Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Poll Says Americans Now: More Concerned About Cartels Than Undocumented Immigration

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
Most Americans probably do not realize what has happened in the security along the frontera.  Recent Obama cuts have changed the template of guarding the south border, and not for the better.

In recent interviews with CBP agents, those I use for sources, agents are frustrated and fearful of what they deem a huge hit to border security.  The three agents are located in: Del Rio Texas, Laredo Texas, and Eagle Pass Texas. 

All three are directly affected by the budget cuts, all have their work week amended to part time hours. 

One agent expressed his dismay at leaving his home in Ohio to relocate at the border planning on a lifelong career.  The university graduate has proven himself in being a quality employee with 3 lofty advancements in 10 years, he is returning to Ohio. 

 The other two agents are considered outstanding employees as well and have been recognized for their work.  All three, two men and one women have university degrees.

One agent expresses his concern for the safety of the nation.  Explaining further he said “quality people will leave, standards will drop, lessor qualified people and less committed people will be hired that do not mind working 3 or 4 days per week. 

Another agent said “the border will move north and become porous, easily penetrable for those wishing to conduct criminal activity, or do harm to the nation.   

A recent poll indicates that interest in undocumented immigration is waning and concerns of Mexican drug cartels heighten.  
Interest in the Mexican drug war has been tepid in the US, primarily because information has not been readily accessible or offered to Americans.  Even today, aside from states situated along the south border, little information is published about the subject. 
That was one of Buggs’ motivating factors when he began Borderland Beat, to help fill a vast void and provide information on the Mexican drug war to those living outside Mexico.  Insight Crime, Small Wars Journal, and others have been the lifeline in providing Mexican drug war information to the English speaking world. 
Other digital publications such as Stratfor have also contributed, however the cost of subscription thwarts the majority of citizens from reading the website.
Additionally, leaders of political parties must began speaking about Mexico's drug violence in order to establish its significance.  That is yet to happen in any relevant way.
The United States presidential election is a glaring example of how establishing the drug war  as a critical issue remains to be seen. I heard Romney mention the drug war violence once, and never heard Obama speak of the issue.  So to the issue was absent in the vice presidential and presidential debates.
Congressional reports on the subject are sub par  An example is a new report  dated February, 2013 which is largely based on outdate material.  In this case it was based mostly on information from the year 2009. Three years time lapse in this drug war is an eternity.
It is now evident that more voters are taking the initiative themselves by seeking information of the drug war.  
As reported in 2012,  for the first time in four decades illegal immigration is at a net zero gain .  Meaning as many  economic migrants are leaving the United States as are making the trek to the United States.    As that is acknowledged and information of the drug war spreads it is apparent that concerns of illegal immigration and the drug war have interchanged dramatically.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 34% of Likely U.S. Voters are more concerned about illegal immigration. Fifty-seven percent (57%) worry more about drug violence.

Sixty-nine percent (69%) believe the U.S. military should be used along the border to protect American citizens if the drug violence continues to escalate along the Mexican border. Only 16% disagree, but another 15% are not sure.

Seventy-three percent (73%) of U.S. voters think it is at least somewhat likely that this drug violence will spill over into the United States. Twenty percent (20%) feel that’s unlikely. This includes 36% who think the violence is very likely to come here and just two percent (2%) who say it’s not at all likely.

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  1. the ones who live on the border know that the violence is already here.

  2. those 69% never lived on the border..that what they want!! look at mexico, we r headed the same way! open ur eyes people. their are bigger powers involved.u think all that disaster could be done by these on people if us wanted to all the cartel leaders would be locked up in US prisons!!

  3. Doesn't matter america is pretty much a bankrupt, drug addicted cesspool.

    1. Not all of america is like that just like not all mexican citizens are cartel members.until we stop making assumptions about one side or the other for sure nothing will be solved like that. We dont all like what our politians are doing here in the u.s either.some of us say THROW THE BUMS OUT OF OFFICE!!!

