Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mexico: A Sick Country "Where Thugs Become Prince"

 Below is written by Bishop Vera of Saltillo, Coahuila.  Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, he is a  champion of freedom and rights of all people, migrants, gays, the disappeared the wrongfully convicted, he has never been shy about his convictions even when bucking the Vatican......Paz, Chivis

 “México, a country where thugs become prince”

by Bishop Raúl Vera
They think they can do it all.
Since they are accustomed to mock us, nothing can stop them.
They know us as torpid.
Hypnotized by television, urged only for more goals and more of the circus
Capable of tolerating, as we have done it for decades, one insult after another
We have never been respected
Fear; they haven’t feared us for a long time
Outbreaks of rebellion choke them in blood or let them, simply die from starvation letting the water of the masses, in which this movements are moved, dry by itself.
For that they have an army of propagandist and charlatans
With billions of pesos of the treasury,  instead of using it to solve problems, they use it to numb us.
We have been massacred, dismissed, lied to and they still have the power without paying for  their crimes.
Smiling for photos
Giving  empty speeches
Saying, without shame, the biggest lies in front of the camera of an indulgent television network which took advantage of and now they serve.
They know that the lie does not give us indigestion
That we swallow every one of them
That we commune with millstones
That we are credulous and we are bored by the people that only “complain”
They count on us being sick, that the country is sick
They think we are incapable of generating the antibodies necessary to resist the abuses of power: punctual memory, dignity, firmness, courage, rebellion, capability and decision to fight for our rights, sense of what “justice” means.
They know that we are used to corruption
Because we have been suffering it for so many years, we now think of it as having less value without connecting it with betrayal and the death it generates.

Because corruption kills
And it kills because it takes the bread from the poor

Medicine from the ill,
Education from the children,

Dignity from the homes of families,
And opportunities and jobs from the young.

Corruption kills because it puts weapons and ammunition  in hands of the criminals
And makes the police close their eyes

Makes the army miss hit after hit, or worst, inflict on innocents

Judges absolving criminals and condemning innocents

It is clear to them that, for the vast majority, venal politicians are a minor evilness, necessary characters, indispensable for the national scenery.

We think they are part of the folklore and that their crimes do not provoke us nothing else that accesses of momentary rage.

Easily controlled

Those that are easy to forget and do not leave a mark

The name of our illness is conformity, even worst, resignation.

That’s why the steal and steal and steal

Those that have betrayed the system, as Elba Esther,  those who have lost control of their respective fief, as Granier or the scapegoats of each administration as La Quina, Villanueva or Raúl Salinas de Gortari .
Just as it happened with the last mentioned, it is said that all, the traitors of the system, the incompetent, the useful fools, by time passing and as Raúl Salinas, will be exonerated, get back “their” properties; meaning the loot, product of their theft.
And if by some case, some remain in jail, they know that their relatives, the accomplices, the court that accompanied them during the looting on their time of glory, would not be touched at all and their fortune will keep producing dividends.

The vast majority, however, feels and knows they will be unpunished.

Justice will never catch them because justice, who is also sick, suffers of short-sightedness.
Just distinguished, just benefit those who have power and money.

Dozens or hundreds of thousands of innocents languish in jail

While those like Montiel, Marín, Moreira, Yarrington, Ruiz, Cavazos, Vicente Fox, García Luna, and many others are and will be free.

Unpunished, rich and influential

The system knows that, for many in this sick country, the enrichment of a ruler is never inexplicable and is almost never convicted.

They know that cancer has expanded, has formed metastasis.

Might it be that they are right?

Might it be that we are capable of demonstrating that we are alive, that we are tired of their crimes?
We are sick, it is true and it is so that they are still there, but we are not dead, not yet.
We have to initiate arrests that make us heal.

And we have to change the system.

Note from Chivis: Posting  this is difficult, it was sent to me by a reader and I admit that tears flowed when I read it.  But it is México's  truth.  We can't hide from it, if change is to come.  The evil of Mexico is not the narcos, quite simply they are its byproduct of evil.  Narcos are opportunists, Each and every level of compromise and ill goes back to corruption.  But corruption is promoted and developed by humans, and therein lies the greatest ill of México; apathy.  
It is what I have learned working in México for a decade.  The realization was stunning, almost incomprehensible that a culture and nation of good, honest, caring people are numbed to the evil, they accept the evil as status quo, even in some ways participate. They are concerned for the 'mine', not 'theirs',  they await Superman, instead of leaning on the man in the mirror. 
That is how the malevolent 1%, can entrap the 99%.
It is why I say Michoacana are the bravest people of México, it is because they are willing to die fighting for a better life for everyone.  My heroes. 
To "Vicky" Gracias Amiga
Translated by Perla

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  1. nothing but the truth and here in mexico its not just politicos but companys that pay next to nothing that have this country the way it is as long as they get fed they don't care who suffers.... how can this be happening and no one does something to stop it... maybe all the goverments make a profit from drugs and weapons if you think about it... some one should of drawn the line long ago....

