Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Feds Disarm 3000 Auto Defensa Members as they enter Apatzingán for Protest-Attacked by CT

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat
UPDATE: New and better video of what transpired at bottom...

Auto defense groups (community police), with over 3000 members  from various municipalities arrived at Apatzingán, in the early hours of  Saturday, to stage a protest against organized criminal groups.  As they arrived at the city they found a containment had been created by federal police troops blocking entry into the city. 
Reports claimed that the feds were falsely advised there would be a conflict and that was the purpose of the auto defensas arrival, which is why they sought to disarm the group in order to avoid a blood spill.  
Hipolito Mora and José Manuel Mireles, leaders of the auto defense groups, explained they came to  Apatzingán, a stronghold of Caballeros Templarios,  to revalidate their repudiation to the climate of insecurity and anxiety, perpetuated by organized Crime to the inhabitants of the region.
The leaders along with other activists spoke  with State and Federal members of the armed forces, PF and Governments, requesting that they be allowed to go in armed, because of the obvious threat to their security to enter the city without them in a possible attack.  The request was firmly denied.
They proceeded to the main plaza with their cartulinas and banners to protest and at that time were fired upon.

The video below begins with footage from the attack, followed by Dr. Mierles.  the video has  the translated narrative, translated for BB by J.Lopez. (huge thanks my friend) 

In the video Dr. Jose Mireles gives the account of what happened in his words.
The  man tin the photo below, is being  held by angry defense members.  Members say the man is the Caballeros Templarios collector of cuota or tax.  He further angered the crowd by refusing to show his face to the camera, prompting them to physical force his face to turn and ace the camera. (Click to enlarge image)

 Video  includes interview with Dr. Mireles and attack footage

We got there late because we had to talk a lot with the Army , as they were not going to let us pass with our weapons. In fact, they didn’t let us pass until we agreed that we were only going to do a march for the freedom of Apatzingán. And they guaranteed that nobody would attack us. They disarmed all of us, and 3,000 of us came in our pickups on a dirt road that goes to the traffic circle/plaza at Chabgo. There was nothing there. Fortunately, there, we detained the guy in charge of collections on the plaza, from right here in Apatzingán. With the Los Templarios mafia. We still have him detained.
We got here and went to look at the Sales de Ahuacapan and came back without any problem until we established ourselves outside the Apatzingán municipal government building, in front of the house where the 1814 Constitution was signed.

It turns out that I came here to the radio station one half block from there to deliver my message about the march/meeting for the liberation of Apatzingán, and just as we were finishing my message, we began to hear bomb blasts, grenade blasts. They were launching grenades at us from the roof of the cathedral.
Stopped and Disarmed
We had already informed the Army that we had received reports of snipers on the cathedral, because somebody had seen them carrying rifles, and that there were also snipers on top of the municipal government building. We informed the Army and they told us not to worry, that they were Army personnel.

That's when we got there and parked our trucks outside the main square. And I began calling on the radio I have in my truck, telling people to settle down, that we are not criminals, we don't murder anybody, and that we are never going to become that which we are fighting against.

So, we were right here and we heard the bomb blasts and machine gun fire, and it turns out that the attack begins big time. Fortunately, there were a lot of federal and military personnel around the plaza and they were the ones who responded to the attack. They are still responding to it. There are still grenade explosions and sporadic gunfire, and you can hear them all the way here, where we are hiding inside the radio station.

But we are worried. An ambulance, on our side, just went by to the local hospital because there were some of our men... Although the grenades, thank God, did not fall in the direction that our demonstration was being held. If even one of those grenades they are shooting at us hits among us, it could easily kill 50 of us.

I think there has only been 3 wounded, one seriously and two with minor injuries, but we're waiting for a report. So we are still here, we cannot leave. It is a difficult situation for us because they did not let us keep our weapons to defend ourselves with, and now that we are being attacked, we cannot defend ourselves.

Fortunately, I repeat, there is a lot of Army and federal presence here, and they are the ones who are carrying out the defense at this time, Priscilla.

--Dr. Mireles, these three persons who have been reported as wounded, are they members of the self-defense groups, residents of Apatzingán, or members of organized crime?

