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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Civil Servant in Mexico Tests U.S. on Asylum

DD note;  La Ruana, located near the border of Michoacán and Jalisco has become an epicenter of violence and a city under siege from attacks by the Caballeros Templar.  As one resident, a mother of 2 children, and widowed by the Templars put it;  "they won't let us work.  We are dying of hunger.  There is no doctor, no money, no gasoline, no work, and no food.  There is nothing.  Then, on what are we going to live?....The doctors have begun to go, and they took the priest too."  Borderland Beat Story 

civil servant C. Ramon Contreras Orozco writes letters for asylum seekers.
All Photos by Rodrigo Cruz-Perez for The New York Time
By Damien Cave, NYT
Jittery families cram into his tiny office here, daily. Hundreds more have appeared at the San Diego border 1,500 miles away, clutching an official-looking letter bearing his name, gambling that its description of the violence in this blistering stretch of central Mexico will help them gain asylum in the United States.

The letter has quickly become a document of hope for the desperate. And the writer, an obscure local official named C. Ramon Contreras Orozco, keeps delivering, creating an unusual bureaucratic tangle that is testing American asylum policy. 

“I’m trying to help,” said Mr. Contreras, the jefe de tenencia, or occupancy chief, of this battle-scarred town, where a drug cartel has declared war on residents. “People keep coming, telling me: ‘I’m afraid for me and my children. I need to go.’ ”

Asylum requests along the border with Mexico are soaring: claims more than doubled to 36,000 in fiscal 2013, from 13,800 in 2012. American officials believe that Mr. Contreras’s letters were presented in nearly 2,000 of the most recent cases, turning him into a focal point for the anxiety over violence in Mexico and making his letter a case study for contentious issues on both sides of the border. 

Indeed by furiously churning out documents that highlight Mexico’s inability to protect civilians in this region of avocados, citrus and drugs, Mr. Contreras, 38 — a hefty lime farmer in his first government job — has managed both to shame his own country and to sign his way into the latest immigration feud in the United States.

“I’m just verifying reality,” Mr. Contreras said, sweating at a too-small desk in an office without air-conditioning. “I’m not doing anything wrong.” 

Mexican officials have nonetheless become frustrated by attention to this agricultural area’s slide into chaos, with drug cartels battling armed self-defense groups. And in Washington, influential lawmakers, including Robert Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, are increasingly concerned that criminals are abusing the asylum process, cheating their way into the country and disappearing for at least a few years until their cases are heard. 

Mr. Contreras’s efforts rouse both concerns. In the 2013 fiscal year, most of the petitions for asylum based on a “credible fear of persecution or torture” came from Central America. But of the roughly 2,500 cases that came from Mexico, Mr. Contreras estimated that nearly 80 percent of them involved his letters. Officials with the Department of Homeland Security said they considered that more or less accurate. 

And each case is a riddle. Are Mr. Contreras’s assertions of the dangers here enough to give emigrating families a chance of asylum in the United States? Are the letters showing up at the San Diego border even originals?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, immigration authorities say. The circumstances are often so murky that even members of the same family, carrying the same letter, say they have received different decisions on their requests to stay in the United States and apply for asylum. 

 Isamar Gonzalez was deported to Mexico when she sought asylum, but her mother was allowed to stay in the United States to await a court date.

“The letters are a product of need,” said the Rev. Manuel Amezcoa, 49, a Roman Catholic priest who works in this part of Mexico. “But the results are complicated.”

It all began in mid-March, Mr. Contreras said, when a young woman appeared in his office begging for a way to reach her grandfather in the United States. Just a few weeks earlier, on Feb. 24, residents had formed a self-defense group and publicly challenged the Knights Templar drug cartel, which led to a vicious gun battle near the town plaza just across from Mr. Contreras’s office.

The Knights Templar then made it deadly to pick or pack limes, taking away this fertile valley’s main livelihood. Gas had also become scarce because suppliers feared driving in, and the municipal president had just fled amid accusations of cartel ties, suddenly making Mr. Contreras, who used to spend much of his time certifying property transfers, all that was left of local government. 

The letter, he said, was a response to desperation, hatched by him and his secretary while the young woman waited for a response. By that point, he said, it was obvious that his home state of Michoacán, which has struggled with drug war violence for nearly a decade, was no longer just lawless; it was uninhabitable. 

