Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 11, 2013

Detonations And Blockades In Reynosa

A Few Updates

Through social networks, users reported shootouts and grenade sounds in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
In the colony Rosalinda Guerrero, there were also reports from the citizens that there were people who wore body armor on the avenue Tecnológico.

The gunfire extended to the vicinity of the PGR.

There were also reports of a blockade of at least 30 vehicles on the boulevard Hidalgo with armed people inside and also ponchallantas (small metal stars used for blowing out tires).

Unofficial reports indicate that the circus Atayde Hermano suffured possible grenade attacks, leaving people and animals injured.

The confrontation between the armed civilians has 
still not stopped (When the article was written), and the blockades continue in the colony  Vista Hermosa, in front of Hospital Materno infantile. ElDiarioDeCoahuila

On the bridge Miguel Angel Alado del Cuartel there are military personel already clearing the way

Other reports from Valor Por Tamaulipas indicate that:

  • through the plaza de toros there were approximately 15 to 20 black vehicles with letters written on them
  • In the colony Bermudez they are starting to remove two cars to blocks away from a gas station OXXO (They are moving a blockade)
  • There was a confrontation through Hidalgo, PGR, avenida del pasito, Periférico
  • There are reports that workers of a petrol company were assaulted
  • Activities on Jarachina Norte, Muros, VillaFlorida Sector B.
  • Blockades on the boulevard Oriente
  • In the south entrance of Jarachina by el churh, there were armed gunmen with trucks that said “M3” and “CDG”
  • There was a blockade on the street rio purificacion and praxedis balboa, la Alvaro Obregón, 15 de enero
  • Entering the neighborhood 4 Hda, blocked trucks with armed gunmen were seen dragging dead people in front of OXXO in a van that was fully shot out
  •  Convoy of 15 trucks going to the center on rio purificacion, on the second turn there were 20 trucks that had the words “M3” and “M4”
  • There are reports that indicate that it is not an attack on the Zetas, rather an internal conflict is occurring
  • 5 trucks with armed gunmen and a cloned Federal Police truck was seen by el Alvaro Obregon
  • There was an alert to neighbors of loma real to not go outside because people were looking for a Commando
  • In front of Envidias there was a person who was either thrown or run over on the boulevard Morelos
  • Armed gunmen in front of cet 71 in the colony Beatty Chamacos in a black Suburban and a Silverado with the sign “M3”
  • Two trucks incinerated
  • Civilians wearing military uniforms were seen pulling 2 burned bodies
  • Reports of innocent civilians injured in the area of valle alto, entering Villa Florida, bridge of periferico
  • Users report that the shootouts started by Los Guerra, and indicated that the shootouts ended by the center of Miguel Alemán
  • Heavy precense of Soldiers, Marines, Federal Police and State Police by the street Nacional mty-laredo by the km 13
  Update from Valor Por Tamaulipas

“The situation that occurred was because of internal conflict over the leadership of the faction of the Gulf Cartel in Reynosa.  This situation had been brewing for some time and increased when M4 was executed.  They then had problems with the commander Cortez, and now with Commander Gringo.  There were also problems with the factions of Reynosa from Ribereña. 

About the circus, there was aggression, some reported grenades being detonated.  The situation is still not clear yet or how many people were injured.  It was reported that there was a tiger that escaped, but people who were there do not mention anything regarding an escaped tiger.

Tomorrow (Monday) Reynosa will be on red alert.  There were reports that innocent people were affected. 

I think that we are in many ways like in 2010, when federal authorities let criminals face each other, and went out after half an hour after, to “control the situation”.  Although in this case we aren’t sure how they could have maneuvered, with the magnitude of fighting, and more for it being an internal conflict.  Once again Reynosa is exposed, like in the jail of Nuevo Laredo with the execution of 5 criminals.  The people who control what occurs in our state are the criminals, not the government.”

Update #3 Valor Por Tamaulipas around an hour ago (  ~16:00)

"Sunday March 10- Two young men, who work for the IFE (Federal Electoral Institute) in Ciudad Victoria, were surrounded by eight trucks when these young people were doing their work in the colony of Moderna.  They were interrogated, beaten, and also threatened not to return to that place.  Today (Monday), Soldiers are in the offices of the IFE, possibly to take action regarding these events."