  2. Boo.... Can't read it on the mobile version. Oh well I'll switch to the web version

  3. Chivis ,Abrazos y Thanks for sharing the article and your note.

    "Note from Chivis: Posting this is difficult, it was sent to me by a reader and I admit that tears flowed when I read it. But it is México's truth. We can't hide from it, if change is to come. The evil of Mexico is not the narcos, quite simply they are its byproduct of evil. Narcos are opportunists, each and every level of compromise and ill goes back to corruption. But corruption is promoted and developed by humans, and therein lies the greatest ill of México; apathy."

    Lots of apathy going around these days when
    referring to violence in Mexico.

    Bishop Raul Vera reminds me of Padre Oscar Romero.

    1. it is not apathy,it is the government is being supported by the military with the arms the USA provides.someday it will not matter,then we'll see who provides asylum to our the fruit you will know the tree

    2. Just a question, has anyone ever heard of smoke and mirror's, I'm sure you have so think long and hard about your ill found pride, because there lies the real problem, "Pride always fall before the fool" so take responsibility for all your thought and actions, and think before you text, type, or speak, and when make damn sure you are not talking from a jackass point, when we all fail to gether the true facts it doesn't do any good for either side of the equation, it time the people of mexico and the U.S. know the truth....

  4. I cant see the words

  5. What do you expect from a country that honors Fidel Castro in their Senate Chambers? The political elites in Washington DC are salivating over handing out citizenship to tens of millions of these zombie voters.

    1. Wow, your one crazy femal dog. Have you heard of the working class citizen, with are hard work amd By working for the minimum, we help this county a lot. That's just one example of many. And don't tell me you hire a Yankee to cute your grass, that's if you even have a house cus I'm sure you don't. I'm sure you married your sister and live together in a trailer. I bit your the low class of a yankee, the ones who hate on the Latino for having a better living then you.

    2. It doesn't help our economy at all when pretty much every mexican sends american money back to mexico, whether or not they're narcos or hardworking ppl. They should be spending it all n the states instead of sending it bck. And the illegal ones aren't helping cuz they don't pay taxes and they send a majority bck to their families. So in reality they don't help us.

    3. Mexicanos buy a lot of American cars! How can you say they just take.

    4. many ladies love to come out and play with the help,the things we have to do to keep the bosses happy and ourselves employed,but we'll keep sacrifying. ourselves for the good of both countries

    5. See. Mexico NEVER accepts ANY responsibility for its problems. They ALWAYS blame everyone else.

    6. @9:16p.m. At least the Yanks have trailer. You use our leftover siding to build your box house then squeeze 20 family members inside, collect welfare and nobody ever moves out. Ha,ha

  6. Saludos a toda mi.gente de tamaulipas y de coauhila y para todos los del C.D.G limpiando a los lacrazzzz

  7. I agree that most people in Mexico are really good people, just a bad economic situation. Unfortunately psychopaths do well in these situations. I didnt realize Chivis is a girl, thats cool!

  8. I agree that most people in Mexico are really good people, just a bad economic situation. Unfortunately psychopaths do well in these situations. I didnt realize Chivis is a girl, thats cool!

  9. I have a feeling this are the words of Chivis more that the words of the Bishop.

  10. This is why most of Mexico's laws are written the way they are...for the benefit of Mexico's rich.

  11. Everybody blames cartels for how Mexico turned out.. Mexico is been a crappy country for years now.. majority of presidents and politics are crooks.. Mexico has so much natural resources and yet there on there way to become a 3rd world country.. shit they have so much beautiful tourist destinations they could have a fixed there economy with that.. But presidents like gortariz ,fox and now puto nieto take everything for themselves.. and fuck the hard working Mexicans in the ass..

    1. Mexican presidents,(supported by the us of a with their people's resources)the queens of corruption keep themselves in power thanks to the armed forces,armed, supported and trained by the us.looks like that shit is getting tooo old and Mexico and the usa,are looking for new formulas to keep the dominance going.privatizing everything is one of the tactics.will it work again?