A neighbor, Amparo Zavala, left, and her daughter-in-law, Blanca Figueroa, also were deported though other relatives remained.
“This is a failed state,” Mr. Contreras said. “The government can’t follow through on anything.”

Federal officials have rejected that assessment, noting that additional troops have quieted violence in some areas. 

But here in a part of the country that security experts now describe as Mexico’s toughest battleground in its war on organized crime, entire families have been turning to Mr. Contreras for a way out.

One resident, Amparo Zavala, 56, collected her letter from him after paying about $4. Hoping for asylum, she then traveled to Tijuana with her two grown daughters, a niece, her son and his wife. A bullet had already pierced the tin walls of her two-room home; she said she feared the next gunfight would lead to death.

But the American response was not what she expected. One of Ms. Zavala’s daughters was born mentally disabled, and, she said, at the San Ysidro port of entry, agents pulled them apart. “Please, please, she needs me!” Ms. Zavala recalled screaming. That night was the first time she and her disabled 35-year-old daughter slept apart.

Two weeks later, after being sent to Arizona, Ms. Zavala said she was deported with a five-year ban on re-entering the United States. Her daughter-in-law was also deported, but the others remained, a decision Ms. Zavala still does not understand. “The letter was for all of us,” she said. “We were all telling the truth.” 
Mrs Zavala and her daughter-in-law

Many other families described similar situations. 

Just a few blocks away, closer to the town plaza, Isamar Gonzalez described her own confusion about why her mother could stay in California for a court date more than a year away while she was rejected. “My mother has diabetes,” she said. “Maybe that’s it?” Probably not, Ms. Zavala added: “I have diabetes, too.” 

Homeland Security officials emphasize that the asylum process has always been complicated, with officers scrutinizing a range of evidence to determine whether applicants meet the legal standard of a “credible fear,” which typically allows them to stay in the country freely while their asylum case proceeds to a judge. There are also safeguards and background checks, Homeland Security officials said, to keep out the criminals and fraud that Mr. Goodlatte has said are becoming a bigger part of the system. 

“Credible fear determinations are dictated by longstanding statute, not an issuance of discretion,” said Peter Boogaard, a Homeland Security spokesman.

Most asylum claims are ultimately rejected by a judge. In 2012, only 1 percent of the requests from Mexico were granted — 126 people, a fraction of the 482,000 immigrants who received legal residency. 

But with different asylum officers making the initial “credible fear” decisions after interviews, the early results vary. And here in a region with a long history of emigration, even the possibility of asylum feeds rumors and dreams. 

In town after town where cartel gunmen have set buses on fire, cut electricity and filled mass graves, the letter amounts to printed hope. Most people who left with them have not come back, Mr. Contreras said, fueling a sense that the effort is working. 

That appears to have spawned a copying industry. American officials say some immigrants have recently reported paying about $75 for the letter. When Mr. Contreras was shown two versions of his letter presented at the border, with different signatures, he immediately identified one as a fraud. 

“A lot of people are selling these, or so I’ve heard, but for me, it’s just a way to help,” he said. He then rose from his desk and returned with a manila folder containing a random sampling of the letters he has signed.

The early versions were general, describing a “wave of violence and insecurity” that flooded the area after the February clash between residents and the cartel. Later versions were more specific, usually at the request of the family, he said. One letter from mid-November, for example, explained that the parents of a child named Leticia were sending her north alone to apply for asylum and live with relatives “until the danger passes.”

As word has spread, the geographic span has also widened. Shortly before Mr. Contreras retrieved the folder, two new requests arrived: a man came from a town in Jalisco state known as a way station for the Knights Templar; another came from a town nearby where a pregnant official had reportedly been killed the night before.

One was planning to flee north with his entire family. The other would be traveling alone. “His wife and children are already there,” Mr. Contreras said. “They left months ago with the letter.


  1. You people are amazing. So much good info on this site. Thanks BB where would we be without you. Chivas, I'm in awe of what you do. Happy New Year everyone.

  2. Mexicans have to stand up and fight. Dont let the gringos do that for you. You know what happened last time the gringos went down there, Mexico lost half of her territory. Do you want to lose the other half???? gb

    1. Yes I would like for the US to own BAJA CALIFORNIA. Paved streets, no corrupt cops, etc. Mexico is better in the hands of the US.

  3. Mé of COWARDS!

    1. 3:33pm. Do you have balls big enough to live in México? If you think you can cut it, come down to Michoacan, Jalisco or Sinaloa and tell the men they're cowards, you wouldn't live to talk about it.

