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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Translation: American TV Interview of Caballeros Tamplarios Leader La TuTa-Part 1

Chivis Martínez Borderland Beat

Here in part one the reporter gives a background of Caballeros Templarios, and explains that a contact in Michoacán assisted in setting up the interview.  There is a brief footage of his mingling freely at his leisure....then the sit down which ends with a cliffhanger for part two, and caused Tuta to ponder an answer with one of his famous, dumb, facial expressions .... after  the reporter asks;

"Is Servando Gomez Martínez an assassin?" see translation below video

A friend in Coahuila translated the narrative, he points out he knows this is not the best, but he struggled with Tuta’s speech patterns and some of his words, and expressions.  But this will give non Spanish readers the gist of the interview in part one
The interview stresses that Tuta had establish no boundaries and no subject off limits.  It begins with them strolling about, freely, without any perceived fear, giving out money to the people, and attending a cock fight.
As I suspected, he is attempting to disparage the autodefenzas (comunitarios). Obviously that is at the core of this PR campaign, because the autodefenzas are making substantial inroads that have hurt Tuta’s criminal group.
He also points out that any crimes of kidnapping etc were done by some members that are no longer with his group.  Because CT did not want them and their philosophy of wanting to benefit themselves and not help the people.
It’s pretty difficult to stomach this carefully crafted piece of PR garbage...
Reporter: What is your name?
La Tuta:   Servando Gomez Martinez
Reporter:  What do they call you?
La Tuta:  The Profe or La Tuta
Reporter: Why do they call you La Tuta?
La Tuta:  That is what they used to call my grandpa. My grandpa, Jesus Martinez (SP), he had a big nose and when they made the road that runs from Arteaga.   The company that the daughter of the Spaniard started. 
Two Spaniard  Engineers were called Tuta and the other Tonda.  And then they started calling me and my brother Tuta and Tonda by the Spaniards  because of our noses.  (This part was hard to translate)
Reporter:  Mr. Gomez, what do you dedicate yourself to?
La Tuta: Well if I tell you that I am teacher, you wouldn’t believe me.  Now I dedicate myself to leading a group, a brotherhood, which I call a company.  Which by our accounts is to protect our community.  There has been a lot social disorganization.  We know that we are not the saviors.  We know that we are not going to change the world, but we do want that  competent  authorities establish a state with rights and for them to enforce what they should be doing for the town and for the people.
Reporter:  What is the name of that brotherhood?
La Tuta:  The Caballeros Templarios
Reporter:  What do they dedicate themselves to?
La Tuta: We want to take care of the community.  We don’t want bad people.   We could be [bad] possibly because some of our guys don’t behave themselves.  But we don’t want people from outside to come humiliate and extort and fuck our people.
[As] in February, 24th,  of 2013, the communtarios.  [Dr. Mireles and autodefenzas]
The people from here that were our people, switched over to the other side to help the Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) they formed a group of communitarios that is in Tepeche and La Ruana .
What I can tell you is that it is people from our lines of soldiers that didn't fit with us because they robbed and kidnapped and we don’t want them in our group any longer.
They ask us what it is the Caballero Templarios do. We want to protect and we don't receive people from other parts.
Reporter: So you are telling me that the Templarios don’t dedicate themselves to kidnapping
La Tuta: No sir
Reporter: Not dedicated to ….
La Tuta: I can prove it to you. Supposedly, the SEIDO Military intelligence and PFP have recordings of me where I am giving orders to kidnap and hurt people… my people.  They call us thieves. The thieves are them and I can prove it to you. Go and tell them to let you in and to give you the opportunity like I gave you, the opportunity to take shots (copies?) of everything.  I am not hiding anything and it is clear to you of the way that I am behaving.
Reporter: Let me ask you this.  Why sit down with Mundo Fox, International TV and have that conversation???
La Tuta:  Unfortunately, Mexican television, they (government) has them under control, so they can’t come and see an alleged delinquent
Reporter:  You don’t consider yourself a delinquent?
La Tuta:  Look I am a delinquent but I am not a delinquent rapinero (this is a strange word, I believe it is from the word rapinador, meaning exploit, steal with violence or conniving)
Not all do things that represent our organization.
Not even the fingers in the hand are even, many of my guys don’t understand this is to serve not to serve ourselves. I want to live to serve my people,  I want my people to be in peace and also we want to demand the federal government pay the attention necessary, to establish rule of law.
They are the ones responsible for that.  We in this moment have the posture that we have  because at the moment our judicial system is failing.  And it hasn’t been falling just  recently,  it has been failing a long time. 
 Reporter:  Is Servando Gomez Martinez an assassin?
 Big thanks to Emiliano and Lacy!


