Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Templarios Blow Up 18 Power Substations-Death Toll Rises from Apatzingán Shootout

Chivis Martínez for Borderland Beat
Havana is working on a more detailed report which will be up later.....I wanted to post a  recap for now, as the story continues to generate updates....(afternoon update new video posted)
Just passed midnight Saturday, Caballeros Templarios used Molotov Cocktails to simultaneously blow up and destroy at least 18 power plants substations in Michoacán causing massive blackouts affecting over 1M people.  Then in the cover of darkness, they torched petrol stations and residences.
Six petrol stations were destroyed.

Authorities from the state prosecutor’s office, who initially reported no deaths, today reported at least 5 were killed in the shootout occurring on Saturday at the city hall  in  Apatzingán.

They gave an age range of the dead as late teens to early twenties, but claimed not to know what group the deceased  men belonged to.

Credible, but unconfirmed reports, from  libre social networks said  that CT had hired young people to infiltrate the auto defense planned protest to cause havoc that would lead to a massive shootout causing a large number of casualties among the auto defense 3000 member group attending the protest.  Initially, reports stated the large federal presence was in place because they had received word from the state that the auto defense group was coming and they feared violence. 

Social media has reported from the onset of the CT plan backfiring, as they wanted the defense group to be disarmed, but never expected as many federal elements being deployed so disbanded their original plan due to the large federal contingent.  Which explains why the attack was relatively mild considering what may have occurred.  The feds were quick to respond when gunfire erupted. 

Supposedly, this was a massive plan to cause major disruption in the city and blame criminal acts on the auto defense group.

Late this evening citizens were informed, via SDR reports, that CT had taken over gas stations and demanded identifications of patrons to single out defense members and kidnap them.  Other disruptions included large numbers of taxis being robbed.

These attacks have created great terror in Apatzingán. Accordingly, tomorrow schools and all  shops will be closed until further notice. 

Although throughout the weekend authorities were firm that there were no casualties, Dr. Mierles has contended from the onset of Saturday's violence there were deaths and injuries, through trusted sources he estimated 13 killed, all belonging to Caballeros Templarios.  Dr. Mierles stated that CT is know for taking, at least in part,  their injured and  dead to cause confusion. 

The auto defense had been disarmed, however CT gunmen had stashed weapons throughout the main plaza, said to be with the assistance of the municipal police. 

Federal sources had disarmed municipal police and they had largely fled the city.  The shootout was between federal forces and CT.
Federal authorities are increasing  presence by additionally sending hundreds police and militars to reinforce security in the region. In the midst of the outbreak of violence, Governor, Fausto Vallejo, resumed duties after a long illness on Friday.
"The only thing we can conclude ... is that the organized criminals are winning the battle against federal and state authorities," Miguel Angel Chavez, head of the opposition National Action Party, told the Quadratin news agency, adding that the violence of the last 24 hours was a terrorist attack.
Eduardo Sanchez, Federal Security Affairs spokesman, said three men had been arrested in connection with the attacks on the substations and two additional men killed in a shootout with military forces.    This raised the official count for the related events to 7.


Below: Citizens record attack on substation of CFE in
colonia de Sol, La Pierdad, Michoacán

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  1., in a story dated 10-28-13, quotes Dr. Mireles saying that there were actually 13 deaths, 12 of them Templarios, although the Apatzingan prosecutor's office reported only 5 of those.

  2. I think is stupid to say criminals are winning the battle against the military when all the do is ambush places and then run away. The criminals are desperate and that's why they terrorized the community.

  3. A very sad example how a corrupt government in a two party democracy turns into a failed state. Judging by the latest developments in the US you just wonder how far behind they are in this development given that all the precursor are there (two-party system along with increasing corruption, state control, GINI-coefficient as well as public and private over-indebtedness).

    1. Chivaaa! I'm glad that you can't leave the job alone and you are back at work,since idleness is the root of all evil and vice,I don't think you need anymore vices.
      si quieres tener viejo tienes que chingarle...

  4. Yes chivis according to mr mireles there were 13 people death one belonged to the autodefense group this one was a 16 year old boy in naranjo de chila the rest were cts

  5. 3:17 it is hard to win when you don't know what the problem is,in the us the problem has been trick down economics,since Ronald Reagan,the mouthpiece of the people offshoring as many American jobs as possible,dissapearing as much American money as possible as quickly as possible,devaluating the American money as soon as they get ownership of the companies they buy,infesting any legislation in sight with tricks intended to sabotage the best intentions...
    All these little situations point to a deliberate enemy,raining hell on the whole world,in lockstep with a deliberate plan "to recover for the british crown the colony called the united states"
    as quoted in the testament of Cecil john Rhodes
    DOPE INC.excerpts/ Third World Traveler
    As for the troubles in michoacan,that fucking tuta has just bought a ticket to ride,if he thinks that with acts against the infrastructure the federal government is going to act against the communitary police,he's got another thing coming,the puta tuta nightmare is about to end...
    His fucking histeria has brought his end closer.

