Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Director of Piedras Negras Prison Executed

Borderland Beat

Wednesday night, Jose Antonio Castillo Juarez, director of the Piedras Negras Social Reinsertion Center (CERESO in Spanish), was killed . Authorities confirmed that armed men intercepted him while he was driving.
According to the information given by the Attorney General of Justice of the State, an investigation has begun  for the homicide of Castillo Juarez,  an engineer, with no previous experience working in the penitentiary system, yet  his task was to direct C-4 in this border city.
The murder occurred around 7:47 pm on state road 2, km 3, said the attorney general, when the director of CERESO was travelling aboard a Tsuru vehicle with license plates of Coahuila, when he was intercepted by the armed men.
The vehicle of the penitentiary director received multiple gun shots and at the time of the discovery it was found upside-down with the tires facing up. Personnel of expert services removed from the crime scene several bullet shells from  assault rifles known as the goat horn.
Although Engineer Castillo Juarez activated,  through the radio, a Code red situation that alerted the safety forces of this border town, at the time of trying to locate him through the same system , he did not respond to the radio operator of emergency system.
It was minutes later that the agents of the Investigation Police found his body inside the demolished and bullet ridden vehicle.  His body was transferred to Forensic Medical Service for the autopsy required by state law.
 Sources: CNN Mexico-la Jornada

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  1. It was the Zetas because he did not let more prisoners leave this time so they took him out whoever comes in better work or they will kill him to

  2. Sounds like they want someone else in charge.

  3. "Social Reinsertion" it sounds so innocent ... so sweet ...

  4. Would someone please explain to me why anyone would want to work in such jobs in northern mexico prisons? For that matter, how do they keep finding people to join the police forces and mayors of towns in northern mexico. I dont get it. Are they people stupid, naive, already corrupt?

  5. Mexico desperately needs the death penalty.

    1. Mexico has the death penalty. Just not officially.

  6. Maybe,,it was the other side?Getting rid of a Z sympathizer ?

  7. how about an armored vehicle comes with the job offer next time...

  8. Yes they do. Remember the old saying. Plata o plomo

  9. Death penalty in a country with a justice system as fucked up as the Mexican one? I think it´s the worst that could happen, who do you think would be executed? low level halcones, hitmen and also plain random guys beaten into confessing some crime even if they had nothing to do with it.

    One thing I can assure you, not a single cartel boss, politician or rich Mexican, no matter their crimes, would ever get that penalty, that would be reserved for the poor

    1. Agreed and not to mention that some of the ppl handing out the penalties are corrupt

    2. 5:15pm. Actually and sadly I agree with you. The US prisons are maxed out with thousands of poor people who got shafted by a plea deal for small amounts of pot. Not that I advicate risking going to prison for smoking it where it's illegal but as a child of the 70's, who hasn't at least tried it? Thankfully, I quit smoking pot and spent 10 years getting my medical degree to help young people in trouble for alot more than pot smoking. Peace to all. Texas Grandma.

  10. Its because he did not want to let go another big bunch of zzz so they will find a way. Cdg is in piedras negras and in acuna fighting the turf

  11. Mexican cops should take note on how the U.S takes care of business. Boston and Kaufman county tx. Thats real police work not the bullshit they pretend to do in Mexico. ...fah-Q...
    P.S U.S.A U.S.A U.S.A

  12. They won't execute their murderers and rapist in mexico but they let the director of a prison be executed. If they would apply the death penalty in Mexico in the first place for all of the murderers their prisons wouldn't be over populated...just saying

  13. Everybody makes choices, good or bad, Blaming all your or others problems on Society(rich vs poor) is typical Socialist/Communist BULLSHIT. QUIT WHINING about unfair,poor me,poor them, get off your ass and make something of yourself,every SOB has the chance. If you will not conduct yourself as a productive asset then F/U the Death penalty is OK you are no count anyway. Bad news Mexico has a large No of No Count SOB's the USA is running a close race, good conduct is rewarded,bad conduct is Punished, NO FREE LUNCH !!


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