  4. Unfortunately they both go hand in hand, but cartels are ruthless. Immigrants are looking to better their lives.

  5. Recent Obama cuts? Wow, someone doesn't pay much attention to politics, do they?

    1. What do you know about our economy? You might want to shut the fuck up. You probably can't even manage your household and you talk about our president. It's not an easy job. What do you know about work anyway though.

  6. @April 24, 2013 at 10:31 AM if it was a drug addicted cesspool like u say then why are illegal immigrants coming to this country everyday?? seems to me mexico is a drug crime infested cesspool.

    1. Can we agree that their both a cesspool of sorts?
      which came first....the chicken, or the egg?
      americas appetite for drugs, or Mexicos abundance of drugs?

  7. The biggest crooked cartel is the usa

    1. I dont know about say its running a close race with the mexican gvt and big business

  8. Until we secure the border, nothing will change for the better. Obama and the democrats want a porous border because the majority of those people crossing will become Democrats. They do not want 2 lower the number of potential Democratic voters by keeping them out of the country.

    1. I don't know what you mean by "secure the border" but the fact is that illicit drugs are widely available in most U.S. prisons and often their presence is due to corrupt prison guards. Until we legalize tax and regulate so called "controlled substances" the border will be as porous as ever, indeed these "controlled substances" are creating a climate of anarchy on both sides of the fence and will continue to do so until we change this reckless expensive irrational war on drugs that has no victory in sight.

  9. Not all people in mexico are involved in the drug business, and they come to u.s. for a better pay and better living you don't see cartel cartel convoys running up and down the street here pendejo

    1. They would be running up and down the steet here to if the gvt ever gets our guns out of the hands of citizens in u.s. dont see that one happening anytime soon

  10. Chivis- Great read. I always applaud BB for telling us what the US,won't. Anyone following BB knows the cartels have already gotten here,are living here and of course making money here. The 12 million undocumented inmigrantes don't bother me at all. What gets to me are : Shoot-outs with the Zetas in Houston on a busy freeway; several shoot-outs in the Austin area regarding mucho grande drug shipments of coke and my major concern what the hell is THE US GOVT. DOING, other than to cut spending? Thanks. Peace to all. Yexas Grandma.

    1. The cut in spending is a farce. The so called sequester is simply a reduction in furture budget increases. The government expects increases in every budget yearly and when it doesn't pan out, then chicken little rears its head and the sky is falling. This is all a farce. The federal government is constitutionally bound to secure our borders. Living in Texas, I respect the hispanic community. Lawbreakers can go to hell or back to Mexico if that's where they came from.

  11. Pura SalvatruchaZ aca en Los Angeles al servicio de la letra. LaZcano vive

    1. Caigan le para milwaukee compa. Aqui no ay nadie grande. Puras chavalas. Asi empesar algo nuevo y grande

  12. OK. So did this "poll" allow people to choose both? Because they choose one answer over another, it means that their opposition to illegal immigration is waning??? What was the purpose for the organization to take the poll in the first place? That will give you an idea of how the results were derived and to which audience they're trying to spoon feed. No Thanks. I don't need SHEEP FOOD articles like this to tell me how I should think.

    1. You aren't thinking on your own either. You aren't a sheep, they are somewhat productive in their own ways. You are a fence sitter, and just a big waiter. Go do something you damn loser

  13. Mexico has the misfortune of fighting Nixons war long after the old goat is stiff as a rock.

  14. I agree. Why would someone come to a drug infested cesspool to better their lives? I am sure that everyone read right through that post!

