Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is Tijuana "heating up" again?: At least 23 executions in the last 2 weeks.

Tijuano for Borderland Beat.
Popular sticker seen on many SUV´s windows in Tijuana.

In the past 2 weeks Tijuana has experienced a rise in drug related murders, almost all the executions have been carried out with handguns and many in broad daylight. The victims range from addicts who couldn´t pay their debts to dealers, to a nephew of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada. Are this signs of a new war coming to Tijuana? Nobody knows for sure, Tijuana´s police chief, Alberto Capella Ibarra claims that the recent murders don´t mean Tijuana is an unsafe city, average people still feel safe and the nigh life is as good as it was years ago. Even Miguel Angel Guerrero, state´s Sub-Attorney General against Organized Crime said people shouldn´t be worried, in his own words: “They are not killing honorable people”. Anyway, this should be a sign of alarm in a city that hasn´t completely recovered from the bad image created by the last big cartel war.
Alberto Capella, Tijuana´s Police Chief.

The following are just some of the crimes committed in the last 2 weeks in Tijuana:
April 03: US citizen Jose Alejandro Medina Ortiz, 20, was executed in the Obrera neighborhood, he was driving his vehicle in company of a 15 year old girl when a man walked towards them and shoot him several times in the neck and head. The minor said that she believe the hit man was after her father, since he had a police record in the US for drug trafficking, hoewever, the state´s Attorney General Office announced they captured a man by the name of Jose Ivan Jimenez Mendez aka”El Chulo”, a former police agent from the city of Oaxaca, Oaxaca. Jimenez Mendez admitted working for a man known as “El Atlante”, who is believed to control some of the drug retail in the area known as “Zona Norte”. Authorities said Medina Ortiz was killed because he owed drug money to “El Atlante”.

Jose Ivan Jimenez Mendez aka "El Chulo"
April 03: Christian Adrian Ubaldo Aguayo Castro, 31, was found dead in the Simon Malverde Street of the Del Monte neighborhood. Aguayo Castro´s body had several signs of torture and his corpse was tied with flexicuffs, he also had a rope tied around the neck.

Christian Adrian Ubaldo Aguayo´s corpse found by Tijuana Police.
April 04: The bodies of two men were found wrapped inside blankets, they haven´t been identified yet, but authorities believe they were between 25-30 years old, authorities also suspect they were recently deported because they had tattoos in the arms belonging to US gangs. Both corpses showed signs of torture and one of them had a seat belt around the neck.
April 06: A man identified only as “El Chango”(The Monkey), 25, was executed in the Rubi neighborhood, his body was found in the driver seat of a Jeep Cherokee, when the police officers arrived, they found a cell phone in the victim´s hand with a message from someone known as “El Puma” in which “El Chango” was told to be there so he could be paid some drug money. “El Chango” was shot four times, two in the head and two in the neck. His attackers fled in a Trooper SUV which was later found abandoned in a sea food restaurant.
April 06: A young man was shot to death in the Libertad neighborhood. The young man was walking when a stranger walked toward him and shot him at point blank.
April 06: Two men were executed in the Jardines del Rubi neighborhood, a group of armed men arrived at their apartment and shot them twice in the head. One of the victims was a US citizen identified as Joseph Flores the other victim was Jose Luna Garcia, nephew of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. Luna Garcia´s body was buried in Culiacan, Sinaloa.

Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, his nephew was killed last week in Tijuana.

April 07: In the first minutes of the day, Daniel Diaz Garcia, 30, was shot to death when he was celebrating his wedding engagement in his in-law´s house. When the attacker shot Diaz Garcia, an active police agent who was a guest in the party tried to stop the attacker but was also shot in one leg. The attacker fled and the family of Diaz Garcia asked the state´s Attorney General Office to stop the investigation.
April 09: A woman´s torso and leg were found in an abandoned lot in the Guaycura neighborhood, police agents found some clothes near the body parts. No further info was given by authorities.
Forensic personel recovering a woman´s torso and leg in Tijuana.
April 11: Defense Attorney Roberto Santiago Navarro Vazquez, 45, was shot several times. Navarro Vazquez was known for his work as defense Attorney for Benjamin Arellano Felix and several members of the Tijuana Cartel. The morning he was killed a man caught up with him in a Buick Le Sabre and shot him 5 times in the head and neck. The state´s Attorney General Office´s main line of investigation involves Navarro Vazquez recently working for members of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Benjamin Arellano´s former defense attorney gunned down in Tijuana.

