Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 19, 2013

4 security personnel die in kidnapping attempt in Zacatecas

Foto: de Facebook

By Chris Covert

An attempted kidnapping of a municipal president by at least 20 armed suspects in a tiny central Zacatecas municipality has left two municipal police agents, one Policia Federal (PF) operator and one security agent for Ferremex railroad dead, according to Mexican news account and an anonymous correspondent for

According to a news account published on the website of Zacatecas En Linea news daily, the incident took place in Canitas de Felipe Pescador Wednesday afternoon as armed suspects travelling aboard several trucks attacked the town.

"There was an attempt to kill or kidnap Oswaldo Sabag Hamadan...over 20 vehicles of sicarios (gunmen)," according to the correspondent.

The firefight last for hours, say some press accounts.

A PF detachment was apparently in the municipality when the assault began but it was reportedly too small to deal with such a massive attack, and had to call in and wait for reinforcements, according to press accounts.  The PF detachment had been assigned to guard a freight train as it passed through Canitas de Felipe Pescador, which was the stated reason for their presence.

Several armed suspects were shot and were killed during the firefight, but their bodies were removed by their comrades in arms, a common tactic among drug gangs involved in shootouts.  Going by descriptions in Mexican press, the armed group which attempted to kidnap Sabag Hamadan had apparently badly miscalculated the strength of local and federal security in the town.

Last August Sabag Hamadani was involved in another security incident which sparked fears of a kidnapping.

According to a news account published on the website of Pagina 24,  Sabag Hamadani and his family had closed their residence -- which is less than five blocks from Zona Centro -- and had cut off utilities, all apparently without telling anyone.

At the time, Zacatecas Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) or attorney general Arturo Nahle Garcia said Sabag Hamadani had not been kidnapped but did not elaborate.

It was not until a month later that Sabag Hamadani reemerged in an announcement by Zacatecas state top police official Secretaria de Seguridad Publica (SSP), Jesus Pinto Ortiz,  according to a separate news account featured in Zacatecas en Linea, played down the disappearance saying Sabag Hamadani "comes and goes as he likes."

The news account quoted Senor Pinto Ortiz as saying Canita de Felipe  Pescador is a "hot spot" for criminal groups.

Wednesday's incident seems to indicate that Sabag Hamadani is a target of one group or another, either Los Zetas or the Sinaloa cartel and their allies.  The Gulf Cartel is also known to operate in the area and the massive influx of vehicles with armed suspects travelling in the open en convoy in large groups is a Sinaloa cartel tactic in this area of Mexico.

According to the anonymous correspondent talking about about last August's disappearance: "...supposedly he went into hiding due to threats from organized crime, he had a reputation of working for the zetas and this was roughly a month before El Taliban´s arrest so I figure El Taliban had already switched sides at that point and that´s where the threats and hiding came from."

Another kidnapping incident was resolved last week this time involving a candidate of the Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico (PVEM) for Canitas de Felipe Pescador municipal president Jaimie Rincon, according to press accounts.

Two weeks ago Rincon was kidnapped by armed suspects travelling aboard five vehicles at around 0400 hrs April 2nd at his home in La Seccion del Ferrocarril, according to a news account posted on the website of ZTR Zacatecas.  Reportedly no ransom had been made nor had any denunciation of the crime took place at the Zacatecas PGJE or with the national Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR).

A week ago, April 13 Rincon was released beaten and dumped alive near a cemetery in Villa de Cos municipality.

Since his release nothing has been said about the incident.

Zacatecas is one of several states undergoing primary midterm elections for local deputies and municipal presidents, due to take place next July.

Rincon has been kidnapped three times before.  He had also previously run for election for president of a local ejido, and a local livestock trade group.

In national politics, the PVEM is often closely allied with the ruling Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), now holding the national presidency in the person of Enrique Pena Nieto.

Said the correspondent: "I have no clue if Jaime Rincon, the precandidate from PVEM, had any link with any of the cartels or if Oswaldo was behind Jaime´s kidnapping, it just called my attention 2 kidnappings of politicians, or one plus a failed attempt, in a town so small, I don´t believe in coincidences of this magnitude." reporter Chivis Martinez contributed to this story.

Special thanks to the BorderlandBeat  anonymous correspondent for the data and insights into the incidents.

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and

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  1. what are you doing publishing pictures of his family? this isnt a game, this doesnt have any journalistic merit. dont mess around like this.