  6. at 2:37 AM

    But it's how Mao and Castro started off. The so called drug war, is a not so low level, civil war.

    1. 7:04 the US,the French,and the English, helped Mao,Castro,Stalin,and even hitler at different points in their quest for power,I don't think the cabelleras kagadas are going to have even EL PRESIDENTE PENA NIETO
      on their side,much less the us...count them gone,

  7. @ 3:17 AM

    That's why I'm hoping for a break-up of the republican party.

  8. Welcome to Mogadishu.

  9. Sure, disarm the people. What could go wrong ?

  10. The start of the next Mexican Revolution.

  11. Does Mexican law enforcement ever place undercover's in these groups? It seems like it'd be easy to plant someone, like in The Departed.

  12. Replies
    1. What does chapo have to do with all this ? Chapo doesn't move anything other then Maurijuna... even tho the media makes him feel like his the one in power, when all they are doing is taking heat of the real drug lords, the ones that move the real drugs, like coke, heroin , crack, molly etc... #chapo#a#nobady#

  13. EPN still refuses to send in the milatary eh? what a piece of shit the guy is...

  14. jejeje ...steroids gives a false sense of strength and health!

    My surgery date is tentatively a week from today.

    to the person writing in asking for my Do Alejo article, I am just about finished. It has been a labor of love. The anniversary of hi death is soon, also his 80th birthday...

    1. Chivaaa! guess what,I knew you would be up for it when I brung DON ALEJO GARZA to your attention,thanx.
      your very own grammar slaying sicario

  15. I told u guys it was a trap..federal forces are leaving the area while they send in the corrupt municipal police.. cartels don't shoot at the verdes (army) or vice versa.. It's BS the community police should of just came back another day with guns by their side..

  16. The parasite Tuta aka Puta and his CT garbage are terrified of the rise of the honest and brave citizens.
    Anymore videos of Tuta tha beggar at his lowlife begging best ?

    1. and wat is mireles doing witv all the video thing you stooge

    2. 12:59 Dr mirrors is propagandizing the propagatization of the movement,and he is not hiding in some dark hidden ranch like some lame ass psycho-coward that we k.ow

  17. The worst wars in the Americas: the American Civil war, the Mexican Revolution, the Paraguayan war, La Violencia, the Guatemalan Conflict, Colombian Armed Conflict, Nicaraguan Revolution, Salvadoran Civil War, the Peruvian Armed Conflict, the Dirty War... And now this one!

    Then there's the war that both the bad guys and the "good" guys have been waging against everyone else in the the Americas. They come in the form of: mafias, cartels, gangs, outlaws, corrupt law enforcement, corrupt politicians, trusted professionals, false prophets, cult leaders, military juntas, thugs, bullies, outlaw-bikers, con-men, wiseguys, crooks, thieves, murderers, junkies, opportunists, rioters, hate-criminals of every every race and both genders, abusive spouses, parents, and sometimes even our children.

    It's seems that often the only way to identify the true innocent ones is by their vulnerability, humility, and sadly their higher mortality than that of armed combatants. At least some folks get to die fighting on their feet. Only scum cowards continually harass, oppress, and butcher people who pose no threat to them or anybody else. In all of this WHERE are the Major League Heroes; the ones who refuse to stand by while atrocities like this take place? Answer: Fighting wars with no clear objective, on the other side of the world, and with no end in sight.

    Lets be honest; outside of sites such as BB and a few of us who have a clear perspective of what's really happening, the safer parts of the world of EVERY political affiliation either (A) Don't know, (B) Don't care, (C) Blame this all on immigration policy, and/or (D) Are in denial about the real implications of what's at stake. How many more injustices have to take place?

    1. Gringo campesino,well said but,you are still not there,keep trying,you are getting warm.
      You have many denominations...
      Are you trying to find the common denominator?

  18. y he does not report of the ford raptor that had ppl shooting up in the air and then was parked where the PC trucks were parked? y he dnt report on that

  19. Proof of Christian terrorism.

  20. Damned this shit is dangerous. I pray for the people of Mexico. The army, federales, state and municipal police are all infiltrated. How could anyone trust them these days? I hope the people of Michoacan remain safe.

