Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bar Heaven Mass Kidnapping Audio: Witness Account Translated

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

The following is the translation of a recorded testimony given by a witness who was a patron at  the Bar Heaven, when 12 people were taken in a mass kidnapping in Tepito on May 26th.
This was difficult to transcribe I welcome any corrections that are relevant to the witness account. 

Below is footage at the time of kidnapping  

Recording I
 “This is the complete truth…”

“We were sitting down, then the manager; El Polo arrived and told us that an operative was going to come because the owner of the Black was hit, so we were all thrown out…”

“My friend and I were the last ones to get out …”

“They were going out of the door of the Heaven (bar), they were trying to exit and that’s when the convoy arrived…”

“I never saw anybody, I was inside and when it arrived, my friend closed the door and we were the ones that managed to get out through the roof terrace”

“The police need to find the manager of the Heaven, he is called El Polo”

Recording II
“At one point in time  I saw the entire ruckus and I started to run inside.…
This is not an operative; there is no need to enter with guns”
“I was with Gabriela (Reyes Martinez) and with the ones at the other table…”
“Then they were doing an operative and one by one they were  going out but I was the last one because I was saying goodbye to all my friends and that’s when it started…”
“So when I got out I didn’t see Polo (manager) at the front entrance of the bar Heaven.”
"I didn't see him anymore..."  "Josue and his brother were taken, they were with the blonde girl wearing a blue dress, I don't know if they took her too because I think they were searching for her."
“We were told that an operative was going to take effect, so we were exiting one by one, the music was turned off and we were going out one by one (inaudible)”
“Outside Heaven, I saw the disturbance…”

“Honestly, I was very bad, I saw what was happening and I got scared and since my buddy ran out I did the same thing. We were hiding for an hour and when everything ended, we went inside the bar but it was already closed, so we had to climb through the back (terrace)…”
“The manager should be located (contacted), he is responsible for all this! He must have something and probably it was he was who sent them (the convoy), he said: go out! I’ll make you pay…” (This is confusing)

“We were the only ones there, the last ones; and there were some guys that were able to get out when they announced that they were going to close”

“They even took themselves some beer, they were the first ones to go out but we were paying for the bottle”

“My buddy was the one who used to talk with the manager but he doesn’t answer the phone calls anymore”

“I’m going to tell you something: Did you know that one at the bar Black who was killed?

“I think it was the manager of Heaven who did it, because he had gone to find  us when we managed to get out”

“My buddy called him when all of this happened and he told him: Now what Polo? don’t fuck with me, what is all that fucking shit about? what about my friends?”

“He says: No bro, I don’t know, I don’t know- kill them- kill them all.. And my friend asked: what do you mean kill them all?”

“I don’t know who did it and then he hung up and I didn’t know of anything else…”

“And he also told me that he was the one that killed the guy from the Black (bar)”

“All I know is that he is called Polo, he is a short guy, he always wears suits, and he has hair with  a lot of gel”

“He is a short guy that uses suits… He is dark skinned, short, always uses suits and he was always in the bar Heaven and everybody knows him…”

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  1. And there you have it find the suite snd you'll find the people if they ain't dead yet

  2. Somebody done somebody wrong and now time to set a example what a bitch

  3. Dont want to live in mexico thats for sure

    1. The same stuff happens in the US everyday. Are you really that ignorant? I've lived half my line in EU and Mexico and I would pick Mexico any day. Get out of your bubble !

    2. What a stupid, ignorant comment. When was the last mass kidnapping in the US or EU? When was the last time you saw armed convoys of 20 SUVs full of cartel commandos in the US or EU? Doesnt happen sorry. Mexico is the most dangerous country on Earth outside of active warzones in Afghanistan. Stop saying rediculously stupid things to push your own agenda.

    3. Bullshit when was the last time 10 ppl got kidnaped ar once anywere in the states.i got lots of mexican friends best friends but mexico as a place to visit or live its a shithole no question about it.i just feel bad for the decent ppl thats trapped on the other side being victimized by them assholes who call themselves cartels.

