Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Zacatecas: Zeta Mantas Appear Including One in Hotel Room

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Narco-Mantas (banners) appeared in Zacatecas including one that may be a "first", a manta  displayed in a hotel room.
The mantas first appeared in Tamaulipas, then Coahuila now Zacatecas, with a message from  and signed by Los Zetas.
"From this moment we will make presence so you can see that we are here", was the theme of several messages that appeared in cities of Zacatecas, including Fresnillo, Guadalupe Zacatecas and the city of Valparaiso.
The mantas were addressed to the people of Zacatecas, declaring that though their premier leader Miguel Treviño Morales, alias Z40, was captured, there is no leadership change and he continues to lead the cartel, reiterating the group is well structured, and nothing has changed.
Something new with these mantas is the message that the “real culprits” in the disappearances of people in the state, are the group who called themselves “Chapulines” (grasshoppers), led by “el Tio”, José Soto.
The message says; "be aware they are the ones who are causing so much damage to society".
In conclusion the message announces that Los Zetas will make their presence known “for all to see we are here”.
The mantas are signed “The Last Letter and Señor “40”.
Proceso is reporting that  in Guadalupe a group of reporters, correspondents and photographers flocked to report the discovery of a beheaded body, in an empty lot in privada los Limones street in the community of St. Jerónimo, located about 15 kilometers from the capital.
When they arrived at the site,  agents of the Federal Police who were at the site let them pass without problems, but as they got closer a Ministerial Police Commander blocked them and ordered the preventive police to get them out and to record their names.
Reporters asked to be allowed to do their job, but the Commander of the Ministerial argued that it was prohibited to take photographs and demanded the agents to get the reporters  out by using whatever means necessary.
It was then when one of the police officers raised his AR-15 rifle, while the other barked to reporters: "leave, do not hinder the investigation. Imagine if the dead were a cousin, a brother or family member, you would not like photos to be taken to publish them, right?"
Seemingly, the officer was attempting a new tactic to block  freedom of the press, tugging at the heartstrings of reporters.  Someone needs to tell the officer that his appeal may be more effective without  aiming the AR-15 at the reporters.

"Attention people of Zacatecas

Friends and enemies, Señor 40 is still alive, this won´t be over until it´s over, all this is well structured and managed, nothing happens here and we don´t rearrange anything, Señor 40 is still the leader of his group, solid and well managed and united so neither CDG, Chapos or Michoacános and even less the Chapulines will scare us, and so the people realize who are the kidnappers and extortionists and who are those who harm society, it is those  who are led by José Soto alias el Tío and all the Chapulines. Blaming the zetas without the people knowing that they are the real culprits of all the disappeared people. And now we let you know that from now on we are going to show our presence so you know that we are here to finish with the anomalies of said subjects and all those who follow them."

The last letter- “Señor 40”

Kidnapped Teen Rescued from a Well

On Tuesday a kidnapped 17 year old was rescued from a well. He was kidnapped in Fresnillo, Zacatecas.  His father is a judge and the kidnappers had demanded 400.000 pesos. 
They stole his car, beat him and threw him in a well in Estación San José, near Fresnillo. On Tuesday morning a man who was working in the fields found the teen in a well and called the authorities. He was rescued and alive and transported to a hospital for treatment.

 The victim is named  Marco Antonio Sánchez Cordero and his father José Sánchez Aguilera

Source: "ZAC"  Proceso NTRZacatecas

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  1. if mexican officials had any balls or were not corrupt fucking scumbags they would light up the rat miguel trevino with a set of jumper cables and a car battery to his tiny nuts everytime one of these mantas showed up.

    zetas are pathetic. praising a scumbag who has ratted everyone out in his own organization just to get where he was and then sold on his own name as some larger than life guns a' blazing macho man and then goes out like a chump.

    no longer refer to him as z40 - z40 was a fragment of someones imagination. miguel was nothing more than a glorified car washer.

  2. Those 'Mantas' would never work in the US. We would be making parody mantas to make fun of them. I can't understand how these thugs don't hack electronic billboards instead of sharpie markers on a bedsheet. Sad that an entire country is held hostage by prehistoric bullies with a third grade midset. One day someone is going wake the population down there. Once they revolt against the govt & criminals life will be good.

