Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 22, 2013

"El Mayo" tries to control Baja California. His lieutenants fight each other.

Borderland Beat

(This post is a partial translation of an original article published on pril 5th by Tijuana´s ZETA newspaper.)

The federal government abandons Baja California.

The eight criminal leaders who control the drug trafficking and violence which has caused more than 135 murders this year in Baja California commit crimes with total impunity. The State Attorney General Office has received statements against them but they haven´t gotten any arrest warrants. While the federal government refuses to fight “high impact” crimes, and the local authorities retreat given the lack of support, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada tries to take over control.

There are 8 members of the Sinaloa Cartel in Baja California who control organized crime but none of the Attorney General offices is after them. Neither the Republic´s Attorney General nor the State Attorney General offices have any indictments against the –at least by now- supposed criminals.

The Federal Government led by Enrique Peña Nieto and the Republic´s Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam evade and leave the issue of fighting “high impact” crimes, while the local authorities are afraid to act without support from the Federation in the middle of a fake coordination.

Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.

Incoordination that serves to hand in a platter the state of Baja California to the criminals, to the point where a “conclave” took place, in which Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada intends to take charge and decide the fate of the illicit activities in the region.

The actual report, corroborated by the intelligence areas belonging to the different corporations within the northern state Security Council, indicates that during the first quarter of 2013, the only attempt at controlling the criminals came from another criminal in Sinaloa.

Their boss and drug provider, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambado, who along with Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman control the Sinaloa Cartel, summoned the leaders of the smuggling cells operating in Baja California. He called them all to Sinaloa, although not everyone has the same level within the criminal organization, all eight attended Zambada´s call.

Raydel Rosalio Lopez Uriarte aka "El Muletas".

From Tijuana and Tecate, Alfonso Arteaga Arzate aka “El Aquiles”, Rene Arzate Garcia “La Rana” and a third man who was recently identified by authorities as brother to the last two. Also Jose Antonio Soto Gastelum aka “El Tigre” and Francisco Javier Mendoza Uriarte aka “El Chapito Uriarte” (Cousin of Raydel Rosalio Lopez Uriarte aka "El Muletas").

Gustavo Inzunza Inzunza aka "El Macho Prieto".

Considered the criminal leaders in Mexicali, Cenobio Flores Pacho aka “El Checo” and Gustavo Inzunza Inzunza aka “El Macho Prieto” were also appointed. From Ensenada and Rosarito the call went to “El Pariente” also known as “El Primo”, a man believed to be a close relative of Hector Eduardo Guajardo Hernandez aka “El Guicho”

Hector Guajardo Hernandez aka "El Guicho"

The reasons for this meeting were the multiple internal conflicts translated into homicides between members of the same cells. These conflicts are awakening the interest and operations from local police that are resulting in seizures and captures. In criminal slang, “They are heating up the plaza”.

The “narco-retailer” executions

From January 1st to April 3rd, 2013, there have been 135 murders, most of them related with drug retail rivalries. This is a bigger number than the one recorded in the same period during 2012.

Under that context –the authorities believe-, the criminal conclave took place, where Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada supposedly ordered an end to executions, an instruction which obviously hasn´t been followed because the executions continue. In the short period between March 21st and April 3rd there were 20 executions in Tijuana and Rosarito, including shootouts, corpses in blankets, tortured people, incinerated, and half-buried bodies.

There are 3 reasons officially identified by local authorities for this bloodshed:

1. - The drugs arriving at Baja California not only come from Sinaloa, retailers are buying directly from South American cartels and a group from Guadalajara is also supplying them.

2. - Those in conflict are considered second in command, “El Atlante” and Luis Mendoza Uriarte aka “El Güero Chompas” –This last man also left Baja California, his brother in law is believed to be in charge right now-, these men, along with their hit men squads have grown in power, they weren´t called to the reunion and they are not following the instructions given by their criminal superiors, because at the moment, there´s nobody in the state above them.

Jose Luis Mendoza Uriarte aka "El Guero Chompas".

