Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Coahuila: Missing Governor Candidate Found Murdered
Francisco Navarro Montenegro, was local and federal congressman twice and candidate for Governor, his body was identified today by his son, as one of the two bodies found early this morning.

The bodies of two men were located Saturday morning, at different times, in Libramiento Óscar Flores Tapia, one of them was identified as Francisco Navarro Montenegro, who had been both a federal and local congressman twice, candidate for Governor, and founder of the Socialist Workers Party (PST) which later became the party of the Cardenista front for national reconstruction (PFCRN) and a leader of colonias.

Five days ago, there was information that Montenegro Navarro (who was 64 years old) was missing, but his family said he was out of town, that was he was OK and didn´t file a  report of disappearance or kidnapping.
The State leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Samuel Acevedo Flores, who was his closest collaborator and political worker, is reportedly deeply saddened by the death of the leader and friend said: "We´ve lost one of the most important political assets of the left in Coahuila, because he was a social activist who defended the  causes of the poor".

The news spread through social networks, but it wasn´t until this Saturday that the Attorney General of Justice of the State (PGJE) reported that a criminal preliminary investigation had been initiated about the killing of two men whose bodies had been found in the Óscar Flores Tapia libramiento, after an anonymous call to the emergency system.

Investigating police, experts in criminology and an agent of the public prosecutor were dispatched to the area and found one of the bodies at 10:30 am at kilometer 5 + 400; the other deceased was found among the bushes 45 minutes later, at 11:15 at km 5 + 900 of the same road.

The bodies were transferred to the forensic medical service for the necropsy of law, in order to determine the causes of death.

At 13:00 one of the victims was identified by one of his sons as Francisco Navarro Montenegro, said the PGJE and pointed out that the identity of the other man is unknown because he carried no ID.

Sources close to the investigation revealed that he had been kidnapped on Tuesday and a hefty ransome payment was demanded, however although it was paid they killed him anyway.
The bodies were found in an industrial area close to Saltillo

Source: EL Universal-"Lala" and "Texcoco" Forum

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  1. Who paid the ransom? Family for Montenegro or the unidentified man?

  2. If he had anything to do with the Zetas,it mostly likely forced work....and people indicate he was a good man,probably cdg dogs behind this.

  3. Its the damn zetas again im sure, are cartels going to do anything to protect us from the zetas? Where is el chapo. He said he would help us.

    1. the moreiras se la rifan!if this man had anything to do with bringing out the moreira's thievery, which he had to know about as a governor candidate,bringing it up was not very funny,it cost humberto moreira his political career and gave a good assburn to the pri,to carlos salinas de gortari,and to enriquito pena nieto.this death shows the atracomulcos mean business...

  4. Now the all mighty political bastards arent safe from the cartels:i wish they eliminated all the PRI clan fcking fiens

    1. PRI politicians are founding members of the cartels,and are on the process of taking out the underperformers,prolly the CIA wants their business back.

  5. Hi Chivis looks like Mayhem in Coahuila this weekend. Too many stories from Coah. to translate in comments box. Here is one from the site. And there are more there.

  6. The hundreds of families murdered by z40 in coahilla could only be accomplished with the FULL SUPPORT of the GOVERNOR and his subordinates!

  7. So what did the narco msg say??

  8. Dont worry one week for today z40 will be no more then a stain on your underwear remember one week oh incase you wondering how i know this its because i am the one who going to get him trust me on this one week

    1. you no good,it took you two weeks,but hey!thanks a million!now tell us how you knew,pretty,pretty please?

  9. AGAIN,,,,,,,,,,
    "The hundreds of families murdered by z40 in coahilla could only be accomplished with the FULL SUPPORT of the GOVERNOR and his subordinates"
    And for the complete idiot who made this comment"Where is el chapo.He said he would help us" Is you crazy,deluded or just insane ?

    1. Chapo done got his he dont care bout those poor folks.he made more money than any of them now he gone.sad but true now if they would all just go away like that

    2. and chapo did not steal his money from the people of the state of guauhuila (GUAUHUILA) everybody knows who did it and where they are

  10. El lazca vive!!!!

  11. Socialist candidate? He must have wanted to the narcos to give 90% of their wealth to the government. As you can see, that proposal didnt go over very well.

  12. It's unfortunate, but this could have been an exchange of favors between politicians and cartels!

  13. hey Chivis , you have any information on things that happened in Coahuila the last 2 weeks , friends from Piedras Negras ,said that a big balacera happen in and area close to Monclova close to the Menonitas area lot of sicarios killed and Marines and also and important plaza boos in Piedras was killed , did you know anything about it

  14. Coahuilla is z40 terretory right?

  15. supposedly the message said:


    it made little sense so I wondered if it was true, so I tried getting a confirmation and was told it was SIGNED by Zeta not about Zetas.

    So I am just not sure...
    Zetas controlled Coahuila, albeit challenged but they have a strong hold on the state...for now

    1. zeta tactic(infantile),blame the foes and accuse the victims.what else can a bunch of guntotting ignorant chundaros do? other than pissing in the maruchan of course.the narcs N E E D better prepared executives,like la tuta(????!!!) the business only has room for estupidos maruchaneros.

  16. La letra gobierna Coahuila va ser impossible sacarlos de ese estado por muchas razones si creen que en Juarez se puso feo esperen cuando quieran entrar por Piedras Negras van a ver todo el poder de la letra como el año pasado cuando las golfas entraron a Nuevo Laredo uvo un chingooooo de muertos no reportados en una semana uvo casi 200 muertos

    Doz Fronteras

  17. Anonymous said...
    hey Chivis , you have any information on things that happened in Coahuila the last 2 weeks , friends from Piedras Negras ,said that a big balacera happen in and area close to Monclova close to the Menonitas area lot of sicarios killed and Marines and also and important plaza boos in Piedras was killed , did you know anything about it

    uly 1, 2013 at 7:16 PM

    I've heard the same about Acuna, too.

    1. That is very true. the stupid Mexican marines have killed allot of sicarios and plaza bosses. these scum bags of the Mexican marines are working for el Chapo and killing everyone of the zetas. They killed my cousin in that shootout that was in monclova and a week before that in naval they caught his wife cut her boobs pulled her hair out and teeth. that same week they also killed his brother, his brother did not have anything to do with the cartels and they went ahead and killed them. this stupid marines are also burning them alive inside their own cars. Q.D.E.P. el commando Pollo.

  18. Z40 is IN A little town called Guerrero Coahuila. I know this and its 100% true!


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