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Monday, November 11, 2013

Let's be Blunt: It's Time to End the Drug War

Borderland Beat
On April 20 was the counter-culture “holiday” on which lots and lots of people come together to advocate marijuana legalization (or just get high). Should drugs—especially marijuana—be legal? The answer is “yes.” Immediately. Without hesitation.
Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 seized in a civil asset forfeiture. The war on drugs has been a dismal failure. It’s high time to end prohibition.
Even if you aren’t willing to go whole-hog and legalize all drugs, at the very least we should legalize marijuana.
For the sake of the argument, let’s go ahead and assume that everything you’ve heard about the dangers of drugs is completely true. That probably means that using drugs is a terrible idea. It doesn’t mean, however, that the drug war is a good idea.
Prohibition is a textbook example of a policy with negative unintended consequences. Literally: it’s an example in the textbook I use in my introductory economics classes (Cowen and Tabarrok, Modern Principles of Economics if you’re curious) and in the most popular introductory economics textbook in the world (by N. Gregory Mankiw).
The demand curve for drugs is extremely inelastic, meaning that people don’t change their drug consumption very much in response to changes in prices. Therefore, vigorous enforcement means higher prices and higher revenues for drug dealers. In fact, I’ll defer to Cowen and Tabarrok—page 60 of the first edition, if you’re still curious—for a discussion of the basic economic logic:
The more effective prohibition is at raising costs, the greater are drug industry revenues. So, more effective prohibition means that drug sellers have more money to buy guns, pay bribes, fund the dealers, and even research and develop new technologies in drug delivery (like crack cocaine). It’s hard to beat an enemy that gets stronger the more you strike against him or her.
People associate the drug trade with crime and violence; indeed, the newspapers occasionally feature stories about drug kingpins doing horrifying things to underlings and competitors. These aren’t caused by the drugs themselves but from the fact that they are illegal (which means the market is underground) and addictive (which means demanders aren’t very price sensitive).
Those same newspapers will also occasionally feature articles about how this or that major dealer has been taken down or about how this or that quantity of drugs was taken off the streets. Apparently we’re to take from this the idea that we’re going to “win” the war on drugs.
Apparently. It’s alleged that this is only a step toward getting “Mister Big,” but even if the government gets “Mister Big,” it’s not going to matter. Apple didn’t disappear after Steve Jobs died. Getting “Mr. Big” won’t win the drug war. As I pointed out almost a year ago, economist and drug policy expert Jeffrey Miron estimates that we would have a lot less violence without a war on drugs.
At the recent Association of Private Enterprise Education conference, David Henderson from the Naval Postgraduate School pointed out the myriad ways in which government promises to make us safer in fact imperil our safety and security.

The drug war is an obvious example: in the name of making us safer and protecting us from drugs, we are actually put in greater danger. Without meaning to, the drug warriors have turned American cities into war zones and eroded the very freedoms we hold dear.
Freedom of contract has been abridged in the name of keeping us “safe” from drugs. Private property is less secure because it can be seized if it is implicated in a drug crime (this also flushes the doctrine of “innocent until proven guilty” out the window). The drug war has been used as a pretext for clamping down on immigration. Not surprisingly, the drug war has turned some of our neighborhoods into war zones. We are warehousing productive young people in prisons at an alarming rate all in the name of a war that cannot be won.
Albert Einstein is reported to have said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By this definition, the drug war is insane. We are no safer, and we are certainly less free because of concerted efforts to wage war on drugs. It’s time to stop the insanity and end prohibition.


  1. Let us consider the consequences of marijuana legalization. It is possible that the Mexican cartels would then become "commerical businesses" as far as the growing and distribution of this drug is concerned. However, it also seems more than possible that the USA could meet all of its own needs by commerically grown marijuana on farms in Washington. Oregon, California and other states. So perhaps the legalization of marijuana would simply mean that the drug cartels would stop carrying this product, and would switch to other "exotic" illegal drugs instead, as well as other forms of extortion, kidnapping and violence. Therefore, is it realistic to beleive that the cartels would be weakened by the legalization of marijuana?

