Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Michoacán: Bloody Tuesday rolls into Bloody Wednesday 28 Dead in 2 Days

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Attacks on Federal Police Continue in Michoacán 26 Dead Tuesday 2 today
The world press is finally giving a little attention to the violence outbreak in Michoacán.  If they are looking for heroes to write about, they need to concentrate on Michoacána and the fallen heroes of a war as real as any, where some of the bravest souls on the planet reside, clearly the bravest of México.  And by  reports from the ground, and social media , the Feds have also shown themselves to be honorable and brave. Citizens willing to die for a better life for their children, people caring for people, firefighters whose trucks destroyed or not permitted to pass, hop on pick up trucks and find their way to fire and rescues.  Amazing.
10 attacks have been reported so far in the month of July, today’s attacks included a unconfirmed report of an  attack on a SSPF helicopter*. The story is very fluid with facts flooding Michoacán noticias  news outlets and social media at a pace impossible to keep up with.  However, for the past hour the situation is calm.
Federal agents were attacked around noon today, as they were driving along the coastal road of  Coahuayana-Lazaro Cardenas, Pichilinguillo a part of the municipality Aquila. 

Reports were that at least 2 agents were killed and at least 10 wounded.  At around 14:30PM the wounded officers were taken in two helicopters from the Lazaro Cardenas airport to the state capital city of Morelia.
However, there was a flight diversion, and the helicopter landed in the city of Uruapan to assist and transport additionally wounded officers in that location.
Death toll from Tuesday now 26 as 4 officers die from injuries
Yesterday there were 22 deaths from clashes at various points.  10 officers were reported injured and transferred to DF for medical treatment, however, during the transfer  4 of the ten succumbed to their injuries, bringing the death toll to 26 yesterday, 20 deaths were armed gunman, 6 federal agents.
During  “Bloody Tuesday” terrified citizens witnessed the towns of  Lázaro Cárdenas, La Union, Guerrero and Tumbiscatío  being subjected to organized attacks against federal forces.  Narco blockades, systematized ambushes, torching of vehicles and heavy artillery shootouts, resulted in 26 deaths and a dozen injuries.
President Enrique Peña Nieto called for an emergency meeting with his administration's security cabinet

*Update: A reader sent in an article in the Colima Noticias digital edition which reports information consistent with has been reported today.  The article in part states:
The downing of a helicopter of the Federal Police in Guanajuatillo community in Apatzingán region was confirmed by reliable sources of the Attorney General of the Republic.
It was learned that the evening of Tuesday, the downing of the aircraft with registration number PF-201 a commissioner of the Federal Police, confirmed  a high command of the PGR.
The news source, did not hear about possible casualties, but federal agents were injured, they had to be taken to the Hospital of the 43rd Military Zone.
Tijuano found an article from 2011 that a helicopter with the same registration number crashed.  It did not indicate the damage sustained in that crash that took place in Guerrero.
Also, an armed commando stormed the Yak Plaza Casino, Morelia, Michoacán.  Several people are reported injured by gunfire, it has not been reported if any deaths occurred in the attack.  This is breaking news so few details are available.  [Thank you for the heads up reader]


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  1. Mexico will never ask the us or help. At least send a letter to santa and ask for drones tanks robocop and a Chapo finder

    1. Oh really...have your heard of the Merida Initiative?

    2. Nah! The good ole u.s of a just has politicians who like to talk smut and post their junk on the internet!! Lol.had to lighten it up a bit.never heard of a mexican politician posting their package on the web lol

    3. Mexican politicians are stupid,they are showing the ass everywhere all the time,by the fruit you know the tree...great advice from the wisest

  2. Sounds like Mexico can use more drones. At least they can find and fire missles into Narco blockaids.

    1. This isn't Afghanistan retard

    2. @9:11 p.m the hell it aint in case u havent been paying attention.that guy was right send the drones and take the narco convoys and blockades out.theyd never see or hear em comin.they need to do what they gotta do

    3. the drones are the cartels start hitting the army on a consistent basis you'll do whats necessary to protect themselfs.

    4. drones are expensive,much better to hunt the baddest of the bad and give them shotgun blast in the ass,may cost 30 cents a piece

  3. Chivas- There many good men risking their lifes daily. My prayers go out to these men and their families.Thanks and PEACE. TEXAS GRANDMA.

  4. There trying to catch Tuta. That's why all the resistence from CT. This violence can severely damage the strengh of the CT. Possibly allowing for the expansion of CJNG in Mich. Mencho has to like what's going. All those basterds are doing is hurting their state and the innocents. Their freaking crazy. Hopely the peace returns soon to Tierra Caliente soon.


