Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 25, 2013

Nuevo Leon youth Confesses to Killing 45 people, he's linked to 79

Borderland Beat
Monterrey - Jorge Domene, spokesman for security in Nuevo Leon, said that elements of the State Investigation Agency (AEI) detained in Monterrey Juan Pablo Vazquez Garza, El Almoloyita, 20, who is linked to 79 murders.

"He confessed to his direct involvement in 45 murders and is related to 34 more in other investigations," the official said at a press conference 

Vasquez Garza was arrested along with Marcela Ortiz Sanchez who is 25 years old.

Both youths were captured as they rode in a van down B. Mitre Street in the colonia Artíclo 27 Constitucional

In the vehicle were found 35 bags of marijuana, 12 mobile phones and 260 pesos, the official said.

He added that the alleged serial killer is a member of a criminal group operating in Tamaulipas and lives in the Valle de Santa Lucía neighboring area. At first he confessed to being involved in 79 murders, including five people in a neighborhood events/meeting room last year as well as the killing of two Transito agents, one from Monterrey and another Escobedo.

According to the State Attorney, Vazquez Garza is also responsible for the murder of two men in the San Bernabé and a table dancer dancer who was abducted in Progreso.

Furthermore, the accused gave information on other members of the criminal organization, already wanted by the state police and the attorney.

The two detainees were taken to the arraignment house to be  further investigated for thirty days while the states attorney fully expects to procure a case and conviction against him.An unnamed Mexican official told CNN that Vasquez belonged to the powerful Gulf Cartel, which has been waging a deadly turf war against the rival Zetas cartel.

The 20-year-old has been in organized crime since the age of 15,  according to AFP, rising through the ranks from an informant to a drug dealer before finally graduating to a hit man.
Mexico has suffered from a wave of drug-related violence, with about 1,000 people a month dying in gangland killings. About 80,000 people have died since 2007 in cartel violence.

Monterrey, the capital of the crime-ravaged state of Nuevo Leon, has recorded 223 homicides so far this year.
In the municipality of Tres Valles, Veracruz, gunmen finalized Daniel Villagomez, former 13-year commander of the municipal police in the parking lot of an elementary school, where he left his son.

According to initial investigations, the child of Lino Daniel Villagomez, 13, was shot twice in the chest, and was admitted to the Regional Hospital, where he was reported in serious condition.

In Acapulco, five homicides were reported in 12 hours, including three in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood, where the victims were between 25 and 30 years old.

While on Chirimoyas Street in Jardin Palmas, the driver of a city bus was assassinated. In Lomas Verdes a murder was reported of an employee at a body and paint shop.

In Chihuahua, authorities reported three persons were killed including a ministerial agent in Ciudad Juarez. He was gunned down outside his home. 

Lasillarota, Policiaca,dailyMail

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  1. Doesn't he know that if he was tortured by police into confession, he needn't go crazy! What did they give him sodium penathol? Death penalty yet Mexico? Surely soon? This lacra doesn't deserve to eat pond scum in jail!

  2. Killing machine before he reaches his 21st birthday! Incredible sociopath otherwise guilt would have overcome him.

  3. pull the kids teeth out and drill into his gums..and then ask him, are you sure it was 79

    1. I'm sure they tortured him to confess. Wether he actually committed the crimes? Who knows. Everyone knows how they do things over there.

    2. This is the golfita that had z40 hiding and running and surrendering to the marinas?no doubt,zetas are toazt,sopa de letras con menudo...

  4. I bet he was framed. Lazy cops just need a scapegoat

    1. I know thats right police just wanna look good they are the dirtiest people in mexico

    2. Face around nose,mouth,chin looks ashen, is is fear,or just the cacaine?eyes look quite gone,,how spaced out was he?

    3. Just stay out of Texas

  5. what an outstanding member of the community..

    1. 11:20am. No kidding. His family must be so proud that their son is a psychopath, coldblooded killer. He's 20. Any guesses on if he's convicted how much prison time? I'm betting on 10 years max. Thanks for the story Havana. Love and prayers to our sweetheart Chivis! Peace,Texas Grandma.

  6. He got the crap beat out of him, and was force to sign a confession. Who confesses to that? Bullshit as cops.

  7. They'll probably spank him and send him home with 40 hours of litter pick up.

  8. 20 years old is not a "youth." He took out a table dancer??? Take away his man card....

  9. I swear they should put him out of his misery for all the misery he has been involved in. Linked 79 deaths. So many people upset by those losses of life! Every life is loved by usually by many probably this loser too. Less today than before he was caught.

