Ten years ago, Mr. Gallo was touted as the potential replacement godfather of the Montreal Mob, but his star faded with stints in prison and the threat of expulsion from Canada. La Presse newspaper reported Monday that he also picked the wrong side in a power struggle for control of the city.
Mr. Gallo was from the Calabrian clan that ran Montreal into the late 1970s. When the Sicilian Rizzutos rose to power, they incorporated several survivors, Mr. Gallo among them, from the ranks of their former Calabrian enemies.
In their book Mafia Inc., crime writers André Cédilot and André Noël say Mr. Gallo was tabbed as a potential Rizzuto clan leader in the early 2000s, and police affidavits name him as part of an inner circle that handled the family’s money and settled disputes over drug territory.
The video is now part of Mafia lore in Montreal, but it was also key evidence. Mr. Gallo, an Italian immigrant and permanent resident of Canada who was convicted of a drug murder in 1974, was on permanent parole. The video was enough for Canadian authorities to expel him in 2012.

The Rizzuto family hit hard times with the imprisonment of Vito Rizzuto in 2004 and many remaining bosses in 2006. An ensuing war killed off several important family members, including Vito Rizzuto’s father and son, both named Nicolo Rizzuto.
By 2010, Salvatore (Sal the Ironworker) Montagna, a New York mobster, was trying to seize control of Montreal. Mr. Gallo was among the former Rizzuto stalwarts who rallied to his side, according to La Presse.
Mr. Montagna was gunned down in November, 2011. Gangster Raynald Desjardins and others are awaiting trial for murder. Mr. Gallo was deported two months later. Several crime reporters in Montreal, citing unnamed police and underworld sources, have recently declared that Vito Rizzuto, out of jail since 2012, is back in firm control of Montreal.
In relation to the murder of an Italian, that occurred Sunday night in Acapulco, the Attorney General of Guerrero reported that through the Regional Office, forensic investigations had already carried out the preliminary investigation and have interviewed associates of the victim in their various fields, among others, sentimental, working and friendly.
PGJE prosecutor assigned to the Regional Prosecution also initiated investigation in the field criminalistics, ballistics and forensic photography where the crime was committed, at an Italian restaurant located on Avenida Costera Miguel Aleman .
According to the statements of several eyewitnesses, were two men who entered the restaurant shortly after 22:00 pm Sunday and one of them pulled out a pistol from his waist and fired repeatedly into the deceased who was hit in the back and head.
The PGJE has contacted the Italian Consulate in Mexico for the repatriation of the body of the victim and to return it to its home country, meanwhile, they will be conducting investigations with interviews by experts in the field to achieve identify, and tolocate and arrest the alleged perpetrators.
Meanwhile Canadian newspapers identified the victim as Moreno Gallo, 68 years old, a character who became the head of the Italian mafia in the east coast of Canada in the seventies.
Linked to the Rizzuto clan, Gallo was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a drug dealer in 1975.
Gallo claimed self defense, but the prosecutor said was actually a reckoning for the control of illegal Montreal enterprises.
In the seventies, in Canada he was convicted of murder. At the end of a long losing legal battle to avoid deportation, he was expelled from Canada in January 2012.
According to the waiters of the restaurant where he was killed for at least a year Gallo was steady customer of that place.
CBC News has confirmed that Moreno Gallo, once an influential member of the Montreal Mafia, was killed Sunday in Acapulco, Mexico.
The information comes from the judicial authorities in the Mexican state of Guerrero, where Acapulco is located.
Montreal Mob boss Nicolo Rizzuto was gunned down in his home exactly three years ago on Sunday.
The 68-year-old Gallo was deported in January 2012 for his ties to organized crime and had been lobbying the Canadian government for re-entry. According to the Canada Border Services Agency, Gallo had been found guilty of several offences including a premeditated murder.
Other media reports say he was shot and killed while dining at Forza Italia, a restaurant in Acapulco. The Italian man had settled there after being expelled from Canada.
He was well-known in organized crime circles in Montreal, even if he wasn’t well-known in the public realm.
Mexican authorities are expected to confirm more details about Gallo’s death later.
Thanks to Chivis for the additional crime scene photo.
Sources: Voz, cbc, globe, aboutthemafia
Pretty crime scene photo Havana.
ReplyDeleteAnd for once it matches the description. This guy was once important and obviously still was at least a little.