"Armed gunmen entered a house and there were gunshots heard, that is all that is known.  There are also trucks outside of the house.  This occurred in Bugambilias (Located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas).  Other reports mention that there were some revisions going on by a local cartel."

"Armed gunmen were seen at Tec. De Jarachina Sur (a technical University); apparently there are soldiers by the university also."

"A lot of movement with trucks and cars with armed gunmen moving.   Apparently they have things in the back of the trucks.  This also occurred in Bugambilias.  Apparently it’s some members of the Gulf Cartel moving into this location."

"It is correct that they are busting businesses and properties of the faction of the Gulf Cartel members that lost the battle yesterday (The ones who were following El Gringo and El Commandante Puma who controlled Olmo."

Photos Sent in By Facebook users for Valor Por Tamaulipas

Taking refuge in a movie theater

Video of the shootout

Related Posts:


  1. Anyone from Reynosa that can add to this info???
    well done BB.

    is it Metro's Vs the Rojo's???

    1. When are the people of Mexico going to stand up to drug dealers and corrupt politics...oh they are not, it's their culture. Even worse they are bringing the chaos to the US. Animals

  2. This is crazy full scale war in public poor citizens

  3. Just another day in paradise...

  4. There are reports from just about every city in Tamps of violence, balceras, convoys etc

    6 dealerships had their new car inventory taken

    CDG reinforcements from Matamoros on their way to Reynosa, right now

    convoys from valle Hermosa as well

  5. YES yu can check out forum..the post has been for a couple hrs and people are updating etc
    DD was one of the first anywhere to post the video.

  6. The 6 dealerships that had their cars stolen happened on Saturday:

    People on facebook say that it has died down but others are saying that it's still ongoing. There are reports of over 40 people dead but there hasn't been anymore news being updated.


    1. Ay nos avisas cuando maten ha tus hijos,padres,hermanos,primos,I toda tu familia..perro desgraciado,hojala I sea pronto,pa Que se vayan acabando poco ha poco!!!


  8. Just checked the very last posts on valor por tamaulipas just about everything calmed down. For now. Wow shootings,grenades,rocket launchers and mass hysteria .I even heard of a couple of Bengal tigers on the loose because of the attacks on Circus atayde.lots if innocent people dead us the report on social media.the people of Mexico don't deserve this.hope metros/rojos:commandante gring0. And Cortez

    1. Two bengal tigers on the loose? Maybe theyll sneak up on the narcos and eat them.they have that capability and are known to sneak up on people and they never hear them coming.i hope no innocents get hurt by these cats just hope they get a taste for narcos lol.a VERY dangerous animal to have running loose and will be very hard to find as they are extremely elusive

  9. Que confuso este pedo los zetaz acaban de accusar a el gringo a el 98 juanoto carrizalez y a el fernandillo de los attackes en nuevo laredo apenas el jueves por la manana podria ser por que traicionar a esos golfos muertos y asta los mataron en la rina dwl penal en nuevo laredo el domingo ay un golfo traicionero sera el mike pero los zetas le e han la culpa para el despiste y el x20 segun es el que kiere matar a mike el gringo por eso las balaceras en reynosa Ke alguien me explique q pasa kien es el nuevo talivan????

  10. Good let the Golfas kill themselves off...Z

  11. oh no i hope they don't harm m comandte diablo... just kidding

  12. I guess los rojos and los metros have'nt reconciled their differences since the capture of el Gordo and el coss. They've unleashed the worst violence in northeast Mexico since 2010. The Cardenas-Guillen factIon desperately want to regain the Reynosa plaza, and Pelon is not going to give it up without a fight. I can tell you this, not only the lose tiger from the circus is licking his chops from seeing all this fighting, but chapo and z-40.There probably enjoying this inter-cartel fighting and are like vulture waiting to eat at what is left of the cdg carcass. One anecdote I'll like to add to this comment: both z-40 and lemon have trevino in their name. One on the mothers side; the. other on the fathers side. It probably don't mean anything, but I thougt about just adding that for the heck of it.

