Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Violence in Choix Result of Lemo Nuñez Switching from CDS to BLO

Borderland Beat
Posted in Borderland Beat Forum by Siskiyou_Kid

The war in Choix is a result of Lemo Nuñez breaking from CDS and joining the BLO
Written by Adán Germán for Borderland Beat

More than month after violent confrontations began driving families from the Sierra of Sinaloa, there is no let up in sight to the violence, as groups of drug traffickers who are disputing control of the plazas on the borders of the states of Sinaloa and Chihuahua burn homes and kill anyone in their path.

Residents of the pueblos affected by the wave of violence in the high Sierra of the municipality of Choix complain that the army and the armed forces in genera,l whether municipal, State or federal, are far from helping to restore peace and tranquility in this area, and are looting the houses that are abandoned.

Pueblos such as Corral Quemado, Cieneguita de Nuñez, La judia, and La Culebra, all part of the municipality [county] of Choix are like ghost towns, ever since they were occupied by heavily armed groups who forced their inhabitants to flee with high powered weapons. They say that the armed forces are bribed by the Beltran Leyva drug cartel, in collaboration with "Los Mazatlecos" as well as "Los Zetas".

It has been revealed that the aggressors responsible for this wave of violence are led by people from ”El Real Blanco” village which is inhabited mostly by an extended family with the surname "Jacobo", a family that for a little more than a year had been allied with the criminal group led by Joaquín Guzmán Loera, and that was commanded by one of the two major CDS lieutenants in this mountainous region,
Adelmo Nuñez Molina, "el Lemo".

However, a conflict arose between him and Benito Portillo Gil, another powerful local lieutenant allied with the same cartel, after Adelmo "el Lemo" Núñez joined forces with groups allied with the Beltrán Leyva brothers, one of the main enemies of "el Chapo" Guzmán's Sinaloa Cartel.

Núñez brought along the people who at the time worked for the Sinaloa Cartel, while Benito Portillo Gil continued working for Guzmán Loera, and at this time a war started for control of the high Sierra municipalities, which seems to have no end in site.

The people who are mainly impacted are elderly inhabitants of small communities, people who mostly work as subsistence farmers and in the livestock trade.

How did the war begin?
At the end of April, 2012 armed groups poured into the Sierra from Chihuahua, Sonora, and the coast of Sinaloa. At the time, reports said this was an attempt by the Beltrán Leyva-Carrillo Fuentes-los Zetas triad to defend their remaining territory in the North, from incursions by the Sinaloa Cartel.

Another factor was the attemped arrest of "los Mazatlecos" leader Chapito Isidro Meza Flores during the Semana Santa [Holy Week] holidays at Guamuchil's popular Las Glorias beach.

Whatever started the war, it centered around local Choix warlord Adelmo "el Lemo" Núñez, and at the time it was reported that contras had attacked his compound in an attempt to weaken the Sinaloa Cartel's influence in an area where the Beltrán Leyva's had traditionally maintained influence.

At some point, shortly before or after the Spring 2012 battle for Choix, "el Lemo" switched alliances and began supporting his former enemies, bringing with him the families and pueblos under his control. This started a violent war a violent war that resulted in as many as 40 deaths at the time, and continues to rage to this day. The war began in and around the actual municipal seat of Choix, but now is driving villagers from their homes in ranchos far to the south and east, in Sinaloa de Leyva and Badiraguato.

Shortly after the battle for Choix, on May 29, 2012, "el Lemo" Núñez Molina's brother, Martín Núñez Molina, called "el Grande" or “el Martinsón”, was killed in front of an Oxxo where he lived in Caborca, Sonora. He was struck by three 9mm bullets fired from an Uzi submachine gun, and a grenade was also found at the scene. Caborca is one of the strongholds of the CDS allied los Salazars, and they may have carried out the assassination.

Bodies from the battle for Choix, May 2012

In the end of June, 2012, a clandestine grave containing six bodies from the battle for Choix was exhumed by authorities in the pueblo of Los Táscates, in the political division of Bacayopa. Five of the victims were identified as: the brothers Alexis Eduardo Portillo Gil, "el Alex", 18 years old, Nemesio Portillo Gil, "el Neme" 48 years old, Deny Torres Soto Corrales, "el Denys",35, José Manuel Chavira Cota, 40, and José Luis Torres Camacho, 37 years old. All of them were residents of the municipal seat of Choix, while the sixth body wasn't identified.

