Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, July 20, 2013

US Knew the Movements of Z40 for 3 Years

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

Surmounts emotion injustice -Translation by "Friendly Girl"
For at least three years, United States agencies knew the movements of Miguel Angel Trevino Morales and other members of the Los Zetas, but elected not to report it to Mexico, until just a few weeks ago.
At least since 2011, the DEA knew of the operations and movements of Miguel Angel Trevino Morales.  DEA even got their agents to acquire information about Treviño's enemies and rivals in other cartels and within the Zetas, but this information was not handed over to Mexican authorities, federal government sources revealed.
Top-level officials consulted by 24 Horas, admitted to being annoyed because the U.S. drug enforcement agency maintains its own agenda, and that because of operations that they were allowed to perform during the last administration they obtained much information that was not shared with Mexico.  This resulted in allowing a drug trafficker such as Z-40 to operate without being detained, “because he was useful to them".
"This relationship with the United States must change, now the information must be shared and not administered by them, that is what we are working on,” said one of the sources.
After analyzing the information provided in the past three years by the DEA to the Federal Police, Navy and Army about Los Zetas, the researchers found a pattern and details by which they were able to establish that the DEA has informants within the structure of this paramilitary group.

But the details that caught the attention of Mexican officials the most is the information shows that for several years they had known about Z-40’s movements; some his safe houses in Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Coahuila, as well as his contacts in Mexico and the United States, and about some of the shootings of which he was responsible in Tamaulipas, for example.

In 2012, within the structure of Los Zetas, accusations against Heriberto Lazcano, "El Lazca", then group leader, and also Treviño Morales began. They were suspected of being whistleblowers against their own colleagues, the heads of plazas and Sicario cells.  After the death of Lazcano,  the accusations turned onto Z-40.
"We know for a fact that ' Z-40′ provided information on some of his rivals within his organization so that they were arrested and that the DEA gathered this information", said one of the officials.
That apparently happened in the cases of Raúl Lucio Hernández, Z-16, and Enrique Rejón Aguilar,"El Mamito", who were arrested in 2011.  The first one in December in Veracruz,  and Rejon Aguilar in July in the city of Mexico.
Other cases in which the Mexican authorities suspect that Z-40 also betrayed them are: Luis Reyes Enriquez, Z-12, Jamie González Durán, "El Hummer", and Daniel Pérez, "El Chachetes", captured between 2008 and 2009.
By the end of last year, Trevino Morales had to retract.  His power diminished within the cartel.  According to the updated information that the Mexican authorities have, this occurred since there were strong accusations of betrayals that he had committed to ascend within Los Zetas.  He was also pointed as being one of the responsible that "El Lazca" was killed by the Navy last year.
However, Treviño Morales, did not abandon the area of Tamaulipas and Coahuila, where he felt more protected and could have control of some of the drug operations, fuel theft and smuggling of migrants.  These activities provided him with fresh cash which he used to move around. 
He was also looking for new contacts with gangs in the United States. Apparently, information that he was providing was not so useful anymore, "so perhaps he was not so useful to the US agency anymore, and that is why they (DEA), a few weeks ago, gave information about his hideout, which they had known for a long time," said the official.
Source for the above article: 24Hours
Below by Chivis Martínez
Information and details about the capture has been flooding the internet.  Most of the information one can discount out of hand.  An example is that 40, “fled into the woods” interesting because the site of the capture is a  wide open dry desert with scrub vegetation.
The facial scratches and abrasions are likely while apprehending him during a throw down, onto  the unforgiving dessert floor.  Supposedly Treviño always travelled with bribe money in the millions. 
A BB reader stated that Treviño had a child.  This turns out to be true, an infant son who lives right outside Nuevo Laredo.  It is possible he was in route for one of his frequent visits, or returning from a visit.  On the map are three cities circled, circle on left is allegedly where he was living, middle circle where he was apprehended and the right circled city is where his son lives.
In an attempt to confuse authorities, typically he would change vehicles at least once, while travelling, depending on the distance. 
The entire operation lasted on seven minutes.
Treviño’s truck was not travelling on a paved road, but on a annex dirt road.
It was a black hawk helicopter donated by the U.S. through the Mérida Treaty.
He was travelling in a Ford F250, 2013 model, silver in color.
He was initially identified by his two known tattoos, a cobra on the inside forearm, and on his back one that read, “Made in Mexico” (Hecho en Mexico).  He freely identified himself as Miguel Treviño aka Z40.  DNA was taken.
He was taken to federal maximum prison Altiplano No1 in Almoloya de Juarez, in the state of Mexico.  It is the prison that “Jose Balderas aka “el JJ”( at left) is incarcerated in, serving a 3 year sentence for his complicity in the attempted murder of soccer player Salvador Cabañas.  Cabañas survived a gun shot to the head.
It was the same prison the five generals were held before being released.  The guards. at the maximum prisons have received American maximum prison training.  This program was operational under the Calderon administration
Other notorious inmates that were sent to No.1 and remain, escaped, extradited or released:

           Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo (known as "El Padrino" ("The Godfather")

           Édgar Valdez Villarreal "La Barbie" BLO
           Gerardo Álvarez Vásquez, alias "El Indio" BLO
           Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, alias "El Chapo" Guzmán Sinaloa
           Ismael Ledesma Campos, "El May" "El Maycito":Leader of Los Ledesma kidnapping gang

           Eduardo Arellano Félix, "El Doctor" CAF
           Teodoro García Simental "El Teo", "K-1" or "El Tres Letras" Brutal former CAF lieutenant

           Jesús Zambada García "El Rey Zambada" Sinaloa
           Daniel Arizmendi López "El Mochaorejas" 

           Osiel Cárdenas Guillén alias "El Loco", "El Patrón", "Madrina" or "Mata Amigos" CDG
           Mario Aburto Martínez assassin of presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio.