  2. It is a Facebook picture which means it is a public pic that is already seen by millions and available to the public to see, so posting the family pic is not a problem

  3. BorderlandBeat anonymous correspondent??? Do we have a Lucy from Blog del Narco in the house?

  4. @11:35 the ones after him more than likely know the ins and outs of his family,could of marked out the eyes i guess.

    He is very lucky.

  5. Highest Yoga TantraApril 20, 2013 at 1:54 AM

    2013 ▪ 04 ▪ 20

    My response to 11:35 PM:

    1. Canitas de Felipe Pescador is a «tiny central Zacatecas municipal» ~and~
    2. Oswaldo Sabag Hamadan, the Allah Snackbar municipal president posted his family photo on FaceBook, which is accessible by anyone. I'm surprised that his kids have not been kidnapped ~and~
    3. You don’t think the sicarios know where, who or what his family look like? ~and~
    4. Both Jaimie Rincon (PVEM) and the Allah Snackbar president have dirty hands and are involved one way or another with the cartels.
    5. Great article Mr. Covert et al . . .


  6. I agree how dumb are you people running this dare you put a picture of this family knowing how worthless life is to this criminals in mexico these days.shame on all of you

  7. The photo was found on Facebook. I pulled it, but the pic is widely available.

  8. This isn't about whether something is already available or not. This is a question about the integrity and morality to choose to publish information that is not necessary or relevant to the story, but can potentially harm another person.

  9. If he was working for the Zetas it's a shame they didn't kill him. Send a message to the rest of these scumbags.

  10. So he posted a pic of his family on the internet and now you people don't want people on the internet to see it? There are some real mouth breathers posting comments today.

  11. I wonder what was in the train that's a story in itself peace LoKs

  12. Oh shut up. Who gives a fuck bout a photo. The cartels wouldn't be after him n that manner unless he was dirty n some way. So he is responsible for the lives of his family. So don't put any blame on this site

  13. Ya salgase de la alcaldía de canitas de Felipe Pescador senor Sanbag. Usted es una lacra de la sociedad Zacatecana que no más les a hecho daño. Esto aquí no se acabado. Lo vamos alcansar. Y la próxima ves no vamos a fallar. Obedezca el orden. Y si dios es grande. Y tiene sus guerreros. Se llamen el CDS/CDG/CT. ifierro!

    1. No seas mamón y cállate el hocico. No metas a Dios en comentarios que alaban a traficantillos y asesinos baratos. Por que ni son hombres, mucho menos guerreros, nomas les quitan el arma y cualquier guerco que ande de mal humor les patea la cola, por que ni las manos saben meter a la hora de los chingazos.

    2. Y pa ke el desmadre si nunca avido en estas areas asta ke llgaron ustdes muy bravos de la mano con los wachos como los heroes del pueblo

  14. Pendejo los Carteles Unidos ya se acabron idiota! Ni juntos pudieron con La Letra si no al contrario entre ellos mismos se rompieron las medias! CDG esta queibrado en 2, CJNG es contra del CDS y CT.El CDG traiciono al CDS no sabes ni lo que dices mijo!

    1. No cabron, Los Talibanes CDG están con CDS. En Coahuila, Zacatecas, y Nuevo Leon se les está dando a la madre a las Zorras cortesía del el CDG/CDS. Los convoys son de Carteles Unidos, y al rato vamos por lo demás. Y el CDS no tiene guerra contra los Marinos y gauchos como los pendejos de zorras y usted lacra. La guerra es contra las zorras, no el pueblo México. iFierro! El Cartel del Pacífico hasta el Golfo

  15. I like the term drug gangs better than cartel....

  16. All you fuckin bitches whining about pictures,its not BB putting him in danger,its his own bullshit doing that?Fuckin idiots with your phony concerns,maybe if he wouldn't have posted the pictures himself,no one would have them.Badanov,your a fool for listening to these brainless clowns.

  17. Dios es grande y tiene sus guerreros se llaman cds,cdg,ct .......jajajaja no mamez pinche.hipocrita pendejo si estan en zacatecas es x el taliban sino fueran mamado tu y yus Chaputas...y ustedes tambien secuestran,extorcionan,violan jovensitas, piche cucaracho de sinaloa eres de seguro jaka q pinche hipocrita esa la differencia entre ustedes y los zetas.siempre le lloran a la marina q no se los chinge si los ven en las mantas llorando y haciendo se pasar x o como los salvadores de pueblo rio de ti en tu cara pendejo.ala mejor el chapottiene su billete pero tu eres um muerto de hambre.y cagandola rrres hipocrita joto soplon y lloron

  18. It could habe been los zetas or cdg or ncdg nuevo cartel del golfo or ncz nuevo cartel zeta or sangre zeta or blo beltran leyva orhanization or cds or los templarios or cdj cartel de juarez or cartel de guerrero or caf or cida or coroneles or los aliados or los rojos or la oficina or la familia or comunitary police i mean who the fuck knows which group did it?

