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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Comunitarios are Greeted in Apatzingán

Borderland Beat

Author: This happened in October 26, 2013 in Apatzingán, but the video recently came out showing alleged Knight Templar (CT) attacking comunitarios or vigilante community police.

Members of vigilante groups from Buenavista and Tepalcatepec were greeted with gunfire on October 26, 2013 as they arrived in Apatzingán to demonstrate against violent crime in the region. As they passed the center of the town one could hear several explosions and bursts of gunfire coming from the Cathedral.

The gunfire prompted people to run in panic and disperse, to this date it has not been confirmed of any casualties. When the shooting started the Mexican Army and Federal Police were on the other side of the town but immediately began to move in place to intervene.

The attack began at about 1520 hours and lasted intermittently for several minutes causing anxiety and tension.

Many people who happened to be passing by and people who were taking part in the demonstration took refuge in businesses.

Earlier, the caravan of "autodefensas" or vigilantes made an agreement with the military and federal police that they would enter the town on the condition they would unarmed .

José Manuel Mireles , one of the leaders of the "comunitarios" or community polce said that they were only there to manifest and would leave the town.

This was posted in conjuction to the video by "Por una ruana con libertad":
"This last Sunday the Templario (CT) narco mayor of Apatzingan Uriel Chavez had said that the day of Saturday October 26, 2013 when the community police entered Apatzingan there had not been any type of confrontation between groups. To finally shut his mouth of the scourge of Uriel Chavez, here is the proof of what happened.

Hopefully after this he can stop defending the Templars."

Borderland Beat on Facebook


  1. I don't have any solid proof of this, but I heard from a friend who moved to Apatzingan almost 2 years ago that CT had all but fled the city a few days before the expectance of communitarios brought on the intense swarm of federal authorities. That being said to support his other claim that the attack was actually committed by an armed CDG cell to heat the plaza and take the production of meth and extacy from CT. I know it sounds far fetched but he says that everyone in Apatzingan knows who the Templarios are and even the families of CT were not prepared for the attack and those publically detained during the attack nobody knew who they were. I believe him but again there is no proof I only want to share with you guys.

    1. I don't think cdg would have such a strong presence to pull that off..if it was in a different state maybe..

    2. GOLFAS cant find their ass from a hole in the ground plus they cant risk to lose the alliance with the CT hence they would both get slaughtered.

  2. Why aren't these Bastard Templario's designated a Terrorist Organization and hunted down wherever they hide?

  3. Kidnap Uriel Chavez and dismember him, leave a limb in each corner of the town and use his head as an ornament to welcome people into town!

  4. 8:06 because tuta la puta is married to the sister of the wife of the ex-interim governor of the state and new secretary of governance of the state of michoacan,and both of them work for
    "EL PRISIDENTE" pena nieto

  5. Im sorry but I think these communitarios are bullshit...They had NO reason to go into Apatzingan and then listening to Mireles try to say that now they "had to stay and help the military" jajajaja that is such a joke.....La Tuta is tha man, keep the fire BTH flowing!!

    1. i fucking hate people like you. who live here in the states and support these cartels. you have no idea what's going on over there. the day i come across someone who supports the ct over here. im going to knock their teeth out

  6. I wonder if they would have been so quick to open fire on those ppl if they were armed also? I think they might have thought twice about it!

  7. Sounds like Chicago ... I feel at home!

  8. Chivis how do I find u on Facebook?? What name do I search u under? Nothing comes up under borderland beat?

  9. Hola 9:06am
    at the bottom of this post you will see a hyper link that reads "FACEBOOK" in it and you will be at the facebook page for Borderland Beat.

    We also are on twitter see @Borderland_Beat

    As for me, FB closed my page as it was seriously hacked into about a year ago. Recently I open a new page but I do nothing with it, I don't want friends and I don't post, I have it simply to cruise pages pertaining to narco news...Paz, Chivis

  10. If it was CDG heating up the plaza, the military would have been nearby for show if nothing else. the reason they were on the other side of town is because CT paid them to be away from where they would do some dirt. The CT is in tight with the PRI and thus, the impunity with which they carry themselves. I read somewhere that the CT is growing at a faster pace, than any other cartel ever has. i said as much would happen when the name was changed from LFM to CT. It allowed for folks from other states to become CT, only they are known as the CT from other states, like a franchise.