    1. legalizing marijuana would not stop extortion, kidnapping, human trafficking etc.. all that would do is make the cartels transport other drugs that are not legal. there will always be a need for those hard to get drugs!! Where they need to start is eliminating corrupt politicians and protecting the borders!!!

    2. Thats why you need to legalize all drugs. But, yes, legalizing weed would have an impact as its the most consumed out of any illegal substance. Also, if americans could go to their local corner store and buy weed like cigs/booze, they'd do that. And you honestly believe these cartels could go legit in the USA? I'm sure they'd be given zero license by our govt to do that. There are many more positive benefits to legalizing all "drugs". Its funny just last night I posted a rant about all this. I'm glad this article is posted. It should really be debated and a serious issue. I think in the endvthe American people would do the right thing for themselves, community and family, as well as for our mexican friends.

  2. The legalization and taxation of alcohol is what got the US out of the great depression.

    1. No it wasn't it was WW2 that got us out of the great depresssion you dumbass

    2. "Mister gorbachow tear down this wall!"
      The words that marked the start of the globalization that has all the European economies on their knees,and fighting like bitches to be,at least the preferred drug dealing trafficker of the world,at least until they can move on to money laundering in the Bahamas,the Cayman islands,Swiss banks,and then on to pirate vulture entrepreneurialist on a global scale...

  3. I'll comment on this great article more later, but for now just let me say, I really dig Chivis :)


  4. Puro sinaloa cartel. You can catch me in the ghurka f5 riding around culiacan with the AR10 and a couple million cash.

    1. relax wanabe chapo concentrate on geting a job fool

  5. Marijuana is little money. I stay pushin tons of coke from San Antonio to Chicago. 24yrs old and got $95M. Got property in Newport beach CA, $30Million penthouse in Manhattan, apartment in Soho. Im inside brazilian and russian women Raw. Cartel

    1. 1:04 keeping your millions and property in the usa,anywhere,will surely bring all the money home to papa(the us government), and deservedly so,all backs leave the money in the banks,in somebody else's name and when they get killed or arrested,they never see the money again,osiel,lazca,abrego,el Senor de los cielos,where is their money?

    2. @1:04 p.m all that money and you probably wont make it to 30.what good is it gonna do u then? You gotta know there is no retirement plan in drug dealing besides the grave or prison!

  6. marijuana is already legal in parts of the usa and some countries including mexico legalization failed in every single attempt you want to know how to stop the violence don't contribute to the ignorant behavior it encourages and obviously don't do it. also change the gun rights in mexico and some parts of the usa like California. I could give more info to debunk the idea of legalization and the point out the misconception of it but I don't have time to type a whole article long comment.

    1. 1:06 work on stating your point in a few words,no bullshit,don't let rethorical artifice get on the way of a concise clear statement.
      Armed with a few words, sharp as possible, go for the throat,truth will withstand any attack,lies will not,any

  7. Damn right,legal marijuana Will not impact anything.The cartels will produce more Meth and pills.The money Will be made by local lawyers that will represent stoner drivers.It's already happening in Colorado.The cops have t.h.c testers that are super accurate to the micron level in your system.

    1. It is legal,weherever it is, with a Prescription, you must be of age,prove where you got it, do not drive under the influence.
      While the feds will not prosecute,local,state and sheriff officers will,read the small print, cops and prostituters know you will not read it and stick it to you in the ass.
      Treatment for addicted,jail for traffickers...

  8. Some days I'm for legalization (across-the-board) others I'm totally against it. What I am against is rapists getting lesser sentences than drug dealers. Or people getting 20 years for an ounce of coke and Osiel Cardenas, literally a brutal kingpin, getting something similar. I think a small amount of any drug should be treated as a misdemeanor. Then again we're talking about the U.S govt. The same government that has no problem dropping bombs from a drone on a wedding to kill one "high value" target, or invade a country and kill millions. Then they have the audacity to tell you to "buckle up" or ELSE, because they value human life? No they value your tax dollars and in their eyes you are their PROPERTY. Same deal with drugs. You are OWNED and they decide what you can put in your body.

