Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Latest Photos of "El Chapo" Making Social Media Rounds

Borderland Beat 

I add this post for your fun only-you go to the sites and look yourself as this isn't brand new news here and please no nasty comments.  As usual I am just the messenger here.                                
Supposed son of “El Chapo,” alleged Alfredo Guzmán Boasts of Luxuries on Twitter @Elreysinaloa”, 



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  1. One very interesting thing is that is Chapo Guzman on the black horse.

  2. Once again this website makes fools of themselves trying to jump the gun with "exclusive" content. If you aren't sure these are real, then why post??? You guys and gals have done a lot of good with stories but these aren't the kind that help.

    1. You should have read the article first before making a fool of yourself.

    2. Relax 8:40 am as far as I can see why the heck not put this on Borderland Beat isn't the NY Times - and it isn't like they are national secrets. These have been around for a while.They aren't trying to scoop anyone. I see links all over the page, so relax, it is not endorsed by BB as real. This is free speech, dude. Deal with it. And try dealing with the subject realistically and not being such a total stick in the mud!

    3. Second that! It does help to read the article 1st. Chapo? Who knows. These could be anybody with a moustache who has
      experience, groovy toys.

    4. @12:17pm
      If your comment is directed at me (8:40am) it doesn't make any sense, perhaps you ment to address the poster @5:27pm?

  3. Who ate all those people-narcowanabes? For sure @Elreysinaloa should be @Elreyplastico.

  4. Mochomo is gona take out chapo

  5. Chapo is losing the war nobody likes him

  6. Pinched Pendejo!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Estan mas chingonas la fotos de Zambada. Nomas digo!!

  8. Seems like the imposter was having some fun with his Twitter account. The strange thing is it has that entitled feel to it that the kids exude or am I reading into it?

  9. WOW ! must be nice

  10. El chapo had his legs fixed and is taller now

    1. 8:25 it's very amazing the advances in plastic surgery and what billions can afford.

  11. there goes your credibility BB must be a very slow weekend
    fake and old fake

  12. El chapo is a piece of shit I don't think he's cool I think he's cheap and is going to get turned in by his own men, he may be feared in mexico but in the usa he ain't shit

    1. 11:43 chapo is not as cheap as the zetas,that keep their maruchanerozzz washing cars and selling elotes and paletas to survive.
      The zetas also spreaded the narcocriminality by moving things overland and corrupting
      every government official they meet.

    2. Obama fbi cia dea every level of government fears chapo .

  13. .... The redheaded dude on the horse is Canelo Alvarez which is pretty crazy. FBI or whoever could just interview him at his next Vegas fight!!! Bet they will!!!! Can't figure out what's up with these photos. They seem fake but there is def. something going on here!!

  14. lol.....Journalism as ok let me take off my hat \ LOL

  15. If anyone had any fucking brains in Mexico they would kill the morons at the top of the drug cartel's, I mean the lower raking members. The actions that the so-called leaders have been taking in recent years are only going to spell doom to all who make money in the industry do to their ignorance of angering all of the public. Once you anger all of the public into retaliation it will not end till either they win and they will because there are more of them then you in the cartels and because they have to. If those who lead would only slide into hiding business would go so much easier and things would not be so hot god damn-it. It's funny how snitches are hanged with phones taped to their hands when every last one who gets busted sings like a dirty rat, why kill rat's when everyone one of you has just as big a mouth? Why not let them prove your guilt instead of singing to the world about it.

  16. This is not true all false BS. He is smarter than this


  18. BAJADRONE here...and sorry Admin..DD..all yall...this is pathetic..what are we fucking Blog del Narco now? SMH!!!

    1. It is you Drone that needs to get off your high horse.What makes you think Bderland Beat holds themselves so high, so much above this post? It is just social media. I'm glad it is
      here. As soon as Borderland Beats starts acting like the Washington Posts of Narco Blogs, I know many of us will be outta here! Think about it and look where this souce came from - proceso for one. I don't want Borderland Beat turning boring. So, I'm relieved when I see a post like this. So, I say thanks, otherwise they risk becoming a computerized, translated feed. And if you don't like it, Go to another post. It isn't like there is a shortage, and quit being such a winger, tiresome, thiroughly tedious moaner. Periodically this is what they need to be real. Just no porno ads! I draw the line there.

