Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Abuse Of Authority? - San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato

This article seems to contradict itself at some points but I just wanted this to be available to the public and see what you think.

San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato— Young people complained to ministerial authorities about municipal police for their abuse of authority, because they argue that last Thursday afternoon municipal police arrested them without providing any explanation, and that they caused them physical harm while they were being arrested and also while sending them to jail cells.

The offended seek justice by legal means, and in addition to a complaint filed before the Attorney General and also to the Human Rights Commission, because they ensure that their individual rights were violated.  They ask that the authorities that caused them harm be removed.  It is worth mentioning that there are two demands that the municipal police face, as each youth made their accusation individually.

Version of the Youth

The youth narrated that after 14:00 last March 14, they were circulating close to the vicinity of the convenience store “Bodega Aurrerá” when a patrol car with two policemen approached the car and they thought that the officials needed to pass them so they headed towards a store parking lot, but after this, the policemen blocked their way and prevented the youth from advancing.  The policemen then got out of their vehicle and asked the youth to step out of the car.

The brothers refused to get out of the car and locked the car doors and with the window down, asked the officers what was going on or what the reason was for their actions.  But before this, the police were only trying to get them to step out and they even put their hand through the window and opened the door.  The youth point out that during all this, one of the officers drew his gun out and pointed it to one of the brothers in order to intimidate him to get out of the vehicle.  This action caused them to fear for their lives and made the younger brother to begin recording with his cell phone what was going on.  The brother that was in the driver’s seat said that while a policeman grabbed him by the neck; the other was squeezing his genitals in order for him to give way and cede.

They also mentioned that at the end of their arrest, 5 patrol cars were present and some motorcyclists, all belonging to the Municipal Public Security. During the event there were also traffic officers who gave them a breathalyzer test that came up negative, but that still didn’t allow their father to stay with the car.  It is still at the disposal of the authorities, because so far the owners have failed to recover the car.

They added that although there were initially only two policemen, at the end there were 5 patrol cars.  The whole discrepancy between the brothers and the municipal police lasted around 15 minutes.  The policemen eventually brought the brothers out by force and even when the brothers were on the ground, they were continued to be beaten.  Once they got to their jail cells, the revision also violated their individual rights as they remained completely naked for several minutes where people were able to see them.  

Finally, the sanmiguelenses (people from San Miguel De Allende) said that it was the first time that they were victims of arbitrariness of this magnitude by members of the Public Security.  They will seek legal consequences for the four police officers who abused their authority.

The Videos

Oswaldo and Alan Zúñiga are the men who filed the complaint against the agency #2 of the Public Ministry.  They were also the ones who narrated the facts to this media (El Sol Del Bajio), presented the videos where you can see part of how the officials acted when trying to bring the brothers out of the vehicle by force. 

In the videos, it shows the constant indication of the police to the brothers to step out of the vehicle while they asked what the reason for them to step out was.  You can also see the faces of the policemen and also their patrol vehicle numbers.  One of the officers threatens the younger brother because he was recording them; also you can observe how an officer acts with his gun out in his right hand but not pointing it at anyone.  You can also see how they struggle with the driver of the vehicle, by getting him by the neck to try to get him out of the vehicle while saying “you can either get out the easy way or the hard way”, but despite this the brothers are still inside the car when another police officer shoots tear gas inside the vehicle; but the video does not show when they get arrested.  It is worth mentioning that the brothers say that they are recording the events and indicate to the policemen that the way they are acting is out of authority.

Public Safety Director

Gabriel Arturo Yáñez Saldaña
In this regard, the minister of the Municipal Police, Gabriel Arturo Yáñez Saldaña, said that so far they have not formally addressed any reports on this incident, but for the complaint, they will provide any information necessary to the proper authorities to fully investigate the facts.  He also mentioned, after questioning him if it was legal for the police officers to act the way they acted in the video, Yáñez Saldaña mentioned that the circumstances that led to this act are not known in its entirety, plus to this moment he is unsure about the contents of the video.

