Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mayo Zambada's Sicario Chief, "El Macho Prieto" Reported Killed

Chivis Martinez for Borderland  Beat
(A big thanks to the reader who sent me the new video above, obviously it is the 2 that hit a wall reports spoke of.  I trimmed the video and slowed it down for better viewing.  Sure was a nasty hit, debris and bodies went flying, and the wall is demolished, it plays pretty well on full screen)

CONFIRMATION (12.19.13): The death of Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza alias "El Macho Prieto" was confirmed this morning by the Secretary of State Security (SSPE) Daniel de la Rosa Anaya, who noted that Inzunza was among the five killed yesterday during the confrontation between federal agents and narcos, in the hotel zone of the resort destination of Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point).

Post from 12.18.13:
Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza-better known as "Macho Prieto", leader of sicarios for Sinaloa
cartel  Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, has died during fighting against federal forces in Puerto Peñasco.
The death of the alleged scicario has not been officially confirmed by the authorities, but local security sources consulted, confirmed the death. . Inzunza Inzunza is originally from Culiacan, capital of Sinaloa,  is accused of participating in more than 80 crimes (murders) in Sinaloa, including a dozen police officers.

The fallen sicario is known by "Macho Prieto" because of his dark skin color, and he  was feared by state and federal authorities because of the sophisticated weaponry he carried.
El Procurador de Jusrticia, Carlos Navarro revealed officers were maintaining a checkpoint  on a federal highway, outside of a hotel in Puerto Penasco, which is located in a tourist area known as Sandy Beach.

Unofficially, it was learned that federal agents, after engaging the armed group, shot ammunitions from aboard a helicopter, killing the sicario and four others. (e; Debate reports the shootout continued for tow hours and 6 were killed)
The officers had ordered the convoy of three luxury motor units to stop. These units attempted to flee  and the confrontation occurred. The conflict at the scene left two dead gunmen. Two more were killed when they tried to flee, causing a vehicle impact against the wall of a building, and another at the hospital..
No casualties were reported of federal agents.
Gonzalo Inzunza had been placed on the Kingpin List   by the Treasury Department in 2011 together with Manuel Torres Felix.  At that time, the United States placed both characters as major traffickers in Sinaloa cartel structure. In Sinaloa, Macho Prieto is attributed dozens of deaths.

The following was part of the announcement by the Obama administration at the time;

“Today’s designation marks another step in OFAC’s efforts to specifically target the narcotics traffickers responsible for the horrific acts of violence committed along the Arizona border with Mexico,” said OFAC Director Adam J. Szubin.  “We will continue to work alongside our partners in Federal law enforcement as well as the Mexican government to financially cripple and dismantle the Sinaloa Cartel.”
The eight individuals designated today work on behalf of Joaquin “Chapo” Guzman Loera, and Ismael “Mayo” Zambada Garcia, the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, and Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza “Macho Prieto”, a top lieutenant of the Sinaloa Cartel.  Mexican authorities have previously arrested Jesus Alfredo Salazar Ramirez, Ramon Ignacio Paez Soto, and Raul Sabori Cisneros. 

The American consulate tweeted a warning to all Americans in PP to take cover inside.

In first video you can hear the shootout, shot by Americans in a hotel.  It begins at 1:50.  You can hear some of their comments about a shot sounding like it came from a 50 cal.

Thank you to the reader fro the heads up.
Thank you to reader "C" for the fotos! and readers "Eric" and Juan
Information source is La pared Noticias, el Debate and BB archive material
video at top from Facebook of AntraXcion

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  1. I'm sure this is somehow related to R5. But how?........

    1. Macho prieto was gonna snitch to the us feds so the mexican gov had him killed

    2. Kareli inzunza,(r5) and chupapitos isidro's wife,inzunza,are they all family?

    3. Do u think it was a coincidence that there was a helicopter just hovering around during a check point at 6am?????? Probably not, Mexicans and everyone else needs to understand that yhe U.S. is the biggest and strongest cartel, they will cripple a country and start a revolution. Fyi , Im a proud Mexican from Los Angeles.

    4. Actually you would be a proud american from l.a.

    5. Like I said, proud Mexican from Jalisco with dual citizenship.

    6. But you said your from LA

    7. 8:33,
      If the confrontation lasted hours then the helicopter was radioed in by forces on the ground.

    8. I'm Mexican and I'm from Denver....

    9. So, you're an American.

    10. Yea I'm a proud mexican from Amsterdam.

      Atte: Jaime Costecho


  3. I can't confirm, but it seems likely he is dead. For sure there was a violent clash that lasted from 6AM to 8AM and 5-6 people dead, how many injured not reported, but there must be injuries.

    the big question it him. I think probably so, that's the best I can do.

  4. There is still helicopters and shootouts being heard. Either he's dead and his people are fighting back. Or they're still trying to capture him and he's not giving up.

  5. The article says luxury units and all I see is an old beat up chevy avalanche. Where's the escalade truck or porshe canon or Lincoln navigator?