  12. Couldnt read anything wish i could have as i always try and follow bb.on an android and nothing showed up but the pictures but at least i got a chuckle out of la chuckys face again lol even if she is an evil woman

    1. la chucky is not a woman,not even an evil one,she is a monster,the poster monster of corruption in poor Mexico,created and supported by the corrupt Mexican government,these monstrosities support each other in sticking it to their countrymen may the devil take care of them

  13. that bishop hit it right on the nail,Mexicos biggest problem is apathy,televisa and teleazteca have numb the Mexican people with stupid telenovelas,soccer,and really bad programs that are on the border of just pure shear stupidity.Until the people turn the tv off and stand up in unity and say we are not taking this shit anymore and start hanging politicians in street corners nothing will change,freedom is not free and sometimes many have to die.....

  14. I remember when the Football World Cup was held in South-Africa in 2010,nd all the Mexican fans came to SA to support the Mexican team.Of all the Nationalities that came to support their teams I have to say the Mexican fans were the coolest,all they wanted to do was support their team nd have a good time.That's why I believe that the majority of the people of Mexico are good people,every country has its criminal elements.

  15. @11:06 PM

    "shit they have so much beautiful tourist destinations they could have a fixed there economy with that"

    And the fact there is so many tourist destinations creates false sense of reality
    of how internal areas of Mexico are under siege.
    This is one main contributing factor that the violence and war has carried on so long.
    Apathy, some do not believe or can perceive the horror that is happening. With the margaritas flowing and the mainstream media not reporting the factual horrors in Mexico its almost perpetual.

  16. Wonderful!


  17. Just need to highlight the words like if ur gonna do a copy n paste thats how i read it when u cant see the words

  18. ** The Bishop didn't write the piece. The author is a TV producer called Epigmenio Ibarra. **

  19. Here's a link to the original in spanish

  20. I don't think if you remember a while back when gun companies was going broke. Then plan merida was made now gun companies are very well off . Not just them bullet makers tactical equipment bullet proof vests. Even cars trucks radio equipment USA is helping out its economy while killing Mexicans that won't cross over as immigrants. USAis the one's that poke s Mexicans politics eyes with money to help out in the mix. Maybe that's why most of the world hates us
    When was the last war we one since Vietnam we been getting our ass kicked by countries that don't have air support door our technology but they brainwash us singing their star spangled banner . Respect to our brave milatary not their fault only orders but the dumb asses in office that should help USA and not interferewithvother business.

    1. The Military-Industrial Complex is a very powerful lobby in the USA.

  21. Readers:
    I am sorry about the text not being seen on some mobile devices. I am having trouble with docs typed in Mexico and transferred to blogger. I had no problems before just recently- I am trying to fix. Paz, Chivis

  22. Mexico is a lot more richer than most but only the rich gets richer while the poor get poorer a day with out Mexicans you gringos would suffer so much you'll suck balls to get them back. While them not paying taxes every one does you ignorant if you buy a coke pump gas or buy a condom to go visit your wife u have to pay taxes in the soocalled free country where nothing is yours. My house is payed for but if I don't pay taxes its not yours for long we have more gas than any country but we pay almost 4$ a gallon while in communist they pay like less then a dollar. Corruption is every where even in the u.s.a. bush made it very clear.

  23. mexico debe de electar puros gringos, mormon, oh la familia de Mitt Romney para el govierno demexico. pienso que ellos terminarian con la corrupcion..

    1. Si no tienes algo bueno ke opinar mejor cierra el hocico y si tanto te gusta como gobiernan los gabachos es tu pedo pendejo

  24. Mexico will be very very worse off when the USA collapses. If you hadn't noticed, the USA is turning to a police state. Why? Because the government knows times up, and they need to control the people with fear. Citizens of the USA has lost their rights. When America falls, we will be living in history of unknown directions, New World Order.

    Russia fell, no big deal, Argentina, the same,...but the USA? The whole world will be effected, Mexico's drug lords will be out of business. The dollar will be gone, drug loving americans won't have the dollar to buy.

    We my friends, are living in interesting and scary times. I see the boulder rolling down the mountain, but I don't know what to do when it hits bottom. I just pray to Mary Mother of God to show me the way. My heart is in both country's, USA and Mexico.

    There are good and evil people in both, God will sort them out. And that day is coming soon.
    surprisingly soon.

    All I can say to all who see this madness that BB informs us on, relax,...time to pay the piper is coming.

    1. Pray to jesus not mary mother of satan

  25. Mexico is a SICK country. I've been going there for over 50 years. Things have gotten worse. Cartels going to be around for a long time.

  26. Cant read shit on mobile, I'll read it later on pc

  27. Yes, it is apathy that has Mexico in a serious bind. Mexicans on both sides of the border need to fight for justice.

  28. To begin with, the 1988 Mexico presidential elections were rigged with massive fraud that allowed the PRI to steal the presidency from PRD candidate Cuautemoc Cardenas. Election monitors were calling Cardenas the winning by a large margin. However, the De la MadridI and the PRI couldn't bring themselves to losing the presidency with the power that goes with it. Miguel de la Madrid admitted to stealing the 1988 elections before his death last year.

