Wednesday, May 29, 2013
6 die in southern Chihuahua
By Chris Covert
A total of six individuals were killed in three separate incidents in far southern Chihuahua state, according to Mexican news accounts.
A news report which appeared on the website of La Polaka news daily said that one municipal police agent and two others were killed Wednesday in separate incidents in Parral municipality.
An unidentified municipal police agent was shot to death early Wednesday morning in Parral. According to the La Polaka report, the agent was shot in front of his family presumably at his residence on Calle Cerro Los Azules in La Muela colony.
Later that day a running gunfight developed which occurred over a number of areas in Parral, specifically in Fatima colony, where dozens of residences were hit by gunfire and expended cartridge casing were scattered about. Since the description doesn't make references to local police, it is possible the firefight was between rival gangs in the area.
Two unidentified individuals were immolated when the vehicle they were in caught fire. Armed suspects attacked the vehicle with a hand grenade on Calle Plata near a Seguro store. The reports are unclear if a hand grenade caused the fire or if gunfire caused it.
According to another news account posted on the online edition of El Sol de Parral, three men were found immolated in Ciudad Jimenez, which is about 51 kilometers east of Parral.
The dead were identified as Ricardo Perez Hernandez, 49,
David Bueno Pasillas, 42, and Jesus Eduardo Guillen Anaya. All three victims were from Ciudad Jimenez.
At around 2330 hrs Monday evening police were called to a location on the road between Parral and Jimenez, where a Ford Lobo pickup truck was reported afire.
A total of five 9mm spent shell casings were found near the site of the vehicle fire.
Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and
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Zetas along side with la linea members are cleaning up chihuahua most rural areas. As they figure these places would be too hard of a fight. Linea are specialist in urban warfare, I mean look at the way they would attack military and army convoys and burn off undetected. Zetas are jungle and torrain fighters classically trained for such so. Zetas with help of la linea are pusshing chapos people back and back until they are either dismissed or back in sinaloa..... 50 high caliber rifles including 300 pounds of tnt and 30 hand grenades confiscated 15 miles coming from the highway that leads chihuahua city to cd juarez. The armament was coming south to north, wich I knew then my sources 3 months ago were right. Zetas are arming la linea........ Godbless all, el batman de juarez
ReplyDeleteYou mean the devil should bless them there all bad demon people.
DeleteJuarez cartel taking shit back..
ReplyDeleteNut hugger..
DeleteIm not a nuthuger chapo is losing all over chihuhua, chapo nuthuggers crying cause chapo cant control
DeleteCDS chingandole a Los putitos que quieren entrar a la plaza al cien con el chapo fierro viejon
ReplyDeleteNi te la creas tu baboso lambiscon.Somos de Chihuahua y les estamos partiendo la madre a los jontos nuevos.
DeleteCalmate puto te creas bien sicario pinche lambahuevos yo soy de la Sierra de chihuahua y aki CDS esta al 100 chingandole a Los de la linea ven pa ka y vas a mirar
DeleteCDs no puede con Los de Juarez x q pelean Como guerrilleros ya q Los jotos de sinaloa no pueden solos y nesesitan ayuda.. Estan valiendo madre por todo chihuhua haha
ReplyDeleteBatman ur wrong about zetas in parral, its all cdj vs cds, check ur sources right. Att el kelso
ReplyDeleteNah your.wrong Zetas got small cells all over Chihuahua.I know people from out there South of Chihuahua city.
DeleteFucken shortlegs are getting terminated left and right. Jaja good goood
ReplyDeleteCDJ's La Linea & Los Linces (Ex Military Special forces like Zs) killing sinaloa fags all day. Us Chihuahuenses wont let any "out of towners" lay claim to our Home. Los Linces are like ghosts, the cds & their military & fed lapdogs don't know what to do. 6+ YEARS of 7,000 soldiers 3,000 feds & u.s agency intel & who knows how many sinaloa fags + the local traitors & CDJ is still here dominating From Juarez all the way down to El Durazno. LIVE from CD.Delicias
ReplyDeleteYou're a clown special forces, ex military. There nothing but coked out bangers and dumbass lazy fucks. Im sure a handful are cowards who left the military. If they were so tough they would never of lost the majority of the state. You nuthuggers are pathetic. Sound like kids saying my dad can beat up your dad. You're a joke
DeleteWho has the Parral plaza for CDS?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know?