He added that broadly speaking, what he knows of the situation according to the police report is that shortly before two o’clock in the afternoon of last Thursday, there was a vehicle with tinted windows and Querétaro license plates that was carrying people who were apparently drinking alcoholic beverages.  The policemen then told them to stop the car and the motorists ignored the indication, headed towards a parking lot of a store, and there once again told them to stop the vehicle and get out.  They refused to step out of the vehicle and even insulted the policemen.  After a series of arguments and conflicts, this was the outcome.

He also mentions that although the brothers did not have a level of alcohol intoxication, their breath smelled of alcohol.  The car that was delivered was made available to the judge.  Finally, he mentioned that the incident required further investigation to determine the facts.

Video of the altercation in Spanish

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  1. I don't know what you expect us to say?But,from my own point of view,the police have all the right in the world to ask you to step out of your car.To me this looks as though the occupants of the car were spoiling for an altercation and then film it and do precisely what they have done.There would not have been a problem if they didn't resist and be antagonistic.Quite frankly,i,m surprised the police did not use more force on them,the idiots.

  2. Fools,,,,the police tell you to exit your car,you exit.Answer some questions and that's it,,,,but no,these fools think they have been victimized by police stopping them?

  3. Where is the abuse of authority ?

  4. Fuck these idiots,its a wonder they didn't get a worse beating,who the fuck do they think they are?The police showed restraint,"their human rights"you know what you can do with your human rights.The police should have ripped them out of the car,fuckin idiots.Police brutality my ass.

  5. pues no que viven puros Gringos por alla?

  6. asi son por todos lados, en piedras negras coahuila tambien....son policias y creen k pueden hacer lo que quieren los pendejos

    muchos andan haci con muchos huevos porque trabajan por los zetas....

  7. ok, i see, US style police tactics, do the police vehicles have dash mounted cameras, this is why all US police have them because of incidents like this....instead of your word against theirs, this way there is proof,

  8. I would like to say to ALWAYS cooperate with peace officers. unfortunately, Mexican police officers do not have the highest level of credebility. I would say in this situation, if the police are innocent, an apoligy would be sufficient along with their vehicle being returned at no charge to the brothers.

  9. Pinches policias corruptos, no sirven para nada estos Gueyes

  10. This is very unfortunate and sad.

    San Miguel has been for most part immune from all of the crime going on in Mexico.

    Beautiful place, hope it stays that way.

  11. Rodeny King all over again, cant we all just get along?

  12. Hey chivis have you heard anything of the hakkers and CD acuna?

  13. good job by the officers

  14. Regarding Los CT in California. People please understand that I have nothing to gain from telling you that CT is in So Cal. I am stating the truth trying to wake up my fellow Californians of the danger lurking on our streets. EME are for prison protection. 80% of what they do is inside. On the outside they don't do anything but back the "hood" and gthey can if they want sell drugs. they get them from US based cartel reps. Most do not understand that eme is not Mexican it is mex-american. if your from mex you are not allowed in. They are punks (dangerous punks but punks none the less) What I mean by CT running LA IE etc is that they are controlling the drugs. They are not fighting the street gangs they are taking over the drug contracts. I have met them personally they run around with the shield and red cross stickers on their windows bumping their corridos. This is not a story this is a report. The price of cocaine alone(I do not myself do cocaine but I know a few people who sell it in the IE and one friend in LA) has gone from aprox. 45 per gram and is now 60 unless you know the right person. Even Ice is going up. The only thing that has declined is marijuana for which in LA IE a gram of top shelf Kush can go for 15$ sometimes less. but I think this has to do with the medical side of the industry flooding the market. If you wish to talk to me man to man/woman respectively and me to send you articles please email me at blckmarket2012 But I ask you please do not email me with disrespect I am grown and personally I show people respect and expect it in return.
    La Arana

    1. Northern Ca as well most guys who traffic here are from CT... a lot of michoacanos here. -

    2. CT..needs to be wiped out..

    3. Wth I live right next to the border and the prices you gave are really low.

    4. ^^^ where im from those are about right if not high. -

    5. This dude tellin the truf..they do run around all over san bernardino ca and fontana ca uncle is well connecyed to them but thats all i could arana is tellin the truf..but stay quiet already people wont believe u..