    4. Where did(are) you living the other half of your life? If its the USA you know you can move to Mexico!

    5. 4:47 idk what world you stay in but this shit does not happen in the u.s all time. Your talking about 10+ people getting kidnapped in one night in under less then few minutes. So stfu !!!!!!

    6. Really I don't know of any mass kidnappings, people getting decapitated on a daily bases, young kids being excuted anywhere in the US. You need to get out of the bubble.

    7. So there aren't random shootings in movie theatres elementary schools & universities in the u.s. right? Hey if mexico were to focus on just about every crime that happens in the u.s. believe me they'd be scared af too

    8. To all the blind folks...usa may not be like mexico at the moment but there is the same amount of corruption there was in mexico in the 90s. Thats what got mexico to what it is now. Dont judge dumbasses open ur eyes and sew we r headed the same direction. Just read the border town news you will see the violence is spilling over more and more each day...

    9. At 5:11 - "Mexico is the most dangerous place outside active warzones in Afghanistan"
      @7:42 - "i got lots of mexican friends best friends but mexico as a place to visit or live its a shithole no question about it".

      There is some serious IQ deficiency posting here. Similar shit does happen in the US everyday. Drive to S Chicago, Detroit, Camden, Newark, and hundreds of other areas in the US that is just as "government less" as parts of Mexico..and they do kidnap, roll convoys, and extort. US is no less corrupt than Mexico and the people are no better and the bad are just as bad.

    10. We have our share of crimes but at least we can shoot back with 300 plus million weapons in the hands of citizens alone.where i stay they had a man and his wife come home one sat night and found their door open with 3 ppl inside he opened fire on their asses and killed one of them and the other 2 ran away.the reason we have school shootings is cause the u.s has a piss poor mental health system.some of these guys have been looney for yrs and couldnt get help.whats the cartels excuse? They mentally ill too?

    11. S Chicago Detroit Camden and Newark are ghetto bc of all the white people there

    12. You think so huh? Hahahaha

  4. Imagine yourself being taken against your will knowing your about to die and there's nobody to help you and you think whst a fool you were to not hee the warnings and the dangers that surround you

  5. Mr.slick you been bad very very bad and i will see you very very soon whst comes around goes around i hope you remember this

  6. What a bunch of idiots this so called cartels are killing your own people off how stupid can you really get i got a idea why don't you guys go eat shit snd die and let the innocent people alone

  7. Got two guns one for you and one for your bitch ass boss you fucking kidnappers

  8. It will be interesting to see how the head of the government of el D.F. handles this case. Miguel Ángel Mancera belongs to the leftist Democratic Revolution Party (PRD). He has already come out and said that their is no cartels in Mexico City.

  9. El accento inconfundible del chilano...

  10. This is is sad , but in a way it should be warning for all the people in the states.. Boycott Mexico and its tourist states... mess with the Mexican tourist areas and I'm willing to bet Puto Nieto will start doing something about it... I used to love Mexico now and won't even go to Nogales to visit my family.. cartels are a piece of shit , but the government are a lot worst (specially cops)...

  11. Its been a boring news month here at the BB but im still here. As a BB fan

  12. to " Dont want to live in mexico thats for sure
    June 9, 2013 at 1:24 PM "
    you have no idea how corrupt the USA is now and it is only going to get worse.
    entire special task force "police and sheriff" panama unit escorting drug loads through the rio grande valley. 150 convicted federal officers from this site the irs being used by the federal government to fix elections and the nsa evesdropping on every electronic device you and i own.
    this is not going to end well.

    1. I can throw out my electronic devices and go by the way of carrier pidgeons bank acct no nothing then what have they got?

  13. I want more high level take downs!

  14. why is this all over the news i mean yea its a horrible thing but theres always bar kidnappings and shootings in monterey all the time an those dont get as much coverages as this

  15. USA is the same shit.

    except there's no extortion on working people.