The Chavez run partake and they belong to CDS
DeleteLol the people who run The Juarez cartel are of Sinaloa descent so there you go you say people from chihuahua don't let out of towners in but then the jefes of the Juarez cartel son sinaloense. puro navolato Sinaloa
ReplyDeleteDo ur research right, the original plaza cdj were not from sinaloa,as a matter of fact amado was sent to ojinaga to be taught how a plaza should be run under pablo acosta"el pablon" till he was betrayed by carrillo fuentes.and if u do ur research even better the bosses of today are not sinaloas, but a mixture of chih sinaloa.Chih,durango, sinaloa and sonora all have strong ties to each other thru biz and thru the families who have ties to each state, salguiros, salazar,avilez,herrera,carrillos,guerra, etc. So stop with ur sinaloas son los jefes bull, do ur research right and ull see im right.
Delete@2:09 am....... Respectfully sir you say that you're from la sierra de chihuahua and that cds controls the area. Hmm? In december 2012, I and fellow colleagues went on a humanitarian act to provide jackets and blankets to indigenous children in the sierra. Our stops were guachochi,balleza,bocoyna,batopilas,guadalupe y calvo,urique,uruachi,guazaparez,carichi y morelos... We couldn't enter either of those places without la linea permission. Local police were our messanger boys. We again went the beginning of this year to provide air fans to school rooms and things hadn't changed a bit. Clearly sir if you really are from la sierra de chihuahua as you claim, well this really shouldn't be news to you; now would it? Do you know or have you ever heard of el vaquero? Godbless...... El batman de juarez
ReplyDeleteBB is stretching for stories.
ReplyDeleteA man was killed after a mean knife fight in front of Obsessions in Nogales, Sonora. How come that was not reported in BB?
BB is adding glamour to the violence in Mexico by linking every murder to the drug war.
Albeit, the weapons and tactics have gotten sophisticated.. This is violence, plain and simple. Shit happens all over the world.
Its unfortunate that BB is giving Mexico a bad rep by glamourizing this shit. So fools like you can be hyped up to visualize hell on earth instead what Mexico really has to offer.
Its apparent Mexico approach was wrong on handling the drug war especially during the social media era. Sites like BB fed off this shit. What value is there showing a man's head being chopped off?
To the audience, if you want to add value go to Mexico and spend money buddy. Its a damn shame BB pin points a daily murder/ murders on this site. Or change the site headline to; "BB reporting on the VIOLENCE in Mexico" I hate to disappoint but your entertainment is drawing to end. Mexico will be back to what it used to be, Narco's doing their business on the down low.
I denounce BB. Boycott BB. For those saying what am I doing on this site then. I'm here to say Boycott BB.
Pena Nieto mandate on censoring narco related news is going to work .
Fo reals, what is the value with this site???
No value just info on that either people can relate to or use incase they were to travel to certain locations no one is glorifying the shit thats going in on in Mexico we just want peace and atleast bb tries to keep us informed so keep up the good work BB and keep the news coming.
DeleteNo importa que aga el cds chihuhua es un estado que tiene a la Linea integrada en el, pobres weyes no ayan ni por donde defenderse de tanto desmadre que Les estan asiendo Los de la Linea quitandoles plazas alo pendejo
ReplyDeleteOfficials: Border Patrol Getting More Help from Public
ReplyDeleteEDINBURG - Border Patrol officials say more people are calling their offices to report suspicious activity.
Officials said people are reporting more stash houses across the Rio Grande Valley.
Border Patrol officials say they now need help to identify the smugglers.
"These guys are criminals. These men and women that are running these stash houses and are associated with these alien smuggling organizations are criminals," Border Patrol Rio Grande Sector Chief Rosendo Hinojosa said.
"People discount that because they say, ‘hey, they're just helping out people.' They're not helping out people, they're exploiting these people. They're taking advantage of them," Hinojosa said.
Border Patrol agents also are using a new tool to curb human smuggling. The agency just released a short video highlighting the extortion, inhumane living conditions and death linked to human smuggling.
El vaquero is the guy that took out antonio erives the plaza boss from sinaloa.