April 11: 2745 lbs. of marijuana were seized and three men were arrested in two different operations conducted by the Tijuana police.  Javier Estrada Ramos and Jose Manuel Cruz Jimenez were aboard a VW Jetta parked inside a store in the Villa del Real neighborhood, when police agents approached the vehicle, they saw a package in the backseat, when they searched the vehicle the agents notices it was marijuana, five more packages were found in the trunk. Estrada Ramos and Cruz Jimenez drove the agents to a safe house in the Segovia street were they found Victor Campos Solorio, Campos Solorio was In possession of an AK-47 and tried to leave the scene in a Chevy Pick Up. Inside the house the agents found several more packages giving a total of 2745 lbs.
"Logo" used by some Tijuana Cartel members.
April 12: A corpse was found at the base of the Hill known as “Cerro Colorado”, the body had 3 gunshot wounds. Police found 3 casings of 7.62 x 39 mm. the same used in AK-47´s
April 12: Another corpse was found in an abandoned lot located in the Tecolote neighborhood, the corpse was tied with ropes and showed a gunshot wound in the head.

Corpse found in the Tecolote neighborhood in Tijuana.

April 12: Luis Abarca Villanueva was executed outside his house when he was ready to leave. According to witness recounts, the three attackers were awaiting for him outside his house, they were travelling aboard a Ford Windstar and shot Abarca Villanueva several times, when police agents arrived, Abarca Villanueva was still alive but he died before the ambulance could arrive.
Luis Abarca Villanuevas´s crime scene.

April 13: Two men were shot in the Tijuana River Canal, Onesimo Gomez Sanchez was killed and Fernando Miranda Franco wounded when a group of six heavily tattooed men arrived at the Canal and confronted them. The leader of the group took out a gun and shot both men, then the six men escaped towards the Viva Tijuana Mall. Police agents started a search and arrested three men with similar description to the attackers. The investigators believe the two victims were drug retailers.

Tijuana´s River Canal, "home" to hundreds of deported immigrants.
April 13: Miguel Olmedo Camacho, 24, was killed in his hot dog stand located in the Infonavit Capistrano neighborhood, just past the street from the local police station. When police agents arrived, a woman was found taking pictures of Omeldo´s corpse, when interrogated, the woman admitted to knowing the victim and the murderer, who she identified only as “El Davis”. Two teenagers arrived at the scene and told the agents someone had just thrown a handgun in a vacant lot a few blocks from there. The gun was a .380 Pietro Beretta, that handgun was just like the one “El Davis” was carrying in a picture found inside the woman´s cell phone.
Hot dog stand were Miguel Olmedo was killed.

April 13: A man´s corpse was found wrapped in a blanket thrown in a road leading to the “Corredor 2000” highway. The man, believed to be around 30 years old showed several signs of violence. Investigators believe he was beaten to death.

