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Monday, December 2, 2013

Emergence of a New "Revolutionary" Armed Group in Guerrero?

Armed Revolutionary Forces-People’s Liberation

Chilpancingo, Guerrero— The group, Armed Revolutionary Forces-People’s Liberation (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionaras-Liberación del Pueblo (FAR-LP)), emerged in the Costa Chica and La Montaña de Guerrero Región, issued a call to take up arms in response to the violence perpetrated by the federal and state governments against society.
La Montaña Region-Pink
In a communiqué that was distributed to reporters on Monday, the new armed organization-that doesn’t have a history of their operation- critiques the return of the PRI through the first year of Enrique Peña Nieto.

Costa Chica of Guerrero-Purple
The group reports that the PRI administration has been characterized by the wave of repression against the social movement and the imposition of reforms that annihilate at once the labor rights and claim to deliver the wealth of oil to foreigners with the support from the right represented by the PAN.

The FAR-LP claim that Peña is the continuation of former president
Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Carlos Salinas de Gortari,  who is described as “terrible” and the “main looter of the country” because “he benefited” entrepreneurs such as Carlos Slim and Ricardo Salinas Pliego, by providing them concessions from the telecommunications system, who’ve become moguls by the scheme of the privatization of public services.
Carlos Slim (left) and Ricardo Salinas Pliego (right)
The communiqué refers to “the systematic theft” of Peña contrasts with the situation in which thousands of homeless are living because of the severe rains caused by Hurricane Manuel and accuses the governor Ángel Aguirre Rivero as being “greedy” because his officials profit from the needs of victims.

 “What else are we to expect from these governments who slaughter us.  The war against the people, as government policy, has unleashed a repressive offense based on the counterinsurgency against social activists; grassroots organizations; human rights defenders; environmentalists; journalists; community leaders; women’s rights activists; student representatives and all those who raise their voice and defend the people.  They become an enemy of this government.”

They therefore urge the people to:

“Exercise your right to justice, (because) a crime against humanity will not go unpunished, let us fulfill the people’s justice."

The communiqué is signed by the general command of the FAR-LP, composed of the commanders: Emilio, Camilo and Esperanza, and concludes with the slogan: “With the people’s war, the people will be victorious.”

Source: Proceso


  1. how many people does it take to make a revolutionary army?
    three, apparently. after all, if one gets a bad head cold and goes home, then you still are bigger than an "army of one" :-)

  2. I wonder if they are a group for the people and not a branch from a cartel only time will tell who these people really are and what their cause is

    1. 11:00 maybe,at least a cartel would be known for their illegal shenanigans,they will soon come out from the shadows of legality,if they were a cartel, they would already be kown for that.
      dirty politicians take soon much longer to drag down!
      And the biig businessmen behind it all,is not even a concept in too many people's minds...
      and that'is what is really dirty,thank god for what freedom of expression we enjoy,even if we are being watched and must be such a good business,carry on!

  3. I'm just waiting too see when is the government gonna make its move to put this leader in prison , they heading down that path by calling war to Mexico .

    1. 12:31 Emilio,Camilo, y Esperanza,have been arrested and will be sent to prisons out of state, like 12 other leaders of the communities microminirevolts.
      The state wants to "MANAGE" the communitary forces,so it seems to recognize the people's need,BUT IT WILL NOT RECOGNIZE THEM ANY AUTHONOMY.
      if the government is at the root of the problem,it should only be advised of their chance to flee,and take all the garbage with them,until caught and tried.
      next we will see the relocation of whole communities"for their own good" like under Porfirio Diaz,whose preferred method was to kill the rebels "en caliente" (summarily,without trial)
      Specially while trying to escape "justice", wich a well aimed bullet to the back took care of.
      Instead of subsidizing the American off-shorers of jobs,and the mexican satraps through the MIERDA INITIATIVE,the US could put their dollars on the side of the real people of Mexico,and earn a friend,instead of outing their resources at the feet of the Mexican satraps to steal,and for pretending to fight drug trafficking,which is their most beloved meat and potatoes.
      And no! I ain't goin' back to Mexico,you go if you wish,goodbye!

  4. This is what always happens in a power vacuum. Criminals and militias fill the void. If this spreads they will have a real mess on their hands.

