Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 15, 2013

Z40 Miguel Treviño Morales Captured by Mexican Navy

Borderland Beat
Click on image to enlarge

CONFIRMED: Captured at 3:45AM 27KM west of Nuevo Laredo without a single shot being fired. He was accompanied by two others and 2 million dollars
The men with 40 were; Abdon Federico Rodríguez, 29 and  Ernesto Reyes García, 38

Screeenshot Siskiyou_kid and 777 

Full  report from authorities breaking all the
new rules of reporting established by EPN
Navy of Mexico captured in the State of Tamaulipas  the premier leader of the Zetas, Miguel Angel Trevino, 'Z40' during an operation of precisionThey incident was without a single shot being fired.
Malthus The Spokesman of the national security cabinet confirmed  the detention of Trevino, thanks to the Efforts of intelligence of Mexico.
In press conference, It was  mentioned That  'Z40' is suspect of ordering the abduction of 275 migrants, Whose bodies were found in clandestine grave in the municipality of San Fernando in 2010.
I Said That the operation Began at 3 in the morning on a dirt road in the southwest of Nuevo Laredo, 45 minutes later, the navy was able to locate the pick up truck and  ordered a Navy helicopter. They were then able to intercept  the vehicle, and after some  maneuvering, succeeded  in stopping the vehicle..
In the vehicle were Abdon Federico Garcia Rodriguez, Ernesto Reyes Garcia, who accompanied the leader of the Zetas.
The Spokesman said that the operation was conducted without shots being fired,  and  added that in the vehicle were $ 2 million in cash, eight long arms, in Aadition to 500  cartridges.
There are seven arrest warrants against Treviño Morales and  12 preliminary Investigations on “alleged” charges of Organized Crime, homicide, torture, money laundering, possession of firearms exclusive of the armed forces and health Offences
Along with Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, were arrested Abdon ( see lower left) Reyes Federico Garcia and Ernesto Garcia, who were also transferred is to the Seido.
With respect to the companions of the 'Z40', is presumed to be one escort and  the other an accountant  of the criminal organization.
The original post began here and the remainder is in sequence
Elements of the Secretary of the Navy captured Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, alias 'Z-40', on a surprise operation in the city of Nuevo Laredo. naval Information revealed that the arrest was carried out by action through intelligence that ended with the capture of the capo, a founder and past senior within the organization of the criminal group Los Zetas. In the coming hours, the Secretary of the Navy has planned to provide more information on capture.

NOTHING confirmed as yet by authorities.  Proceso just published the story with information from Dallas Morning News.  In that article it states the capture was on Monday.  Rumors however began yesterday. 

BB will update as necessary, but this post will give you a forum to comment and add information....continues next page

Update:  The Milenio news agency has just published a small report stating that federal and local sources have confirmed to them the capture of Z40, the capture was reported to them as being today.

Update 4:50

Valley News Action 4 News spoke to Mexico's Attorney General's Office, Army and Navy.
All three federal agencies told Action 4 News that they did not have any information about such an incident but the Dallas Morning News reports it confirmed Morales-Treviño's arrest.
The Dallas- based newspaper reports it confirmed the feared Zeta leader's arrest through from American and Mexican officials.


Strategic Monitoring Alert: Los Zetas Leader Captured

Stratfor sources have confirmed that senior Los Zetas leader Miguel "Z-40" Trevino Morales was captured in Nuevo Laredo and is being transferred to Mexico City. His capture reportedly took place late July 14, though that has not been confirmed. This follows rumors posted on blogs earlier July 15 that Trevino had been either captured or killed. Stratfor sources are warning of the potential for an uptick of violence in Nuevo Laredo, a stronghold of Los Zetas, in response to Trevino's capture. Stratfor will continue to monitor the situation for additional information.

The Z-40 will be presented to the media at about 20 hours on the premises of the SEIDO, where the official announcement of his capture will be issued.

Update: Joaquín López-Dóriga has backtracked says now that 40 will not be at a presentation, but an announcement will be made at 20:45 at the office of the ministry of the interior.

Update: Milenio reports Z40 transferred to SEIDO was captured in Anahuac, Nuevo Leon

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  1. Looks like he got beat up

    1. Beat up or maybe the ragged nature of the business took a toll on him. Am disappointed. His Mugshot just doesn't do justice to him or even portray him as a CEO/Managing Director & Leader of a Multi-Million Dollar Corp. He looks like a common thug!

    2. 3 more pieces of shit of the streets of Mexico, one piece of shit at a time and Mexico will be back to normal

  2. Wat u guys think its him

  3. Karma, has taken its flight and found us blood cursed self.
    Too bad it was just a matter of time. All in due time, so there now too bad cursed is ur name, for killing so many innocent for the sake of money. I hope NOW the spirits of the innocent come get you in ur cursed cell

  4. OMG!! P L E A S E ... be true. He is so evil. What news!!

  5. No Chapo, No Mayonnaise, No Azul..... clearly they are being protected by usa and mexico

    1. They just caught one of the worst drug traffickers & you're complaining that others are being protected? You my friend are a cheerleader who probably get your head checked!!