ReplyDelete@el kelso....... Info on the narco violence can never be 100% until the deed is done.... People in that business change their mind more than their chones. I'd like to say my info is one point away from 100%...... See sir I do this for a hobby and nowadays a living. Sad but true, hey ones gotta feed the fam, correct? Back to the parral conflict the proof is in the pudding. If zetas operate in neighboring durango and torreon, wouldn't it be convenient to lend out a helping hand to cdj/ la linea to rid cds out of chihuahua. After all chihuahua is crucial for zetas also. Once ths path is cleared zetas with cdj permission will move shipments through out its borders..... El batman de juarez
ReplyDeleteEyy batman
ReplyDeletewho's this vaquero we wat to knw wat yu got to say seems lyk yur the only one with reall info keep us updated att superman
You’re the clown kid al military are thugs they all kill who they are told to kill “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.”~kissinger including & especially the u.s military. Your tv tell you "look those are the bad guys" & you just take it. Who invented this black market? Whos is benefitting? Who is making money selling weapons to all sides? Who is taking money from these animals just to lower their jail sentence? Who is throwing their own people in jail for life just because they were caught with a joint 3 times? Who killed over 1,000,000 iraqi citizens, for there oil ?The u.s. So don’t try to act high & mighty.
ReplyDeleteEl Señor de los cielos the founder of the juarez cartel is from sinaloa BUT he respected Chihuahua (el cartel de JUAREZ –not-- el cartel de novalto) & all of Mexico he didn’t go around other states yelling & listening to music saying "puro sinaloa" If you’re not a Mexican you will never understand the anger & hatred doing that generates It creates an us vs them mentality. If chapos people would not have been repping sinaloa in Chihuahua & betraying the local families maybe he would not have failed. This “state pride” only started happing recently & I dont know who started it but like it or not it is a BIG factor in this war now.
Uhh el senor de Los cielos is from el guamuchilito navolato just to let you kno and they knocked off el zorro cuz he was a dope head. they are from Sinaloa if you doubt that you must be stupid chapo from la Sierra de Sinaloa mayo also now what you want me two pull up where all the major narcotraficantes in Mexico are from el cochiloco el jefe de jefes?? El mochomo ? Miguel angel Felix gallardo ? Arellano Felix brothers ? Rafeal caro Quintero ?? Los fonseca ?? Where the archives that says there mixed and idk what u must be dopped like el zorro dude. I said arriva Sinaloa navolato cuz I can its my birthplace I aint repping no cartel just to let you kno.
ReplyDeleteU can have ur lowlife sinaloa narco culture and all the trash like el chapo and mayo etc, being a drugdealer is not hard, dats why these uneducated idiots grow to be so hard can it be to buy at whosale and resale at marked up price,then use money for investment and buying local protection. Admire those that did it the old fashioned way thru real work, and for ur info sinaloa the worlds richest man is half chihuahense, his mother was born in parral chih!!!
Delete@6:52 pm..... Amen brother finally someone gets it........ El batman de juarez
ReplyDelete@6:37pm...... The story of el vaquero starts like this.... Antonio erives arduno (el h13) yep, nickname due to the fact that he was a l.a gangmember ftom the streets of l.a. Well he'd been plaza boss for la linea in the municipality uruachi...... When chapo entered the region he then decided to.switch sides as was promised more power and more cash.... However his promotion never came about. La linea members took his sister hostage torturing her by burning the soles of her feet off. 2 weeks later el vaquero came in and killed erives and put his head in a spike...... Warning all that la linea was in control..... About el vaquero, real name nothing no info here. Just that I know his headquarters are in uruachi. Head point in the sierra de chihuahua. Vaquero is still very much alive and controlling the zone.......godbless u all , el batman de juarez
ReplyDeleteSpit them some knowledge el batman de Juarez arriva Juarez y navolato I could care less if the major capos are from Sinaloa that dosent concern me but what does is someone spitting fake knowledge to the people acting like they kno everything next time you post on here 4:57pm come with your A game.
ReplyDeleteEyy batman..yo soy el iron man y yo y mi compa el hulk y el chavo de 8.queremos mas historias chingonas como las que te inventas.atte el pitufo iron man.