It is only three of our men who were there to one side of the little plaza. One of the grenades hit right on the head of one of the monuments that is in the center of the Plaza de la Constitucion (Constitution Square). It's all we know... but the Army and the federals have taken charge. But we are still scared because we have done nothing wrong and we know we are easy targets for these people. We don't know if the Army hit any of the aggressors when they responded. We don't know because we are cooped up in here. I don't have any information, Priscilla, and as soon as I have any I will inform you so you can take the story and broadcast it.

With this, it is clear that we have all the support possible from the Mexican Army and the federals, but it's not the same as allowing us to defend ourselves. If they allow us to defend ourselves, we know who they are, the ones who want to murder us, finish us off, and we cannot defend ourselves from them.

Fortunately, they (Army) are responding to the aggression, but like a high ranking commander said, "We know we cannot arrest any of you while...If you were to deliver a Templario to me and were to tell me, 'Commander, this is a Templario,' I will take him and I will turn him loose because there are no arrest warrants. But if it happens in the middle of an attack, we can intervene."
And they are proving that they are here, intervening, Priscilla, thank God.

-- Dr. Mireles, this person that you said was detained, was he the plaza boss for the Caballeros Templarios in Apatzingán?

No, he's not the plaza boss, he's the guy that collects the cuotas. The plaza boss from here in Apatzingán was wounded on Saturday, early in the morning last Saturday. Not yesterday, today, but a week ago. That plaza boss is called; they call him "El Puma". In that attack that he carried out against our positions in San Juan de los Platanos, somebody wounded him and he left his pistol there on the ground, which one of my cousins now carries around like a war trophy. It is difficult for us to believe that a plaza boss will come out to attack one of our small ranches/villages.
It tells us that they have very few people left or that they cannot find anybody who will join them. But right now, we are seeing that, sadly, the only ones who are unarmed are us, we who just want to defend ourselves, and those gentlemen have grenade launchers, ground-to-air missiles, they carry what the people around here call "Chinese sticks", bazookas, and they have the famous M-50 and M-60 rifles, Priscilla. That's the situation we are seeing here, that we, the ones who are trying to defend ourselves, are the only ones who are unarmed.

Those people have been in control of Apatzingán for so long, yet nobody has managed to disarm them, Priscilla.

-- Dr. Mireles, explain to us, please, what's the reason the self-defense forces are in Apatzingán, why did they come to the city?

Look; for three months, some people have been sending us petitions for support. They think that with our presence the town will unite and create its own self-defense forces. Based on 3,000 requests, we came here, to try to provide support. We were only going to do a march, a demonstration, in which we would commit ourselves, if less than 50% of the population of Apatzingán got together, we would go back to our municipalities (towns). But if more than 50% of the population came together, they would stay and protect their own towns. We were never going to stay and protect their towns.

We came in support of the Apatzingán uprising, that's all, Priscilla. That is our motto, that the people should protect themselves, but with our support and with a federal presence. That's the situation. We had planned only a peaceful march, a demonstration. I personally made phone calls all around the city from my pickup, inviting the people of Apatzingán to join the fight for the liberation of Michoacán from organized crime. That we would no longer allow, cuotas, no more executions, no more kidnappings, no more rapes, no more extortion, you understand? That's what we are promoting here, based on the requests from those persons.  

Sadly, we see that after those bomb blasts, well, the people of Apatzingán who were afraid of rising up (against crime), well, they are even more scared to rise up now. Let's hope the federal government assumes its responsibilities to... what's that printed on their vehicles? "Protect and serve" the community. They haven't left us alone, I repeat, and they are confronting the criminals who have been attacking us since 3:30.

-- Dr. Mireles, you were in the center of the city, that is, on the main square in Apatzingán, when you were suddenly attacked...

Our people were concentrated there. Exactly a short half-block from the plaza, from the city hall (municipal palace), is the radio station where I went to deliver my message, the traditional message I give when I arrive at a city. So people wouldn't be afraid... Look at what I was telling them!! "Come, don't be afraid, because the Army and the feds have brought agents from the Public Ministry so you can file your complaints (denunciations), and that this time they will arrest the criminals. That's the agreement we have with the high commands of these organizations."

We were summoning the people to come and file their criminal complaints because only with a claim, a denunciation, could they issue arrest warrants.