           Francisco Rafael Arellano Félix - former leader of Tijuana Cartel
           Mario Villanueva - Former Governor of Quintana Roo

           Iván Guzmán Salazar (known as "El Chapito") CDS
           Jaime González Durán (known as "El Hummer" Zetas

           Vicente Zambada Niebla (Vicentillo) - son of Ismael Zambada CDS
           Marco Antonio Garcia Simental (known as "El Cris" or "El 8-9") - CAF  Brother of Teo

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  1. SO Z40 was really JUDAS!!!!Amazing

  2. Come on!!! Mexicans knew it too but they acted when they got the info from the states.

    1. Of course they did know.... its says it at bottom of the third paragraph. "Z40 operated without being detained because he was useful to them!

  3. US makes me sick at times they preach this whole war on drugs but them admit how Z40 was useful to them last three years. Draws in way to much money

    Vegas Guys

    1. Damn that makes me ashamed of my own country(u.s) sometimes when they do shit like this.all the lives that could have been saved if they had got him when they first knew where he was.hope 40 shares a cell with la barbie

    2. Makes me ashamed too of my country as our soldiers are sent to fight wars with countries just to conquer their natural resources such as oil & gas in order than a few mega corporations & the elite bankers benefit and get richer while our soldiers die on the battle field. Majority of the islamic terrorist who attacked USA were Saudi Arabian but our adimistration wont touch Saudi Arabia cause Elite Bankers & Big Corporations are it's friends...American life is cheap & dispensable for our great country USA and it only values the Elite Banking famlies & Mega Corporations...SHAME.

  4. Very good information. I guess in the end this coward was being betrayed by his own people. And I alway knew he turned Lazcano in. This bitch needs to be tortured. He ruined so many lives and left so many families in despair not to mention all those Americans that are missing! Lazy ass. Now he is left with nothing. Nobody is going to come and help this bastard. I hope he gets his balls cut off and fed to him for breakfast.

  5. see , mexico should be thankin the u.s... we knew about this z-40 for 3 years and his where abouts, and once we decide to take action , its a wrap... if united states troops decide to move in on mexico cartels , mexico will be clean in 2 months.... the cartels may intimidate the mexican troops or scare them... u better hope obama dont ever decide to send in tanks & troops into mexico to clean it up.. cause the cartels are done

    1. Yeah and then the us would ve the oe doing all the drug smuggling.. haha

    2. Cartels don't intimidate shit.Mexican navy & army are feared by cartels. It's just generals & politicians who are corrupt..Fuck all you white trash..USA stay the Fuck out of MEXICO!!!!!!

    3. No el fantasma intimidated a lot of generales left them shakeing

    4. @6:46a.m FUCK U TOO u racist piece of shit!!! Not everyone in the u.s agrees with whats going on here or waste our time with drugs.what does sombodys skin color have to do with corruption as there is plenty of that to go around on both sides of the border

  6. No surprise this guy was a snitch.

    Surprised the DEA let him commit untold amounts of homicides while on the loose though. Just goes to show how utterly corrupt law enforcement really is and what a total farce the "war on drugs" is. More like "management of drugs" where they CIA/DEA play managers and move players around like chess pieces whenver it suits their advantage.

  7. Quick of the most evil...arrested.......where's the crowbar hotel jewelry?

  8. somebody should rat out his brother.anybody loyal to 40 should die soon.this guy will be the fall of the zeta.

  9. Long live Comandante 40, down but not out!! Still be running tingz from behind barz alongside El 42, El H, Isidro and El Comandante 200

    1. Big RAT! And you call chapo a snitch.

    2. Youre an can you be rooting for such an evil man? You must be smoking their meth

    3. July 20 3:58pm you are right!!! See nobodys understands the thug mentality or the drug world from Laredo / Nuevo Laredo ..there is no honor among thieves ...Z40 made it to top.he wasn't a ex military he was street guy.. all you who root for el Chapo how do you think he's gotten to the top.same way snitching cutthroat fucking over everybody. Look at guero palma back in the mid 90's he would on top today if Chapo /Mayo wouldn't Snitchaloa him Fuck that you work with what you got don't trust anybody..the guy next to you will Fuck you over ,Fuck your wife kill your kids and take over your buisness..there ARE NO FRIENDS!!!!!

    4. If they bring him to the U.S he wont be running shit.

  10. Where did you learn about having a child? I am fascinated to know about their "lives" outside of killing and causing mayhem. Did they learn who the mother was? It is always amazing that after the all the misery some of these people cause that they can have those conventional trappings like children, spouses, etc. You would figure having a kid would make you examine your lifestyle choices a little more.

    1. From the mexican blogs ( in Spanish)

  11. Hi Chivis,
    In what way might he have been so useful to the DEA that they would deliberately NOT want to capture him?
    Also, I'm interested in how his "power diminished within the cartel". Do you know any more details on that? Wasn't that right around the time that he gained MORE power after Lazca's death?
    This is surprising to hear about the DEA's allegedly knowing where he was. Goes to show how much more complicated this business is than it might appear :) I'm really curious about his being 'useful' to them.

