictment alleges that Rejon Aguilar, his co-defendants and others organized, directed and carried out various acts of violence to retaliate against and to intimidate anyone who interfered with, or who were perceived to potentially interfere with, the cocaine and marijuana trafficking activities of the Company......continues on next page
On April 15, 2009, under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, the President identified Los Zetas as a Significant Foreign Narcotics Trafficker. 
On March 24, 2010, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) named Rejon Aguilar as a Significant Foreign Narcotics Trafficker. 
On July 25, 2011, an executive order was issued that blocks the transfer, payment or export of property belonging to certain transnational criminal organizations, including Los Zetas.
The department expressed its gratitude and appreciation to the government of Mexico for its assistance in this matter. 
At sentencing, Rejon Aguilar faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Note: Click on images to enlarge
Source: DEA/DOJ Press Release


  1. Mamito divulging Intel.on 42 and 40.....and the contacts of Z3 , he should do.about 15 years. Depending on how his Intel ...atte. ThinkTank 28.7 Narcovision

    1. Depends on what state he gets tried in on whether he gets 15 tx they might forget they have a key to his cell lol

  2. I hope the jigs like Mexican food!!..because his ass is gonna be sore for a while.

    1. Dumass he was trained to kill, ppl in us prisons look up to mafioso like him he ruthless killer no one will dare step up

    2. I can tell you've never been in an American prison. It'll be 100% dependant on him if he's cool he'll be all set. If he thinks he's invincible he'll get worked. Killers in prison are a dime a dozen.

    3. No 1 person can walk into a prison here and just dominate a population doesn't work like that. Especially being high profile you're a trophy to a youngster wanting to make a name for themself. Everyone's equal in the sense that you'll get yourself beaten, killed or forced into PC thinking you're a god because noone would "dare step."

  3. If hes clickd up hell be eating soul food ...

  4. pleading guilty? yup he's spilling some beans at least. Thank you chivis.

  5. Hes fucked..only one Mexican cartel is left alone here in our federal prisons,and thats the sinaloa cartel..he wont make it out alive..

    1. Im a prison guard in a federal prision in pecos tx .it dont work like the idiot its raza with raza they clique up with there state we got all kinds of cartels n la linea n sinaloa clique up z n caballeros templarios clique up there all the same in here baboso

  6. Aint nobody gonna touch Mamito,Mexicans dont get fucked with in jug,like a lot of the races they band together and they are down for each other,unlike us silly fuckers.

  7. It makes me laugh the people think he will be fucked up in prison. in prison he is on top of the food chain. they stick together regardles what cartel they are mexican first. And respect from other inmates because money is respected

  8. if you have't been to prison, don't make shit up. Just like 4:52 said He will on top of the food chain. Probably protected por la M or other latino prison gang.

  9. thats a straight soldado,aint nobody gonna mess with pretty sure he can handle himself if he gets tested..

    1. Well your Mamito is a fine looking lady, but hardcore? Hell No!!!!! It's easy to be tuff when you only attack women, children, old people, howcome he didn't shoot it out with the Marinos? He was nothing but a scared girl.

  10. He will be well respected,he will be protected... thats just how it is.

  11. let me be the one to break it to you "cheerleaders " your boy is going to prison. And by the time he gets out he will be someone's girlfriend.... That's if he doesn't get stabbed up in pop!

  12. He is a trained killer. However with his plead he will be isolated from general population at least until the US govt want to keep him that way.

    1. A trained mexican special forces killer? Are you kidding me? Who gave his punk ass up without firing a single shot when he was apprehended? Right now he his some old convict bitch. Fuck la M, los Paisas, el aryan sisterhood, the black panthers, la raza unida, las aztecas, las reinas del valle, las pistoleras de laredo, los texas sissys y toda la bola de gangas putas de adentro.

    2. as an ex-military,Mamito knows that the best trained soldier or ex-soldier can't do nothing against the armed forces,specially the marinas,that's why he surrendered,he knew he was fucking up when he went zeta but couldn't say no to his friends,that how recruiting works. his enemies could not have fucked him up any better right?