3. - None of the “Eight from Sinaloa” are in Baja California right now. They control the shipments and local retail using third parties, basically their unknown relatives. Most of them left the state when their image and names became public, however, none of them had or has any arrest warrant. In that scenario, it is the Federal Government duty to investigate, chase and arrest the criminals who, even from outside Baja California, commit crimes in that Mexican region.

As a matter of fact, there have been  operations against only two of them.

Against Cenobio Flores Pacho and Jose Antonio Soto Gastelum, who, aided by corruption and partnership with some members of the army and the state police, had made Mexicali their comfort zone. “El Checo” with a safe house in the Villa Hermosa neighborhood and “El Tigre” with one in the San Pedro neighborhood.  The former, being neighbor with the old wealthy families, and the later, with their offspring.

At the end, it was corruption and living between powerful people what let these criminals escape. Authorities asked for access to these areas, they followed protocol and got permission, but the criminals were told about this and escaped -through the back walls- minutes before the police arrived. Cops saw their kids, talked with their wives, but there was nothing about the criminals.      

Full article in original language:

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  1. Lol wass up with the extreme close up that dude looks like he has Down syndrome hahah

    1. Nah! He looks like mr potato head lol and if he keeps going in that racket they might just pull his eyes and ears off too lol

  2. We are sinaloa, just about our business we don't want no problems. But if you fuck with us you'll get killed. Easy

    1. 12:19 or you snitch like sinaloas do.. you're an internet sicario

  3. Ask Gente de Tijuana and he will tell you La Gran Familia is controlling everything. LOL Gente de Tijuana is in denial and does't know shit.

  4. like campbell's kids. most of these guys have A far worse disease than DS, addiction and greed. probably were hit in the head as infants and damaged their areas of thoughtfulness and compassion...

  5. Guero Chompas must have a death wish, you never bite the hand that feeds you, especially a hand that has been feeding in the game for over 40 years, their have been dogs that have tried to fight back in those 40 years, and they have been put down, there is a reason he is still on top, not a cheerleader, but the same can be said about any organization with longevity.

  6. cant blame them for making money . its their economy . were their is demand their is a producer . u.s.a has strong demand on drugs . if we were poor important sure we would sell drugs as well!

    1. Selling drugs is one thing and thats a worldwide problem but killing and beheading ppl is quite money is no excuse for no morals and ive been as poor as they come and never wanted to kill ppl

  7. Let's face it...nothing is gonna change in mx. In any of our lifetimes. So who cares who's in charge or who kills who. Just keep the corona's on ice and the airfares low, and we will keep comin back.

  8. so let me get this straight chapo and zambada cant conroll their luetenants but they suppose to be controlling tijuana their loosing big shipments only in baja and having nephews of the bosses killed and other relatives caught border jumping wow this is real proof they control baja and second chapo and zambada dont step foot in baja WOW but el ingeniero and the other bosses roam freely and tijuana remember el doctor caught in tijuana and melvin yes you know tijuana is this proof cds controls baja what you guys think!!!!!

  9. I guess sinaloa do control baja. no more CAF . CAF is done

  10. Whers the arellano felix at in all this? What role do they play??

  11. Arellano felix have nothing compared to sinaloa. the only way an actual war can come up is if beltran leyva and chapo isidro plp backs up CAF but i dont see that happening

  12. April 22, 2013 at 1:30 PM
    "were their is demand their is a producer . u.s.a has strong demand on drugs,,and i take them all in Mexico, we got the best meth in Mexico not US" ?
    Ok Einstein.

