Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mantas Appeared in 7 Coahuila Cites Says Governor pays Zócalo to Keep Quiet

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat

Twitter’s "PN_Narco"  and "Martin RT News" (I recommend following both for breaking Coahuila and Tamps news) posted photos of mantas posted in the Coahuila cities of Acuña, Piedras Negras.  Mantas were reported also hung in Rosita, Sabinas, Muzquiz, Monclova and Castaños.  Below is a translation of the most readable manta text, however, some of the text was obscured.  Thank you “Zac” for the translation.

Manta Text:
Terrorist government, who are the ones governing us?, is it possible that those who should be protecting us and in whom we have put our trust are the ones who are hurting us the most? Rubén Moreira, you started a war to distract the citizens ‘attention from the 35,000 million pesos that your brother, Humberto Moreira, stole during his term as governor, abusing your power you brag about paying up to 10 million pesos monthly to the owners of the newspaper Zócalo, the Juaristi, so that nothing about the reality of what is going on in our state gets published.
What happened with all that screening of authorities, in the end only the worst ones were left like the GATES, creditable police, as well as the elite group, because all these groups of the Coahuila government instead of giving security they have given terror to the citizens with their murders, kidnappings and torture of so many innocent people, there are videos, photos and torture of these police groups as well as arrest orders for the high ranks, the operation chiefs, like Héctor Flores Rodríguez, "el Jaguar", and Jorge Miguel Barajas Hernández alias “El Hummers” in the criminal case # 76-2013-IV, visit the website sarape (I think it's sarape, not 100% sure) Saltillo where this information can be found.
Enough with so many disappeared and dead people, enough of corrupt corps at your service that pose as cartels to extort businessmen in Coahuila (unreadable part) that we are in the hands of criminals, being these the same authorities (unreadable) and after all this they say in Coahuila no (unreadable) was arrested for stealing from the State and here in Coahuila, (unreadable) millions, and when will he be charged for that crime? Just like you, who are (unreadable) so many people died. And why don't you give us an explanation about the commanders who took care of (unreadable) neighbor state of Tamaulipas.
Rodriguez and Barajas are two of the three Coahuila GATE (weapons and special tactics) state police officers suspected of being responsible for the Nuevo Laredo car bombing in June of 2012. .
Thanks you to my partner Lacy for the heads up....

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  1. Wow... who do you think made the mantas? It sounds like citizens to me. If so, good for them for speaking out. Really tragic.

  2. Cd acuna gates are really weird,they act like the zetas used to act before like now they own the city and they are really killing zetas

  3. Don´t kid yourself, mantas hanged simultaneously in 7 different cities, very big size, same print, that´s cartel work, zetas.

  4. Finally, the truth about the real relationships regarding business extortion has come to light. Wake up Mexico.

  5. Their fucking political "leaders" deserve to die a horrible death. They are all worthless scum. Of course that's also true in the US. I want a military coup to kill everyone in Congress along with the President, VP and cabinet. We need a frigging cleansing.

    1. @8:11 careful what u post about that the NSA monitors what we say and do and might show up at your door to lock u up lol!!!!

    2. You need a psychiatrist and some medication from the worlds largest and most profitable cartel; The American Medical Assiciation.

    3. @carretera.....The appropriate name is"BIG PHARMA" 41 American citizens die daily due to "LEGAL DRUGS" But of course you ONLY hear about the High Profile cases; Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson etc.etc.etc. Don't forget that BIG PHARMA contributes millions of dollars to Medical Universities that train Doctors

  6. MIREN pinches golfas de mierda aki les hablar el "B3",miren bola de culos hipocritas dejen de meter al pueblo en esto pinches llorones si son de tantos huevos salgan a peliar ustedes culos no le pidan apoyo al pueblo y luego andan llorando que matamoz inocentes pos si les estan ayudando a ustedes esos no son inocentes y lo mas.malo es que gente pendeja les cree que ustedes no exstorcionan y secuestran jaja que.hipocresia la del pueblo y la de ustedes llorones,segunda los coches bombas de nvo laredo USTEDES GOLFAS los pusieron cuando el gringo y el 98 entraron a laredo el pinche juanio carrizales los puso para calentar la plaza y para poner presion al gobierno federal que manden mas marinelas y wachos pero con el benjamin galvan se la pelaron culos.muchos hablan aki de mi raza nomas por.lo que oyen en la tele y en los blogs que mayoria son finaciados por el chapo guzman pero la vdd ustedes lo saben panochones o que les falta HUEVOS para acepta sus acciones.tercero,los culos que pusieron esos coches bombas ya les dimos piso a esos los capturamos aya x la colonia Victoria 4golfos y 2golfas mamaron x andar calentando la plaza ustedes no saben ni madre aki no necesitamos que hace videos para tratar de.enganar al pueblo solamente los mandamos al guiso y se acabo la estrategia y la propagranda de ustedes solo es para los hipocritas por k el pueblo de laredo saben la vdd y saben muy bien que ustedes son igual a los de la razita z.nomas miren reynosa y toda la frontera chica como la tienen y el que lo niege no es de tamps.recuerdas esa vez que mandastes a tus pinches sicarios jodidos a pagarle al comandante de la federal aki en laredo jajaj que les paso jaja mamaron lento xuleros el cmdte no les creeo ni.madre quieren mas verdades nomas digan y io mero se las digo