    1. Extortion has been done before in the u.s we call it the I.R.S. and la cosa nostra did it for years couldnt build anything ship anything they were into union rackets had their hands in everything and you couldnt do any of these things back then unless u paid them so it has been done here before

    2. In Los Angeles gangs like Avenues and lots of hispanic sureno gangs extort illegal immegrant workers daily. Even some legal citizens are extorted out of fear in South East Los Angeles. Aka most dangerous gang infested part of America hands down. Youtube LAPD graphic with peter jennings just for a lil taste of peters first night in the back seat of a south east cop car. 2 cops shot 1 gangster shot in head etc etc.

  16. @9:16

    Working people in the USA get extorted by their own goverment, IRS, etc.

  17. USA aka Esclavos Unidos

    1. Damn right. pay taxes up the ying yang for what..

  18. bar kidnappings wtf. insanity

  19. there are mass executions in the us, attempted and fulfilled but it is usually done by one or two people that have parted with reality or snapped, and it is usually for some political means, or revenge, not just to kidnap and get money then kill the poor souls for money. this type of shit just doesnt happen much at all here and if this stuff is happening, it is just by your mexican cartels on their own piasas here in the states. while similar things may happen here and there, they just dont happen with the same frequency and the victims arent met with the same apathy as they are in mehico. yes i agree that there may be some upper level corruption here, much the same as everywhere else, but we have no where near as much national insecurity as mexico.. mexico is fucked and needs a major uprooting to reboot the whole social system there. modern mexico is the result of such ingrained impunity against those who have no rules...

  20. The Suit. In broad daylight to boot.

    Whoever it is speaking out was smart to get the account to major news networks. There's no hiding it now. No more "nothing happened here".

  21. One person wrote: "bar kidnappings and shootings in monterey all the time".

    Oh my God, this country is FUCKED big time.
    I thought such things happen only in South Africa.

  22. Kidnappings happen everywhere but it's bad in Mexico... Here's to the people that say it doesn't happen in the USA.. Umm Amy smart jonbenney ramsy those three girls they just found in Cleveland.. These are just examples for the ones who want to be blind.. I live in az n would live in mx that's for sure..

    1. Go live in mexico then, I'll give few weeks before your ass full of shit comes back, because 13 year old kid rubbed your ass after taking a jug. I got a cusen killed for cutting a drive on the road and months later we found out the suspect was a police officer and when I mean suspect I mean he never got accused of anything. Sorry for my poor spelling..

  23. Is Mexico Safe ?


  24. I wouldnt go anywhere near Mexico, only an idiot would go there for anything, you couldnt pay me to go there! Cant even drink the damn water its such a shit hole!

  25. They have video and audio of a witness. If this crime isn't solved, it's because Mexican police (anti-kidnapping unit, federal, state, or army), were involved themselves and helped carry it out.
    Either way we will never really know the truth since they can always pin it on someone innocent just to take the heat off themselves. From the group kidnapped you have a few chicks that certainly look like putas, a 15 year old, 30 something year old, etc. and all from Tepito. Sounds to me like they were selling drugs where they shouldn't have. Drugs are exactly what go on in after hour clubs. Managers, owners, cartel all get a cut of that. If they aren't paid their "piso" or rent, they get angry.

  26. Did anybody else get annoyed with the constant plug of the reporting agency's name in the audio?
    Grupo Reforma, Grupo Reforma, Grupo Reforma, did anyone count them?


  27. the cops were involved on this..evrything that happens in Mexico goes by orders of the corrupt police... the police are supposed to play for one team and the cartels for another team, and the judges and prosecutors are suppose to be the referees... Mexican law is a frieken joke.

