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Monday, March 11, 2013

Zócalo Gives Into to Pressure by Z42 Narco Coverage Will Cease

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Zocalo the popular publication based in the Mexican northeast state of Coahuila announced  today that they will cease all coverage of narco related news.  They concede the decision is due to concerns of security.
The newspaper Zócalo is distributed in cities such as the municipalities of Monclova , Piedras Negras , Acuna and Saltillo.

Statement by the editor:

"Given that there are no security guarantees for the full exercise of journalism, the editorial board of the newspaper Zocalo decided, as of this date, refrain from posting any information related to organized crime,"
"The decision is based on our responsibility to ensure the integrity and security of over a thousand workers, their families and ours. We hope that soon  true peace will  reign in our beloved country, " said the statement by the publisher.  
On Thursday, the newspaper's editor, Francisco Juaristi, was threatened by narco banners placed by suspected members of organized crime in different municipalities of the State of Coahuila.
The banner was placed in cities throughout Coahuila and signed by Z42.  Z42 is Omar Trevino Morales a leader of the Zetas cartel and brother of the premier leader Miguel Trevino Morales aka Z 40.

Mexico remains one of the most dangerous nation's to work as a reporter.  At least 127 reporters have been killed, or kidnapped in the past 12 years 
Recent threats and attacks include five against the Coahuila publication of El Siglo, based out of Torreon.  The attacks have included detonation of explosives.
On March 3rd,  Guadalupe Jaime Dominguez, director of a digital news website was gunned down and his camera taken in  the city of Ojinaga, Chihuahua.
Text of Banner:
Juaristi Do you remember me, I am "42", stop putting nonsense on Zocalo
The only thing you are going to achieve is for me to kick your ass. Let's see if the Governor revives you, he could not revive his nephew, (reference to the murder of Lalo Moreira) ,  nonetheless  you.
I have let you know through your connections not to put lies, just put what  is, keep fucking around and I will kick your ass even if you have body guards, you are not made of iron and it is not a threat, remember that you are a public figure and predictable and I am not, wherever you go I can kick your ass and it is not a threat, it is so you'll know.
Remember me and if you will keep fucking around and putting lies in Zocalo, just wait for the punch.... and that who warns is not a traitor and in announce war there are not deaths"
Read administrator "DD's" post on Borderland Beat Forum


  1. Viva los Zetas numero uno. Puro los zetas

    1. Matazetas zetas son bola de mierda


    2. PENDEJOS los zetas

  2. chivis,
    you forgot to include the 3rd paragraph from "manta";where it says;'siguele el rollo al gobernador';that means =keep on going on the governor's trip''..followed by the rest...peace out!!

  3. Thank you my friend. I just chose one of the manta fotos and dropped the text in...I can't remember which manta the text was in they were all essentially the same but did have some differences.

    1. I was just saying regarding the main manta photo that you have in this article..if you need translation for future postings,feel free to email me..I send one to ur google mail so just reply me when needed..thanks.

  4. Man it really sucks these guys are doing the bull s to the media what's next borderland beat or what i just hate all these cowards if they are so macho why not fight Marina or gates like men? Att. Barack obama

  5. Z42 stickin his tongue out he looks xtra gay anyways i dont like cartels in fact i pray 4 peace bt im to root for someone viva el chapo n down wit zetillas carwashers

  6. @12:40am the Zetas do fight Marina and Gates....and most times they come out 2nd best,lol....

  7. Pfffffffftttttttt.....WHY??? ..... Why Stop the Public and World From Knowing the Truth and What is Going On.... What does this Accomplish!?

    1. Im sure if the most savage cartel in Mexico threatened you.. youd stop reporting on it too. If he didnt stop writing about the narcos he would have ended up a gruesome video or a obituary in his own paper. Its too bad but he lives to write another day -

  8. It is not only that narco threatened the newspaper´s owner, BUT the most important problem is that one should imagine that the governor was not willing or able to give them some kind of guarantees as per the following paragraph:

    "En virtud de que no existen garantías ni seguridad para el ejercicio pleno del periodismo, el Consejo Editorial de los periódicos Zócalo decidió, a partir de esta fecha, abstenerse de publicar toda información relacionada con el crimen organizado.", escribe el editor del periódico publicado en Saltillo, la capital del estado."

    (pleeeease, someone translate it; I took it from:

    And also please correct my comment. Thank you in advance


  10. Z takes on all comers. Really dangerous organization.

  11. 'Four trucks filled with bodies' after Reynosa firefight

    REYNOSA — Fear and panic filled the streets of Reynosa on Sunday night as rival gunmen battled during a three-hour firefight that saw automatic weapons and grenades used. Surprisingly, Mexican authorities were absent for most of the melee.

    The opening clashes were reported just before 9 p.m. Sunday, when rival factions of the Gulf Cartel consummated what appeared to be a yet another rift within the criminal organization.

    During the protracted gunbattle, dozens of gunmen were killed, but authorities Monday would only confirm the deaths of two bystanders and the injury of a third.