  1. I will miss part two...if someone can send it to me that would be great....thanks

  2. If diss foo called for a intervew then hes loosing power.....

    1. Yes he is desparate he knows the end is near

  3. El Profe's gallo got his ass murked. What arcade game is on the back? Cool mancave.

  4. They have always told me Tuta has a a love for fighting and breeding roosters. They even have his birds bloodline here in the Bay area and Bakersfield.

    1. 187 on tutas roosters

    2. What do they call the bloodline? Are they for mex short knife 1in?

    3. @ 8:46

      They are las Gallinetas bloodline

  5. To the reader...yup, but I will be in southern Mexico and Central America hopefully until mid feb and can't get KWHY. at least I don't think so.

    1. What part of mexico are you going to be at let me guess michoacan maybe talking to mr mireles?

  6. la Tuta is a master at winning hearts and minds

    1. Translation : he cheats, lies and steals

    2. 1:29 la puta tuta is a master at brainwashing the ignorant and the stupid people that can not even express one question or wonder if el "profe" is really all that,soon his roosters will find themselves in some rosticero and his wife in el broli's bed,Ja ja and ja!
      Chivaaa! Please don't go! How about a pic for Christmas shake's? At least one of your feet,but trim them toenails OK?

    3. 9 26 chill out weirdo
      La tuta is beyond a moran going on tv. Burning himself up when no one believes him. If he annoys any official enough he will be dead or in prison

    4. 8:19 she won't show nothing about you? Pero te cortas los tranchetes de gavilan...
      Speaking of la puta tuta,did he hang some narco-mantas declaring CDS,CT, and el Taliban's zetas for el CDG? are they still together?

  7. Wtf he doesn't answer any of the questions! He beats around the bush on all of them! Hahahahaha

  8. Sé que las chihuahuas que tienen más carisma.

  9. fucken tuta almost chocked on his saliva when the reporter asked him if hes a killer...I give credit to this reporter. he has some balls to asking la tuta if hes a criminal and a killer....hahahahaha.... from the start of the interview you can tell tuta is full of shit when he says some his boys didn't behave so they were kicked out of CT and joined the Community Police...either way, it's interesting to see into the mind of this psycopath and his twisted view of his world.

  10. That reporter has a lot of balls going in there to interview that dude

  11. They should ask him if he feels bad killing americans with his shitty drugs he floods neigborhoods with,turning everyone into zombies..

    1. And while they're at it they should ask how the atf feels about their guns killing inocent people in mexico or ask the junkies how they feel about their addiction fueling this war

    2. Junkies never make no sense and are spaced out,the atf won't comment because its all strategy,we are talking about tuta not the us govt,he even said it himself its not usa fault..

    3. ATF? Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms?...
      You seem to know too much,errybody else is blaming Obama or holder or the DEA...

  12. Estamos al 100% con el Profe viva los Caballeros Templarios

    1. 3:51 'tas bien pendejo valeee!
      La puta tuta no vale, y si vale vale huevos...
      Ask your pimp who is his boss,and why you sicarios de cagada have the peasants turned on you,the puta tuta's boss don't pay enough,that is why you have to extort a living from the people that will stick it to you,right in the ass! VIVA DR. MIRELES!!!

