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Monday, April 15, 2013

"Organized crime" and "Drug trafficking" become taboo words in Mexican Media under Peña Nieto´s presidency.

Borderland Beat.

Juan Diego Quesada, diario El Pais.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto

Coverage of violence in Mexican media has diminished by half in the last year, this despite the fact that at least 50 attacks to the press have been reported in the first quarter of 2013.

Words like “organized crime” and “drug trafficking” have vanished from the Federal District´s media and the news reports in open television. This is happening despite the number of murders remains at about 1000 a month. The observatory of Media Accords (Observatorio de Acuerdo de Medios) believes this is because the new government has stopped talking about the “war on drugs”, a term used as mantra by former president Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, and the fact that the new administration has stopped the exhibition of detainees along with their weapons and drugs.

Narco Banner with threats against Zocalo newspaper signed by Z42

Another reason is that some media outlets have stopped talking about the issue forced by threats. Saltillo´s Zocalo newspaper announced in March that they would stop covering drug related news in order to protect their employees lives. A few weeks later, Jaime Gonzalez, the director of a news site in Ojinaga, a small town south of the US border, was shot and killed. “This is most likely our last post” ended the post with which the website announced the death of their coordinator.

Far from diminishing, attacks against news reporters have increased 11%. Articulo 19, an organization that works for freedom of speech, has registered up to 50 attacks to the media; organized crime is believed to be behind 19 of those attacks.

Jaime Gonzalez

To the Ojinaga reporter´s murder we can add the kidnapping of a news reporter in Veracruz, Sergio Landa, who has not been heard about since January 22nd. To this we have to add the kidnapping of 5 employees of the newspaper “El Siglo de Torreon” that didn´t belong to the editorial staff. They were freed 24hrs later, but the newspaper´s building was attacked by commandoes 3 times in the following week. One worker of a nearby factor  who was just walking by, was killed by a stray bullet. Coahuila state is at the head of media intimidation. During this period the facilities of both “El Diario” and “Canal 44”, in Cd. Juarez, were shot.

Police officer seen through a bullet hole in El Diario´s glass door.

The organization´s report regrets the null interest shown by authorities to find and punish those responsible: “The impunity in which the criminals hit the media has encouraged more attacks against freedom of speech and imposes silence to media outlets as editorial policy.

Under this context we also have statements such as the ones made by Cd Juarez police chief. Julian Leyzaola called the media “black points”. “The only thing they are doing is that they are building their own grave” he said. With friends like that, you are sure to have lots of enemies.

Original Story:


  1. How can you cry censorship in one country ( Mexico ) and then advocate for it in another ( U.S.) . Case in point , Advocates for illegal immigrants applauded the New York Times for striking out the word " illegal immigrant " from its vocabulary . I guess the Pena Nieto administration decided to follow the leftist socialist newspaper's lead and has decreed the words " drug trafficking " and " organized crime " as being offensive to Mario Pelon, Chapo Guzman , Hector Beltran-Leyva and all of the its other distinguished narco-citizens . Like an old drunk use to say , " opinions are like dirty assholes , everybody gots one . "

  2. Message to family or birderlandbeat pleast post this information canadien marc menards pontiac transport se white with canadian plates was found in nuevo laredo by iglesias calderon carretera asi al aeuropuerto. Possiblemente. Va haci poniente rumbo calle de la ut who knows who was drivin it possibly his abductors or murderers every number of sedena federal radios and everything called no one knew about the case no one seemed to care even spotted sedena at gasoline ststion and tbey wanted no part nuevo laredo land of zetas and lost and never found human beings poor canadian man and his dog what did they do them???

  3. So the new stragedy is to ignore the problem and hope it goes away. I'm all for keeping reporters safe and sound bir prohibiting the use of words is just ridiculous. Its sad to see where mexico is going and its people just stand by and watch.

  4. How come there's no story about the nine people hanging from bridges in nuevo Laredo and some heads in ice chests too.

  5. Peña neto is a puppet.

  6. I don't really believe this article.
    The Mexican news do report on the organized crime and drugs.
    Just read your own article today. Quote:

    "The Mexican Army conducted counternarcotics operations in far southern Zacatecas state last week discovering and dismantling a total of seven drug laboratories, according to Mexican news accounts ..."