  15. Where the video lol

  16. little rich kids calling daddy.

  17. the cops are just doing their jobs. ok you are in L.A. a cop turns the lights on you, you make a right turn, then you make another right turn wtf are you doing? you think the police are going to be as restrained as these guys in asking you to get out of the car? I applaud them in the restraint they showed. You think they couldn't have just beat the shit out of them and taken the cell phone?

  18. C1 Cartel del golfo death in a shoot out.

  19. There is a lot here to think about here. San Miguel probably has a better police force than most places in Mexico being that there is a high standard of living there. Most likely these boys are from some upper class family and were having fun and were a little too liberal with their attitudes. What did they do, call Daddy. I think they should have gotten out of the car and do as the police said. It's not as if they were in Apatzingan and might really been abused by the police. Some nut breaking, not to good, but that ain't nothing compared to what some police do.
    Pobresito ninos!

  20. Visited slp & my family wentt thru this . no abuse just arrested for no reason !

  21. San Miguel de Allende resident. Police are total assholes. Bunch of fucking retards. They will steal your phone, knock you around and beat you up with no provocation. But I don't know what relevance this has to the drug war? We are all afraid that organized crime is knocking on our door.

  22. yes aka freeacuna and anon acuna
    the posted their first communication yesterday I have it translated and it and they will be a part of an acuna post I am researching and writing. it should be posted sometime this week. it will list all violent events occurring and unreported in the news and it will touch on the freeacuna group....

  23. Cool thanks chivis for giving us info on acuna

  24. @March 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM so i guess the rodney king beating was good to? the cops showed restraint on him. so tell me if that wasn't police brutality then what is it to you??

  25. You ppl actually think the Mexican police is the same as us officers..Wtf? the two men were totally harrassed and their rights were violated.

  26. Here in the U.S., the cops would have needed probable cause to ask you to step outside of your car. Meaning they would have needed evidence of a crime in progress. Like the smell of drugs or driving erratically. Otherwise they would need a search warrent to inspect your car. They were víctims of profiling, as are most young minorities in the U.S., who most of time don't know their rights. Mexico is another story. These fools should be pickey in what battles to chose. All their protest did not prevent them from going to jail and receiving a beating.

  27. Does anyone know how the streets are in Guanajuato or the streets leading to there like do the cartel men stop people? Highway. And also who's in Guanajuato? My stepdads from there and my mom visits and I wanna know how safe is it. Thanks

  28. Estos pinches juniors son pendejos. The police were well within their rights. There were no problems until the two men provoked the incident by refusing to obey a totally legal order to stop and step out of the vehicle. Claims of a human rights violation is absurd. These two spoiled brats should try the same thing in the United States. They would have immediately been forcibly removed, handcuffed, read their rights, and taken to jail. They would be permitted one telephone call ("Papi, ayudame..."). A simple traffic stop would evolve into serious charges. This is a joke, and the morons supporting the "rights violation" need to go back to school.

  29. March 20, 2013 at 9:04 AM
    "Estos pinches juniors son pendejos. The police were well within their rights" Yup,these little assholes whining and then call daddy?The police can stop anyone they choose to stop"they are the police"co-operate and should be cool,act like a pair of hysterical little girls and you get hassle.And by the way this is"not"the Rodney King incident.
    Far from it?