  6. That picture is from a diffrent shootout in Sinaloa.

  7. Huge hit for the CDS of confirmed

  8. Damn that's some heavy artillery being fired!

  9. They are kicking Chapo and Mayo out of Sonora

  10. Lol at the mayo zambada nuthuggers everyone knows the people who really run the everything are the politicians military and mexican Feds and American Feds.

  11. It was his time to go he killed Moreno he had to pay for it sooner or later

  12. Lol he was just a sicario that's about it. Now the big dogs are the ones who are becoming big time drug traffickers. there is a big difference between sicarios and drug traffickers oh well mp no one is immortal.

  13. Lol no ke donde nacio Iva murir se.

  14. The additional video in comments is from old shoot out but there is another video going around showing aftermath with 2 bodies still on ground

  15. Damn this crazy if it's true because MP is a big dog ... Chapo might of turn him over because all that area is control well by Sinaloa cartel I can't see them not knowing about the checkpoint fishing fishing chapo making room for someone else to take over

    1. U idiot didnt u hear a high roller with chapo switched to leyva then chapo now leyva again....? There is perpetrators on both sides taking high rank possition. R5=leyva=mp

  16. That's fucked up,if its really him.

  17. Next in line el cheko

    1. Andenle putitos no ke muyy Arriba el CDS,

      con la mochomera no se juega!!! El H quiere la frontera putos hahaha ponganse alas vergas!!

    2. Dude stop u just a kid la H they goin to be next soon so stop suckinf asshoe loser viva CDS

    3. Pes ke vato pendejo como si el H los mato ke pendejo si fue el federal ke los matos ke vato stupido "con mochomera no se juega el H" hahaha pinche joto pero

  18. El macho prieto has been killed it has been confirmed by the federal forces who attempted to captured him at 5 am dis morning

  19. jejejeje these retards of cds are killing each other R5's people vs gente pendeja let the blood shed continue

  20. OK, it's a start, one down, couple more thousand to go.....

  21. he might be the next tony tormenta. who went out like a top dog.

    1. Tormenta was a whole different level when they killed him it was war for days

  22. At what point do we admit that Enrique Peña Nieto has killed or arrested more top narcos in two years than Calderon did in six?

    1. Esque Peña Nieto se esta abriendo camino para el mismo aca pescaron cinco troques de el (autotanques nieto se llama la compania) con un chingo de mota. Si temetes en google y le pones "el campo drug bust" sale esto paso ese un año

  23. if anyone finds pix of helicopters in this battle (posted), please send link here. Chivis - if you get photo's of them, plz post.

  24. That picture is from rocky point and this was a matter of time before shit like this was going to happen down there. I visit RP like 5 to 6 times a year. These people survive on tourists if shit like this does keep up this place will become a ghost town. A lot of Americans own property down there so hopefully the government can control this asap or else they're fucked down there. Beautiful beach town, usually nice and quiet. Let's keep it that way now mexican government, don't Fuck it up like you have everything else.

    1. Blame calderon. Not the new one. This shit happened because of the stupid tactic

  25. The picture police is getting out of hand. If thats all you got to say on the article is best if you stay away. Go police flickr or intagram.

  26. The photo was from Friday, July 20th. Nice going BB!!

  27. M1 El Fantasma Macho Prieto R5 it seems the guys with lots of corridos are becoming targets.Who is next ? El Pena 20, El Chino Antrax???????

  28. dice gonzalo k el mato a el r5 lol y k no digan omg digan valio verga lol

  29. Macho prieto isn't working for MAYO any more he switched to BLETRAN cartel

    1. Nope it was Los Salazar who switched to beltrans. Macho Prieto is CDS,now CDS top guys are getting arrested\ killed in Sonora.R5,Macho Prieto. La mochomera takin the whole border of Sonora.

    2. Salazar nunca voltio bandera. Los salazar empesaron a pelear con los chapo trinis. Ese fue el fin

  30. About a month or 2 ago el chino antrax and r5 got into a fist fight in the sonora sierra, chino got his ass beat by R5, im not saying chino took him out but im just putting this altercation out there. Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

    1. I was there lol I had $30 on R5 ...this ..stay off the computer

    2. Dont hate because you got no inside nor connects to shit like this. Brincos dieras que conosieras informacion como la que tengo yo. Y si no creen ya sabes que ami me vale de todos modos Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

    3. 7:25 OK,perrandero,WHY were they fighting? There is no little enemy,Amado would not allow his little scarfaces to move shit without his saying so,when they started getting too big for their britches,it was time to go or let go,in peace,he might have lasted longer.
      Now Amado's children are getting killed and arrested because daddy,did not leave them money to escape the life.
      By the way,who got the money of the fallen drug lords? I know "El Senor de los Cielos Air" changed its name to TAESA,and acf became afo,and jorge hank rohn was the big boss,but what happened to the money Amado Carrillo Fuentes made?

    4. @10:15 i already answered that question to somebody else here, but ill say it again. What would you do if somebody went to your own house trying to disrespect and control your family? Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

  31. I been saying this all a long, that there will be a war between mayo and chapo....

  32. Getting closer and closer to Zambada these days.

  33. Where are all the "chapo snitch him out" comments? Lol.
    Everyone has his day. EVERYONE! Sooner or later. Its only a matter of time in this type of business...

