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Friday, March 8, 2013

Saltillo: "Mummy" Bodies Discovered Hanging off Bridge

Borderland Beat as posted by "DD" of BB Forum

Five bodies found in Coahuila, three were hung from a bridge with a narcomensaje and two lying on the ground, the five bodies were wrapped in white sheets, are male. They did not carry any identification.

The bodies were found at 06:00 this morning in the peripheral Luis Echeverria Alvarez, off Golden Valley Bridge. According to local press arrived to place elements of policing, Creditable, Municipal and Research and PGJE staff to start with the pertinent investigations

There was a message left at the scene, unknown contents.

The message that was hung was removed by municipal police in Saltillo

The five bodies were blindfolded and presented as mummies and all were covered only by wrappings  that were placed throughout their body.

Police  and the army cordoned off the place where the gruesome discovery was made this morning in the capital of Coahuila.

At least two of the three bodies had their faces covered with duct tape and the other two were completely wrapped from head to toe. 

Three of the bodies have been identified:

Alejandro Tovar 16 years, a mason, Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Cedillo, 28,  automotive mechanical trade, and Eusebio Hernández Estrada 38 years of taxi trade.
According to investigation by the PGJE, Alejandro Tovar Band and Carlos Eduardo Rodríguez Cedillo, were deprived of their liberty by a group of armed men on March 6 in the colony Lucio Blanco.
Eusebio Hernández Estrada was seen alive for the last time on March 3.
The cause of death of the five victims was blunt force trauma. 
The video above depicts both the December and March mummy type killings
The video plays pretty well on the full screen option

Note from Chivis:
In December there was a similar incident where four were hanging also with the wrapped mummy look, also in Saltillo.  The Narco message left at that time attributed the mummy killings to Miguel Trevino Moreales aka Z 40.  He quickly rejected that by denying involvement.   Read those posts
and Here


  1. Highest Yoga TantraMarch 8, 2013 at 1:06 PM

    «Sangre Z» vs. Los Zetas -OR-
    «Golfo Nueva Generación» vs. Los Zetas -OR-
    «CDS/CDG» vs. Los Zetas?

    Isn't Saltillo, Monclova & Monterrey infested by Los Zetas?

    Barely into March 2013 and the death tolls . . . Have mercy . . .

  2. word is its chapos men that were hunged bye the zetas damm this shit is going to get worst it said that one of the guys was a real close family member of chapo

    1. That cant be know all hells gonna break loose for that.i doubt chapo lets this go if it is true that it was a close family member

    2. if it would have been chapos family member he would have been brutally tortured and dismembered on video

  3. Its so crazy how the cartels take so much pride n how they execute and present the bodies of their victims. Its like some sort of game to them. I understand killing ur enemies but y chop them up or hang or whatever. What I mean is that if u want someone dead then do the old fashioned thing and shoot them. I kno its to send a message to the enemy but how can ppl enjoy chopping ppl up day after day

  4. i bet nukes will hit most of mexico soon, will you cry?

  5. I hope the ones hanging were Z's!

  6. This is curious to me, the mummy display. Remember a few months back there were other bodies in Saltillo also mummy wrapped....Paz, Chivis

  7. Work of El Mummy?

  8. Any word on what the message said? It says there was a narcomensaje? -

  9. This isnt the manta writers is it,the z42 mantas?Strung up by Z to show what happens when you do that?You know what the Z do when they catch ones doing that shit,they actively go after them to find and kill them,we need to see what the manta said to know for sure?

  10. @5:13pm i just hope it isnt one of your family members...get my drift.

  11. I see almost 20 police in those photo's ... mostly standing around talking and doing nothing. WHERE were those cops while the bodies were being hung up there?

    Que nunca están presentes cuando la mierda que está pasando.

    1. they were probably on the other side of town trying to predict were the next mummy hanging was going to occur

  12. Yeah i remember Chivis,just before Christmas..but Z-40 denied giving the order to hang and he stated two of the halcon's worked for him...he blamed the military back then...for the hanging's.

    So its a good chance whoever did those ones from last year more than likely done these latest,cause i dont ever remember seeing bandages besides these two times.

  13. @7:29PM
    Yes that's the incident. I have not seen anything like it either with the exception of these two.

    here are the posts of the previous incident. maybe I will add to the post. the fotos are identical with respect to the mummy attire:

  14. I dont understand how the ppl hanging the bodies up there would not be noticed doing it as this appears to be a very public place probably with a lot of traffic going by....weird.

  15. Would you be driving at night in mexico? I don't think so...

    1. I wudnt be driving in mexico PERIOD!!!!!!

  16. @ San Antonio, where did you hear that?

  17. If they do it like el CAF did in Tijuana it´s quite simple to understand, some corrupt officer working as an "halcon" or "puntero" tells them if the military is near and or distracts them while the sicarios take their time to hung the bodies. Like most of the barbaric acts of today, this one also started to gain fame in TJ, the first hunged bodies, the first decapitated, the first pozoleados, the first encobijados, etc. Hope like in Tijuana now, someday the northeast gets some deserved peace.