  11. people please remember to add the time when sending a message to a specific persons comment, or he/she will never know

    to 9:19 the remarks from 11:58- 8:13- 8:27 are for you.

  12. To 8:25 pm.

    No, you are NOT SORRY. You are a paid CT member. You pass around lies and disinformation on the BB site to protect the CT cartel. One day there will be a day justice for the CT cartel and rats like, yourself.

    The Community police are the true defenders and heros of Mexico.

    1. Read his comment right he wasn't trying to protect anybody.

  13. 9:57 Exactamente amigo.

    1. 9:57 9:19 was the address you was looking for,now my reputation has been damaged and I would like to meet your sister...
      As long as we support Dr mireles and his Co
      no problemo!

  14. Why don't you people report on crimes by the auto defense groups?

    1. 2:38 why don't you report on the crimes of the community police? We are not your mama to be doing everything for aaanybody
      that would be worthy news,bring it on...

  15. Either the military doesn't know how to surround and secure the city hall, or my belief, the military and police covered the terrorists and helped them escape.

  16. Cts your time is due please understand that you guys already did your " job " for the government now you are not usefull anymore soo since your not usefull for gov your given the green light to be exterminated its just now a matter of time.

    1. 7:00 hey!your Chrystal ball working very well, same thing happened to the zetas,soon as the zeta candidate won,they started getting kicked on the nuts,in their very home state of GUAU!HGUILA,and green-lighted for a fall in Oklahoma and Texas,but cabelleras kagadas pattern of dominance and behaviour towards the people, using the brainwashing tactics of the worst of the worst religious Communist cults,without even trying to whitewash their bullshit,is,I am sure very appreciated by the PRIvate interests the government works for...


    2. No it is not apreciate it by the gov because cts had turn into a terrorist cartel now destroying federal property like the state owned power company recentlly and well this actions defenetlly scare out investments from that same private interest they work for . by the way heyyy where is my comment that i ask chivis for her opinion the one that starts with heyy chivis and is kind of long comment

  17. Heyyy chivis what do you think about me theory about the reasons behind this war on drugs in mexico ; i think this was made on porpuse meaning that goverments of both countries ( usa and mexico ) , planned and fuel this war in ooder to push their own agendas . mexico needed this war to ease the implementation of some of its economic reforms that already had planned especially for example the fiscal reform which is intended to tax almost everybody and everybuisness in mexico, i know that sounds like common sense for you but let me tell you in mexico in " normal conditions " this reform will ause a masive protest from almost every mexican in mexico because will afect almost everybody and everybuisness like i said before but now it will pass without much od problem why because the cartels like cts , zetas , etc have being for years by now getting people and buisnesses used to pay some kind of " taxes " extortions soo these people and buisnesses will not be agaist it soo bad like they would be in a normal situation and will agree to it saying that at least the gov will not kill them if they do not pay like the cartels do . Thats what i think the mexican gov is waitting on this reform to be the last one because i think they want to get rid of the cartels that extort people like zetas cts to present themselves to the people like the good guys and after that job is done then the gov will go ahead to pass that reform . Also they were more thing that they did in the country without no body protestting for like they privitize the penal sistem by allowing privite people to invest on new prisons , having all police under one commander etc . usa in other help making war by arming or heping armming all the parties involved cartels and the mexican government how do i know that well fast and furiest , white gun proyets anong others also mamito on his declaration said that they (zetas cartel ) were buying at the beginning all of their weapons straigt from the usa gov , he also stated that he had information that lead him to think that the golf cartel were doing the same . Mexican gov had also bought a lot of weapons and tegnology from the us . Soo in other words the us gun industry had profited a lot from this war and still does , also for some reason that i dont understand thay wanned to use this war as an excuse to ban rifles in the usa by saying that having easy access to big weapons like ak47 ; m16 etc were been purchased by the cartels and use to kill innocent people in mexico and distable the country but they everytjing went down when the wjistle blower from the govenment agency speak up about fast and furiest program . this are a few reasons i see that they use both mexican and usa goverments to start this war and can tell otherwise i am convinced that this was intended to be by the goverments to accelerate their agenda .