    1. Chapos snitched on him

    2. Chapo snitched and so would this nuthugger

  34. If this is true..this will open alot of possibilities for other cartels to make a play for the sonora border..i mean you have r5 and el macho prieto gone..this guys arent halcones..your breaking the chain or aleast making it more weak

  35. The news just broke that Chapo Guzman is cornered inside a hotel at Puerto Penasco.

  36. Big smile on my face.. I can't wait till that get demon possesed basterd Guzman

  37. Im assuming its true M1s daughter has confirmed it on her fb page by saying d.e.p Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza

    1. None of his daughters have facebook pages.

    2. Yes they do. N she post new pics everyday almost.

  38. I was thinking about this shit today. I don't usually quote songs but when I heard el R dies I automatically though of extension 666, "solo el 1, el R, y el Macho, saben como quedo el encargo". chapo cleaning house again.

  39. Assuming its true m1s daughter confirmed it on her fb page by payn tribute to Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza

  40. The story says Chapo is hold up in a hotel:

  41. I don't usually quote songs but when el R got killed it reminded me of the song extension 666 when it says, " Solo el 1, el R, y el Macho, saben como quedo el encargo". chapo is cleaning house again.

  42. Wow first Pancho Arce then M1 now Macho Prieto next Chino Antrax the corridos maan the corridos besides the ovious

    1. Do more research before you start typing.

  43. the photo is just to represent the area of PP the conflict occurred. I read that in El Debate.

    People, I do my best with photos, but really its the text that is important.

    @ 8:15 which daughter?

  44. The picture looks like something out of Iraq or Libya. What a messed up place.

  45. Puerto peñasco has been like this for about a month now. A lot of shootouts now we know who they were after

  46. Haha...where all u chapo nut huggers!!!! Hahaha

  47. lol he wasent that much of a big dog the corridos just made him seem like it he was just a well known security chief for mayo thats about it. his brother is still around and then you got cheko so cheko may have become the head of security for el mayo he was only a 'sicario' chief (keyword sicario) not a drug trafficker read the title.

    1. Ur wrong my friend he was in charge of that plaza n he invested in his own shipments.. he was a lot of things sicario gender drugsmuggler people smuggler two name a few

    2. How do you know so much? Just curious are you from puerto peñasco. What did go down then?

  48. i have a feeling alfredo beltran is making a move for sonora

    1. Thank you. its obvious after chapo\mayo paid the gov and used his political connections in Sinaloa to move on Nacho Gonzales(him and his brother are known to be close friends of alfredo beltran and H) so now H used his political connections in Sonora which H dominates to take out the most respected lieutenant of el Mayo. Its war. That's all it is

    2. Yo piemso que alfredo no tiene nada que ver con esto...en primera detienen a serafin hijo del mayo 2da matan al r5 de la gente nueva y lugarteniente del chapo 3ra ese punto de revicion no fue por casualida que casualida que era el macho prieto y a esa hora y un renten sera que una por otra entre el chapo y el mayo? Mal pedo si se desata otra guerra entre estos dos poderosos narcos pinches cambios que va ver nuevas alianzas y nuevas guerras pero ojala no sea mas que pura linpia entre ese cartel..o tu que opinas P@RR@NDERO?

    3. 12/18/13@ 10:24PM A mi no me metas en tus pedos. Atte. P@RR@ND3RO.

    4. Es una pregunta guey no te estoy metiendo en ningun pedo vato...solo es de que tu que piensas del pedo homie a si que no te alebrestes vato...

    5. Hahaha hasta clones tengo ya. Yo si soy el original de tamazula durango asi que mis clones haber que puso la marana. Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

    6. Jajaja yo se que mucha raza te tira cagada..pero al chile tu saves como esta el pedo? Sera limpia en el cartel o habra nuevos acomodos..saludos parrandero desde zacatecas..

    7. 10:05 hasta zacatecas,DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING about el Commandante Moran said to be a zeta and a policia federal in Fresnillo zacatecas?

    8. Solo te digo que aqui en zacatecas es un desmadre, mucha raza como politicos, pfp, federales que apoyaban a los zetas se cambiaron con los del cdg lo que es fresnillo nomas los policias municipales son los que estan en la nomina de los zetas. Sobre moran se habla muchas cosas que es zeta otros dicen que es cdg pero no se save bien...pero aqui esta caliente sobre todo fresno y zairo...

    9. @10:05 si viejo muchos abren la mamdora nomas por abrirla, usted no me vera aqui opinando cosas que no son como varios de aqui, nunca comento alo wey si no se y no estoy aqui a diario que no me mandan cheque por comentar Jajajaja. Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

    10. Eso es exactamente lo que haces tu morropornomierda .hablar alo pendejo nadamas.huerco mocoso ponte a trabajar.

    11. 8:11 Don p@rr@ndero,you only post here when you want your cachetadas por el overthere,and many aim to please you,I guess it is a free country,and I hope you can tell us some day everything you know, nut don't be disrespectful like gman and his twenty other aliases,OK?