    2. @ 5:40pm. U r such an Idiot & a super Moron.

  6. Shit started to go badly wrong when the Z killed Lalo Moreira?
    I dont know,but the picture looks like him,it really could be him.Mean and pissed off that he got caught,this has got to be the end of the Z as we know it today.The two main men,no doubt,have now gone down,this shows the way the wind is blowing concerning the Z.Always thought it wasn't just CDG/CU making moves in Zaca.Could be anyone snitched,even in C Victor they were pissed with Z40 and threatening,we,ll see?

  7. Wats the word around nuevo laredo???? U think this guy will not go out with a fight wer r all his people???

  8. That is Z40,so they got the motherfucker,i always thought he would go out banging?Maybe he got to much sense for that,or didn't get a chance to start bangin?Either way Miguel was always on some kind of borrowed time,he got a rep like fuckin Hitler,errybody hates his ass and blames him for tsunamis earthquakes fuckin 9/11 terrorism and any other shit you can think of.This dude got some secrets if he wants to deal up?What gonna happen to the Z as a cartel and crew?Who fuckin cares anyway.

    1. Nope men that do what he did to innocent ppl usually are cowards when they are roach down thousands more to go.bring more raid lol

  9. Please say it's true. Z40 is done JAJAJA

  10. careful what you wish for, Omar will take over and he is worse

    1. Don't think so, when Omar was younger he was being treated for ADD (Attention deficit disorder).

  11. More news agencies are reporting but authorities have not confirmed. However with Milenio's sources saying it happened that gives greater credibility. I just am not sure.

  12. God bless Mexico, This is great news! This man was the devil incarnate, He is evil personified, I hope he opens up & the organization as we know it is destroyed, The Zetas are brutal killers & have no qualms about killing innocents.

  13. If true, let the bloodbath begin...

    1. Blood bath started years ago my friend...

  14. Wow wtf!!! Z-40 has been captured by SEMAR. I called it if it proves to be true. Back in April when the Mexico Navy began major operations in Coahuila, that they were going after Z-40. This was during the trail of his brother Jose. The ramifications of his capture could cause changes in the structure of organized on a world scale. As it is, the Z Ndrangheta connection has just been captured in Colombia. Chapo, Mayo, CDG are probably licking their chops. Could this signify the nail in the coffin of Zetas, or is there somebody waiting in the wings ready to assume the leadership of the Zetas and bring change to the way they operate? Could the possibilty arise that he could have been betrayed by somebody? This is going to get interesting!

  15. His face shows the signs of substance abuse.
    Was really hoping he would be the star of a Golfo snuff video. Oh well, there is plenty of z40 family members that the Golfos will make into stars.
    And of course there's still z42 if he wasn't killed during the arrest of 40.
    Golfos have very long memories.

    1. Huh? Hes chubby, his face looks as if he was beatin. Doesnt look like a coke or crystal fien..

    2. He had to be on some shit to do what he did to those poor ppl in mexico.god dont like ugly and will make him pay for that.hope they extradite him to the u.s hell get a waaay longer sentence here

    3. Feins dont have two million in cash on them ,my friend
      Not everyone on here is a civilian

  16. it looks enough like him that it could be true. however maybe some surgery was done. hairline color style,same. ear height same however look like possibly been pinned back slightly, simple op. eyes are same collor and have the same distinct downward and outward structure.lips appear to be larger, simple op./inj. eyebrows also appear more bushy.complexion darker. i give it 50/50 the new pic is him. big news in an important year

  17. Thats awesome they finally got that muthaf@#%$!

  18. I bet someone turned him in for the $5 million bounty and immunity in the U.S.

  19. My opinion is he still out ther this guy I think will go out with a bang!!!! At least take a couple people with him, but not sure??

  20. Not z40 he laughing his as off

  21. Stratfor sources have confirmed that senior Los Zetas leader Miguel "Z-40" Trevino Morales was captured in Nuevo Laredo and is being transferred to Mexico City. His capture reportedly took place late July 14, though that has not been confirmed. This follows rumors posted on blogs earlier July 15 that Trevino had been either captured or killed. Stratfor sources are warning of the potential for an uptick of violence in Nuevo Laredo, a stronghold of Los Zetas, in response to Trevino's capture. Stratfor will continue to monitor the situation for additional information.

  22. the left over z will join cdg. Or keep extorting in smaller groups. now all I want for xmas is el chapo captured or killed.

  23. That's not him facial features may be tricking everyone but honestly I dnt think its him

  24. Lazca drop dime on him

  25. As of 19hrs. Milenio reported he was captured in the early morning hours on the border with N.L.- Tamps. It's not official. They caught the butcher of Northeast Mexico. It looks like him BB viewers. Then again Chapo was caught in Guatemala for a while back in a Jan.

