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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Counter-Offensive: Zetas In The Northeast

After losing several urban cells to the Gulf Cartel, the new leadership of Los Zetas rushed in to fill the gaps in order to organize a counteroffensive around all of northeastern México.  They turned to hiring very young hitmen, sending them from San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas to Nuevo León and Coahuila as reinforcements.  Nevertheless, governors Rodrigo Medina and Rubén Moreira announced that they have managed to reduce crime.
Reynosa, Tamaulipas.- Los Zetas are distributing dozens of hitmen throughout plazas all over the northeast, either to strengthen their control or to recover lost territory.  This is the case for some municipalities in the metropolitan area of Monterrey seized by the Gulf Cartel.

“In recent days they arrived in Nuevo León, coming from San Luis Potosí, around 40 trucks with armed men.  They traveled through dirt roads in order to not be detected”, a federal agent who requested anonymity reported to the magazine Proceso.

State officials were informed that the gunmen seek to recover Santa Catarina and part of Monterrey, as well as Cadereyta, the latter located in southern Nuevo León, according to the source. 

Other groups moved from Tamaulipas to Coahuila, but part of the group was captured by a special group in the Coahuila state police, who were detected “thanks to intelligence work”, confirms the state security spokesman, Jesús Carranza.

The official stated that in late September, members of the “Operational Response Group in the Municipality of Saltillo (GROMS) arrested 23 people, including 9 who were underage, suspected of being members of Los Zetas.  They seized 17 rifles, $100,000, $48,000 in cash, 1,500 cartridges, chargers, and diverse tactical gear.  The alleged gunmen stored all of this in a safe house.

“They confessed to belonging to the criminal group Los Zetas and having reached Saltillo with the goal of supporting the criminal organization and carrying out diverse tasks,” said the statement issued to the state attorney after the capture.

Cracks within the Cartel


The new leadership of Los Zetas, led by Omar Treviño Morales, “El Z-42”, and Ramiro Rojas, “El Rama”(the Tamaulipas plaza boss), as well as the boss that controls Zacatecas, propped up the organization to counter the loss of their various cells, which had joined the Gulf Cartel.

The fracture in the cartel was evident since last September 11 when narcomantas appeared throughout Nuevo Laredo signed by the “Z Renegades” who expressed their dissatisfaction with the leaders who replaced Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, "Z-40", who was captured by the Mexican marines in mid-July.

This is the 2nd major split within the bloody cartel.  The first was led by Iván Velázquez Caballero (“El Talibán” “El Z-50”), who accused Treviño Morales with mishandling the cartels money in order to benefit his family, through his brother José Treviño, who has been detained in the United States for laundering money.


The “Z Renegades” launched their offensive against their former comrades through blogs and social networks posting around 150 photographs of young hitmen who were sent in from Nuevo Laredo to Monterrey and cities of Coahuila and Zacatecas.

In the photos you can see youths, even teenagers, carrying AK-47s, AR-15s, body armor, radios and all kinds of guns.  Some of them are even wearing the school uniforms from the Nuevo Laredo high schools in which they attended.

The majority were sent in to reinforce the organization in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, where they lost most of their power and influence since the capture of their command structure after the fire that occurred at the Casino Royale on August 25, 2011.

Another reason for losing influence and firepower in the capital of Nuevo León was because of the defection of some local gangs in the areas where they once controlled.

Groups from the colonies of Independencia, Tanques de Guadalupe and Risca, among others in southern Monterrey, agreed to leave the Zetas and be free.  Some of the gangs even formed the group “Mata Zetas”, who joined the Gulf Cartel.

“Mata Zetas”
The “Triumph” Of the Governors

With the arrival of the Zeta reinforcements, violence reactivated throughout the metropolitan area of Monterrey, but tended to focus on colonies controlled by other cartels.

On the last week of September, attacks on bars, multiple executions, and dismemberments once again began to be reported.  However, throughout the Northeast, they first kidnap their rivals in order to execute them and then make them disappear.  It is supposed that the narcos operate like this in order to not “heat up” the plaza.

Rodrigo Medina
An immediate consequence was in the reduction of intentional homicides, who the Nuevo Leon governor, Rodrigo Medina, presumes as a sign of the effectiveness of his administration in its efforts to eradicate violence and insecurity.  On the other hand, Medina hides the fact that abductions and kidnappings have increased.

In the case of intentional homicides, which the state attorney states was around 1,500 last year, for 2013 the number began to decline since July and to date have added “only” 590.  In contrast, kidnappings soared and the number of complaints implies that around 48 people are being abducted every month in the metropolitan area.