  30. March 19, 2013 at 10:12 PM
    "so i guess the rodney king beating was good to?so tell me if that wasn't police brutality then what is it to you"
    You are drifting my man,stick to the topic at hand,which is this particular incident.You are taking one incident and transposing it onto another.This is not"abuse of authority"this is police doing what they are paid to do,they can stop anyone,anytime they want.

  31. March 20, 2013 at 9:04 AM
    "This is a joke, and the morons supporting the "rights violation" need to go back to school"

  32. cual abuso de autoridad? "papi ayudame me estan orcando porque no me quiero bajar del vehiculo para que los officiales puedan hacer su trabajo de checar mi perfil....aaaayyy"

    que verguenza

  33. @ 4:43 am Guanajuato city is quite safe, it's other places within the state like Leon or Irapuato that have more narco activity, the road from DF is almost all the way highway and it's safe too, no blockades or anything that I've heard of, still if your mom is nervous about going tell her to go by bus, it's safer that way.

  34. Jaja I don't see c.t anywhere

  35. C.t is street level like the gangs in Cali I live here in Cali and I don't see them what so ever.

  36. @ your saying your perfectly fine with a cop grabbing your nuts? ...oh alright...

  37. So, a cop has the right to order you to do anything??? They have the authority to squeeze your nuts to force your to get out of your car? It is within their authority to search your car without a warrant? They can abuse you?

    "...but this is in Mexico, buey..." "You don't have any rights there..." Right?

    Well, maybe standing up for yourself in Mexico (like these guys seem to do) is not the smartest thing to do; especially in a country where obviously the cops aren't any more educated than the general citizenry. Cops in Mexico generally have the "I'm in charge here, so RESPECT MY AUTHORITY" GOD complex (CARTMAN's Syndrome).

    The comments from some of the previous posters here are obviously from people who have no idea about the guarantees the Mexican constitution has for its citizens (Would a random US citizen be able to even spell "4th Ammendmmentment," for that matter?)

    It is an ignorant citizenry that permits itself to be abused, ...because they don't know any better. ...if you comply with an officer's unreasonable request, its YOU that gives up YOUR option to say NO.

    This is exactly the reason why the rule of the strong-man reigns in Mexico. There will always someone richer, more connected, with more balls, with more ___x____ than you; so, citizens always live in fear (kinda like fish that are always looking out for the bigger fish behind them). Ignorant citizens easily capitulate to anyone with flashing lights turret, a fake placa, or to anyone with gold rimmed Ray-Ban Sunglasses that seems to push their way into seeming like they have some authority.

    Want to see an interesting/funny video? This is how some savvy citizens push back against the f-in Migra at internal checkpoints on this side of the border. I know you'll enjoy it!!!:

    Are they staged? ...don't think so...

    Be safe. Know your rights. Assert them intelligently.


  38. Me Ivan police are well known for grabbing someone off the streets and shaking them down for money. Once an officer asks you to step out of the car, you have two choices. Step out and try to talk your way out or refuse and escalate the situation. Did these guys expect the officers to bend to their will. The officers have brutal killers to deal with scout them some slack. Police work is not an exact science. If the kids would have complied then we could have seen if there was to be a problem. Instead, they created one.

  39. @March 20, 2013 at 12:22 PM they also have the right to grab someones nuts as well??? pathetic . Rodney king was stopped because he was driving above the speed limit and was drinking under the influence and the cops stopped him and beat him because he refused to stop the car. So i guess the cops had every right to beat him up that was there jobs right??

  40. Funny how they tried to pull this off in mexico, they are lucky to be alive. Dont mess with cops in mexico, never know who you fucking with.

  41. You guys are kind of missing the point. apparently, According to legal experts, your car is inviolate as is your house in MX. Once you step off your property you can be arrested, but you can not be arrested on your property... same for your car. These guys are legal students and they knew that once they were out of their car, it was game over... as in fact it was.
    They were beaten, stripped in public at the jail and their car was impounded. Who knows when/if they will get their car back.