  26. That's him.. my family is from nuevo Laredo and they have stated that my uncle that works in the international bridge has stated that Mexican marines have told him that z40 was captured .. I have said before when I posted a comment that z40 was in neighbor hood called la longoria and was being protected by the local army comander .. I guess not anymore... the zetas are done as a group .. z42 doesn't have the leadership to lead the zetas .. cdg / sinola take over and control.Mexico. hopefully this will bring peace to Mexico ..

    1. Hopefully...and if CDS\CDS control Mexico i hope they dont get greedy and start yet another war

  27. Its dude awrite"intelligence operation"they could have caught this guy anytime,just like they could with all the rest of them.Do you people really believe the Mexican and US government dont know where these cats are?Z40 collared,i always thought this cat would be killing fuckers as he went down?His brother gots to be sweating right about now,and the Z?

  28. Omar can´t take over, from what I´ve heard he is known for being both extremely cruel and quite dumb, without his brother protecting him he´ll be dead or given away to the authorities in no time

  29. If its him he proved to all his followers what an absolute coward, pussy bitch he really was. I mean come on he didnt even attempt to shoot it out and go out blazing. Rather he threw his hands up begging not to be shot.

  30. I like hearing shitt like this on the blog keep it coming

  31. Not him keep it moving

  32. I actually hoping its not true because I want to see C.D.G eventually get their hands on his sadistic sorry ass so we can all eat our popcorn and watch his torture and execution video.

    That now can't happen if he's behind bars.

  33. Nooo mamen... no sean malitos entregenselo a los del golfo hehehe

  34. Highest Yoga TantraJuly 15, 2013 at 6:40 PM

    2013 ▪ 07 ▪ 15

    I had always thought Los Zetas homebase was in Coahuila? We'll wait for updates and confirmation. Looking at the photos, he doesn't appear to be healthy - stress & meth use?

    If indeed «Z40» was captured, there will be more bloodshed in the states that are currently being disputed ~ draw a straight vertical line from Coahuila all the way to Michoacán and we're looking at 15+ states that are currently in a bloody warfare with Zs: VCFO, Sinaloa, Gulf, BLO, LCT, LFM, etc...

    I'm referencing Madame Chivis' Mexican Cartel Territory Map (May 2013). This is going to be very interesting.

    Prayers to the citizens (including the Marina) of Mexico to stay safe!


  35. It's him. Check Dallas, San Antonio, laredo times and cbs.

  36. He looks like a math addict from Rviverside

    1. He looks more like a Social Studies or Reading type of addict I.M.O.

  37. Anon July 15, 2013 at 5:30 PM Looks like he got beat up

    He did not. SEMAR wouldn't do that. Maybe he is clumsy and fell down or something.

    1. Texcoco, thanks. Looks like he partied too much then.

    2. I hope they beat the brakes off him

  38. the war for the east of mexico begins again for chapo

  39. Those math addicts are crazy

    1. I don't think he cared much for formulas and equations, he was no math addict but def a Meth addict.

    2. Math addicts lol 2+2=5..

  40. I hope the people of Mexico can judge him for the grief and suffering he had caused to innocent families. By judging, I hope they will judge him in the court of law and then initiate capital punishment (death sentence) in slow and agonizing way so that he feels what he has done to innocent people of Mexico and US.

  41. Hooray they got that coward ass motherfucker hope he dies

  42. nuevo larode is bout to get hot

  43. I am posting updates as I find them or they are sent to me.....keep checking.

  44. Its him,he looks pissed off too...hehehe pure Z he was.

    I cant wait to hear the story behind the capture BB.

  45. Is it just me or does the foto look more like him without the watermarking?

  46. Aver donde esta el pinche doz fronteras hahaha no que el pri estava con el moustro de z bl y cdj jajajaja se fumaron al puto por lento ya devia muchas espero y pague por todas las que iso ese malnacido...y los que faltan por caer. Hora si los mugrozozz se quedaron sin caveza la tienen pero dentro del culo...jajajaja.

  47. When I see these haggard run down meth looking babosos, I get the impression that Lazca, Z-40, Chapo, etc. are just poster boys for the cartels. When you peel the onion layers and you take some of these guys out, you start seeing who the real players are in the narco game (politicians, businessmen in ties).

    Regardless, Good job Navy in taking out the trash.

  48. No wonder I been seeing people from Nuevo Laredo in el Rojo, Zetas jumping ship to CDG boat. No wonder CDG has been quite for like about a week.

  49. Please please b him pleeease

  50. That's not him like chapos son was not
    alfredo fuckin mexican gov

  51. Where is Doz Fronteras? How come he ain't cheerleading for his good friend?

  52. It's not poor health and drugs that make him look different - from the 1st pic to his capture picture those evil eyes have seen more satonic deeds than anyone in world history. His face is plastered to the look of meanness. He is scary looking.(plus I'm sure he got punched around the face tee hee hee)

  53. Time to celebrate!

  54. Joaquín López-Dóriga just change what he said.

    Cambio de lugar. El anuncio oficial de la captura del Z-40 será a las 20:45 en la secretaria de Gobernación. No presentarán al detenido.

