Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 15, 2013

CDG: Gringo and Puma Dead

Borderland Beat
This was information presented to #ReynosaFollow    

After a 72 hour bloody shootout that raged on Sunday night in the Tamaulipas city of Reynosa, many reports are consistently claiming that both el Gringo and El Puma were killed in the conflict.
The state and federal government have remained mute about the clash and inadequately, if not misleadingly, reported, that only two deaths occurred.  This while reports persisted of  the death of at least 50 people, adding 40 of the bodies, all members of organized crime,  were found in four trucks.
Now this report has been forwarded reportedly sent by the Gulf Cartel indicating  the situation was as follows:
In a bloody fight El Gringo and El Puma, and El Tachas  was wounded in strikes.
Missing are many of the estacas  and Halcones of; Bugambillias, San Valentine and Granjas, this was  the territory of the first three.
In Bugambilias, one was taken from his home and tied him to the hood of a Truck, and has not been heard of again.   The people who disappeared in Vistahermosa and Jarachina Sur were taken by “Metros” by orders given by comandante Manuel, in charge of 55,  and is administrator of the Metros”.
Comandante Diablo got the territory of what used to be Gruas Mora and since last week the price of copper has been fixed at 50 pesos/kilo, whoever pays risks being kidnapped.
Since yesterday began looting of  The Dubai [ brothel] owned by el Gringo.  The Matraz in Cumbres was attacked with grenades, also for a while at Bebe's boutique,  now the X20 and Ciclones are the strong ones since many of Gringo, Puma and Tachas' men aligned themselves with the new bosses

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  1. That little guy in the middle should carry a handgun. That rifles the size of him

    1. The guy to the right can't even hold the rifle correctly. No wonder these idiots are always being killed by the military

    2. These narcos are so fucking stupid lol
      Go ahead and take a picture so the whole world can see you don't know how to hold a rifle correctly.
      It's time for these pendejos to upgrade to more armored cars and toss those worthless ak-47s, their bullets only kill innocent people and they aren't shit compared to military armed cars. Either put up a fight or hide like the vietcong did during Vietnam, use tactics that avoid confrontations.

      These pendejos keep forgetting that they aren't soldiers, they're just criminals with outdated toys lol

    3. Is the guy in the middle holding an ak with an extended barrel or is he another kid sicario? Seriously though, look at their anthropometric measurements. Even the taller ones look malnourished lol

  2. El Tio from Caballeros Templarios who shared command with La Tuta was killed today

  3. good @ 5:33pm. im tired of those idiots .

  4. That is a lie Comandante Gringo is alive and hiding in Colonia Granjas in Reynosa

  5. I was asking about Tachas a few days ago,Panochitas, Mellao, Lino, Metro 7,Chaya88,and more,,,,all Matamoros plaza cmtes.Anyone add anything to this story?Diablo is R1s boy,so they are still not playing together,,Metro/Ciclones and R1/Rojos ?

  6. I need to see a manta or some kind of message via manta textboard etc. Otherwise it was a exodus of gringo people to safer pasture. Let us wait til the smoke clears before rushing to.judgement......


  7. Arriba los Metros y los Ciclones x20 al mando R1 y los Rojos union hace la fuerza

    1. Union ase la fuerza pero como quiera se Pelham entre el mismo equipo. Y entre misma nacionalidad

    2. Ponganse a trabajar huevones mantenidos de la vieja. R1, Ciclones, si les viven partiendo su mausser.

  8. Chivis have you heard of the Marco mantas in CD acuna ? Shoot outs in schools

  9. X20 had to ask support from Ciclones of Moros,cause Gringo made pact with Z.M3 people M4,people betrayed by Gringo,as for him being dead,there are messages saying"we want his head in a cooler"also ordered by Coss ?Whatever way you look at it,CDG internal fight.Why the fuck he align with the Z?Surely he knew that wouldn't fly,now he either dead or runnin

    1. It's because people tend to see los Z as a wholew gang of some sort its not its a company with many many factions with diffrent people in command who make deals with whom they see best. the zetas from up north are diffrent from the ones in michoacan. la familia michoacana was a zeta group is an example of how differece la letra is. the cartels don't have a problem with real zetas, they hate the reckless bandits who use that name. well that's what the people in the peublos say

  10. i have searched the main news websites around the world and none have reported anything that went on in Reynosa on sunday. Im from the U.k.and you would expect the BBC to report on 50 ore so people being killed but they are a disgrace just like CNN. and why do you censor some of my posts stop doing that as its just makes this site invalid

    1. Come on fuck-off... Take some ak47 on your ass if you don't believe this is true. Mexican governmt censors all news...

    2. Thats because Tamaulipas is a corrupt fucken state the narcs run everything they dont let the media publish anything and the police are on their payroll..

