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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

REYNOSA: The Truth of The Government...and the Real Truth

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

There is a scary new reporting policy forming in Mexico.  Beginning with the announcement of President Enrique Peña Nieto that the Calderon style of reporting  will cease.  No more video footage or still shots of military and police operations and captures, ditto to the perp presentations.
He requested that states follow suit, though states have an autonomy similar to the United States, one would expect those states governed by PRI party loyalists to comply with the example of the new president's murky style of reporting.
The recent capture of the Sinaloa cartel boss of sicarios known by his moniker of "El Fantasma"    turned into a keystone cops version of reporting as people scrambled to get confirmation and photos. 
It was eventually confirmed by the state sans photos or footage of the capture.  The state provided a photo of a person they identified as Fantasma. however to those of us familiar with what Fantasma looks like, clearly the photo was not of him.

The little photo mix-up and the story behind the photo was not as frustrating as the lack of transparency surrounding the incident.
From that point on it was apparent that there is a new method of reporting taking hold  in Mexico rendering the only reliable and truthful reporting being  reduced to social networks, generated by organized groups of brave citizen reporters, and individuals on the ground. 
They tweet reports,  Facebook updates, videos and photos from cell phones out to the masses, to inform but more importantly to warn of areas of danger.
And above get the truth out.
On Sunday the devil was front and center in Tamaulipas, Mexico, as reports of violence and clashes between organized crime groups in several cities with the hardest hit being the NE city of Reynosa.  
The Reynosa conflict lasted for three to four hours, yet if one was to search mainstream media on both sides the border, or announcements/warnings from government agencies you would come up empty. 
As for EPN it would appear he does not know that there is a state in Mexico named Tamaulipas that experienced severe violence that resulted in dozens of deaths, because there has been no word from his office.
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New Video Below

State Attorney Office...The Big Lie
Yesterday the Tamaulipas State Attorney's office issued a statement that if were it not such a disgusting outrage  it may have been  funny.  Here it is translated into English:
Child killed and father shot through the neck

"Staff Attorney investigating these facts, states that at 23:00 pm on Sunday, received report of a collateral victim of the clashes in Hidalgo and Avenida Cima Boulevard, at the entrance to a convenience store along to a gas station.

This is a child who was hit by a bullet that killed him when he was traveling with his father in a private vehicle. The victim's father was also with neck injury caused by firearm shot. His health was reported as stable by doctors who treated him.

Later, at 23:23 pm and reported on the Bypass to Matamoros, across the bridge Peripheral, the death of a taxi service worker whose body was found inside a Nissan Tsuru 2009 model, with 1443VSL plates. He was identified as Jose Luis Vargas Hernandez, 37 years old. It had a bullet wound in the neck, then the bullet went through the windshield of the taxi he was driving.

The mobilization of security forces allowed the assurance of 22 vehicles and the arrest of seven people linked to the established facts, same that were made available to the delegation of the Attorney General's office in Tamaulipas"

And Now for a Taste of the Truth as Reported Yesterday in the McAllen Texas Monitor  [and was translated into Spanish and republished countless times on social networks):

Fear and panic filled the streets of Reynosa on Sunday night as rival gunmen battled during a three-hour firefight that saw automatic weapons and grenades used. Surprisingly, Mexican authorities were absent for most of the melee.

 The opening clashes were reported just before 9 p.m. Sunday, when rival factions of the Gulf Cartel consummated what appeared to be a yet another rift within the criminal organization.