  18. Los zetas son Los colgados due El metro 11 Nuevo sanguinario del cdg

  19. Yeah me too,down the the zzzzzzzzs

  20. Highest Yoga TantraMarch 9, 2013 at 2:36 AM

    Please don't laugh but the «Mummified-Wrapping» and «White-Colored Cloth» is significant of an offering/sacrificial linked to a criminal group with 1º and 2º objectives.

    Madame Chivis ~ ~ Wasn't there an article a few months back (on B.B. of course!) related to a sex cult group that engaged in human trafficking in Northern Mexico?

  21. Don't mess with La "Letra".

  22. @3:48 "I kno its to send a message to the enemy but how can ppl enjoy chopping ppl up day after day"

    I dunno but I take solace in knowing the idiots who do these sorts of evil acts are always on the recieving end of the same brutality not too long after and so the cycle continues.

    Narco's truly are stupid individuals.

  23. Hey chivis they indinfied 3 of the body's

  24. Los Colgados con una manta en Diciembre que segun era firmada por Z40 diciendo "Moriera quieres guerra te voy a dar guerra" esas las puso la contra para calentar la plaza.Esos colgados en Diciembre eran Halcones de los Zetas.

    Ese mismo dia de Diciembre aparecieron otras mantas diciendo que la manta que vian puesto segun firmadfa por 40 era falsa y la nueva manta decia que los colgados eran gente de ellos.

    Doz Fronteras!

    The people hanged in December with a Narco Banner saying "Moriera u want war i give u war" signed by Z40.Those mantas where fake and put by the contras(enemies).They where put to heat up the plaza of Coahuila.

    Later that day in December there was a real manta put by the Z saying that the manta with the people hanged where fake they even confirmed that the people hanged where Z halcones.

    It's easy to put people hanging and put a fake manta but guess what that shows that Zetas enemies are desperate to take over the plaza.

    Two Borders

  25. @March 8, 2013 at 6:42 PM
    @5:13p"i just hope it isnt one of your family members...get my drift"
    No,its one of my family members.2 actually..

  26. KG only 3 of the bodies were hanging so I guess they didn´t have time to hang the other 2? They were noticed for sure and I would guess the whole thing was caught on camera since there are cameras on that bridge and a gas station open 24 hrs right there, it´s surprising how effective have the police/army/government been at keeping secret the content of the manta, they seem to put a lot of effort at hiding this kind of stuff and not enough at fighting violence

  27. Thank you! I just added the identification information...Paz, Chivis

  28. no if it was chapos family member even recent or in the past its one shot to the head i guess its like a code within them just like when el senor bejamin arellano felix went to las palmas and chapo brother was there it was one shot to the head and tied up i really believe its just a code cause chapo had a chance to kill el tigrillo arellano in christine but he let him go to relate a message i know theres alot of hate between them but when it comes to family its either alot of bullets or on shot to the head and how i know it was chapo family member its easy you find out alot in san antonio bars and clubs sorry cant tell on the exact place doggy

  29. Two Borders: Correct see my added links from those incidents...on the above posts


    I am not laughing, anything is possible at this point. The "mummy" wrapping must mean something, and to my memory I personally have never seen this happen before December.

    I am going to write to a friend who writes books on cults. But without the damn message left behind it is anyone's guess. Saltillo always hides the message from the public.

    What I do know with out a doubt is though Letra has a solid hold on Saltillo, Chapos amd CDG have been present for at least 5 months.

    Also that these mummy killings were a deliberate action to present the bodies in this way, not an after thought of the sicarios involved. The killing was designed to be bloodless, the men were killed by blunt force trauma, and carefully wrapped, much more so than the December "Mummy killings" (allow me to coin that phrase).

    I think these mummies are letra. I think they are halcones. and I think this is the work of Chapos. Why? Because of the presence in Saltillo coinciding with a new type of killing. Yes, I am guessing. But I am using logic which may or may not be correct....Paz, Chivis

  30. Either high or without conscience to do something like that


  32. @9:37 man that is so true. its actually bull shit how much effort they put into hiding but not really investigating and being transparent about it.

    @ chivis 10:35, i find your observation interesting to the point where were not used to seeing hits like this so carefully planned out. It is pretty obvious these guys are sending a new type of message...

  33. Dosent gente nueva wrap there mummies in canela cinta????

  34. Im a local here.rumor here is they were just halcones for the letra.its the golfos that have been coming here real hard.doing chapos work. I cheer for no damn cartel,but the less letras we have to bother us,the better.