    1. No ceas mentiroso si lo van a precentar es el trofeo del peña y su papa el chapo, y es extra oficcial si lo capturaron la marina...jajajajaja arre jupiii hahahaha se chingaron al puto 40 y no tarde el putillo de su hermano si callo la caveza con mas razon cae el culo de su hermano..

  55. thanks tex...he never gets it right.

  56. Now they ain't going to show him

  57. He looks like he's on meth i hope he gets raped

  58. If you really pay attention to details like he's eyebrows, lips, nose and ear he looks the same.. the only difference the picture on the left he's darker.. but I do believe that s him.. just study both pictures

  59. DOS fronteras,y Las estacas fuerzas especiales El zeta 200 y ke otra,mamada que nectar lima donde estan no que Los zetas en nuevo Laredo salganle Al topon culeros u rescatenlo jaja pinches hslconsillos cagados a,ora para tras Al,puente de,limosneros jaja nectar lima mi verga no controlan nada ya ontan Los zeta del blog ablen putos Este mito se a acabado doz fronterad salga Al topon donde,lo Miro por la Vicki o la,Lincoln escondanse halcones,luz Verde para El chapo El,golfo y Los legionarios arriba El,tejas y juanito carrizales ajuaz!!!!

    1. Andan disfrazados de chachitas, todas perfumadas, vuelta y vuelta en la Plaza México! Le andan echando porras al Chapo, bola de culeros, se cambiaron de bando a los 10 minutos, ayer todavía andaban como fieras mentandose la madre y amenazandose con un ruco ex-soldado de 70 años. Pero se quedaron sin patrón, a vender chicles de nuevo o de perdido las naylon ahí en el Viveros.

    2. Asi es compa hechancole Al senor de 67 anos El viejon tenia razon ontad zetita habre El osico yo voy a aloyar a El senor donde te vemos yo soy de ls viveros pendejos ve a,leer four inmates die in nuevo Laredo ayi estaban lls zetitas yo Les dije wue cuando callo su carnal y sggararon a sus primos tias ya lo traiban y wue ya no era zeta pero saltaron Los halconsillos que estacas de nuevo Leon y ke la verga puro pedo nacho coronel tubo mas huevos wue El 40 ni UN disparo ontan lad fuerzas especiales zetas Los kaibiles y cual otra mamada vallan a rescatar a El jefe halconsillos jajaja ora si van a tener que boliar zapatos pidir limosna en Los puentes o trabajar de meseros o catrines o de putos en la zona jajaja

  60. Damn is he captured???.

  61. Watch Battlegroun: Afghanistan channel 33

  62. It's him. Do you think Mexico would ever arrest the wrong guy? Or set someone up for murder? Never. They are so honest….. Seriously, it is Z-40. He looks more like his dumb brick laying horse racing brother. That is crazy he was in NL, and not like Chapo, hiding in the hills. You have to give him credit for being right there in the open. Ballsy. He is lucky he has his head. I'm sure there are thousands of headless Mexican ghosts who will haunt this fuker.

    1. Its not ballsy, its how to get caught.

  63. Its nott him, remember the Azul got captured story? Its all bullshit for the sheep to feed on!

  64. Congratulations to all the law enforces that worked together to accomplish this, and for those who got the million lets celebrate thank u GOD, cheers lets go to nuevo laredo and empty this fuckers homes and properties

  65. Just think of the fun you could have torturing this fuck. Cookout that bitch.

  66. the new york times has an article a.bout his capture

  67. OMG Mexico actually did something... Nevermind it was probably US intelligence. Except the probably knew where he was for a year and are just going to use this to justify their spying. Just wait a few weeks. Maybe chapos next. No wait he's doing lines Obama and Bush so he's probably cool.

  68. 2 many comments just thank u God for putting this demon away, and thanks 2 all the agencies involved

  69. try this stream for the announcement

  70. As of 2105hrs., the Assistant Attorney General of Investigation Specialized in Organized Crime (SEIDO) has yet to hold its press conference.

  71. It always catches up to you. It was only a matter of time.

  72. 2 many comments just thank u God for putting this demon away, and thanks 2 all the agencies involved

    1. Why comment twice!?? Too many!!

  73. Looks like a presentation or announcement could be made in the next hour. I seen on milenio tv that the marines arrived and the gates were shut pretty quickly as if someone "big" has been caught/taken there.

    Looks like him though so maybe CDG will regain Tamaulipas. Who really knows.