During the protracted gunbattle, dozens of gunmen were killed, but authorities Monday would only confirm the deaths of two bystanders and the injury of a third.
A Tamaulipas law enforcement official, who asked to not be named citing security reasons, confirmed that the death toll was about three dozen, however the exact figures were not known because cartel gunmen picked up their own people’s bodies during the struggle.
In a news release, the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office, known as the PGJE, confirmed that the two slain bystanders were a taxi driver and a teenager who was riding a vehicle with his father. The release confirms one person was injured and seven gunmen arrested, and it states that authorities seized 22 vehicles that were used in the melee, but it doesn’t mention any gunmen dying.
The Tamaulipas law enforcement agent called the new release issued by his superiors an insult to common sense.
“There were four trucks filled with bodies that (members of organized crime) picked up,” the official said. “That is not counting the (bodies) that were left behind.”
The news release doesn’t mention a bullet-riddled SUV that was left along Boulevard Hidalgo, one of the city’s main avenues, just south of Vista Hermosa Avenue near the local headquarters of Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, known as the PGR. Inside the truck, four bloodied bodies could be seen from a distance hours after sundown Sunday. Just north of that location near the Fiesta Inn Hotel along Boulevard Hidalgo, another bullet-riddled vehicle could be seen with three bodies inside.
Most of the city’s main avenues had been blocked off with hijacked trailers or buses, and road spikes were littered in other areas to stop traffic.
While online the shootout in Reynosa has become common knowledge, mainstream news media have remained mum about it, said Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, chair of the Government Department at the University of Texas at Brownsville.
“This has me very worried because this blackout is coming from both sides,” Correa Cabrera said. “Not only are we seeing organized crime shushing the media but now we are seeing the government at all levels put a lid on the media where you now have virtually no mainstream coverage of a battle of this magnitude.”
In a city where the constant threat of extortion by criminal organizations has caused citizens to be wary of their own shadow, when the shots started flying Sunday night, the community came together in an effort to protect bystanders.
While social media users began pointing out the areas of potential danger, average citizens took matters into their own hands to warn the public. In a gated community along Boulevard Hidalgo, a man stood by the gate warning residents to stay inside because of the ongoing firefight.
In the Wal-Mart store just a few blocks away, also along Boulevard Hidalgo, store employees locked the doors and asked their customers to remain calm as gunmen chased each other up and down the road.
“Please don’t go out, young man,” an employee said in Spanish to one patron. “It’s really ugly out there and it’s been going for more than 30 minutes.”
In a shopping plaza called Soriana Periférico near the city’s Southwestern side, the customers were also asked to stay inside for more than three hours until the roads cleared.
“It was a very long night,” said a Reynosa teenager who refused to give his name. The teen had gone to the movies with his friends but was not able to leave. “I already called my mom so she won’t worry.
“What the hell is going on?” he exclaimed.
As gunmen battled it out in the streets Sunday night, Ramiro Hernandez was busy in his garage. The maquila supervisor didn’t have work the next morning, so he was firing up the grill to cook a few steaks.
“What can you do?” Hernandez said in Spanish. “I’m not going to go out there right now. (My family and I) are all here so I might as well just go on and enjoy my day off.”

"El Gringo" Rumor Still Persistent:
No confirmation on the rumor that El Gringo was killed in the clash.  This is the third time that the rumor of his death spread.  However, this time it was fast and furious.  One would think a killing of El Gringo the government both federal and state would at least confirm via statement.   Alternatively, a manta as done  by United ZTAS when Tormenta was killed.

See Administrator "DD's" post on forum


  1. I'm sure BB will come up with fue right number if people killed, but remember that expeculating is not the truth. I don't believe only teo people got killed, bit unless I see some evidence I can not say that more than 40 people got killed.

  2. excellent journalism, chivis! congrats!

    been following the reynosa locura while it unfolded, through social media and have been trying to find mainstream coverage ever since.
    the new media blackout measures by the new government is not at all acceptable! if it wasnt for the people with pc´s and mobile phones... no one would ever know.
    the no coverage policy is reckless as the violence will only grow and give narcos the carte blanche to do what they want. and the state decides to turn up mid or at the end of such shootings, leaving its citizens exposed to violence, like, let the narcos kill themselves and then we clean up? they are not up to the job to protect their people.
    observing the mess from germany, where i live now after having lived in mexico and guatemala for the last seven years, people often ask me about a possible future and by now i guess the only way would be an international intervention. get special forces from all countries in, publish an emergency phone number that is save and uncorruptable and have specialists confront the cartels. my impression back in mexico was that everybody knew where the narcos lived. but noone would say a word for obvious reasons. would one mexican politician let this happen? get help from outside?? they are an ignorant bunch the mexican people dont deserve. i love mexico dearly and it really hurts to see it going to the dogs.
    keep up the good work, best, frank

  3. well Chivis and company ... you are becoming a rare species in Mexico. Someone who still actually talks about what is really going on. keep up the good work.