    Here's news that they transferred him to a new max security prison yesterday:

    1. Hmm didn't you read the article ? He was snitching everyone one out including lazcano who was #1 in command in zetas organization. Plus he was purchasing grade amount of weapons and he kept a good amount of illegals from cross the boarder to the U.S... witch means its a win win the the u.s

  12. I'm sure this mother fucker gived out lazcano location. What snitch mother fucker

  13. what a dirty business is law enforcement. let him roam freely bc of good info he gave, meanwhile how many people did he behead..? imagine being that policia or marino who heard him say " soy miguel trevino, z-40 " i would of shit myself.

  14. To much bullshit on his arrest, to many stories and no one agrees on anything they all have a different version.

    1. True, but at least everyone admits the intention was to go out and arrest him. None of this 'we just happened to be passing by a baseball game and shot a lowlife who miraculously turned out to be one of the most wanted men in the country' crap!

  15. @ 4:06

    that is the prison I speak of in the post. same one. He was transferred yesterday.

    Almoloya de Juarez no.1

    1. Chivis, why haven't you posted anything from the main leader of CNG being couagh July 10

  16. I still want to know what Z40 did with Lazcanos body! It's a mystery..... wonder when Z40 will start talking and giving details about his role in the cartel.... so many questions that need answer

    1. Me too and I hope we will finally get to know. Then can we execute him?!

    2. He needs execution of his own medicine!

    3. Dont be an idiot u know good and well that hes gonna be running it from his cell. U can tell by the way they gave him the luxury of swinging his hands while walkking. And idk why the us dont extradite him? Thats the real question..if they wanted him so bad. Answers please bb post man.

  17. If Z40 always carried bribe money with him, I wonder why Z3 didn't and was found with no money or personal possessions (watch, chains etc) at all. Sounds odd that the two leaders had such different ideas.

  18. @4:06
    you got me excited at first-but the global post article names the same prison as I did in my article. He was transferred yesterday to Altiplano No.1

    This is where most notorious narcos are sent. I just added a list of some of them

  19. Where are your sources?

  20. It never ends,now its the US,s problem for not tellin them shit?Does that mean Mexico didnt know where 40 was?The same government that cut a lot of ties to the US when EPN became pres?The hypocrisy is rank,but yes,they are as bad as each other.

  21. They (Z40, Chapo etc) are useful to the DEA as it's better the devil you know than the devil you don't. When they are not useful, they stop caring, arrest or death ensues.

    Why force an arrest when you know where he is and you have all his communications?

    That's a data mine of information politically. That's what the Americans are interested in, politics. Now they know who is protecting him in local / national government / who they can trust in the army / navy etc, how the laundering works through Barclays, HSBC, who he has influence over in Guatemala etc etc..

    The simple fact is that the technology that we know the Americans possess is astounding. The black projects that we don't know are on another level. They are watching all of them, especially Chapo, watching him and listening to him right now. His political connections are astounding. To openly live in La Tuna and not be arrested shows a level of influence to the highest level.

    I am surprised not much came out in Wikileaks regarding the cartels and government. Then again this is higher level than government cables. Some info did reportedly come out:

    The reality is that Z40 got arrested because of some political element behind the scenes. He had served his purpose, he had lost influence, or this arrest is simply the next stage of the game.

    Maybe the Americans see this as a way to oust a corrupt political element in Mexico? Force Z40 to trial and start taking names. Let him give up all of his connections in government. If the US wants to politically assassinate someone, a Z40 trial with evidence (which they of course have) would be very suitable.

    Either way you look at it nothing really changes. We all know the corruption is both sides of the border. We all know the only way to stay protected is to pay for that protection at the highest levels.

    Most of these guy's have to move tonnes just to keep the monthly payments going and when the juice stops flowing you find yourself on the run. The model was established in Columbia (Killing Pablo, At the Devils Table), it's no different in Mexico.

    It's simply 'all in the Game.'

    1. So americans would want to out a corrupt official? that's ironic! lol

    2. He was protected by illuminated ones

    3. Get the fuck out here, with that illuminated shittt... that's what crack head and low minded people believe in. We all no the world is run by the elite. Who doesn't no that, but the illuminated propaganda takes it to a whole different "retard level"

      #dont be weak minded and don't do drugs.

  22. The cartels use electronic communications extensively so it is very easy for the USA to locate them. Maybe Chapo protects himself with a layer of couriers in addition to frequently moving rather than talking with everyone via cell phone.

    While Operation Fast & Furious was distributing weapons to Los Zetas the Obama administration didn't want to upset the flow of arms. They were "studying" where they were going and who was getting killed by them.

    1. They were distributing to sinaloa

    2. @5:20PM Stupid idiot Fast & Furious was the operation whereby guns were supplied to the Sinaloa Cartel.

  23. so 3 year cs calderon such pendejo.

  24. dea loves to hang out at chapo's mansions

  25. Z42 is too sick to be the next in command

  26. Salvador Cabanas survive the bullet shot to the head fyi


  27. Fuentes oficiales de primer nivel aseguran que Óscar Omar está “muy enfermo”. Padece de diabetes. “No está en condiciones de encabezar a la disminuida banda criminal”, puntualizan. Hace poco cayó también El Z-35, jefe de ese cártel en Veracruz, pero las autoridades decidieron no darlo a conocer por razones estratégicas.