  19. This site attracts Internet trolls of the strangest variety.

  20. Im 111% certain those two in front of the white suv are metros not antrax but what do i know lol. Bored anyway

    1. I considered that too- if so corrupted of course. I'm bored but happy to look at this cause it shows Fauxfredo Guzman is bored too. One thing - the timeline is about right like not done all at once. To build the intrigue. He does have horses like that as does the singer el chapo de sinaloa- maybe it is him

  21. Lol if chapo where ay nobody then he wouldn't be known he would just be sitting on this website writing his life away.

  22. Lol ain't that the truth 9:55. Everyone is quick to talk shit on a man they don't even kno n a nobody lol aint americas most wanted 4 nothing n this man been doing it since the 80s N been in the top 4 many years. All the rest of the cartels tops fall n cds still at top meaning they doing something right may it be payn people off. Hey money talks bullshit walkz.

    1. Totally agree. Chapo rules. He's the reigning deity because he's smart. Everybody's made their $billions--time to legalize and tax spacepowders & weed. There will always be contraband, boot leg this 'n boot leg that, but, so what? Taxation & legalization would do wonders for infrastructure in countries across the world. The bloodshed, horror & fear could be stopped. DEA pudwackers lining up for unemployment checks'd be a beautiful thing. Addiction is a separate set of issues which isn't just about the substance used. Education, treatment, all of it would be possible thanks to drug taxes. You want smack? Your family doctor writes a prescription. Weed? Head on down to your local pot boutique, or liquor store. The cartels have made their money, far more than they, their kids & great grandchildren can ever spend. They really should just fu*ck off!

    2. 3:33 the vultures of private enterprise will build whatever improvements they deem necessary,when they are finished acquiring all the assets they want,with the legalized money our pendejo-narcs deposit in their banks,just like China is buying the us,one little mortgage at a time,with the money the vultures of pirate enterprise offshore to their hsbc banks...

  23. Basically you supply hours of laughs compiling this. You are my online family.

    1. I also enjoyed this post cause I never would have been privy to the information. I don't know Twitter or Faces. I just learned the internet and go to about 5 places, amazon, email, borderbeat, bank, itunes. No more. Otherwise I'd spend too much time sitting, so really that is all I need and want. I don't even care if they are real or fake for sure. I'm glad I have the opportunity to consider them. That is what is important truly.

    2. I think what you're saying is that the post engages us, therefore that in itself gives it some worth. I have always agreed with that and frrdom of speech. So let the whiners, do wha they do best, disgust us with their whining.

  24. Chapo is not the one to show off his money! He stays under the radar! His son on the other hand is an idiot..I'm pretty sure he doesn't like pics of him being posted..if he did there would be far more pics of him..

  25. Who could/would tell, my dad, just a regular guy. Sounds like what a kid might say marveling at his father El Chapo in the distance. But this is just someone bored amusing people like us. I say keep it up but add more narco bling like from the narco museo. Or auction. More guns and money. Mas narcocultura k?

  26. No one has mentioned El Chapo is a Snitch!

  27. You all seem to forget that they are protected by both the US and Mexican g0vernment. Do you really believe its hard to track these people? They are in plain view without any care at all, I feel bad for people who have faith in the system.. they carry fed badges and have accounts for problems when they arise. People seem to forget that the g0v & cartels are one in the same.