  6. It wasnt four it was just two but a new attack accur. Two bad asses police got injure. To all u posters. If the soldiers die they fucking die. Just like in iraq or columbia. Its not about suckish or shitty. They die they fucking die. And dont say negative things to the forces in mexico. When it happens. Happens.

    1. It's not like Iraq. Mexican federales died fighting for peace in THEIR nation, not like US soldiers abroad who fight for American imperialism.

    2. Lol did u call us posters haahah

    3. How those ur poster look

    4. Whoever you are you are a freaking idiot. Really imperialism?.Ever heard about 9-11? The London subway bombings? Somalia pirates seizing tankers and killing innocents? If you are going to post,why not learn history first dumbass. Peace,Texas Grandma.

    5. USA is there because it helps em , as soon as USA defeated Taliban there, they became the world leaders of heroin, Taliban prohibited it , USA benefits wherever they go "fight for freedom"

    6. Sooner or later, bullies are alwaya taken down.

    7. Some Dole Bludging Trailer Trash is trying to impersonate as Texas Granma.

    8. usually government forces die to show the people who is in charge, helped by the people in charge of the government forces,no investigation and no charges,and now no reporting. ??? surprise anyone?

  7. Latest from local Morelia paper: it says the latest attack actually took place a little before midnight Tuesday night. 6 Federales killed. No mention of a helicopter going down.

    Nearly same time, same report, from 2 other local source that says 2 federales were killed.

  8. En la tierra Michoacana no nomas la hierba crece
    tambien crecen pantalones
    que a las escuadras sostienen
    a la hora de los balazos hasta el gobierno les temen.

    How come they never write why the battle started. They dint just wake up oh lets go ambush some police.

    1. Well why don't u tell us why?

    2. tu que eres poeta y en el aire las compones...ya sabes lo que tienes que hacer,no te vayas a chorrear la trompa.

  9. Se pasan de vergota de cavallo

  10. is chapo with tutu or neutral.

    1. Chapo wears a Tutu,and may be another team separate and different from la puta tuta,working for the same goal,taking border plazas,but chapo is not known for extorsion of eloteros

  11. What is this all about? Is it crack down on Caballeros Templar?


  13. What happen to the most wanted list ur work .

  14. 9:12PM

    It's coming...too much news breaking, but it will be up in the next couple days.

    1. Orale ..thanks chivis.looking forward to it..and peace to u and all off the world cuase not only mexico needs a change the hole world needs to make a change.

  15. Sunday bloody sunday

  16. Their countering teorizme you dome dome. Doesnt matter where or differents.

  17. Dam look like ct are really at war wit the government they don't give a fuck and go at it wit PF .. CT stupid too all they doing is bring more heat to there turf ways gona.happen now is the mexican government is gona step it up and REALLY eliminate the meth heads CT like I said before bring in the tanks and blast them in there fckin lil mountin hideouts

  18. La tuta is a pedaphile

  19. its crazy that syria is all over the news...but nothin about mexico. they gave z-40 what 2 days coverage? do ppl really have a clue of what is happening? its crazy shit.

    1. They don't want everyone to know what a joke the war on drugs is. They would lose their funding.

    2. Oh but we finding out slowly thanks to chivis and others and sites like this and word is getting out here

    3. Al Quida is fighting in Syria with USA support and that's why the main stream media covers them as freedom fighters.

  20. Se oyen detonar bazucas y varias granadas, es que andas fuertes los CHINGASOS-Martín Castillo!!

  21. I had to laugh reading about that worthless chupaverga Enrique Peña Nieto meeting with his cabinet. What were they discussing? New bribery rates? I wish someone would put a bullet in that scumbag's ass.

    1. they discussed how to save el gober precioso,yarrington,los moreiras,granier,y otros heroes de la gran familia patriotica de la Republica mexicana


  22. @10:06...exactly! And Royal baby George, Trayvon Martin and Jodi Arias....if the American press did their job...we would not to exist.

    1. American main stream press is a joke I don't even bother watching that muzzled propaganda bs

    2. I say that too thats why i come here for info.i tell everyone i know about the mess in mx some think im crazy and some pay attention.this is the reason we need to tighten border security not for hardworking honest mexicans but try to keep the criminal element out at least until we end this stupid war on drugs and legalize and regulate and tax it.i hate all of it as bad as anybody just feel helpless to stop it sometimes but i do try and vote the bastards out that try and keep it going.god bless the ppl of mx

  23. U.S. predator + U.S. Marines + U.S. Special Forces = Los Zetas Game Over

  24. The CT are allied with CDG not chapo. CJNG is present in michoacan but at this point there just sitting on the side lines and letting the government handle CT.CT is bringing all this heat on themselves to the point of self destruction. Even chapo knows not to fight the military he rather pay them to watch his back .