April 14: Another corpse was found early in the morning in the Pedregal de Santa Julia neighborhood; the body was tied with ropes and had a plastic bag around the head.
April 15: Jose Fernando Garcia Barba, 31, was murdered inside his house´s garage, at the scene, investigator found 2 9mm casings, 4 .40 casings and a .380 handgun. The execution took place in the Playas de Tijuana neighborhood. Police arrested Leonides Zurita Diaz, 24, who has a large criminal record in the United States, Fernando Rafael Balderas, Francisco Jijon Atanasio, Jorge Ivan Caro Robles, Juan Carlos Torres Rocha and Martin Ruiz Villafaña. Zurita Diaz admitted killing Garcia Barba under contract from his friend identified only as “Lil Downy”, “Lil Downy” wanted Garcia Barba dead because he stole a drug shipment from “Lil Downy” and got him arrested in the United States.
Zurita Diaz admitted killing seven people on the course of his life and told police agents that the gun used in Garcia Barba´s execution was bought for 1,800 dollars. Zurita Diaz and the other suspects admitted they were going to kill four more men they had “on their list” the same day they were arrested.
April 15: Two men were executed with shots to the head in a Taco´s stand. Alberto Maciel Pacheco and Luis Orlando Duran Naranjo were eating in the stand located at the entrance of the Los Alamos neighborhood when they were approached by –according to witnesses reports- a well-dressed man, the attacker spoke with them briefly and then shot them twice in the head.
The police report indicates the attacker fled from the scene in a Dodge Dakota pick-up which was later abandoned near the State Police headquarters. Intelligence agents arrested Raul Miranda Ordaz and Agne Ulises Tapia Navarro, the suspects recognized at some point working for the Arellano Felix but claimed to work nowadays for the “Mexicali Cartel” which is allied with the Sinaloa Cartel. Tapia Navarro offered 25 thousand dollars to the agents in exchange for his liberty, he claimed to be under death threats in the Tijuana prison because his “boss” is from Mexicali. According to their statement, they should have returned to Mexicali after the hit, but they got lost in the streets around the scene and were caught.
Two men executed at a TJ taco stand
April 16: Jose Pinson Rodriguez, 37, was killed outside his son´s elementary school. Pinson Rodriguez was driving a gray Audi and had just left his son inside the school when two men approached him and started shooting, the attackers fled in a Dodge Caravan minivan which was abandoned in the parking lot of the COBACH high school. At the scene, investigators found several 9mm and .45 casings.
Jose Pinson was shot to death outside his son´s elementary school.
April 16: At about 12:45 pm, an unknown man was killed at a farmers' market located in the Miraflores neighborhood, police reports indicate that a suspect has been arrested but no details were given. The victim was shot several times with a handgun.
Man shot down in the middle of the farmers market
April 16: A man was abducted outside his home in the Lomas Campestre residential zone when he was trying to park his vehicle, the victim was approached by men riding in a black Nissan and a beige Chrysler. State investigation agents are already working on the case and should provide more info in the following hours.
Police agents arrive at the scene of an abduction in Lomas Campestre, Tijuana
 In writing  this article the following sources were used: AFN, Frontera, Sintesisty, Uniradio Informa, Proceso, OEM,


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  1. Keep us updated Tijuano, so we know if things are getting heated up there for real or if this it's just one of those things, a bad week or whatever, and thanks a lot for the article, good one.

  2. Z40 is taking over Tijuana fighting against CDS chapo and mayo

    1. Jaja z40 can't even control his people and even Nuevo Laredo his home turf.

    2. Hahahahaha your completely wrong.

    3. Z40 can't even control the halcones because they are changing sides, going to CDG.

  3. lol I remember seeing that decal on someones car over here, they got paranoid and scratched it off...thanks for the story, and taking up for Tijuana, in my absence or delinquency this is a comprehensive and time consuming write up...I do not think anything is happening though, there are flare ups like this, and series of lots or murders, I plan to go to TJ soon, I want to try Javier Plasencias other place, Mision 19 is amazing.

  4. Basically whats happening is sinaloa now wants full control. Aquiles, rana, and chapito are cleaning house. You either jump over w us or your dead kind of thing. Who knows how long this will last. If mayo zambada approves of this then yes it will heat up. But if there just doing things on their own then mayo and chapo will step in and bring new guys in. Just like when they took out teo, muletas and co.