  5. Aaawwww Snappppps!!

  6. The soldiers should be released from the military discipline of blind obedience to the higher ranks,and made individually accountable for their crimes,otherwise they will keep killing the rabble and the proles with impunity, and on the side of the Rata government.
    Guerrero specially has always had some of the most sinister governor/caciques in the country,and let's don't start blaming it on the ignorance of the populace,the state government has always been supported by the federals,and the people has always lost...

  7. Nice selfie.

    Don't kid yourselves. FAR-LP == CT

  8. This is a smoke screen intended to increase the perception that the state is under threat from separatist/leftist revolutionaries. The word 'terrorist' and other wellknown propaganda slogan from up north is bound to be splashed out by the mexican state controlled media in the next couple of months (whilst maintaining silence on the narco violence existing since almost a decade).

    The objective is to drum up support within Mexican authorities (military, bankers, industrialists) and foreign partners (read US, Guatemala and Honduras) for aggresively repressing the movement of discontent which we see expressed in the auto defensas and community police.

    This is a step of escalation that serves as a precursor to the bloody (old style) persecution of discontent citizens which is being prepared.

    Note: just as in the arab world the people in charge do not care about media and human rights groups. Unlike the arab world, however, those in charge in Mexico will not be taken by surprise but are carefully preparing by building up a narrative of threat and need for action. Dont be mistaken though: the whole and single purpose is to maintain and reinforce the status quo in terms of where real power within Mexico lays (i.e. ruling elite).

    1. 6:44 do you mean inna few,that the Mexican government is following a strategery of WHACKAMOLE?
      you know,let's see some head,the moment it poops up,bam! Whackamole!
      It really takes a sick mind to know another
      and you must be so alienated that you don't care,not that much,not anymore!

  9. Maaaaan CT must be mad angry at CJNG for losing in the Mexican soccer la liguilla.CT go for Morelia lost against Club Leon(CJNG) yeah there's a lot of CJNG in Gto.Now this news its going todo drive La Tuta CooKuu insane yo!

  10. 8:31 the bad guys always know when their asses are getting chewed,and line up the guilty party with the most despised enemies,hoping their poopaganda will work.
    For the people,it is a sign that things are working,when they hear the dogs barking...
    May they soon be yelping like whippd pups

  11. Mexico's ruling class has a tradition of nepotism where the only way to move up is based on who your family is and not merit. They call them "los Juniors" in Mexico and they are retarded and they hate being Mexican. And that is who will rule Mexico in the future and that is why Mexico is such a shitty country. The only way to save mexico is to kill all of the ruling oligarchy and their children. For example, we need to kill Carlos Salinas and kill his son Emiliano Salinas. Kill Carlos Deshamps and kill his family (otherwise they get to own Mexico's natural resources "until" the year 2999).

    1. 10:49 the list is much longer than that,complete the homework,and back to report...suggestion,the moreira juniors,the femat,the Marin,the graniers,the Hank rohn it goes on and on but don't be affraid, somebody has to do it.
      the much bigger problem would be how to go about remediation,capital flight starts it all,but that is right after endeudation,right after prices fall down for the productionof the banana republics,who end up having to give away the bananas,the plantation,the monkeys,and still owe billions and billions of dollars!!! MAAN! this is amazing,I can believe it! EUREKAAA! BB HAS LED ME TO A GREAT DISCOVERY ONLY I DID NOT KNOW!

    2. 10:49 ever wonder why money gets always more expensive and bananas,(oil,property, politicians,etc etc etc) pieces keep coming down?especially when development loans,loaded with unfavorable conditions for the recipients come through.
      And the neo-oligarchs keep propounding economic freedom,which is only the litlle retarded baby that will never walk,of economic libertinism,thanx,von misuses' school of's only takes a little political corruption to grease the wheels...

  12. We need to start fundraising bountys on cartel and plaza bosses. America is full of bored soldiers returning home from war.. imagine watching them take vacation's in Mexico :). Tourism would come back 10x bigger. I love Mexico.. hurts me to pity this great nation. Each day passing is another day were left behind.

  13. Mexico might turn into a civil war one day, we shall see.

    1. Civil war is going on every day

  14. Arriba GRO el espiritu de G. Vazques nunca a muerto si este es un grupo ideologico,es algo que va poner a los politicos a temblar pura guerrila perros!!!!!!