  25. An Observation: You say you are not a journalist-I beg to differ: "The collecting, researching,writing, editing, and presenting of news or news article". That is you and you do it well in addition to doing it passionately. For English language speakers seeking information on the Mexican Narco war this blog is the absolute best. BB posts news as it breaks, updates, covering every element, and you have a writing style that gives consideration to 'narco-newbies" as you once coined. The coverage you and Havana Pura did for BB on the Jose Trevino trial was outstanding, in depth and the best out there. I have watched and read a few interviews recently, those offered in the U.S. and the lack of knowledge of so called experts is appalling. I saw one today with Longmire that made me think of you and the depth of your knowledge and that it is no wonder there is a lack of interest in the U.S. about Mexico, when people such as she speak so prosaically on the subject.

    A question: are you called on to comment on notable events? and have you, Buggs or the others done interviews? It seems I remember seeing a couple on interviews with Buggs and Ovemex but I could be wrong.

  26. everything is quite here in nuevo Laredo.whores are opened back up.drug dealers are dealing drugs.its so beautiful.

  27. Send in drones to kill em,? Yeah you idiots are right and kill so many innocent like USA does or did u all forget that u idiots, USA media is a whole lot worse then mexicos , not once they mention a single innocent killed by USA , and there's thousands

    1. Not everyone just take out the narco convoys and blockades and training camps.that capability is there to do with pinpoint accuracy

  28. Yup,media driven bullshit shoveled to people who don't care,at least i assume so? Royal baby George=who cares,women are struggling on their own to bring up children,babies are dying from dirty water right now,but we talk about this idiocy?Trayvon Martin=media again,driving a politically correct agenda,unfortunate incident to say the least,and Jodi Arias=who the fuck cares,this while Mexico is undergoing somewhat trying times,such as its military and police being attacked by domestic armed cartels who may or may not have trained to kill?But,Mexico shares blame in this?In a so-called democracy,we have no control whatsoever over politics,policies,decisions,political agendas,candidates, and very importantly the media,which is undoubtedly used as a tool to influence and undermine our own thinking?

    1. Some of us in the u.s DO give a shit.we dont like our media and polititians not talking about this either and some of us do what we can to inform ppl and try to oust certain polititians who dont address this issue.we are not all drug addicted citizens who dont give a shit in u.s. we do care very much but its a shame money seems to control everything on both sides of the border

  29. pena nieto says that all is o.k. in michoacan,he said that if the people just close their eyes and pretend that all is well the bad guys will just go away,I think Pena Nieto was a big fan of Mr.Rogers Neighborhood as a little kid,just pretend,make-believe,wish it away,see it was all in your minds...

  30. It's known as ''Tierra Caliente'' for a reason. Look it up.

  31. VALOR POR MICHOCAN facebook page is gone...
    It was up last night around midnight and now gone.

    1. Yeah chivia it's gone because they discover who she really is and the she has ties to cjng. They have so much proof and even pictures of her.. She kept initiating violence and created terror all around michoacan with help of the federal police to destabilize the michoacan state. The crazy thing is the she is originally from jalisco and said to been the lover of mencho she work at a strip club and went to school in Morelia so theirs so much evidence of her ties with cjng and corrupt pfp

    2. plazas "owners"take territory and make their niggers live off the field because they won'pay them,not even maruchan,after investing in horses,ranches etc,there is nothing left for the sicarios but kill or be killed,wisen up,don't work for nothing.Mexican Tony Montanas never going to last long

  32. "Whoever you are you are a freaking idiot. Really imperialism?.Ever heard about 9-11? The London subway bombings? Somalia pirates seizing tankers and killing innocents? If you are going to post,why not learn history first dumbass. Peace,Texas Grandma.

    So what was Iraq? lies about WMD's, ties to Al Queda, etc etc...we wanted that shit for imperialistic purposes...i think your the dumb ass if you buy all that shit our government feeds you...all governments are corrupt, we just happen to have one that kicks back a little something to the people whereas those other govts hold all the wealth for Uncle Sam! and the Pell Grants he kicked down so i could rise...them POS Mexican authorities wouldn't of helped me with chit! fuck em...and i wasn't the original poster you responded to, its just that your response was equally stupid and i had to point that out....other than that, i think your a good and astute person, judging from your previous posts

  33. Watch this for context:

  34. July 25, 2013 at 11:23 AM
    "we just happen to have one that kicks back a little something to the people whereas those other govts hold all the wealth for Uncle Sam"
    Succinct and to the point,simple but basically right,as for her,yes,she can be wrong too,everybody has their own opinion,,(sometimes inflated)even if it is sometimes wrong ! Didn't we know?Imperialism doesn't exist ? Yeah right...