  4. So true. I have been living in(Reynosa) Mexico for 2 years and now I am not surprised by shootouts and the lack of government. Media always lies about what happens. Corruption runs Mexico. I am glad that we have brave citizens who report danger zones It saved me and my son from driving into a dangerous zone. Mexico needs a drastic change.

  5. reynosa has been rotten for a while now... corruption at all levels. organized crime has complicity of city gov't and police here....and no one cares

  6. This blog sucks balls. The posts have the same fuckin content in all of them. Even the forum has the same shit as the blog. And everyone is still like "oh great post" stfu and post something new and interesting

    1. Highest Yoga TantraMarch 12, 2013 at 11:14 AM

      2013.03.12 @ 7:42 AM:

      My oh my. . . Our Resident «TROLL» at work again! Why don't you give us some insight or perhaps contribute to «breaking news» regarding Narco War?

      Furthermore, B.B. is beyond a "blog" ~ ~ it's Investigative Journalism for English readers.

    2. Yea he is a jackass and needs to get off the video games in his mommys basement.he wouldnt last a day in mx.i dont go there either but i also dont trash people who are trying to do a service to both u.s and mexican citizens.thanks chivis i appreciate your work

    3. Yea he is a jackass and needs to get off the video games in his mommys basement.he wouldnt last a day in mx.i dont go there either but i also dont trash people who are trying to do a service to both u.s and mexican citizens.thanks chivis i appreciate your work

  7. The government should at least pretend like it cares. Unbelievable.

  8. I hate they say CDG v CDG there was clear Z on some trucks in this battle positive vehicles with Z- 1 dark red Chevy Tahoe z on both windows far rear, 1 black Chevy silverado upgraded wheels z replacing vehicle logo on side of front wheel wells, 1 Chevy silverado black z on back windows. So how can you tell me this was only CDG? Lets get the full truth out if the state wants to complain

  9. Yes the whole truth, but in order for us to say specifics such as 1 black Silverado with a "Z" on back windows driving around with CDG all over the place in a conflict. Then people need proof. The person that told you must have taken a photo knowing few would believe it. Where can I get the photos?

  10. EPN's new strategy of not really having anything reported in regards to the cartel violence is absurd.
    Fortunately, no matter what info they attempt to suppress, the truth will always eventually come out due to the Internet and the rise of social media. Thank god for this site and others for keeping the public informed and TELLING THE TRUTH! It must be noted and recognized that y'all are risking your lives to do this, and it's appreciated more than you'll ever know. Thank you!!!

  11. The Black Truck was from the Zetas, damn PGR you PIGS!

  12. As an American in Reynosa and there are many of us, I am grateful for this English blog. I have been in Mexico for a year and still learning Spanish so I followed the updates and also on your twitter.

    about the number of dead the count is consistent and was determined by the amount of bodies in the 4 trucks. that is what is said here.
    with much gratitude Americans in Reynosa

    1. AMEN this site has helped many americans learn about the mess in mexico.god knows we dont get it from our media either

  13. Chivis, thanks for the updates. CNN, MSN, FOX News, Al Jazeera, I don't se any reports of this madness in Reynosa in any of the news organizations. That's right Pena Nieto keep silencing the media, you are only digging Mexico into a deeper hole. So sad for the people of Mexico.

  14. Funny , I remember El Gringo died a while ago, looks like hes dead for good this time now. I guess you need to die twice or more in mexico for it to be true.