  5. they trying to surround chapo from west, east, south and maybe some us gangs from north. they will soon enter chapo village and kill him

  6. Hopefully its the CDS getting their assses shot...Maybe " El Inge" tired of the "Snitchaloas" ..remember bad blood always their with faggot mayo killing El Señor Ramon Arrellano in Mazatlan back in early- mid 2000's..keep eye on this situation.

    1. Mayo didn't kill Ramon, a cop that that Ramon shot first did

  7. @April 17, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    The last Z´s that went to Tijuana were skinned alive and hunged from a bridge. Z´s have too many problems to even try and visit Tijuana.

  8. I get you J, that´s what I hope, but lately there´s been too many executions. Not even near at the levels seen in 2008. but more than in the near past. About Javier´s places, they are great, all of them. Mision 19 is really awesome.

  9. Tijuano said...

    @April 17, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    The last Z´s that went to Tijuana were skinned alive and hunged from a bridge. Z´s have too many problems to even try and visit Tijuana.

    Could you post that story? Never heard of Z's in Tijuana.

  10. a torso and a leg ? wheres the rest of it,did they eat her?

  11. Notice a lot of this is dealers,a dude owed money,so he must be somehow involved,laying dope on?Out of town killers doing their work and then getting lost in streets CDS/aligned,4 killers with a list?What is going on?Is this coincidental?Its what they do,kill all the local dealers at tienditas all over?Some of it does seem local though,who knows?Whats up with the girl standing there taking pictures of the dude who got killed and then tells everyone who did it?The police would love that at every crime,make their job much easier.

  12. What's mission 19?

  13. Good Update. I doubt the Z's are coming to TJ. Is it AFO vs CDS?

  14. Blog de Tijuana Narco. Good job Tijuas. This rash of murders in TJ might be a case of people owing money more than anything else. It appears to me that the authorities are doing a better job of apprehending people for these murders. I think that's a good thing. Now homies can get back to really matters. Partying with all those beautiful señoritas in TJ's nightlife!

  15. This question goes to all,.. do u think fernando sanchez arellano has the power to clean sinaloa up from tijuana???? or is it a lost war?? Alsoo whats going on in juarez? does vicente carillo have any control in juarez now?

  16. Great post Tijuano. With all your hard work lately your quickly becoming my favorite reporter on this site. With everything happening in the Texas border towns, Tijuana seems to sometimes get overlooked but nobody can deny the huge role it plays with the cartels. Why the increase in violence though? How does the capture of El Melvin figure in to all this? Is another war coming between Chapo and CAF? Doubt that El Mayo's nephew getting killed is just a coincidence but who knows. Anyone with inside knowledge of TJ please let us know what's goin' on. Borderland Beat is the shit. Saludos from San Diego!

  17. Chapo and mayo are always like that they make truces with a cartel then they attach them. such as the juarez cartel they killed rodolfo carillo. chapo made a truce with caf paying piso and now he attcks them . Thats going to happen with cdg aswell. ambition wont get chapo and mayo anywhere they are not untochable one day there going to get it

    1. Listen dude chapo payed tax in good faith but after taking hit and losses in Tijuana only where he's losing product to confiscation what does that tell you TJ keeps setting up the hits I knew it was a matter of time before CDS said someones setting us up so its on .

  18. @7:47 am Mision 19 is an awesome restaurant

  19. @April 17, 2013 at 4:14 AM:

    That´s an old story, don´t really remember the exact details, it happened when Osiel still ruled over CDG and Zetas were only enforcers. It was said then that a group of original Zetas arrived to Tijuana to "seize the plaza", they got picked up, tortured and skinned alive a few days after their arrival, then hung on a bridge near a high school with a banner stating "Bienvenidos a Tijuana(Welcome to Tijuana)", Blancoernelas wrote about that, but I didn´t find any details online.

    @April 17, 2013 at 7:47 AM:

    One of the best restaurants in Tijuana.

  20. Les va sudar al los snitchaloas puro arellano felix!!!!!!

    1. No mames CDS is taking over Tijuana cost CDS to much product being lost only in Tijuana whats that say.

  21. Love the car sticker logo...spent a lot of time in TJ in 2007/08 decided to buy a place in Oaxaca instead as TJ is full of drugs & criminals who have been deported from the US...sad for the ppl who live there with their families trying to lead regular lives.