  28. These lazy asses are killing one another for a few pesos.

  29. Translation sucks chivis

  30. Well,well,well,,it descends into Mexico v US again?
    I gotta say,if you innocently point a fact out about Mexico,you get a million half assed clowns false claiming Mexico,and getting hysterical about how great Mexico is and how the US is even worse than Mexico,all the while sitting in their US homes?
    Is there anything worse than a bitch with a big mouth false claiming somewhere else"Hating on the very place we all came to for a better life"
    Fucking idiotic,its getting worse seeing all these posted stories somehow descend into Mexico v USA.
    I can see why Mexico is the way it is,take a guess?

  31. I used to go to Black all the time. It always struck me how many people were absolutely coked up to the gills, even for Condesa.

    1. U know what they say "once u go black u never go back"..

  32. June 10, 2013 at 6:16 AM
    "Oh my God, this country is FUCKED big time"
    Yes,and going by the comments always on here,they hate the"gringo"and the US with a passion.That kind of persistent negativity and hate only feeds a kind tit for tat hatred from people ordinarily passive and non committal about such matters.Mexicans don't seem to want to get past this kind of negativity?I have no pre-conception or hate at all for Mexicans,but i have to say,even i get tired of being called names and stereotyped as some kind of race hating"whiteboy"a stereotype that is by the way completely wrong and is now being used as a political tool by various parties.This negativity is non-productive in the extreme,grown men argue about who is the more racist or who's country is worse?It brings nothing but anger and hate,is that what we really want for each other,then again,do we even care now?Probably not,so it goes on and on and,,,anyway,it is what it is?

  33. Fools making antagonistic comments to elicit antagonistic comments in turn from other fools.It descends into jingostic nonsense again,from grown ass men who think they are ever so streetwise and smart?

  34. @1:23pm Could not have said it better myself .
    People who deny the problems are part of the problem.

    BB keep the Pulitzer reporting coming !!!!!!

  35. The truth is the cartels have infiltrated into almost every 50 U.S. States. Do we have mass kidnappings, beheadings and so forth? No, because the cartels don't want to risk that shit show. We do have constant kidnappings of dope dealer low lifes who owe the cartels but they are usually released once the Feds get involved. Lax borders, a week immigration policy, combined with incompetent U.S. politicians have led to this. The cartel violence in the U.S. is present but mostly ignored by the leftist and so called republican politicians who want to push immigration policy for votes. Just look at the murder of the Gulf Cartel lawyer in South Lake, Texas. Was there any national media attention? Of course not. It's all down hill from here.

  36. June 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM
    "Translation sucks chivis"
    Well bitch,at least she tried,at least she did that.
    What the fuck did you do today motherfucker?Whine about a translation she said in the description was hard to translate,and she would even welcome a bit of help?And what do you do,,act like a donkey!Did you ever think"i could help her out here"Me,i welcome and appreciate the translation.

  37. Appearantly Zetas are losing turf i got the May 2013 cartel territory. I sent it to chivis and another borderland beat reporter so its not going to be long till you guys see it
    I got it from

  38. I was in Monterrey on may 4th celebrating my birthday with family. We went to a nice resturaunt for dinner. The next day two people were killed leaving the place while the manager was kidnapped. I never went out after that. The drive back to south Texas was scary knowing that the guys dressed up like military could be the bad ones. Never again am I going south again. Shortly after that , an American marine, his dad and uncle were kidnapped in Progresso Tamps never to be heard from again.

  39. @6:10 pm WTH? What do we have here? another bad guy nuthugger. Tell us where do they find 8 bodies hanging from an overpass in the U.S.
    Where in the U.S. are journalists in fear of their lives? Where in the U.S. are 49 dismembered bodies dumped on major highway?
    Educaate yourself. Cannot wait for U.N. troops to patrol Coah, Nuevo Leon,Tamps, Chi, Michoacán,Veracruz,Sinaloa. That's right U.N.troops on Mexican soil.