  19. Sheesh!!! What's all this blablabla about a picture? What, the bad people who have attempted many times to snatch the official are stupid and don't already know what he & his family looks like? THEY KNOW. They run underground fortune 500 companies for chrissakes. It's a public foto likely put on line by a family member. Get over it.

    With that said, it is a shame local politicians can not maintain their neutrality in Mx. Picking sides leads to death, no matter which side you are forced to pick.

  20. Hi to all at BB and Chris. Outstanding article. I want to know about EVERY event you all print. Usually, it is the only way I know about it. LOL, AT THE LOSERS JUMPING ON THE BANDWAGON. WTF has a FACEBOOK PAGE,with family pictures on it...when you have been a target of kidnapping before? Did his perceived EGO due to his position or cartel connects make him feel safe? This guy did it to himself. Plus, I would like to know more, like what was on the train. Thanks amigos. Peace to all. Texas Grandma.

  21. Which drug cartel group does he support and receives dirty money from?

  22. Which drug cartel group does he support and receives dirty money from?

  23. some of the most stupid messages on BB are today
    I'm mean the ones about not posting the photo of his family from facebook.

  24. scared in USA
    photos are coming to where i live now. not my home my home was Mexico a city i cannot say for fear of attack. The photos come from the city morgue and not just one but many pictures of many dead. one of these might be my father. the photos were taken in secret with a payment to the worker. I hope none of the photos is my father but the bodies are from my city the days that families were removed from their homes as men took over our lives.

    1. Okay this sounds pretty creepy but cant quit understand some of it

  25. ese bato que escribe acer de la morgue y fotos de la ciudad y su papa son mentiras, MAMON.

    The guy writing about pics from the morgue and one being his dad is BS. This guy is the sameone writing similar stories for about a month now

  26. Theres an other politician with ' narco' relations that have a goverment escort, pay by the people of mexico..

  27. Nobody but hem alone have put his family on danger by turning corrupt..thats the path he choose..

  28. Some killed have been corrupt some have been innocent. Please let me know what you are as the man takes and cuts off your head.

  29. April 21, 2013 at 9:13 PM
    "The guy writing about pics from the morgue and one being his dad is BS. This guy is the sameone writing similar stories for about a month now"
    Brother i heard that,this dude believes in floggin a dead horse,he been doin this shit for a minute and wont let up.The first time i actually thought he was a Mexican cryin out for help.But now,someone needs to tell him it aint funny !

  30. Eyyyy,look at the picture of this guy.Would you buy a used car off him?
    If ever you can look at a dude and think he's fugaze this is the guy?
    No wonder he done a missing link he looks shady,good story by the way Badanov

  31. whether i share my story or not it is true. i am living this day in day out minute by minute. not sure why it bothers you if i share this. proof gives too much detail of where my family is so family is more important to me than you are.
    even proof would not satisfy the likes of you. if they make the big effort and find us all we have to look forward to is torture and death. if i give you proof what does my family get?

  32. How about borderland posting their own pics next to their monicker? Same shit your innocent just reporting organized crime.

  33. April 22, 2013 at 10:28 PM
    Dude,if you for real,almost everyone here will be sorry to hear your story.

  34. April 23, 2013 at 10:53 AM
    "How about borderland posting their own pics next to their monicker,Same shit your innocent just reporting organized crime"
    Ohh dude,your taxing your thought processes too much.BB posters aint municipal presidents who are facilitating serious crime and murders.
    Most of us understand that this guy is no innocent!So dude,go lie down for a minute and count sheep jumping over imaginary fences.

  35. to April 23, 2013 at 11:58 AM
    not everyone here is wants to hear the loose details. I can say that the photos from the mortuary did not show my father so we have still small hope. the new information is
    I have seen a twitter that backs up recent news we have from my hometown. a convoy spotted and shots exchanged with military many bad men killed but they had hostages from kidnappings from the area.
    I do not know if hostages were hit or if they were not where did they take survivors.
    for those that have faith in a teenage boy telling the story of my family i thank you.


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