    3. Well its not like they can set up an entire news crew and start filming that would be stupid.they cover it up there so how the hell do u expect the bbc to report it when its not getting out except by social media.the u.s doesnt report it either thats why i go to this site and others to find out whats going on

  11. @5:33

    Dionisio Plancarte aka El Tio from Los Caballeros Templarios is reported killed only in Historias blog.

    that I can find anyway, which makes me suspicious since it has been 5 hours since they ran the story.

    No regional media or other blogs running it. if you see something NOT connected to Historias (BDN and Mundo are) please send me the link...Paz, Chivis

    1. Do you mean KIKE Planqarte? There is familia of him in Brownsville Texas, but his god son works straight,and is not tied to any cartel

  12. mantas yes but not confirm...shootouts in schools no have not heard that

  13. hmmm, price has been set 50 pesos a kilo, whoever pays risks being kidnapped?? so whoever can pay those copper prices risks being kidnapped?? is that like a veiled threat?? meaning. does copper mean something different in reynosa than over here in the states

  14. so is this saying the piso is 50 pesos per kilo of whatever? doesnt sound like much at first, just about 4 bucks a kilo, but how many fuckloads of kilos go through this pass every day all year long, regardless if those drugs get across or not people still have to pay. is that what this means??

    1. The copper indusrty is a big money maker. Especially if u corner the market in a area.

  15. Mantas said there were going to be shoot outs in school zone so people did not send their kids to school today in acuna

  16. I already had said this i was the first to say this.... on the other story ....Puro CDG ....

  17. chema made a rare brave statement that there were no mantas at the schools or about the schools. I heard there were mantas but could not get a confirmation from anything reliable.

    my feeling is strong about acuna and other places with covert violence, covert from the public outside the territory and shrouded from transparency in the media. and that is we must rely on resources with integrity and report what we believe is the truth based on certain verifications. We cannot publish rumor for the sake of hanging a story. that is irresponsible if not dangerous.

    Because of the school shoot out rumors people kept their children home from school. there is enough truth in the violence in acuna that never makes any publication that we must show restraint on unsubstantiated rumor or people will not believe us.

    That's why I held back and waiting to see what evolves. But a good source did say there were balaceras this week and at least 4 killed....Paz, Chivis

    1. Chivis can you do an article on G.A.T.E. to help us better understand I know it's almost same as GAFE but can't find anything about them on the internet. Who trained them how many what the use as weapons an what kind of special forces to they compare to on U.S. side

  18. Heard on the streets that Gringo never returned to the Z. He was set up by X20 for metros to think he had something to do with M3 death so they can take him out and X20 would stay with everything. X20 got greedy and now he's fucked cause Gringo was the one that was taking it hard to the Z in N.L.

  19. Chivis chema is scared to say it i don't blame him but i got some people i know and yea they all told me the same word gets spread quick and that's what sucks nothing comes out on the news thanks you chivis for looking into it

  20. Si no fuera por las armas nadie les tuviera miedo.

  21. Why let facts get in the way of a good story?

  22. Miguel TREVIÑO Morales, Z-3; Mario RamírezTREVINO,X-20, Sheriff Lupe TREVIÑO, Hidalgo Co. is their any connection?

  23. U mean Z-40....Z-3 is poor ole Lazcano.

  24. Treviño is a quite common last name around Monterrey and all that area in northern Mexico

  25. was it a typo that the message from cdg said those that pay run the risk of being kidnapped??? does that make sense, shouldnt it be, those who do not pay, run the risk of being kidnapped?

  26. @11:00 am Everyone who uses the zeta name belongs to la letra, sure different jefes de plaza have different styles, some being more violent prone than others and there are different factions and loyalties within every cartel, but that means nothing, it is about control of routes and territory so of course other cartels do have a problem with zetas as a whole, at local level people talk about this or that guy because those are the ones they know and the fight at that level is more between comandante X vs comandante Y or whatever, but don't miss the big picture.

  27. 12:04

    el que pague mas corre el riesgo de ser levantado

  28. the more i run , the more the risk is?

  29. whatever, it still doesn't make sense in translastion

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. whoever pays more risks being kidnapped, refers to the cartel controlling that business, in this case it seems to be scrap metal, the cartels fix the prize (below market prize), gets rid of the competition via death or kidnapping threats, that message is for their own people (or the ones who have already been forced to work for them) so no one tries to take advantage of the messy situation to go independent

  32. I will make a post to give a better overview about the two clashes one involving the new diablo of z from a couple mos ago and the new internal clash people are infusing the two.

    Chac-moo wow I researched last night the slaughter in cancun. I wonder why that does not hit the newspapers in the US, especially because of spring break. Anyway there is a difference in reporting as far as cause. Internal Ver reporting says Zetas, outside Ver says taxi union and no mention of zetas. see milenio.

    I am very behind in everything but I am working on it. thanks

    1. It did get run on cnn believe it or not cause i read it yesterday on my smartphone but the story disappeared off their news site before the day was out

  33. hmm, i think 50 pesos per kilo of copper is a bit above average going rates, im thinking it has to do with kilos of the fun stuff

  34. Who the fuck is gringo and puma and el tio come on people stop giving publicity to these lame fucks! Plaza leaders my ass more like fish bate if u ask me. Just saying.