  74. 27 miles outside nuevo laredo with 2 million dollars bye bye 40

  75. Does NOT look like z40,,,,

    1. You need your eyes checked man, that is an exact match.

  76. no hay fecha que no se llege, tarde pero seguro

  77. Send that bitch 40 to jail in Sinaloa and let El Fantasma have his way with him!

  78. I thought Los Zetas are bad ass and go out with both guns blazing? He surrendered without firing a gun shot.

  79. He's new face possess the evil spirits, his eyes looks like a bloodthirsty demon. Probably the next few days some Z plaza bosses not satisfied Z-40 leadership will switch to CDG or formed a new cartel, expect more violence to come. Soon CDS will dominate in major route from south to north and expanding their territories. Good news for El Chapo they can expand his business and influence. Hopefully soon all capos will capture especially chapo, so that mexico leaving peace and free from drugs.

    1. Unfortunatly, there will always be drugs :( if not the mexicans, then maybe the cosa nostra or ?

    2. Zetas really hate CDS they where train to have some much hate to CDS. That's why Zetas jump ship to CDG boat only. Plus Zetas got snitch from some of his own people & those became CDG so that only means ALL of Zetas territory will only belong to CDG which will result in Chapo getting mad & beginning another blood thirsty war for CDG land.

  80. The semar pics from the left side centre & right side don't look like him but the picture on milenio all beat up does! WTF??? But we don't know how he looks recently so maybe it is him...

  81. As of 2110 hrs, the representative of Secretariat of the Government announced that Z-40 was captured at 345hrs. by Naval Infantry in a helicopter that had intercepted the truck in which Z-40 was riding in. M. Trevino was caught while traveling on a back-road south of N. Laredo. Apparently he was being followed by Mexico's security forces for a while and were monitoring his every move. Miguel Trevino eas caught along with two other individuals and with $2 million in cash.

  82. hi chivis well they finally got z40 thank god . but i do wonder what about to take place its really quiet in nuevo laredo but lets see he was 27 kilometers south with 2 million cash , and 2 passengers at 3 in morning what an idiot

    -tyrone- .

  83. I cant wait till they catch the bisexual midget. What el 40 is to the gulf region el chaputo is to Chihuahua. He has his days numbered and we'll be ready to party in Arlington Texas that day. Theres nobody left after this carwasher so the orange corner vendor is next. The only thing I liked about the zetas was that if you met one they wouldn't repp no state in particular but said they were Mexican. Not from Chihuahua, Durango, or Sinaloa. That's why they recruit so much because they pull that shit. Oh and 40 he got dimed because this happens after that manta saying they didn't like his new plaza boss and care about the consequenses? Good job and fuck the corrupt Mexican government.

    1. Wtf ? ^^* stupid lady boy, learn to write.

  84. Z40 fuck u 42 ur next please step up

  85. U suck 40. Did you even last 6 months as the leader of the zetas. Loser

  86. By the look of the map it looks like he was comming from church.

  87. Chivis,ive,written 2 comments and none,are here why is that because im talking about the truth?

  88. It looks just like him people who say that it doesn't look like him are really blind.

  89. God Bless Mexico, I hope Mexico President will destroy all Santa Muerte Statue, cult images and ban entire country. The president should lead to announce not only a church, that all citizens worshiped only our Savior JESUS CHRIST and repent, promise to GOD not to do evil deeds again. Mexico will receive peace and happy living to all citizens and visitors.

  90. Fuck yeah! The bitch z40 is toast. Am going to drink tequila and shoot of my ak47. This day should be a mexican holiday, this made my year sweet. Straight from michoacan and jalisco. Ahhhhhahahaiiiiiiii Arriba mexico mother fuckers!

  91. New Political Party in Charge (Nuevo Laredo) = Change to Plaza Structure. Z40 must of know his time as leader was about to end. Business as usual plaza goes to highest bidder..

  92. This is an excellent news article. I don't like any cartels, and I hate los Zetas. I just feel sorry he didn't men up and got killed on a shoot out with SEDENA, hopefully his brother will get killed soon enough.

  93. Now the infighting starts. This should be interesting watching them fall apart.

  94. Listen folks calm down we all need serious confirmation like fingerprints and DNA just like lazca I mean I hope its the bastard so the z can start to crumble amongst themselves just because you hear it from all sources media doesnt mean its him if you see him in his picture it looks nothing like him just some one that got be up that looks a little similar to him like I said I hope in gods name thats him so some peace can returnback to Mexico.Remember the media only reports to us what's reported to them but only fingerprints and dna can prove its him so keep your fingers crossed but look at the pic closely .

  95. Bravo, bravo, bravo, evil bastard from hell, hijo del Diablo!! I hope u r tortured & cut up into pieces as u so rightly deserve. The people of Mexico can feel some MAJOR RELIEF -MAY HE ROT IN HELL -HE PROCLAIMED 2 B ONE BAD M/F YET, NOT ONE BULLET WAS FIRED???? COWARD, COWARD WHEN IT CAME RIGHT DOWN 2 GOING OUT IN A BLAZE OF FURY - HE TOOK THE EASY, COWARD WAY. DON'T HURT ME, YET, HE TORTURED, MAIMED & DESTROYED FAMILIES UR VICTIMS SHOWED MORE COURAGE .