  22. Tijuano mira este articulo de proceso

  23. The 'Welcome to Tijuana' incident I believe was in 2003, after Osiel and Benja fell out in prison, and Osiel send Z's to the plaza, they were hung from a bridge..

    Mison 19 is one of the best restaurants on the westcoast, period, I'd rather eat in TJ then anywhere in SD, La Querencia is another place I love...

    Tijuano, remember in fall 2010 when Aquiles and Sillas started fighting? Hanging bodies, burning cars, heads in the street? That never escalated to war, they won't turn TJ into a war zone again, it's too bad for business.

  24. Ohh,,one of them stories"it was said"You know how hard TJ is.They even skinned OG Zs,thats how hard.Even Guzman Decena"it was said"ran away.

  25. Zetas cant step one foot into Tijuana without getting kidnapped. Its always been on lock, AFO has always reigned supreme. Its amazing to me that El Chapo managed to cut a deal with AFO after a long war. El Chapo seems to go wherever he wants.

  26. I remember when it was el comandante min and comandante mon back in the 90's
    Tijuana was beautiful. It still is but things were under control. And even though there was murders the only ones that got killed were the ones who owed or rivals trying to step in.
    Just like in this case.
    Como adoro tijuana. Ya me vine alos estados gabachos pero no puedo visitar a tijuana porque ya no podre regresar a ganar dolares.
    Saludos a tod@s mis tijuananenses.

  27. cds will loose in tijuana baja california proof is that they couldnt removed them before what the fck make them think they can remove them know el caf is bigger in numbers and the war is cds fault for alquiles and chapo not respecting the non agression pack when melvin got arrested cds members failed to pay rent and fees they knew the consequenses for there actions sorry mayito the niece or what ever he was war is coming but there are talks with cds and caf higher level luetenants to work out something since the the arrest of melvin big caf names have been heard in tj one is el tb and the other el cero the other are family like nephews and uncles the other one is mecein and dont forget el franky leading a huge army of sicarios trust me el caf can win this war but chapo still has those office politicians still protecting him and the military but el caf will never be removed from baja in bet my condos and my homes in mexico el caf has its protection but chapo has the fox people left behind and calderon people in certain spots but we will win this war in tijuana baja norte

  28. In regards to the 1st April 15th homicide mentioned above.

    The suspects mention getting orders to kill 5 from "Lil Downy", ""Liv Donovan", or "Lil Donovan". The attorney general suggested to the press it is a man in the California prison system. I however believe that the orders came from Donovan State Prison in San Diego. I do not believe they snitched on the man giving them orders, they only mentioned where the orders came from, which so happens to be a prison 1.5 miles from the Mexico border full of drug traffickers.

  29. It's all just coincedental. I Often go to TJ and Culiacan. Have ties to both organizations, as do most Sinaloenses involved in such things.

  30. CDS & CT vs Tijuana & some metros due to a alliance.

    1. Yes I heard that as well I also heard some people from M1 & Antrax left CDS & jump ship to CDG metros.

  31. were these just random people they are blowing away or people involved in drugs?

  32. i think that cds is fighting each other some of them don't agree with the BLO agreement.just like CDG.

    1. There was no truce, don't believe what the news theorys

  33. @K Mennem:

    I also found it hard to believe at first, but let´s not forget how Mexican police get their info from their suspects, specially the Tijuana police. The article posted above from PROCESO states that one Liv Donovan, 40, is the one responsible for this.

  34. @J:

    That´s true, thankfully it never escalated to full war, it appears the higher levels of both cartels have an agreement and the mid levels are the ones fighting each other. There´s an article on ZETA about this and it says Mayo called his lieetenants in Baja to calm them down. Been trying to translate that article but it´s long.