  13. if you guys live in tijuana you will dance to a new song i live here and pls listen to the report mayo trying to take tijuana baja norte so that means someone else controls it el caf has been noted controlling recently has 4 months ago what the FCK makes you thing they lost controll that quick yes melvin got arrested but there still alot of luetenants and foot soldiers out here and dont forget el franky big army and also since when mayo makes the decisions i thought chapo was the boss all cds has the ok to do in baja is cross shit only if they pay a fee other than that people get a called call LEVANTON OR JUST PISO pls cds nut huggers el caf will never get removed ever el caf has grown in numbers and waiting for chapo old political and military personal to be removed and yes there will be a bloody removal of what little people cds has here in baja pin point of this is why chapo and mayo afraid to step foot in tijuana if they own it???????? heres a few big names for el caf ive heard in parties niedes and franky and ciego brother and el gordos cousins and half brother also el tb and the other making noise big time is el cero those are just a few i read el tb has over 100 people under his command with and probably more guess what the other guys have!!!!!

  14. el mayonnaise will die soon, hopefully that midget Chapo too.

  15. el wero... u can name all the ppl u want and maybe even make some names up to try to make caf look like theyre big, but unfortunaly for u mayo will take them all out with little or no effort.

  16. they killed Guero Sweaters little cousin yesterday, I think Uriarte came home from prison and didn't want to accept any changes that had been made, he'll die or be in prison again soon, no one needs this headache in Tj right now.

  17. The aint got nothing on caf!!!!!

  18. Fuck chapo and mayo those fucker s dont control shit Los zetas are now stronger, thank u for creating that beast because of your greed and trying to control everything.. Now mexico is a hell hole.. Fuck CDs

    1. haha idiotaaaa haha come mecos haha

  19. Fuck the snitchis puro caf!!!!!!

  20. Tijuana is and will always be arellano felix! Thats a true fact......

  21. Nunca no se chingan El Cahpito.
    El Pendejo de La Sierra Tarahumara

  22. Zetas are going nowhere fast thanks to that snitch car washer Z-40

  23. Hey I heard two weed dealers from acuna taken down one on flight from cancun the other in acuna on Sunday.

    1. Any names? Locations in Acuña ?

  24. los zetas arnt shit. bunch of lacras from top to bottom. they will be nothing in about a year.

  25. when your back is against tbe wall, everyone snitches,

  26. You know CDS has control of B.C. when their sicarios have no rivales to fight that they start fighting each other. That to me is an indication that CDS is running a lot of the show in Baja. Also, some of the cells are asserting themselves and showing a sense of independence; however, that can change if they don't fall in line soon because the protection JAGL and MZ provide might be lifted. Then the fiull weight of the state, federal, and cartel forces will be unleashed on rebel cells. Either that or the credibility of ZETA newspaper is questionable.

  27. so i be hanging with my old lady and say chapo have smaall deal.. for being a big deal..

  28. Im in Tijuana every other weekend. My parents live there and since the cds takeover a few years back, all has been calm up until recently. But this time it hasnt really involved many innocents.I go to the local clubs on the regular, and trust me, caf is barely even a factor anymore..and I have no ties or love for any cartel, so nobody is nutt hugging, just spesking the truth.

  29. maribel hernandez / chapparel, nm.April 23, 2013 at 12:19 AM

    I used to work in a prison by chapparel, NM and all these drug dealers are the lowest scum there is, I was in charge. Of searches. And they all used to cower under their sheets when I did the searches, I beloved they are all sissies even chappo Guzman. Himself.

  30. Hi BB. Yet another awesome story. What really got to me is: They know who the scum are and no indictments etc., and Baja is comtrolled ny the cartels totally. This infuriates me.With all the death and chaos, has not one or more innocents gotten maimed or killed? What a travesty of justice. Another state owned by cartels,where does it end? Just saying. Peace to all. Texas Grandma.

  31. el caf is in control of baja i cannot stress this enough and reports that are incomplete get people killed yes for decades cds being trying to break into tijuana and even with break away group from caf they couldnt so cds cut a deal and that what happened plain and simple key thing to read is chapo nor mayo step into tijuana why and also why are they paying a fee and third why didnt they remove el caf when they had el pri on their side caf has grown but there doing a great job staying out of the media

    1. I don't understand what your point is in saying that neither Chapo or Mayo step foot in TJ. That point has no merit. Why would they need to go down to TJ to PROVE that they are in control?