  21. Where is human dignity in the world today? Too many Neville Chamberlain types and not enough Ernest Hemingway types.
    If Hitler would had Mexico with the beautiful sunny sandy beaches and nice hotels, colonial tourist destinations and henchmen aka narcos . He could have fooled the world with the camouflage of tourism for at least 20 years longer. That's all mexico is now is a death camp from TAMPs, NL, GRO,MICH,SLP,etc. Just bring us your touri$t dollars and Euros to our beautiful beach resorts and beautiful colonial cities while touri$m thrives at a cost of a few 100,000 "ordinary Mexican" lives. THat is why it is not front page news. Money / plata / dinero

  22. Saw an article the other day that Hurricane relief supplies could not be distributed in GRO. because bad guys with guns were taking the trucks with relief supplies . Sad time in Mexico .

  23. What the hell is the EAGER BEAVER reference??????????

  24. Hey Gringo Campesino , good points. ( D) lots of denial.
    & on the War in El Salvador I believe the conflict in Mexico in the past 7 years has exceeded the death toll and missing of El Salvador approx. 75,000 in El Salvador's war.
    Only two factions there and took place during and end of the Cold War with World wide eyes and media focused on El Salvador. Mexico however, Has many different factions from common street thug up to the big guys. And everybody wants a piece of the cake or a Ford F250 4x4 ( Seriously). No worldwide or major media coverage . And of course plenty of denial.

    Firmado y Sellado : Roughrider 1898

  25. Mexico go home. You're drunk.

  26. Long live Don Alejo and México!!! Desde Guadalajara.Dr Mireles is an Angel.

  27. Gringo campesino eres bueno con tus palablas,love you man.

  28. Grammar Slaying Sicario,,,
    it was a great idea, and it has been so interesting. I thought I knew a lot about him, but was pleased to find so much interesting material through public access, radio interviews, noticias and bios. I also accessed noticias from Europe and Latin America to determine what focus they placed on the incident.

    for example Spain...they ignored the event. Only editorials from a few journalists. It is because the country takes a position of anti-guns, because of that they did not run the story, which was much more than about guns.

    Anyway...I hope to have it complete by the weekend

  29. according to pena nieto and the idiots that surround him violence and murders are down,really?Where?In Saturn?Give us all a break,mexico is literary been turned into hell with every second that goes by....Not much left for anyone to do but pray for the Mexican people,because it seems that they are at the mercy of the cartels and politicians(same thing)...

  30. You templario cheerleaders should feel proud of them destroying your own state.

  31. This web site, it goes by the name of Borderland Beat, HAS NOT RESOLVED A THING ¿has it? Has it driven its FOLLOWERS to experience MORE and MORE ...'POWERLESSNESS? '

  32. Apatzingán... wasn't that the town where the Federales killed La Familia's old boss? Why don't they set up a permanent police presence in the town and start using some basic counter insurgency tactics. Now seems like a good time since the local police force just fled. Some places seem to be worth holding on to establishing control over in the Drug War.

  33. 9:07 and May the powerless band together to find out what the problem is and find a solution or two...

  34. Poor,Poor, Mexico & poor Mexicans ...... Mainstream media, worldwide media , no one gives a damn about Mexico or poor Mexicans.
    Dr. Mierles has diplomatically pleaded for international help which no one cares. Believe me , international groups have been notified. Just go to World news its all about Syria & Egypt and Africa. No one gives a f**** about mexico or poor Mexicans . Dissolve them in acid , hang them from over passes, dismember them , creamate them,extort them, rape them & no one gives a damn . Normally I do not make gestures to supreme being. But, God Bless Dr. Mierles and his people and all the poor people that have fallen victim to this mayhem that has taken over Mexico . You tried diplomatically to get your pleas out for help. It fell on deaf ears who could care less . Best of wishes and what is left of hope to you and the Mexican people living in the infierno & silent war.

    Mexico is a whorehouse where the revolutionary ideas of your forefathers
    are corrupted and sold in alleys by vendors of capitalism .
    There are not any Russians and there aint no Yanks
    Just corporate criminals playing with tanks.

    I of all know ... a victim-survivor of violence in Mexico
    Excommunicated from society
    Cyber bullied . All in the name of Human rights & humanity

  35. Viva Dr. Mierles. Viva la nueva revolucion. Es mejor morir de pie que una vida en tus rodillas.

    Longlive Dr. Mierles. Long live the new revolution. It is better to die on your feet than a lifetime on your knees.


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