According to the report, over 25% of kidnappings in the state are related to organized crime disputes and in most of these cases, the victims are killed.

The redistribution of reinforcements from the Zetas is turning municipalities into battlefields including Frontera Chica de Tamaulipas, where the Gulf Cartel has kept a tight grip.  Armed clashes continue in the south, including cities in Zacatecas, and surrounding villages.

In the cities of Coahuila, such as Saltillo, Ciudad Acuña and Piedras Negras, less armed clashes occur but kidnappings and abductions continue to occur.

Rubén Moreira
Like its counterpart, the Coahuila governor Rubén Moreira encourages the population the false version that they are beating insecurity.  Few believe him, because in recent weeks, murders and attacks on businesses have occurred because they refused to pay “dues” to criminals.

For now, kidnappings and abductions are shared throughout social networks; few are published in electronic or print media.  

Source: Proceso


  1. As soon as I started reading this it says, The Zetas turned to "hiring" VERY YOUNG HITMEN, I started thinking, probably because theirs no one left to kill, in a land of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN.

    It's sad that the reality in Mexico is that there is an endless amount of kids that will throw their whole life away to "escape" their hopeless-ness and pain, even though their "escape" from that reality is never long lived.

  2. Who controls Ciudad Acuña and Piedras Negras?

    1. Zetas.. just because cdg hangs up a few mantas and kill a couple of halcones does not mean shit Coahuila belongs to la letra just like nuevo laredo

  3. Ciudad Mier ya lo perdio el Golfo hace poco encontra los Z.Mandaron mas de 50 trokas de Nuevo Laredo y Nueva Ciudad Guerrero hacia Mier y peliar toda la ribereña hacia Miguel Aleman bastion del Golfo.Ahurrita la ribereña esta que arde.Esos Z renegados son los pocos que se voltearon en Nvo Laredo el Rama es Jefe de Plaza de Nuevo Laredo.Bajo ordenes de 42 avia problemas entre Z de Victoria y Nvo Laredo pero ya todo se arreglo hace poco en una junta que se hizo en Victoria hace poco.Y es verdad eso que los Z estan mandando mas Z a Monterrey apoyar a los Z que operan en Mty.No se confundan esos que detenian la AEI muchos eran puros pandilleros de Monterrey pero no eran los verdaderos Z.Tambien en Nuevo Leon ya se creo otro cartel que es el Cartel Del Norte aliado a los Z de Monterrey y los que vienen de apoyo.El Golfo que no se le duerma el Gallo en la ribereña porque la Letra se les acerca hacia Reynosa y Matamoros....

    1. No manches que eres un pinche narcoanalizador o que? o solo un chiquillo halucinando debajo de un puente inalando resistol que comprastes en la home depot y luego vas a un ciber cafe y escribes estas babosadas,si esto fuera verdad ya te vieran dado piso por osicon..mejor vete a levantar gente y cobrar cuotas a los eloteros para que te pongan una calentada para que se te quite lo inmaduro..

    2. No cea metiroso compa en primera el comandate puma encargado de los alfas y dragones tienen bien controlado mier. Los que estan perdiedo terreno son los mugrozozz ya estan asta el tope de golfos en mente su culo de santillan anda con la cola entre las patas.. tampico y todo su alrededor esta bien cuidado por los alfas...nomas por que ponen estas notas ya todos ha los zetas ya estan bien reforsado desde los ultimos videos que les puso el golfo ya no se iso ruido...pero estos vatos se estan llenando de gente asta el tope compa por algo mas de el 80% de zacatecas es golfo..asi como se calmo la guerra por un rato no quiere decir que el cdg se vacio de gente al contrario estan llenando sus filas de ex marinos guachos y policias federales..neta compa estos golfos estan poniendo se pilas para la guerra...aqui en zacatecas hay un chingo de golfos a morir ya los zarros nomas tienen fresno y a duras penas...

    3. Ricardo Monreal Avila,ex presidente municipal,ex governor of the state of Zacatecas,ex federal Senator,federal congressman,girlfriend of manlio fabio beltrones,ex governor of the state of donors,ex federal senator,federal congressman...has ricardo Monreal,with known ties with the zetas,in Zacatecas,has he chapulineado and went to the golfos,sinaloas alliance? He went from pri to prd to pt too...

  4. Militarily it would be no problem at all to finish off the cartels. The problem is that they have an incredible corruptive power through the money they make from drugs. For the drugs business to work drugs must be illegal. Illegailty means great profits which leads to corruption, violence and misery.

    L E G A L I Z E I T !!!!