    1. Those are some clean bed sheets, the hotels in Reynosa have sheets that are all stained with piss and probably shit or mole...better bring your own

  3. the mexican government is so fucking stupid and corrupt its not even funny. they have every fucking reason to extradite z40 to the U.S. including these banners stating that z40 will still be running operations from jail but
    but i know they wont because politicians make too much drug money off z40 hence the bullshit charges of money laundering and gun possession.

    if the mexican government had any sense of shame it would extradite z40 to the U.S. and let this evil scumbag spend the rest of his life in a super max prison.

    if the mexican government had any sense self respect and an ounce of balls, it would send a government assassin to kill z40 in prison.

  4. Z40 should go to the priest and confess from all his sins,then all his sins will be forgiven by God.He could be next saint.

  5. chapos will take care of your grasshopper and your ratz problem.

    1. Chapo can't even control Sinaloa . How the fuck is gonna control the zeta roaches ?? This fool's are a stupid ass cartel, but you can't deny that there everywhere

  6. Did you ever think that all that shit mexico and the feds feed to ignorant people like your self s a bunch of lies put out to to make you idiots miss the big picture all the innocent people that the military has killed all the corruption thats going on

  7. Miguel has been working for the government ever since his brother got in trouble and Austin Texas he is not going to do any time in jail Miguel is going to take the fall for everything so that his brother does not get into trouble or the piece of shkt Huitron you guys mark my word they're all a bunch of pussies anyways

  8. Well it looks like if Omar Treviño Morales doesn't want to take the responsibility of leading the zetas, so the zetas decided just to keep on kissing the same old z40's ass. Anyway they're done no matter how many and where they hang their mantas.

  9. ZETAtecas putosssssssssssssssssssssss

  10. Really a manta inside a hotel in Fresnillo!! Yeah they are scared to show there face out in the public because CDG has them back peddling. Zetas no longer in charge in Fresnillo. CDS and CDG taking over. family members who live there confirmed chapos drive around in the day and night while zetas sneak around at night like rats..

    1. Yo sienpre se los digo.aqui en zacatecas ya los zetas no controlan como antes, pero siguen con lo mismo no por que pucieron una manta quiere decir que siguen fuertes como antes cuan el cdg pone mantas ponen asta 30 en diferente lugares..aqui se ven paciar los cdg y chapos dia y noche andan unos vatos en diferentes trokas que son los mentados escorpiones que se la navegan para el lado de ojo caliente villa hidalgo loreto que segun son jente del cds en conjunto con los alfas del cdg esos gueyes andan sienpre cuidando las plazas y la neta no es por que apoye a un cartel pero cuando los zetas estavan acargo de estas plazas era un desmadre la neta. Levantavan acada rrato a morros y nunca vovian y con estos vayos el pedo esta mas trankilo la verda...pero yo ce que la maña es la maña y nunca va cambiar solo quiero que ya se acave esta maldita guerra que nos tienen asta madre de tanto muerto y chingaran entre ellos pero el pedo se llevan a inocentes entre sus garras...

  11. WOW about the boy in the well. Was he treading water when they found him?? Or was it shallow?
    Glad he's alive!

    Assuming this is true that Z40 is still leading the Zs, do you think that it's assumed he will continue leading for as long as he is in a Mexican prison, as opposed to being extradited the way Osiel Cardenas was? If he gets a life sentence, I wonder what the incentive would be for him to continue leading...

  12. "Seemingly, the officer was attempting a new tactic to block freedom of the press, tugging at the heartstrings of reporters."

    Reporters 'tug' at the heart strings of readers all the time under the guise of 'just doing your job'. Little do you realize your blog and others like it help spread cartel propaganda. I'm glad the policeman stood up and tried to give the victim some decency against the cartel paparazzi.

    1. Spot on!!! BB glamourizes this shit.

      Boycott BB

  13. Of course they say 40 is still leader. It's just a way to keep some heat off of true new leader(s) at least for a while.

  14. everything is quite in nuevo Laredo

  15. Zetas sound desperate they just don't want people to start jumping ship clowns

  16. Fuk all this chivis ask tijuano was up with war for tj3....u all keep up the good work....thx for all this great info!!!

  17. Aver cuantos lame huevos del chapo van a salir en esta nota

    1. Salen todos culero ya ganamos la guerra pendejete a ora ve i pide limosna por wue los zetas ya no tienen dinero para pagarte halconsillo allucinado jaja viva el chapo!!

