Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Auto Defense: "No Problem We can do it Alone"- Military Refuses to help during Multiple CT attacks

BorderlandBeat.Com Posted by "Lala" on forum- from Valor Michoacán

Auto Defense "SOS"as CT Attacks 3 Municipalities-No support from Military
In the early hours of Saturday, August 24, armed subjects arrived on foot through the exit "de las minas" attacking a check point of the communitarian police and the federal police, shortly the communitarian and federal police repelled the agression with the end result of a municipal police woman sustained a foot injury. (we must point out that this municipal police is of trust and works along with the communitarian police) and a communitarian police seriously injured in the leg, femoral artery, his condition is  unknown at this time.  Those  from the military zone said he would be treated in Apatzingán but he would be charged, then they said they wouldn´t take care of him and he had to be taken to Tepalcatepec.

"We are extremely stressed that these "soldiers" DIDN´T GIVE ANY SUPPORT IN THE CLASH, they left the federal and community police alone, when the soldiers were 5 blocks away from the clash they didn´t help at all! already at 8 am they came out to put a check point, what do you think of this, friends? once more the military zone of Apatzingán working with the organized crime? like in 2010 when they left the federal police die? we don´t understand their lack of support..."

"Being only 5 blocks away from the clash, yet not one soldier was good enough to go and give support, well no problem, we can do it alone sirs, but if you are not going to help don´t get in the way either, later the federal police dispatched a helicopter to find the criminals, there are reports of deaths  among the criminals, but, like they always, they took their fallen."

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  1. Pinche Tuta hijo de tu puta madre.. No ke le ayuda a tu pueblo?! The military are Fucking assholes, they left this innocent people to die pretty much.. Good for the hard working michoacanos , fight back and get your state back... Chapo is such a hero to the Mexican people, how come he don't send help to those towns

    1. you ignorant, don't you see. Chapo has no power. "Chapo" is Corporation not a franchise and chapo itself is fake. Just taking all the heat from the real people running it (government officials)

  2. Tuta la puta you are next to fall i give him 2 weeks

  3. Tuta your time has come to an end ! 187

  4. La tuta pronto se nos ira al infierno huele a muerto!

  5. Military doesn't take orders from murderous communitarian police its funny how these pendejos from pc throw the first stone and they hide the hand. If I were pc I would go home and not look for trouble and another thing if your going too start attacking innocent people in apatzingan don't be crying when they the ct blows your heads off.....stop supporting pc they murder innocent people when they enter your town if you refuse to join their cause,this is just a heads up and I'm not lying "sos"

  6. Fucken corrupt military should be slaughtered .No excuses,as well as all corrupt officials .RISE UP.

  7. If USA or any other country wants to go to war with Mexico then they need not attack Mexico BUT all they need to do is pay top dollars to Mexican military and the Mexican military will do the job of capturing Mexico for the rival country.
    Mexican military is a saleable & corrupt bunch of assholes.

    1. The US is not corrupt righ?? Why don't you ask Pat Tillman's family if the good ol US it's not dirty...

    2. Kinda like american corporations pay the american military to go to iraq & fight their battles or how rich people pay to tp create laws against american citizens. lobbying, corruption, ect happens everywhere not only mexico

    3. But mexicans will only allow other mexicans to take advantage of eachother we won't allow another race bro

  8. If i was just a simple hitman or a lookout i will be just waitting for the right moment to quit and get the fucked out of los caballeros templarios because it is clear to me that the federal government is helping the commumity police and los caballeros templarios only have the state government help and local well out of the three governments the the federal is the most powerfull and well unless cts get to have the federal government on their side they are doomed to be defeated

  9. This is very big problem for Tuta, people say El Chapo very angry with Tuta. Marina are CT in Mich...

  10. Why does my comment not show????? Pc kill innocents if you don't align with them....knight templars all day ladies and gentleman :)

  11. Army must be paid up top,imagine being a soldier under a corrupt leader getting paid off by Tuta....feel pretty angry and embarrassed,u want to go and kill Narcos but told to stand down.