These were all family and allies of Benito Portillo Gil. This discovery was followed by an attack on June 29, 2012 at the municipal seat of Choix, during a civic ceremony, where twin brothers Israel and Ismael Ceceña González were gunned down in broad daylight only blocks from the municipal seat's city hall, at a seafood restaurant. The Chief of Police for Choix, Héctor Echavarría Islas, was killed in the attack. This all occurred while the Choix mayor, Juan Carlos Estrada, presided over the festivities a few feet behind the victims. The mayor was unharmed.

Choix Police Chief Héctor Echavarría Islas, killed in a brazen attack.

The year since the attack that killed Police Chief Héctor Echavarría Islas has been marked by a steady series of attacks on the tiny pueblos that pockmark the Sierra of Nothern Sinaloa and Western Chihuahua.

  • In July 2012, a well planned ambush of ministerial police by "Los Mazatlecos" killed 7 police, and left 4 gunmen dead, including important commander Juan Pablo Osuna Lizárraga, "El Cien".
  • In August 2012 the bodies of seven ranchers were dumped on the on the road from San Blas to Los Mochis in El Fuerte.
  • In August 2012, a ministerial police commander was killed in Guadalupe y Calvo, Chichuahua. The Sierra border area of Chihuahua has seen the same sort of violent displacement of rural villagers that we're seeing in Sinaloa.
  • In the end of September 2012, 3 men in a Chevy Avalanche were pursued and shot dead.
  • In November 2012, a village in the Sierra was burned by an armed gang.


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  1. I wonder what makes these CDS cell leaders and lieutenants switch side to the Beltran Leyvas. Isn't is safer to stay under Chapos protection from the army than to leave it and make yourself a wanted man. All these fragile alliance make up for a very unstable group resulting in a lot of violence.

  2. Its off topic, but whatever happened to all the stories about michoacan, and all the culeros who kept calling Tuta a beggar and said they bet anything he'd be dead by now

    1. He's hiding like a lil bitch that's all u gotta know buddy

    2. we the culeros, are not extorting one peso from the michoacan farmers, thing at a time,the governor of michoacan and the tuta's wives will be sisters forever,but nobody can cover up for these motherfuckers forever,not even Pena nieto,all the mofos that have been fucking around with the people will come down before their time was due thanks to their own stupidity,no matter their plastic chamberpots

  3. @September 8, 2013 at 5:27 PM:

    Maybe Chapo isn't as powerful as some want you to believe...

    1. Pinche tijuano ardido nomas para recalcar los aretes son sinaloenses aver cual tijuanense se a hecho un narcotraficante poderoso que a hecho historia en el mundo del narco

    2. Finished off the juarez and tj cartels.. you can say no this no that but it quite obvious he has taken over

    3. Thats the straight truth Tijuano he is a glorified inmormant. While working for chapo might make you feel safer the truth is the Beltranes son los de "huevos" en Sinaloa and seeing how these guys are willing to go against the govt shows you how much power BLO actually still holds

    4. People think all the military is on chapos payroll. Thats not the case. Everyone has connections and friends. Not just chapo. Thats why its a war. So is anyone "winning" this battle?

    5. Tijuano any news on the Arellano crime family/CAF?They have been incognito for a while. Tijuana has had its low key murders but other than that , TJ is currently a quiet zone.

    6. Haha don't hate on chapo just because he took over your town and your Tijuana cartel doesn't even exist.

    7. Pos al chapo le componen corridos q pagan sus hijo oh lambeguevos. Munchos falsos exagerados de mal gusto y estilo. Ni su tierra puede limpiar si lo atrapan oh matan q use sus lanza granadas bazookas sino para q se hace corridos de habladores... y no salgan q dinero ni palancas q no son realesa sino indigenas con dinero aver so son de valor...
      El m 1 tenia 20 corridos de bazookas lanza papas, 50 y murio con 38 super jajaja es la verdad no se ardan del cul%o..

  4. Maybe he a u.s gvt prop and im a u.s citizen just sayin.i know the crap they tryin to feed us about syria so why not? No one i know believes it!!