  13. I honestly hope no innocents get hurt in this conflict....whats wrong with CDG,are they that stupid they have to fight each other??? and in public,fkn go out in the desert and do it.

  14. Hay cabron! Haber quien avanza en la batalla por Reynosa entre los r's y metros. Se están dando con todo: granadazos, cuernos, r-15's, calibre 50.

  15. Damn so its a full on internal war?? Who are the leaders fighting??

  16. That last comment in the story had it right. The criminals have complete control. The Mexican government and law enforcement are a joke. I piss on your face Pena Nieto.

  17. Reynosa is metros turf u can tell by the reports of the m,m3 and the body armor. Maybe it's the rojos trying to get back in or maybe cdg beef(very likely) metros are the equivelant to zetas

    1. I thought metros were matamoros and rojos were reynosa

    2. They were but switched.

  18. let's hope the marines will sort things out quickly

    1. Those two cats are going to take a few of them out i gurantee u.if u know anything about big cats then u know its true just wait till they get hungry

  19. a furious gun battle between leaders and members of the Gulf Cartel (GC) ignited after one of the main leaders "M4" was gunned down. An internal feud among the GC members was reported by "Valor por Tamaulipas" (VT) Facebook page,

    The Mexican military, Federal Police or the Tamaulipas Attorney General have not reported the incident and how many people were actually reported killed and injured.

    Earlier reports of armed gunmen in multiple vehicles traveling in the area with decals M3 and M4, including GC on windows were reported by VT. The gun fight allegedly began after M4 was reported killed by another leader of the GC or same drug cartel who was identified only by "El Gringo." According to the VT report, M4 was executed shortly after getting into a dispute with another leader known as "El Comandante Cortez" forcing "El Comandante Gringo" to join the armed assault, in an attempt to take over the split faction of the GC in Reynosa.

    One of the Facebook (FB) users posted a comment on VT accusing

  20. a tweet from Reynosa to me....sad..this is a popular tweeter:

    Me duele decirlo pero Tamaulipas está peor que Irak y no es exageración. No existe la autoridad porque la autoridad tiene bando criminal.

  21. So as it turns out the CDG is just another gang of common criminals in spite of their assurances to the civilian population. Why should the civilian population expect more from these thugs, after all, it was them who created the filthy zetas.

  22. It seems to me that cds is infiltrating cdg litle by litle eventually they will take over all cdg , in my opinion this war has stated by the government to ease the implementation of the fiscal reform which tax everybodys incomes and food and medicine as well as to ban assualt rifles in usa, think about it if the cartels did not extort buisnesses and people and then the government passes a fiscal reform to tax everybody and everything there will be. Massive. Riots on the streets millions of people will fight back this reform but since they are being allready etorted by these drug gangs they are getting used to pay some king of taxes in a way and well if the government tax them but get rid of the cartels people will accept the new reform because they're getting used to it and at least people will not get killed by the government if they do not pay taxes make late payments as the cartels do kill them if they do not pay the taxes(extortion fee ). That's my opinion what do you think people

  23. you sure about the .50 cal?
    where did you see that?

  24. Los metros in reynosa must be shittin bricks now that el gringo is a zeta wow its confirmed with this latest battle el gringo y el comandante cortez (also ex cdg) are leading the charge for the zetas to take over reynosa Back up by el z80 z40 top sicario Lets see who mario el pelon forms an aliance this time one thig i got to say too el gringo an cortez el que traiciona una vez lo vuelve ser so no vallan allorar cuando les caiga el ejercito recuerfen a llorar al panteon es lo que les espera muy pronto!

  25. CDG Metros /Old Guard of Juan Garcia Abrego.vs CDG Osiel/Coss/Rojos vs CDG (C.U./TEMPLAR) vs Zs vs Zs/Taliban/C.U.
    Osiel groups on both on the CSG side.and the Zs side....