    1. Not everyone in the u.s is on drugs thats a misconception.I HATE THAT SHIT and all that goes with it but i think they are like roaches and would survive a nuclear blast

    2. Only losers think the whole U.S is on drugs. Who pays our taxes, maintains our GDP? You losers need to stop livin like parasites and do what the immigrants come here to do, WORK. They are less educated but they are living the American dream because our low class citizens are lazy fucks who like to bitch all day. Conspiracy this, conspiracy that. Go back to school you damn fools lol

  15. What a but be yes the cartels are here why because of money , people want drugs just like probition. If legalized drugs ok just ganga what would happenvto zeta profits .also look happen to the attorneys border patrol the da usda the private jails . We have the dronesto stop illegal immigration drugs.. but it big business on both side of the border. Ok if yuppies want coke let them have , if want hydro get it from California, if we care about thedrug killings in Mexico then take the profit out but without the drug trade many people in us will be without a job ,without thte violence how many illegal want to live the garden ghettos of Chicago houston newark or Philly I take cozumel Guadalajara or morelia . Ike warned of military industrial complex , do not get me wrong the cartels are like al Capone but we created them

  16. My question is "WHY" has the US mainstream media (MSM)f or years, avoided covering the violent daily events in Mexico for years?

    From a journalistic perspective concerning Mexican violence,corruption,poverty, and "failed-State" issues, what goes on in Mexico "stays" in Mexico.

    Maybe, covering the brutal realities in Mexico would incite powerful reactions in the USA that might effect "cozy"economic and other relationships that powerful entities in the USA do not want messed with.

    I have been frustrated for years that many legitimate newsworthy stories never see CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS,NBC,etc.

    It is almost as if there is a huge fire in a poor house next door with people screaming and dying in flames and their neighbors blithely sipping drinks by their pool in total oblivion of their neighbor's plight.

    Again, I ask "WHY" does the MSM avoid doing graphic "in depth" coverage of :violence, cartels, crime, corruption, poverty, and of the rich and powerful of Mexico? What are they afraid of?

    Any ideas?

    1. Honestly? Because why would everyday people in the US care if Mexicans are killing other Mexicans? Specifically drug dealers killing each other?

      Just think Detroit on steroids ...

      The best thing to do is not allow YOUR house to catch on fire in the first place. Rich or Poor.

    2. I think they are afraid of drawing attention to the fatal side effects of drug prohibition. We tried it with alcohol in the "Roaring Twenties" and they were roaring not only with the machine guns of bootleggers but with widespread alcohol consumption (alcohol use increased during prohibition). The U.S. policy on illicit drugs remains unchanged regardless of what political party is in office. It receives no press in the mainstream media why? because there are powerful interests that want things just as they are no matter how much carnage comes as a consequence.

  17. @April 24, 2013 at 3:30 PM not all of the people in the u.s.a are drug addicted neither pendejo.

  18. Americans are not only "dorks" but drug addicts as well...It's a 'double D' for USA...Americans= Dorks & Drug addicts as proclaimed by their government.

    1. If u dont like america then get the fuck out!!! If youre not in america stay the fuck out!!! With that attitude we dont want you here


  19. Most Americans know nothing about the situation in Mexico. If FOX and CNN would run the execution video, that came out a few weeks back, of the girl getting the ax along with her four buddies, it would change the entire debate on border security, immigration, the second ammendment, drug prohibition and voter ID. Sadly, it would end the Mexican tourism industry over night, too.

  20. @April 25 7:36 AM hey troll talking crap on peoples governments or countries doesn't have anything to do with this article. so go waste your life somewhere else. by the way you probably live in the u.s.

  21. Not all Americans and immigrants do drugs they simplytry to make money for their fam and to escape the dangers of living in mex where my fam lives in mexico that can't even walk or drive in the streets after 7pm for fear of getting "picked up" over here there's not really any worries of that sort

  22. @April 26, 2013 at 1:55 PM u mad? its ok there other trolls that like what you do.

  23. The cartels only worry about the money when it comes to America, they wouldn't attack here because they don't have enough firepower to fight against our millitary. They also wouldn't attack when the biggest customers are the Americans. Several are here but they all keep there turf to insure safety for them self since its not as big of protection then mexico


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