  49. If everything they say about macho prieto N the korridos they have 4 him I hope he did go ball's out blasting away? Not like alot of these other kowards that have multi korridos about how krazy they are N shit N in the end they go out like a bunch of KUR'S ....I'm talkN About c.d.s by the way ;).get cheapo better even though it won't make a difference?

  50. Funny thing is he isn't even the big dog in PP. We all know who runs that town and he ain't the one to Fuck with. That's why they went after him( MP), every old dog has his time, just take him to the back yard and take him out of his misery. Puro phxghetta!

  51. Long live chapo isidro. I grew up in Nuevo Juarez de mochies n that basterds responsible for so much I pray chapo is trully corners at PP and that take him alive and torture him... d e p tio chale

  52. Esto enpeso mal desde que cayo el serafin si se ponen a pensar estos golpes estan pasando en sonora por la frontera donde detubieron al serafin y desde ese tienpo se estan dando duros golpes al cartel de sinaloa..

  53. I think you guys misunderstood the article. It says "member or chapo guzmans cartel"

  54. It couldnt mean macho prieto, he was not in the hotel. so who else?

  55. no one at the hotel just BS balacera at sandy

  56. La balacera desde helicópteros para cazar a Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza “El Macho Prieto” despertó Puerto Peñasco a eso de las seis de la mañana y desde entonces la intranquilidad se ha apoderado de la ciudad. Fuentes cercanas a la policía nos han informado que el famoso narcotraficante miembro del cartel de “El Chapo”Guzmán se encuentra cercado en las instalaciones del Hotel Bella Sirena de este destino turístico, pero que cuenta con un numeroso grupo de rehenes.

    This report refers to Macho Prieto not El Chapo Guzman. Need to read it carefully!

  57. It was a party they raided

  58. Then who really runs pp ????

  59. Damn I bet the cops made an extra effort to make sure this guy ended up shot rather than arrested as he murdered 12 of their own.

    Anyway rest in piss scumbag.

  60. "Miembro del cartel de el chapo guzman"

    thank you 10:42 and others. Actually it is a dead story, there were no hostages or cartel member. and I don't think anyone thought it was macho was already known the shootout occurred outside on sandy beach not in a hotel...


    goodnight folks....

  61. Wait. So is he dead or not?

  62. puroo pedoo no paso nado fueron unos tacuaches k tumbaron i dicen k el macho prieto ai no no

  63. People in peñasco said that doctors were taken at gunpoint by the sicarios and taken to an unkown location. They were later released. Ppl are told not to leave their homes because they can be hiding anywhere. So I honestly thinkbthey were after him and he got away. People r still saying the helicopters and authorities are everywhere looking. Obviously this isn't over.

  64. You talk about salazar and pay so Raul sabori. What about Marco paredes. They got him too.

  65. You say Los salazar Raul sabori and paez soto. What about Los paredes.

  66. El chapo knows how to play his cards!!!
    El mayo will always be loyal to his boss!!! Los hijos del chapo y los mayitos are taking over the business!!! In this business when you see people grow their power they become greedy and feel inmortal!!! That is when you have to take them out before they turn against you!!! Los hijos del chapo and los mayitos have a new team coming in and if they loose their humbleness and begin sounding on many corridos and begin showing disrespect and a threat to el cartel de sinaloa. They will also get taken out like these past two huge lieutenants killed el ani....and mac....pri....

    1. If you dont know shit dont coment.

  67. The corridos about MP have been true -- he went all out whether he escaped or got killed. Even El Cholo Ivan walked the walk last yr. even though his girlfriend got killed. They took on the Mx. military unlike some other sicarios we know. There is good reason Chapo and Mayo have/had them as their lieutenants. Let's call the chapos, Mayos, Beltranes, Chapitos, Tutas, etc. what they're really: WARLORDS!!

    1. La Tuta? Ese guey se caga todo cuando mira a la militaria. Asta les da el culo

    2. 1:41 el cholo ivan? El que echo la vieja por delante? Y luego luego se entrego?
      Warlords don't get caught running while running,trying to escape,puros culos...

  68. Does anyone else somehow connects this to R5 death? The girl that was with R5 is Karely Inzunza most likely related to MP. One can only speculate. Also the brother of the diputado Oscar Valdez died on the shootout too. One thing is certain though Sonora is heating up. Too bad I loved going to las fiestas in Magdalena and Santa Ana.


    "Another man may have been killed by the suspects Tuesday night, triggering the confrontation."

    Stephen Heisler, 47, said he was awakened about 4:45 by the sound of a helicopter outside.

    "We weren't sure what the heck was going on. I heard the gunfire," said Heisler, who lives with his wife and two small children two buildings from Bella Sirena, the resort condo tower where the gunbattle occurred. "It was pretty intense stuff. And we didn't know if the helicopter was friend or foe – we could see it shooting – so we took cover.

    "If you can imagine the U.S. Marines coming out for an incident in Los Angeles, that's what happened here. It was a war zone."

  70. This link has a video with some still photographs from PP of a truck riddled with bullet holes... plus it shows some photos of damage at the resort the Bella Sirena condos... lots of bullet holes in outside walls and the front door of one of the condos.