  15. The thing is internal .... Puma... Gringo united with a faction of Z'S.... CDG found out they was there so yes they was there trying to flip some other commandantes to turn and turn over Reynosa to Zeta factions.... So M3...M4...CDG are all one faction Reynosa is CDG territory Metros is the main group as well as grupo Ceros "Cortez" group.... Gringo and Puma were killed....

    1. Grupo 'ceros' was M-3 ex group wasn't it?

  16. Excellent work chivis....If it wasn't for BB we would be left in the dark. thanks for all the hard work you do.

  17. I can´t even explain how angry I am about this "shut up and minimize the facts" policy, and what happened in Reynosa is a very painful and obvious example but just another one of many.

    If it weren´t for the social media we would only know that 2 people died in what would appear to be a relatively minor incident instead of a city completely taken over by sicarios and turned into a war zone...but the worst part is that for many many Mexicans the official version is all they know, internet is not that widespread in Mexico, so the social media and independent or semi independent news sources are not available to most of the population, in rural areas specially the information blackout is often complete, so this government´s policy is much more effective than one would think at first glance.

    I expected some coverage by international media, thinking it would put pressure on EPN so he would be forced to be more transparent, but that hasn´t happened either.

  18. "This blog sucks balls. The posts have the same fuckin content in all of them. Even the forum has the same shit as the blog."

    Yeah that "content" is on the "Mexican Cartel Drug War", just like it states under the BB banner you fucktard. Nobody is forcing you to be here, in fact we would rather you leave, aka fuck off.

    1. LMAO thats funny.that guy who said this blog sucks is a damn jackass and needs to get out of his mommys basement and thinking the world is a damn video game.i dont go to mexico but i do not critizize people who are keeping me informed about our neighbor to the south.we are all human beings and should care about one another.its so sad that an asshole like the guy who made that comment cant see that

  19. how do you define apathetic?
    i have extended family that was in reynosa at the time this happened. this family member was not affected by this skirmish and gets highly insulted when i press for first hand knowledge of small arms squad movements like this. this person has every intention of coming and going into reynosa and sees these attacks as just a minor inconvenience. in addition is very happy that pri run country will no longer report on cartel activities.

  20. For the most part, these cartel battles have been censored by media outlets since they started occuring with frequency in 2010 in Tamps. From Matamoros to Valle Hermoso; from Reynosa to Río Bravo; from Miguel Alemán to N.Laredo;and on and on, etc. If it were'nt for social networks and blog aires like B.B., BDN and DDN we would be in the dark. There is ulterior motives for what's going on in México, we just need to figure it out.

  21. Good reports to every contributor and admin of BB. Its important to have a site like this in english so that people on this side can also understand the depth of this war and its effects on the sons and daughters of mexico. Keep up the good work.

    Atte. Kuerno762

  22. It made The Drudge Report this morning via The Monitor. So maybe the main stream media click will squeeze this in between Hugo's funeral and the papal smoke vigil.

  23. The PUMA AND GRINGO story is true my brother works for Señor Cortez .... Puro CDG .... REYNOSA ES Y SERA IGUAL COMO MATAMOROS PURO CDG TERRITORY

  24. Ignoring what is going on in Tamps won't make it go away.

    In fact it'll make it get worse. If no one gives a fuck the narcos won't give a fuck.
    I see much, much more of this in the future for Mexico.

  25. Gringo is death he betray Metros & Ceros.

  26. The same happened with the death of Tony Tormenta. The Mexican government reported at least 8 people killed in Matamoros, but media outlets across the border in Brownsville, Texas spoke of over 50 dead. Some, like The Monitor, stated that possibly over 100.

  27. a few months ago z-40 said that zetas were in reinosa and they were gonna control that plaza, i guess he was only half right



  29. absolutely stunning the lack of mainstream coverage. how can they manage that?

  30. People keep on saying more than 40 people got killed but I haven't seen any evidence of that. Ex-peculating is not the truth. 40 people killed will be to hard to hide.

