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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ex-Texas Police Officer Kidnapped and Killed Mayor's Father for CDG

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

On September 25, 2013, the father of mayor Jorge Luis Martínez Gutiérrez was home in the city of Zuazua, a suburb of Monterrey, when he was confronted and kidnapped by armed members of a kidnapping gang working for the Golfo Cartel (CDG).
Authorities and the family had contact with Martinez during the time he was being held, the family gave in to ransom demands, but the 70 year old was killed by his captors.
The successful mayor, serving a second term, had been receiving threats from the cartel, who had moved into the city and wanted the mayor’s cooperation as they took advantage of the location of the city, whose highways connects perfectly to the northern border of Tamaulipas from Monterrey.
On October 31st authorities were given information to the location of the body from members of a CDG kidnapping gang that had been arrested.  His body was located in the city of Ramos Arizpe, in the neighboring state of Coahuila, along with a second body of an unidentified man.
A total of 16 suspects in a kidnapping ring were arrested in connection of kidnappings and murders dating back to 2009 in the states of ; Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, among the 30 was Luis Ricardo Gonzales Garcia, the  leader of the kidnapping gang.
Gonzales is a former Texas police officer and former US marine, whose moniker is “el Matute” which translates to “cop”.   Gonzales is known to use the alias Javier Aguirre Cardenas.  He was arrested in a wealthy suburb of Monterrey, and carrying a 9mm when apprehended.
Though US authorities have not complied with requests by media to confirm or deny Gonzales history, Mexican authorities have confirmed;
He served with the US marines from 1998-2002.
Her worked as a Texas police officer from 2002-2009
He then moved to the city of Monterrey, and captured October 19th , though his arrest was not announced until this week.
or additional info see "K Mennem" post here


  1. always a shame when a good apple becomes a rotten apple.
    but it wont be the last time, unfortunately.

  2. How can you get 16 pieces of garbage to come together and commit such atrocious crimes against humanity. But the thing is these people are in the millions in Mexico. Money, and lack of morals and values! Mexico's finest. Why can't they just not line them up and start shooting them, as It is getting a little out of hand. I guess it would not be good for business if their associates in crime start shooting them They do not have room in the prisons for all of them. Many escape, and many conduct their business from behind prison walls. The bigger the leader, the better your treatment while in prison. Let them starve to death! They are really taking out the better people in Mexico. Apparently this mayor did not want to bend to the criminals, or the rights were sold to another group. Also knock down their Mausoleums, tombs or what ever you call them. What a joke! Get serious Mexico before you loose all the good people. There are a lot of good people here and they do not deserve this.

  3. hang them all on one tree
    (except the fat ugly woman)

  4. He must have been a police en Hildago county

    1. pendejo. they wouldn't hire ur dumb assss.

  5. Matute literally means contraband, or if you are describing a personality trait it means "slick or sly"

    1. Would kerrekt name be tom-tom macute?
      for Haiti government officers that behaved like dogs against the people?

  6. i wonder if he owes anything in the states and his status on why he stoped being a police

  7. And you people say that only Mexican police officers are corrupt

  8. 2:12 yes your are correct-in the literal sense....this case is slang.

  9. TO the reader saying "Isn't this an old Havana story?

    the story is that a couple days ago t was announced the history of the leader and US. Also facts about the actual kidnapping. it is an interesting update...Paz, Chivis

  10. @4:10pm---Luis Ricardo Gonzales Garcia= MEXICAN-American Police Officer. who is saying that?

    look compare to American cop, mexican cops are almost 100% corrupt. and i dont blame them. their gov dont back them up and they pay them shit. the environment they have to work in is probly more dangerous that afghanistan. they can only rely on themselves, so human nature is survival of the fittest. this texas cop has no excuse, he was dirty before joining the millitary. and he was in a safe environment. i hope he gets killed in jail in mexico. its the mexican gov at fault here. too proud to, or corrupt to let the gringos help. everything is acceptable behind the curtains for these cartel puppets.

    1. @8:08

      Cops are the same on both sides of the border.

