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Friday, November 22, 2013

Knights Templar's Threats Delay Constuction of Cefereso Federal Prison

Borderland Beat
SEGOB confirmed to MILENIO the CEFERESO federal prison in Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacan has been under construction, and it actually should have been finished 11 months ago but has faced so many delays due to narco violence that the government was forced to extend the project for another year until November 2014.

Organized crime has painted a grim picture in La Tierra Caliente area of Michoacan.  Los Caballeros Templarios have not only brought their usual bag-of-corruption-tricks to local fruit growers, with the terroristic by-products of extortion, arson, kidnapping, executions, decapitations, bombings of electric plants, but also including their bloody clashes against self-defense groups who abhor and vehemently oppose cartel branded corruption. Also noted is the ongoing chaos of displaced Michoacan residents, running from the grim turmoil of their corrupt government infiltrated by ruthless members of organized crime. Villages in some communities are becoming ghost villages, as once and for all, fleeing residents abandon them for good.

The criminal insolence of area organized crime has brought all these scenarios and even more that are exhibited sometimes daily, reinforcing "the Templarios"
catastrophic capabilities of affecting the most implausible of scenarios; case in point is the on again, off again construction of the federal incarceration projects. The construction of CEFERESO federal prisons periodically have been halted because of the onslaught of extortion threats from area criminals. The penal facility in Buenavista Tomatlán, contractually obligated with a constuction completion date of last December, which has noticeably come and gone, thanks to Los Caballeros Templarios.  Now it will finish nearly two years later than the expected completion date.....two years - in November 2014.

During the last six years, the federal government announced that It would build eight new federal jails to incarcerate criminals, and whose construction was be granted to investors. The investment was around 48 billion pesos. Each facility will have capacity to hold  25,000 prisoners. One of those prisons is to be built in the municipality of Buenavista Tomatlán next to the town of La Ruana.

The Mexican developer (Prodemex) is in charge of building the prison to be accomplished In an area known deeply mired in conflicts between groups of drug traffickers and self defense groups, in a Milenio article published last September, it was cited as perhaps not a good idea.

As soon as it became common knowledge that the project was a multi-billion peso investment -6 billion pesos with longterm profit estimated to be more than 12 billion pesos for the services of feeding prisoners and cleaning the prison at 20 years, the Knights Templar began to extort money from the builders. They demanded 20 million pesos in exchange for letting builders work. 

The company did not abandon the project.  The federal government had to step in to protect the work as the Michoacan site reached up to 4 thousand workers. The area criminals began to terrorize the workers. Architects, engineers, construction workers and drivers were all subjected to ill threats. They couldn't continue the work. Prison construction was suspended and last December construction was officially stopped. Months later work on the facility resumed to 100 per cent, but again there was another slow down, and then again, there was a complete halt of work, and the project lay abandoned. 
The Ministry of the Interior Informed Milenio that the federal criminal jail should have been finished 11 months ago, last December. However, it had only advanced 70 percent, it was still lacking 22 per cent of the technological infrastructure. 

The Federal Government had to modify the original contract with the construction company: so as to avoid penalizing them.  Both sides agreed to invoke a clause in a portion of the security contract and extend the work completion modification through an "amending agreement" said, Jorge Márquez Montes, the Interior senior officer in an interview at Palacio de Covián, he elaborated, "In the specific case of the Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacan facility, which by reason of area insecurity has caused delays in that construction, the Government is conducting respective analysis of  two crucial solutions. The first is amending agreements with the approval of the Ministry of public service and the Treasury for the fulfillment of the contract with the company. "Second; insuring safety measures are met by strengthening the security in the region so that people can work and service providers can carry out their obligations safely." 

Because of the state of uncertainty, the criminal incarceration facility is expected to be completed two years after the original date planned in the original contract between the government and the company Prodemex. "The work will conclude in November 2014, to open in December 2015," said the senior officer. The federal government is committed through the Federal Police, to break the criminal blockade and to ensure the safety of workers which will tentatively take place before the end of the year, "once they start work again, workers will have certainty that they can carry out their jobs," said Jorge Márquez Montes.