  7. What you have here is an attempt to intimidate the journalists into self-censorship. It is a ploy by the PRI govt. to make it appear that violence is diminishing by having the journalist silenced. At the same time, the assasinations of govt. functionaries inadvertantly allows the PRI to install their own people into those all of sudden vacant posts. It seems to me EPN is trying to silence the coverage of the narco violence in the hopes it will just go away through censorship.

  8. @7:34 am The article doesn't that there isn't any reporting on violence, it's shootouts, kidnappings and executions that go too often ureported o minimized by most news sites because the official information released by the authorities is minimal, a succesful operation by the army like that one is a different thing, also the pressure put on the media by the cartels is not the same all around Mexico, it's in the northern border, la laguna and Veracruz where that pressure and threats are bigger, in the rest of the country it's more about institutions not releasing enough information and state governments funding only those newspapers that follow the official line.

    Bottom line is there is a clear campaign from the federal government to focus the attention elsewhere and make it appear as if the violence has decreased

  9. Great job! Remember whem Obama came into office and outlawed the word "TERRORISTS?" That worked out well. Jaja. Looks like Pena is doimg the same. Like if you don't use the word...everhthing is fine. I don't trust him at all! Thanks,Texas Grandma.

  10. "Coverage of violence in Mexican media has diminished by half in the last year". The article never said they stopped informing about it, it just says media is diminishing its coverage.

  11. Pena nieto is not behind anything hes a morron.. Its the people that control him

  12. Quieren tapar el sol con un dedo!!! Lo que no quieren reconoser es la falta de justicia para las victimas y castigo para los asesinos y politicos coruptos que dejan a los malandros libres!

  13. He probably taking money from them so he dont want the truth told but i dont care what they do they cannot stop social media

  14. El Chapo good for mexican economy

  15. Terrorist attack in Boston today at Boston Marathon- 2 dead 141 injured.

  16. I have three things to say:

    Pinc... Rana?
    1. The foto that Borderland Beet has given us has me asking this question: ¿WHY DOES 'Peña Nieto' have the appearance of a TOAD in the BB foto?

    2. My feelings towards the ordinary common Mexican Folks and what they have been and continue to suffer and Be Subjected 'I feel from the heart' ... We all wish that we had the POWER to do something To Get Rid Of The Selfish WEEDS that are DESTROYING Such A Beautiful BEAUTIFUL People and the land they love.

    3. At the heart of delinquency we find a small number who have stopped evolving. If they are hurting others they are at the age of REBELLIOUS TEENAGERS. To me, IN TERMS OF MATURITY / LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT or LEVEL OF SOPHISTICATION they are somewhere between the ages of 10 to 15 year old and In A State Of Arrested Development. IF ONLY THEY WOULD REALIZE THAT THEY DO HARM TO OTHERS not for a good cause but BECAUSE THEY FEEL LIKE NOBODYs WHO Hang Out With GANGs who PREY on UN-ARMED PEOPLE. IS THERE ANY GANG MEMBER WHO IS E.V.E.R. IN A GOOD MOOD? Get off your f... high horse and DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR A PINCHE CHANGE!!! you bunch of deluded idiotas!!!!!!

    Salva P.

  17. Every journalist is a narco's prey. They were easy to pick on because of many informants hiding within the shadows and contacting their bosses from a disclosed location to another.

  18. Mexico = Failed Criminal Narco State!

    The world needs to pull together and invade Mexico and just take the entire country!

    1. Ok, but gringos, blacks and muslims are not welcome. Young gringuitas are very welcome, and can come anytime.

  19. Joe Lara
    "Advocates for illegal immigrants applauded the New York Times for striking out the word " illegal immigrant " from its vocabulary"
    Spineless political toadying.What other words will they deem to be wrong or tasteless.People should remember bullshit like this.Boycott the self righteous paper where it hurts. "Illegal"and"Immigrant"are nouns,put them together and they are struck out by the New York Times?Scary and sad state of affairs..

  20. BB= Racist Website!

  21. Racist? What makes you say so? If this site is racist, then what the hell am I doing here? Your comment makes no sense.