ReplyDeleteAaaarrrrrrriiiiivvvvvaaaaa el CDJ cabrones wooooooo y viva Mexico aaajjjuuuaa
ReplyDeleteY al final del dia Las alianzas que se hizo entre Los Zetas,Cartel de Juarez,Beltran Leyva no en parado.Nomas se mantienen en un perfil bajo pero muy bajo por el estilo de operaciones que hacen ellos encontra de sus enemigos en Sinaloa y Chihuahua.
ReplyDeleteY que paso con la alianza que se tenia entre CDS,CDG,CT,CJNG entre ellos no se confian porque son una bola de pendejos!
Doz Fronteras!
Soy de Madera Chihuahua trabaje para el CDJ desde el 2000 cuando La Linea se acavaba de integrar como brazo armado del cartel en ese entonces el CDJ y CDS era una sola organizacion chingona, ese año se rumuraba que la organizacion de Juarez habria de financiar el rescate del Chapo Guzman y el Guero Palma del penal de Puente Grande. Habia planes de sacarlos a la fuerza pero los altos mandos decidieron sobornar a las autoridades correspondientes ya que hablando de dinero el costo en efectivo seria mas costoso pagarle a mas de 200 sicarios, autoridades corruptas, y el uso de aviones privados que serian desmantelados despues. Se pudo negociar el rescate no mas del Chapo por el momento, el cartel decidio rescatar al Chapo por las buenas y despues por la fuerza rescatar al Guero Palma. Recuerdo que hubo un intento por sacar al Guero de Puente Grande pero fracaso y pronto lo extraditaron. En cuanto se fugo el Chapo Guzman hubo desacuerdos entre los jefes debido a que el Chapo y el Mayo no querian que el Dos Letras de La Linea supervisara los cargamentos de cocaina que resguardaban en Chihuahua, ya que el JL quien era nuevo al panorama de liderazgo e incluso no trabajo con Amado Carrillo no mas era un sicario al servicio de Rodolfo (el Niño de Oro quien fuera asesinado por el cartel de Tijuana y no del Chapo como se rumora). Sin embargo despues de la muerte de Rodolfo y aun con los problemas entre el JL y el Chapo los carteles de Juarez y Sinaloa seguian operando en conjunto, hasta el 2008 cuando el ejercito aprende a Beltran Leyva. Vicente Carrillo empezo a temer que el Chapo le pusiera el dedo y empezo a tumbarle a todos sus asociados en el estado. Demasiada gente, autoridades, y familias enteras tubieron que aliarse a un bando o al otro y el estado quedo dividido. Por eso me cago de riza escuchar las mamadas que hablan aqui el Parrandero y los otros pendejos, esta guerra no es de estado vs. estado se trata de interes vs. interes, la mayoria de la gente en la sierra de Chihuahua apoya al Chapo (yo incluso tuve que brincar y hacerme al lado del cartel de sinaloa despues que La Linea levanto a mi carnal por pura especulacion), el cartel de Juarez siempre a tenido la fama de matar a todos incluso niños y mujeres, algo que el Chapo nunca a visto agradable, supe en una ocasion que La Linea decapito a una pareja de ancianos por pura envidia, es por eso que la gente de la sierra apoya al Chapo y en la frontera rifa La Linea, asi que porfavor parrandero dejate de pendejadas ya ke tu Durango querido tambien esta dividido entre dos bandos (Sinaloa vs Zorras), Sinaloa rifa en toda la sierra de Durango y frontera con Chihuahua mientras las zorras tienen toda la Laguna, no me la hago de influyente y mucho menos de un vato pesado pero me muevo en el agua desde plebito y se de gente que sabe como esta el asunto.
ReplyDeleteBatman quit making stupid comments like you know what's going on, la sierra de chihuahua hasta sinaloa y durango belongs to El Chapo.. Many ppl from Chihuahua are backing him up, you forget that the Sinaloa Cartel never invaded Chihuahua they have always been operating here in conjuction with local drug traffickers. What happened next is that the Juarez and Sinaloa cartels broke their alliance and ppl started to switch sides... Please get your facts right and quit glamorizing all those low life scumbags from la linea that are just as pathetic as the zetas.
Arriva La Gente del Chapo!!