  5. I don't think any cartel actually completely controls any one state. A cartels strength is measured by how many plazas it controls within Mexicos' national borders irregardless of state and how much weight it moves - and CDS happens to control more plazas and move more weight than any cartel. These cartel members do not have an allegiance to a national governmental entity, but to cartels and money. If they were patriotic Mexicans. If they were, they wouldn't be breaking their nations laws while at the same time utilizing violence. Short of having a large advantage in manpower, or having a heavy weapon advantage over your rivals, I don't think any cartel can really completely dominate a single state entity, but they can close. I know the Zetas were making the Monstrous in an attempt to develop a heavy equipment advantage over their rivals. If the Zetas would have succeeded in developing their Monstruos they would have been a threat to the federal govt., not just their cartel rivals. If they would have added a canon it would have been over

    1. zetas and their chundaro made monsters,could never measure up to the equipment the Mexican armed forces have,they can corrupt a few ginirals, even governors and presidents, but their stock in trade,badly paid eloteros and carwashers, treachery among themselves,Texas style naco-narcos are going around like the turds they are,on their way out of the toilet

    2. Your right! There is no way the Monstruos could have measured up to the American and German made equipment the Mexico armed forces utilize; however, you have to give the Zetas credit for the ingenuity spirit they had in attempting to develop a technological advantage over their rivals. Believe me, if they had been allowed to continue to develop their dump trucks/p/ups armored personnel vehicles, they would have had an advantage over their cartel rivals. Furthermore, that was not a strange idea when you consider the Colombian cartels have made attempts to build submarines to traffic drugs to Europe, Mexico, and the U.S.A. Not submersibles - submarines! I'm sorry to inform you papa -Narcos ain't going nowhere anytime soon! There is to many billions of dollars involved annually!!

  6. El mochomo comes out in a month..
    Hes getting everyone ready..el chapito isidro..el dos letras..el lemo..
    Plus im sure he can count on the mercenaries of the carrillo fuentes..los zetas..
    Aswell...sinaloa is definitely a battle state..
    ..el cabos

  7. I know this isn't fully related to this article but does anyone know if its true that El Chapo Isidro fled to South America? I don't believe the rumors that hes dead which is why I ask.

  8. Naaaa el chapo decides if you stay or go the ones who go usually did something wrong and they end up joining the contras anyway the mazatlecos are losing power everywere just like the zetas for example theres also alot of stuff going on in Nayarit right now a state that has been under the control of zetas and the beltran leyva some people say they split other say el chapo si moving in but it looks like the gunbatles have returned ...

  9. Lemo nuñez was with chapo isidro then left with chapo guzman now hes back with el H this fucker needs to get wacked

    1. Lemo Núñez is one connected and highly respected individual if he can go from chapo isidros group to chapo guzmans and back to el H is vecause he holds power and plazas.Chapo Guzman must be pissed!!

  10. Can we just form a major league for the cartels and form franchise teams. I want to start a consession business selling team gear. It's going to be the new 'national sport of Mexico'.

    1. Except one loses more than the shirt off their back for wearing the wrong gear.

    2. That's funny as hell! All rights reserved.

    3. Haha.. I'll take a Large , Marina football jersey.. they're the real heroes... And. Fuck cartels t-shirt

  11. Maybe cause mochomo is almost out of jail.
    Just saying.

  12. Chapo people realize hes a rat and r leaving his ass

  13. El Lemo switching alliance because they got zealous Benito Portillo Gil cause el chapo making good deal from this man as a priority local drug lord from the force of CDS, now the violence arose after el lemo switching, el chapo engaging war the territories control by el lemo.

  14. I wonder what makes these CDS cell leaders and lieutenants switch side to the Beltran Leyvas. Isn't is safer to stay under Chapos protection from the army than to leave it and make yourself a wanted man. All these fragile alliance make up for a very unstable group resulting in a lot of violence.
    September 8, 2013 at 5:27 PM

    At first, I felt the same way when Manning went to the Broncos but it has worked out nicely, especially with Welker joining the Denver plaza.

    1. the Judas usually go away for a few promises, maybe treinta pesos,when they come back to their senses,they want for a rope,quick or sooner!

  15. September 8, 2013 at 8:48 PM
    Cheerleading side is showing through there

  16. Siskiyou_Kid
    Nice one,been trying to find out what was behind these outbreaks?Family killings,Salazar,Mazatlecos,Lemo Nunez etc,finding your people in shallow graves?Good post man.