    2. Puro Templarios Maricon!! Pa Que Sepas QuieN Mandan Bavoso!!!!

  13. since everybody is talking about the govermment ay les va lo ke yo pienso :
    Generations of mexicans have migrated to the USA for
    years since the brazeros from mid 1900's, alot have made their life an americanized here, but there is a large amount of them who
    have not forgotten there country there people, theres bound to be a large number of succesful Mexicans who
    have made a gud money an hope to return to mexico to better there where they grew up poor in the little hidden ranchos far from the industralized
    big citys.. you dont think the evil mexican goverment an american goverment
    have not noticied this , they put this so called drug war to scare people like this
    off from bettering the country , iknow i may not be the smartest guy but my theory is this an
    this is why it has gotten so bad out their its a dirty war an they use this shit as a curtain to cover it up

    1. The iron courtain fell.
      The great Chinese wall is still there in spite of George W Bush telling the Chinese premier "tear down this wall Mister..."
      The courtain of cagada,still going up,started getting erected way before the Mexican rigmarole of kidnappings,torture, beheadings,dismemberments and wholese murders started in Mexico.
      How did the US have known about what was about to happen? how did they know they would need to contain the refugees?it is like they planned for the consequences of their "plans" of destabilizing Mexico with gangs, drug trafficking,murder,etc.easy as shooting fish in a barrel,just like the nazis would shoot the Jews,right by the trenches they dug to bury them in.
      the US erected the Shit Wall,now come clean about WHY...

  14. can someone translate please? it would be kindly appreciated if translate the part 2

  15. the translation will be up patient

  16. Tuta claims he never innocents what a jerk how about all those meth heads in riverside?he seems nervous and slurring..he asked one of his gunmen how much he gets paid and the 12k pesos..that's mcdees money..the cliffhanger if there is any temp priks in the US..

  17. Puro CJNG. Matatemplario al 110%

  18. He sounds and does everything that a Mexican politician do, the only differences is that one wears a suit and the other doesn't, one gets prosecuted the other one doesn't.

  19. Mayo zambada gave an interview too. He wasn't desperate. I wonder if that audio will ever be released

  20. The translation takes time. First someone has to translate it into Spanish then it can be translated into English. La Tuta speaks like tweety bird. The reporter was proably tempted to tell LaTuta to "Say it, don't spray it". LOL.

    1. "Sssq'ssl trbn lss dintss" es que se le traban los dientes,maybe he's been indulging on the Meth...

  21. CT is not a cartel, its a f@%*ken circus and la puta is the head f@%ken payaso

  22. MAAAAAAAAAAN, only if I could speak Spanish. I would greatly appreciate a translation, if it's not too much to ask for.

    1. 11:03 Andele habla spiki for you...
      But hey,you can still eat nopales and enchiladas,try home made,or Mexican restaurants,the best are found on sidewalk stands,gringo places can't cook enchiladas.
      Chivaaa! can you cook enchiladas? Or you just barely warm up pancakes from Sam's

  23. Readers: Translations of Tuta videos are the most difficult there is. His speech pattern, expressions drives a person crazy. This was translated by a Mexican national living in Mexico, who has translated a couple of things for me in the past and had no problem, this one he struggled with, but as I said to him and his American wife Lacy, the precise words are not important, it is the overall message of expression that readers need.

    @10:07 Thanks so much for your comment. I was blasted with demands to post the translation. Rather rude. I only have a couple hrs a day to work with BB, due to a family crisis, so patience is asked for.

    I hope people are appreciative of Emliano's work

    1. Emiliano thanks! You happy?
      I know the family emergency is a truckload of tamales,especialmente en xtsmas y fin de año...mentirosa! fleas navidad,chivis & emi

    2. La tuta, speaks like that because he is not a human being,he is a Martian chupacabras that why he uggly!

  24. Rapiñero means Scavenger

  25. thank I was close by suggesting a vulture...I had never heard the word before.

  26. Thats why the call him Profe.

  27. he is slurring because he was drinking i seen a plastic keg cup in his hand befor he went into the building

    1. Drinking does not lock up the teeth like that, Meth,on the other hand locks up the jaw,the hands,the whole body twists and shakes,makes you think you all that...

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