    2. In my opinion, its smart of them NOT to come down to TJ or Baja until they have a complete alliance from most-if not all- of the individual cells.

  32. Only believe 10% of what Zeta newspaper prints. They have always hated on the Arellanos because they killed and attempted to kill a lot of their reporters. Most of the stuff they print is bullshit. If you come to TJ "every other weekend" only to the clubs then you don't know shit. Most of these names they mentioned are low to mid-level scumbags fighting for "tienditas" on the most fucked up parts of the city. Believe what you guys want but everything is under control.

  33. Yeah sinaloa is in tj but they still pay piso, thats y we always hear that all the dope is from chapo, if
    They dont pay they get caught. CAF is very low key u cant and wont get rid of them

    1. Sinaloa been and is and always be in Tj Los sinaloenses son Los jefes tan pendeja la gente k dice snitchanolas los aretes y carillos son sinaloas pinche gente ardida

    2. The midget as everyone refers to him got the $$$ to pay all kinds of piso he aint losin nothin by that.he probably makes that back in a day

    3. O si way entonces porque ordeno a matar quando perdian cargas pinche chaputo u el mayo se la pelan aqui en tijuana

  34. I love these guy's names!

  35. @ Texas Grandma, innocents die all the time and then immediately get labelled as criminals by the authorities, sometimes it's the authorities themselves, police or militars who kill some innocent and then plant guns on them and fabricate a story to justify the killing, others innocents executed by cartels are later labelled as criminals with no investigation whatsoever to not cause social alarm and make numbers and news look better. It's only when these victims come from wealthy families or when some NGO pays attention to their cases that truth "might" come to light. Justice is a joke.

    1. 2:04 and Chivis- Thanks for the truth. No matter who is killing,maiming,setting up innocents, it's a freaking nightmare and A TRAVESTY TO JUSTICE. My heart and prayers to all innocents, in this lawless country. Peace, Texas Grandma.

  36. Tex Grandma
    2:04 is correct; read this article I wrote:

  37. maribel hernandez senorita usted tiene razon no somos heroes ni dioses lo unico que somos es gente que no nos a dado la oportunidad de ir ala escuela por causa de falta de trabajos y apuros en comer oh teniendo familiares muy enfermos pero la polvara nos ah dado poder y dinero para comer yo soy del caf y te aseguro yo nunca he atacado gente innocente y tambien cds no controla aqui pero si quieren hacer de sus cosas y calentando la plaza asi entonces si va ver problemas y con consequencias fatales ala familia del mayo y chapo y la poca gente que tiene aqui es por eso que los llamaron para esa junta porque lla han estado ciendo un problema si sigue el problema pues bueno ya sabe y le aseguro en tijuana baja california mandamos aqui pero la violencia es segunda primero es el dialogo

  38. From wat I hear arellano got everything under control...


  40. So franky and inge are together???

  41. CAF still does have control of Tijuana but not all of it. La familia is in the menudeo in Tijuana and crossing a little of their merchandise but paying piso to CAF. CDS does the same but that's how the problems start withing the cds cartel in B.C. One half says pay plaza, we want no heat the other say Fuck CAF don't pay. Rumor has is that la familia in BC are chilling with tigre and his crew and CAF. Now chapito isidro Mochomera, cartel de la oficinas etc etc anda en los cabos and la paz in B.C so how does cds control all BC?

    Big SUR:.

  42. Great insight . ZETA newspaper has balls to publish this.

  43. That picture isnt really el macho prieto. I have family in sonora and everyone knows el mp. He shows up randomly to different places and pays the tab for everything. He walks around freely everyone knows who he is... but yeah thats not his pic.