  17. Maybe the Government (Politicians and Generals) runs the Sinaloa Cartel, not El Chapo and their cut is too high. Maybe it is more profitable to allign with independents then to wait for one of the generals to decide his nephew needs your job and he wacks you. The Mistical El Chapo may very well be just a political allusion.

  18. @September 9, 2013 at 6:24 AM:

    Not really, just the facts, there must be a good reason why so many lieutenants of CDS are jumping ship, don´t you think?

    If you want to believe "Chapo" is almighty, then go ahead, but the truth is nobody in the drug trade is untouchable, Pablo Escobar was the best example I can think of.

    On the comment of everyone having friends, it´s true, there have been multiple banners signed by "Cholo Ivan"(CDS) complaining about the military helping "Chapito Isidro"(BLO).

    1. "so many lieutenants jumping ship" or one lieutenant jumping many times?

  19. @September 9, 2013 at 4:25 AM:

    Not really, as you say, there have been a lot of low profile murders, but not many know what´s going on, there appears to be a retail war right now.

    C'mon guys, the fact I have "Tijuano" as my name is because I´m from Tijuana!, If you want to go ahead and make conclusions, good for you, I just post the info I get, if you want to believe otherwise, that´s perfect!

    There´s no denial in "Chapos" and CDS power, but it´s not as big as some corridos would like you to believe, that´s all.

    1. Chapos powerful enough that the generals wont even say his name on camera in Sinaloa. I was watching Narco Bling on Discovery channel and all the commanders and the General are clearly scared of Chapo and CDS.

    2. Tijuano you are straight to the point man. Los Arellano did not have to pay no corrido bands to make songs for them back in their days to make them sound powerful. El CAF have respectively the most old school corridos dedicated to them for a reason. They had the torch.
      Sometimes I wonder if Benjamin and Ramon Arellano were still around. What would Chapos life be like..
      You gotta admit that Chapo was not real cautious of the two brothers. Especially Ramons temper.
      Anyways bro... Keep posting your interesting articles.. You have a solid fanbase here in the BB.

    3. I meant to say that chapo was real cautious of the AF brothers

  20. Tijuano what so many people? You act like everyone is jumping teams el chapo has control of your city and the most importan parts of mexico and its staying that way like or not el chapo and the goberment keep moving the pieces but everthing else stays in tact .. Good luck trying to convince everbody that el chapo is losing the war

  21. No honor among thieves.

  22. Sorry but Tijuana is a complete shithole

    1. I second and third that!!!! This is all he says " chapo is a snitch". l he gets mad he lives in tijuana in a card board house and gets mad that he hears chapos name around tijuana.

  23. tijuano como esta pareja al respecto the cambiando bandera al chapo se le voltiaron muchos muy importante elementos muy importante se oye que en colombia varios cartelitos lo quieren muerto por auto robar y romper tratos alli sera como estos grupos estan muy bien posicion para combatir al chapo en tijuana no mas fue el teo y muletas que se voltiaron pero no duro mucho la guerra lo que le esta pasando al chapo es que ah traisonado a mucho de su gente hasta y el chapo no se ve bien por este motivo primero fueron los blo hasta ahora no han podido acabar con ellos y blo esta creciendo es muy imprecionante segundo luego fueron otro grupo armado para combatir alos enemigos y tambien se le voltiaron y tambien eschuche como el mayo esta muy calladito se ah oido por tiempo que esta muy decepcionado como el vicentillo fue capturado ciendo que el vicentillo fue ah gente de confianza del chapo para dar informacion el chapo esta por caer el caf acabo con el teo y su grupos en menos de dos anos y nunca perdio control de tijuana tecate rosarito y ensenada y todo baja norte e cahpo sigue agarrando mas enemigos y no acabacon ellos y esta perdiendo terrenos muy importante y aqui en tijuana lla se le subio la rente esta guerra se puede prevenir si matan al chapo oh lo capturan analisen esto el la pagina de ms longmire esto lla se abia declarado que iva pasar y tambien que el caf estaba mas fuerte que nunca oh tambien el melvin esta por salir y tambien el popeye y el pato