But fortunately for us, and unfortunately for the people of Apatzingán, they started this attack with grenades, with M-50 and M-6- rifles, and M-40 grenade launchers. Then, all the panorama changes. Then, we have to stay in Apatzingán to help the Army, to clean up, as long as it takes, while the people of Apatzingán come together and consolidate their own self-defense. 

-- Dr. Mireles, then, for now, that is, do you intend to stay in the City of Apatzingán permanently?

After this attack, we have to stay here until the people of Apatzingán itself complete their armed uprising and the people assume their self-defense, Priscilla. That has been our policy. We are not invaders; we simply came because of a call for an armed uprising of the people of Apatzingán.
-- Dr. Mireles, are you the only member of the self-defense council there, or are there other council members representing La Ruana, Buenavista...?

No! All the representatives from Aguililla, Coalcoman, Chimicuila,... Aguila, Buenavista, La Ruana... From my city, almost all of the city council is here, not just myself. That is, there are 3,00 of us who came to lend support.
Priscilla, there are 13 (?) other military vehicles arriving here at the plaza. We are looking at them from our position here, and there are helicopters flying over all the buildings looking for snipers and those guys with grenades. I hope they arrest all of them. Those people attack in groups, Priscilla, that's what we have seen during the eight month period that ended October 24. They attack and run, attack and run. Generally, they always leave us some weapons and some of their bodies. But, for sure, they never leave their wounded behind, Priscilla.

[Script appears on screen]

Well, that's all, Priscilla; We have the same need, that I've been begging for for eight months, an angel, we need ambulances. We don't have a way to transport the people who [are wounded] in these attacks. And today, it was worse because we did not have weapons.

They are attacking the civilian populations and we don't have an ambulance with which to transport them. Now, those three that were taken to the hospital, well, there's a risk that they will go and attack them there in the hospital, which is on the same street, Avenida de la Constitucion de 1814, the main avenue in Apatzingan.
We've already sent some of our units there to the hospital, Priscilla, but we don't have weapons, Priscilla. We don't have them because they did not allow us to bring them. But we are keeping an eye on it, Priscilla.

I repeat: I wish that a real angel..., because, it's true, after I talk with you, I get a lot of calls that, "I'm going to donate an ambulance." If I had all the ambulances that they have offered me, I'd have more than a hundred, like I told you last time. But, up to now, we don't even have one wheel. That's what so sad, it's a shame that we live in some very productive, populous cities and there isn't even one adequate health vehicle for us.

But we are in Apatzingán now. That's precisely what we wanted: to take the City of Apatzingan, support the uprising in Apatzingan. So we can at least free that, at least the hospitals, Priscilla.

-- Well, Dr. Mireles, we will broadcast your message in the hope that some good person with the financial resources can help you with that ambulance that you have been requesting for so long. And we ask most respectfully if you would be so kind as to keep us informed on all that is happening there in Apatzingán. Thank you, Dr. Mireles, for granting us this interview.

Yes, Priscilla. Thank you.


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  1. word from the reo grande front lines
    although i get word to all my local news stations of all the goings on in Mexico very little of what i inform them about ever makes it to the nightly news.
    the lesson here is that when these things start happening in the usa i hope you realize that when the citizens rise up the leos and military will be disarming us and not the cartels.

  2. Thank you chivis for the post and keep on eye on apatzingan michoacan because
    There are more going on there as i speak and well if the comunitarios manage to take control of apatzingan thats going to be a key element to destroy cts because thats their stronghold city

  3. Heeeey chivis i why dont you rename the title of this post to make more interting i think if you say or post it like 3000 self defense men enter apatzingan to help local citizen push them out the town you will have more people reading this very intersting article im just saying trying to help

  4. The Autodefensas are the single biggest threat to the mexican narco-state since they represent people taking power into their own hands which amounts to nothing less than a revolution.
    The 'Occupy'-movement is exactly the same albeit on a minuscle scale in comparison to the mexican Autodefensas.