    There were reports of the helicopter firing into the resort... so the photos are the evidence of that.

    Also, two men were killed in the shooting and two others died after they fled in a pickup truck, then hit a concrete barrier and were thrown from the car. The fifth one died later from injuries.


    There is a good video with this report... with more pictures of the shot up pickup truck and the villa with many, many bullet holes. another video from this website with Manuel Marizco is also good... he acknowledges that "a Sinaloa strong arm" was in the villa and was killed. He also said this might be related to the death of a "Sinaloa enforcer" (r5) in Hermosillo 10 days ago.

    The article below says this was a military operation that was planned... so it did not happen as part of a checkpoint I guess.

    By Dennis Wagner, Brandon Loomis and Bob Ortega
    The Republic |
    Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:57 PM
    An hours-long gun battle that pitted criminal suspects against Mexico’s federal police and military Wednesday morning in the popular resort known as Rocky Point left five of the suspects dead and many residents and tourists shaken.

    “If you can imagine the U.S. Marines coming out for an incident in Los Angeles, that’s what happened here,” said Stephen Heisler, 47, an American journalist.

    “It was a war zone,” added Heisler, who lives with his wife and two small children two buildings from Bella Sirena, the resort complex on Sandy Beach where the gunbattle occurred.

    Official details of the shootout were sketchy, but a tourism spokeswoman for Rocky Point, also known as Puerto Peñasco, said that several additional suspects were wounded and that a U.S. citizen was carjacked but not hurt.

    “This was a federal police operation, not a state operation,” said Carlos Navarro Sugich, Sonora’s attorney general, “so I don’t have a lot of information to share.”

    He confirmed that state police helicopters were used in the operation.

    Four of the suspects were killed in the initial confrontation and a fifth died later, he said. .......

    Residents near Bella Sirena indicated that they began hearing detonations of high-powered weapons shortly before 5a.m. Wednesday, as well as aircraft overhead.

    Heisler said he was awakened by the sound of a helicopter just outside.

    “We weren’t sure what the heck was going on,” he said. “I heard the gunfire. It was pretty intense stuff. And we didn’t know if the helicopter was friend or foe — we could see it shooting — so we took cover.”

    Heisler said the shooting lasted nearly four hours, until around 9 a.m. Early on, he could see tracer rounds flying out of the chopper, which was getting return fire from the villa at Bella Sirena.

    “That’s what scared the hell out of me, the tracers,” he said. “The people in the villa are firing at the chopper. And the helicopter is literally hovering right outside my window, hiding behind my building, dodging in and out. It was a goddamned war zone.”

    As of Wednesday afternoon, he said, residents were still pretty much in lockdown, not allowed to leave the area, which remained filled with police and military. “No one’s going or coming from the buildings at all,” he said. “The beach is absolutely empty.”

    Rosie Glover, tourism-assistance coordinator for Rocky Point, said Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta and Sugich, the state prosecutor, held a news conference Wednesday afternoon to tell the public all was secure.

    She said they also announced the additional wounded, and the carjacking of an American by someone “desperate to make a getaway.”

    In a news release, Figueroa Zazueta said the shootout erupted from “a military operation specifically targeting those involved in organized crime who, unfortunately, resisted arrest.”

    “The situation is now under control,” the mayor said.

    “The residents of Puerto Peñasco can relax. ... Tourists living in or visiting the area should feel safe and take comfort in the fact that three levels of law enforcement came together to smother criminal activity, leaving only five dead ... all of them presumed delinquent at this time.”

  72. El chapo is killing of he as own to keep moving up all hes doing is clean it up a lil!!!! He needs new workers!!

  73. Some more new info from Wikipedia...

    "Inzunza Inzunza was reportedly killed in a gunfight with Mexican Marines in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, on 18 December 2013.[11] The Sonora authorities confirmed that the shootout, which occurred at around 04:00 A.M. that day, left a total of five dead and three vehicles incinerated.[12] Authorities confirmed that two gunmen were killed on the scene during the firefight, while two others died by wrecking their vehicle while attempting to flee the crime scene; the remaining gunman died of gunshot wound complications.[13] Preliminary reports stated that gunmen held several hostages at a hotel during the raging gunfire, but the Sonora authorities denied the authenticity of these initial reports.[14] The shootout was reported to have lasted at least four-hours. An eye-witness close to the crime scene said to the press that a police helicopter was involved in the fire exchange from mid-air with the gunmen, who fired at the chopper from the ground.[15]
    According to police reports, the incident began when the Mexican authorities chased a white Chevrolet pick-up truck in Sonoyta, Sonora following a reported homicide; the police later caught up to the vehicle in Puerto Peñasco after the men in the vehicle opened fire at them.[16][17] Following the shootout, the local authorities ordered the school district of Puerto Peñasco to suspend classes for the day.[18] The U.S. Consulate in Nogales, Sonora, emitted a travel warning through Twitter advising U.S. tourists to stay indoors until the gunfire was over.[19] Puerto Peñasco (known in English as "Rocky Point") is Sonora's major tourist attraction a major tourist destination for U.S. citizens given its 50 mi (80.4 km) proximity from the U.S.-Mexico border.[14]"