    The brothers repeatedly asked why they had been stopped but the police gave them no answers. The brothers had a right to stay in their car.

    Oh yeah, as proof that the police were in the wrong, three of them were dismissed today by the mayor because they violated human rights.... so all you blustering BB commenters are full of it. Use your brains, this is not the US and by no means are Mexicans or any other member of the public required to leave their property... whether car or house.

    And finally... Here's what an attorney who works in both countries had to say:
    Dear xxxxx,

    Get acquainted regarding private property in Mexico. The "kids" as you name
    herein, are actually grown up young men with more legal knowledge than most
    of the people in this town; and were totally right to refuse to get out of
    the car legally speaking.

    Civil or Common Law, one needs to know the pertinent law of the place one
    Police here in Mexico, can't just tell you to get out of the car, and
    correct me if I'm wrong, but not even in Common Law is genital grabbing
    and/or choking acceptable. (I know this because I am an attorney in BOTH

  42. a search warrant to search your car?? wtf?? what state do you live in, yeah technically you could pull that shit on a us cop, all they have to do is say you were acting erratically and suspected you were high for probable cause, police here dont nned a warrant with probable cause, even if you lawyer up, and go after the officer/s how much money do you have to throw at that? lawyers cost by the hour and do you think the d.a doesnt have a biased relationship with the station?? you guys think lawyers work on contingency all the officers would say if you were to take them to court was, nothing.. your ass is out of pocket and blah , blah,blah next time you get stopped and searched, try evoking your rights!!! when you decline they will just show up more cops, distract you and search your shit anyway , and then if you protest they will take that as resisting, and throw your ass in bracelets and stuff you in the back of a cop car with windows up and the heat turned all the way up..Rights, what rights? we have privliges, yes . I agree we are supposed to have rights, the only real right we have as citizens is ther freedom to buy shit...

  43. No shit , bitching about police brutality in Mexico ? That's the most retarded thing I've heard yet. Take this dumb video or post down . We got guys getting their faces peeled off and your crying about them pulling you out of your car . I kinda wish they decaptitated one of you just to see if you would have posted your video then.

  44. March 21, 2013 at 10:07 AM
    Ha ha,im fuckin tellin you.Look at these clowns going on about human rights and car rights?Get the fuck outta here with that shit.When was the last time you idiots got tugged off police?Fuck with any police anywhere and you gonna lose.These little boys fucked with the police and their lucky they didn't get kicked up the ass for it,grown men?More like little girls.Mess with the police and see what happens,its not a case of abuse,its a case of get the fuck out of the car you little bitch or i'll smack you everywhere.

  45. @March 21, 2013 at 6:09 PM most cops in mexico are corrupt and they are on a power trip and get to abuse citizens. they are supposed to protect the people not attack them you idiot. if a cop stops you and beats you up for something small and you like it so be it. you probably dont know your rights for crap.


  47. March 21, 2013 at 11:38 PM
    And you should try and refrain from using all capitals to get noticed

  48. March 21, 2013 at 11:38 PM and getting noticed worked thats why i used the capital letters hahaha. but you couldn't say anything about what i said but how i typed it. is there rules for typing on the internet much less this site?? please answer. but i doubt you will.

  49. Update? Mexican police are rateros and murderers. We have ANOTHER situation here in San Miguel de Allende where a few weeks ago 5 state police murdered 3 children who were hiding in the bathroom of a house the police attacked... THE WRONG HOUSE! The Armed security guard of the farmhouse made warning shots to warn the "thieves" that he was armed, and the cops rushed the house, shooting everything and killing the children. A twist... The cops, to keep from going to prison, sayvthat the father ofvtge children killed his own children. Mexico is so corrupt that I doubt they will ever come to justice BUT ONE THING IS SURE, GOD HAS PURE JUSTICE. People who attacked me, using the law, all died one by one, prematurely. When I got the news of each one, I realized the only true justice is in the hands of God.


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