    1. Sex offenders,even the habitual,don't usually do it for the money,whether sick or ignorant,they should be taken care of,drug traffickers,on the other hand are just greedy,not sick at all,and do untold damage to society,same as pimps,peddling your ass should be a free personal informed proposition,not anybody's business concern.
      Dirty and corrupt politicians are worst,these prostitutes stick it to the best and the worst of society...and who do you think is the worsest?worse than dirty politicians?
      I"ll be coy for a while...homework!

    2. 1:27 once you pay your premium,the money IS their property,all they have to do is put it away,any liabilities get paid as money comes in,I highly doubt they pay taxes,why would insurances or big pharma want you? the deductibles on anything, used to be the full price for services,all insurances did was inflate prices and greed

  9. What do you think Chivis? Legalize it or not?

  10. What - and give up all our neat toys ?

    "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. " - Dwight D Eisenhower, 1961

    1. 1:56 nice quoting,nobody ever said it better.
      injustice is relatively easy to bear,what stings is justice.
      the big banks looove all that money,cleaned or not,and the fines,it all keeps going to their offshore operations,to be invested on their "inshore takeovers" from which the united states of northamerica are not safe, and whose everything of value is being privatized by international pirate vultures who have our governments and legislators by the ying-yangs,and many mouthpieces to help. with money,the monkeys dance...

  11. U.S.A.'s govt. is the biggest hypocrite in the world if you ask me. The politicians tell us not to smoke cigarettes, and raise taxes to exorbitant levels inorder to carry out that end, yet allow for tobacco companies to sell their product overseas without any qualms if any other nations allow for the sale of their product without the same restrictions/limitations on who its sold to and for how cheap. It is harder for the youth of this country to buy alcohol than it is to buy illegal narcotics. End the drug war! Legalize all illegal narcotics - regulate them and tax them! Lower the drinking age back to 18. How can you tell adults what they can and can't if they are not hurting themselves or others. End the police state! nd the funding of the cartels. It's time people get real jobs!!!

  12. Fuck marijuana, legalize cocaine for medical use, cocaine is America's cup of coffee! I'm serious!

    1. Legalize prostitution!legalize pederastia! legalize cannibalism! @#$%&! NOT
      nobody needs a smorgasbord of legal transgressions,criminals do it for their benefit,addicts can't do without their vices...
      Treatment for the addicted,punishment for the pimps,traffickers,popolitical corruption...

  13. It will not stop the violence and it will not stop cocaine, meth, and heroine use. The proplem is the users. The cartels are just greedy thieving murdering devil worshipping people. Don't kid yourself that legalization is the key. I can just see it sold in big bundles at Costco and Sams. Haaaa! The bottom line is you want to stop the violence right? Well, this won't do it. Sorry, but it won't. And it's not worth trying.

    1. Bounty hunters vs narcos, there is some money to be made...

  14. Human consumption of what is illegal will always find a new substance if certain drugs r legalized. Its unfortunately human behavior 2 seek what is illegal, wrong or addictive. I furthermore believe the real issue is again "HUMAN BEHAVIOR "as a civilized society we need 2 adress the real issues within our lifestyles, families & work place. We r n a country that has highly stressed out people & family life has changed tremendously. The amount of people who suffer from depression, anxiety unbelievable -including children & young adolescents. Our society as a whole is failing -our government is also @ a fault.when so many people r unhappy & saturated with stress -they will seek a way 2 self medicate. Legalized everything - however, things will not get better until society improves as a whole.

  15. yes marijuana is 70% of the cartels income

    1. Dude, your crazy! How could you say such a thing... that is not the real %... its only 30% or less... some cartels don't even bother to move M.J because its really not worth much

  16. Dear Chivas. Happy to see your post. Since, the 70's I've thought Nixon lumping pot with heroin and cocaine is insane. The kids I see don't have pot issues.....they have meth and pain pill addictions primarily. My smoking pot in the 70's didn't: make me move on to other drugs, or effect my becoming a Dr. After, I got my MD.I didn't want to through away everything by getting busted for pot...much less the then prevalant 25 year sentence attached. None of my kids ever did any drugs because I told them the dangers and said even pot will ruin your future if you get caught. Last point, name once where someone got in a car and killed others? Can't say it about alcohol. Glad you are OK Chivis. Peace,love and hugs to all. Texas Grandma.