  96. If they dont present him in Public like they did wit el hummer,mamito, exct,,,then its NOT Him,,,,

  97. Thats not him. Z40 has a birth defect on his lip wich is very clear in every photo. I think you guys are just a bit too exited cause you read z40 captured.

    1. Birth defect? He is a walking birth defect and they have gotten amazing with plastic surgery(unless its la chuckys lol) could have had it covered up

  98. Seems like lots of lavaperros gonna celebrate with perico and putas today...

  99. Fucking piece of Fucking shit! Baby killer!

  100. About time! Glad to see this psychopath off the streets.

  101. July 15, 2013 at 8:34 PM ----- You are correct Zetas easily got recruits because they have a state neutral name. So they didn't really disrespect anyone's "state pride" by saying puro...whatever, in another state. That is why the cds meets opposition from the locals everywhere it tries to expand. Thats what i hear as well his own people turned him in. Which makes me think things wont change that much.

  102. I'm literally crying. I can't even...I'll never forget this day as long as I live. This is the greatest news I've ever read.

  103. This man was pure evil. He would make human sacerfices. Trully a demon possesed man.

  104. They got him?!?!?!?! I thought this would never happen!!
    I'm usually not a big fan of the 'kingpin strategy', but with Miguel Trevino it's different. This has the opportunity to quell a LOT of the violence in Mexico. Hopefully there won't be too much bloodshed as his vacuum gets filled.

  105. This news is all over the place.

  106. Word around Mira Mar air base is Seal Team 3 got him with stealth helo and he was promptly handed over to the Mexican Navy.

    1. Don't start with the team seal bullshit already

  107. Great Job Chivis!!July 15, 2013 at 9:31 PM


  108. This is a gerat day. This represents so much more than when they killed Lazcano.

    There are lots of evil people in the world, but guys like Z40...he's in a league of his own. Some of the things he's done, the ways he's tortured people, the chaos and bloodshed he's caused in's heartbreaking. He's made a dent in Mexican history that can never be taken back.

    -He has sicarios kidnap people to bring to him so he can torture them himself (Gabriel Cardona's testimony)
    -He's made innocent people fight to the death, then send the living one on a suicide mission (SF massacre)
    -He's burned entire families alive (Allende, Coahuila)
    -He allegedly boiled a baby alive (George Grayson's book)
    -Allegedly personally killed 2000+ people

    And he's done it over, and over, and over. And this is only the stuff people have found out about. He keeps most stuff undercover so he can keep his peace with the Tamaulipas gov't. If he's capable of all that and has access to that much money and influence, I'm sure he's done way more.

  109. Every things quite in nuevo laredo

  110. I am from Laredo Texas and spend about half of my year in Nuevo Laredo, so I'm familiar with the Zetas. Miguel Trevino boiled three women to death in 2010 and left them on a couch in their relative's house. And he's been known to drive around shooting people at RANDOM from his car. He drove over a small girl once in 2009.
    And until today, the police here haven't done a thing about it, because if they did, they and their entire families would be incinerated and hung from a bridge. It's almost an impossible situation for law enforcement.
    Men like him who torture and murder entire families need NOT to be exempt from the law simply because they are rich bullies. But unfortunately, I have no solution other than slow, long term development in Mex. Hope this goes to public trial.


  112. they will do the dna shit and it will turn out that it wasnt el z40 the top dawg

  113. get yourself a pair of glasses this aint no Z40

  114. probably because your comment was shit.

    I agree great job Chivis..i was following your twitter also and you were blazing. You said on forum you were breaking out the champagne...have on glass for me.

    Much appreciate your hard work..

  115. Anyone here from Nuevo Laredo? July 15, 2013 at 9:33 PM said that everything's quiet. What's happening there? Do people know about this?

  116. and thanks for your help and my buds on forum also all of those mainboard readers who sent me information in both languages. you guys are the best!!!!

  117. I'll sleep more easily tonight knowing Trevino's not free. He's just...he's done so much. SO much. So much terror and violence, that I attribute to him personally. Not just his group. HIM.

  118. Its 40. They caught him with 2 million in cash, his bodyguard and accountant on a dirt road with a marine helicopter. So unless some other guy is running around nuevo with that kind of pocket change

  119. I am a police officer in Laredo, Tx. I have over 20 years of experience dealing with narcotrafficers near the border, and believe this: I've seen bad people. VERY bad people. But NO one will ever come close to being as evil as this man.
    This is it. They've taken down the worst of them. I'll stand behind that, THE worst criminal I've ever known.

  120. CDG has a lot of influence in Tamaulipas & Nuevo Leon & all of the Gulf coast. CDG will have the strong power once again. Zetas were train to hate I mean really hate CDS so I don't see Zetas becoming CDS that's why when Zetas jump ship they become always become Golfos. Expect Chapo to get mad & start a war. Rumors from my CDG peeps that Mayo & CDG have a good relationship at thia time due to Chapo & Mayo having some trust issues. Before the year is over it will be CDG/Mayo/Most Zetas vs. Chapo/BTL

  121. 1. Alguien lo puso me refiero alguien de alta confianza.Pudo ser alguien del Gobierno que recivia dinero de los Z.Pudo ser algun mano derecha de el.