    1. 4:52 And Lucio Cabañas,Vicente Guerrero, Guadalupe Victoria,emiliano Zapata,pancho villa,so many heroes that need to be mentioned.
      in the old good days Europe exploited Latin America,then the US exploited Latin America,it was barely bearable.
      Now both entities,combined with the imperialistic designs of the Communist slave empire nation (triumphant Maoist China) ,I guess we are all fucked up...

    2. Warning to the caudillistas, the caudillos, and the would be caudillos,the Mexican government has ready better weapons, better GAFES,better GATES,and better airoplanos than pancho villa,thread lightly!

  15. The criminal cartel terrorist elements in Mexico have already entered into biological warfare by directly or indirectly poisoning ground water with burial leachate by disposing of corpses in wells with decomposing corpses which can lead to typhoid ,cholera and other pandemics. Its an old medieval practice to poison the castle well (usually under siege) water with a animal cadaver etc.

    Hope there are some good guys & gals to the rescue ?

    1. 9:00 don't be so qweasy,like a spoiled little girl,in India the great advanced country of science,religion and industrial progress,that gave America its first Hindu governor,booby jindahl of Louisiana, the people and the sacred cows poop in the sacred rivers all day long,for the better curry,i guess.
      the only way some have come around being civilized poopers! Is to convince them to poop! in chamberpots is to take the poop! away to make "eleptricity".what we need is to know what do the sicarios need to stop murdering people,not where they bury them,if that were the case,the pozoleros would be getting no bells prices for taking care of the environment.
      The north Koreans plant the people they murder for not meeting production quotas
      where they with be planting the best corn in the world,to sell to France,England and their other secret friends...

  16. God Bless these brave men. Sacraficing for thier people n what they believe in. arriba GUERRERO!!

  17. The smoke screen is tourism and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    coming in and out of Mexico tourist destinations daily. This is the reason mainstream media does not cover Mexico violence. If tourism was stopped many carriers , hotels , vendors & people would and will be affected by a halt in tourism/ loss of revenue . regardless, the vendors, taxi drivers would be affected by extortion , rape and or whatever the bad people decide to do to them anyway . In war there are casualties & economic consequences . After the war is over things can return to a better cleaner way of life for the good honest people of Mexico.

    1. 9:17 when the war is over? 50 years after Vietnam, the world is more fucked up than ever,the US is sooo indebted,and without any hope of getting better,what can the little cockroaches from the banana republics expect?
      Don't expect for things together better before the powers that be consummate their goal of attaining ownership of all the goods and goods producing in the world, coupled with dominion of the motherfucking counties they may be at...
      Then the US will value their every little friend,who are trusted and loved by a great majority of Americans who are really decent and full of goodwill.

  18. The long overdue peasant revolt in Mexico. Heads will roll.

  19. @ 8:31AM This group can be the parasite CT posing as another defense group OR it can be false propaganda by another parasite thugs aka CJNG, to see that common honest people are not able to rise up and throw out all these lowlife scumbags..Only time will tell.
    Death to all narco parasite bastards.
    Viva Mexico.

  20. Radioactive material stolen in TJ?

  21. Maybe a better suggestion would be to board the death trains to the us and fight their way with unpaid naco-narco-sicarios kidnappers,that would be easier,a bigger surprise,more effective,then the motherfucking Mexican government would act quicly to find the opposing cartel who did it,we solid be reconquering America,AALL OF IT! and get to be treated like people,for in the US anybody gets to be treated like people,as long as you keep to your branch and don't try and become "president" or sompin'

    1. 10:49 for every door persons like you close,100 more open,there are soo many better people in the US than youse's ass.
      Then all her majesty's blue blooded royal
      Republikkkans can go and live in the southamerica you so much adore...

  22. A BUNKER has been installed around the Mexican Senate to allow the thief that mexico has for a president, Enrique Perna Nieto, to change the Mexican constitution to allow him to sell the country's oil right so he and his cronies get a cut. Expect massive illegal immigration from Mexico since that is what keeps Mexico running half-ass smooth. Why would a government need a bunker around its Senate if it was NOT doing something against its people's will? Thanks to the US and big oil company's pressure on the thief that got the presidency by pure force is that now he has to sellout the Mexican citizens. Just remember that old quote, "What you plant now, you will harvest later."

  23. Is it offensive to suggest the United Nations intervene to help Mexico's poor?



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