  12. Common chapo guzman I know your busy but send this people some help $$$$$$ weapons ect michoacan y sinaloa remember pabajo los ct valen verga tuta que profe ni que nada

  13. lols rata guzman is hero no hes a spick like everyother narco rat afterall he like the rest are the sole reason mexicos gov is corrupt and mexicos people are poor

  14. You are all a bunch of lemings following what mass media communicates. The PC are the ones commiting all of the staged rapes, shakedowns and senseless murders to smear the CT's reputation. PC is backed by CJNG and Z's, Federales are on Payroll backing up the PC in their effort to gain ground in Michoacan for the CJNG and Z's.
    Chaputo and his Snitchaloa crew know better than to mess with the CT.
    CT are heavily backed by Michoacanos. CP, Valencias and Farias and their public relations puppets like DR.Valverde will soon be made an example of.


    1. Back then when valencias had control michoacan they didn't extort people, it was all about business. Now these ct come and think they can charge taxes, and make their own rules, and expect people not to raise against them; they're idiots. especially cause they're trying to use religion, thas double moral. so I think it would be better for michoacan if the valecias regain control of michoacan

    2. You hit the spot x-1 thank you for your comment. Lot of these so called bb warriors talk out their butt without knowing anything,I've studied all of the professors videos and all he says is true god bless tuta and the guardians the pc are being used by the cjng but what will the bb commentators and reporters know??? Absolutlely nothing
      C t g m the real hero of mexico!!!!

  15. @7:25am - your stupidity and close minded perspective makes me laugh. It's amazing to me how ill informed people will state things as fact when they don't have a clue of what they speak. Please keep's entertaining :)

  16. Well the federal police is backing up PC which el mencho started and all the ppl in town join thinking they are reg ranchers like them, but all the top leaders of PC r CJNG which r giving ppl M-4 carbine rifels and AK-47 9mm berrethas with xtra magazines , sum not all of them so it wont b suspicious, plus el mencho is the one that had orderd to make the page of VALOR POR MICHOACAN on facebook to make it easier for the PF to capture CT cuz only they get reported on that page , ppl dont know wat is really happing over there and start talking smack and hating on LA TUTA , i say this cuz i been there and all the people from the area he is in charge of, like him and back him up cuz he helps them out, how come this is not in apatzingan or nueva italia or las cruces tumbiscatio arteaga etc etc? Just tell me y? So mexican army is not helping out a cartel dressed up as PC, ARIBBA LOS CABALLEROS TEMPLARIOS Y ANIMO MI PROFE, CTGM

  17. CT is bigger threat to the government of Mexico, than Chapo for the reason that it isn't just about selling drugs, but a social movement. Ever wonder why the Michoacan was was dropped from the original name? so that people from Guerrero, jalisco, baja , coahuila etc etc, could join and not feel like traitors to their home state. CT is bigger than Michoacan and because they have religion thing going also, it gives them more sway over their followers than money alone. Chapo's happy to make money and maintain the status quo, whereas Tuta wants to replace the government or push it towards change. to think the government wouldn't try to smear their name, is immature. Judging from your comments sections here and their lack of logic or analytical thinking, i'm guessing most of your followers have the mental age of 12, I understand you must cater to them, but how bout some unbiased reasoning instead of that response to 7:25"

    you do know, that in a war, your goal isn't to annihilate the enemy, but to win them to you or break their will to fight you. Tuta is smarter than fighting to kill off all the enemies, he's fighting a propoganda war for hearts and minds...its Sun Tzu's ART of war on page two :-) and page three tells ya that war is all about information and disinformation, if weak, make yourself seem strong, make your cause more moral than the enemies, if strong, feign weakness ...come on chivis, your covering a war, learn about it before discounting people's comments (what 7:25 said, jives with centuries of knowledge)