    1. There you go Z40 is starting to drop dimes

    2. Z40 is starting to drop terds. Hes not z forty hes z nancy!

  28. July 20, 2013 at 3:39 PM Said if united states troops decide to move in on mexico cartels , mexico will be clean in 2 months

    lol yeah right, the U.S ,military was 12 years in Afghanistan and still haven't been able to finish the Taliban. So dream on buddy.

    1. Taliban are very different than a drug cartel. Drug cartels are motivated by $ and power and all that comes with it.
      Taliban is religious, there goal here on earth is to do the will of there god and they will be rewarded in the after how can you realy hurt someone if thats what they want, its an honour for them to die for their belief.
      Drug cartels cry as soon as they loose a few pounds of weed. Theres no comparison on that point of view.

    2. Taliban supplies most of the afghan heroin to the world

    3. Hook it up papo!

  29. A lot of Mexicans getting their little nickers in a twist"why didnt they do something"fuckin comical.Fuckin you sort it out,its your country.
    All we need,another"look we told you"whining shit again.


    1. Like el caiman!

    2. I will soon volunteer to translate for BB. I could translate the 'all caps' posts into English. As far as the three year surveillance goes, it is vile. The U.S. Govt. should have to apologize and compensate three years worth of victims. After about a year, you should have what you need. There has to be a graph that shows a huge drop off in new information at some point. I doubt that the U.S. would reveal their capabilities without a reason. Why cry about Snowden then tip off Chapo? If they knew it all, I ask; boxers or briefs?.....trick question - he goes "Commando". LOL!

  31. as the article stated 40 was working for the DEA! 40 was looking for new gang contacts in America. Then Supply them with drugs whith a wink and nod by the DEA. Make lots of $$$ and destroy lots of lives in america. Then rat them out to the DEA!
    Then the DEA confiscates all their $$$ and property and look like heroes.
    Then do it all over again!!!

    1. You are correct and Mexico is so stupid. Mexico things America is paying them rewards from the narcos Mexico sends to America for the reward. But America is only paying Mexico with the same money they take away from that same narco and more.

    2. And of course it must all be true especially since there are no sources listed.

  32. Lazcanos DNA results from his parents being exumed hasn't been release. Results only take 3 months,was it him? Z3 being gafe would be the only one to know where his fellow gafe were. Z3 was trained in military intel, he has Mexican intel contacts, that have DEA,CIA contacts. I believe z3 cut a deal to save his behind. The U.S. confirmed his death within 24 hours, they confirmed it thru wire taps they said. if it would of been Osama bin laden would the U.S. confirmed it so quickly with out concrete evidence.

    1. Because they could not get a definitve DNA result to say it was definitely Z3, therefore, he was very quietly not mentioned again. However, the man in the photos at the morgue match all the known physical qualities of Lazca and there is no reason to think that his location was not known about for years either. Z40 may have been a snitch, but I am sure that the Mexican and USA governments were more than capable of tracking Lazcano and all the other most wanted capos down. Perhaps Z40 enabled certain people to be caught sooner, but he alone was not the only reason.

  33. This explains why 40 and his brothers multi million $$$ foray into quarter horse racing. How seemingly foolish to have 40`s brother, an uneducated bricklayer, suddenly be running a multi million $$$ quarter horse stable. And how brash and bold and seemingly foolish to name their horses `The Best Cartel`` ``Coronoa Cartel...etc! Surely they cannot be that stupid!
    Now we know 40 was the DEAs favorite cartel rat, and, 40 had a green light for murder and mayhem and using Tremor Stable for laundering millions in drug $$$ dripping in blood.

    1. The horses already had cartel and drug related names; they were nothing to do with Jose or Z40 etc.

    2. Z3 was probably fairly uneducated and went into the military because there was little else he could do workwise. Just because somebody has little or no education does not prevent them being capable or able to learn a role. However, in my personal opinion, Z42 will not be able to maintain or earn the respect to be able to lead los Zetas. Losing Z3 was the beginning of the end of los Zetas and Z40's arrest will hopefully speed things up.

    3. The name cartel has Nothing to do with the criminales its What they call horses with puré blood you ignorant prick

    4. Sugar Cartel, Oil & Gas Cartel, Banking Cartel, etc..So you stupid idiot think that all the above stated manufacturers/service industries produce & supply drugs just because they are a Cartel, ie:group of people/ industries that impose/set a predetermined price & demand/supply as per their mutal agreement.

    5. O.K. so, the horses using the 'Cartel'' moniker was just a total coincidence. Right! An unfortunate coincidence as it turns out. Most of the horse racing community are staunchly conservative Americans and country folks. I think that the majority of them associate the word, cartel' with the criminal organizations. The lawman looking in to the exchange of large amounts of money probably looked in to the names as well. If I was a major Tupperware dealer and I sold a little weed on the side, I would not put a sign on my car that says "dealer" due to word association.

  34. Fuck you 40,i stuck up for you all these months after lazcano died and turns out your just a common snitch like chapo....just like chapo.. dirty snitch...filthy snitch.
    Z-40 destroyed the Zetas!!!

    1. Why would anyone stick up for any drug trafficker or extortionist?!

  35. Now i want to hear from all these stupid americans who come here to constantly bash the mexican government about corruption. Look at what yours has done. Anything dirty in the world has the US involved in it, whether good or bad.