  5. wow this "Doctor" is trying to "take the city of Apatzingan"? Also he tried to say that now they have to stay there to help the army clean up? haha yea Im sure the army needs all your help....I think they are crossing a line here, its one thing to protect your own town but now he is saying they wanted to "take the city" and they are going to stay there?......I would def support La Tuta before this dude

    1. Then u r one big guey. You have no idea , and i doubt u ever lived in Mexico to gove succh dumbass opinion. U need to read more on Dr. Mireles.

    2. Dude if you read the article theyre going to be there only in support la tuta would put you on the front line to get killed he doesnt care bout you

    3. 3:47 you really are one chicken ass.
      The state "feared"violence and disarmed the polecia comunitaria using the army for that purpose.
      the governor of the state and the puta tuta's wives are sisters,that proves that they acted in cahoots.
      the terrorist acts will be the end of the "governor" and the influence of the tuta the puta barata,maybe if you chicken ass go help your pimp tuta the puta,he may last one more minute!

  6. Templarios cobardes!!!

  7. What did he mean they went there to revalidate their repudiation- to reaffirm their stance against the CTs like anyone thought they were changing that opinion! Is that what that means ? I'm ESL and the dictionary was nlah, nlah, nlah! Thank you scholars. I use BB to study English too

    1. Revalidate,to profess once again their movement to friend and foe.
      putting their ass on the line,ready to pay if need be as shown.they exibited the government and their complicity with the cabelleras kagadas.
      Polecia comunitaria wins, again...

  8. Nobody is disarming shit in usa

    1. We have too many ppl in u.s.a that would fight and die for the 2nd amendment!!

    2. Nobody threatens the 2nd amendment.
      The "improved"readings and misinterpretations are what threatens the country as a whole and are definitely being used by enemies of the state,who duly brainwash the robots that conform "their" militia.
      nowhere the promoters of the weaponization of America recognize who the commander in chief is,nor the need for regulations.their whole behaviour is consistent with ENEMIES OF THE STATE.
      all you can deduce from the massive histeria is that the Winders need their standing army ready and on call for their very own all American beer hall putsch,together with the neo-nazi teabaggers drunk on nazi tea.
      I firmly believe that when it comes to that,the real America will defeat its enemies,only it may be quite more expensive.does anybody remember what the access to power of hitler's small minority cost the Germans and the world?
      PS.the eager beaver has been quite silent,sorry for the apoplexy!

    3. The police statists in D.C. Are pushing for the disarming of all non uniformed Americans. Mexican citizens who have taken up arms in defense of their homes and families are being oppressed by a government on one side and a criminal element equally bad on the other. Pushed to the limit, anyone should do the same. North Americans are faced with the same oppression, and surrounded by foolish believers in the leftists- fascist lies. Old titles do not apply to the present administration in the USA. Supporting terrorists in nations around the world, the Obama government seeks to overrule any constitutional government, to become a kleptocracy that Mexico is only a crude model. Viva Constitutionalistas in todo el mundo

    4. Waaah,waaah,wa!The nazi-fascista right wing nuts, prove that the nazi tea the teabaggers feed them is no coffee,and that it is dangerous,to themselves and to others,luckily,in America they don't have much chance of success,like the marxist-leninist-socialist, communist,they will be just a bad moment in our history,Obama care may help them with their mental problems...
      truly yours. PhD, with a masters on BS.

    5. Constitutional cleptocrats are the ones with the biggest government contracts, which basically constitute corporate welfare.for them contracts,the contractors will resort to the most underhanded tactics,like inventing imaginary weapons of mass destruction...who of them would make the top 40? answer me!

  9. Ya los train por el culo templarios. sus actos cobardes solo hacen k la gente mas los odie. Sigan atacando el pueblo y veran que les carga la chingada.

  10. Here is some more info on the story from informador.

    Here's another. Looks like CT tried carryout several simultaneous attacks to take out power to several cities with molotov cocktails.

  11. 11:34 pm
    I can't see a time in the US where any city would be so under attack by organized crime that people would take up arms and form a peoples army. I know there are whacko radical guards on the border and you are right an army would disarm them before cartels would kill 'em and steal the weapons. All about protecting the innocent american from right wing nut jobs.

  12. putaaaaa, i mean tutaaaaa don't be a coward, those people were unarmed, why don't you put your stupid made in china helmet and face them with out guns, i guess you don't have the balls to do it

    1. i guess u the balls to talk sh.. but not to put your name here?????