    2. 8:38 NOT! While some cops in USA are no good most of them are too happy with their pay to put their honor and integrity on the line for some fucking crooks...
      In Mexico,as a police officer/soldier, or whatever, you,yours' and everybody else's is there for the taking,for very little pay...
      Then there is the paternalistic view that the boss is the boss and he commands and the USA government supports the demecratically stolen election,with money and weapons,and you see the size of the gorilla the Mexicans are against...not trying to put you down,but a little research gets one much better informed,and we can move on to better pursuits!

  11. Hey chivis! Check KRGV about this story very interesting details.

  12. In Mexico all the corruption comes from "above", Mexican police officers are under orders,to look the other way(see: presumed innocent)
    Latin-American Hispanic police officers,even those of Mexican heritage make soo much more money than their counterparts,i can't understand why anybody would go to Mexico to be a sicario,
    much less an ex-marine,a total discredit to the leathernecks,to mexican-americans,to police officers everywhere in the us,especially those of Hispanic heritage,I hope he wasn't just doing "undercover" work for some us "agency",which given the level of stupidity,might not be so

  13. 11:04 can you send a link I just checked a couple dozens stories and did not find it

  14. @November 13, 2013 at 4:10 PM : Only dumb asses are saying that!

    Look: the same drugs traversing Mexico also traverses the US until they reach the consumer.
    Do the US cops stop the flow of drugs which the mexican cops 'fail' to stop??? Noooooooooooo.
    Are US cops lazier than mex cops? Probably not.
    Are US cops worse equipped than mex cops? Nooooooooo!
    Are US cops less well trained than mex cops? Nooooooooo!
    So if mex cops fail because they are so corrupt then why do the US cops fail in stopping the flow of drugs???

    1. Mexican cops are better armed than the american cops y? Because mexican cops fight guerilla type criminals.. american cops don't! Fact

    2. @10:59 a.m they fight guerilla type criminals in places like oakland ca or chigago!!

    3. Chi GAUH! go,new name for the city selling the people's assets left and right,from railroads,garbage,public transportation, jails,public schools,in cahoots with the state government and the few Republicans that get high on the hog once innawhile...
      Now we see Ritchie Daley the prostituter states attorney that became major by incarcerating innocent people that "confessed"thru torture,going to "help" rahm Emmanuel to Mexico city to see what they can steal from Mexico or sell from Chicago,probably jobs,deals with the narcs,money laundering,etc,the problem is that the Republican vulture capitalists are no better,but in fact much much worse!!!

    4. Of course they have to be corrupt but they will not admitted.

  15. Another narco passes through Mexico's revolving doors of justice.

    Pay a mordida and you'll be put back on the street.

  16. (CHIVIS) Hola Buela! I hope you are feeling much better after your surgery I still have you in my prayers =) I have a ? for you. I know that you have some kind of contact with the communitarios of Mich. and I was watching a video from the Dr. and I heard him say that they have no training to be able to effectively police/fight. Im not sure if you can help me with this but I want to at least try, I have just retired from a military contracting company and returned home from Afghanistan 3 1/2 months ago. I have extensive training in many firearms, I am an un-certified gunsmith, I have years of training and real world experience in close quarters combat, urban combat, cover and concealment, weapons adapting, vehicle combat/exit tactics, tactical firing positions, low level armoring (cover and vehicles small arms armor only) fire and maneuver instructor, marksmanship and sight adjustment/alignment, and most importantly hand to hand combat and securing detainees and much more, I am an expert rifleman with the M4(AR15) and sharpshooter with the AK74. I will gladly offer my training services for free to the communitarios and pay my way their and back to give them some type of insurance against being slaughtered. I am 100% committed to this and will put my life on hold to help these people. My best friend left to Michoacán almost a year ago and I haven't heard from him in 8 months I feel a responsibility to this I have donated money but it is not enough I have these skills that ive earned with blood sweat and tears and nothing to do with them. Im not offering mercenary services only free training.

    1. 4:18 You know, for a man so qualified,you just go there and put your ass on the line.
      Ex-templario youngsters have gone and done that,and many more would follow.
      It took a daring victory at sea over much better appointed,supplied and "managed" English navy,for John Paul John to put Ben Franklin's womanizing ass (bless him) and the American revolution on the way to victory...
      bless you condottiery... best of luck

    2. 4:18, Welcome home. If decide to go, do your research and preparation first. The State Dept. website has many links that are essential for travelers . visiting a travel clinic beforehand is also advisable. Military medical facilities have good ones but there are many commercial ones available. Godspeed and a safe return.

