Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Army Opened Fire on Unarmed Civilians, Shoot 11 Killing 4 Including 11 Y/O Girl

Borderland Beat  Previously related posts link here to read

It is noted by autodefensas leaders today, that not 1 Caballero Templario has been killed, wounded or apprehended....
Moments before death
Estanislao Beltran, spokesman of the General Council and Community Self-Defense Forces of Michoacán, said the army opened fire on civilians, killing four people including a girl of eleven years.
According to Beltran, members of the Army gunned at least eleven people in the community Antunez in the municipality of Parácuaro.
Process envoy, Jose Gil Olmos confirmed the names of two dead: Rodrigo Benitez Perez Perez Mario 25 and 50, both laborers originating Antunez Parácuaro Township.
In an interview with journalist Carmen Aristegui, Estanislao Beltran rejected that the self-defense groups intend to lay down their arms, as requested by the federal government.

"What we are doing is defend our family, our people. The government has not cared for 12 years for our safety. Army arrives and disarms us our partners ... Following this, the people took to the roads to stop the Army and asked for the return of the arms to the community because they were defending their communities "refuted Beltran.
The spokesman of the General Council of Self-Defense and Community Michoacán said the population does not trust the authorities, because during the last twelve years have not seen for their safety, on the contrary, accused the state government of being fully collusion with the criminal group "The Knights Templar."

"The problem is the Caballeros Templarios of Michoacán.  And the government is in collusion with organized crime," he said.

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  1. that soldier is a murdered and should be tried for the murders of the innocent civilians he shot!!! bastard!!!!!

    1. So all of these years the Army did nothing and now that the citizens have revolted and are on the brink of getting this cartel scum out of their homeland. The Army wants to do restore order and shoot civilians. What about the cartel scum thats a leach on society, you gonna let them continue business as usual. The world knows!!! Its so obvious whats going on. The real question is what do you have to hide? History is being made what side are you on, the people have had enough and your old ruthless methods are not working anymore. Its gonna take honest people from all levels of society to clean house!!!

  2. Better to fight armed than to fight disarmed.

    1. Nah u idiot! its better to fight with sticks

  3. Don't give up your guns and don't give up the fight... Che Guevara

    1. 12:13
      Fidel! Fidel! Che calling from Bolivia,Fidel had sold el che to Felix Rodriguez for a franchise to move cocaine trough Cuba.
      Barbie! Barbie! Arturo beltran leyva...
      La Barbie had moved on to catch blo empire
      It is hard to find a true friend,

  4. I'm sick of all this talk (Jackie Chan, the Lebanese Murillo Karam, etc) about "restoring peace and order" to Michoacán.

    G*ddammit, right now there's conflict and disorder because the autodefensas are kicking the asses of the CT, something neither the state nor federal government even tried to do for years!!

    "Restoring order" now, just as the autodefensas were on a roll, is just handing the state back to the CT.

    All those guys that laid themselves out there, fighting for their communities, will now be killed one by one as the rats come down from the hills.

    I'm gonna puke, I swear!!

  5. Time for a Mexican Spring !

  6. here is good news for the Autodefenzas - the whole world is watching and supporting you. We understand that there is collusion between the goverment of Michoacan and the CT. So we are waiting to see what happens next. But be very sure that many people are aware of your situation and are paying great attention. P, CA

    1. The Mexican government will try to hide all the coruption like they have in the past, now that the auto defensas are cleaning house in their native home it seems the government is going along with the motions and playing the part!!! I would not believe anything that comes out of any authorities mouth, they have too much to hide. This movement is exposing Mexicos corruption to the whole world. The regular citizens only want fairness and a just system is that too much to ask for? Its sad but it may come down to a revolution and its gonna take the good honest people in government to take a hard look in the mirror finally take a stand just like the citizens!!! Hopefully change will happen!!! Those citizens are an inspiration!!!

  7. "Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something..."
    - Pancho Villa

    "Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees"
    - Emiliano Zapata

  8. The whole world,the whole universe could be supporting these autodefensas (new cartel) but it won't matter as long as the government doesn't. No one is going to interfere.Any other country that tries will unleash war world 3.Mexico has many allies.All it is is BUISNESS.These guys were screwed since the beginning. We live in planet Earth hahaha.