Last September, Milenio received testimonies from affected workers. Here is one with Marcos previously published:

Marcos was one of the contracted drivers.  He was hired to transport engineers from a Morelia construction site, 250 km away, in order build the prison Buena Vista Tomatlán, to reside temporarily in nearby town of La Ruana. Marcos, as well as dozens of workers, resigned because of threats from organized crime. 
Marcos-We were told that they did not want us to go by and pick up the workers to bring them to the Cefereso jail site. And yes, we began to quit because of the threats.

-How did they threatened the workers? 

Marcos-in many ways. They said that they had experience through cell phone number Investigation, they'd investigate and find where people lived, who were their relatives,, how much money the family had, and that they were going to go over their records. They no longer wanted us to continue working and building the Cefereso ... -

Were workers approached by them? 

Marcos-Yes, they were looking for us on the road to scare and threaten us, so they just threw us in trucks to scare use. And while we were in hotels or out on errands, they were calling threatening us, and we simply didn't want to continue

Was there direct contact?

Marcos— yes. for example, The bricklayers were going out to eat.  a lady who owned the stand where they were eating passed a radio to one of the workmen. She said to him: "Are John Doe? He said, Yes? And she said, Ah, here's  some people who want to speak to you” And, they began with it, threatening the man, and he rapidly left the job at Cefereso. He said to the bosses: "Do you know what?, Get me outta here  they threatened me. I do not want to work here any more for anything and he left.”

Of eight federal prison commissioned to private companies only three failed to deliver: Michoacán, Coahuila November 30, 2012 was only 19 percent incomplete, so the company Tradeco was sanctioned to complete the work by November 2014 and Morelos which is 95% complete. Sonora and Durango, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guanajuato was already completed, according to a panel of governors

SourcesMilenio, Sipse


  1. These guys would extort their own mothers. Make your mamas proud- you complete criminal losers! You make us ashamed to be from Mich. which I'm going to deny from now on - you're not doing our state proud, you shameful greedy thugs- you deserve to be in La Barca not good enough for Michoacán.

  2. They are just doing what stupid criminals do as Dr. Mireles says. That's all the can do because they are limited by bad breeding, greed , negativity and bad blood. You are correct about one thing, they deserve to be in La Barca.

  3. ok i want get something straight, the policia comunitaria got the caballeros templarios out of buenavista tomatlan but yet they still extort people? i dont get it sounds kind of fishy, i dont take nobody side, to me they can all burn to hell but its just wierd how they take out CT and they kill 15 here 9 there 7 over there but yet ct still can do that on comunitarios turf, sounds kind of fake to me

    1. Dude like since when was Rome built in one day and this jail scenario as you can read has been like an over two year struggle. It sounds like what is - a mess. A monolithic mess in Michoacán.

  4. Seems Because of BB and so many dfferent articles, it has become apparent how disatisfied people are with life under CTs in the state of Michoacan. Don't forget they tried to kill the Bishop after he sent that petition signed by many congregations to the Pope at the Vatican. Then there are all the dead mayors and all the disappeared in Uruapan. These CTs are a menace to society.

  5. The KT do realize what they look like to Americans, right? Maybe they should have checked out a Renaissance Fair near a local college and checked out the nerdy gay kids pretending they are back in the dark ages, and the fat non athletic kids/adults LARPing (look it up. live action role play). Yes, the Knights Templar look like gay nerds, and I'm pretty sure do to their hypocrisy and absolute amateurish organizational skills, I'm right. Idiots.

  6. Beautiful photo of the prison allmost makes me want to be one of the lucky 25,000 if the Templarios ever let the frickin' thing be built

    1. There is no need for a prison that big,just kill the top 100 or 1000 naco-narcs,a pedradas! The rest will repent and won't do it again,the mayors,and the municipal police would happily deliver to save their own corrupt asses

  7. Heyy chivis and bb you guys have to post and translate the video report that punto de partida did and had it on tv yesterday about when the pc went to help tancitaro people they started with dr mireles and the people from tepalcatepec how they went to buena vista and la ruana and there they jointed the pc from those towns and coalcoman too and all of them headed to tancitaro when they were very close to the town they were warned that cts were prepering an ambush to them but they keep heading to help the people from tancitaro despite that and well it was very very emocional to me because the pc by using their radios they all started tp say how say good bye to each other and how proud they were to belong this movement in case the were killed by cts and later they were ambushed by the cts and they had battle there the reporters from punto de partida got in it with dr mireles chivis i whached in valor por michoacan sdr is not cmpleted i think but maybe by now they have all posted