    2. You are very ignorant !! You don't know the risks that all those people are living every day. You can judge from the comfort of your home that's why is so easy just to speak trash .... you speak what you are... move down to Mexico for one day and yell out those word's in the middle of a plasa...then you'll find out if Mexico is a country of cowards.....

  4. The USA should just take control of mexico and make that part of the U.S period mexican govt is a joke

  5. @2:16p.m are we slightly racist or what? That happened hundred plus years ago.i dont mind if they come to america or how many come but if they hate us so bad then why they tryin to come to a country where they hate it? Most of us in the u.s are not one damn bit happy about what our gvt does sometimes but most ppl here are good ppl.u.s gvt is alot like mexican gvt as money talks and not everyone in the u.s has money!! So i say let them come just get rid of the narco trash!! Youre right on one point as the mexican ppl do need to arm themselves and stand up and fight for their country and take it back! By the way if the u.s gvt keeps going like they are the same thing may happen here except the citizens here are armed to the teeth!!!

  6. Keep coming to the US and telling them what is happening. Information is the best tool. The USA needs to worry about Mexico and not Syria, Darfur or the Middle East.


    1. @6:57 p.m AMEN!!! ive been saying that for a long time! I tell everybody that and they are shocked when they find out as it never makes it to the media here!

  7. I'm sure everybody is done asking WHY won't America do anything to help prevent all this evil, greedy, bullshit going on in Mexico...
    Its pretty clear, America will never get involved...

    Let a little "unstableness" happen in The Middle East though...
    And it's WARRRRRR!

    Mexico needs to STOP asking for ANY help from the USA...
    Their apathy is EVIDENT!

    If only, we lived in a World where other Countries cared enough to help the

    Since there is NO HELP from a National audience with-in Mexico...

    Why don't what's left of these FAILED "STATES" in Mexico unite to help each-other???

    They should just create some NEW "States" in Mexico, with NEW LAWS, and the 1st being, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS....

    At least just to even the odds, just a little...

    1. Mexico is a sovereign country. They don't want our direct help. They want our money. You can cry and cry and say why won't the US help us. When they won't allow the US to truly intervene.

  8. It's not that the Mexicans are cowards, most have just as much balls as anyone, it's that they live in a country where they can't trust or depend on their government for help. Why do you suppose they are taking up arms on their own? Those poor Mexicans are stuck between a corrupt government and greedy thugs and criminals who call themselves cartels.

  9. The U.S. government is not about to embarrass the Mexican government by acknowledging the refugee problem caused by its phony drug war, in which both are complicit.God bless the self-defense forces in Michoacan and Guerrero, with their shotguns and hunting rifles vs. the AK-47s and MP5s of the Templarios and Federales. Don't anyone ever say that Mexicans aren't brave.

  10. Seriously. You say, " Mexicans have to stand up and fight."
    Which Mexicans are you talking about?
    1. The oligarchs who control virtually all of Mexico's resources ?
    2. Politicians who are corrupt and often handmaidens to criminal cartels?
    3. Business people in bed with #1 and #2?
    4. Middle class folks living in paranoid and paralyzing fear?
    5. Legal and illegal Mexicans living in the USA?
    6. Intellectuals (writers, social scientists, poets, etc) who are afraid to openly and "honestly" express their ideas for change?
    7. Members of corrupt unions?
    8. Oppressed Indios already victimized by generations of racist Mexicans?
    9. The corrupt Mexican military?
    10. Corrupt and incompetent teachers?
    11. Entertainers (T.V., movies, music) who glamorize criminals as in narco-corridos?
    12. The Catholic Church that has generations of cozy relations with the rich and powerful including criminals?
    13. Adherents of Santa Muerte and Satanas?

    Now, about "gringos" getting involved?

    I think, US citizens are getting tired of bloody and very expensive foreign adventures to "rescue" dysfunctional nations.

    I think the "gringo" electorate would consider it absolutely insane to get involved (more than they already are) in Mexican affairs.

    The US addiction to narcotics and cheap labor are basic problems that fuel much of the corruption and violence in Mexico. One way the US could help Mexico in its current situation is to very materially (1) stop using illicit drugs and (2) identify, prosecute, and punish people and corporations that are involved in criminal acts linked to Mexican enterprises with criminal ties.