    1. Oh we know we got dirty politicians and corrupt law enforcement but not to the degree mexico does but yes we are seriously getting fed up with the shadiness of the gvt thats why we will NEVER give up our weapons all 300 million of them

  36. If another government needs to tell you what is going on in your own country, what does that say about you. México is great place but the politicians screw it up they allowed these guys to get so much power. Then they don't know they were not informed.

  37. el texano san antonioJuly 20, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    dea has the stipidity to call trevino a snitch wow they and we all know that chapo is the biggest snitch and about lazcano its not yet for sure hes dead the word here in texas is hes alive and living with liver disease and diabetes trevino was hated juat like el inge was hated by el teo and muletas its called haterate if dea claims they know of trevino were abouts they are more responsible for those thoesands of murders in mexico and also when are they going to give up chapo if dea is so smart what the fck happen in 9-11 did they also know that im pissed that US always tries to look like herous and there innocent of all wrong doing so did they know about 9-11 or did they just let it happen what the fck is their respond to that!!!!!!!!

    1. About 9-11 attacks, yes they knew to an extent. Thats why they have alot more "spying " and gathering of info.

    2. Luckily they didn't fly an airplane into The Alamo, so stfu, I thought Texanos were from Texas.

    3. I guess you didn't see the real video about 9-11. US was the one that destroy the twin towers. It wasn't the two airplanes . People heard detention from inside the buildings like if the were blowing floor by floor .

    4. The explosions in the lower floors happened when thousands of gallons of jet fuel went down the elevator shafts and made contact with electrical fires. Read the whole investigation report.

  38. The reason he would be useful to the US is if they had captured him 3 years ago, they would have to deal his replacement, now they know who ALL the zetas in the US are and even more in Mexico. Congrats to Mexico, the will soon finally be free of the zetas, back to regular violence and corruption. But for now those who say the only good zeta is a dead one are about to see a bunch of good zetas, no doubt this information will find its way into enemy hands.

  39. Goes to show its all about the money. The U.S. dosent care how many people die and how many people lives are destroyed. All they care about is selling their guns and controlling the drug trade on both sides and thus make huge money. After all this info the Mexican government, narcos and everyone else should watch out for the U.S. the real problem creator.

  40. zetas should hate 40. he single handedly destroyed what couldve been the next biggest strongest cartel in mexico, couldve maybe over taken cds. his ambition for the top spot ruined the zetas. he decimated the top strength of los z which was their excellent leadership. he gave up all the top guys who made the z what it was.

    of course they let him roam for 3 years while he gave up all thebest guys. he was stupid to not realize that once on top, he'd be next. so they watched him for 3 yrs let him give up all the ex spec force guys and then took him out. now omar is the best los z has? you'll never see another cartel like los z when they were at their pinnacle. this idiot brought down his own org.

  41. Thx chivis... Question for you. Of the guys on the notorious list, which ones escaped... or more importantly, how did they escape?

    Curious if z40 will pull it off. Thanks and I have so appreciated your excellent reporting on this capture.

  42. Fucckn snitcha.....

  43. Sorry Chivis, but Salvador Cabañas actually survived and while Chapo was in that prison. NO HAS EVER ESCAPED Penal de Máxima Seguridad No. 1 Almoloya de Juárez. Chapo was transferred to Jalisco to Puente Grande where he did escape.

  44. Why does Mexico need the DEA to manage their affairs? I thought they wanted the US out of their affairs?

  45. Seriously the mexican government KNEW all this. Commoners knew the basics as to z-40 betraying those within his organization. They have a narco corrido about it. It doesn't take much science

  46. The US government reportedly used Whitey Bulger in a similar fashion. All the while,several people were killed.

  47. So all the terror this filth cused.
    was over looked by the us No suprise
    he was a Rat for the cheese.
    and then the usa says we will stop terror
    were ever it is on this planet becuse we are
    América and we fight terror.
    but what they dont tell you is in the shadows
    they are the ones selling the bombs they
    are the ones selling guns to warlords
    they are the ones WHO finance War.
    all just to tell you they will fight them.
    -Al Quds.

    1. So the U.S can say hey we're Heros we helped you guys out come on man

    2. And the u.s says they dont negotiate with terrorists

  48. @ Chivis
    Not sure if you saw this...

  49. absolutely correct! I hate when I do that. I was going off of memory. I have corrected the post and thank you for being so respectful in telling me I made and error!


  50. to the guy who is running off about how we are still in afganistan 12 years later, its because of the social economics of the area, the us has play in the middle east, besides regardless of how fucked up it is for us to be there havent you learned anything about american war history, once we get into a war the u.s never leave that area. besides, it is a lot easier to go after product and money than it is to go after ideals, and, when the two are mixed then it's even worse to win that "war" and on top of that if we are at war with extremism, that shit goes way farther into the psyche of a man than the things money can buy, like boots and belts rings and gold encrusted weapons. their belief goes to the root of thier society, what is the root of mexican society? i cant tell. so yeah mexican cartels by nature have to do more than claim jihad , they have to break all sorts of laws to maintain their business which exposes them to capture. so it wouldnt take much time if mexican and americans were to eradicate the cartels, but that will never happen so...

  51. Very good job Chivis! Please keep up the good work and keep all of us updated and informed. I used to go alot to the spanish blog but after I found out about BB site I absolutely prefer this site over the other one. Plus BB dosent force ads or redirects you to unwanted ads when ever you want to read a story like the other site does. Again I ll like to congratulate all of your team for the great work you all do.