  26. Is it me, or are the factions in Reynosa the only ones fighting? That seems to be the only news about CDG infighting. I haven't heard of battles in Matamoros or Tampico or other CDG territory.

  27. Hey chivis so who is with the metros and who's with the rojos? Who is x20 with?

    1. X20 is mario leader of los metros los rojos is r1 lod rojos stop fighting los metros and right they are in ciudad victoria fightin plaza against the zzz r1 aka el calvo aka uncle of comandante diablo

  28. pena nieto is a pussy. he won't even mention drug war or any name in particular that he plans to crack down on. his plan to bring ciolence down is to simply stop reporting the dead attributed to narco killings. Valla con Dios Mexico.

  29. It is certainly amazing to see the quality of the movie theater alongside the destruction and chaos outside.

    At what point does the government put peace and security ahead of the ability of business men to make flashy investments.

    Tax the businessmen and the corporations and investigate every murder and rape in the country.

  30. M4 crew fighting with Commandante Cortez and Commandante Gringo forces for control of Los Metros half of CDG .Our ground forces are on standby to prevent spillover violence .X20 is working "to handle the situation" with infighting withing the ranks of CDG .

    Atte: CIA Special Activities Division

  31. these bendekos are going full scale, those photos are proof, it doesn't really bother me that they are killing each other over what I could never know, but, dont kill exotic animals. maybe they were blasting each other apart because everyone wanted that tiger for thier own narco palace..and its funny how the mexican patrol forces show up long after the last shot had been fired...

    1. Give that cat about 4 days and theyll have a narco snack.they are stealthy hunters just ask the people in india about that.they can be opportunistic hunters and people who have been attacked and lived to tell about it say they never heard or saw them coming.lets just hope they eat a couple of these bastards who did this.those cats can weigh between 5 and 600 lbs.

  32. El Gringo have die in this fight

  33. Que triste saber que la ciudadania pierda la tranquilidad por causa de esa gente desquiciada.

  34. Highest Yoga TantraMarch 11, 2013 at 12:47 PM

    2013.03.11 @ 10:07 am:

    The U.S. is also a pussy! ~ I checked the major networks (CNN, Faux News, NBC) and NOT ONE mentioned this incident in Reynosa. U.S. LAMESTREAM MEDIA at work again. Thank you B.B. for keeping us informed with compelling events.

    Please stay safe to all Social Media users & their families in Tamaulipas . . .

    1. Yes and thank goodness for this website.i live in the u.s and no one talks about this stuff human beings we all need to wake up and pay attention to this.its a shame the u.s media has their head in the sand about this stuff

  35. What's the latest Chivis? I read a tweet that said "El Gringo ejucutado por Mario Pelon"

  36. Puro pex distraccion para hacer las rutas.


  38. Peña Nieto is a joke..

  39. Tsss acabo de oyir k en este agarre le dieron piSo al comandante puma tsss buen elemento para el cdg controlaba camargo nacido en reynosa fue al apoyo y murio como a muchos anoche de los dos bandos buen agarre ke se dieron

  40. Persistent rumors since early AM that el gringo was killed...

  41. like ive mention before zetas are just to powerful for anyone cds and cdg and who ever new groups want to be form to kill or destroy them im not a zeta cheerleader but there just willing to go go that extra in yard like a combination of ramon arellano felix with has to do with violence and miguel angel felix gallardo there structure is just untouchable and there strenght to form alliances with EL CAF AND BLO AND CDJ AND it seems the come to and agreement with cdjn tere just that smart

    1. Z nut huggers are funny. Zs had nothing to do with this not to mention their infrastructure has been broken since Lazcas death. Since Lazca died, 40 has been literally hiding in a hole..Last manta we saw from the Z was signed by 42. 40 could be dead and we would never know under EPN.

    2. Quit going of emotion this shit happen in 2010 and cdg still owns reynosa an by the way theres no such thing as a caf.blo cdj aliance only z blo cdj shows u know nothing and reads and believes any anti cds cdg comment

  42. so is mike el gringo a zeta now? atte...ThinkTank28.7 what do u know about this man?