  28. I laugh at people who are mad or are asking for the deaths of these men. Do you not know they have paid for roads to be built and power to be installed in many of the places that have none and even in their hometown where many of these drug lords are all born in. These three man who run the Sinaloa cartel have lived and survived longer then anyone else because they have the support of the people because they put money into the communities. When El Mayo almost got caught near a town and the residents hid him in their homes. He blessed them with gifts and a feast and roads and power and rebuilt and expanded many of the homes and gave them cars and farm equipment and weapons to defend themselves. That was for the entire town. Other Drug lords have done the same thing but then some Drug lords have only taken from their home states and home towns and this causes them to be taken down fast and quick. These guys have survived so long because they walk a tight rope between being loved and being feared. Being loved by their home states and communities they grew up in and giving what I would call a type of Narco welfare and security and schools and other things to those places that the government has neglected and then being feared by their enemies that have seen how far their power extends to and that the government and military and intelligence officials and police local and state and federal and judges and lawyers and prisons have all fallen under their control and that its hard to fight against something that so many are dependent on living so that they live with the benefits. Also these drug lords have paid for funerals and have sent gifts to those who have died at the hands of rivals when they were not even apart of the cartel but were just simply caught in the war. Some drug lords only rule by fear and this method of ruling has failed I.E. look at the Zetas and AFO and Juarez after Amado died and C.T. and CDG. CDS has committed terrible crimes on people horrible unspeakable acts but they balance this out with giving tons to people. The only person to compare these men to was Pablo Escobar who built and entire neighborhood and named it after himself and gave tons of cash to residence of his home town. He built many things also and helped a lot of poor people and built tons of schools cause his mother was a teacher and his family still gives. Pablo was powerful very powerful and ruled with a military behind him and declared war on his country. So it was either Pablo had to go or Columbia but both were not going to live so he had to die. These guys will live like other powerful drug lords who have survived and retired from the drug cartels and who lived to be old men hanging out at their own shops or food places telling about stories of the days of when they were outlaws and still giving to the people just like in Columbia and in Mexico like the First CDG drug lord and the Medellin cartel boss who lived to be a old man and is thought to have been the brains behind his sons cartel operations with Pablo.

    1. Pablo escobar had to go,and went to hell because "others" wanted the business all for themselves,his rivals understood who was the boss,and took care of electing the best presidents for Colombia,their own family, friends and themselves,armed with general naranjas intelligence services who are taking back the Mexican side of the operations,in Mexico,no less!!!

    2. El Viejo Verde Fabio, pues, con toda su gordura y sus caballos de paso fino. Fabito hijo-mas loco q una cabra- si da cierta lastima.

  29. Como se chorrean con fotos de pendejos jajajaja como si con estas pinches fotos fueran a saber algo de sus movidas.

  30. I like the decorative touch of a mounted deer head in a palapa.

  31. ninjasandpurp said...
    BAJADRONE here...and sorry Admin..DD..all yall...this is pathetic..what are we fucking Blog del Narco now? SMH!!!
    November 24, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    You don't like it fuck off. This is narco related news. It's not everyday Chapo pictures pop up. Not everyone spends hours upon hours looking through information about narcos. And please don't compare BDN to BB. BDN is a plagarizing spamming website. BB is way above the rest and this does not make BB look bad. In fact it's better more exposure means more people coming in meaning more insider scoop on information.