    Mexico Watcher

    1. 9:00 you "conveniently" forget the stabilizing effect Don Francisco,augusto pinochet's pretty boy has in the US/Mexico relations, also the effect of US weapons on the Mexican crime levels and the US complicity with the Mexican government in repressing the Mexican rabble,to save them from communism by keeping food and education from reaching the rabble,the proles and the farmers.what I can not understand is how you can be so stupid and ignorant,with all the opportunities available to inform and educate yourself.

    2. That's cute. Mexico is pretty much USA's drug dealer. You say If the USA stops buying drugs this will stop. No it won't. The cartels are taxing everything the people do in Mexico. If you weren't supplying the US with drugs. The cartels would still be doing the shit they are doing. Like taxing businesses, individuals etc.

    3. 10:08 don't forget that the CIA,sun myung moon,Oliver north,Eliot Abrams,Klaus barbie,the caleros,Noriega etc etc,started the wholesale drug trafficking by the planeloads,and even invented crack...
      I'd bet today's war on narcos is for the purpose of getting the business back,now that the US government is cutting funding for too many agencies...but I don't bet.

  11. Asylum was granted for many during the El Salvador Civil War.
    Never thought that Mexico would end up in a freaking mess.

    El Salvador casualties 70,000

    Mexico official unofficial dead / missing 200,000 plus

    When will the world step up to the plate?

  12. 3:33 "Mexico country of cowards"?
    Do you mean the cowards armed with US provided weaponry, from US weapons traffickers that help US weapons manufacturers get some of that drug traffickers money?
    Or do you mean some even more cowardly assholes that blame the poor for their poverty and the victims of crime for being victims,I hope you get someday to see the light,before it is too late,for the US enemies are at work undermining the country,in the dark,from the back like the cowards they are...

  13. @6;28pm. When you told 3;33pm that if he came to Michoacan and yelled "Mexicans are cowards", he wouldn't live to tell about it, you are wrong. Most Mexicans are no different than you and I. If you called them a coward, they might beat the crap out of you and tie you up and take you back to the Rio Grande and throw you in the river and tell you to swim and go home. But they wouldn't kill you.

    @Mexican Watcher; good comments from you as usual. You were asking which of those listed should stand up and fight; corrupt politicians, the oligarchs who control the resources and wealth and keep the people poor, or any of the other 13 on your list.
    You could easily turn that list around and label it as the ones that the good honest hardworking people should stand up and fight against.

    Most of the comments are missing one main point that I hoped this story would tell. That is that the US desperately needs to reform it's immigration laws, especially the provisions that deal with amnesty. With over 2000 homeless in Michoacan because they have been forced from their homes or their homes burned or destroyed, sometimes with entire villages forced to abandon their towns, with over 7,000 killed in Mich. last year, with untold numbers of rapes, mutilations, kidnappings, and criminals stealing entire businesses, there were 126 Mexicans granted asylum last year.

    We should be ashamed of oursevles.

    1. There will be no help from the international community for the Mexican people,until all the paraestatales,the businesses owned by the Mexican state,like Comision Federal de Electricidad,PEMEX,banking,cementos mexicanos,water rights,titles to all land,are the property of the private interests that cause all the problems in the first place,and a minimum wage of 1.00 Mexican peso an hour are established and made part of the mexican constitution,thanks PRI/SALINAS DE GORTARI ET AL...maybe the people can see now that Pena nieto really was going to fuck the Mexicans in the ass for EL PRI,at least one more time,for what remains to be stolen from Mexico,Mexicans can expect no mercy. The pirate vultures of global privatization have even invented an all new Jesus of theirs,that justifies their greed and rapacity,they need to find the other Jesus at the guillotine...

    2. From a humanitarian vantage point, I see your view, however, imagine the flood of people if the USA did grant asylum for the Mich. conditions. These people, being mostly poor and uneducated, would be immediately placed on governmental assistance for the forseeable future. Washington D.C. politicians would not pass this without partisian battles. A cruel world...

  14. DD you misunderstood Mexico Watcher. The ones on his list ARE the ones that are not helping Mexico's bad situation. Read again.

  15. Another point that I was trying to make is, instead of asking for help from America, why don't the People Of Mexico ask for help from other neighboring countries?

    There's plenty of other countries in South America that seem to be "stable" enough to help these people escape to a better life.

    I heard that all the violence that is going on in Mexico is selling a lot of Newspapers through out South America...