  31. this shootout thing is creating to much miss information nobody knows the truth and everyone is speculating

  32. Well this is quite the little gun fight...

    I was listening to a (to dark to see much) a couple of people in a video clip at a blog narco posting observing the madness...

    Their running commentary I thought was rather instructive...

  33. Excellent work, Chivis. The state government is still reporting two dead, "caught in the crossfire" casualties. However, Proceso just posted a short extract from Valor de Tamaulipas, repeating what you posted in your story.

    If the federal and state governments are going all out to cover up or downplay the violence in a location that has a fairly good communications infrastructure (cell phones, twitter, facebook, blogs), I have to assume that it is doing the same in locations that are more remote and inaccessible, where it is easier for the government to control information from getting out. This just appeared in Proceso this afternoon:

    "Murillo Karam orders limiting journalists access to PGR state field offices.

    MEXICALI, B.C. (apro).- The Attorney General of Mexico (PGR), Jesus Murillo Karam, decided to limit the work of communications media by prohibiting access to this agency's field offices throughout the country. The measure went into effect last Friday, March 1 (2013), according to the press release issued by field office coordinator, Jose Martin Godoy Castro.

    In the document, personnel in all the state field offices are ordered to refuse access to journalists.

    In addition, (the document) prohibited its agents from giving statements to the media.

    The PGR's instructions are that official information and interviews of federal officials must be requested in writing from the central offices of the Office of Social Communications (Direccion de Comunicacion Social)."

  34. same photo...most likely it is cropped as the others in the pool are far away he is almost sideways looking up. a very, very old photo and not him

  35. Our local specialists have confirmed via DNA samples Gringo is confirmed dead . Commandante X20 has agreed to prevent violence from spreading to our borders. Satellite fotos of the Reynosa area show many SUV with CDG/M3/M4 that were destroyed. El Chapo and Mayo as well as La Tuta have agreed not to enter this conflict. Additional data is classified

  36. @G-057

    Saw your message don't worry I will do as you requested, but if you can send me any other info directly to my email addy it is greatly appreciated. ( the one if you click on my name under reporters is the best and most direct addy) We depend on you readers to direct us to information you will never know how much you all help. Thanks for looking out for BB....Paz, Chivis

  37. March 12, 2013 at 12:38 PM
    "The PUMA AND GRINGO story is true my brother works for Señor Cortez .... Puro CDG"
    Bro,why did they flip?They been pure CDG for ever,what Z did they flip to 40sZ or TalibanZ/CDG,and what about the other Cmdtes?Mellao,Lino,M7,Panochitas,Rayo,Negrito,etc,what about the rest of them of the Matamoros plaza,if you know guey?

    1. Puma an gringo flip to z40 click but there dead now what i know about el mellado y panochitas there cdg Matamoros is control by coss gente r1 etc and they control la ribeñera the goverment and press might say that cdg is dead but with all the bajas they have gotten zetas have not taken any plaza from them there to deep and still move lots of drugs

    2. They flipped bcuz power means money respect gives drugs and that brings loyalty in the drug world.... Reynosa is CDG all the way anyone here can vouch for that 20 truck convoys here and 15 convoys there all CDG logos... All estacas at every entry of Reynosa pose CDG logos... sum estacas show M3/M4 but those are who they show respect for bcuz they knew or worked for them meaning they are METROS ... Showing there loyalty to there commandantes who have fallen X20is METROS all the way ...So Reynosa is CDG all the way..... They will never turn over to the Z's ....

    3. Why are you all always wrong -.- i live in Mexico Matamoros Tamaulipas and yes the government lies alot and hides all the dead soldiers and dead CDG members and facts

  38. Mexico is run by a sicko government and the sicaros!

  39. I wonder if this worth-less asshole Pena Neto or his corrupt government managed to get assassinated or started getting assassinated would he or they want the world to know?


    read it chivisch

  41. Ay qie acabar con el gringo!!! Arriba los metros y el cds en especial la plaza de durango!!

  42. Mundo had a pretty good article on what happened. El Gringo flipped to Z. And Los Metros and Los Ciclones joined forces and went to war with El Gringo.