    1. 12:59 the auto defensas are no new cartel as of yet,your sneaky statement shows your bias,and you are one big pendejo,baboso.

    2. The Government is only as strong as the people believe in it. If the people in charge keep sending the Army to restore order by killing civilians sime military units may not follow orders, and some of that may already happened to some point in Tierra Caliente!

    3. The regular Army soldier for the most part is not paid off like people believe he is just following orders. Most soldiers do not have the heart to kill their own countrymen for an unjust cause. There will always be some hot head who will murder civilians like the incident mentioned in this story. It's time poor honest hard working people of society can carry on in their daily lives without fear of extortion, kidnappings, paying quotas besides government taxes to run their businesses. MEXICO NEEDS A MIDDLE CLASS AND IN ORDER FOR THE POOR TO ADVANCE. GROUPS LIKE THE TEMPLARIOS HABE GOT TO GO!

  9. Esto ba para todo akel ke atente contra los caballeros templarios mi hermano es un templario y el tray un cuerno de chivo en cada mano ademas una espada atravesada en la espalda tambien 2 pistolas bereta en la cintura y una navaja chiquitita pero filosa y sincuenta cartuchos con el logo del ratoncito de chuck y cheese y tres churros de mota. Weyes!

    1. Good for your Rat Templario brother! After the Auto defensas take him down, he will have armed at leasr four auto defensas.

    2. Garbage,coward,p.o.s,pollo,miadoso,your end is coming.karma

  10. Owning guns in mexico is illegal why should they be the exception? Dont like the law move to the USA guns are legal there

    1. @1:22p.m if its the law and it works so well how come only the criminals/military same thing for the most part in mexico have them but the poor guy just tryin to make a living cant? Thats just stupidity!

  11. I had been expecting this. In every single popular uprising to defend the rights of Mexican citizens throughout history, the Army has always taken the side of the government against the people. Always. The Army may have been defeated by popular forces, but it has defended the ruling class and the autocrats, and now the cartels and the politicians, to the bitter end.

    What most people do not understand, because it goes against every sense of right and wrong, is that the government/ruling class and the narcos are partners. They consider the Mexican people their property. Readers wonder why governors, mayors, the president and his cabinet, all persist in denying the obvious; that Mexico has been taken over by criminals and that its citizens have no alternatives but to live and die as victims, to leave the country or to take up arms. The powers that be have to claim that there are no problems, that Mexico is prosperous, peaceful and free because their first priority is to protect their investments and cash flow, at least until they can cash in and leave the country, go to Spain, Miami or Harvard, and join the rest of their compadres there and live very well. Nobody will ever go after them to prosecute them for embezzlement or some other form of corruption, so they keep their priorities straight: deny, deny, deny, and cash in.

  12. never lay down you arms. Give up some crappy one in a ruse perhaps, to give .gov an opportunity to save face, but never give up you chaches.

  13. Viva La REVOLUCION!!! Viva Las AutoDefensas! VIVA MICHOACAN!


  15. What happened to mr.mireles big balls?

  16. Time for a general strike,and where are the Latino journalistas that love their Mexico so much?

  17. @ January 14, 2014 at 12:31 PM Right on , When and where is the international intervention in the area ? I hope these poor souls are not abandoned and left to be raped and pillaged by the bad guys.

  18. January 14, 2014 at 11:42 AM Nuremburg type trials at Chapultapec ?

  19. MY GOD!!!!!,

    Pena Nieto and the PRI have unleashed their guard dogs! Unarmed people shot with military assault rifles, 11 people shot, 2 killed!

    Wait, steady, tranqila... Lets wait for more info. The the military or 1 soldier shot?

  20. Do not give up your guns!

  21. El Mundo Si Esta Con Los Autodefensas, Con To Respeto Sigan Luchando!!! SI SE PUEDE.

  22. BB should set up a fund to arm the only people in Mexico taking up the battle againts the POS rapist, murderers that call themselves cartels. I would be proud to be the first contributor.

  23. Vigilant actions won't work.

  24. Chivis there are videos of what happened in valor por michoacan sdr and policia comunitaria de telpacatepec please pllease add them up to this article pliss please!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Bb there are videos of the attack on fb self defense pages and on youtub

  26. I wish the best of luck to the good people of michoacan in their fight against LCT and the corrupt forces of EPN. Primero muertos que desarmados.