    1. Sorry about my english on the long comment above im still learning , what do you think about my conclutions of this war chivis?

  18. First of all...your English is good, I understand you are ESL and trust me your post comment is easy to read and comprehend. The reason I held back your comment was because I was giving thought to my answer. There are so many different points you have made.

    What I can say to your first question I do not agree with that. That would be too difficult to pull off. However, if the question would be "are their agencies or people that fuel it in some way? Yes I can agree that is in the realm of possibility, in fact, likely.

    The first narco president was in the 1930s. There has always been organized crime trafficking alcohol and then drug to the US. What happened is PRI made a deal with the devil. saying ok...traffic all you want, use these routes and don't cause problems for society and we do not care how much you take to the US., while having politicians made wealthy in the process and that worked for a while....for Mexico. They did not care about what it did to the kids and young people of the US.

    They never envisioned traffickers would become so powerful and wealthy they could by anything and anyone, and rule as they wish. People think oh, if only we could go back to the way it was before Padrino got nailed for kiki's killing. It was so peaceful then. That is short sighted thinking. It will never be as it was, there are far more cartels, gangs and enforcer groups now, some say 40 others 50, does it matter? way too many, all fighting for a piece of the same pie. so to win, they are more violent and intrusive (CT) in the lives of citizens.

    As for tax. Mexico has no real functioning tax structure. I know it sounds contradictive for an American conservative to say, you need taxing, but you do, but structured to fund services such as schools, infrastructure, etc. NOT taxing medicine and food, so insane. However, the issue is.. corruption, it will impede any value a strong taxation structure could bring. Take La Chucky as an example.

    That said...your comment about taxation would bring mass protest. That is so "Mexican", only if something affects an individual they get angry and fight, but for something like 1% of their populous holding hostage the 99% , they look the other way. Apathy, is the greatest destroyer of Mexico followed by corruption. Narcos are simply opportunist, taking advantage of apathy and corruption..

    Guns... Guns are not Mexico's issue. That is a deflection of real issues.

    Sorry I can't address all your comment, but I enjoyed reading it

    1. Heyy chivis i agree on epathy is destroying mexico , i will add it up corruption which i think is even a bigger problem than epathy for mexico.

      Chivis i still think that this war was made or let it be by governments to easing to push their agendas
      I do agree mexico need a tax reform but i think you did not u derstand my point; my point was that if it was not for this war mexican gov will never be able to pass such a reform you dont agree look whats going on with the teachers union fightting back the govs education reform take a look how hard its been for the mexican gov to go on with this reform that now some people are talking (rumors) that the mexican gov had to made changes to it to please the teachers union . Just imagin how hars will be if all of the mexican sectors of the economy will go on the streets to protest and paralize the contry against a fiscal reform just try imagin that but this is not going to happen now as massive as it will be in " normal situation " . Because the cartels already got people used to pay some kind of taxes extortions so they will be more passive when tjis reform come by especially if the mexican gov get rid of the cartels first .

    2. Chivaaa!,we appreciate short and to the point comments,I think we all benefit if we try and practice the art,most people just skip the long comments/answers,losing the meaningful reasoning hidden in the verborrhea,try,make it short,and keep it comin'...xoxoxo!

  19. 9:34...and reading is becoming the lost art, due to texting and the bastardization of words, I stand a little guilty of the latter myself.

    If you don't like to read, skip it. But don't speak for those who want to learn perspectives of people on both sides the border....long comments can be much to do about nada...but then again they can open minds, provide info, start dialog etc..Paz, Chivis


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