Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 31, 2013

Slain Drug Cartel Lawyer Was U.S. Informant

Southlake attorney gunned down last week worked with U.S. agents

By Scott Gordon

Juan Guerrero Chapa, 43, was gunned down at about 7 p.m. May 22 at the Southlake Town Square by a masked man who jumped out of the back seat of a white sport utility vehicle, police said. Chapa had worked for the Department of Homeland Security Investigations, secretly providing inside information on cartel operations to American investigators.

The Mexican drug cartel attorney who was slain execution-style in Southlake last week had been a confidential informant for the U.S. government, law enforcement sources told NBC 5.

Juan Guerrero Chapa, 43, had worked for the Department of Homeland Security Investigations, secretly providing inside information on cartel operations to American investigators.

HSI is part of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Guerrero was gunned down at about 7 p.m. May 22 at the Southlake Town Square by a masked man who jumped out of the back seat of a white sport utility vehicle, police said. It was the first homicide in the upscale suburb since 1999.

The attorney had worked for top leaders of the Gulf Cartel, including former top boss Osiel Cardenas, who is now in prison in the United States.

It was unclear if his role as an informant may have leaked to the cartel, providing a motive for his killing. At least two U.S. trials of high-ranking Gulf Cartel members have concluded in recent weeks.

Guerrero, a Mexican citizen, his wife and three teenage children had been living in Southlake for two years, police said.

They had been living in the U.S. legally, according to ICE spokesman Carl Rusnock. High-level informants from Mexico or other countries are sometimes allowed to live in the United States as long as they are cooperating.

Rusnock had no comment when asked about Guerrero’s role as an informant. He referred questions to Southlake police.

Southlake police spokeswoman Kim Leach also declined comment.

Along with the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration, HSI investigates drug crimes.

With 6,700 special agents, HSI is the second-largest federal law enforcement agency. Only the FBI is bigger.


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  1. dea told his whereabouts after they got what they need of him

    1. Why would the cartel need the dea to tell them where he's at if it was the cartels lawyer they knew where he was at. what they didn't know was he was an informant.

    2. Google the lawyers name and put mantas zacatecas z40 miguel trevino knew all this n thensome trevino has high level intelligence how does he get this info ice, dea, ice control all these cartels in my opinion they get used turned against each other and when they stop cooperating they go after them

  2. Did you mention he was a lawyer for cdg and that he was an informant and was killed by a guy that jumped out from the back seat of a white SUV? Just in case someone didn't catch it in the first 6 paragraphs.

  3. Haha i hate to laugh but this should happen more often to guys that do these things. He was a lawyer, he participated in drug dealing supposedly AND he was an informant?! Yeah he had to go!!!

  4. This guy needed around the clock protection if he was a secret informer for DHS especially if it involved the cartel ...DHS handled this secret OP poorly...the guy didn't have to die

  5. Wow a lawyer an informant how messed up that snds
    Vegas Guys

  6. Eduardo trevino alias el aldo captured in nuevo laredo nephew of z40 se acercan mas y mas al z40


  8. Was there really no security with this guy?!?! WTF. He was a lawyer for Gulf thugs, AND he is cooperating with US govt. Sounds like a good chance of exactly this happening. *sigh*

  9. Turning rat for the feds, is a good enough reason for Mr. Guerrero to get wacked. He was probably giving up information of cartel operations in both countries. He was getting to close for comfort for key cartel leadership. Not good for business. The HSI should have put chapa as far away as possible from the border and changed his identity. Karma is bitch.though. This cat had caused to much harm to many people. He had it coming to him.

  10. Yes, it sounds like a message sent that those who choose to conspire with authorities will meet their demise. Hopefully, the US can send a message right back that those who choose to murder can expect the death penalty.

  11. Anyone any ideaa who leaked? Maybe he had no more secrets to tell all his old bosses locked up, or maybe he had a lot secrets to tell about USA agencies, and they SOLD him out? Eaither way they gave him up. If CDS had never tried to take N.Laredo . Z would never had to reclute a bunch cholos,coke/crystal heads, that are running it now. They were the true professionales . But CDS, DEA/ CIA, and the elite corrupt politicos dont want to share that enchilada. Cds needsmore putas and trucks,DEA needs money to wage war against its own people, and CIA wants to invade countries using drug money.( Venezuela ) As long as Mexico gives the USA oil contracts favorables to Texan companies ,it would be the same caca. I hear some A ,CIA, and some military advisors have become very proffecient at dancing salsa , More than 2 decades there and coke still gets here by the TONS. By the way when was the last time usa law cops actually caught a ton or at least half a ton? Anyone?

    1. They just had a 150 pound crystal meth bust from mexicans. This was in polk county, florida. That's not tons but they're not gunna find tons. Once the large shipments cross the border they get dispersed into smaller loads to multiple cities and states. A big bust like that would really only happen in border towns in texas, arizona, etc.