    BB reader


  52. @10:01

    yes I did, I have that story and one other, it's about the myths about Z40, that I may run together tomorrow. Then I am through with 40.. unless something big happens...Thanks for sending it in, only because of readers like yourself am I able to have so many eyes out there...Paz, Chivis

  53. @ 8:09PM YOU ARE very correct the US does not care. Just like I tell everyone about these camps they have all over the country/world and only accessible by tunnels n trains as I know someone who personally has worked to help build one. This shit is real I know I am off subject but am tryin to point out that the US are control freaks and are just another monster they are FAR FROM HERO

    Vegas Guys

  54. 1. I wouldn't tell Mxn Officials that I knew where he was either. They can't be trusted because too many are on Cartel payrolls. They'd blab.

    2. I'm certain plenty of Mxn Officials already knew where he was & that he popped in to visit his son. I'm also certain that plenty of citizens knew too. Yet ...

    3. Once it was clear the DEA knew, look at all the specific info those blabber mouth Officials gave out. See #1.

  55. Fuccken snicha...

  56. Ok now things make sense again, I could not understand why the US didnt use some drones and hight tech surveilance equipment and just nailed this guy once and for all.

  57. @July 20, 2013 at 11:01 PM

    LOL that would be something! :)

  58. One thing I wonder about, not sure how the prisons in Mexico works but if this guy is such a bigshot wouldn`t he simply have 200 sicarios storm the place and bust him out?? I see this has happend before, several times actually, for much smaller fish then this guy. I mean, they stormed a place to steal the corpse of a leader, so what happens when a leader is locked up alive?

  59. July 20, 2013 at 3:39 PM
    if cartel starts to send jihadi ur country turns into syria
    so stfu

  60. I got a question for bb? What are you guys gonna do with this site when the drug war is over?

    1. Celebrate that it is over, of course!!

  61. These all sound like wild rumors, sensational stories just to get readers attention. Could all be totally made up. It's funny how so many believe what's written on the internet and in papers, news, etc. None of us were there, only a handful of people really know what's up.

    1. Yeah it could all be made up. Take it with a grain of salt

  62. The US knew where z-40 was at because he was paying them off!!!!!

  63. in my opinion, this story seems to be more significant than when lazca got his watermellon scalped. of course at the time he was top chiahuahua, but with the capture of this guy unscathed, there is so much more to this story than it was to lazca's, everyone was speculating there was a power rift happening anyway, so what happened to him gave the answer that people were talking about and the only speculation was who set him up, but with 40 alive, there is so much more to learn the longer he stays alive, this sounds funny for him to be there because it is the place to be if you want to strengthen ties with other heads of network. the oxford of crime schools

  64. @3:33AM

    You are the one with no brain. All the cartels got weapons through F&F, not just Sinaloa. Rejón Aguilar of Los Zetas admitted such after being captured in Mexico. La Linea also got guns from the US government which incidentally established an alliance with Los Zetas against the Sinaloa cartel. Guns from F&F were linked to the massacre in Villas de Salvarcar.

  65. @ 7.18pm
    Since the Trevino brothers were naming their horses '...cartel' they should have called the horse racing farm Terror Stables and named one of the their horses "Snitch-os"

  66. @July 21, 2013 at 1:48 AM
    >Anonymous said "Taliban supplies most of the >afghan heroin to the world"

    Your are wrong; the Taliban BANNED Heroin during their administration.

    Stop blaming Taliban for everything.

  67. Rumors and innuendo until I see sources. Wild speculation at best

  68. They should take Z-40's child and have him adopted by good family, preferably out of country. Then take the baby moma and torture her in front of him and then torture him in front of her while they look at a video showing the government taking away his child to be adopted and Z-40 never being able to see him ever again.

    1. Based on Z40's previous actions, I doubt it would bother him.

    2. Like the movie The Omen you have to kill the child

  69. when Mexican police stop trafficking immigrants to US border and when DEA. are permitted to carry arms weapons inside of Mexico then USA can start taking Mexican drug war seriously

    1. Your a fucking idiot like the politicians are gonna ask for your advice

  70. That means the US is at fault for all the killings in the 3 years. Cause the US rather see a couple people die as long as z40 was snitching. That how it is in Laredo they have snitches but they let them work as long as they snitch people . They get caught with drugs and they let them go as like nothing happen.

  71. So why let him keep on killing this during was probably living in the us

  72. What made the zetas effective was their special forces training of the original members gafes and their enforcement the Kaibiles. Now all original members are all captured or killed. Therefore a bunch of coke head punks running the zetas now .

  73. Drug smuggling was started by the CIA .All cartels Colombian or Mexican work for the USA government Chapo Mayo Azul run their business with respect to the population. Lazcano and Z40 did not respect the general population and got fired ....

  74. El H has zero leadership capabilities and is hiding in a cave somewhere shaking. 42 is already a dead man...Z and Blo are done. Hopefully the violence will settle.

  75. Though you readers have moved on to newer Borderland Beat Posts I've continued to focus on Margarita Lopéz's nightmare (

    and here's the latest post I have found regarding her situation and it is extremely heart-breaking to even look at the foto on this page:

    I'll translate the first paragraph for you:

    México, DF:
    - Margarita López recibió ayer los restos de su hija Yahaira Guadalupe Bahena, a quien buscó por dos años, dos meses y 20 días, luego de que fue secuestrada, asesinada y enterrada por la delincuencia en Oaxaca, en complicidad con autoridades estatales.

