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Friday, July 12, 2013

74 Year Old Entrepreneur Deters Kidnapping and Kills Two

Borderland Beat Submitted by "ZAC"

Note: Major update on the ZAC post of  this afternoon.  New death toll and CDG Mantas 

A Zacatecas 74-year-old businessman deterred the attack by an armed command trying to deprive him of liberty, killing two of his attackers.

Fresnillo, Zacatecas.- Early this morning, to repel an attempted abduction, a 74 year old businessman from Fresnillo, Alfonso del Cojo Sucunza, killed 2 of his attackers and wounded others at his house door in the center of Fresnillo, (about 720 kilometers north of México City).
At 4:20 am, when the aggression happened, State police maintained an intense security operation on the premises of the Electoral Institute of the State of Zacatecas, 450 meters away from the house.
At the corner of the street where the kidnapping attempt occurred, is the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) that until some days ago - prior to the elections - ­was guarded by elements of the Mexican army.
The bodies of the alleged kidnappers were removed from the place by colleagues, who were traveling in two pick up trucks, of which the State Attorney General said they already have some information about its characteristics.
The businessman was transferred to the General Hospital of Fresnillo, where he was treated of 5  bullet wounds in abdomen and legs, medical personnel reported that a hemorrhage in the femoral artery was controlled and he is out of danger.
Outside the hospital there is surveillance of the State police, while at his home the State Attorney General of Justice and experts are still working and traffic has been closed in the area.
Del Cojo Sucunza has family ties with José Bonilla Robles, former Senator of the Republic and radio broadcaster, who is father of Adolfo Bonilla Gómez, current Federal Congressman, Del Cojo is also a relative of José Haro de la Torre, whose election as local Congressman for Fresnillo was confirmed also early this morning.

One would think this brave man would be called out as a hero.  If anyone is wondering what the Governor of Zacatecas is thinking, don’t plan on having any word from him soon, most likely never. 

It is probably also safe to bet against any hospital visit, even though the governor is in the same city as Alfonso lays in a hospital fighting for his life.
So far neither the State Government nor Zacatecas Gov. Miguel Alonso has issued a statement regarding the case of  Alfonso.

In his Twitter account @ miguelalonsogob  only made ​​mention of their participation in the funeral of Rufino Solis Campos.

“Today we say goodbye to a great friend, Rufino Solis Campos " with a posthumous tribute at the Museum Zacatecano "the governor tweeted at 10:39 hours on Thursday, yesterday at 20:18 hours, he wrote;

“My deepest condolences to family and friends of my dear friend Rufino Solis Campos" nothing about Alfonso



  1. Someone give this man a medal

  2. Resisting "gringo style"! Try this stunt in 75% percent of small business and homes in Texas and you will meet the same fate. Mexicans resist, we support you.

    1. "Gringo style"? WTF is that? and how do you "support" this man? You people watch alot of John Wayne movies. Gringos, chicanos y morenos; desde que se invento el internet opinan de lo que no saben y se sienten muy gallos en el anonimato detras de su computadora.

      ATTE: Rosa Mesa.

    2. Check news and attempted home invasions vs mexico. We fight back. We shoot and kill. Mexico needs to rise up! This man is a hero!

  3. Good for him.everyone in mexico needs to start doing that.

  4. Hope, faith wishing all innocent civilians bravery & courage 2 combat the mess n Mexico. Mexico could turn things around if they allowed civilians 2 arm themselves & have plenty of free classes 2 teach use of weapons & self defense.

  5. Se les llevó la verga a los delincuentes que trataron a chingar al señor del Cojo Sucunza. Se los cojo!!! ja ja ja ja ja.

  6. Mexican socialists get upset when citizens arm and defend themselves. I will never understand their perverse way of thinking.

  7. Ballin hard no discount

  8. why is Alfonso del Cojo allowed to have guns in his house. He should be arrested and given one year in prison for each bullet he posseses. He should know it's againts the law in Mexico to own high powered weapons.( sarcasm) Maybe if regular citizens had the right to bear arms, mexico wouldn't be so corrupt...