  5. Yeah, they had a quiet little procession of 40 trucks that was not detected. Who writes this stuff? Of course they were detected and they were permitted to continue by the police and army on the Zeta payroll. There is only one story in Mexico: CORRUPTION.


    1. CDG and the ZETAs can kill and fuck each other..All honest Mexicans will rejoice each one of your deaths. Rot in shit you drug cartel cheerleading scumbags.

  7. The first comment is put very, very well.

    Also, I guess all of the cartels have stopped using beheading videos as a propaganda tool?

    Chivis: Quick question: Have any cartels ever asked you to be "on the take"?

  8. Keep up the good reporting, since the government keeps everything quite these days.

  9. zestas are done now they only put out bodies. Kids, Not trained and probably scare to dead. This maybe the last big battle. This 42 is like obama, you need aplan before you Act. No Plan It will not work.

    1. All cartels have teenagers as foot soldiers.Seems that you never been over the border...

    2. Yea pendejo look at chapos gente nueva same shyt jst a bunch of druged out teenswith a happy triger

  10. They say 40% of original zetas are still out there, Z4, Z8, Z11, El Erotico. They been able to keep a very low profile, probably consulting new generation.

  11. So they busted some golfos in saltillo, does that mean rataz are going hard?they also busted a golfo in cancun responsible for executions are the rataz still in the game in these cities or just d*** ridin'....

    1. Chapo snitching out all CDG fat pigs. Jajajaja.

  12. Tamaulipas es de los golfos

  13. Damm Ztas are about to battle... this is gonna get bloody...

  14. I dont know why everybody thinks that Z just controls Nvo Laredo in Tamaulipas.If they are all over the state in Tamaulipas like Ciudad Victoria, Nv Ciudad Guerrero, Mier, Mante, Llera, Hidalgo Tamaulipas and other small towns and cities in Tamaulipas.Its not just Nvo Laredo guys if not CDG would already step into Nvo Laredo with full force.

  15. 40 loaded pickups off road would create a dust storm that would land in the gulf of mexico . No one cares , Those that do cannot stop them ,..... These azzholes control corrupt mexico. Just Buch Dich while the international community sits back and enjoys the show. In Mexico no one can hear you scream for help. The best horror movie of 2013/14

  16. Hey Chivis do you know more info about the 16 Gulf Cartel members captured by the GATES today in Ramon Arizpe, Coahuila is a pretty big hit for the few CDG operating in Coahuila.

    Anonimo 04

  17. Havana is working on the cdg bust in Coahuila article

    1. Thanks for the update Abuela

      Anonimo 04

  18. Its not all about dr*gs ..... Its crime , corruption , evil ,and most of all denial.
    The Devil is alive and well in Satan's playground of Mexico.

    "Ahh Mexico , the smell of death permeates from its bowels "

    Through ignorance , corruption , denial , and apathy more poor Mexicans will
    fall victims to armed men in 40 pickup trucks .

    The rich tourist of Mazatlan or Cancun could care less of peon rancher in Nuevo Leon (Most which are probably gone or dead or met the fate of Don Alejo Garza Temez).

    "Mexico is a whorehouse where the revolutionary ideals of your forefathers… are corrupted and sold in alleys by vendors of capitalism"

    Mexico is one big death camp controlled by narco scumbags .

    There is no hero there is no savior forget what you know its just a country that
    has spun out of control.

    The truth ...

    Mexico is seen as a big beach full of tourists drinking margaritas.

  19. "Mexico is a whorehouse where the revolutionary ideals of your forefathers… are corrupted and sold in alleys by vendors of capitalism"

  20. To the person talking about the beheading videos , they probably do exist just as Nazi atrocity newsreels exist but for unknown reasons more and more websites are refusing to post them . Most likely to suppress how inhumane and evil people can be or to just suppress the truth plain and simple . Tourists see Mexican beheading video & tourist no go mexico everyone loses money while people lose there head . All about the $$$$$

  21. @7:59
    Murder, kidnapping and extortion are not principles of Capitalism.

    1. 10:55 but then again they are tools of disruption,when the rabble cries uncle,there they come in their white horses to save the country,by privatizing whatever they like,for all the marbles...

  22. October 30, 2013 at 10:55 PM Hello , unfortunately it is in Mexico .
    That and the silencing of the media , neglect to air on mainstream media in order to keep the tourism $$$$$$$ coming into Mexico it is directly connected to capitalizing off the victims who are dying . And hiding the truth from the world. It involves all kinds of forms of capitalism from , travel carriers to food, to lodging. Buy Mexican & support corruption and the cartels.. No Buch Dich Here. Peace


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