  44. Lol I have iron fist and iron kicks I don't need guns and drugs and money to feel like a man

  45. yes la pantera and inge and el franky and 23 other relatives are the ones controlling tijuana baja california but imsure they want more but has long as cds has those certain politician protecting them el caf pulled all their resorces to protect the main prize witch is tijuana ,tecate ,ensenada ,rosarito, and san quintin , and parts of sonora and ofcourse parts of mazatlan with their allies blo and zetas this is true shit zeta news its not all accurate reason is they have alot of anger towards caf and their suspects in protecting cds example you guys remember the killing of 5 people in tijuana including a 11 year old boy tragedy but zetas some how took pressure away from that and started and article about el chapito leal what about the killing of the 11yr old boy that zeta newspaper hate on el caf

  46. April 23, 2013 at 4:35 PM
    Why guey,tell us why?You say it is fairy tales,tell us why?You tell us what is really going on as you see it?Just basics,nothing to open. What is your opinion on this?You never said in your comment,come on man?Anyway its up to you dude,but anyone can call bullshit on anything.

  47. down with the snitchaloanssss

  48. April 23, 2013 at 9:56 PM
    "Lol I have iron fist and iron kicks I don't need guns and drugs and money to feel like a man"
    Eyy man,i know what your talking about.When your in shape and feeling your body its a good feeling always ready.I can dig it.

  49. quinteroculiacan cuando eres dueno vas atu casa ahora si me entiendes si no vas de que tienen miedo??????

  50. CDS is not in total control of Baja California, actually they are losing the control they had gained, why? I really don´t have all the details, what I do know is that their cells are fighting each other. In Mexicali the cells from Macho Prieto are fighting against "Los Garibay", from what was printed in national newspapers, Los Garibay used to work with CDA but now aligned themselves with CJNG, that´s the reason Manuel Garibay got executed, in Tijuana the cell from "Aquiles" and "Rana" is fighting against Los Uriarte(remnants of "El Muletas"), against Los Chamulas( not sure if from La Familia Michoacana or Caballeros Templarios, but they are from Michoacan and pay or used to pay piso to CAF), and against "Los Guichos", Basically in Tijuana the fight is between former CAF members, all those involved, save for "Los Chamulas" used to be with CAF, even Los Garibay in Mexicali used to be under CAF orders.

    Speaking of CAF, they aren´t done yet, nobody knows their exact level of control, they are trying to keep as low profile as possible, but they are still in Baja, like one of the readers said, some cells from CDS want to pay taxes and avoid trouble while others want to work by themselves. In the executions CAF is simply letting them kill each other, as long as the "plaza" doesn´t heat up for them, and as long as CDS stays away from CAF lieutenants.

    I´m working on a recap of all the changes in Baja since the war between Ingeniero and Teo. There´s not much info, but I´ll try to explain what´s going on in Baja.

  51. hey tijuano como esta pareja lo que es tijuana rosarito y tecate y ensenada todo para bajo norte el caf sigue siendo dueno pero los otros que mencionaste no incluyendo caf y cds lfm esta toda estabronca en mexicali el caf ya esta listo para remover cds al caer melvin el caf quebro a supuesto dedos y pertenecian ah cds es por eso que salieron el alquiles y la rana y sus otros dos tenientes de tijuana la familia michoacana esta nuetral ellos nunca han causado problemas pagan derecho de piso cds esta en baja por el apoyo politico y militar pagan plaza para evitar una guerra porque vieron que el caf aun con traidores no los ponian remover y la guerra duraria mucho y muy costosa para cds ya esta peleando entodo mexico y esta perdiendo alos zetas y blo y juarez les esta dando un buen partidopero esta por salir un libro que se llama DEA IN MEXICO no se si lla salio pero ese libro es un escopetaso al chapo y zambada y no tanto el zaul yo respeto ese compa el quiere la tranquilidad eso es la realidad tijuana baja california norte es del caf y siempre sera

  52. Ahorita estoy trabajando en un resumen de la guerra por Tijuana, no se quien es el que realmente controla Tijuana, pero se que CDS no controla tanto como presumen. Lo subo en 1 o 2 dias maximo.