    How can there be millions of people following what's going on in Mexico but no demand that SOMEBODY HELP???

    I also heard that Mexican Cartels have took control over all the Countries up until Colombia... You would think that someone, somewhere in South America would've hit the panic button by now. You would think that someone would actually care...

    1. 12:42 Bolivia,Ecuador,Venezuela,Peru,cuba,among other Latin-American countries have united for their common good,and the US has its bloomers up in bunches,do you really think the Latin-Americans should unite?
      What would happen then?the US would conduct another pinochetazo for the united kingdom?talk before you think,je,je,je! I mean...

  16. I love the armed civil defense groups. These are good people who love their country and are willing to fight to keep it safe. Also these will be the people to fight against the corrupt officials in the Mexican government. People don't need to flee mexico. They just need to joins the defense groups. May God protect and help them.

  17. Hey did anyone else notice Ms. Isamar Gonzalez. If the US border would be more like a nightclub. She would have been allowed to cut the line and enter first.

  18. Most people fear imigration, not because of racial prejudice, but because they are afraid of loosing their own culture or sense of home. Look at certain cities in the US. Some areas have the feel of going into a different country. Most 1st generation Mexican Immigrants that I know have the same family values, work ethic, and morals that I do. Other than a minor language barrier I get along fine with them. However, I have noticed that in larger cities in areas where large numbers of immigrants move, it is the 2nd and 3rd generations of the original immigrants who loose these morals and values. (not all, but a lot) I can only assume that it is american culture that have affected them in a negative why. Through the onslaught of propagana from immoral american television and the constant push of socialism and anti-God teachings from the US public and higher leearning school system.
    We do have a lot of good people in america. After all it was these good people who have built this great country. It just seems that the revolutionaries from the 60's are now old enough to try to stir american culture away from its traditional Christian roots. I just fear that these immigrants are being used to push the agenda of these rich godless ruling class. Just like they do with our youth, women, blacks, hispanics, poor, whites. Identity politics is a evil thing. At what points in history did our rulling class decided to divide and conquer us. It is almost as if the US government is pushing a state of segregation within a supposedly de-segregated country.

  19. Sad thing is that the US government is not doing its job. The CIA was developed to watch what happens in the world and try to curb any unrest that may pull the US into a war. However the CIA is failing at its job. Look at what they did in Cuba. They attempted to help Cuba and helps Castro gain power. Which nearly lead to an enemy of the US having nukes just miles from florida coast. I would like to think that the CIA would go and help the civil defense groups. But I fear that due to corruption they are more likely going to be helping the cartels than helping honest people.
    Does everyone remember the Kuwait war. At the end of that war US Gov told a group of freedom seeking rebels in Iraq that we would help them if they would attack the Iraq government. So they atacked and we did nothing. Those poor peole were slaughtered. If only we held up to our end of the bargain, we would have never have had to go to war with Iraq. THe troubles of a new government starting would have been taken care of the people who fought and won their freedom instead of us. I believe Iraq would be a better place today if we didn't turn our backs on those people.
    Mexico doesn't need the help of the US gov. so far everything we have touched has turned sour. The only reason American is great is because of the people who sacrificed before us. But the people in todays america are reaping the awards of a past generation and we are quickly losing it.
    This is a great opportunity for the Mexicans to take back their country and restore civility and reap the rewards of their own hard work. I believe that Mexico could be on the verge of becoming a young super power. All it needs it for the good folks to win.
    As for america. If the US doesn't correct its policies Mexico will soon have to close their border to prevent americans from mass immigrating to Mexico.

  20. The 36,000 asylum seekers will seem Like an insignificant number when (not if) there is a catastrophic breakdown in Mexican society. The border fences will be breached like a scene from World War Z. The open desert will be awash with a human tsunami. The dynamic is predictable but the politicians just want to get through their watch and get away with the money before it happens. It is preventable but those with the most power to do so, have no incentive. You can razz a farmer and tell him to fight well armed and well funded drug gangs all you want. I would tell the governments of both countries to grow a pair and do what is ecessary to prevail and to truly fight evil regardless of the financial aspect. Sad!

  21. For those moronic cowards with their insane conspiracy theories blaming the U.S. for the hell that Mexico is.....por eso estan como estan!

    1. 9:43 you are a moronic asshole,you are denying history,all the Mexican wars have been financed and pushed by the US,for their economic gain. This one is being waged against the US too,on many fronts,by many enemies foreign and domestic,and by being stupid you are not helping Mexico or the US.try and inform yourself before telling either country "what they should do", pinchi puto...