  27. That soldier or soldiers that shot those innocent unarmed people should be prosecuted.

  28. the government (PRI) [P-uro R-atero I-nconstitucional] cant control the teacher strikes what makes you think they will control the criminals........what a shame

  29. Why mr.mireles change his mind?

  30. sorry folks...I was gone all day I will post some updates and work comments in the next hr or 2

  31. PS

    dr Mireles did not change his mind. he said to return to communities but not lay down protective weapons. My concern is that if they did, CT would come back from Colima and caused problems knowing they were not protected.

  32. HELP...if you can help me by translating one of the many videos coming in on facebook or media, please write to me at

    or just send the video link and translation. I would appreciate it, there are dozens being posted. just an overview of what is being said is fine it does not have to be word for word complete

    Plea for people to contact the united nations went out...the link is on BB twitter..but here it is also

  34. another way to help is to please send me the links ofstuff you want posted....vids, photos etc direct links please

    1. Chibis did not you get my comment about the youtube video when the army at antunez shot the people?

    article 10 of the Mexican constitution...we have discussed that point dozens of times.

    I think even Wikipedia has something about it if you want an overview...if you want it in detail email me for English Copy or Spanish

    also I have the constitutional provisions in English to self govern and self police.

  36. Xhibis i dont how to post a link to a video , im usung my cellphone right now but if you look in you tube and you type in (video) el ejercito mexicano mata a una persona en antunez you will have a brand new video of about 1 to 2 minutes of duration of the killing of at least one of the 5 people the army killed please youtube it and post it

  37. Jackie Chan is lying:

  38. They dont need to kill all the bad guys at once just do it one or two at a time and strip the dead guys of their weapons! Keep drawing them out a couple at a time when they come to town.guerilla warfare tactics! It works for the afghan ppl and the u.s army teaches those tactics! God bless and save those poor ppl in mexico.i pray for them! God dont like ugly and will get tired of it! NEVER EVER give up the weapons they do have EVER!!!!!

  39. According to the United Nations, the death toll surpassed 100,000 in June 2013, and reached 120,000 by September 2013.[88][89] In addition, tens of thousands of protesters have been imprisoned and there are reports of widespread torture and terror in state prisons.[90] International organizations have accused both government and opposition forces of severe human rights violations.[91] The UN and Amnesty International's inspections and probes in Syria determined both in 2012 and 2013 that the vast majority of abuses are done by the Syrian government, whose are also largest in scale.[92][93][94][95][96] The severity of the humanitarian disaster in Syria has been outlined by UN and many international organizations. More than four million Syrians have been displaced, more than three million Syrians fled the country and became refugees, and millions more were left in poor living conditions with shortage of food and drinking water. The situation is especially bad in the town of Muadamiyat al-Sham, where 12,000 residents are predicted to die of starvation by the winter of 2013 from a Syrian army enforced blockade.[97]
    Chemical weapons have also been used in Syria on more than one occasion, triggering strong international reactions.[98]
    Hi Chivis, this comment is copied/pasted from wiki 's, I thought it was relevant only bcuz of the similar magnitude & implied complicity? Mexican Spring?

  40. After all the gains the Autodefenzas made WITHOUT the recognized government lifting a hand,i hope they don't give one weapon up.Now we see the government start to stoke the fires of discontent with bullshit rhetoric talking about the"rule of law"please blow it out your ass.If AutoDefensas go back to their respective communities the CT and others will without doubt scurry back in,the dirty bastards in government know this only too well.Fucking disgraceful Mexican government spouting about law and restoring order?Restore the previous status quo,doe's anyone doubt that EPN made an order to the cartels to stop the be-headings and killings on video?To usher in the new era of non-reporting crime.Disgraceful

  41. Revolutions are started by a small organized group, just look at world history!!!! They may not always topple a government but change the structure!!!!

  42. hope the US stays outa this mess!

    1. It's in our back yard buddy. Mexico being unstable is not good for the US because of the shared border and trade

  43. Find out the names of these victims n spread their story. Mexican spring needs to happen. Government can easily shoot civilians but won't take down those scumbag cartels!!!