    2. Ke chingon cantan los setas. Deverian aser grupasiones y graben up casset aber cual grupo canta mas chingon!!!

  18. I would really like to know who kidnapped the Judges son after all these Ultima Letra Banners have been hung.

  19. More internal problems are due shortly. There is no way possible for 40 to run anything from within the prison. Its not the 80s anymore.

    The mantas are being placed by 40's brother and his group to deflect anyone internally wanting to make a move for the spoh. By brainwashing society and the whole group they will think 40 is making the shot calling but in reality it will be his brother making the calls.I give it 3 months before someone else than trevinos will be running the group.

    La Opinion
    Marfa, TX

  20. @ Meximama the water in the well didn't look too deep in the video of the rescue, but the well itself was over 12 meters deep and he spent the whole night in there, injured from the beating and the fall, he is extremely lucky to be alive.

    I don't think Z40 is leading anything at the moment.

  21. hehe every year we see the same hype,oh the zetas are finished, chapo's boys are at the zetas local pub drinking and laughing and shouting everyone drinks,its confirmed by a cousin of mine cdg are driving around with CDG label pickups like they own the place.
    Chapo's here,the zetas are knowhere to be seen!!!! Oh come on nutthugger's pull my other leg....hahahahahahaha.

    1. @11:53AM Huh!! A nuthugging pole slider like you calling others a nuthugger..LMAO. A garbage like you will always remain a garbage...VIVA MEXICO AND DEATH TO ALL BASTARD NARCO GANGBANGERS.

  22. @11:49pm through the past few years there been interviews with sicarios that worked for miguel the snitch,they say he would go out with them to get the job done,he would be alongside his men in a shootout and the sicarios said he has rescued the fallen and injured and taken them to general safety,he would never leave anyone behind...

  23. the banner in the hotel room,i would assume that the people in the pic are zetas?,was this photo taken from a young zetas facebook account?
    the banner more than likely did end up hanging on an overpass.

  24. Im not a fan of no cartel , but I think the zetas are here to stay.. I believe Chapo will fall before the zetas do.. Every year I hear Zetas are done, zetas are done.. but shit seems like they keep spreading like a bad rash.. z40 was brought down cause he's bad for business.. not cause El rocky or whatever snitched.. JUST TO MAKE MYSELF CLEAR , I'M NOT A CARTEL FAN ... I'm just giving my opinion.. So sinaloa nuthuggers don't yap you're lips..

    1. I hope they are well structured like CDG is when they took all those bosses to prison and they remained strong.

  25. Puro chetapultepek !

  26. Dime de ke presumes y te dire de ke cadeses

  27. Tanto poder ke tiene el 40 ke asta andan secuestrando por 400 pesos.. Valen pa pura verga!!!!

  28. Can someone please explain who the chapulines are and where their from?? Home base I mean thnx

  29. in a hotel room? is that supposed to impress anybody?

  30. JAJA this truly is hilarious, Zetas are scared to death and desperate as hell! I've been following the cartel wars for years and years and never have I seen one placed in a hotel room JAJA! They completely relied on the media getting this one out. I do agree with the comment that reporters help spread cartel propaganda whether they feel responsible or not. The many deaths and drugs involved are helping many reporters to have a job and something to do. One thing we can be guaranteed, 40 wasn't much of a leader as many of us predicted and he only made it up the ladder to begin with by snitching on his own people. Now the remaining clowns want to carry on with him as their leader? That won't last long. He can't run jack from prison even if he does have a phone everyday. My bet is they are stalling until they get advice from him on who should run what. I bet he hasn't even gotten to talk to Omar. Zetas are on a real fast track to being history. The only Zetas trying to hang on are the ones that won't be accepted by CDG or CDS. For the reward money on 42 I might sneak 40 some cell phones in that are bugged jaja.

  31. I am no cartel cheerleader but I think the Zetas are on their way out and that makes me very happy. They simply do not have the leadership anymore. It ended with 40.

  32. I live I zacatecas I'm deported from the states I live I a ranch call el 6 de enero,20 minutes away from fresnillo,all you see over here are zetas.just to let you fools know

    1. yeah 6 miles from Fresnillo!!! Not in Fresnillo!!! Zetas hide like rats in the outer skirts of the city. Zetas are not running anything in Fresnillo currently.

  33. I didn't think Trevino Morales would be as smart as he has subsequently shown since his arrest,we should have known better.He has more brains than we thought(i,e)not going out guns blazing?Dead,you are finished,alive=options,and he has options with the financial strength he surely must have?