  29. thats good old mexico for you bunch of sell outs the government that is....!!

  30. at 11:17 AM
    "a day with out Mexicans you gringos would suffer so much you'll suck balls to get them back"
    Yes there are good decent Mexicans,but you also get hateful bitter losers like this idiot.This was a piece written by a Mexican for Mexicans,yet,you could have put money that there would be some horrible racist dogs like this who always bring the US into it?They never ever learn,always whining.What has this subject to do with the US question?This was a Mexicans take and a deep frustration came through,but you have to get total hateful losers like this crank whining and bringing the good old negativity back into the subject"what about the US"like little whining girls.Think about Mexico,not the US big brain,anyway you keep hating in your sad life.

    1. Your motherfucking country started the big trend in,drug trafficking corrupted Latin-American governments on the sly,USA banks started the money laundering and keep doing it the negative exists,and it is a positive that it is all common knowledge,and more and more people are finding about what goes on.get you head outta your arse and you the blind may see,estupido!

  31. Look at the fools who bring the US into this?Fuckin idiots,they really are?Imagine if they didn't have the US to whine about?Wonder what it would be?

    1. if Mexico defaults,what will become of your banks,beetch? where will all of your lemmons go?who will be doing your menial jobs?your mama?the dark clouds of anticorruption are gathering and it will be raining cats and dogs,arm yoreself with some deeper truths before the deluge so nobody te coge desaprevenido.heil!

  32. N u r my heroina chivis brave n dangerous work that what u do baby

  33. It is horrible that Mexico is a shit hole. Because all of these Mexican illegal immigrants end up in USA. Them dumb bastards mess everything up

  34. Bravo, bravo, bravo!

  35. If USA didn't help out Mexico would be deeper in the shit even their politicians are crooks. Kill them all

  36. Mexico is a joke. Mexico has the most fat people in the world, all the 5he citizens aren't educated and they are criminals. Mexico is good for nothing. We dont take them serious they are weak.

  37. Hey yes Mexico is messed up but we in the USA are as well. If it gets u ass hurt well the truth hurts. I'm not crying like u are "why bring USA in to this " well cause it is part of the problem. I'm not here to school you just give a opinion. There not a blinder person than the one that doesn't want to see. Keep believing your politicians are the best that's why our economy is just great after the stupidest war on Iraq what did we find zip. Okay maybe afgan has some nope. But over in Korea they say I have them I'll show them and I'll use them on you . Dont get ass hurt just an opinion like an ass hole everyone has one. Don't sell your gold that's the only true money not that printed pap per your government gives you.

  38. That's why you can't stop them. Weak well the money u give your kids then they go buy a bag which provides them with money you contribute. Its a big problem don't under estimate. You live in la la land here in the border towns our police is corrupt politicians as well . All that weed coke is in your streets messing up your kids . Wait till your kids on crack or meth then you'll see the reality and threat.

  39. Why do you white jaja even care go to a MTV blog and find out what the kardasians are doing white trailer trash mad cause his Mexican boss has a nicer house nicer car and best of all pays you jajaja I'm onewho has white employees and it feel great . We all have the same opportunity just some are follower don't hate the leaders. One thing about Mexicans we are not raised as para cites we value what we have and work hard for it do you whining white trash. I'm not racist just answering back the way was insulted ....

  40. 7:35 N 7:43 Why all this hate on Mexico? Id better live in Mexico than Ethiopia or Nigeria y'all don't think there's no corruption there? Deport middle easterners there the ones who fucked up our country n yet they own businesses. And on average live better than gringos they don't ask for money outside Walmart n the day that happens the us will have collapsed put blacks on.a field n they'll start crying but gringos r scared to death of them keep talking shit bout Latinos but we all know how life is run here in the states the oppressed is the undocumented Latino but what surprises me is that no1 says go back to the middle east just easy to pick on a poor undocumented migrant because y'all know hell remain silent n scared because he fears deportation yes really brave talking shit bout Latinos but u shit in your pants in front of a blackman or a middleeastern.

    1. Word... let these ignorants know what's up.. Their daughters hopefully gonna marry a Mexican or Latino so his future generations be better off and not stupid and inbreed like him.

  41. Fuck you hateful mesicans,you bring shit to everything you touch,and you so nice to other races,hateful fuckers,stop apologizing to these whining dogs,fuck them

    1. Your brain hurts huh.? Its all the inbreeding your family has done. Its not the 50s we Mexicans are way smarter then you fucks that's right move over and let us fix your fuck ups.


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