    México, DF:
    - Margarita López received yesterday the remains of her daughter Yahaira Guadalupe Bahena, this, after Margarita's ongoing search that lasted two years & two months. The daughter Yahaira Guadalupe Bahena had been abducted, assassinated and buried by delinquents in Oaxaca, Mexico, with the complicity of state Authorities.


    I feel her pain,

    Salva P. en el canadá

  76. 2:30AM
    I am positive nothing would satisfy Buggs more than to have no need for a Mexican Drug War blog!

    Shut it down and break out the Patron...Paz, Chivis

  77. Not just that. So he can call shots from the inside.While Being protected.

  78. The US had knew it all along, provided the info, the helicopter, and the prision officers had training in the US. The US is hot shit. The us news, sites like this and the us gov encapsulate and take credit. Nobody but the us people belive the bs. How.come it took many years to find Bin Laden responsible of killing 1000's?

  79. After lazca took leadership of the z he recrutes. 30 kaibiles what happens to those 30???

  80. The government knew of z40s where abouts for 3 years and let this evil person continue to massacre thousands of people either by him or by his orders when it all could have been prevented and people would still be living for the last three years wow what a shame the us doesnt care about the humanity goes to show you what the us really does stand for not the people but for themselves and their own agendas.


  82. 10:51 am congrats at least someone understands the truth !!!!


    At any other prison, yes.
    Not at NO.1-it is Mexico's only true Supermax prison. When Constructing this prison careful consideration was given towards preventing break outs. the walls are 3 feet thick and heavily reinforced to repel ramming..

    High tech measures are in place to immediately define the logistics of each prisoner at every moment. Airspace is extremely restricted, even cell phone capability is shortened to less than 6 miles. Regular polys are given to the guards and personnel. Training to repel any known possible attempt are break outs is mandated. A convoy of armored cars and highly skilled police trained in prison breakouts are on site.

    American supermax training is used and over half have trained in the US

    Though anything is possible, it is unlikely there would be a break out. Mamito tried to free Osiel in a comprehensive plan that included air space, and 50-60 men, that failed.

    Most Mexican prisons are a complete joke, mass prison breaks are not uncommon. In Coahuila it was discovered sicarios were allowed out at night to "work".

    The only way that a break out can occur is a mass corruption coordination. Such an event would require coordination of many departments within the prison of people that do not interact with each other.

    I begun research on the prison and the federal prison system to write a post, but I am a little burned out and perhaps readers are burned out on Z40, I have tried to mix it up, however I am pretty much over it for now.

    BTW Notice the new photo of Z42? That is Proceso's photo, and one I have never seen.


  84. Here's a brutally cynical take on all this...Knowing how things are in Mexico, what guarantees are there that word won't leak out five minutes after the US informs their counterparts down south about the location of top capos? At least once for sure Chapo Guzman was fixed to a certain location and was arrestable but the Mexicans turned down the chance.
    With that in mind, why be in such a hurry to volunteer information?

  85. "see , mexico should be thankin the u.s... we knew about this z-40 for 3 years and his where abouts, and once we decide to take action , its a wrap."

    bizarre. How many people did this man murder in the last three years! What "use" can possibly have come of this?

    "once we decide to take action" Yes, which will be a minute past never.

    It is so clear that the United States is profiting from this violence. This story PROVES it.

  86. if the drug war ends, I will invite all the bloggers on this site to my house for a party . (even the cheerleaders) no more anonymous. just a friendly meet and greet to discuss some of our views and posts we've made over the years ....I'll have a couple of ambulance's parked out front just in case.

  87. July 21, 2013 at 6:46 AM
    "Fuck all you white trash..USA stay the Fuck out of MEXICO!!!!!!"
    Ey man,what the fuck do we wanna be goin that fuckin yard for?
    Silly fuckers like you always assume whites want to go anywhere near your scrub ass,nigga please,the only ones who think like that are the ones who think we all love one another,and baby,i hate cunts like you,you stay your ass where you are,and i stay here.Thats gotta be better for all concerned,dont it ,you kno it makes sense you fuckin clown,we even got blacks and whites hatin on your racist asses,but its all good,its real shit,i like real shit,one less motherfucker on this planet makes no mind,specially to some?U aint another pussy nigga false claimin,if you are your shit,you dont matter,if u in the US u a bitch and i aint even gotta tell you,you know.

    1. @6:31PM
      What are you saying man? All gibberish and sure you do write like an American junkie high on meth.

  88. Fuck allyou whining idiots,gettin on the moral high horse,why should the US tell Mexico shit?You fuckin hate us and EPNobhead has cutmore ties with the US,so deal withit yourselves,we all know every country gets up to all kinds of shit,stop fuckin whining.It was Mexicos decision to keep all this jingoistic bullshit goin,its a cruel unfair world,deal with your own shit and stop draggin us into your big ass problems,we all got problems but we dont blame every sucka we can find,besides,aint that the way you want it?Wheres the problem then

    1. Exactly! Mexs never admit failure. Only blame everyone else. They
      should check themselves first! Mexs killing Mexs originates with yourselves!

  89. Makes me ashamed too of my country

    Dude,your country can do without cowards and apologists like you.
    Believe me,why would any country want someone like you to represent them?

  90. Funny funny shit,i could see the hysteria comin after it was"revealed"the big bad US knew about 40.Err,does that mean that Mexico would have actually done something about it,just like the chapo fiasco,no wonder the US thought fuck it,they wont do anything anyway,theres still a million of capos left they can go after,,,after they get over their indignation and shock at the US that is,,,not.