    11 "Extraoficialmente abaten a "El Macho Prieto" en Puerto Peñasco". El Debate de Sinaloa (in Spanish). 18 December 2013. Retrieved 18 December 2013.
    12 "Abaten a "El Macho Prieto" en Sonora". Zeta (magazine) (in Spanish). 18 December 2013. Retrieved 18 December 2013.
    13 "Rocky Point shooting: 5 dead in shootout in northern Mexico resort". KNXV-TV. 18 December 2013. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    14: a b Wilkinson, Tracy (18 December 2013). "Mexico violence kills 10, including five teens at bus stop". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    15 Wagner, Dennis (18 December 2013). "5 dead after Rocky Point gunbattle involving police, official says". The Arizona Republic. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    16 Salzwedel, Sam (18 December 2013). "Americans worry about Rocky Point's reputation after shooting". KVOA. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    17 White, Brian (18 December 2013). "At least 4 dead in Rocky Point gunfight". KVOA. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    18 García, Sergio (18 December 2013). "Suman cinco muertos tras balacera en Puerto Peñasco". El Universal (Mexico City) (in Spanish). Retrieved 19 December 2013.
    19 "Enfrentamiento en Sonora deja cinco muertos, EU emite alerta". Excélsior (in Spanish). 18 December 2013. Archived from the original on 19 December 2013. Retrieved 19 December 2013.

  74. Another less scumbag. great job fellas!!

  75. Tony montana is taking Dover

  76. Macho prieto burn in hell.

  77. Is there a picture of this sicario's dead body? I would like to print it out so that I could piss on it and post it on YouTube.

  78. I just wonder if my mexicali is gonna get ugly after this if another cartel tries to come in, cause one thing i know is that macho had it under control, mexicali is one of the places its really calm.

    1. Its safer than a lot of u.s cities. I looked at houses down there. Puro triangulo de oro

    2. Depending what side of mexicali you live,gonzales ortega was hot for a while cause of the shit that was going on,

    3. Pobre vato Mexicali VA arder!

      in case you guys didn't know Mexicali was a plaza controlled by arturo beltran leyva his top guy in charge was "G1" arturo went down and his people continued quietly,the thing is that org.will reclaim that plaza completely or attempt. Don't listen to me.just wait and see.

  79. how stupid sum of you can be , you think this hurts el mayo one bit , somebody allready to take this man place.... on another note , what is the purpose of being a drug baron or drug kingpin , when you cant have all these mansions , lot of fancy cars , expensive jewelry. seem like all the mexican drug baron hide deep in the woods or mountains..... at least pablo escobar had all these mansions , fancy expensive art , private jets , ....

  80. Is it true did he died?

  81. PP will be the next Acapulco. When the tourists are all chased out of town the locals will have to survive on kidnapping, extortion, theft and drugs.

    P Nieto needs to send in the marines to clean it up.

  82. poros pinches mangueras en este lugar... no saben ni de lo que están hablando
    only freaking wannabes in this place... who don't know what they are talking about. Chale carnal, vamonos de aqui

    1. Right. Cus you know what your talking about huh? Pendejo Como SI Te ocuparan

  83. Out with the old in with the new!

  84. you guys reports are the same stuffs chivis reports yesterday morning
    2 dead guys in balacera 2 dead guys hit the wall 1 dead guy in hospital
    and BB was first blog to report

  85. It was a planned operation...according to Proceso

  86. Just an FYI to the author, Bella Sirena is a condo complex, not a hotel. I wouldn't even call it a resort complex because that makes it sound like a hotel. It's a private residential community.

  87. We need a pic of the dead body..whe was the the hotel..where did he get hit

  88. The death of Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza alias "El Macho Prieto" was confirmed this morning by the Secretary of State Security (SSPE) Daniel de la Rosa Anaya, who noted that Inzunza was among the five killed yesterday during the confrontation between federal agents and narcos, in the hotel zone of the resort destination of Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point).

  89. Readers:
    When you send me tips or fotos, and many did for this story both via comments and email, please indicate if it is ok to use your first name to thank and credit.

    We need readers to bring breaking news and information. You guys are the best. I admit I was a little leery because no blog no national media had posted the story when we did at 1:30, so I wasn't sure. But you were persistant.

    Turns out the fotos are genuine for this story. and I did an image check on those sent to me today and all were originals with no history of being used, ever. I selected these to post as I thought they were the best sorry I could not post them all.

    this story had legs, it was on all 3 network news in SoCal and Also Az. Rarely does that happen on English news...

    thanks again..

  90. if you click on the image of the two dead guys neither is Macho, so there is the 2 guys who smash into a wall and the dead guy at the hospital. I heard he was the one at the hospital.

    I also heard the car hit another car so there must be injuries. there is no way a 2 hours conflict did not have more deaths and many injuries. I also read on I think riodoce that the number is really up to 15 dead,

    Question: what type of gun is with the dead guy in the sand? I don't know weapons, but the barrel is very wide.

    and in the video, the sounds of some of the percussion sounded which had a cannon sound. Is that a 50 cal? I know we have ex militars and experts following us that would know. 50 cal are becoming more common place

    1. The gun has a grenade launcher attached that's the wide barrel u can see

    2. What do you think about the idea that this is somehow related to R5? this wasn't just random. So was it just the government cleaning house? What's your take on it?