  24. @ Tijuano,

    It's not the corridos my friend, I for one am a mexican that does not like corridos. I live in El Paso, Tx and I have a close relative that works with the DEA... and the truth of the matter according to the US government is that this short fucker (El Chapo) is many times bigger than what the corridos actually claim. There is no other cartel figure with as much presence as El Chapo in foreign countries. The way the DEA puts it he is larger than life and the DEA is actually very well aware that they have personell that are on Chapo's payroll and work for his interests. People fail to realize just how much buying power he has, how much weight he pushes, if he doesn't fuck with the innocent people of mexico it is not because he is a good guy, but more because he doesn't have the need like the other cartels. I for one will tell you that the man owns Juarez.. The Aztekas are mostly fighting for the retail sales of narcotics and for the right to fuck the locals much like the Gulf/Zetas do in tamps. and the AFO in Tijuana... Sorry to burst your bubble.

    1. DEA would they really want to stop drugs if they did what would be their job then unemployment. Our government is a shit hole as well . USA s economy is drug trade & stealing others oil. When what they should do is help our veterans that come back with serious wounds for our freedom... or nobody knows how bad they treat our veterans just use and abuse god bless our troops screw our government..

    2. This guy must be a fed. I love to hear the feds talk on blogs. well I hate to bust your bubble but you must be mis informed by your relative. I am from El Paso, ciudad juarez is run by the aztecas. Cds controls the outskirtz of juarez. Plus sinaloa is always hiding out in the city. Ncj and la linea are in southern chihuahua.

  25. this lemo Núñez must control quite a territory, because he can jump from one band to another and is welcome on both sides, and he doesn't care that he is getting a "chapulin" reputation which means that he can betray you at any time, like mamito said, "el que traiciona una vez traiciona dos veces"

  26. Wow. You showed your true colors this time. Troll

  27. Pablo Escobar got kiled because he was fighting the Cali Cartel .The Colombian Government.Los Pepes, and the Auto defensa groups of Colombia at the same time.
    Los Senores Chapo MZ y Blue know when to fight and when to bribe they have been in buisness for over 30 years Arriba CDS...........Los Talibanes Los Antrax Gente Nueva y Commando X are on search and destroy missions the following are their high profile targets ..El H, Dos Letras, El Lemo , and chapo isidro .....

  28. Idk if you all have noticed but the mazatlecos lead by chapo isidro always land good ambushes I think the mazatlecos are pros at ambushes very good guerilla tactic

  29. Chapo runs the DEA. When Chapo speaks Chuck Norris listens.

    1. Lmfao 😂 this is one of the few comments that have made me crack up on this website

  30. I live in El Paso and Chapo has never had Juarez!! Your so called DEA family member is a fucking idiot if he thinks Chapo is larger than life lol. La Linea and Aztecas run Juarez for the Juarez Cartel, Chapo runs all his drugs through Fort Hancock border not El Paso. Sorry to bust your bubble Chapo nut hugger

    1. that's what I'm talking about bro. Mr burst the bubble i think is a fed.

  31. Hahahahah these mazatlecos always have to ambush to win i cant believe all these stupid coments talking about chapo losing power and Blo gaining some its so funny hahahaha idiots are yoy guys forgeting that they lost there alliance with the Zetas the group the criminal group that kept them alive ????? Ahahahahhaha tijuano and his folowers are a joke Blo is done C.D.S is cleaning house

  32. In the first article of chapo isidro ,it says that lemo betrayed chapo isidro and then join cds.

  33. I´m sorry this thread´s comments got sidetracked so easily.

    Some of you act like this was a football game cheering for this or that cartel, I stand by what I said, and will try to clarify my point. the original comment states:

    "I wonder what makes these CDS cell leaders and lieutenants switch side to the Beltran Leyvas. Isn't is safer to stay under Chapos protection from the army than to leave it and make yourself a wanted man. All these fragile alliance make up for a very unstable group resulting in a lot of violence.

    September 8, 2013 at 5:27 PM"

    I just replied Chapo isn't as powerful as some think, is this cheering for CAF, BLO, Zetas or anyone else? Of course not, all I tried to point out is that people think Chapo has the whole army under his payroll, and that´s far from being the truth, like another reader mentions, EVERYONE has connections, that´s all.

    I can say that without having to cheer for anyone else, it´s just a fact.