  22. Look at Italy organized crime. It goes FAR beyond drugs. They have their fingers in everything that comes out of Italy, and they own Southern Italy. If drugs become legal, or even if only some drugs, the Mexican cartels will still have their fingers in produce, oil, and anything else coming from Mexico.

  23. Great Article with many ,many logical comments. Thanks BB.

    Honestly the place is too big and out of control. Then there is the money from tourism that is at risk if all these horrors are exposed. A place that is blessed with endless beaches and resorts. But, cursed with poverty , criminal ,corruption and mayhem beyond belief. Serious, there are people that think all these narcofosas and beheadings are fake and only bad people are involved. And since they do not vacation in Michoacán they could give a rats ass about a little Mexican.

    Talk about Sovereignty ? Where's the line drawn at ? When residents start fleeing and asking for asylum by the 1000's? WTF ?

    When Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana sold out the Mexican people by selling part of Mexico for 15 million dollars in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. What else was in the treaty ? Think 15 million dollars in 1848?

    Mexico a empire of excess and lusting with greed.

    1. 1:30 the US always makes sure that the right people get "elected"democratically,then feed them the necessary corruption,and the weaponry to keep the Indians at peace in the plantation,but it is getting harder and harder as the US can't keep order within its own country,and is losing wars all over the world,by not even trying to win them...

  24. I say just get rid of our immigration laws,border patrol agents,let anyone that can walk across stay in the united states and let the party begin,then will see how many people are really happy with that choice,I guarantee you the number would be very careful what you wish for people...

  25. No free ride and let them com USA needs to take over mexico annex it then we can have the oil and gold tax Mexicans extra for obamacare works for me

    1. 2:59 Mexicans are taking over the US, Canada,Alaska,and we are taxing the us by many schemes.
      If you so hard up,Mexico would steal all us institutions,and Mexicans would not be putting up with any bullshit from anybody, the law would ne on our side...till then,so long.

  26. Not to make light of the situation, but it seems someone needs to hire The A-Team. Seriously. Or something similar. Kudos to the self defense groups for having the guts to stand up against the cartels. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that at the end of things, when finally it's safe again, they put away their weapons (not turn them in, just put them away in a locked, safe place in case they're needed again in the future), and don't become Mexico's AUC.

  27. Only 34 comments for a very important subject. Thanks BB/DD

  28. The US is flooding us with guns ... whaaaa! There are 50x that many in the US. More long knives and chainsaws too. Yet the difference in behavior is astounding.

    No the US should not take over Mexico and yes, Mexicans should fight for their country. If you think the US is the cause of Mexican people showing no respect for life and a complete lack of morals, flee elsewhere. [Of course the mass killing of neighboring migrants may have burned those bridges.] "No pasa nada aqui, sí"?

    Stop blaming the US and then expecting to run there when things get bad. While you look around to blame the "gringos", your fellow mexicans are killing you. Start looking for real solutions to the problems at home & DO something about them. New year, new attitude.

    1. 10:00 the kaibiles and the zetas training at the school of the Americas,to mercilessly anihilate their perceived enemies.the training provided by Klaus Barbie to the Argentinian military,to the Bolivian military,to the Colombia military,the help provided to the Castro brothers to traffic drugs through Cuba to the US,the Panamanian corruption,etc,etc,etc, and many other etceteras...
      US governmental agencies are to blame.
      It is astounding that one guy can be as stupid as you and try to deny history,I wonder where you get your stupidity from,
      the tea party maybe?you seem to have been brainwashed while drunk on nazi tea while having your head up your ass...not even Houdini was able to do that,did Mexicans beat you up daily and rape you every other moment when you was little?

  29. Good day to you. Peace on earth to men of good will. To men that have bad will and an excuse for anything ,death is coming. Prepare to defend yourselves. Your land is full of weak males and frauds has been taken from you. You were a loving Catholic country until the damnable European protestants stole your Spanish Land Grants.1929, when the dreaded Communist and Marxists came in and cut down the lineage of Catholic priests and lay Catholics in the streets. To be a man under GOD , you shall act like a man and protect and teach the children and have great piety and beg for wisdom and the ability to lead in small things ands responsibilities
    Best Regards
    We in the U.S. will soon be marching and fighting the counter-insurgency


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