    @April 17, 2013 at 10:35 AM:

    Thanks, I really dont have much info, mostly what i read in online news sites, however, a guy I used to know was executed today alongside his 9 year old daughter, nobody really knows where the heat is coming from, everybody is accusing each other, Sinaloas acuse Michoacanos, Michoacanos acuse Sinaloas, Tijuanos acuse both and viceversa.

    1. Tijuana siguera siendo de arellano felix fuk the snitchis!!!!!

  35. Theres a lot of infighting happening iside CAF, due to some of them switching sides over to CDS.

  36. Maybe it's chapo isidro he runs la Paz and cabo maybe he's pushing into Tijuana?? They showed up along time ago in la Paz and cabo they left mantas cartel de la oficina???

  37. Lol it's funny how they call them snitchanolas when the people who run c.a.f are from Sinaloa Jaja stupid wanna be cyber narcos

    1. No shit they from sinaloa who the fuk is doing the snitchin cds aint no one wanna b cyber narc so fuck u too!!!!!

  38. All the people killed were involved in shit.The CAF lawyer,then,Mayo relative,most of the other people also involved,the gang members maybe CAF,El Chango,who did he work for?Dude getting married,with a cop who tried to stop him getting shot?Two dudes shot were sellers,shot by 6 others in a truck,the hot dog kid,sometimes halcons or sellers,dude who worked for Mexicali/CDS Cartel,used to work for CAF,no wonder they know where everyone is.Is it coincidental or is it moves being made again?Hopefully not?

  39. Tijuana suige siendo mio ramon del infierno!!!!!!! Fuk u snitchis cds!!!!!!!!!

  40. Drop the stupid is silly to honor these thugs with their stupid nicknames - peace out- "the owl" whatever

  41. @April 17, 2013 at 4:27 PM:

    El TB o el JB? I´ve heard some of those alias, Franky is Benjamin´s son? isn´t he? I was under the impression he was with CDS. "El Cero" was mentioned today as the one responsible for the death of "El Sargento"

  42. La Baja siempre va aser del CAF!..Muerte alos putos Chapulines, Teos, y Miados!

    Aqui puro Baja CAFlifornia!

    Gente del COLORES y puro Comando Negro!..

  43. lol ure still calling people snitches behind a computer screen and you think you got balls cartels are wack lets throw them in syria and see who has real balls wont last a hour out there the fsa will clean you out like they clean out the assad regime you think talking shit behind a computer screen will get you anywhere when you dont even kno whats going on cuz you have never been there when they so call snitch or point fingers gimme some voice recordings then if there snitches i wanna hear your so called snitchanolas pointing fingers and snitching. now pointing fingers and the c.i.a giving you permission to work is two way diffrent things till then keep your boca kayada cyber narco.

  44. Franky is benjas son...

  45. tijuano hey what up doggy yes ive heard the same thing el tb made a name for himself when all that shit with teo and muletas i think cds offered him to betray caf and alot money for information for people after the talk with teo people he send a message to el ingeniero to what el teo did and he got the okay to kidnapped them and bring them to el ingeniero people and that what he did apparently that guy is loyal to the end with el caf hes incharge of ive heard over 150 people the best part for himis that noboby has ever seen his face and he surrounds himself with only 11 guys that he trust with his life he also helped m-4 family escape when he had people infiltrate muletas crew and he got wind that m-4 family was going to be killed but believe or not el caf from what ive heard has over 3to 4 thousand footsoldiers protecting tijuana baja norte that why chapo and zambada dont step foot in baja there also alot names popping up i hear el mecein and cero and niedes and franky he gots a huge army and hear that el ingeniero works with his half brother

    1. Eso es verda.el caf. We have a lot of tijuaneses ..backing each other in tijuana we have respect and r cartel lays low we dont want innocent people dieing.were about bisness ..el guerro from cali runs a big smart hitman squad. He dont bullshit......caf es unido

  46. This recent wave of murder reminds me of the 1999-2000 period when Chapo and Mayo sent a group of enforcers to Tijuana to kill important people associated with the AFO to include:

    11-1999: Joaquin Baez Lugo, AFO Attorney

    01-04-2000: Rafael Avila-Valenzuela , AFO Attorney whose entire family works for the AFO

    02-09-2000: Rodolfo Gallardo, Former Judge

    02-27-2000: Tijuana Police Chief Alfredo DeLaTorre-Marquez

    03-12-2000: Jesus “Chuy” Labra-Avilés captured in Tijuana

    03-15-2000: Chuey Labra Attorney, Gustavo Galvez-Reyes

    07-10-2000: Chuey Labra Attorney, Eugenio Zafra-Garcia

    The Sinaloa enforcers were arrested in ealy March and all confessed to murdering key TJ Official on behalf of Vicente and Mayo. Some say the group was detained by AFO enforcement crews and handed over to police.

    Miss Squibb

  47. 6:16am youre right on the money pareja oh bye the way cds only have 5 people in charge of merchandise but yes they are betraying themselves do to being greeety and wanting to be on their own

  48. @ April 19. 2013 at 11:05 AM

    It sure sounds like it, I remember all that action, I was suposed to be at the game when "Chuy" got caught, word in TJ was, as you say, that TJ people captured the enforcers and after a "warm up" handed them to the police, if those stories are true, Vicentillo barely escaped getting caught by AFO. It was Vicentillo who ordered the hit on Alfredo De La Torre to "heat up" the plaza.

  49. 5:04pm pareja como esta gracias por aclarar eso gente es innocente que no tiene nada que ver es lo que la raza no entiende saludos de tijuana y yasabe cuando salga la orden de remover ah cds estamos unidos pero el chapo tiene que perder esos politicos que lo estan protegiendo y tambiem los periodistas del zeta

  50. Why is the news in San Diego not reporting on this wave of violence in Tijuana? I guess protecting or trying to revive their economy is more important than informing our citizens of the current violence going on in the city. Pathetic!!

    1. I was wondering the same thing....

  51. And I wonder how did the ex-governor of Tijuana Became so powerful after the fall of the Arellano family...

  52. puro CAF putos. fuck sinaloa cartel. no pueden con tijuaz mafia putos we'll dissolve u n acid pussies come visit us n c putos

  53. Well, as yo know tj is a third world country" so even when I was there, back in 211-2013 there was killings and so called problems,but I had a goodtime being there,regardless...los monitos

  54. I am an american, living here in tijuana. I dont do drugs, and I dont hang around people who do, but since these murders started, I am afraid. I know that so many other americans like me (and when I say americans, I mean the blonde hair, blue eyes type, the ones with no family ties to mexico) come down mainly to party.... I worry that i get mistaken for someone, or ..... I guess I dont know... I am just afraid. I have 2 children born here, one 12 and the other 3.... I hate feeling afraid. Sometimes not wanting to leave my house. ANd the worst part is, I know that the police force confessions from people. If they were catching so many of these murders like they say, Youd think the murders would slow down. As an american, it frusterates me that the police look for someone with that description, arrest them, force a confession, and who knows if they got the right guy? An old friend of mine was strangled to death in his own home here in Salvatierra. The police took the neighbors, who knew my friend well, and tried to force confessions from them. I found out who did it, becuase a friend of mine told me she got a phone call from aomeone we knew, and admitted it. I told her she needed to call police, and to send them to my house if they wanted help. of the 5 guys that took place in his murder and robbery, 2 were arrested. This was in december of 2013. Last month, i was on a bus, and one of the other guys got on the bus. laughing on his cellphone about who knows what. he didnt see me, but I was furious.... since my friend was a white man, they made sure to make a couple arrests. but then they stop looking! I thinks the corrupcion problems here stems more from incompitent police work. They want to look good to the public, and in thier haste they sometimes arrest the wrong people. The problems will never be solved until they have an innocent till proven guilty statue, like in the USA. This, of course, is all one persons opinion....


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