I'm assuming the Italians sought approval before moving in on Mexican business. I'd hate to think of the consequences if they didn't. Mexicans would eat 'em up.
ReplyDeleteNo way! Other way around @2:58-Eyetalians can be ruthless-we all know that.
Delete2:58 -doubt it- who does that ? Seriously, dude!
DeleteI think he became of no use to the italians and paid the mexicans to knock him off.some of the cartels work with italians in the drug trade! He became a problem for the italians!
DeleteHad to get approval from mexican underworld for this to happen. Mexicans supply drugs to Italians they're all connected.
DeleteItalian mob are the thing of the past! Mexicans rule north and south American drug trade. Mexican drug cartels are more ruthless and powerful then any mob in time. Mexican cartels are more successful and pretty much have their own countries.
DeleteGee thanks for menoooh Havana! We're going there tonight for the carbonara, really funny! You are such a geek! Bet u think no one looks at the links. :D
ReplyDeletei wonder if he was the "black rooster" they were talking about
ReplyDelete@ 2:58PM. Considering the mob in Montreal gets their coke from Mexico, the Cartel probably arranged the hit as a favor. Rizzuto's might be weaker, but they aren't finished as long as Vito runs the show. This was sanctioned by him for sure.
ReplyDeleteOmg, after all the grisly shit I've seen on bb over the years... Nothing comes close to lookin at this guys saggy tits and oversized nipples. Maybe the owner of the restaurant had him shot, who would wanna look at that while they were eating ?
ReplyDelete@4:21 Nailed it with those disgusting nips- jezz! Just terrible! He had to die!
DeleteMaybe he was a shitty tipper. Hey don't fuck with waiters in Mexico
ReplyDeleteThat's the homie Gangsta Nipz from Montreal...
ReplyDeleteRizzuto has ordered the hit through one of the cartels he works with who he is very well respected by due to long standing business relationships. Getting rid of everyone who tried to take over, no matter where in the world they hide.
ReplyDeleteVito's cleaning house...The Rizzuto family's territory in Canada covers most of southern Quebec and Ontario. Vito Rizzuto is known for keeping a low profile and working with the Sicilian Mafia, Calabrian ‘Ndrangheta families, the Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia, Colombian drug cartels, the Bonannos and Gambinos. Rizzuto oversaw the peace processes between the Hells Angels, the Mafia, street gangs, Colombian cartels and the Irish mobs like West End Gang. Vito Rizzuto was arrested in January 2004 for his involvement in the 1981 gangland killings of three rival Bonanno crime family captains (Alphonse Indelicato, Philip Giaccone and Dominick Trinchera). He was sentenced to ten years in May 2007. In November 2006 the senior leadership of the criminal organization took a hit from the police with 90 arrests. December 28, 2009, Nick Rizzuto, Jr., son of Vito Rizzuto, was shot and killed in Montreal. Paolo Renda, Vito's brother-in-law disappeared on May 20, 2010. Agostino Cuntrera, was killed together with his bodyguard on June 30, 2010. November 10, 2010, Nicolo Rizzuto was killed at his residence in the Cartierville borough of Montreal with a single bullet from a sniper's rifle punched through two layers of glass in the rear patio doors of his Montreal mansion. Salvatore Montagna, the acting boss of the Bonanno family until his deportation to Canada in 2009, was murdered in November 2011. Vito Rizzuto was released on October 6, 2012. On November 4, 2012 Rizzuto family associate Joseph Di Maulo was executed outside his Montreal home. Di Maulo's brother-in-law Raynald Desjardins is currently awaiting trial for the murder of Salvatore Montagna.
DeleteYeah man know all this stuff already, long live Vito!
DeleteNice contribution,any news on why "el negro" durazo went to live in canada after prison?who he with?
DeleteIs this the same "el negro" durazo?
DeleteWikipedia: " Durazo died on August 5, 2000 at the age of 76. His Mexico City palace has been opened as a corruption museum and has become a popular attraction.
His palacial house in Zihuatanejo built to resemble the Parthenon has been offered to the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero by the government "
12:10 Yess! to all that,the intriguing question is why did he chose to go and reside in Canada,like who did he know there,how did the Canada government accept a convicted murderous criminal like the general Arturo "el negro" durazo to come and live there,as a lawfully admitted resident,why? The wondering is killing me
Delete@2:58 organized crime doesn't work that way. Just because you are powerful in one place doesn't mean it translates at another location. But on the other hand that power does translate into influence in places where you may not have the muscle. everybody understands this. That is why Mexican's in organized crime work so well with other organized crime groups.
