Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 25, 2013

63 percent of all Mexican state's police have been certified

Miguel Osorio Chong

By Chris Covert

With a little more than two months to go to November, 63 percent of all state police police in Mexico have been certified, according to Mexican news accounts.

According to data supplied by Animal Politico news website, 98 percent of all federal police agents have been certified, while 34 Mexican states and entities have lagged behind.

When the administration of President Enrirue Pena Nieto came into office last December, the new Secretaria de Gobierno (SEGOB) or interior minister Miguel Osorio Chong decreed that all police in Mexico, from the federal level to the municipal level would be certified by October 31st or would lose their jobs.

According to the news report, the deadline was extended by the national Chamber of Deputies last year after having been imposed  for the same month in 2012.

The Mexican state with the highest percentage of police agents certified is tiny Colima on Mexico's west coast with 3,194 police  at 99.53 percent of the total  The Mexican political entity with the highest number of police with the best percentage if Distrito Federal with 105,334 police at 89.34 percent certified.

Only one northern border state is in the top five percentage with Nuevo Leon at 84.73 percent certified of the 15,623, at number four. Sonora state is seventh with 82.86 percent certified with 11,424 police.

On the other end of the scale, two border states are in the bottom ten with Tamaulipas dead last at 39.19 percent certified of the 10,303 police, and Chihuahua state with 51.47 percent certified 15,405 police.

Rounding out the border states, Coahuila stands of 11th with 74.79 percent and 7,250 and Baja California at 16th with 68.92 and 13,804 police.

The data on police totals are certification percentages come from Mexico's Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Publica (SESNSP).

Chris Covert writes Mexican Drug War and national political news for and He can be reached at

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  1. Certified? What the hell does that involve? Testing, background? Or just paying a fee(kickback) for a piece of paper?

  2. News flash : the police force would still suck

  3. 63% certified.

    90% corrupt.

    EPN = 100% on Chapo's payroll.

    EPN aint fooling anybod with these second rate sinaloa cartel arrest.

    You could end all this cartel bloodshed by legalizing drugs and strictly regulating them but you wont because you make too much money off of drug lords.

    scumbag politicians are worse than drug cartels. at least with cartels you know what they are about. with politicians they hide behind religion and politics while being totally corrupt behind the scenes.

    1. Legalizing drugs is not the answer the whole point of this war is to stop people from using them and you want to legaluze them your a fucking moron

    2. 12:10am. be nice and don't forget that the investors,Salinas details gortari need theirs too, oh! and carlos slim,elgober precioso, moreiras, granier,etc,etc,etc...lets make a list of worst 40,arrest,expropriate,and execute them...

    3. But there is no way to stop them it never will happen:( demand is fucking unreal!!

  4. While im sure there are some honest police there tryin to whats right a good percentage of them are certified all right,certified to loot the coffers!!

    1. the government loots the coffers,and we can't summarily execute all of the police officers, something could be done about the commanders that should be responsible for the corporations, and are the ones selling out the plazas even if for their big bosses,the commanders will at least sing for if they are "under orders"that is the problem,they need to talk

  5. That's a start at least they are trying to improve. I have family in the police force and they are doing a great job. Not all police in Mexico are corrupt .You find corrupt police even in the USA , so let's us see if there is improvement in the next few years and then we can criticize government and police.

    1. @6:58 a.m yea we do have crooked cops in the u.s too.aka LAPD!! To be crooked is a human character flaw no matter where youre from.some ppl have morals some dont as look what happened to those ppl in syria now thats a serious character flaw to do something like that!!

    2. Yea lol like they would fucking tell u if they take bribes and cut ppls heads off for the zetas and shit u don't know shit

    3. A great job protecting the cartels?

  6. What does "certified" mean?!

    1. they learn to pass the lie detector test,and whistle under "duress",they pass the oral test like the lewinski pass...

  7. Certified for what? Must be able to lift eighty pounds of product out of the back of a F-250? Must be proficient with a smart phone calculator?

  8. Osorio Chongs face expression says it all!!!

    1. osorio chong chinese?there was a famous police officer in Mexico (miyazahua or somping like that) did osorio get help from lazca's zetas to become governor of hidalgo state?they zetas were tight with the moreiras in their state of coahuila,right? just wondering about the connections,or they just coincidences?one thing is an incident,twice a coincidence,three or more is the shit,somebody is fucking around and really messing up.

  9. Mexican police are a joke. They are incompetent, they make me laugh.

    1. Mexican police don't get paid,they work mostly for tips,and they have to pay plaza to the commanders after they buy their badges,hard to make an honest living like that,even harder to stay honest

  10. Certified? This is the funniest thing I've read on BB this year...

  11. @12:10 August 26, 2013

    That is exactly what tiny Uruguay down under in South America is carrying out : the legalizing and regulating of illegal drugs. However, that won't happen anytime soon in U.S.A. and Mexico - too much money to be made by the scumbag corrupt politcians that protect cartel criminals. It also drives certain industries that creat jobs/businesss for the constituents of other politicians. This drug war is pure madness.