    November 24, 2013 at 3:13 PM
    Lmao your propaganda is lame and laughable. Seriously the few positives you posted are outweighed by the negatives. Oh wow they spend a few millions money on their hometowns big deal. The fuckers spend more bribing corrupt officials then they spend on their "people". They have caused so much pain and suffererment to the people in Mexico and it's because of them politicians are so corrupt. Chapo is a opportunistic dramatic prima dona overweight narcissistic bully. Try all you want but in the pages of history he will be seen for what he is: a fat power hungry dramatic greedy bastard with daddy issues and a HUGE napoleon complex. Seriously what drug lord gets drunk and cries about "wahhhh my daddy didn't love me..wahh he would spank me". What a man lmao. He has the BLOOD of THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of Mexicans both innocents and guilty. So yeah paved roads, presents and a few feasts here and there don't make up for it and nothing ever will. How many wives and sons/daughters have been left fatherless because of this bastard? How many women have been raped and killed because of this bastard? How many families have been displaced by his actions? I could go on and on. He played the biggest part in starting the whole war and is responsible for starting all the chaos, murdering, and pillaging that happened in Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, and Tamaulipas. He started the war in Tijuana when he tried to massacre the Arellano-Felix brothers. He started the war in Ciudad Juarez when he tried to take over it and consolidate control. He started the war in Tamaulipas when he tried to take over nuevo laredo. And look thousands and thousands of deaths and he didn't even manage to take full control of either Tijuana or CJ. Nuevo Laredo don't even get me started the Zetas have held him off three times. Not all of us are drones who take cartel dick up the ass like you. Absolutely disgusting and pathetic how you try to justify Chapo and Mayos decisions. Take the cartel nuts out your face and see it for what it is you brainwashed sheep.

    We want them dead or in jail because of all the thousands of people that have died due directly or indirectly by his actions and decisions. No amount of money favors bribes nothing will ever make up for it. I honestly do hope God forgives him and he repents. Doubt it though like I said he's a melodramatic bastard with daddy issues and a napoleon complex.

  32. chapo zambada azul reign supreme hands down if you cant acknowledge that then your blind you see chapo zambada and azul are all about drug trafficking just like el majadero from c.d.g they have enough to support there family faction so there not running around like the zetas doing tecato work off crystal meth and god knows what else zetas are bumming dont forget that c.d.g made the zetas if it weren't for c.d.g there would be no zetas they betrayed the hand that fed them.

  33. The last tribes of Mexico, such as the Chichimecas, were never conquered by the Spanish; they were bribed into submission. In my opinion, that is why the country of Mexico is in the condition that it is in today. The inherent characteristics and values of many of our ancestors, as we are not all descendants of Aztecs, continue to flow in our veins.

  34. For those that are quick to judge, I did read the disclaimer note.

    But damn! I must agree why even post this material? I dont think that the BB is turning to blog del narco. Just by the disclaimer saying "its for your fun" makes me think it's turning more like the National Enquirer! Shit, has the National Enquire buy you guys out?

    1. @10:50am
      You read the disclaimer so why ask a question you know the answer to?

    2. @6:14pm im assuming the poster was being sarcastic towards the people complaining on previous posts.

      El Paisa
      Parlier, CA

    3. @10:53am

      I would believe it was sarcasm only if he didn't seem to defend the original poster's (@5:27pm Nov 23) line of thought.

  35. No kidding is this a sister company to the nationa enquirer?


    1. Lmao @10:51 is that you Chingo Bling?

  36. Hehehehehe pinches trolls nunca faltan.
    El Gary Maaz

  37. This is something elese. Nombe compa

    #cancunlife #damthick

  38. The more varied the narco content the better. Since when is BB the New Yorker for Christ's sake? Sometimes it is too dry and serious that is why it is good to see something like this. And if it is too beneath you, tough luck, go read something else- I assure you it will not be understood because it will be terribly google translated and lots will be lost in the translation.

  39. Oh dear. We need more comments or have we been too badly behaved? Or is Chibas too busy for this nonsense post?

  40. The picture of Chapo holding an assault rifle on the black horse says Joaquín Archivaldo, it is the same picture in the post about the capture of Serafin Zambada, but in that picture Serafin Zambada says that the guy in the picture it's his father Big M (Mayo Zambada) then who really is the man in the picture, Chapo or Mayo, because like I said it's the same picture.

  41. Those two black pistols are Wilson Combat 1911's, and are expensive. I paid $2700 for one. Very reliable.

  42. If they kill these guys, then you're white kids won't get there "TONTO MEDS"

  43. Response takes too long or there is JS error.

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