  13. A quien le importa? Lo que debe importar es como esta el pais...ya que el pinche gobierno sigue de inepto.

  14. This guy was a GAFE, a Mexican elite soldier, this guy CAN handle a federal prison.

  15. Sinaloa cartel in the clink gets no respect little boy.. After the suffering they brought our gente .. They are the first to go to pc anybody who'has done time can vouch for that.. A decade in Estancia nm. Puro paisa

  16. IF "EL Mamito" is headed to Federal Prison, isn't he going to be in his cell 23 out of the 24 hours?

  17. 8:37 PM
    Let me break it to you asshole, I aint cheering for any of these fools pero si he estado en las pintas estatales y federales y la ranfla de los "border brothers" es la ranfla mas grande en la pinta. Inside is a completely different world Adentro corres con tu gente y a un lado a que pandilla o cartel pertenecias. chanates con chanates, peckerwoods con peckerwoods y raza con raza y este bato estara en la ranfla de los border brother on top of the food chain. NO ABRAS EL OCICO SI NO SABES

    1. Jajaja "LA ranfla" pinche idiota, comprate calzones primero y ponte a trabajar pinche inutil bueno para Nada y tambien habla Como LA gente pinche piojo!!

    2. la ranfla es El carro,where Mamito is supposed to be on board,I wonder if Mexicans that don't look like braceros are well liked in prison,my guess is,hell no!and if they don't spic like way Jose. i think we the pretty Mexicans will have to keep our noses clean and leave the BATOS to the caca and their ranflas

  18. For all you idiots that call El Chapo a snitch, the car washer Z-40 is worse.

    1. El chapo snitches as tactic against the enemy,z40 snitches as a tactic against his friends,can you see the difference? they say Indians scalp their enemies,but whites skin their friends,and Miguel angel Trevino Morales,while he looks like a mexican bracero,he behaves very white,more so than real whites,just because he once ate "confleis"in the USA...

  19. Mamito was one of the orginals with and loyal to lazcano that handle the san luis potosi plaza and those that were loyal to lazcano were all set up by z40 to be caught z40 didnt want any of the orginals he wanted full control and that what he got z40 needs to be taken out.

  20. Mamito will be just fine. Real recognize real, and from what I read, Mamito was one of the realest fools out there. I can tell a couple of you only know from prison what you've seen on TV. Mexicans are a tight click in prison. They basically run that shit. He will be accepted with open arms, hell he'll probly be a shot caller like he was on the streets.

    1. exactly cause all the Mexicans in federal prison are Paizas..y son chingos de cabrones..

    2. Two stinky paisas were killed at the Three Rivers FCI in Three River Texas, and the other 2000 paizas didn't do shit about it, but they all put the finger on some black sob, damn snitches.


  21. IF "EL Mamito" is headed to Federal Prison, isn't he going to be in his cell 23 out of the 24 hours?
    February 2, 2013 at 10:57 PM

    No this is only for the extremely high profile that get sent to super max. No he will do his time nice and easy in a medium or mostly likely minimum security prison.
    he pleaded to drug charges, non violent crime, he will be with all the other drug trafficers and white collar crime

  22. he gets to go to US fed prison, meet some new people he can distribute to in the US, and business will be even better than before

  23. Maybe Mexican take care of Mexicans in prison, what do drug cartels do to informants in prison?

    He's also not going to a minimum security. It's at least medium if not max. As a Zeta leader he's a major security risk.

    Bottom line he's fucked.

    1. 1:58pm. Knowing what I do about Federal prisons, I agree totally. He's a ZETA and up there on the food chain, so he will at least go to a medium prison and be locked down 23 hrs.a day. If he talked, he'll get about 15 years and for his protection, a nice cell in a super-max prison, where he won't be around any other prisoners. Plus, the locked down 23 hrs.a day. WELCOME TO THE USA,where we hate people who sell posion to our children and hurt innocents. Hope he gets 25 years. Just saying, Texas Grandma. :)

  24. todos ustedes need a book of "snape"..cause you people need more school..el mamito is gonna join "the paizas" cause he's a Mexican and those fools take up more than half of the federal system..

  25. This will not be mexican prison, though. No gourmet meals, no prostitutes or conjugal visits. That being said, he will make it out alive which would be no guarantee in Mexico.

  26. He's obliviously going to be separated from the regular prison population.

  27. @2:37am its fkn EL Taliban the fkn snitch!!!! not fkn Z-40....remember what he said(taliban)he said he never left CDG,never!!!

    It was him causing all the chaos within not 40,he always attacked 40....he was the fkn turncoating snitch..

  28. @8:43pm Unfortunately however he is worth more being no,he will be respected and protected.

  29. Just my dos centavos but doubtful he would have taken a deal to plead guilty that meant 23 hrs per day locked up. Federal prisons are soft to very soft med to min where he will prob go.

    There are 9 levels of federal prisons here are a few:

    Minimum Security
    Minimum security institutions, also known as Federal Prison Camps (FPCs), have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing. These institutions are work- and program-oriented; and many are located adjacent to larger institutions or on military bases, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the larger institution or base.