  10. 13-year commander of the municipal police

  11. ... and the guys reaping the big profits in the drugs trade - the politicians, the generals, the bankers, the prison-police-security complex - are laughing ALL THE WAY ... the cartels are nothing but their instruments which is why these so-called public authorities ARE AGAINST LEGALISATION

    1. Against legalization of the death penalty for crooks in high government positions and their acolytes

  12. How could someone be human and go so wrong. His relatives must wonder. Or maybe they blame it on a rogue priest. Or gringo missionary.

  13. good boy good boy no punishment necessary you behave like the rest of mexicans we will award you fucked up country no justice seems the higher echolon are complicit

  14. I heard kids in the US think they are sicarios from playing too much GTA and listening to corridos?? It was a segment on a radio show..

  15. 1:50PM-I surely will tell her Texas Grandma, and I wouldn't be surprised if she starts chiming in here herself before very long. Who knows she may have done so already. I stepped away from this entry and went to eat.

    We always say your comments make us smile. So, if I haven't thanked you before I will now. I really appreciate them immensely. Honestly, I appreciate most all the comments cause I know it takes time. But some can really can make a day.

    On to this mega-creep's sentence? Ummmmmm? It could be more than that but it depends on so much. The cynical, realistic side of me says 10-15.

    1. Havana,is it true that you use a stepladder to climb to your shoes?

  16. He will get 10 years max.
    Peace; texas grandpa

  17. That's the one good thing about the US, if you kill a bunch of people you never get out of prison & a lot of States still have the death penalty. That young guy has no soul.

  18. Acapulco goes hard!!!!!mafia runs the show go and ask for some you they will raid your room blow your brains out..

  19. Knowing Mexico they will receive 10 years each.

  20. Why is everyone down on this guy? They were probably 79 fuckers that needed to die. I mean, come on, when you look at Mexico, how many more need to get killed? A lot. The guy was doing a social service.

  21. If he did those horrific deeds .... The Manson spree was no comparison to what happens in Mexico . And yet there are books and books and movies
    and law studies about Manson Murder spree. Again , nothing compares to
    little mexico

  22. Dude is a serial killer,sad thing is Mexico is full of serial killers.Cartel members kill for fun nd they enjoy it,serial killers kill for fun nd they enjoy..see the connection??

    1. Cartels kill for money,greed is # 1 vice,absolutely secondary to drugs,they have all the money,and keep on killing,can't retire either,just keep going till they end in Jail or dead...

  23. @ 9:48 AM I agree, nice way to ask questions =)

  24. Cool guy, now he is electable. Only 45, he find more poor people to kill.

  25. The one thing I've never understood about criminals in Mexico, why do you all so readily give up every crime you've committed since being slapped on the ass? If I was ever caught and questioned I would ask them what I'd done in my past then they would have to prove every little detail without word one from me, except for maybe spitting on the sidewalk. I certainly would not be singing about killing all these people then telling thing about the people who I suppository broke bread with and been friends with, kinda chicken shit if you ask me. Killing innocent people in my book should get you executed in the first place, but to be a rat in my book is as low as a child molester and if I was in on it you would receive a welcoming any molester would. It's funny, rats always try to swim when the ship is going down and they feel safe till a hand comes out and holds them down, then the choke on the water.

  26. he killed other no good souls. so in reality i dont see anything bad to it POETIC JUSTICE!

  27. Let him rot in prisonn forever. He is souless!

  28. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
    A beautiful day for a neighbor would
    You be mine, could you be mine,
    Won't you be my neighbor ?

  29. I can't believe how many of you are just buying this. Guy is a high level sicario & selling retail in Monterrey? C'mon, the cops are just doing some book-keeping. Kid probably got ordered to do the time or die. Whole story screams bullshit.

    1. No it doesn't scream bullshit. But there are a few unanswered ?'s. Who said anything about him buying retail. He could have been doing anything with that. It doesn't mean he bought it. Or are you saying they are pinning a bunch of murders on him. Why would s fee more matter? Maybe.

    2. The more the golfas look bad,it proves the zetas are good boys,and that might get z40 released.all or most of it pura propaganda comunista...

  30. Y arriba la Letra pinches Golfas! Cartel de Monterrey alias el CDN cartel del Norte limpiando al hermoso estado de Nuevo Leon regios unidos contra los pinches golfos de mierda pinches golfas tienen a puros cabrones de Campche San Luis y Oxaca peliando la plaza de Nuevo Leon puro CDN y Z culeros de mierda 100 porciento regios

  31. He looks creepy, like Jack Helloween

  32. Look he got even bigger and is a creepy gulfa on top of it all! Creeeeepy!

  33. silla electrica ahora now not tomorrow him and every other scum bag that are hurting the mexican inocent people


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