  17. My dear CDG cheerleader...
    say what you want, but you should access info other than narco blogs. Groups members themselves gave up who they are, what they do and who they do it for....

  18. 4:18AM
    please send me your contact info. send to

    refer to what you wrote so I will know who you are.
    all I can do is pass the info along. sounds interesting.

    These are just regular folks, coming from varied background, education and workplace experience. They are not trained and are ill equipped, relaying on equipment left at battle with CT. Even their vehicles are those they retrieve when ct run or are killed.

  19. In the U.S.A. it is not the job of a police officer to stop the flow of drugs into the United states. It is the Federal Governments job to stop the flow of drugs. In Mexico it works the same. The Federal Government and they use all facets of the military to stop the flow of drugs. THE PRIMARY JOB OF THE POLICE IN BOTH COUNTRIES IS THE SAFETY OF THE COMMUNITY NOT TO STOP THE FLOW OF DRUGS. So a cop in Mexico and a cop in the United States regardless pay and/or training is not the all inclusive answer to the stoppage of drugs flowing into the United States. People become corrupt because they chose to become corrupt they can always quit and or leave the police force.

  20. "their govt dont back them up and they pay them shit. the environment they have to work in is probly more dangerous that afghanistan."

    amen. all true brother.
    Mexico is one of the most complicated and dangerous security regions in the world. I know people who sometimes come from other countries and take security work in Mexico - legitimate jobs. I always tell them that if they can manage to survive, do their job right, and get out in one piece - they will be the very best. Because the chances of things going wrong, and getting killed, are good.

    there is no reason for a US cop to go wrong on the Mexican side - except that he went bad a long time ago.

  21. someone said: "I am an expert rifleman with the M4(AR15) and sharpshooter with the AK74. I will gladly offer my training services for free to the communitarios and pay my way their and back to give them some type of insurance against being slaughtered. "

    it wont help you.
    lots of people know pistols and AK's there. the cartel is not interested in a fair fight. they will just trap you, or shoot you in the back. they dont care about your experience. when the cartels send sicarios, they are there to finish their target. there is no surrender, there is no mercy, and there is no way out. they just kill you. so unless you are confident about killing all of them - don't go!!!

  22. @ 4:18
    I'm glad that you are willing to go and help with the fight. I also get frustrated reading their pleas and wish I had the resources to put things on hold and help out. The one thing that stops me is the rumors that the community police is allied to CGNJ cartel and other organizations. Most look legit but there are a couple people in the videos that look like infiltrated guys with their Ed Hardy caps. Don't know if the rumors are true but would do my homework in that area before going. Hope you the best and good luck!!!

  23. I don't understand why the United States doesn't realize this is our biggest national threat, not in the sense that we should give it the Afghanistan treatment...but maybe a few marine divisions? Paramilitary? But that's only half of it, the biggest help would to help create a strong middle class in Mexico so in turn taxes can pay to pay police and Mexican soldiers a livable wage. Thus discouraging an environment of corruption and narco life, and creating an environment where that's not the only option to survive. P.S. If the Mexican govt let the people own guns this probably wouldn't happen anymore, based on numbers alone.

  24. There are so many people against the caballeros templados(that is a fact,as implied)that two or three cts that get killed a pedradas, would set
    3 000 CT s running,gruesome,but effective...

  25. Chivis hi h0w are u? can u tell us more in the case of Ana Golden killed in Nuevo Laredo. Los Texas are behind?

  26. 11:04 Anna golden Gonzalez,American,18 years old citizen of Laredo Texas died of gunshots to the head suppossedly by kilo Trevino,a niece of z40,aka the walking barrel of menudo.
    Supposedly he had killed his girlfriend a while ago too,kilo is said to be the owner of la malquerida joint in Laredo tamaulipas...I hope you get better info soon that includes the capture and extraditation of kiko to the us,and tourists, rememer it is NOT worth your while going to Mexico,for any reason,much less a night out...


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