Oye pendejo yo tambien soy de Madera chihuahua mi carnal esta aya y por lo q el me cuenta las cosas no stan como las pintas muchos de mis primos están en un oyó por trabajar con el chapo el mismo les mando los guachos para respaldarlos de amenasas de la l______na when the guachos got to the rancho they they where the to take my uncles out he confronted them while my Tia n here yung ones got away trough the bake woods n my primos now that's anouther story to keep it simple the li____na took los levanto n we never herd from them again so dnt b saying we respecto that chaperra bothe carteles fucked shit up all ovr chihuhuas y pongases abusado pesesito q por esas aguas q se mueve estan plagadas de piranas no lo vayan morder
DeleteYou're calling people out yet , you're on the internet yourself talking out of you're ass.. If you do work or worked for Chapo then you're a rat.. no real sicario talks about they're business.. like you just did.. you're story is entertaining and that's it... Chapo and he's people are low life scums themselves.. they murder, extort , rape and deal drugs like all the other cartels do.. so you, yourself stop glamorizing scum bags...fuck Chapo, la linea, zetas and the ninja turtles.. you wanna be a real man get a real job or join the military and fight for you're country..
DeleteYou maybe know somethings Chapulin pero en la frontera en el valle de Juarez en Sapo controla.pero el resto de la frontera la controla Juarez.No que sabias todo pendejete??Pronto van por el valle ya que sabemos donde esta el puto de Gabino Salas.
Delete@ 6:27am, .......The alliance between cdj and cds was that cds could move product through juarez. Cds got greedy and wanted to take the plaza, which they did for a while. So respectfully I tell you sir armed sicarios (armed wing of the sinaloa cartel) came into juarez. Not juarez into them.........So tell me who invated who? Respectfully, and God bless........El Batman de Juarez
ReplyDeleteMay 30, 2013 at 4:46 PM
ReplyDelete"Fo reals, what is the value with this site???"
FOR REALS,FUCK OFF,YOU SILLY FUCKER.BB is not the cause of what's happening in Mexico you crank.Your solution to violence is to hide it?Are you cracked or what?Are you in the US with your bleeding heart bullshit?And yes,what are you ghouling BB for?Go to BDN and try your shit there"Violence all over the world shouldn't be reported,and maybe it will go away"Get the fuck outta here,and take your smelly socks with you..
May 30, 2013 at 11:33 PM
ReplyDelete"Eyy batman..yo soy el iron man y yo y mi compa el hulk y el chavo de 8.queremos mas historias chingonas como las que te inventas.atte el pitufo iron man"
Ey man,why haven't you shouted me out for a minute?Its me Silver Surfer,where you been el pitufo iron man?Member when we used to chase batman and tie him up and smash on him all night?Shall we start rattling batman again cause he hangin with, small Zeta cells all over Chihuahua..Use your torch in the sky to find me.
Iam sending u el chapulin colodrado and spider man to locate el pasia batman i think he mite be hiding in la sierra de su perroda madre.
Deletei send u el chapulin colordado and mighty mouse to help u locate el batman...saludos de el pitufo iron man.
DeleteLol being a drug dealer ?? These people are drug lords they control the trade they have since world war 2 when the u.s bought opium from Sinaloa campesinos the narco culture in Mexico started in Sinaloa who's saying we are proud of it ?? Just stating real facts not fake ones like you are like I said I could care less come with your A game.
ReplyDeleteOnce again we got a sinaloa talking we are the original dopedealers, pendejete contraband smuggling has been goin on before world war two including weed,booze and anything else u can think of. The northern states of mexico and their people where indeed the original dope,booze dealers. Go back to school and do ur research,as a matter of fact where were ur people during the mexican revolution!! Sinaloas always snitching bitchin and talking shit!!!