    1. Texas gramma,while pot may be good for the riumas,that is a medical need,same for the addicted,greedy traffickers,that promote the use among grade schoolers,that then go on to high school and become gang bangers are quite another thing,there you have the root cause of juvenile murders all over the us,you are old enough gramma,to let the big bad ridding hoods count your teeth,just because you and my chivis escaped the drug addiction,many many more did not...
      Treatment for the addicted,jail or death for pushers...but check the treatment centers...

  17. "Blunt". jajajajaj.. I get it !

    1. Why -_-, your probably very old if it took you a minute to realized what it meant. Not trying to be disrespectful:)

  18. If and when (the when is only a matter of time because a dumb idea will eventually go away) pot is legal, it will be a great thing for the US but a bad thing for Mexico. It's an old stand by for the cartels, an easy way to make some cash. When it is no longer profitable for the cartels they will absorb that lost income by putting more effort into kidnaping or extortion. That said, oh well. Mexico has dug it's grave long ago, and instead of changing it from within, the mass have jumped the border and are hell bent on becoming parasites off our system. I'd never want meth to be legal, but heroin and coke are a grey area worth the effort to find a solution that works better than incarceration and billions of dollars spent to fight it....with zero accountability or results. Show me 10 people hooked on opiates and I will show you 6 who would love to walk away from it, but are afraid of the withdrawals or who are lacking funds for rehab. It's simple when you're rich and famous, but us normal people have a far worse road to travel. Another huge issue is the US's stupid idea of privatizing prisons and implementing Police Unions. These people are some of the most active lobbyist out there, spending more of our money to get law makers to pass more stupid laws, locking up more and more people for stupid crimes, like pot, to make profits.

    The war on drugs is the best example of what happens when the government tries to outlaw something. Drugs, guns, whatever, it never works. And hell, we have a right to own guns, and they are still hell bent on taking that away. Fighting the government on this is a huge uphill battle, especially when the government uses studies to support their argument that they paid for and they farmed out to people who would lean in their direction. They are as bad now as Randall Hurst was back in the 20's when he used his fortune to make pot illegal so he could make more money with his patented machines to use cotton instead of hemp for industry. And he blamed the Mexicans. For god sakes, our government now is worse than it was back then. Scary when we have a President who sold coke (read his book) and was lucky enough not to get caught, yet he will do nothing to halt the ruining of millions of peaceful peoples lives who enjoy a high quality bowl or edible after work, instead of getting shit faced drunk on alcohol and getting behind the wheel.

  19. Legalization will not stop the drug war, the Cartels will just sell more hard core drugs like Crack Cocaine, Meth and Heroine.

  20. @1:50

    Legalized marijuana...quit messing around with the medical MJ BS...straight away legalize it.

    About the other drugs, I am keeping an open mind, especially since people I respect say "legalize all of it"

  21. in the early days of BB i came here to get my news as the msm did not have a clue, and i thought share time with people who held to noble ideals of sobriety.
    Boy was i wrong. so many druggies on here i don't visit as ofter and skip most of the legalize drugs rants. one day we will have a president who won't be offering a chicken in every pot but a pot for every person. he will be elected by a landslide because so many have slipped to escapism and addiction. i have never seen more drug use equate to anything good but i have seen things get worse.

    1. Ok Shakespeare why don't you enlighten us since you have such a high IQ dipshit. Do us all a favor don't reproduce and contaminate the world with your shitty ideals and know it all attitude. Fucking sick of every person here thinking they are smarter than everyone else. Just shut the fuck up and keep it moving

    2. 9:03 hey lady Mc Beth,leave the boy alone he has been allowed to express hisself,by the administrators,no less,maybe with some encouragement,the boy could tell us about why he has "sech" heady convictions,I for one will be waiting anxiously...

  22. Anyways hilarious reading all the comments. Y'all are talking out your ass and you don't even that none of you have any idea what you're talking about.

    November 11, 2013 at 12:12 PM
    Ofcourse it would weaken cartels. Especially CDG since they export more weed then coke. And yes the USA would be able to supply the whole country with high quality weed A.K.A. hydro. Remember we have the largest piece of grassland in the world that's perfect to grow weed.