  35. All cartels are closing in on Z40 there was a recent meeting held in Morelia Michoacán where representatives of the major cartels were at and now the new faction of Los "Z" "Sangre Z" was also in attendance their trying to break a deal to bring down Z40 With the government but it seems Los "z" have been paying their dues to the politicians in the areas in which they operate and for that matter are well protected in places like Nuevo Laredo, El Puerto de Veracruz and San Fernando Tamaulipas which are their three strong holds the three cartels that are now under directions to attack are CDG CDS and CT and these are the cities they look to recover once Z40 and his brother are out of the picture I think it would be very hard for chapo to control the entire border so their will be another war, And whose to say they catch chapo their are a lot of people that follow chapo that dont follow mayo and vice versa, its very difficult to predict what will happen but as long as there is a demand there will be a supply.

  36. It's easier to fix a $100,000 judge than a $1,000,000 horse race.

  37. wasnt only two confirmed halcone's last year,which means the others were probably innocent, so how many of these guys were innocent and just plucked off the streets.....

  38. Sad but nice vid Chivis....its sad the ones that dont kill end up gettin killed most of the time.

  39. been closing in on 40 for years, sad sack of shits and there lady's meetings.

  40. @2:05pm and how do the letra bother you?, serious question my friend....what are the Zetas like in saltillo as you said you live there?

  41. So chivis or anyone that can comment on this in almado chihuahua 5 armed suspects fled from the military after ppls calls to the military that armed men where seen going in and out of a house wlthe military responded to the calls when they aproched the house they where received by gun fire n responed to the gun fire and called in for backup the criminals kept shooting and all managed to flee the house

    1. There are American ex marine mercenaries that now work for the cartel, and get paid tons I money or drugs or both for protecting product and engaging the authorities also some of these men in are also ex law enforcement officers.

  42. funny how this chapo and golfo nutthuggers say that there cartel dont mess with ioncente people jajaj jst look at monterrey and salitilo fucking golfas are exactly like la letra pendejos y tambien los en monterrey golfas are jst extorting and killin inocentes as well.jst last week they killed a 3yr old child and they say they don't kill kids or women fucking hipocritas.

  43. why does everyone hate the zetas? i mean their brave mofos fighting against CDG CDS and other cartels. Why would you cheer for them to go down and not the others? the others are still dangerous and are drug dealers and killers

  44. "a meeting was held by all the cartels,to close in on z40"
    People getting really carried away with all of this,everyones favorite bad guy,when he is out the way,everything will be alright.

  45. This is what chapo did in all over Chihuahua. I'd rather watch the Zetas take over any day then that backstabbing midget. At least with them you know what they are about and don't lie or try to make you think something else. If the zetas are eliminated the next guys in line would do the same shit. ALL CARTELS do the same shit. You teeny boppers need to realize this shit. Just because at your cousins rancho they have'nt is beacuse they are all related or it was already controlled. Chapos people did this in Juarez it was their way with the bedsheet wrapping thing. CDG was respected until they went like some true women and started kissing his ass. I say fuck that let Mexico burn under the Zetas then be under the chaputo.

    1. U are one fucking retard little boy I want zetas take over u need help stop smokeing crack untill they kill one of your family or rap then you goin to be crying

  46. "why does everyone hate the zetas?" Because they are the lowest of the low. Yeah, they are all killers but the Zetas are like modern day Nazis. They commit the worst crimes and savagery. Anywhere they control, the quality of life is miserable - like Europe under the Nazis.

  47. 8:09 am your full of crap I say let the revolutionaries take it over F the cartels

  48. @1:41am. All of them are criminals and all of them kill innocents but extortion and kidnappings are much more generalized where the zetas are in control, this means more deaths and more fear, they also go for forced recruitment which is something I haven't heard about any other cartel doing, or at least not in the way the zetas do (through kidnappings and death threats to the families), and they are known for being more cruel than other cartels.

    All the Mexican good people would prefer not being ruled by any cartel but sadly that's not the reality of Mexico, so given the choice to pick the lesser of 2 evils most would go for anyone but the zetas

  49. Zetas have lost many of there originals through the last 6 or so years is why they started recruiting youths...they are a lot weaker than what they once cost them dearly in good men to take the territory's that they are starting to lose within the last 2yrs.they were created too stop Chapo's invasion.

    the kidnappings occur when the cell boss or capo either get killed or incarcerated,the underlings have no job,nothing to protect nothing to move... the connection went out the window with the they resort to kidnappings and carjackings and extortion...have you not noticed there are so many kidnapping and extortion rings

    CT extort and kidnap and murder,CDG extort kidnap and murder......and CDS cell's have been caught doin the same thing..extort kidnap and murder,CJNG are putrid they are the only cartel that ive seen on paper"raping a child and murdering and burning the corpse" but im very conscious of the fact that maybe all the cartels are inclined to do atrocity's if they are commanded too.

  50. I used to vacation in Mexico quite often, it was peaceful back then, but with all the Narco violence I will never return, too bad because I loved taking my holidays there. Hopefully law abiding Mexicans can regain control of their beautiful country before it's too late. When peace and lawfulness return to Mexico, then so will I .
    Gringo from El Norte

  51. @508pm and CJNG with that horrible thing they done to that child????... they are all the same buddy, none are better,none.


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