    1. Yes hes backing up cortez cortez is now a zeta he is back up by z80 funny how one day they are calling him out and the next day their friends obvios z4o is using him only time will tell wat happens in reynosa it might be 2010 all over again doubt los metros are going to loose that plaza Theres to many loyal people

    2. gringo and co. are fighting each other meaning metros vs Zs....its alleged.that x20 doesn't approve.of gringo handling.of the plazas and they warring aboutsome money due ,.and alleged robbery of Metro4s people's cocaine stash houses...
      this is a CDG vs CDG thing...also itsalleged that gringo was making pact with CDG Osiel y Coss..that is also in the conflict.
      atte.ThinkTank28.7 N.V.

    3. So is he alive or dead? Also, X20 can't win vs Gringo. Heard this guy is feared by all the CDG. If Gringo is alive X20 won't be for long.

    4. It's not official...
      don't believe the hype..

  43. Anytime you got convoys of 10-20 trucks roaming around, pretty much says the governmemt is letting them do this shit.

    1. Time for the drones.theyll take them convoys completely out and then some

  44. New pictures of el Chapo Guzman havnt been confirmed though. Chivis might doing a new post about it. Source: MN

  45. How will we kno whether or not el gringo is indeed dead? I thought the mexican gov't was no longer publicly announcing information like that? Can u explain this to me chivis? Id greatly appreciate it !!!!!! Thnx. Tflaim from Btown, Florida

  46. this is beyond fucking insane. How is epn not doing anything at all about this???!! man this is really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. how old are you wero??

  48. El Gringo was killed last night because he killed M4. R1 and his Rojos are still CDG and control Valle Hermoso. Comm Diablo was arrested sometime back for stupid shit like stealing...

  49. only two killed
    krgv news
    2 Killed During Firefights in Reynosa
    REYNOSA - A cab driver and a boy died after raging firefights Sunday throughout Reynosa.
    Tamaulipas state police said stray bullets killed the child. The boy's father also was hit. He is in critical condition.

    Mexican officials have released few details about the incidents.

  50. March 11, 2013 at 9:18 AM
    "el gringo y el comandante cortez (also ex cdg) are leading the charge for the zetas to take over reynosa"
    Dude how do you know that?All of them put their name to the anniversary manta of Metro 3....22 Commandantes ,Mario Pelon,M4,Gringo,Sierra,M7,Polimenso,Puma,Salinas,Cortez,etc,all of them.Now look at them?The Gringo.Cortez,now Zetaz?Reynosa is R1 playground,look what he did with Diablos,sending them out to patrol and kill,,,,,

    1. I know i cant believe it either but they jump ship this is coming from a friend that is cdg listen things change its nithing but greed in this busness z40 must of sweet talked them they are going to use them and then wipe em out

  51. Another disgrace to the"authorities"of Mexico.What is this,the new direction of the PRI?Let them fight it out,take control,and then EPN/PRI,will deal with the strongest out of them,the ones who pacify a place EPN/PRI will get down with them.What a fuckin disgrace,the people cant come out after dark,the police sit off and watch,while these clowns murk each other and light shit up.Its like something out of Guyana.Well thats the way it is in Mexico,who are we to say anything,it just looks fucked,as long as we dont get the"they dont touch clean hands"bullshit,as if they give a fuck if they kill a woman or kid?

  52. Wow, how is it possible that this can hapen? How the hell can a convoy full of armed men in body armor and with CDG, M3, M4 painted on the side of the truck can move around freely thru the city?? At what point does the goverement and lw enforcement do their f**** job and put an end to this bullshit?? This animals are moving freeley searching homes, stealing cars from dealerships, turning the streets in a fullblown battlefield and NOT ONE authority figure wether local, federal or military does anything to put an end to it. Mexico has truly become a failed state. I had hope that new president, new ideas would equal a better mexico, but it is obvious that the inmates run the asylum at this point.