ReplyDelete4:55 the canadian-lebenese bank got busted for money laundering for lebanese,Mexican, Canadian,American,Italian,etc,gangsters...
Delete(Carlos slim helu,Darrell Issa "the car thief" are of Lebanese heritage)
Connections to lebanon and mexican banks were found...the canadian-lebanese had to pay fines and closed or sompin'...
See,there are no lacks of connections,you can connect all kind of very moneyed entities from all over the world,what never ceases to amaze me is how much greed seems to be there in the world,and that's only the tip of the iceberg...
No hope for redeemers!!!
Did you get lost Javana! Everyone else is posting about Messico! Sometimes you need to be reeled back in with a friendly reminder of what page we're on here or who knows what country you might be including. Don't take it hard- I'm fooling with you!
ReplyDeleteShe's just takin'a "smoking" break,take it eeazzyy girl,and check it for paraquat and garrapatas...
Delete5:05 this is a worthy post,Havana picks and posts and most of us like her work, this report touches on Mexico,which border touches all the way to Canada,even Australia,Asia,Europe and africa,as we know,all touched by Mexican criminals, part of the globalized privateered takeover of the world's neo-colonists.
DeleteIf you want to stay caged in your closet with your Barbies,it is OK,but leave my baby alone,she is free to roam the world and report to her heart's content...
You're talking the truth 1:32- havana is a good poster with personality and refreshing. Some of her comments are hilarious. I've always liked her.
DeleteThe italians can wack anybody anywhere still. They are the true mafia and they been doing busines in mexico for ever. Google Sam Giancana or that Vandermark guy, a chicago mobster whos death was portraid in the movie Casino.The whole point being a powerful mob can send an assasin with some skill and kill you anywhere.Like that clown killing the oldest Arellano brother.
ReplyDeleteThat clown getting one of the Arellano bro.was mexican buisness why dont you google 10 serbian mob members entering Mexico to conduct buisness the zetas chopped em up number 1 rule in the underworld is seek approval from foreign country if your gonna wack somebody there if it were mexican cartel they'd seek approval and possibly pay an Italian to do the hit if target was in italy who knows the Italians probably paid someone in Mexico to pull the hit all these mob do buisness with each other. Money talks .
Deletemaybe but they have to ask permisson from the mexicans or jefe de plaza, cant just walk in and whak anybody and get away with it, ur full of shit, being in acapulco they have had to ask the kings of all cartels in mexico LOS CABALLEROS TEMPLARIOS SALUDO AL PROFE DE ARTEAGA
DeleteAy si te la jalastes 1:50am, si apenas pueden controlar mich..ahora dices que estan en aca controlando, aca es pura sangre fria,sacate con tus lideres reyes gays,se creen mucho asta que les dan sus plomasos calientes..
Delete1:50 the cabelleras kagadas have gotten to be very famous for infamous,then they won't be,not for long,the teacher and his greedy ass won't be crying forever,his ass will be whipped soon...
DeleteTough luck, Zero!
ReplyDeleteStrange story - why did he end up in Acapulco and I wonder what he was planning to do- R E T I R EMENT is what he got. Hasta la Hasta!
ReplyDeleteDifferent but interesting post. Sometimes I get feeling like Michoacan overkill. So this story feels like a nice change for me.
ReplyDeleteI like what they used for shell casings. Then again costco has a really good pumpkin cheese cake for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with with what nationality can out do the other or who is more ruthless. If a Mexican gangster goes to Italy or vice-versa, remember your on somebody else's turf and it's better not to step on anyone's toes. Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteSimple as,you think you are in your compare's Casa ,then you find out too late it wasn't so.many people just up and try the old handshaking to stab you in the back.
DeleteNovember 12, 2013 at 3:42 PM
ReplyDeleteLmao trust me son, the Italian organized crime is like kindergarten crime compared to Mexico organized crime. By the time the fat Italian capos would get together to discuss going at war the Mexicans would pull up 100+deep, capture them, start to record for youtube,castrate them, chop their heads off with a rusty knife then upload the video on youtube all while sippin' Modelo beer and sniffing coke off of their widow's asses!