    1. What happened to Mexico's push to legalize small quantities of personal use that made the headlines and the USA to cry about it?

  12. WTF IS GOING ON WITH THE BORDER TOWN POLICE GETTING "CERTIFIED"? My sheer speculation is...... WHO PAYS MORE???? We are averaging how many "CERTIFIED" cops in Texas a month ESCORTING DRUG LOADS???? It cuts both ways people. That's why there are 7 DEADLY SINS. Great update. Just my two cents, Texas Grandma.

  13. Chong looks like Obama at a world leader's spelling bee.

  14. and by certified, you mean as working for the cartels?

  15. Some people be like aww poor police got killed in TJ the other day they get what they deserve those motherfuckers pull you over run up to your car and point guns at you even your kids too and take your phone and look through your pics All I'm saying is fuck the corrupt police they make there own rules there only certified to steal shit from people there rats in uniforms

  16. And who's going to certify the corrupt judges and politicians? Since PRI went into office two big convicted felons have been release Quintero and Raul de Gortari "exonerated". Yea right. You can't get rid of corruption at the bottom if you don't "certify" those at the top as well. Who are you trying to fool. The public is not stupid.

    1. the Chinese had the red guards,who promptly fixed the country's problems,without senators governors,etc.only the moral support of the great clairvoyant Mao was needed

    2. judges in Mexico prove they software on criminals to GRADUATE into the wanna be richer class,if the three powers in Mexico,plus the 4th,that is the press,all of them suck up to the biggest rat that ever was,CARLOS SALINAS DE the fruit you'll know the tree.i hope they catch his ass when he goes to messico and get all the money back,hey ENRIQUE PENA NIETO,how about getting rich for reals?like,you know?la chuki,that,was,niicee!u r welcome

  17. It's a start. I'd like to know the statistics on how many quit to avoid the scrutiny, failed the tests or were caught commiting crimes after 'certification'. Something needs to change.

  18. @10:18 I think you meant to say, "this drug war is pure BUSINESS" haha which it is, the us depends on drug money and drugs. Without em being illegal, the dea will prolly get their budget hella cut and em greedy politicians dont want that they want the money to be comin in thru both sides hahaha

  19. Chapos payroll keeps thinngs smooth nit like the Zetas ......... they have no history in the drug biz

    1. They do,they dragged the eloteros,the carwashers, the ex-maruchaneros to the expensive vices,very smart...

  20. Certified means being checked thoroughly for head-lice.

  21. @8:42am yeah he's thinking gosh we lose more ground in zac,i will have to jump over to golfo's

  22. DEA would lose its $164 Billion yearly budget--yes, Billion--if the States legalized. All of it, weesle powders, weed-legalize it!

  23. Speaking of corruption"

    "Back in April of 2011, Dr. Bowman appeared on... and discussed his views on the correlation between the economic collapse of America and the pursuit of endless wars. Dr. Bowman accurately described the reasoning behind America’s wars as a way to “secure and maintain an empire for multinational corporations and banks.”

    And now they want the USA military to invade another country. Do you ever wonder why USA is attacking country after country including its own turf with with TSA and its ever increasing Police State?

    1. To maintain the militariy industrial complex - of which multinational corporations and banks, and those who own them, are its biggest benefactors. We had the war against communism; then came the war on terror; then the war on drugs; and then the war on extraterrestrials. Yes E.T.s and UFOs!! That is why movies like Independence Day or War of the World's etc.are created: inorder to condition people to remain in a state of war! We're running out of enemies. Remember, the objective is too maintain the military industrial complex at all costs.

  24. cheech like peach, aND chong like dong!


  26. they get along better than with zetas who no matter what,they gotta go,whatever the price... there may be hell to pay,but they will deal with that when they get there.let the best man win.

  27. the war is to stop people from usung them? how the hell could you even possibly try to do that.
    thats tantamount to state sanctioned mind control. i thought the war was waged against those who produce manufacture, and smuggle them for the violence and corruption weakens society in many ways, drug use is a personal choice, and rarely hurts anyone, addiction is a flaw of human existence, cant be removed by 1 million years in jail. therefore treatment or maintennance looks better for communities

  28. the mans face looks very,very used

  29. August 26, 2013 at 11:38 PM
    "Legalizing drugs is not the answer the whole point of this war is to stop people from using them and you want to legaluze them your a fucking moron"
    Dude,your the moron with that statement"stop people from using drugs"that's like trying to stop them eating bigmacs?Maybe we should try and stop people from breathing?I know,let the government make it illegal to breathe?A lot of people will go for that if the government says its wrong,will you?


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