An English translation has been released of the book Narcoland by Mexican journalist Anabel Hernandez, and the author confirms that organized crime cannot exist without public corruption as she reports for CNN:
I found complicity at the heart of Mexican government, business, police and drug cartels. * * * Currently, all the old rules governing relations between the drug barons and the centers of economic and political power have broken down. The drug traffickers impose their own law. The businessmen who launder their money are their partners, while some local and federal officials are viewed as employees to be paid off in advance, for example by financing their political campaigns.
It all sounds like the same way things are done in America.

"Transnational criminal enterprises have annually invested millions of dollars to create and staff international drug and human smuggling networks inside the United States; thus it is no surprise that they continue to accelerate their efforts to get trusted representatives in place as a means to guarantee continued success," the Border Patrol agents wrote.The Mexican cartels move $50 billion in bulk product and bundled cash across the border each year, and have established supply lines, distribution networks and operational cells in hundreds of communties throughout the United States. There is no way that such a well-entrenched operation could be so successfully accomplished without a little help from well-placed friends.
Another future dead snitch
ReplyDeletethat snitch has bigger balls then you will ever have!!
DeleteShe's not a snitch u fucking moron she's a reporter she's doing her job
DeleteBrave Lady. Another Mexican Hero, Take care of yourself. Viva the good people of Mexico.
ReplyDeleteHow is this news.?Once again the true criminals are the elected officials and Money talks and bull#$%& walks.In this day and age the only way to survive as a narco is to pay everybody off.Governments know more than they tell people.If they want you,they can find you.....
ReplyDelete10:07 how's this not news, you moron- first off- this book is finally available in English! I hope she'll be alive for a long time
DeleteYou are the moron For being ignorant.This site has stated hundreds of posts regarding crooked politicians.Why dont you go fuck your self..
Deleteshe is a snitch you stupid moron its like we all know the mexican mafia exist but youre not putting it up on neon on youre house or you and informing the dea and authorites thats a snitch just cause you got a notebook doesnt make you a reporter just has in the US they legalize painkillers and liquor and cigarettes witch kill in higher rate and yes there drug dealers to just cause the law says its okay to sell its a double standard but is she brave to snitch knowing she is going to be killed thats a choice she made and that makes her a tough woman and a snitch
ReplyDeleteLololol wow I wish I had the three seconds to read ur post back. I bet ur mom had to spell check it for u
Delete2:52 Waaah,waaah,wah! A snitch is a thousand times better and preferable than a silent pendejo.
DeleteYou was not there to help pancho rafail, maybe mouth to mouth resuscitation could have helped,if you only could have, kept your tongue to yourself,güey...
All Tijuana's are snitches, when the clown kill the Arellano Felix capo, all Tijuana's put the finger on every mofo, Chapo did it, Chaputo Isidro did it, la Línea did it, Chihuahua cartel did it, 40's mother did it, DEA did it, FBI did it, shit bro, they snitch on everyone, and they call this lady a snitch? I hope La Wera de Tijuana didn't bit her tongue.
ReplyDeleteNow that's a fucking journalist, kids. Bunch of Internet pussies....
ReplyDeleteSo doing da right thing is wrong.dis brave journalist deserves a nobel peace prize for her bravery and she has more balls than most of the posters here on bb!! To accept wrong is too continue live with consequences!!!
ReplyDeleteAgree 100%
Deletekeep being female anonymous practicly just bitches if youre going to speak put youre name behind it i use my name cause el caf know im a white boy or gringo living tijuana and they been good to me and witness the war and caf winning it so FCK you and youre comment who are afraid to put there real name and if caf is finish why you so SCARED PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteUr a moron , el wero de tj is ur name, cmon man use ur head a lil, i dnt give a rats ass about ur caf or wat u represent but i do recognize right from wrong and wat anabel hernandez is doin is da right thing,
DeleteAtt el kaliman
5:54 Mira pinche güero culero,aqui todos somos anonymous,principalmente porque no queremos contactos personales con ninguna clase de cagada.
DeleteSi deveras eres tan,pero tan chingon,ponte un sign,que diga tu pandilla y con quien quieres pedo,no van a faltarte voluntarios,lo que si te van a faltar son huevos.maricon...
I'm guessing your birth certificate says wero de Tijuana, It doesn't seem your a gringo. Stop sucking caf balls, unless they feed you. If you think you're so brave put your real name and address hahaha
Delete5:54 after all this time güero pendejo you have not corrected your bs.if you want to know a snitch, look up all the mofos that the police catch, many will plead guilty even if they are innocent to cut their sentences.
ReplyDeleteif they are guilty, they will snitch on their mothers to get away with whatever they can, but they all know they are gonna get popped in prison from day one, which is why men get other men in trouble,to get fresh meat to their buddies back in jail,and maybe someday they will vatch their own share of jail bitch.
if somebody reports on crime and criminals, professional reporter, free lancer or just a citizen, it is just one less pendejo,and if you don't like it you and all those that think like you, can go and #$%&*,*&%$# and #*=℅π÷§ your #-$*%& ℅€¢®£™©π√± and their #*$&%:Δ§π√€¥¢£™©® !