    2. 12:41 le hablan al moco y sale el tapon.
      That is the idea,just like you we are all anonimous chicken asses,why don't you post your name and address to put together the army of the HOMBRES BIGOTUDOS FIGHTING FOR THE PUTA TUTA? maricones for the pimp!!!

  13. ignorant
    First off, he is a physician, a low paid surgeon who works at a clinic
    He was NOT trying to take any city, educate yourself, and they have worked with the fed police for months. Clean up means getting CT...which they have successfully don in their cities. and has been done in other places such as Jalisco since the 90's. In Jalisco crime was slashed by 80% since mid 90s

    1:34AM...THANK YOU...good thinking. I changed it

    1. Chivis i honestly think that this should be done all over the country because nowdays people have lost the sense of belonging to a comunity and i have seen that this movement are bringing the people of towns together and reviving community moral values what do you think chivis

    2. Way to go chivis tell em.

  14. Chicago is under attack

  15. Chivis your hot, I liked tha pic

    1. Chivis I am confused,that you or havana.
      too much rimmel around the eyes,but,does she bite,looks like a "vibora the cascabel" if you know what I mean,thanx for the pretty sights anyway!!!!!!!!

  16. You need to follow up on the terror attacks throughout the state Saturday night:

  17. 1:34, are you really serious regarding supporting Tuta? The difference between the army, police, etc., and the community guard is that the community guard would actually fight rather than cooperate with criminal elements, as police and other officials are known to do.

  18. Feds disarm 3000 Auto Defensa Members that are fed up with the way things are going in Mex. These fools are disarming the wrong people. Once they have disarmed the last person they will leave. Once there is no sign of government help, the true criminals will slaughter the people that are trying to defend itself.. Something is clearly wrong here...

    1. The army is under orders from ABOVE.
      disarming the polecia comunitaria is the order from pena nieto,who is in cahoots with the governor who is married to the sister of the puta tuta's wife.
      Dr mireles has more people and will get the job done if a pedradas,reason and justice are with him,he and his people have more balls than epn ever will...

  19. The army is corrupt. The law enforcement is corrupt throughout and they had the ignorance to surrender their weapons? I see a mass execution in the night.

    1. 3:29 the good Dr mireles is not military, maybe the next time he will set his perimeter right,if you can notice,the federales and the army did not kill or attack,they just disarmed,the kabelleras cagadas have killed quite a few of them,so I have an itching to say while they followed orders a little as possible and there were losses,Dr mireles wins once again.Mexico next? pray pray pray...

  20. 3:47AM Is a pathetic person who obviously don't know the situation. Claiming he will support "tuta" before this doctor. If only more people will would follow his lead Michoacan will be a free and peace state. Best wishes on the battle vs CT and viva un Mexico liber de extorsion.

    White Lobster

    1. White lobster,for once you are right,I suspect you are a cucaracha,but you are on the right side on this! welcome!

  21. Dr Mirales is an Angel.

    1. EXTRAA,EXTRAA! I did not know the actin' governor was removed and the real governor of michuacan has been reinstated?I missed the news,confirm...

  22. yes , simultaneously there were 112 other attacks in mich. power substations destroyed and 2 petros.

    I had the information included in this post but was waiting for another video that I did not receive. It was BAD. of course the attack on auto defense was planned as a deterrent of attention to conduct the other attacks. we will have a post up tonight.

  23. There are two intellectually-honest debate tactics:

    1. pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts
    2. pointing out errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic

    name calling is not intellectually-honest. ie whacko radical guards and protecting the innocent american from right wing nut jobs.

    Name calling: debater tries to diminish the argument of his opponent by calling the opponent a name that is subjective and unattractive;

    if you won't listen to "right wing nut jobs" maybe you will feel more comfortable if you hear it from "left wing liberals" oops i lowered myself to your level, sorry.
    What Is NorthCom Up To? excerpt Army Times magazine 1st Brigade Combat Team “They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control,” said the Army Times.
    to end i offer you three words to google northcom canada civil . also try us navy seal Ben Smith

    1. EAGER BEAVER,I love how your learned posts get in before mine,even before I post them,even if they don't get in,you are really something,EAGER BEAVER...of Troy?