    1. Cts will be history very soon this so called war on drug cartels it was sponsored by the usa and mexicos government to ease the inplementation of a fiscal reform so buisness ownners in mexico get used to pay taxes (cuotas), so they do not go on a massive demostration riots on the streets against the reform once is implemented , zetas ,cts have already done that job so they are not usefull anymore thats why the government is inplementing the self defense groups strategy in michoacan . Remember pena nieto added a colombian officer as chief of security , tell where have you seen self defense groups before le me guess of course in colombia against las farc , in other worss this is the work of the federal government cts are doomed to desapire my dear friend if you have a relatkve involve in with the cts a i will recommend you to tell him or them to get the fuck out of that organization

    2. I agree with you man even when they were known as LFM they had the whole state backing them up no matter what all these fools just talk shit cause they don't know what's up like EL PROFE said I leave it to you as a reporter to investigate what's going on but the government would let them such thing at all

  18. You meth head scumbag CT assholes dont like what you read on BB then get the fuck off from this site. Even BB has reported that CT is a bunch of scumbag drug addicted thugs. Tuta's Bastard Son & his Bitch of a Slut Daughter should be finished.

  19. "But mexicans will only allow other mexicans to take advantage of each other we won't allow another race bro"

    Dude the richest people on earth, got that way by taking advantage of mexico's resources...mexicans are fucked, in Mexico

  20. "You meth head scumbag CT assholes dont like what you read on BB then get the fuck off from this site. Even BB has reported that CT is a bunch of scumbag drug addicted thugs. Tuta's Bastard Son & his Bitch of a Slut Daughter should be finished"


  21. Why do people always say chapo is going to do something to CT? thats a dumb comment chapo doesnt even control sinaloa how is he gana control a michoacan? idiots.. all mexico should do what this town is doing insted of chearing for them in every mexico state while they are killing and abusing their loved ones

  22. help from the marines? like that's going to do anything. they're paid off by CT and a large number of them are part of cartels themselves. i'm all for autodefensia but it's going to turn out like colombia and denegrate to death-squad groups.

  23. Man,if there are people from Michoacan,or even members of CT commenting on here,then they are the people we want to hear from?
    Why must we try and scare them away by attacking them because they try to give a different opinion?BB reports news,but,as with other outlets they can be wrong,and they can be right,all they can do is report what"is"happening and taking advice from people on the ground?Who is more on the ground than Michoacans or even CT members,or PC even?
    @ X-1 keep posting your side man,most here want to hear from people on the ground in Michoacan or whatever,what does it hurt to read and post anyway,,,,Saludos

  24. August 26, 2013 at 10:14 AM
    "You meth head scumbag CT assholes dont like what you read on BB then get the fuck off from this site"
    Dude,chill out,just because BB report something doesn't make it gospel,and anyone who thinks it does are either idiots or very conceited.BB itself relies on people from these areas.Don't you want to hear from people who may be involved in some way or other?People from Michoacan who may know more than most?If you are from Michoacan,tell us why you hate CT so much with examples and instances,it doesn't get us no where running people off from here?

    By Voz Ciudadana de Michoacán
    "Origen de los supuestos Policias Comunitarios de Michoacan
    JUAN JOSE FARIAS ALVAREZ “alias EL ABUELO” (TEPALCATEPEC) Lugarteniente de MENCHO Junto con su hermano URIEL, organizaron el Golpe de Estado en contra del gobierno municipal Priista, para tomar el control del Municipio de Tepalcatepec, este individuo ha sido un Narcotraficante toda su vida, ha sido detenido e incluso estuvo preso varios años, es lugarteniente del Mencho, líder Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación y junto a su hermano pretenden tener el control bélico y político del municipio de Tepalcatepec. Este delincuente consumado se encarga de la producción de droga y además de liderar el grupo de sicarios del cartel Jalisco nueva generación en la región de Tepalcatepec. Se traslada por la ciudad como dueño del pueblo y la POLICIA FEDERAL PREVENTIVA y EL EJERCITO MEXICANO lo protegen


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