  22. Hey you, 7:44 PM, get off of the Racist Trip, STOP TRYING TO MANIPULATE, thank you.

    Let's find out WHO is in control of The Money Supply 'on a world wide scale'. It is not the politicians who have power and rule, those who are in control of the value of the money supply that the world At Large USES 'to function on a daily basis' are the one we MUST begin focusing on. Tell me folks, have any of you ever had the desire to be a King, Queen, Prince, Princess? Certainly not! yet we Just Happen To Have such Special 'people' who have the name Queen Elizardbeth, Prince Charles, ... and other Just happen to be Royalty and people kiss their ass thinking "How wonderful it is, the QUEEN, the Prince etc has come to OUR TOWN!, ¿where is my camera?!!"

    Again, HOW did such ROYALTY come to exist on THIS PLANET? and why is it that they have been around for Such A Long LONG Time?! WHO PUT THEM THERE FOR US TO W.O.R.S.H.I.P. and supposedly Pay Attention To? And tell me what we do with politicians who screw us? Yet we never have power to Get Rid Of The Fleas that go by the name of ROYALTY who do NOTHING for the World At Large! Let's Also talk about The Wealth they,ve accumulated From The People / Ordinary People who Pay big money (Taxes) to keep such Non-Working FLEAS in positions of Power! If they get their finger nails filed, manicured, We Pay For It ¿and we want this scene to Continue?! I will ot pay for their manicure or their lunch, nor will I pay pay for their LIMOSINES! Who else is getting a free ride at the cost of the tax payers? Our goverment can Print Its Own Money INSTEAD OF BORROWING FROM BANKER AT INTEREST AND COMPUND INTEREST, such a system of SLAVERY MUST END TODAY! We Are Slaves, WE must take control of out world NOW and stop being sucked in by MANIPULATORS who have been and continue to swing the hypnotic pendulum On Us Pulling Fast Ones On Us Daily by means of Main Stream Media among other Brainwashing Methods of CONTROL over the Common Folks' Minds and Sentiments. End the SLAVERY, LET US REGAIN OUR WEALTH!

    Salva P.

  23. Tijuano
    Most of the racism is usually anti-white.Maybe he means factual comments that get interpreted as racial,,yes you see that all the time.Misinterpretation of perfectly rational observations and comments,that get construed as racial and insulting to Mexico?Or maybe he means the joke about not wanting gringos,blacks,muslims,i hope its a joke? Who knows anyone can pull the race card,and they usually do.

  24. @ April 16, 2013 at 7:44 PM
    "BB= Racist Website"
    Hopefully that is a joke about gringos,blacks,muslims?You know,like Blazing Saddles type jokes?

    1. When the other guy commented about just taking over México, was it a joke? Why you didn't complain about it, did you agree with that comment? So, quit crying.

  25. April 17, 2013 at 5:40 PM
    "Why you didn't complain about it, did you agree with that comment? So, quit crying"
    Huh,what ?

  26. "When the other guy commented about just taking over México, was it a joke"
    Oh shit,here we go.

  27. So here it is, folks are losing focus and going on about racism. Check it out, I am very sad for the people of Mexico. They report one thousand people a month are being killed off. That's twelve thousand a year! And those are just those who are being reported, so the number is a lot higher. All for a pipe dream-for most- to become rich in the drug trade. What's the average length of time does one of these sicarios get to live the high-life? Six months? A year? What a sad price to pay. There is definitely a war being waged against the Mexican people. A war disguised as a war of cartels. This is a gentrification of Mexico and its people. An ethnic cleansing. After the dust settles Mexico will have been raped and pillaged and owned by another and the people will be slaves. They will have weakened themselves so much! They will not be able to unite after spilling so much blood. Please, my brothers and sisters wake up! Remember this verse: what was the profit of man who gained the whole world, but suffered the loss of his own soul?
    With respect, an African American mother.

  28. Re: racism:
    There is a saying;" Y tu abuelita?"
    Want to know who you are? Where you came from? Look to your past. Take a long hard look at your Toltec heads. It does not look anything like a European. Divide and conquer is alive and kicking today especially in Mexico.
    Much respect to my brothers and sisters of Mexico!
    -African American Mother

  29. This was the beginning of the cartels rapidly expanding to take over and destroy Mexico. The TV convinced the people vote for the old PRI party and just be nice to the cartels and everything would be fine...


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