    Echo 2

  53. Zetas move 500 kilos a month while chapo moves 2000 to 5000 kilos a month so I think chapo and mayo and azul are way stronger than zetas

    1. Bro learn how to read.. you're retarted ass comment has nothing to do with this post.. by the way good post

  54. Z-40 said this would happen on a manta bout a year ago,he said the 2nd and 3rd level bosses just cant help themselves for more

  55. Im from here no official report but people say gringo died for his backstab n thats why this mess happened I have no proof so dont quote me just saying what Im hearing

  56. The CDG showdown has to happen if not resolved then it will happen again. After that chapo will use them until he get a hold of Tamps and goes after Coahuila, with CDG help.

    Subsequently, Then he will not need CDG any longer and they will be done. and chapo will get what he wants. Not saying he will defeat letra but has a much better chance with CDG help and their alliances and knowledge of the region.

    Just my opinion...and what I have said since the CDG/CDS alliance, but it makes sense to me....Paz, Chivis

    1. I agree with you thats the way he works only time will tell chivis it might be a crazy year that anything goes el pri is da boss now and is going to be interesting how this sexenio finishes

  57. Atleast seven people who were involve with the shootout got arrested. Dam. Look it those pictures. Horrible war. How can people stand this. Including police officers. Those people are risking there lives and theirs nothing that we cant do. Reynosa has to get new upgrades and shit. We're sick of those bastards. Why can we just go to mexico and stop them. Whos in? Anybody.

    1. I'd be down. This shit really pisses me off. Greed is ripping a country that is a freind to any nation apart. Mexico has so much potential. From reading b.b, its comforting to know that Mexicans aren't the only ones who want peace south of the border. There are people from alot of different countries who follow and support the poor people who are caught in the middle of this. Thank you all. - one pissed of dude

  58. So which capo died? I think this is the 3rd time they say Gringo has been killed.

  59. Use logic folks. See the fotos? and I have more on forum and twitter, see all the damage to cars and bullet ridden homes? and only 2 dead? Yeah right. Same thing in nov 2010 when tormenta was killed, they said a few were killed in a conflict lasting days, yet people on the ground were reporting the truth. Mexico does not report truth.

    remember when Lalo was killed? the 4 bodies dumped in Bravo a couple hrs later? that never made one paper in Mx...and just a little paragraph about it in Del Rio Herald. this quantity of arsenal results in many deaths. use logic

  60. about el gringo:
    what I think is if it is true EPN will have to address it, but it will be without fanfare, not photos etc.

    However, in the event they don't it will be written about in a manta, remember when Tormenta was killed? Letra immediately put up a celebratory manta.

    One thing I am hearing, and this was late last night, that he was killed and ......(drum roll pleas) the body taken.

  61. 3:46PM About Chapos fotos (from 2006-2007)....a reader sent it to me yesterday and I immediately made a post and also ran it through my software to see if it had been shopped, it has not you can see the image after I ran it thru and explanation of what it means. and the photo, plus I made a close up making a head shot. I put it on twitter and it was going like fire then the Reynosa story broke. I have a little poll and most people think it is authentic. I was not so sure at first but am sure now. you can read the reasons why here:

  62. @6:17pm thats one operator,and how many operators do they have on the border? 100? they have more than one thats for sure.
    yeah chapo been round bit longer probably does move more than the Zetas.

  63. yup Chivis, the narcos always pick up their deads when they can, but they leave behind the blood, bullets, cars, etc...and in this case even pictures yet the press and the government are oblivious to this, the press might mention it occasionally but the government never, they count the bodies, the reported injuried and wash their hands, for them that´s all that happened, and it´s even worse in rural areas where no authority might appear until a couple of days later and by then, according to them, nothing happened

  64. Chivis...

    Why are US news agencies not mentioning the level of violence in Mexico. Especially this event. The US is like the neighbor that hears the couple upstairs arguing with the guy beating his wife and acts as if nothing is going on. Am I missing something in this equation?

  65. Your rite Chivis chapo will use cdg and then get rid of them that's chapos way of working.

    1. Then CDG will hire another paramilitary hit squad to help regain TAMPS. and years later this mess will start all over

  66. Cds bandwagon I hate sinaloa..

  67. M4 went to go pick up money that was owed.(Were talking about over 1 million usd) Cortez basically says fuck you. M4 gets hiphy thats when gringo goes BOOM! Why is everyone tripping out?? its business as usual.