DeletePara toda la bola de putos ke creen ke el chaputo tiene control de chiuas ....estan. Pero bien Pendejos y ya dejen se de mamadas. No pudieron y nunca podran contra nosotros..... atte la linea
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of all militaries and armed groups is to kill, including the U.S. military. Govt. militaries are trained to kill. And who are the best people to recruit to carry out that objective? None other than the youth of a nation-there easier to manipulate. That age of elgibility in the U.S. is 17. They manipulate youth into believing they are fighting for the freedom of sovereign countries, when in reality they are commiting acts of agressions against sovereign countries for the purpose of stealing their resources for the benefit of wealthy elites. The only purpose of a military or armed group should be self-defense, because human nature teaches us that some people's evil will only be stopped through violence. Furthermore, if a military/armed group is not payed, you have no military/armed groups. For the most part, Iraq was becoming another Vietnam for the U.S.; for all practical purposes it did become another Vietnam. The U.S. govt. started paying off the Sunni Iraqis inorder for them to stop fighting the U.S. forces, and the Shiite govt convinced the Sadr militia to stand down with a promise that U.S. forces would pull-out of Iraq, which they eventually did. The Iraqis were becoming more proficient in killing American troops. As far as 9/11 is concerned,, that was inside job. I would suggest people look up the late Aaron Russo's YouTube videos where he talks about the conversations he had with a Rockefeller. The CIA, Shadow govt., Illuminati, elites, Bush's were behind 9/11.
ReplyDeletePinche batman..culero u a lying son of a ur stories r intresting to lying people like looks like ur just a la liena nuttsucker ..atte el wolverin.
ReplyDeletePinche batman..culero u a lying son of a ur stories r intresting to lying people like looks like ur just a la liena nuttsucker ..atte el wolverin.
ReplyDeleteUhhhhh el rayo de Sinaloa heraclio bernal you punk learn you need to go back to school if you don't kno who heraclio bernal is then you don't no shit about pancho villa heraclio bernal inspired pancho villa we been bandits watch any drug documentry about Mexico la Cuna del narco en mexico es en Sinaloa Baboso quit being a hater that's all you people say that we are snitches do something about it then if you don't like the fact the people from Sinaloa rifa then do something about it instead of being a lil girl on here talking medio y mierda who said we started smuggling first ? I said in Mexico guerkito
ReplyDeleteOnce again pendejete sinaloa, getting ur facts screwed up, first of all smart guy el rayo was just a bandit who had nothing to do with the revolution, u say he inspired villa, are u retarded the one who changed villas outlook was abraham gonzalez a rep for francisco madero!! Learn ur facts nina, i did my post grad in guadalajara,third sinaloa had almost nothing to do with the revolution, fourth the proof is in the pudding as to ur famous cartel leaders snitching to dea, chapo, vicentillo etc need i say more ha ha, and finally u sound like a little girl saying "do something about it" i got some advise for u stay in school but i doubt u finished it and or get a job and nobodys hatin on ur sinaloa, u guys worship malverde, wats their to hate on!!! Wait did malverde inspire robin hood???? Hahaha
Deletekey board warrior you didnt study nothing but peoples stuff they say on here nobody said they where narcos you are haiting so just do your job. heraclio bernal was a revolutionary way before the mexican revolution smart one lol wiki aint studying sorry fail!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the context as a precursor to the Mexican Revolution, Heraclio Bernal and his band of followers presented many characteristics similar to those of other later Revolutionary guerrilla fighters. Bernal began his career of banditry at the age of 20. Within a short period of time his banditry had turned to a political plan. He participated in the antipofirista rebellion of 1879 with Jesus Ramírez Terrón and occupied large parts of Sinaloa. It was during these times when his power increased. The next major political step he participated in was in 1885. At this time Bernal signed and a political proclamation, denouncing both the authorities of Sinaloa and Porfirio Díaz. But his political participation was to be his demise. As his power and notoriety grew so too did the Mexican government's displeasure with him. In 1887 a reward of 10,000 pesos was offered and within a year he was gunned down. The political presence that Bernal brought along with his countless raids on mines or local authorities stirred both the thoughts and hearts of the people to whom Bernal represented much more than just a ladron vulgar, as the authorities were so fond of calling him.
he was one of the precursors of the mexican revolution yea you studied.
June 2, 2013 at 10:30 PM
ReplyDeleteHeraclio Bernal.Good comments bro,you stirred my interest and imma"gringo"i love history and interesting historical individuals.So now im going to learn a little bit more history.
10:30 PM
ReplyDeleteHeraclio Bernal.Bro,now i know who he is,the famous picture of him posed after they had killed him?
"Thunderbolt of Sinaloa."
yes they killed him his own gang back stabbed him he was from the sur of sinaloa from a pueblo in the mountains called san ignacio really intresting stuff.
ReplyDeleteFigures sinaloa backstabbers!!!