Who knew who he was,who knew where be was,you don't have a nice famous italian restaurant in Acapulco for nothing...
DeleteThe bonnano family of Joe bananas goes a looong way to the start of organized crime,Joe liked to move around,to califa,Arizona and Canada,this Guy Gallo would be related to Joey"crazy Joe"Gallo from that era,like many names surfacing of old maffia families,they just can't help it.I think "the black rooster"is the nickname of kiki camarena.
DeleteMexicans carrying out those massacres are generally far less sophisticated than the highly organised Montreal mafia which had members living in Brazil, Venezuala, Colombia and Mexico since the 1960's.
DeleteWith Mexico destabilized,many foreigners are trying to reap some gains,from this Italian with Canadian roots to king juan carlos de borbon,the "Koreans" going for pemex,all kinds of neo-colonialists trying to recover their former colonies
ReplyDeleteSpain had the Argentinian oil business by the tail for a while till it was re-expropriated.all PIIG members,with their economies fucked up by their intransigent "austerity",their economies ransacked by the vulture pirates of global economic libertinism,now come back to America to go over its bare bones for some nutrition.
Even the united states can't escape from their vulture claws,the former British masters want their old colony back too!
The sooner we all fork the ass to the supreme powers,the neo-nazi globalizating pirate privateers,the sooner we accept our inferiority is the cause of the global problems,and that we barely deserve Chinese Communist slave wages, the sooner we may be alloved to have a little peace,not much,a little, i don't think so...
WTF??? Did Sandusky escape prison or something???
ReplyDelete"The italians can wack anybody anywhere still. They are the true mafia and they been doing busines in mexico for ever."
ReplyDeleteit is Ndrangheta. they are linked to Z. they probably just hired a sicario. look at the empty shell casings. see those upside down Coke cups. the police have placed them over the shell casings. 5 shots fired at close range. so the sicario was either dressed as a waiter, or the killing was done by someone at the same table as the victim.
He was in Mexico cause canada kick him out so was living in Mexico pending courts to let him back in canada good story .
ReplyDeleteIs this a Google transaction? I can't understand shit.
ReplyDeleteDef a italian job carried our by cds.
ReplyDeleteHavana struck again with another Sandusky clone! Just like that old codger narco dude caught in Colombia that she put Sandusky's photo in instead of the criminal or should I say thay criminal. You got to watch that one. It's like having your wise guy sister at the helm. Sometimes.................? Huh Havana. Thanks for the weird story.
ReplyDelete9:26 pm, I'm on a train coming home from work in New York , thanks for the laugh that's hysterical .
ReplyDeleteTo those idiots who come on here and state personal claims of how Italians are better mafiosos or how Mexicans would take care of business, grow up! You sound like a bunch of girls on a school playground.
ReplyDeleteThat's what they get those fat Italian mobsters, for messing with the ZETAS
ReplyDelete@ 12:10 am ... LOL!!! Er, no they don't.
ReplyDelete11:28 "they don't"what Havana? Why are you typing with one hand?
Deletele tas quemando las uñas de las patas al chamuco?
ReplyDeleteyup...I saw the death photo here as well ...http://www.gangsterbb.net/threads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=748199
ReplyDelete@1:50 am- Hmmmm? Don't ask me! Jajajajajajaja! Maybe a big spleef was figured into the equation of that comment. Always possible.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the comments especially the nice ones that stick up for me! You rule. I'm glad some of you have my back.
As far as the translation-it was a little wooden, but you should have seen what I started with! I should have taken another swipe at it to smooth it out nice and peretty. Seemed understandable to me, but I tell you-my sister says I I speak and write spanglish and don't even notice. And that amounts to doing neither correctly. Nice! See you guys aren't the only ones who are cruel to me.
Chivis, I added the photo. Thank you and thank you 3:43.
Y mas tarde 4 u'all
Y latah 4 u Havana! I'm catching up for thw week. And to Chivis- So happy you are back and well. Thank God and the doctors and you!
ReplyDeletei would think most Mexican Cartel influence in USA would come from it's partnerships with local Criminal Organizations. i could be wrong
ReplyDelete~~~ el spaceio~~~
Google jaun ramon martinez or fernandez. 1of vitos guys that was jus killed and burnt up not long ago in italy