    Golfo is a good cartel that generates good money. But they need to get their shit together. Either way regardeless of who keeps that money. I can assure federation will still sell :)


  68. No respect for innocent wrong wit these people.


    I think you have the same program as I for checking for altered photos. the photo you posted has nothing added to it in anyway. it looks like chapo. I saw your comparison image all over twitter good job chivis.

  70. it was bound to happen , just more bizarre then imaginable and officials aren't send in because it will be meaningless and suicidal, operations take its time and right time. everything will be restore back. poor people who have lost their life ....the innocent civilians i mean. i dont think the question is who stay to ruled after wards or who will make and alliance, its edible that they are hungry lions waiting for this to be over and take control.

  71. X20 smoked gringo ..

  72. i know it sounds terrible so am sorry to say it but it would be better if the zetas rejoined CDG.... the war over there would be over.

  73. gringo mato a m3 y m4, los metros por fin abrieron los ojos que no fue R1... la limpia en camargo, aleman ext continua de gente de gringo entre otros.. Aparecera R1? ;) esto apenas empiesa...

    1. Tienes pruebas o es solo teoria? Ojala fuera cierto! Cuando Los Rs y Metros estaban juntos el CDG dominaba sus terrenos y no andavan con mamadas!

  74. A good article about it...

  75. Any new updates on who got whacked? Who's the main leader of the CDG and who was Gringo, what was his rank? Was he above M4?

  76. Gringo tenia pleito casado con R1.. Y los todos sabian k tarde o temprano el gringo caeria.. El problema era que el gringo era brazo armado de los metros, y no daban su aprovacion para k los Rs lo sacaran. Ahora los metros vieron que fue uno de los mas cercanos a M3 quien lo mato "el gringo" y no Reyes. A reyes le colgaron santos k no eran de el, R1 y 7-5 hombres importantes y la verdad gente que dirigian contra la embestiada de los zetas, por que fueron los Rs y los acuerdos de ellos con los militares que sacaron a los Z de la riberena. Ahora gringo no actuo solo altos mandos querian a M3 fuera, por que si habia fuertes sospechas que los Z habian lluegado al precio de este.. Ahora la limpia de la gente de gringo continua, Aleman, Camargo y areas cercanas les espera unos largos dias de guerra puesto que ayi era los lugares fuertes de Gringo...

  77. If Gringo was the reason for this battle, and he got killed as reports indicate, then much of the voilence we've been seeing will subside in Tamps. Apparently he was behind the bombings in N. Laredo last yr. All this disregard for this story might be to keep people in the dark about the situation in Mexico, inorder to keep the flow of drugs going north and the guns going south for the benefit of military industrial complex. Billions of $'s are. generated in this business. Also a report from Monterrey indicate that a group called los Pelones entered a quinceañera and threw a grenade and started to shoot into the crowd. A 5yr. old got killed. Might've been X-20's people?

  78. @ ThinkTank28.7

    You never post anything relevant or new, old recycled and at times false info.

    1. ThinkTank 28.7 says shut the fucc up and bang your keyboard. Gringo was working with CDG Osiel not Zs. and if it were Zs then it was Osiels Zs original..28.7

    2. That guy who said u never post anything relevant shud stfu and GET THE HELL OFF OF HERE if he dont like it.there are plenty of us who appreciate this website

  79. @el wero

    You actually believe the garbage you posted?

  80. @ Chivis:

    There is a pic of Chapo shirtless and in a swimming pool in the net

  81. So is this gringo guy dead? If not has he defected to the zetas? And if he has defected do the zetas now have the plazas that he (gringo) ran? Peace.

  82. @12:20PM

    That is a photo from 2010 supposedly taken in 2001. It is a large guy massive, beefy shoulders and watermelon head :)in a pool with a couple other people not interacting with him, looks like a public pool. Anyway I think I have the photo somewhere but in my opinion it is ridiculous and desperate to claim that is Chapo. I think BDN brought it forth. (of course) thanks for the heads up though....Paz, Chivis

  83. Cdg is the biggest back stabbing cartel there is.

  84. @ Chivis:

    I tried looking for that picture, can't find it. The place I saw it last was borderrepoter (dot) com. However, the picture I saw there had Chapo by himself in a pool looking up at something and no people around.