  8. Heyy chivis i forgot to tell ypu that when cp went into tancitaro to help the people on the very front of the comboy the comunity police had a homemade armoreed truck it is black someone from coalcoman according to dr mireles made it it looks like a work truck it is black and the painted the et

    Steel plates they put on black too you can get the picture or seen it at valor por michoacan sdr according to dr mireles they use this truck always on the front of the cp cpmboy because they know cts like to destroy the first trucks they see to stop all the other ones on the back of them

    1. @11:26-Yes read that post that really long one when the doctor is asking to have the heads of the 7 CTS leaders- it is right there plain as day-he is talking to Carmen Astegui fromMVS abot the attack at Tacitaro and he goes into detail on those two radio videos on the post which are translated how the grenades striking their homemade armored trucks jumped meters in the air then they were hit and they held but they 1 and maybe a second one died, they had a journalist from Carmen's company embedded with them. That is the same report I read it here! A farmer warned them right after the gas station the Cts were hiding out ready to ambush them. It is an intense interview. Certainly Chivis knows about the hit and the deaths it was right here on Borderland Beat earlier this week.

  9. why can't they catch la tuta,they know where that sucka is,lot's of people know where he is,but still he stay's free and alive to extort,kidnap,torture,murder good decent folk?

  10. Build the jail and those SOB's in it. Their mother can come visit them

  11. 11:26PM

    I know, he has spoken about making the vehicles into armor. amazing really.
    But I did not know about having them in the front makes sense.

    can you please write me and share your experience there?

    I did not see the foto on valor I will look. my email


  12. ok I think I found it. I am posting the foto on a new post I am posting today. let me know if that is the one.

  13. It's just disgusting that these filthy scum take the name of true hero's who protected people instead of victimizing them for their own greed. Then we actually get to see pictures of these lowlifes who've crawled out of someone's plugged toilet, "Oh it's just another piece of shit or is it a criminal", No, it's just a Knight's Templar which in reality is just a scum bag criminal. They should make up a name like the rest of the scum bags do.

  14. @6:16 pm, the comunitarios only got together in February this year, way after this prison project got started and it was even later that they managed to get CT out of their communities, also many workers and pretty much all the materials and equipment have to get there through Uruapan and Apatzingán (CT turf)

  15. WTF, why build prisons so that the criminals can have a field day running them?
    It's a complete waste of money!
    The whole government apparatus of Mexico has collapsed!
    The government should just step down and let the people handle things the way they think fit.
    That's the only way the country can survive!!!

    1. 5:39 the federal government is very smart, they will be filling the new prisons with the people that refuse to submit to the criminals that work with them,and the families of those rebellious vigilantes will be taxed to support the prison plants...

  16. CT are the scum of the earth. This is the ultimate irony that they are preventing the completion of the prison where many of them would be held.

    God bless Dr. Mireles and all the other true heroes in this epic battle to re-claim Michoacan from the CT scum.


    Chivis: and 11:26- it is all in this post anout the armored cars and him being 3rd or fourth and people dying later on but it is intense. Chivis you must have skimmed it cause it was a long interview but it really is worth reading every word!

  18. I read it just now thank you yes 6:05 is right and others too. Yes the armored homemade trucks are in this interview about the attack in Tancitaro. Sounds like one death and one badly wounded but he mentions deaths of four family members. No wonder he wants CTs dead- most of ud fo, honestly.

  19. The mexican gov wants to stop the autodefensas groups fuck you mexican gov si no ayudan no estorben cabrones

  20. The jails are just offices for criminals to plan their crimes while in captivity. El Chapo had the guards painting his cell and a few other rooms, decorating his cell with Christmas cheer for his three day Christmas festivities. That is from Anabel Hernandez's book- read it and throw up

  21. Gov. And cartels run the jail. I wonder if z -40 will get out? Somehow Sinaloa seems more in control of officiales at the time of Chapos escape than maybe the Zetas are now in Toluca area. They all usually can get what they want


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