    2. aaw haaw! the popo princess just up and became aware,the bad news is you do not speak for myself,and you are not going set the parameters of intellectual honesty,sister.
      as for "sinking to my level",it will be a while because I am nobody's bitch,robotized on nazi tea.while I support the armed forces of the us,and the sacrifices of its members,I don't want to dwell too much in the particular philosophies of each single individual,their service speaks loud enough for me,and I absolutely refuse to hide my reactionary ideology behind their service and sacrifices, unlike some well learned thinkers of our days...can't dedicate this to you only but here it goesEB

    3. PS I do lissen to all kind of wing nuts,I have tried hard to find the merits in their discourse,finally decided to recognize the poppycock for what it is and be more selective,there is both rightista and leftista
      wing nuts,and they both know each other, never do they see the wing nut in themselves...2EB

    4. If norcom would be aproblem Alec may be working at making up laws to neutralize them,just like they make up laws to neutralize the opposition ,enhance their chances to take power by any means necessary and push the rabble off the table, as stealthily as needed,but relentlessly...

  24. Dr. Mireles is hitting the CT where it hurts. After the shootout, the CT organized a "popular protest", with its goons screaming about how these "autodefensas" were simply armed criminals. Although the speaker, El Tito, didn't explain how the self defense groups could shoot anybody in Apatzingan when the Army took their weapons. Also, Tito didn't explain who had been launching grenades and shooting at people on the plaza. The only reason it wasn't a massacre is because the army and federal police were there. The local cops simply disappeared from the scene.

    1. 9:16 tito el putito,the son of la puta tuta?

  25. 3000 pissed of people you stronhold la puta. put ur plastic helmet on a ride of into the sunset. Your shitty cartels facing extinction

  26. So you think, October 28, 2013 at 9:35 PM. The NSA is already spying on you and no one in the US gives a fuck. They are all watching TV and think you're a terrorist.

  27. On that day according to mr mireles interview there was a shoot out in naranjo de chila 13 people died 1 member of the communitarian police and 12 cts

  28. CT had a hissy fit, cut power, & blew up some gas pumps? So childish.

  29. I'm afraid to say it but I think its ambush against auto defense group..I think the army is in on it..all that shooting and vigilance and they have not controlled the city yet.. how long does it take an army to kill low life narcos..I think the army will eventually leave and the auto defense group will be left alone with no weapons..

  30. @ 7:19...hmmmm I hear the marching of revolution :)
    actually they would be arrested if municipalities tried this all over the country. The constitution only protects the right to self govern if you are indigenous communities.

    @ Oct 28th ..6:38AM
    Don't that it so literally, of course the stance is adversarial towards CT. What they wanted to establish is the reasons why. Most likely lack of security and crimes by narcos against the people.

  31. 11:46 fangs my friend :)

    I don't know why the confusion, I am confused over the confusion.

    The photo is me.

    Taken last December at the medical facility I go for treatments.

    Did you really expect the viejita with the birthday cake of a hundred candles?


    1. Thanx for the effort,we know mind readers don't need much else..but then again,we do!

    2. La novia del Pueblo,con los originales de San Juan/you tube

  32. Well well well Chivaaa! now we your grammar slaying sicarios know for sureu,you are pretty,I am happy you don't look like hermelinda linda,or like you wear a corona de lagrimas,but do you bite? I'll get you a new broom if you answer.
    thanks for answering you do not disappoint, someday you will see mine! I need to work on my computer skills to catch up with you...I'm a total chundaro right now about computers.xoxoxo!

    1. @ chivis.hope you recover well and in godspeed and thank god u dont look like la chucky! Lol!

  33. Chivas: please do not let your site become a posting place for the leftists who support the U.S. police state. The independence and freedom of all Americans, north, central and south, are threatened by the present chicago based gun runners in washington d.c. The independant constitutionalists are being tagged here as threats and we all know that free people must defend themselves.

    1. 5:17 freedom of expression,for you and me.
      Guy running to Mexico started under dubya,drug trafficking through Texas was greatly improved thanks to the friendship of Texas governor then president George w bush with governor yarrington of tamaulipas the benefit of the NRA and us weapons manufacturers that wanted some of that narcos money...sorry!