    1. Los zetas andan ardidos porque los moreiras les andan dando por el culo,por culos.if you cartelitos don't stop fucking around with the people,you are going to really have it up the ass,from the real people of Mexico that would really put our lives on the line rather than just the ass, pinches narco-muertos de hambre de a centavo, no llegan ni a maruchaneros,culeros.

  7. my wife saw 2 mantas here in Sabinas, one hanging from an overpass for a railway and one hanging from a wall at the panteon. She was on a bus and couldn't read all of them, but said the ones here had a ".com" address that people could use to denounce corruption. Do you think these could have been the work of "anonymous"?

  8. DD..

    Did she see photos on the manta? the mantas were somewhat different from place to place. what I think is it is the group from before remember last fall when the mantas appeared all over but I think the first were in PN and Acuña, they also contained grievances against the government, GATE but also CDG and Zetas. But your suggestion perhaps it is Freeacuna is not a bad guess.

    and this from my girl Lacy: there was a tweet posted the other day on freeacuna_intel page where someone said the gate were taking mordita from people on the road to santa eulalia. they even gave a plate number for the vehicle

  9. This has to be the work of the Zetas. Anybody else would have been caught by the police. Pelon is not willing to play ball with the Zs the way H. Moreira played ball with them; thus, the Zetas are trying to expose the corruption of the Moreiras. The problem with that is that everybody already knows is aware of the corruption. Expect Pelon to increase the pressure on the Zetas by increasing the presence of Federal and state forces. As it is he is allowing CDG and CDS to enter Coahuila and challenge for the plazas. This game of chess between Reuben Moreira and Z42 is getting interesting by the minute.

    1. yeah what a relief! with the advent of the asumption of z42 the fucking zetas have turned smart and saintly...I hope we'll all see it for what it is,pure fucking propaganda.and we are expected to lap it up without question...who stupid here?

  10. Wow what a loot commited by this corrupt and slimy politician..He has looted more than US $ 2.72 Billion..That's a staggering lotta corrupted money.

  11. Can these idiots even spell

  12. 5:09

    I have 5 photos and none of the mantas had any uniformity even in text, look at the two above.

  13. @5:09 Zeta mantas usually look like they were written with a large crayon, read like they were written by a third grader, (which is probably all the educ. many of them have) except a third grader probably doesn't know all the profanity that the Z mantas typically have.

  14. The zetas are really thick here in Nuevo Laredo. I think this is where there going to make there last stand.because there coming here from other places.

    1. You one dumb fuck the Zees come from other plazas.Because they always switch people from difrent locations.Belive me the Zee have a lot of troops in L.Nectar and The Rock to have an all out war with CDG or CDS for years in this two plazas I mentioned.

  15. @August 24, 2013 at 10:50 PM

    That's the way of Land of the Free! :)

  16. "The zetas are really thick here in Nuevo Laredo. I think this is where there going to make there last stand.because there coming here from other places"
    Surely they cant be moved out of there,even with CDS/CDG goin in.That Taliban cause so much shit to the Z,do you think there are many Z who are flipping to the other side?

  17. August 24, 2013 at 9:16 PM
    @"MIREN pinches golfas de mierda aqui les habla el "B3"

    Yes senore,we want to hear what you say,instead of bullshit and threats.Fuck knows we need someone who might be able to speak the truth instead of propaganda and rumor about this guy or that.
    Dude,you see all the pretend bangers on here,tell us what is happening wherever you are?Or dont you hablar with the gringo motherfucker,just the other side?Whatever man,its just words on here,if you know the trill about your side,clear shit up a little?It aint gonna get no one hurt,saludos soldier


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