  34. "The victim is named Marco Antonio Sánchez Cordero and his father José Sánchez Aguilera" -This, right here as the very last sentence makes me wonder if the person who write this article has any brains.

  35. I hope the poor kid they pulled from the well will be ok in a short time,the young buck is pretty lucky to be alive,there must a mightily relieved family about now.I wonder if they paid any ransom?It doesn't matter about ransom anyway,we have seen many cases like this in which the kidnappers kill them and pretend they are still alive while they wait for the ransom.They even go so far as to return for more money knowing all the time the loved one is dead almost as soon as they kidnapped the victim

  36. A "manta" hanging in a hotel room. How lame. Hopefully zets r as sick of hearing the letter z as much as us all. They should be sick
    of themselves.

  37. hey 5:31

    the first surname is paternal family name
    last is maternal family name

    if they had both names matching they would be brothers not father and son.

    You should learn traditions before opening your mouth.

    and I would suggest a grammar class or two while you're at it

  38. So the guy made it to the 60% of kidnapped that supposedly make it back alive. Mexico is in worse and worse condition. Anarchy. Regular people can not defend themselves. The police are the same as the bad guys. I once watched the police truck with the bars and the two guys in back pull up to the bad guys hang out. They went inside and spent the night with them, maybe enjoying some of the corrupt life, and went back to HQ in the morning to report on their patrol in the hills. Someone needs to figure out how to make arms for the people to protect themselves.

  39. @ July 29, 2013 at 1:05 PM

    Chapulines (grasshoppers) is the name given to those who switch sides, so with all this mess that has been going on in Zacatecas I think probably former zetas who have either gone freelance or are working with CDG now. Lately there have been rumors about the same people who used to charge extortion for the zetas now going around saying they work for CDG in Fresnillo, I don't have inner knowledge from contacts in the cartels, so I can't assure anything, but from what people on the street say and what has been going on I think that's what chapulines is about.

    1. Thanx friend.. makes a lot of sense now

  40. @4;42 thanks telling us the facts dude...too many shit talkers on here hanging off chapo's ball sac.

  41. Z-40 is still leader,he is first in command still. Then second in command is EL Tamaulipeco Mexicano, anyone heard of him...well he's taken second in command cause Omar(Z-42) has the chicken pox.

  42. It just shows these scumbags are weak and desperate

  43. In the end its sad mexicans killing mexicans, like a civil war so to speak, just to put food on the table.... there whipping themselves out. All cause mexico can't provide better education and oppertunities for their people, very sad. Maybe its a way for the rich to use so the poor kill each other, and the poor are to ignorant or limited to oppertunites to find other ways to make money. The war ends with providing better education and oppertunties so youthes know better. The carteld are the ones educating them.

    1. Calm down "Blood in Blood out"!!!! Hahaha

    2. And speaking of education learn how to spell moron

  44. It aint hanging in the hotel room,the stupid zetas halcones or whatever they are have taken a photo before they have hung it out on a bridge...cant anyone see that they are holding it up for a photo.

  45. How many EL TIO's are there? does anyone know much about who the Zetas are talking about?

    1. El tio era zeta antes y brinco con los cdg y el trai mucha jente que era zetas antes..por eso le dicen chapulin ...pero como les digo los zetas se estan quedando sin gente...

  46. Tranlation: We are done but we need all the stupid people to keep believing thats the only way will will survive by the way we think el 40 is gay hes a snitch and a litle bitch he killed thousands of inocent people but he didnt have the balls to fire a single round now hes crying for help talking about dont hurt me anymore but all we want is for you stupid people to believe us were just trying to be chapo but we cant cause we are gay and fake like el senor 40

  47. July 29, 2013 at 11:21 PM
    "cant anyone see that they are holding it up for a photo"
    Exactly dude.They can take a picture of it without hassle and know it will get through to whoever they send it to?The authorities may take them down before anyone gets a chance to see them,so this is one way of making sure they are seen?
    at 1:05 PM Chapulines(grasshoppers)=turncoats,changed sides etc.

  48. July 29, 2013 at 10:20 PM
    "Then second in command is EL Tamaulipeco Mexicano, anyone heard of him"
    Yeah,i heard of him,hes a real badass,he paints his toenails negro and wears sandals all the time,nobody messes with him or his nail varnish,he goes crazy at his crew if they mention his toes?Didnt they get mangled or something?

  49. To believe Z40 is in control is the one best way to destroy them from within. Think people...think.


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