    November 11, 2013 at 1:27 PM
    I agree bro. I hate the draconian sentences that judges impose on drug offenders. Some guys get 20 years for just selling crack. Freaking stupid man. Then again the prison-industrial complex lobbies for severe draconian sentences because it means more money for them. Also the reason Osiel got 20 years is because he provided a wealth of information to the U.S. government about the Gulf cartel. It is because of his snitching the CDG got dozens of plaza bosses and hundreds of sicarios killed or arrested.

    November 11, 2013 at 2:27 PM
    And how do you know it wont work? The U.S.A. is not Mexico bro. It's comparing apples to oranges. Legalization of drugs has never happened in this country.

    November 11, 2013 at 3:00 PM
    And how exactly do you know humans seek illegal substances? How is it human nature? Do you have a link to a study? If so please provide. If you can't you're just talking out your ass. And the reason there's a record number of people diagnosed with depression/anxiety/whatever is because doctors love $$$$. Seriously they'll prescribe any narcotic as long as you pay up for sessions and the drugs. Just because you're sad for a day or two doesn't mean your depressed. Now a days a lot of doctors just care about money and not patients. They don't care if they're ruining someones well-being and life, as long as they get paid!

    November 11, 2013 at 3:19 PM
    I agree Texas grandma. Glad there's someone with senses here.

    November 11, 2013 at 4:29 PM
    I agree with most of your points except. "the mass have jumped the border and are hell bent on becoming parasites off our system." Not true. The vast majority of Mexican immigrants are from the Southern states who come here to work. Most of them pay taxes and work. They can't apply for welfare nor none of that. If it was up to me legalize them. This country since it's foundation has been a nation of immigrants. And there will always be bigots such as yourself. Back in the 19th and early 20th century the Irish/Germans/Italians were called parasites. The W.A.S.P.s would say it would be the end of the nation if they were let in. They would say they would be parasites and would suck from the system. They were wrong. Look what happened. Most of them worked and became good citizens. Yes I will admit there are bad apples but the vast majority of Mexican immigrants are good people who come here for work and a better life. Remember the South-West has always and will always be a Hispanic majority area.

    November 11, 2013 at 4:34 PM
    Maybe it won't but it will definately weaken them. There is only so much they can extort and kidnap. And if they do up the ante in kidnapping/extortion the Mexican military will unleash their full might. Right now they hold back but trust me if things get worst the Mexican military will step up.

    November 11, 2013 at 4:42 PM
    Coke use is dwindling bro. Yes meth is on the rise but it ain't as bad as the crack/coke epidemic back in the 80s/early 90s. Sure they can step up exporting meth/coke/H but the demand won't be there. It'll be a waste and the prices would drop. And yes we need to get rid of the fucking corrupt leeches called politicians.

    In conclusion yes LEGALIZE weed. I'm not to sure about meth/coke/H but hey we've never tried legalizing them but might as well try. If the negatives outweigh the positives then yes repel legalizing meth/coke/H. But at least legalize weed and keep it legalized!!!

    1. 7:35 güey de la frontera,nice exercise in collecting posts according to a certain criteria,can you collect the serious reasonings about why legalizing or not the drugs will work or not,we can move on to the serious part of the point,pros and cons...

  23. Puro sinaloa cartel. You can catch me in the ghurka f5 riding around culiacan with the AR10 and a couple million cash.
    November 11, 2013 at 12:58 PM

    Marijuana is little money. I stay pushin tons of coke from San Antonio to Chicago. 24yrs old and got $95M. Got property in Newport beach CA, $30Million penthouse in Manhattan, apartment in Soho. Im inside brazilian and russian women Raw. Cartel
    November 11, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    So you guys are openly admitting to being cartel members, being drug dealers, being money launderers? Wow you retards have dug your own grave. The FBI takes those types of declarations on the internet seriously. Trust me I got family in the bureau. I have taken screenshots and have emailed this to FBI agents that I know personally. I've also submitted the screenshots and a letter of concern to the FBI tips website. Trust me kids they take this very seriously and I'm more then sure they'll be investigating you retards. They can track your location with a few button clicks. You guys have dug your own grave Enjoy you visits to your house you little shit-talking pochos. Ni saben hablar ingles y menos espanol bahahaha son una verguenza estupidos. Ayi les va para que miren que no ando con mamadas como ustedes estupidos.