  35. Chivis- I've also heard of the mantas at schools in acuña threatening to start killing children if the G.A.T.E. (Mexican special forces) are not removed from the area ( presumably msg sent by zetas)

  36. @ 11:43

    GATE or Grupo de Armas y Tacticas Especiales has very little accessible info about the agency created by the Humberto Moreira administration.

    In effect it is the same as GAFE but only defines as GATE by the state of Coahuila. The police agency is a special forces group. There is talk that Berts estrange brother and current governor of Coa will disband GATE in favor of his new police agency.

    Try googling "GATE GRUPO COAHUILA" it will be in Spanish however. They also are on FB and have a website that may help you.

  37. Los comandantes del CDG y La Letra y Jefes de Plaza son muy diferentes.

    El CDG usa a gente importante como Jefes de Plaza y sus comandantes igual el Cartel depende de ellos.

    Por eso cuando matan o pescan alguien de ellos que sea Jefe de Plaza o Comandante es mas facil que se pelen entre ellos.

    A si como paso con el Metro-3,Metro-4,etc.

    Los Zetas estan mucho mas organizados en mi punto de vista ya que ellos ponen a gente que ni pertenecen a ese circulo de importancia como de Comandantes o Jefes de Plaza.

    Es decir el numero de sus Comandantes y Jefes de Plaza es inlimitado y el Cartel no depende de ellos si no de los Jefes Regionales,Contadores,Y todos los que estan en el circulo de Trevino.

    Porque creen que cain devolada los Jefes de Plaza de los Z y sus comandantes por lo mismo el Cartel no depende de ellos, ellos se mantienen casi solos claro que reciven su $$$ de arriba pero no afecta sus capturas por lo mismo.

  38. Aks and 4doors that's a hitsquad to bad they can't shoot for shit or else they could pose a threat to the military

  39. Word is that they are finding bodys of foreign mercenarys aswell american vets, Syrian runaways, and even black people from who knows where

  40. ^^ lol, black people from who knows where, probably american ex-military, foreign merc's

    1. Time for the drones on those cockroaches that threaten to kill children.

  41. Funny shit,,,"dont know how to hold a rifle"?Hold a rifle?
    Pull a fuckin trigger and spray,this aint no shootin contest from a mile away.

  42. The U.S. has supplied mexico with drones also U.S. forces training an riding along with Mexican forces it's part of an information trade exchange deal that came about last year

  43. i wouldnt call an AK-47 outdated....they outlive any other rifle through water,mud,etc and all weather conditions....they just seem to keep firing out those lead pellets when other rifles cease and jam.

  44. This had to happen it was super tense maybe reynosa will chill out for a little bit like Tijuana and I can go see my family. Although Tachas still has a lot of people loyal to him and he is military trained their probably gonna seek to cut a deal with him and give him routes in Miguel aleman and Diaz ordaz.

    1. Who is tachas I've been following this site quite a while and never heard of him

  45. El gringo started hiring ex American military men a long time ago people with PTSD that gunfights would allow them to sleep and they would get their adrenaline a lot of which come in to Mexico and then return unarmed to the us with your wife and kids

    1. Since you seem to know a lot , let us know if this mofo Gringo is dead. People are saying he is, but yet there has not been any comfirmation. Also if he is gone is Reynosa going to be a better place now or are Gringos people going to seek revenge. Hope this shit is for the better. May God bless Reynosa and the innocent people that live there.

  46. El Gringo is way to smart to work with the opposition (Z's) he fought them "Tooth n Nail" for the last years since the bad blood and was a
    certainly a ballsy Golfo for sure! He hated the z's, especially after the war started between them. But like any cartel gang member your only going to live for so long before your either busted or killed. You have to remember; these wacko's are Not The Sharpest Knife in the draw.! I 'm betting he's either on this side of the river or hiding down south.

  47. la cagan matandos enter los mismos loke cieren aser un eqipo pa poder yegale alos zetas y ustedes matandose

  48. 111 Pa todo 95-96 y todos mis carnales caídos en ese evento el domingo 10 de marzo del 2013 los de la operativa del se Delta17-x14 les ganó la ambición pinches traicioneros porque el sr si savia se gente con la gente y y sin necesidad de andar cobrando cuotas ni robando ala gente honrrada como ustedes pinches lacras el Sr siempre nos decía los civiles se respetan porque nos inculcó disciplina y respeto pero como ustedes estaban acostumbrados a robar y abuzar del pueblo nos traicionaron por la espalda pero se la pelearon como quiera porque se les abrió el culo cuando se arrimo toda la operativa en los moustros por eso se los yevo verga a todos los traicioneros saludos pa todos los jotos que critican bien vergas pero de frente no dicen nada 111 18324579 H1


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