    2. Dude you still think there are countries and usa is the dominant one really please man how stipid are you . Let me tell you something super man and santa clous are not real yeees man they are not ok sooo are the soverenty of countries it looks like it is but is just a illusion that the real owners of this world give you so you and i do not revel against them next time you have to vote for your the president of your " country " sell your matherfucking vote to whoever pay you the most bacause trust me it is worthless now that you now that let me just tell you something else cds is goint to be the winner of this drugwar in mexico not because they are better than the other cartes but they are already working for the real big drug cartel .

    3. The police state,set up by the founding fathers who put their good names,their worldly posessesions and their lives at the service of their nation (not a paltry 13.2% of 4% of their income),caught and erased the name of the first of the biggest traitors
      American revolutionary hero:
      aaron burr and erased his name on orders
      from the commander in chief, president George Washington.
      for collaborating with the British...

  34. @ boring and unfair it would be to only post comments with opinions that are one with mine. We would become MSNBC :) see how well that has worked for them.

    Ideology censorship is wrong and dangerous, have faith in your philosophy, state your opinion and why, if one is respectful people will listen. Minds are opened in that way.

    We allow all opinions in, if they do not overtake topic
    and stays within rules - especially personal attacks, writing in all caps, and certain words that are bigoted or racial in nature etc

    So many great and informative comments are ruined by strong sexual overtone or derogatory words.

    IMPORTANT: this is a good time for people to be reminded,,,when you reply to a comment, write the time or date and time or user name or no one will know who you are addressing the comment to. It will not show up when posted only to the moderator. A flaw IMO..I wonder why blogger doesn't address that, but it is what it is, if you want to talk directly to the sure he knows it is him you are speaking to by tagging his comment time and if applicable date.


    1. Just let them pass and post chivis we are trying to improve the discourse.who said
      a las palabras hay que quitarles los calzonespara que...?Gabriel Garcia Marquez? XOXOXO

    2. Chivaaaa! Some bloggers trying to supress my freedom of expression,can't and won't address their preaching directly to the offender,because it backfired previously.
      Thanks a million for the opportunity I've been afforded,I hope we'keep trying to clean the cowebs off our eyes with the better information. XOXOXO!

  35. The good doctor has a lot of courage to speak and appear in public. He has to know it's only a matter of time that he is assassinated. But then again, even if we live a full life, we stand on earth but briefly, better to affect positive change even if it kills us.

  36. Michoacán is the only state in Mexico where narcotics is not allowed for sell. Why because, Michoacan has more moral values then all the other states put together. The killings and beheading come with the job description. If Michoacán doesn't supply the devils addiction someone else will. 100% CALIDAD SI VIENE DE mICHOACAN. Caballeros Templarios have rules and guidelines they have to abide by. No alcohol and absolutely no drugs. CT is the only cartel in Mexico that has this superior rules. All the other crime orginizations have so much envy of the quality drugs Michoacán produces that's why they want to move in to Michoacán territory. Dr. mareles is probably in cahoots with cjng. If someone else moves in, then the quality will diminish. MICHOACAN doesn't get high on their own supply.

    All the other cartels(cjng, zetas) that are not from Michoacán, Prior to doing any kind of operation have to get high to complete any task because they have no valor. That's chicken shit. When they wake up in the morning they have to get their fix. cjng and zetas are drug addicts with guns. They simply have no business model like the Michoacanos. That's the way it is. The Michoacanos run their drug operations like a multi-billion forbes company. Michoacanos strictly export and do not consume drugs. Don't hate the Michoacanos, hate the game. Or simply don't do drugs.

    The problem lies within the people who consume the product not the Michoacanos supplying the drugs. If thiers a market for drugs then Michoacán is going to step up to the plate and do what it does best produce the worlds finest drugs period.

  37. 6:50 Otro pendejo.looking here guey, how many murders that the people of your sainctly state has suffered can be attributed to drugs? all of them,land grabs,murders, kidnappings, extortion,the prostitution of the women from michuacan(I know quite a few)all of that for greed
    the sin of too many michuacas,greed should be a crime,for the criminals,greed is their god,that is the worst crime,and the people of michoacan will make their tormentors pay,and pay,and pay...


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