    Anyways hilarious reading all the comments. Y'all are talking out your ass and you don't even that none of you have any idea what you're talking about.

    November 11, 2013 at 12:12 PM
    Ofcourse it would weaken cartels. Especially CDG since they export more weed then coke. And yes the USA would be able to supply the whole country with high quality weed A.K.A. hydro. Remember we have the largest piece of grassland in the world that's perfect to grow weed.

    November 11, 2013 at 1:06 PM
    November 11, 2013 at 1:24 PM
    We'd appreciate y'alls thoughts on debunking legalization. Anyways they said legalized alcohol wouldn't work and look! It did. So please guys elaborate on why legalization wouldn't work then maybe we'd agree with you. Until then you guys are wrong.


    1. Lol yeah and I have family in the CIA and the vice president is my grampa. I will swiftly be reporting you. You have dug your own grave buddy. Mock my words

  24. The cartels are already in NorCal, Russians the whole 9 yards. If pot is legalized the revenue will dwarf cocaine, 5x more people smoke weed

  25. This has nothing to do with the drug war in MX idiots

  26. Coming from a Liberty Minded perspective (Libertarian)

    I don't believe in taxation, regulation, or the illegal drug war.( please end the federal reserve, fiat currency, income tax,unconstitutional wars etc etc.)

    It is not governments business what I do with my personal life, as long as I am not trampling on other peoples freedom I should do as I please.

    cannabis is only 1/5th of the problem, I read some where in a journal you still have to deal with all the harder drugs. it doesnt hurt to try does it?
    please don't sacrifice liberty for security

    Ive lost 2 loved ones to kidnappings, almost 2 others. the time is now to end it

    1. 9:35 "libertarians" by definition not liberals.
      Teabaggers drunk on nazi tea,proponents of
      libertine arms laws,robots of the NRA,that promotes the selling of weapons to Mexican cartels to get their claws on somed of that naco-narcs money.
      "There is two things certain in life,that's death and taxes" Ben Franklin
      We would still be a colony without taxes to support a government that saved England's ass and Europe's and the USSR,and the Chinese,and Asia from the axis members.
      The founding fathers pledged their lives, their property,their money,and their good names to the cause of independence.
      The fucking "libertarians"don't wanna pay 50% of their gains however ill gotten,so don't even deserve to call themselves:
      "Tea party" they are just the astroturf nazi robo-tools of their billionaire winders,no matter how good you are at ass kissing,you will never make even one million dollars in your life,but hey,we still are a free country,
      kiss ass all you want,but keep your nose clean,"libertarian"teabagger...

  27. Kill all the Treviño Morales brothers!

  28. to 8;10 you are one ignorant ass add stupid as well, if you do not see how this is connected to the Mexican Drug War. Secondly, get your own blog and make your rules, this blog does very well without your lame and pointless critique

  29. Legalization is generally going to bring trouble. The Govt can not control this weed any more than they can control crabgrass and dandilions. Week may be therapeutic for some but it makes many ppl. act stooopid! Cheech and Ching humor is based on true effects. In my most liberal thoughts I would say that if you grow your own in your house or yard the government shouldn't interfere. Unfortunately this would bring trouble due to thefts. There would also have to be controls on DUI and safety on the job. I don't want a stoner assembling my aircraft. Okay Bro! As far as a solution to corruption (main problem) and cartels (byproduct of corruption) is concerned, the bad guys will shift from weed to extortion, harder drugs, human trafficking, pirating etc. It is not as easy as "legalize it and tax it". It is a weed that will sprout basically anywhere that a seed is dropped.

  30. Weed will be completely legal when the last square picometer of hell freezes over. Corrupt government's, politicians, around the world make to much money off weed for them to legalize it will open arms so we are going to see a hell of a fight to get those pieces of shit to do the right thing. People just need to do the math on how many people's incomes are directly influenced by keeping drugs illegal at all costs. People wake up, we are living in a time of rampant corruption and I'm not talking about the government of Mexico, I'm talking about the scum people have allowed to infest the US government for decades and now people are starting to see just how bad it is. It's going to be a long hard road to get out of this shit, I only hope we can at some point.