  44. Los Caballeros Templarios, for a better Michoacan. Hating comments in 3. . .2. . .1 . .

    1. 8:52 los cabelleras kagadas,are the reason, of the problems in michoacan,under the protection of the corrupt governments they installed in power,they did not see that there is nothing that compares to the support of your people,even to get rich at their expense.they were supported when they promised to defend their communities, a while ago,their "presidential"term ended the moment they broke their first promise, that was the momentous they had to go,and they refuse to go.
      What is left to do now is to see how far el pinche Pena nieto will go in supporting his buddies,before the eyes of the world.
      Many mighty and powerful Latin-American dictators have had to go in spite of their powers and international support.
      Libya's president for life,Omar khadaffi,had BILLIONS OF DOLLARS deposited in his personal accounts with HSBC bank,and when he died,the bank could not comment on the private affairs of their customer, much less release the money to the country that it belonged to,as the ass of khadaffi belonged to the national patrimony of Libya.
      The same fate waits to the money our national satraps steal from our countries,it will not return,the carcasses of our national heroic satraps we can have,the money never
      because that would be Communist.
      The stolen money will not even be applied to the national spurious debt.
      So to make it shand,fuck the templarios and their mamas and their sponsors and their nuthuggers that support them...

    2. Your pice of shit caballero cagados are the reason innocents are suffering at this very moment. I hope you're proud of yourself.

    3. I told you the hating comments would come. Lets be real if CT wasn't controlling michoacan another cartel would period. And they would be worse for the simple fact that they wouldn't be from that state. And its only a matter of time before the autodefensas become a cartel after they start a war with the government for the military killing them and them backin CT.

    4. 9:47 Any new cartel will be better than ct, and you courting hate to make us look heartless is just plain stupid.
      and fuck the consequences


  46. Autodefensa leaders should maintain their people organized for the common goal of liberating their people from the CRIMINALS by KEEPING THEIR FIREARMS for protection and from the CORRUPT POLITICIANS by HELPING THEM GET REGISTERED TO VOTE at the same time thus creating a force to be reckoned with.

  47. I cannot download this video because I don't have a user for el Norte, but you can view this video: Desplazan tanquetas a Lázaro Cárdenas, this is the link:

  48. For the auto defensas the world is watching, don't give up the fight. They will try to deceive you to disarm, that would be a mistake. You right now are strong and as long as you maintain discipline and dignity within your ranks your movement will grow and grow. The corrupt people in government will try to find any reason to discredit you. Don't give in they cannot massacre you, because if they do the world will not take it, they would take their investment money elsewhere and their tourism dollars $$$$! YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO ALL SUPRESSED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! IMPEACH NIETO, DR MIRALES FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

    1. The US will only intervene to save or protect the American citizens living in mexico,and maybe their property,or to protect themselves by cleaning house in their south.
      Except the US is full of crooks itself,with something to gain from having caused the present situation.
      ---Sen Mitch mcconnell,R Chinese wife
      ---Grover norquist lobbyist,Palestinian wife
      ---Darrell issa,R lebanese Arab car thief
      ---closet homos,R that hate the people.
      ---Democrats that have left their humanity behind for honorary positions on Wall-Mart,
      With the big banks they are supposed to regulate.
      ---military brass,that in spite of their training and patriotism,cannot win a little fucking war against a raggedy bunch of whooly heads because on top of not being good politics,keeping the little war going,it makes money for their handlers,that will give them a cushy job when they retire.
      But inspite of the US corruption,they will rush to rescue their fellow citizens,wherever they may be,be it Grenada or Panama,or Iran,and then no expense will be spared.

  49. For the auto defensas the world is watching, don't give up the fight. They will try to deceive you to disarm, that would be a mistake. You right now are strong and as long as you maintain discipline and dignity within your ranks your movement will grow and grow. The corrupt people in government will try to find any reason to discredit you. Don't give in they cannot massacre you, because if they do the world will not take it, they would take their investment money elsewhere and their tourism dollars $$$$! YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION TO ALL SUPRESSED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! IMPEACH NIETO, DR MIRALES FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

  50. 9:38PM
    did you send or post in comments the link? send to me via comments the link. I am receiving hundreds of emails and comments about this...can't keep up with it all!