  43. dude if you don't like it here make like a leaf and leave.

  44. Im still waiting on evidence of the 40 or more people killed. Social media is good to inform sometimes, but sometimes is also good to misinform.

    1. It is true about all those dead people. The cartels picks up their dead bodies in pick ups.

  45. when M4 died had heard the same thing,that he flipped to the Zetas,now gringo's dead and oh presto he flipped to the Zetas too..

  46. 1;50 waiting on evidence? its Mexico asshole pay attention, this happens all the time. look at the damages to buildings, homes in heavy populated colonias and cars, you think that many bullet impacts, grenade detonations etc over 4 hours leaves only 2 killed? yea believe the government and then take a nice little vacay to Tamps since nothing happens there.

    respect to all the citizen reporters in tamps and mexico without them no one would have any measure of safety. SMA.Tamps

  47. Hablan de traiciones cuando el CDG esta lleno de traicioneros ni quien les entiende.Primero la traicion del hermano del R-1 y el Tocayo,luego la traicion del M-3 luego la traicion del Sierra y del Coss la mas reciente la del M4 ahora el Gringo traiciona.

    Aunque les duela Golfas ese Cartel esta lleno de puros traicioneros.Antes de criticar otros Carteles deverian a ser limpia pero parese que siempe lo hacen ya bien tarde

    Doz Fronteras

    For all the Gulf Cartel nuthangers that are swearing of the name of god and always talk about traitors and when the CDG is full of them.

    First some one put the finger on R-1's brother and Tocayo,then Tormenta,then M-3 and then,Sierra and then,El Gordo Cardenas and then,Coss and most recently M4 and now Gringo Snitching.

    Before CDG nuthangers point a finger out look and realize that the CDG is full of fingers and fakes.

    Two Borders

    1. Tas bien echo mierda chavalin por que aqui namas los trasioneros se mueren y los que estan erredados tambien siempre esconden cuantos se mueren y tampoco disen toda la verdad xk aunke sean chico el cartel del golfo son comandantes de batalla que les vale madre la vida y el dinero solo quieren la plaza por ordenes de su patron la lealtad esta primero y los que cambian se mueren simple como la naturalesa con los leones

  48. This is one of the best peices you have ever done on BB. Thank you for explaining the truth.

  49. March 12, 2013 at 8:59 PM
    "Puma an gringo flip to z40 click but there dead"
    R1 aint no half assed monkey,he aint never lettin no-one move on his part of Reynosa,CDG way to deep to be taken out,i think people don't realize how much support CDG has with ordinary people,thanks dude.

  50. did they join blood Z,gringo and puma???

  51. cdg nutthuggers always talk about loyalty jajajajja when there cartel is run by traitors and mataamigos jajjaja jpendejos solo se matan las golfas sin saber cuantas eztacas de los zetas se metieron x las brechas jajajaj pendejos las golfas aki en laredo andan como putas nomas escondidas esperando que la letra les meta una chinga jajaja.ASI COMO EN REYNOSA ES TERRITORIO GOLFA AKI EN LAREDO ES TERRITORIO ZETAZZZ Y SIEMPRE LO SERA PENDEJOS GOLFAS JAJAJJAA

  52. Please check this link:

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.


  54. at 5:46PM
    Thank you! I have checked and can't find too much but the photos are from valor and are from Reynosa. The gray pickup had three people shot. also a blockade on morelos blvd however maybe that is from the governor?

    in Matamoros there is a band of teen narcos following people out of places like market or dentist and at gunpoint forcing them to go with them. ultimately they are robbed of everything they have and if a victim balks they are assaulted.

    Like anywhere else on the planet it is best to give the guy with the gun what he wants

  55. Thanks for sharing this! All the best!


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