  53. Por cierto gente de Tijuana, tienes info de quien anda en Mexicali? por ahi se publico que gente de CAF salio rumbo a Mexicali aprovechando la pelea interna de CDS

  54. se dice que gente del caf esta usando mexicali para levantar importantes miembros de cds que es el unico rival con importancia el caf no quiere controlar mexicali aunque quisieran no les combiene tiene que poner todo lo que han estado prerado desde 2006 controlar tijuana y tecate y rosorito y ensenada esa es lo mas importante lla hace tiempo que cds esta perdiendo cargamentos entre ellos porque se estan auto robandando entre ellos y quieren estar independientes la muerte del sargento se eschucha que miembros de la cellula del mayo por la muerte de su sobrino

  55. mexicali es donde sviven importantes miembros del cds tambien opera lfm y cdnjen este momento se sabe que cds 2007 tenian control total ahora no es haci pareja quien sabe y como han estado perdiendo se dice que macho prieto abrio las puertas y carteles y les cobra piso y que tambien copera con el caf para tener la paz y estar independiente

  56. otra muy importante pareja la quebrada de garibay esa familia lla tenia sentenciada por traisonar al caf y fue con la coperacion tambien del macho prieto y cdnj pero tambien es el lugar donde viven miembros muy importante de cds para cuidar cargamentos llendo pa tijuana esto es lo que no entiendo cuando dicen que cds controla tijuana no puede controlar su gente menos los terrenos que aun siguen perdiendo control tambien en sinaloa los zetas y blo estan ganando terreno

  57. Que no el Gordo Garibay estaba cooperando con El Ingeniero? Tengo entendido que incluso viajo con un grupo de sicarios del Ingeniero a BCS para matar a los jefes de plaza del CDS. Por lo menos es lo que publicaron varios diarios, que viajo junto con Ines Zamudio y en menos de un dia tenian muertos a jefes de plaza y escoltas, un tal Oaxaco.

  58. gente de tijuanaMay 1, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    garibay no esto es otra cosa que es mal publicado la familia garibay que debiendo 9 milliones de dolares el senor le cobro el no pensaba que era culpa de el que el cargamento se interceptada pero los duenos de antes le cobraron y el papa gariby se volvio en informante y vendio al efra y macumba y otros importantes miembros so los gariby la tenian sentenciada desde ese tiempo

  59. gente de tijuanaMay 1, 2013 at 7:06 PM

    los restos de garibay y nuevo jalisco estan queriendo remover al cds porque quiere las puertas abiertas pa tecate y tijuana y no es alliancia al caf son socios de trabajo que da que nomas quieren trabajar sin problemas con eso estar bien con los del caf pareja seguimos mandando aqui siguen gente del la cellulas del cds cayendo al piso esta guerra esta empesando al chapo y mayo no les combiene pero se tumbo un lugarteniente que era segundo encargado de una cellula del mayo y sicarios que lla no tienen lideres aqui en baja porque saben lo que se esta desarollando el caf quiere la plaza tranquila y esto de cds aunque pagen plaza y se maten entre ellos la estan calentando

  60. fuck all this i am el chapito and im wil continue runing this shit up in here!!

  61. The Honest one's are always the bad..ones right...Because few people have balls to stand up..and do something for their people's. .because of the government fail to do so...this is The war for Money..and Control...and the bad ones is the U.S Government. .all programs that u.s have comes from drug cartel. .and you think they care who dies nope..they care cause they can't get taxes of the drugs. .and America was built from Drugs Trafficking Money let's all thank Pablo Escobar... El Senor de los Cielos..Mayo Y El Chapo and everyone else...we live in a free country and have what we have thanks to Each and one of line who's at war with who one is ...that's what the news wants you to believe...and u.s government. .brainwashes Americans ..if someone dies it's because of them ..and every has a choice they choose to live like that. .if it makes them happy Bravo...everyone is miserable with negative comments no les Dan de tragar cayen el osico..y no se metan en donde no les importa..porke no les roban nis les piden oh les kitan sean ignorantes aprendan a vivir loke ke ya tienen porke todos somos bendecidos pero pedejos. .por no saber apreciar y amar,


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