    1. That's great logic. Guns deter corruption. Lol

  9. so he is a fucking mexican bussinessman and he's able to carry weapons?, isn't that illegal in Mexico? or is it just bussinessmen are allowed to, and if so what about the rest of the citizens? ho! wait... 80% of mexicans live in poverty so they wouldn't be able to aquire decent weaponry anyways right, right!

    i don't see how people would find this guy a hero, to me heroism would be for common people to rise up and take on corrupt polititians and that way end corruption, but wait, most mexicans make ends meet on a day to day basis so they only have time work to put what little bit of food they can on the table, the 80%, the rest just don't plain give a fuck, are part of the corrupt system, bussinessmen like this guy, who do not give a shit unless something happens to them, right?, right!

  10. 75% of crimes end up with the victim killing the perp in Texas? What planet do you live on?

  11. This Google translation needs a little work.

  12. Respect your elders cartels.

  13. Way to go mister ! Give this man a fucking medal and everything he needs. Let his act be known among the whole country.

  14. Hell yeah. We dnt miss around specially in Texas

  15. This would be the outcome more often than not, if citizens in Mexico were allowed to protect themselves. Instead, only the wealthy and the criminals have the guns, and not those people who are the every day victims.

  16. Well done senor. Metanles un tiro en el culo a los secuestradores por ojetes.

  17. 11:21

    Don't be so ungrateful...why don't you step up and work for free? Zac is ESL. And does a damn good job.

  18. article 10 of Mx constitution allows weapons for self defense. best way is joining a shooting or target club

  19. Mexicans need to defend themselves. No one else will.

  20. chivis.. yeah, cause poor people in michoacan, or anywhere in mexico, have all kinds of money and time to form and join a gun club... lets be realistic here..

  21. July 12, 2013 at 10:21 AM
    "80% of mexicans live in poverty so they wouldn't be able to aquire decent weaponry anyways right, right!"
    When your right your right,and you are hella right

  22. 3:37
    It does not cost money, it is not like the us. It is very little to began a target club and can be done on any rural property. This is how citizens get around a long process. But one can apply an purchase from the military armory, the only "seller". The caliber is much inferior to what cartels have, but at least it is a defense.

    In states like Zac and Coahuila many people have guns as they are hunters and ranchers.

    So it would be better if you educate yourself to what the reality is.

    1. Your right, my uncle likes to hunt dears, those ugly looking pigs who stay out in the wild and specially the wolfs. he kill every dam wolf we could, they kill are sheep, dogs and new born. He has many type of weapons. All are semi automatic. Your not allow to have automatic weapons.

  23. Chivis is right, in small towns and communities many people have guns, it´s legal, mostly shotguns for hunting and getting rid of harmful animals in ranches and farms, that´s why in press articles you always read about "weapons of exclusive use of the military", meaning assault weapons, high caliber guns, grenade launchers, etc, those are illegal to own, not the rest.

    I didn´t know about shooting clubs, but I believe the legislation makes it easier for farmers and ranchers to own guns and is more strict for others, maybe that´s where the shooting clubs come in to play?

  24. Es una pena la realidad de Mexico....( y del mundo entero) hace demasiado tiempo que ni por equivocacion ha sido la gente correcta la que ocupa los puestos mas importantes para lograr un mejor pais, un major mundo. De que manera tienen vendida la vida delos mexicanos a cambio de que... es una verguenza que la misma gente tenga que velar por su seguridad, pena les deberia de dar a todos los que de algun modo tienen que ver con la seguridad del pasi, desde altos mandos hasta los mismos efectivos que juran proteger a la patria y a sus ciudadanos y se dejan manejar por seres totalmente malignos. Gente como Don Alfonso merecen todo el respeto y reconocimiento al valor y al coraje de no dejarse someter por malandros a pesar de que el gobierno los deja actuar a sus hanchas... no existe otra explicacion... todo mundo sabe donde se encuentran los malos... menos los gobernantes del mundo... DIOS, no tarde tu justicia Divina.

  25. Government is EVIL stupid weak people are EVIL they both drag down strong independent self sufficient people like this HERO! We ALL have the right to be Armed and defend ourselves, Govt can and will not protect you, MEXICO needs a NRA, DEMOCRATS in the USA need to be sent to Europe, THIS MAN IS WHAT WE ALL NEED TO BE -- A MAN.

  26. The real "shithole" is between your nose and chin.

  27. I know this man when I was in Mexico and he is a decent person, I wish he would have killed more of these shit heads. Defending his home and family in honorable, would you not do the same.


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