  91. 6:31pm, holy shit!! What is that? what are you trying to say, is that ebonics? Listen; slow it down "fruit cake " think about what you want to say. write it down on a scrap piece of paper first or let your mom read it first before you send it to us ...Ty

  92. Ty,,
    How could you,i aint got no mama,tyrone you broke my heart,i dont want no trouble from Ty the half assed bell end,ty dont take me seriously,dont go crunk on my jamaican ass,Ty are you still having problems with your legs,TY is the mane,i believ everything this prick says,honest i do.Tyrone everything is forgiven,you will always be prick you know that,a pussy bitch,ebonics ey,yes we do rassclat

  93. Sapo gave the DEA the ok to capture 40 and currently is assessing a new mission for them

  94. US law enforcement watching him for three years and not telling mexican law enforcement and publicly acknowleding it now, in this way, is a clear message and not a head scratcher at all.

    And would the body count have gone down or the violence reduced with this cat off the street? Not a chance. He's a wave, not the water. The DEA, CIA and FBI know this regardless of what the mexican narco-pop-culture thinks.

    As for the shock and the raving about a narco "snitching", seriously? Of course they "snitch". It's a business - not a religion and not a cause.

    1. This guy hit it right on the head, couldn't have said it better myself.

  95. Question once Z40 uts handed over to the US govert will his defense was that he was granted permission by the dea to operate as he please.?

  96. The US did not know where 40 was and I do not believe for one second that he worked with him. The FBI may have worked with Whitey Bulger, but 40 makes Bulger look like a school girl.

    It is a brave new world where you can swoop down and grab people and torture the info out of them. Who needs contacts like 40? It would be a disaster if anyone ever found out.

    The claim from the US is obviously an attempt to cause a little dissent in the Z ranks (where it belongs) as they are in their inter regnum. If you were a Z right now, who would YOU trust? How could 40's brother take over if 40 was working with the DEA? Why hasn't 40 handed over the competition like every other cartel does? Good move by the Americans, but I don't buy it.

  97. why people saying its over? some other drug head doped up sadistic piece of shit will just take his place.

  98. wish we could just go through one page of comments without nonsense about the CIA funding the drug war and the corrupt US government and silly idea's about drug lords like Z40 paying off the US to leave them alone.

    All this anti-government paranoid hysteria crap in modern times is getting very silly I mean get real people.... just get real! I not saying these things don't happen but you have taken it to a whole new level of stupidity its like when they announced El Lazca was killed a lot of morons here were saying it was his body double and that he staged his fucking death!(lmao) you morons probably think 9/11 was an inside job as well and Half you delluded fucks probably think El Chapo is playing golf with Obama right now that's how paranoid you are with your god damn corruption/conspiracy garbage!!

  99. LOL...almost all of you missed it. Why would they tell the Mexicans? They wouldn't because they don't know who the snitches are and if the info would have gotten back to Z40.

    You can't share info with people who are corrupt.

  100. Hi Chivis, where did you find this info? I'm interested in particular in the source that states Z40 was useful to the DEA. I assume as an informant?

    Thanks :)

  101. The first part of the post was published in 24

  102. chivis when will we see the new pics of mamito that havana has?

  103. Havana would have been thrown out of the courtroom if she had tried to take a photo of Mamito, or anyone in the court. She gave the description I wrote of Mamito in me and Havana's trial series.

    I asked her for a foto of the courthouse and she flipped out thinking I wanted courtroom, I wish she could of taken inside shots. But she said he was still handsome, and confidant....paz, chivis

  104. Puro Culiacan Sinaloa. Nieto is on the payroll. I do what I want

  105. Now and then people need to experience a bit of violence to show them a type of reality.I could name some of the fools writing on here with their big big mouths,the same kind of people who would cross a road to avoid any kind conflict.You all know who you are.Don't you.

  106. lol chivis i thought she had taken pics of mamito

  107. the dead body that they say was lazca in reality is el coyote one of lazca's bodyguards... i read it in a proceso article.. “El Lazca” ¿muerto, vivo?… simplemente, un desaparecido más

  108. lol yeah right, the U.S ,military was 12 years in Afghanistan and still haven't been able to finish the Taliban. So dream on buddy.

    That's a campaign, half a world away, what do you consider a loss? I am pretty sure casualties are near 100 to 1 with insurgents and anybody with half a brain knows we could level the whole country, we are on humanitarian efforts to stabilize "a region". Our efforts are not in maiming cities (which we have the capabilities) but rather swaying local interest, rebuilding a country, minimizing civilian casualties, which is not hard but a drawn out process. Are you questioning our ability to kill? Or our willingness to commit the resources? With the approval of he American people, the proper resources would be committed to the fight. Even cartels know to minimize American casualties, not cause much problems here, and basically not give us a reason to care. We need our drugs, and Mexico is willing to be our fields, China our factory, Middle east our oil source and battleground, and we sit safe, wealthy, well defended, morals beyond anything in history, innovation this world has never seen, capabilities far beyond any current or previous military. If the U.S. wanted Chappo bad enough they would have him, easily, I can with the utmost certainty guarantee they have him under there finger, and could have him tomorrow Chappo has a few bucks and helps locals but U.S. money dwarfs it, we could have his children telling us what kind of underwear he wears at home and where to find him.


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