    2.Pueda que no sea el por las fotos que presentaron mirando de lado porque no se parece a la que salio golpeado.Tambien no lo presentaron me recuerda al caso de Lazcano sin cuerpo no ahi evidencia segura.

    3.El CDS pago un billeton hablo de millones por capturarlo a los de la Marina....

  122. That's really him...

    And he was given to the Mexican Navy by a Zeta commander that was not satisfied with the way he was handling the Zeta Cartel ...

    He was intercepted by a Navy helicopter driving a pick-up truck with 2 other guys, carrying 2 Million dollars he just had picked up from another commander who runs the show in Nuevo Laredo...

    C.D.S./C.D.G. will clean the rest of Nuevo Laredo from Zetas..

  123. down with the mugroso, wish he could of caught a bala up the culo, like lizcano, assuming it was him


    1. yes. and turned himself in
      while carrying 8 weapons.

  125. I guess Pena Nieto told all Capos to stop making waves or else be captured. Z40 did not listen to Pena Nieto. The knights leadership might be next. Send Z40 with his brother to US's Max.

  126. Pena Nieto wanted him captured due his new announcement of spending $100 billion in infrastructure improvements and Z40 was in the way of Business and Tourism leaders.

  127. So his brother is now top dog.

  128. You telling me this cabron went down without a single shot?!?! Please....this mf turned himself in.

  129. I just posted the information given in the official presser....

  130. Thank you, I don't care who sold him out, if it was an honest arrest or outcome of a rival with bigger pockets this lunatic being detained has me grinning with superb joy. 3 years ago my cousin Raymond Mendoza only 16 years old went with our Aunt to visit our grandmother (his first time in Mexico) and the day after they arrived he went walking to take pictures to bring home to us. He never returned, nobody would help my Aunt or my Grandma when they went to the Municipal,State,and Federal authorities. My dad and I are the only ones in our family doing decently well so we sent her money to hire a man called El Seguidor who located "missing" people. The day after this 4 trucks arrived at my grandmas home with several men with rifles. They told my aunt to go home or her and my grandma would join him, then one of the men handed her a U.S 1$ bill and told her it should more than make up for her loss while they all laughed then left. Nothing has been uncovered about him, the multiple police reports filed vanished, The pain of hoping a family member who was the world to you is dead because you don't want him to be committing atrocities for these sick fucks is unbearable. The poor kid had never even had a girlfriend he was the definition of innocence I don't understand why they do these things, these wounds never even begin to heal.

  131. i knew all the zeta brain washed haters were guna be all over this flooding the comments before evening coming on this site like i knew bb was guna post it asap lol

  132. Saw this on a BBC crawler at the bottom of the screen about 5 minutes ago and came straight to BB. The word is out. Hope this bastard suffers, whatever happens to him.

  133. The US government was tracking his movements for while now they informed the mexican government about his where abouts the gave them 15 minutes to move in it was a one of my family members was part of the raid he said they slapped z40 around for a while lmao

  134. I think they confirmed it is him. I looked it up on USA today and Stratfor has confirmed it is z-40 the zeta asshole is bagged like a happy meal

  135. We shoud celebrate as if Mexico won another world cup


  137. I just can't believe it went down with not one single shot!!!

  138. The next top dog to be taken down will be Chapo. Peña is under CDG payroll remember CDG pay for mostly all of his campaign. El Señor Osiel Cardenas is expected to be release really soon don't believe me look into it Junior El 900 is out already don't believe me his in El Rojo zumbando.

  139. LOL!!! at the clown claiming SEAL team 3 captured him with a "stealth" helicopter and immediately turned him over to MX forces. 1 SEAL's are extremely professional and don't get that top secret clearance by having loose lips 2 With the ongoing silent tensions between US and MX especially since the US has been exposed spying on MX there is no way PN would allow this. 3 If you had any military experience you would know the events leading up to this show surprisingly incredible work by MX forces and hope for a change. The only possible role the US had in this would be turning over intel from the recent Trevino case and providing technical support to locate and MAYBE even a few tactical advisors (which seems far fetched) I wonder if these clowns really believe the crap they type in or if they think it makes them look cool or something. They must be related to lucy xD sorry lol had to do it

  140. fuck this piece of shit! too bad CDG, CT, CJNG, GN/CDS didn't catch this piece of shit's ass and make mincemeat of him on video!