    Low Security
    Low security Federal Correctional Institutions (FCIs) have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or cubicle housing, and strong work and program components. The staff-to-inmate ratio in these institutions is higher than in minimum security facilities.

    Medium Security
    Medium security FCIs (and USPs designated to house medium security inmates) have strengthened perimeters (often double fences with electronic detection systems), mostly cell-type housing, a wide variety of work and treatment programs, an even higher staff-to-inmate ratio than low security FCIs, and even greater internal controls.

    High Security
    High security institutions, also known as United States Penitentiaries (USPs), have highly secured perimeters (featuring walls or reinforced fences), multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement.

    Correctional Complexes
    A number of BOP institutions belong to Federal Correctional Complexes (FCCs). At FCCs, institutions with different missions and security levels are located in close proximity to one another. FCCs increase efficiency through the sharing of services, enable staff to gain experience at institutions of many security levels, and enhance emergency preparedness by having additional resources within close proximity.

    More info at this link

  30. Why everyone hate 40? he wasnt the extortionist, lazcano was......40 was just about movin the poison up north....why everyone hate 40??? he does just what chapo does...move product.

    1. He is a cold ass murderer. He hasb killed over 500 people here in Nuevo Laredo, including some young girls from across the border that came down here to have a good time in the night clubs. There is some relatives of these girls hunting 40's marrano ass down.

  31. Ive been in a few federal prisons,and those of u who think that mexicans stay together are mistaken..mexicans have more division of any ethnicity..we have mex mafia (southerners) which is the most dominant force of all prison groups.then theres border brothers,latin kings and northerners.mexican cartels have no roll in federal prison politics..however,the CDS Has an aliance with the southerners for protection..

  32. Z-40 is as Gangster/Street as anybody can military training just what the oringinal Comandantes taught him. Z-10 etc. He stands alone against the world.he's a not faggot like chapo or cdg. Doesn't need military to fight for him. Fuck chapo cdg and those naco Indios C.T. for michoacan...Puro Nvo. Laredo!!!!!!

    1. If z40 kills some of your family members; are you still going to kiss his ass?

    2. No; he doesn't need the military to fight for him because the military is looking for him just to kill him; but he needs one thousand stupid ass, drug addicted halcones to fight for him, the same halcones the soldiers and marinos use for target practice, the new rule is: you see the soldiers drop your weapons and run, try to avoid getting killed, but the soldiers are good at what they do and kill them anyway. Right now z40 is hiding, he is afraid of the military and his halcones are dying as cockroaches. It's funny to see his halcones and cheap ass sicarios with bulletproof vests to big for them because they are too skinny and almost starving from eating maruchan noodle soups and smoking crack.

  33. Who cares! Let this pos rot in his cage forever.after a while everyone will forget about him....I wonder what would happen if they let a "sheep" in his cell after a couple of years?

  34. When bitterness, hate and envy consume your life you are bound to say stupid things.

  35. "He is a cold ass murderer. He hasb killed over 500 people here in Nuevo Laredo, including some young girls from across the border that came down here to have a good time in the night clubs. There is some relatives of these girls hunting 40's marrano ass down."
    LOL you really think they would do shit to 40?

    1. I think they will! About 23 cousins of the murdered people, at least 18 of them Afgan war veterans, young guys who want revenge. They already interrogated some of 40 relatives in the Metroplex area.

    2. About 14 of z40 halcones killed in less than a week in Nvo. Laredo and 40 hasn't done shit about it.

  36. February 4, 2013 at 2:33 PM
    "Two stinky paisas were killed at the Three Rivers FCI"Med Sec.
    Speak some more on that shit,was the brother clicked up?Who with,who you got over there in Texas.Tell us brr tell us more.

  37. That shit at 3 Rivers, Tx Fci was almost 2 years ago black guy from veracruz mexico who was a paiza. killed another paiza that snitched on the guy running the paisas, then the black mexican was also stabbed. and later died.

  38. i hear the mexican mafia are connected with zetas somehow someway..

  39. @4:20am With you Brother!!! lets go on a killin spree with 40...yehaaaaa!!!!..lets go skin some marines.

  40. "@4:20am With you Brother!!! lets go on a killin spree with 40...yehaaaaa!!!!..lets go skin some marines"
    Calmarse Rambo,that white powder will do that to you,get you talkin all grimy an shit,be cool,you'll come down in a second.

  41. are you sure....or you wishin upon a star?

  42. halcones are halcones dumbass....sicario's are sicario's.....sicario's use guns and halcones use eyes and radio....derrrr!!!!....


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