    For all those who got offended by my comment about Chapo´s power, my bad, I didn't knew you were so sensitive.

    1. No we did not get offended by the same messages you keep posting. You make us laughf how no matter what you keep cherring for the arellanos or blo or zetas yet you quick to tell somebody they are nutt huggers or cheering when thats all you do. Sorry we did not know you where so sensitive.

    2. Neta que si pinche Tijuano alucinado hahah . "How am I talking shit about CDS "the only shit you say is CAF is stronger than ever and chapo is getting weaker hahah and that's not nutthugging? Just change your name to CAF Nutthuging Tijuano

    3. He is not cheering for anyone! He's pointing out the obvious! Everyone seems to think the entire army is under chapos payroll. That's NOT the case! Everyone has friends and connections!!! It just varies by city! If you guys are too dumb to understand that then sucks for you.

  34. History will tell u people like el chapo and mayo end up dead or captured. Cds will never control mexico, other cartels have mny just like they do and connections, so its gonna go on and on till theres a peace treaty amongst themselves

  35. I kind of agree with Tijuano here.
    Obviously the Beltran Leyvas, that being el H and his people still have the connections and money to back them. It has been documented that they have the money and the routes. Northern Sinaloa is disputed and the people in the sierra usually just go with the people that pay them the most for their weed. No one is doubting CDS power and the presence in the worlds drug game but don't forget that el H has been in the game for a long time as well and no one really knows unless you are really connected who El Mochomo is citing with. For him to leave his brother and his cartel to side with Chapo just because we heard in a corrido is ubsurd. No one outrightly owns Mexico, they are people loyal to different fractions.

  36. The fact is there is plenty of bribe money to go around. Although CAF and CDJ are weakened they still control 2 of the best plazas that generate a LOT of money. Chapo, after years of war hasn't been able to finish off either one of them. His time will come just like everyone before him, and the cycle will continue. I remember back in the late 90's people said the same thing about Benjamin/Ramon.

  37. I don't think chapo is getting weaker

  38. Hahhahaha chapo is stronger then ever while everone else keeps getting weaker you guys talk so much about the beltranes getting stronger are you guys stupid or what they just broke their alliance with the zetas the group that has kept the alive all these years come on guys el chapo will take over like it or not its what the goberment wants !!!

  39. El chapos time will come? Hes been at it for years and he keeps getting stronger where do you guys get your info from? its time to recognise el chapo doesnt really need to fight cause the goberment does it for him and bussines keeps flowing thats what the americans want so why get him and start a totally new revolution? Hes going to keep getting stronger and his enemies weaker

  40. His number will be pulled...just like z-40...x-20...osiel...arellanoes etc. His usefulness to CIA/DEA will be up and he will get touched..PERIOD. The US govt. Could put a hellfire missle up his ass right now as i type this!!!! You people make this guy seem like superman. He may be a billionaire but Abrego/Pablo/Carrilio were worth 10 times that....where are they now????

    1. They were worth ten times that maybe because they didnt have much competition, didnt have to pay as much for bribes protection etc. Not to mention inflation..Anyways 10$ billion always gets tossed around in the press about how much past drug lords made, its BS. Rafael Caro Quintero is said to have had more money than everyone you just mentioned anyhow. Get a grip.

    2. Inflation??? You obviously don't understand how it works smart guy.Those estimates were from 10-20 years ago, meaning it would be more money today. No competition? Pablo vs. Cali...AFO vs. CDJ. I know Chapo is your hero and all buddy, but it sounds like you need to "get a grip"

    3. Where are you getting your info from??? They dont pay as much for bribes protection etc.....according to who? You? Freaking chapo nuthugger....he dosent make the money because he is greedy little punk. Violence is bad for business.

  41. I think el señor de Los cielos is still alive. As for chapo of course his time is gonna come but you gotta acknowledge that he's the top main player in mexico out right now he's the most powerful maybe the next in line to be the most powerful is zambada and the beltranes when mochomo gets out

  42. Bingo!!! The only reason he hasn't been hit is he is protected by the U.S./Mexican government. If you think they won't drop this guy at some point you are naive. Where do you get your info from??? History tells all bro. There are many, who had a lot more money than Chapo who thought they were untouchable.

  43. aLL chapo enemy or chapo men switch alliance are the list of next target to capture the army and navy now.


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