  85. @10:28

    Good info, makes sense. I had heard that the Metro's realized that R1 didn't kill M3, since M3 and R1 were like brothers,'d also herad that this Gringo ue is the one who killed M3 and M4 and there's comment made earlier in this very post that says the same thing about M3 and M4 being killed by Gringo. Now is R1 stil in charge of los Rojos and is he still with CDG, when M3 got killed and blame was put on R1 it was said that R1 was went to Caballeros Templarios since he real good friends with the dude in charge of CT, but then it was said that he went to CDS, that he was still working the Fulf region but taking orders directly from Sinaloa. Any info info anyone can shed on this? Any info would be greatly appreciated. And Chivis thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication in keeping us all informed!! Keep up the great work and stay safe :)

    Echo 2

    1. R1 is with CDS he saved Some high raking member i think El Azul when they where Attacked by ambushed in Tamaulipas by another CDG faction when they were going to a meeting i dont recall well, look into it please

  86. March 12, 2013 at 10:28 AM
    "Gringo tenia pleito casado con R1.."
    Keep postin dude.R1 is a cold thinker and survivor,he will never give up his Reynosa

  87. @5:43pm u were sayin??? seems the Zetas were in the firefight.

  88. R1 is now working for El Senor Tuta

    1. El senor tuta hahahahahaha! !!!asi es como se le dice ahora a los delincuentes senores hora pues esa no me la sabia

  89. Chivis there are a couple pictures of el chapo on mundo narco one in a pool other on a uniform and one in a party all dressed up.

  90. once again not a word on the tightly controlled US news media...lots of coverage of the middle east, the pope..fatboy korean..

    .but i guess Mexico dosen't exist.

    .I for one am so sick of our governments AIPAC driven obsession with the muddle eest...goddamn..

    hundreds die in Mexico every day and the sheeple American public are kept in the dark..

    .IIIEEEEE!!!!!..loud prolonged SCREAM!!!!!

  91. March 13, 2013 at 8:19 AM
    "I for one am so sick of our governments AIPAC driven obsession with the muddle eest"
    Oh shit,his favorite topic again,blame the US,hoooorah?Fuck you expect the US to do,i don't know,when its full of people like you who hate the US and blame them for every ill of the world?Cyclic,circles,,?

  92. The u.s. dont give a shit if theres shootouts south of their long as they happen on the other side.

    1. Some of us u.s citizens do very much give a shit.i an average american and feel helpless about it but i do vote for politicians who seriously address this issue.the cartels make no money off me cause i do not buy their product.there are human beings suffering and dying in mx and we should all care what happens to our fellow man

  93. @1:12 p.m. What are you talking about? You might want to pay attention to what you read (I assume you do the same with what you see) and see or hear. All he (8:19a.m. post) was saying is why isn't the media doing it's job. Media is reporting about ongoings half a world away, about fat asian kids (which isn't important) and who knows what else, but when it comes to what's going on in Mexico (the States and Mexico are neighbors just incase you didn't know), the media mentions nothing. Maybe I'm the one that's missing something, so help me understan, how is that an attack or blaming anything on the U.S? Can you please explain? What logic or reason is there that the media can report on events half a world away, but nothing about it's neighbors? Maybe you could help me see the light. It would be appreciated.

  94. Anonymous said...
    March 13, 2013 at 8:19 AM
    "I for one am so sick of our governments AIPAC driven obsession with the muddle eest"
    Oh shit,his favorite topic again,blame the US,hoooorah?Fuck you expect the US to do,i don't know,when its full of people like you who hate the US and blame them for every ill of the world?Cyclic,circles,,?

    March 13, 2013 at 1:12 PM


    you truly are an idiot aren't fukn yids are so stupid tard..I am an American and place no blame on my country

    kinda new here right ?


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