  91. Is it a Lanza granadas chivis ????

  92. Im sure one of the readers should have way more experience with weapons than me, but the weapons this guys are carrying look like AK98´s to me, the big bore barrel should be a grenade launcher attached under the riffle barrel.

  93. @December 18, 2013 at 9:42 PM who is the big dog in PP?

    @P@RR@ND3RO how do u know about the fist fight with r5 and chino antrax? can u elaborate some more on it?

    do u guys think maybe serafin is the one giving up these locations????

    1. Lets put it this way, if you had your territory and somebody came and tried to go over you, what would you do? Attn. P@RR@ND3RO

  94. I keep hearing mentions of Beltran Leyva, it's my understanding that alliance has changed. A new name and new alliances. I'm sure the new alliance still retains the strong federal connections Chapo lacks. His power is in the state governments.

  95. better pix would help. weapon on left looks like variant of AK - maybe Zastava M70 (Yugoslavian version of AK) with grenade launcher. Weapon on right looks like 40mm grenade launcher. You can see why Mex Marines used heavy firepower. P, CA

  96. I think it's BelTran leyvas makin their move, wiping off cds from Sonora. anyone else notice it was FEDERAL police forces, not the army. isn't the rumor that cds has the army under its payroll? idk to me it makes sense but then again what do I know

  97. Thank you, the barrel was wide but I did not think it looked like a launcher. so thanks!

  98. To the reader that can't see the always click on any image fro full size

  99. So El Nalgas Prietas is dead. Good riddance to the piece of crap. We don't need that kind of
    people here on earth. He got himself a one way ticket to hell.

  100. MP was in the bullet proof excursion , he died in the truck after it got shot from above with the 50cal , the truck stopped at bella sirena after it got disabled at the entrance , his people got off and another truck hit the wall , sicarios started firing at the helicopter and his people had called reinforcements ...this was a hush hush operations (R5) BY U.S.A intelligence

  101. The Plazas have been sold

  102. It's ok to be of Mexican decent...even a dignified Mexican American...but proud of Mexico...never. Only good thing from Mexico is the hard working honest people, food, and skilled arts. Weed sucks, politicians are corrupt, and people are ignorant to the truth. I'd drop a abomb there without hesitation. Hit the reset button... unfortunately 80% of first gen mexican Americans can't figure out that the US is the best thing that happened to us. True freedom to do as you will even with all the bullshit laws we have.

  103. A reader just sent in a new video and it is a good one of the aftermath shows 2 other bodies, . it's posted

    from the foto of the burned out vehicle I could not tell if those were two dead bodies to the right. The new video answers that question with a close up this means prieto was the one who died at the hospital

  104. Another ignorant paisa...

  105. macho prieto no esta ausente anda ubicando las casas donde dicen que hay contrarios les cae con lanza granadas se acabo el corrido

  106. Macho prieto se las va ver bien negras en el infierno....

  107. to the reader wanting to email Tijuano. you can send to

    in the subject line please add "Attn:Tijuano"

    sounds very interesting :)

  108. El Chapo El Mayo El H all those "drug lords" are nothing but puppets for the goverment. The goverment will take them out when they feel they have no use for them anymore. When is everyone going to realise this

  109. MP is one fat m.f no wonder he got killed with that stomach he can even put on a bullet proof vest lmao

  110. I`d drop a bomb without hesitation...Who is the real ignorant? Trying to destroy a whole nation to get rid off few. K pendejada tan más absurda.

  111. Who is in charge of Navojoa?

  112. Sanluisrc is reporting macho prieto body was picked up by his own people! Only DNA tests were done on puddle of blood left behind that confirmed it was macho prieto. Leads to question if he is really dead???

  113. El macho prieto had robbed someone and raped a victim. chapo had to send ppl to calm him down he was causing to much attention. Maybe chapo sent el r5 then macho p wacked him and then they had macho wacked who knows but macho was causing problems in sonora plus el mp was tryna go independant


  115. OK according to the news, there was 5 people killed, 2 were killed by the military, 2 die in a crash while trying to run away from the law and the other one die at the hospital. Why are you showing 4 dead bodies in the grown?

    1. Because the other one died at the hospital so theirs no pic duh

  116. Whoever did that shooting really meant to put El Macho Prieto in the ground. Can't argue with that. Every sicario gone ... is a better day for Mexico. P, CA

  117. The U.S. has details on all the cartel big wigs. Why else do you think they caught Z40. The cartels might be able to mangle with the people and perhaps kill a few federales but they wont beat a predator drone no matter how big of a gun they have. Hell they could have as many anti-aircraft guns as they want and a couple tanks but you can't see or hear a predator drone. Its like the hand of god coming out of no where and blowing everything to pieces.