  141. Cdg r gona take control no need the help of the tacuaches take wat always bin thers and run with it!!!!!

  142. I love how the people here are self proclaimed truth seekers taking on the propaganda and corruption of the US and MX government YET its SO easy for them to get sucked into the cartels lies and propaganda. The notion that he is some sort of fearless Rambo is laughable, it is VERY easy to be brutal and fearless when you have countless people at your back and the rest deathly afraid of you, its easy to shoot down city cops or even military patrols in a clash with the adrenaline, drugs, and support. But when you're all alone (2 people still counts as alone) on a desolate road with nowhere to run and the men surrounding you from 365 degrees and by air are highly trained and fully prepared for an all out war reality sets in. You think Lazcano went out in a blaze of glory!? He only fought because he was in a neighborhood and had a chance of getting away he was running for his life not fighting to the death. Same with Pablo Escobar. The only other way he could have been caught like this is if he thought that 2 million in cash was going to work like its been working all these years and when they refused it there was no possible way for them to fight back being in such close proximity to their judgment. This isn't El Infierno this is reality people

  143. I bet he mysteriously 'dies' or breaks out in a week...and by die I mean CIA rendition. How else do you think they found him in a truck...satellite feed.

  144. So many innocent people dead, many just to satisfy his sadistic cravings. He's different from the others. Most narcos' bottom line is business. Trevino's was murder.
    I can tell you he personally murdered thousands of people. He had his bodyguards DELIVER people to him so he could torture and burn them alive.
    He may be captured, but it won't undo what he's done.

  145. You people still think zetas is a gang were a leaders capture means the end of seth gang. No its a name brand theres still many...many..many cells out there. things wont change. youll see how when they capture chapo that buissness will continue as usual. Just fake trophies for both of our corrupt government. People will be happy none the less for any kill and capture. Even if they keep capturing and killing for hundredths of years fighting this phony war on drugs that fill many many pockets. Its a strange world we live in. Those that from heaven to earth came must look down up on us with shame at how we spend our time on the earth we inherited from them

  146. Good Job PRI im Glad this hitler will be off the streets maybe Piedras negras will Be safer to :( someone in Piedras threw down the Santa muerte alter the Z had I wonder who did this??? I'm proud of Mexico Navy

  147. It is him. If SIEDO has confirmed it, its cuz the U.S.A has
    already done DNA and confirmed it to them. This was a U.S. operation approved by EPN cuz Z40 couldn't work with other cartels. Mexico is going to change for the better now that this cocksucker is put away. EPN told all the cartel heads to get along and make money and stop extorting the innocent people and killing innocents. If they could do that he would let then operate at ease as long as he got his cut. Z40 was bad for EPN business.

  148. Now they should go after El sapo and El mayate

  149. Kind of obvious some other Z commander dimed him out. Z has a history of diming out their own guys. There won't be much of a "retaliation" because his own crew got rid of him. I expect rest of Trevinos he appointed as commanders to either disappear/die or get snitched out too.

  150. Just talked to my family in nuevo Laredo.. they live in colonia Victoria i was told there is massive panic and military presence all around the neighborhood and city. My cousin who is not in the drug trade but knows several child hood friends that live by my grand mother house and work for the zetas as halcones / enforcers are freaking with what just happened as there is no apparent leader to take over the cartel. Z40 apparently didn't trust anybody and was complete control of the cartel and had the mentality that he was untouchable ...

  151. Lol cdg is not more powerful than cds jajaja!!!! Get over yourself Sinaloa cartel is all money not all bumpy yeeeee!!!!!

  152. Good job Mexican navy, and peace for Mexico and el estado de coahuila. Hopefully one cartel will prevail and leave the pueblo in peace.

  153. Good AP article:

  154. I just love this, I get back to Borderland Beat, open up the mainpage and see Z40´s beaten face, now, I really try to be as neutral as possible with cartels, I´m definetly no cheerleader, BUT this guy caused SO much pain to the people in NE Mexico that I´m actually happy he didn´t die in a shootout, I hope he lives long enough to pay a FRACTION of the pain his actions have caused to thousands of people.

    Anyway, like DD said on Forum, this will bring a bloodbath for sure, In my case I wouldn´t care much for the sicarios if they killed ONLY each others, but innocent people will most likely suffer for this, My prayers are with the people affected by this.

    So, Who´s next? My bet is Omar will have a BIG problem in his hands trying to maintain control of the Z´s, who will step up to leadership? Will the Z´s keep themselves allied with BLO?

    Only Chapo´s capture could affect more the violence map in Mexico than this will do.

  155. Thanks el chapo for finally capturing Z40. I don't know if you guys know this but the mexican military is friends with el chapo and even after U.S. authorities located him mexican marines refused to capture him or allow the U.S. to capture him.

    The awesome thing about el chapo is that he doesn't kill innocent people, kidnap business owners or extort tourists for ransom. He's admitted he's not a good person but at least we can feel safe if where not in the drug thing in chapos neighborhood. Nobody ever liked the zetas.

  156. Great news! Unfortunately EPN stopped doing the presentations of captured fugitives. I'm sure a small war will break out in the region. It's probably the only thing that sucks.

  157. That means new leaders, zetas are goin to split to diffrent cells, new lil cartels, but CDS isnt goin to take over..

  158. Omg this is not what I expected when I click on to Bb today thank u god for this present to mankind peace Loks


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