    1. I also wish that happened and with tanks to see if their so called monstruos stand a chance

  40. Hey Twister @7:36

    Sorry buddy, the map is mine NOT Mundo/BDN, they stole it from me I posted it a few days ago on this post:

    If you look closely you will see the BB2013 I put on all my images, on the map it is hiding among the stripes in the upper part of Sonora

    As for your Zeta comment, I am now making a great map, it is a progression map of Zetas. I began it in 2000. then again in 2010 and again in 2013. It will be finished in a couple of weeks, I just finished 2010.

    But you are reading the map wrongly. Zetas have increased their territory but are challenged that is why the stripes. In places like Tamps of course they have territory but like them in Coahuila where they have good control but CDG and CDS roam also said of CDG in tamps. what I do not like is the map does not define was faction of cdg is where. I tried getting that info to create such a map but information is all over the place so I gave up.

    If anyone does have a good knowledge of such info I would love to hear from you.

    can you please give me a link to the post where mundo is using my map? I have a dozen or so people that told me mundo has it and put their watermark on it. a couple other readers said mundo watermark covered part of the explanation. I sent those people a copy for my doc file.

    1. Oh thanks i did notice they put mund0narco on the images from valor x tamaulipas as well i apologize

  41. PS... it is the Templarios that have gain incredible a rate even more rapidly than Zs did out the gate

  42. "The same stuff happens in the US everyday. Are you really that ignorant? I've lived half my line in EU and Mexico and I would pick Mexico any day. Get out of your bubble !"

    I agree 1000%, at least in Mexico the cartels kill for money in the US they do it for fun.

    Don't like Mexico, stay away...we don't want you here.

    1. Haha you're ignorant as fuck.. why do you think all the Mexicans wanna live in the US.. cause Mexico is trash.. no puto and I'm not a gringo either

  43. June 10, 2013 at 10:17 PM
    "Don't like Mexico, stay away...we don't want you here"
    Get your lyin ass out of here.Listen to the merry rover here?"we dont want you here"thank fuck your sad bitter ass is back in Mexico and not inflicting your bitch ass ideas on other nations?Mother Mexico needs you oh worldly one...

  44. June 10, 2013 at 6:45 PM
    "Si no les cae lo que a dicho, vayanse a chingar su reputa bomba madre pedazos de mierda pinches pendejos,Y te van a chingar been duro"
    Ooeeeee,this brother gettin pissed all the way off.
    Be cool man,its just words,but yeya,it does piss you off sometimes.Mexican slang and terms are fuckin great,dude,what is the puneta del muerte?And,soplapollas,thats a killer,how do you say them properly?Or you not gonna talk to a gringo?Dont be like that dude,give me a couple?

  45. No prob Twister, it made me smile.

    1. Chivis , I know its random , but you might know more than I do.. a friend of mine from Sinaloa, told me that Manuel Torres Felix(el ondeado) was not killed by Mexican military like previously said.. he was killed by DEA agents .. I'm not sure , maybe its just gossip

  46. June 11, 2013 at 6:09 PM
    "U know what they say "once u go black u never go back"
    Is that what they say brr?Whats up you fantasizing or something?You wanna pull up to the bumper in the black limousine?Do you wanna keep it on the dl?
    C,mon dont be shy,give us the haps,what you been thinkin on,where did that come from?

  47. @10:35AM

    I had not heard that and I doubt it. BUT, it would not surprise me to learn that DEA led Mexico to him. US has far better intelligence than Mx and they enjoyed an amazing relationship with Calderon. Not so with EPN, he closed all the doors and latitude opened by Calderon...


    1. Thanks Chivis... yeah Pena nieto is no goodbfir Mexico.. he's looking out for himself

  48. June 11, 2013 at 6:11 PM
    "why do you think all the Mexicans wanna live in the US.. cause Mexico is trash.. no puto and I'm not a gringo either"
    Brother,i salute you for talking sense and not some boolshit,you got it,it aint about countries,its about life,and we only got one of them bitches,im wondering why we aint got a million mark ass bitches gettin grimy with you for saying that?
    Anyway,saludos bro


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