  51. I have norte account but could not find the video...

    can anyone help us? see 9:38 comment I am not sure which vid it is


  52. Hey P.R.I the free world is on the autodefensas side looks like you made a mistake killing good people

  53. Why should any one be surprised the PRI is back in power they will kill anyone who try's to stop corruption just as they did 20+ years ago same thugs different faces
    MR army general you are such a great noble man to shot and kill unarmed civilians, but when you face the drug cartel you piss your pants most people would call you a Coward at best

    1. Is the military investigating?
      They have to pin it on one pendejo and his commander,or whoever was in charge.
      The Mexican government used to have a responsibility of not using the armed forces against the Mexican people,ever,by law.
      That changed when they formed the Olympic Military Battalion,which they used to police and supress the perceived enemies of the state,right before the 68 Mexican Olympics,when they turned out paramilitary and tried to keep up the secrecy in vain.
      The nazification of the Mexican army was parallel to the nazification of many banana republics all over Latin-American,I think it is time to bring it all out in the open,as is the role of the US and the nazis they helped flee to the american continent.
      If the powerful Richard Nixon was forced to resign,I don't see why little Pena nieto can't be kicked out of power,of course the US didn't have the same kind of assholes in Congress and the Senate and the Supreme Court back then,and the black justice was not a puppet of his white wife lobbyists...

  54. Ahi te va chivis

  55. The US should just invade mexico and clean up all the corruption and get this shit over with many lives would be safe

  56. @ 1:52 no wonder I could not find it...I was looking for something different, I already posted this on Monday night when it broke on Valor. :)

    see post "Mireles Complies with...." I can post again here since it appears so many did not see it on the previous post

    1. @ 2:00am chivaaa! do you ever sleep?
      I hope your dedication to trolling won't be in vain. Some trolls call other trolls,"trolls", like it is some kind of shameful and despicable entertainment,but believe me,it is not,specially when those trolls can't see themselves on the mirror,keep the faith,and the fight,things can only get better.
      Ever hear about Marcial Maciel? and, Los Demonios del Eden by Lydia Cacho?

  57. En donde están movimiento estudiantil 132!! En donde están EZLN!!! En donde están militantes del PRD, PT, MORENA, MC!!!! Sus hermanos de Michoacán los necesitan más que nunca!! El momento del cambio a llegado!!! Ustedes pueden abrir un nuevo capítulo en la historia del la GRAN NACION MEXICANA!!!! VIVA MÉXICO!!! DIOS LO BENDIGA A MIS HERMANOS MEXICANOS!!!

  58. Wake up people. Please.. No action no gain.

  59. Thde worst part is the US government is helping the mexican government restrict weapons....That surely makes sense given the US history. We should assist the mexicans to get guns by the truckload. My ex wife was mexican, and if she could have gotten an AK47, there would have been chollos going to hell in battalions in Escobedo....

  60. Who's gonna be the first General, or military unit to say I am fed up with the corrution, and take a stand! We shall see!!!

  61. Auto defensas the hearts and minds of the world are with you!!!

  62. @10:54AM
    jajajaja ...BB is on Mountain Time and I am in PST for another month.

    Oh yes, my SHEro ( hero ala maya angelou)

  63. It is pretty clear that Federal Government came to the rescue of "
    La Tuta".

    It is wrong for the Army to show its force against unarmed civilians. Army should behave like that when dealing with KT's.

  64. @ 12:31 what if the world is watching ? Will the eyes help them ? And the world is supporting them ? In what way ? Are they being finance with what ? . Wanna support them, send money etc for weapons or things if needs , or here a better idea go fly to michoacan and join the group don't just look at at articles . How many ppl have die now off the auto defense ? Can I get a legit number ? Chiviz.

  65. Requiem Aeternam dona eis, Domine
    et lux perpetua luceat eis:
    Requiescant in pace. Amen

  66. You aint no real killer. I got you

  67. Sorry about the delay posting the direct link, although I saw it on elnorte:

  68. Its time some Auto defensas rose up across the country and took out the extortioners, and kidnappers in ther own regions! There are by far more good honest people than there are scum, if the people only knew how much power they really have!!! Mexico is a beautiful country hijacked by leaches who feed off the hard working honest people! The Mexican government needs to start cleaning house within its ranks and make Mexico a First World Country by making it possible for all Mexicans to succeed!

  69. ANIMO MICHOACAN !!!!!!!!!






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