    You know how many fighters in afghanistan, pakistan and iraq were dead before they even knew it ... more than are reported. The U.S.'s motto is

    "mess with the best, then die like the rest"

  118. fuck that piece of shit. he raped and robbed? fuck that. I don't know why they can't just stick to drug trafficking w/o all that bs; raping, killing, robbing. just keep pushing weight, and feed the gringos insatiable hunger for drugs. if I were a capo yo no estuviera con chingaderas, me chingaria a cualquier pedazo De mieda Que ande con esas mamadas.

  119. I can't see the video ????chivis a ques for uou

  120. An AK is "sophisticated weaponry"? lmao! if it is then I'm on a Navy SEAL level with my Colt 6920 hahaha the AK in any variant is THE simplest most basic firearm there is. My 9 year old cousin can shoot and fully dismantle and clean an AK74. leave it to the MX police to shoot this bullshit to the media lol.

  121. R5 was in Hermosillo receiving treatment for some type of stomach cancer. On his way back from the hospital he was shot and killed. Dont know how this would relate to MP, Ondeado or Serafin but I suspect a connection somewhere along all this killings and Serafins arrest. Oh, and by the way, not all Inzunzas are related...not R5s girl, not macho prieto nor chapo isidros wife.

  122. Its Funny How They Dont Know The Shit That They Just Got Into, Se Llevan A Uno Y Nos Llegan 100. Like It Or Not The Cartel Is Everywhere... Yea The US Might Be The Strongest But They Know That If They Bring The Boss Down Everyone Goes Down. Its A MultiBillion Dollar Industry For The Cartel And The Goverment Itself.

  123. click it or ticket lol

  124. No se confundan raza la federacion esta cambiando de personal los tiempos an cambiado y se nesecita gente mas inteligente y preparada agarrense pa lo k biene la forma de operar va a ser menos llamatiba y mas efectiva.

  125. All the top security of the CDS are being killd for the fact El chapo y El mayo work with the DEA they give them option either to turn them into the feds and extradite them to the US or have the Mexican government kill them so they won't know that CDS ate run by snitches.
    El bravo also know as el ghost
    Nacho coronel
    M1 also known as ondeado
    And now Macho prieto

  126. chapo isidro is the next big capo and lots of people know that, chapo g and mayo are already to old. the difference between chapo guzman and chapo isidro is that isidro is fucking every one up with out the help of anyone. alemo nunez is back with him and chapo trini is to as well as many others. in nogales i now for a fact that they are slowly kreeping in i have some relatives that been hearing about him and el 02 really top a guy noone knows about an they said it was him who killed el r5. Mp was switching so they had to take him out. i go to rocky point often and new mps son was pretty much living at that hotel and BL do control RP. its a big mess The BL are pretty much Vs everyone and they might just end up winning the fight, with the help of el macaco its a wrap for many other big sicarios also

  127. Hahaha! That fat coward is dead. Everyone should party and find out where is buried so we can piss on his grave. I will let my dog shit on his grave. I'm really happy he is dead. I hope he was suffering before died. Hahaha!

    1. que valiente, eres.
      porque no lo isites cuando estava vivo. you're so brave, how come you didn't do it when he was alive or around.

    2. Bitch, I don't live in that hell hole called Mexico!

  128. The word on the street is that R-5 was killed by Macho Prieto's command because of internal differences between them also MP was called upon several times by the big heads which he never showed up causing the big heads to give his location, R-5's death did it though and MP's body was taken by other gunmen obviously to take to the main bosses to confirm his death but since the military or feds dont have his body they will say that it's somewhat not confirmed even after they let the gunmen take his body because this operation was an order from the BOSSES high above.

  129. Fat men shouldn't wear white pants to a gunfight. There goes RockyPoint. That condo plex may as well shut down and close shop. No white folks are going to stay there ever again. This kind of crap kills the economy for the people who work their asses off. Why can't these guys go into the desert and shoot it out?? Plenty of it between GilaBend and RP. Horrible setback for tourism.

    1. So you think they are going set up a time and place of arrest with the target, they usually do this shit in an urban setting with lots of noise and buildings around. For the element of surprise to work in their favor.

  130. No es concidencia.... Siempre lo han echo desde nacho coronel....

  131. I watched the entire event. Macho Prieto is dead. I watched as they carried him from the Villa into a waiting van. I videoed them loading Prieto into the van and driving away while they shot cover fire back at the Villa but the government forces were not even pursuing them. 2 bodyguards carried him and there was a driver and another bodyguard was providing cover from the front of the Villa. 5 were in the van as they tried to flee the resort. There was a large gun battle at the front of the resort that I could not see but heard.

    3 trucks - 1 armored had come to rescue him. I heard the shouting between the cartel members. On said, "Uncle, are you ok?" Macho Prieto yelled back, "I'm injured". Another assault occurred on the villa. The assault began around 5:20AM and ended around 8:30 AM. There were 2 Blackhawk Helicopters and later 2 airplanes. I watched a air to ground battle around 5:50 am that occurred and tracer bullets could be seen skipping off the payment back up into the air. I have clear video footage of this as well.

    1. Well post it,sounds like a movie

  132. show us the video or i call bull


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