    2. Good point player

    3. Read the laredo morning times..happens daily buddy.

  12. Thats whats happens when you play with fire you end up getting burned sooner or later.

  13. "It was unclear if his role as an informant may have leaked to the cartel"

    Unclear? ... it is crystal clear - como no podía ser de otra manera? when you decide to become an informant, you are a throw-away item. neither side cares about su existencia.

  14. snitches get stitches..

    1. snitches are a dying breed..

    2. Only thing is this fool didnt get that lucky

  15. May 31, 2013 at 3:00 PM nope, that´s not a message, just solving a problem, a message would have been more brutal, with public display and a video or a written message...not in the US though, bad for business

  16. breaking new but it happened last Thursday.
    BP officer attacked first by the man who asked for help then by two more hidden assailants. after throwing the officer over a 26 foot embankment the attackers stole his bike and escaped into Mexico. More to come on KRGV news

  17. the cartels are the defacto authority in most vital Mexican cities, so what! the Mexican gov is:

    A: in bed with the narcos, therefore Mexico is fucked.

    B: the Mexican gov is weak and has no power to enforce laws and fight corruption, therefore Mexcio is fucked.

    C: Greed and corruption is so rampant and intertwined within Mexican DNA that all heads of local and State are easily corrupted, therefore Mexci is fucked!

    D: all of the above therefore Mexico is fucked!

  18. I would've kidnapped the rat cut his tounge out and peeled his face off then executed him. If his wife was good looking I would let the team have some.

  19. Gulfos are going to shit, join the winning team Puro Culiacan Sinaloa.

  20. Snitches end up in Ditches

  21. Nice potential conflict of interest there.... would not want my lawyer playing both sides.

  22. No snitches lay in ditches....jojo..

  23. To May 31, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    Yeah they have been getting close to him since last year lul!

    1. El z-40 va a caller antes de que se acabe al ano morro los gabashos ya lo hicieron prioridad #1 por eso estan aggarando sus familiares y pegandole en las bolsas para que se enoja y salga de la agua imaginate el coraje que trai la trevi orita y ya le ban atumbar a benjazeta todo enpeso pkr que mato al hijo de moreira ora sus mismos ex aliados los herreras de veracruz y los moreira de coahuila estan cantando como pajarritos para ke lo pesken los gabashos lastima ke tomo la muerte de un hijo del politico de mierda para que los putos se le voltiarran

    2. Pues en Nuevo Laredo los marinos ya le dieron pa dentro a su primo Enrique Treviño Treviño aka Don Aldo, que era el que corría el mugrero para Chicago y la feria para los dos Laredos, lo tienen en México pero al parecer lo van a extraditar para USA.

  24. thing is, when you deal with these types, there isn't much rule of law, if someone just whispers it in the wrong company, word travels fast, but yes id say as soon as the trials wrapped up, they thought he was probably up to something, they had too much knowledge of dealings, then, sure as shit,they eliminated others to seal up a leak

  25. no big deal.. go get another snitch

  26. come on a mexican citizen cant live in usa with out get deported. maybe he was mexican-american. but when the government say he was mexican the american citizen say´s oh was a mexican thats a relief

  27. The formula for 'snitch' is given in this article. Any Mexican citizen in a position where he has access to cartel information and lives in the U.S. 'legally'' should worry that his cover may run thin. All Jr. U.S. Agents should meet their informants for lunch in a public place so that they can feel the vulnerability that the snitch has.

  28. That's what happens to rats. they get exterminated.

  29. Rats were put on earth for a reason. Population control on other rats. They're all rats. So a rat that rats on another rat is no different that the rat getting ratted on. Good for him and great for those of us that want them all dead! To hell with all rats!!

  30. Leave him there an let the rats eat him!!!

  31. this guy controled plazas in miguel aleman camargo china n bravo. his fam started buying property in hidalgo co like it was the wild west. not to mention the families that were kidnapp in china and bravo and never to be seen again were from his direct orders. the possibilities as to why he was murderes are numerous. drugs, kidnapping money laundering, murder, informant, ext. pick and choose they are all legit

    1. Exactly. His men took over our little community La Azucar Tamp. There was a mass exodus from the locals. You can't recognize any faces anymore and don't dare going into our little ranch. Nobody has ever mentioned la Azucar. It's south of Camargo Tamps!

  32. Is there anyone else than snitches? How stupid you are to go into that business? Good luck is too rare considering sentences.

  33. poor little attorney

  34. How many cartel members post comments here, I wonder?

  35. Snitch wanting it both ways. Why do parasite's always think their the one that will get away with it. I will bet the snitch has no one crying his loss at homeland. Not that I am for criminals, but I am for loyalty in no matter what you do, and someone who sells others out for money or anything else needs to pay and pay harsh for it. Rat's eat Rat's shit.

  36. What's the diffetence between a whistle-blower and a snitch...ate they not both informants ?


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