    A Tamaulipas law enforcement official, who asked to not be named citing security reasons, confirmed that the death toll was about three dozen, however the exact figures were not known because cartel gunmen picked up their own people’s bodies during the struggle.

    In a news release, the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office, known as the PGJE, confirmed that the two slain bystanders were a taxi driver and a teenager who was riding a vehicle with his father. The release confirms one person was injured and seven gunmen arrested, and it states that authorities seized 22 vehicles that were used in the melee, but it doesn’t mention any gunmen dying.

    The Tamaulipas law enforcement agent called the new release issued by his superiors an insult to common sense.

    “There were four trucks filled with bodies that (members of organized crime) picked up,” the official said. “That is not counting the (bodies) that were left behind.”

    The news release doesn’t mention a bullet-riddled SUV that was left along Boulevard Hidalgo, one of the city’s main avenues, just south of Vista Hermosa Avenue near the local headquarters of Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, known as the PGR. Inside the truck, four bloodied bodies could be seen from a distance hours after sundown Sunday. Just north of that location near the Fiesta Inn Hotel along Boulevard Hidalgo, another bullet-riddled vehicle could be seen with three bodies inside.

    Most of the city’s main avenues had been blocked off with hijacked trailers or buses, and road spikes were littered in other areas to stop traffic.

    While online the shootout in Reynosa has become common knowledge, mainstream news media have remained mum about it, said Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, chair of the Government Department at the University of Texas at Brownsville.

    “This has me very worried because this blackout is coming from both sides,” Correa Cabrera said. “Not only are we seeing organized crime shushing the media but now we are seeing the government at all levels put a lid on the media where you now have virtually no mainstream coverage of a battle of this magnitude.”

    1. They say there was like 50 dead that day

  12. Come on mexico, usa will handle both zeta brothers like they did with the two hussein brothers with ease. operation zeta jones

    1. Then why haven't they went to fight them??? the situation is Mexico is worse than in iraq or Afghanistan why haven't the US come???wheres your brave US soldiers at??? LMAO

  13. now what happens to those trucks afterwards ? do they take them to the car wash and put them back on the lot or do they call the owner and say we found your truck come pick it up ?

  14. I hope el chapo kills z40 and 42.

  15. IMO Zócalo took the coward route.
    IF they wanted to report on narco activity, which BTW they were not all that forthcoming in doing so in the first place, BUT if they did they could take a lesson from Tijuana's Zeta Magazine and publish across the border in US (Texas)and import back into Mexico for distribution.

  16. Thank you that would be great.

    and to 2:55AM I added the quote, thank you for writing.

  17. 42 looks really gay.

  18. ...."you're not made of iron"...well, you aren't either mentado are just a bully because you have a gun and a gang, take those from you and you are just a thug day soon you will get for the Zocalo, no love lost here...they suck as a news media...make deals with the devil, and this is what you get...

  19. 1:18
    You can leave my opinion or take it to me it makes no difference. BUT, Coahuila is my state and Zócalo has been notoriously in bed with letra allowing them to guide how much they write and when. I remember a few years ago in a city I had a project in and happened to be there, the police commander was killed and a week reign of terror besieged the city.

    Businesses and residences were torched to the ground, and several were killed and kidnapped.

    This is one of the cities that zocalo covers each day. If I remember correctly the commander was 37 years old and was more than a city chief more like a regional boss. His dead body was dumped in the parking lot of one of the businesses burned to the ground with a message attached to his chest with ice picks. The fire department was warned they would be killed if they attempted to quell the fire.

    The story was here on BB as well as mainstream media outside Coahuila. but zocalo did not report it the first day, second day, third day not until the 4th day and very limited reporting.

    They are cowards and liars, they are no Zeta Mag or RioDoce, they act like heroes but everyone knows in Coa. they have always done as the narcos direct. But Pelon has changed things a bit and all bets seem to be off or different.

  20. here is gerardos article about the siege

    I just read it and in it he even talks about the refusal of newspapers in coa to report about it.

    you see we just may know a little more than you. I would never use the term coward if it was not applicable.

  21. they wouldnt publish it anyways

  22. The Zetas must have all the detail on Zocalo employees,home addresses as such.

  23. Someone should come up with an anonymous paper that prints only facts and actual details of what is going on. It could possibly be printed in the US and distributed on both sides of the border. People on both sides need to know what is going on in what areas so they can avoid them if possible. The main focus would be to keep innocent people out of danger. Mexico is still in denial that they have a HUGE narco problem in their country. They hide it in the media so the rest of the world doesn't see it as bad as we do. Others that do not live here need to know what danger lies across the border so they can know what chances they are taking before they cross and bring their families over. A paper based solely on facts and occurances would sell in the newstands. Maybe Borderland Beat could do a spin off since they have the best reporters and info in this field already...just a thought. :)

  24. What's happening in cd Acuna coahuila. They found mantas yesterday is two schools the zetas what's to hurt the kids. Also they have been balaceras all days since last week

  25. "42 looks really gay."
    but he aint, you are.


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