    1. s u c c i n t?man now we have licenciados here!

  35. To all the fallen heroes n Mexico's cartel war "RIP " Thanks 4 trying 2 rid the country & our world of these evil, demonic forces. It has become like a very bad cancer spreading thru out the world. For those who think mexico is totally corrupt, well now u no that military, police forces r dying trying 2 secure a better future 4 all of us & future generations. Para los militares, policias que han muerto intentando limpiar y terminar con este cancer que a invadido a mexico "DEP " Son heroes en todo el sentido.+ y tal vez llegue el dia en que todititos la gente de mexico se uniran para acabar con este cancer tan maglino.

  36. The page for valor por michoacan is gone the CT found out that it was being operated by CJNG.
    Tuta and chayo are badasses and nobody is gonna stop them fuck those asswipes from jalisco CT still has the throne

    1. Tuta and chayo are some scared ass plastic helmet wearing bitches. And your a pendejo to the highest degree if you think there cool. Attacking defenseless lemon farmers in fields, attacking defenseless people protesting outside a curropt gov office, taxing avacado lemon farmers, taxing butchers and don't be suprised if they haven't tried to tax dogs for barking. All these attacks on the f.p have been ambushes. To scared to get there asses kicked in fully engaged combat. They hit and run like the cowards they are. The people of michoacan have the throne not the c.t mierda. Narcos de 5ta

    2. those fucking scumbags are nothing,the corrupt that protect them are the big devils,who are them?

    3. Don'give them ideas,they gonna tax you for barking,and everybody here by the way

  37. whoever sent in the comments against texGma take another look it was not her comment.

  38. It is so sad what is happening in mexico. Being a mexican american and having children I hope one day I could show them the the beauty of mexico. The history and culture is just amazing! To have such pain and suffering for good honest and HARD working people is a shame. My dream is to take my family there one day to show them where there granfather and his family came from. I hold out hope that one day, in this life time, these senseless acts of killing and torture will end. RIP to all who have tried to make mexico the honest, humble and beautiful place it once was. Keep fighting the good fight to improve life for all that call it home. So sad!

  39. Well...there is a report that the admin was killed and dismembered. It is on FB..

    It was so weird how it vanished, very unplanned, not even a note as Valor Tamps gave. I posted around midnight about Zak casino and in the morning GONE. they could have been hacked into.

    do you remember how many followers the page had?

    1. z ak...47 casino?should we suspect any business with a z in the name?I would say so,seems like z lovers love the letter too much

  40. Every single person in the World has a price.!!!!!Even Bill Gates,people here commenting on the valor of cops and federal forces,do any of you have cameras on them 24/7?I'm not saying everyone is bad,but the saying down there is plomo or plata...The good cops either get killed or fired,there is no moral code anymore.Too much hating going on now with all of the Mexican states,How come.?Greed and envy!!!!poison all the drugs and let the tweekers o.d.

    1. there is not enough money in this world to satisfy the greedy,not even goody goody two shoes like bill gates,imagine poorer scum.the world is so small for them,we should send them to the next world.may them be happier there

  41. @ Chivis, around 50-60k followers

  42. "To scared to get there asses kicked in fully engaged combat. They hit and run like the cowards they are."

    That is how Mao beat the nationalists to take control of China, the Taliban beat the Russians for Afghanistan, and the Viet Cong, us, the U.S.A. The purpose of war is to break your enemies will to fight, not slaughter them. the more intact the territory you take, the higher your acme in war. You sound like a child with your comments about ambushes and hit and run tactics being cowardly. You don't fight a superior military head on, silly, and every thing ever written by Sun Tzu, Miyamoto, Clauswitz, etc etc would back that up. In fact Sun TZU, says that he who is quick to beard a tiger, is of inferior mind to one who thinks it through, assess the risks, and takes the path of least resistance, likely to lead to victory. that's is the superior mind, no grow up and learn something about the big picture instead of trying to prove how tough you are-with that thinking, you wouldn't last a week in the business, along with the 99% of the people posting here who make similar idiotic comments, about any cartel or its members

    1. Mon!you so wise,I elect you to fix the problem,wiser people think 10 % of the people cause 90% of the problems,and knowing what the problem is,is 90% of the solution,I think the rabble killing each other is like 10% of the problem and we the armchairs generals are being led away i'm losing my mind here I feel contaminated somehow

  43. "whoever sent in the comments against texGma take another look it was not her comment.-Chivis"

    Noted...i didn't think it sounded like her usual self, which is why i made the disclaimer about her other posts being astute


  45. puta for jail bitch,ct are like a cancer that attacks itself.pinche puta will not last forever.

  46. how much political smarts does it take to corrupt the politicians?they just drag down each other


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