  31. All the war on drugs has done is strengthen those that benefit from illegality, the producer or/ th one who brings these things to market and at the back end, detention centers, and all the niche suppliers that make these markets able to run, more and more high technology contracts for survielance/counter-surveilance. Tactical bullshit gear etc. Military and alpha personalities like anything with velcro, lol. All prohibition is is just the culmination of child worship[, that is the holy grail argument, whenever it might make sense to end drug laws, madd mothers groups come out of the wood work with horror stories about the destruction of their family caused by some brown or black, or biker guy and then the argument turns into a screaming match. If our government would stop pandering to the minority wether it be religious leaders or moral asshole types or, fear monger defense contractors we could actually have progress. Instead of all the non retreivable money spent on incarceration, we could spend that on infrastructure so america doesnt have to look like the ghetto it has become in its cities..


    EITHER LEGALIZE BOTH (i.e. individual freedom and responsibility)
    OR OUTLAW BOTH (i.e. government control and responsibility)

    The current situation of of CONSERVATIVE HIPOCRACY is destroying society!

    1. 5:00 Lumping together a bad cause and an evil one may get both half way there...
      Lumping together a good and a bad cause may get them half way to a mediocre there.
      By exacting "support"for the servicemen of the us armed forces,the george w bush administration was able to carry on their quest for imaginary weapons of mass destruction,the fallen soldiers do not count for them,not at all,collateral casualties never do,making money off government contracts
      is all it is all about...
      Lump the good with the bad...

  33. To the person who tries to split hair asking shit like: how do you know people seek out illegal substances, is there a study or something?, how are people depressed, just because they are sad? Your questions are weird. How do we know humans seek out illegal substances, well it's because they do: they really don't need to be illegal or any of that, its because humans thirst for something more, it is a qwest as old as the hills, they seek out substances period: sugar, salt, coffee, peyote, the list is farther than you can imagine: there are whole drug scenes that only a select few know about because the chemicals are so new, have you ever tried an internet search about drugs? It is a highly detailed and very documented subject, there are many studies that have been founded by even the governments of all over the planet documenting any and every aspect of every drug you can possibly imagine, have you ever heard of a group of drugs called, " research chemicals" and psychonauts? Their research runs deep give it a google, it's worth a google. Don't be so thick!!

  34. Let's Be Blunt: It's Time To Expand Drug Testing

    1. 2:59 let's just assume everybody is guilty,no need for testing,what next?the only thing left to do,is classify the differences between the wholesale traffickers,middlemen and addicts and go from there,the greatest punishments to go to the greediest,since not all have the same level of rewards...

  35. @November 11, 2013 at 2:27 PM Legalizing it will stop the crime the users commit. If drugs were legal a heroin habit could 5 or so dollars a day. They're just expensive because of prohibition.

  36. November 12, 2013 at 5:22 AM
    You didn't answer any of my questions though. You raised irrelevant points.
    " How do we know humans seek out illegal substances, well it's because they do:" Lmao what? Your answer has no proof. Nothing to back it up. Because they do? Seriously thanks for making my night I'm literally LMAOing. Anyways I don't care about any research chemicals or psychonauts or whatever. Stop trying to change the subject! Weak attempt at a argument, but then again this is the internet.

    November 12, 2013 at 9:28 AM
    Hey bro would love to have a relevant intellectual conversation. What's your email bro?

    1. 8:29 sure,would love to,but I don't even correspond with my most beloved,i don't wanna be caught,you know?I am grateful that BB helps us be such anonymous chickenass islands of loneliness,so some of us don't end up killing each other.
      Let's just rant here to our hearts'content, tease the ladies,and enrage a few maniacs with the most obstreperous remarks...

  37. Let's. Be blunt and smoke 20 of them....heheheh..the devil looks like a big mexican

  38. "and enrage a few maniacs with the most obstreperous remarks..."

    Lo siento, mi amigo. I heard that next week the sicarios are killing all the people who use multi-syllable words. Perhaps this weekend you should enjoy a glass of good Merlot. Hahahahaha!!!

    1. 6:16 I don't know why I'm feeling like I should have the fava beans Merlot...


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