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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dr Mireles Leaves Hospital:Discharged on Saturday but Held until Full payment of Bill

Chivis Martínez Borderland Beat

Reforma newspaper is reporting tonight,  that the leader of the City Council Tepalcatepec Self-Defense,  one of the premier leaders of the movement, José Manuel Mireles Valverde, has been discharged from the hospital.
Upon discharge, he was transferred on Sunday from Medica Sur Hospital where he was admitted.
A nearby sources say, the medical doctor who had suffered a plane crash on Saturday, January 4th, in the town of La Huacana,  was discharged on  Saturday. However, it was not until Sunday  after payment of  the bill for medical services,  could he leave the hospital.
The Reforma news reports, did not indicate the destination the doctor had been moved to in order to complete his recovery.  His departure was made by helicopter of the Federal Police, to an unknown location.
Autodefensa leader Hipolito Mora, had reported this week,  that Dr. Mireles had undergone an operation and was out of danger and expected to make a complete recovery.

Suffered brain hemorrhage

José Manuel Mireles, leader of a paramilitary group in Michoacán, wants to return to his Michoacán activities. .  A photograph taken last Thursday with a cell phone, shows  Mireles standing with a white coat, nodes in the chest for measuring respiratory pulses, head and bandaged jaw and injuries to his right eye.  "he improves very well  physically, and emotionally, does not yet speak, he had surgery on the jaw and has wires  (in mouth), so he cannot speak, but he is lucid, conscious, and is anxious to return and continue, "said Priscilla Canavatti, who serves at the moment, as spokeswoman for Michoacán. 
The  surgeon who is treating Dr Mireles,  indicated that he arrived at the hospital with injuries such as facial trauma, fracture of the orbit and maxilla, plus bleeding in the brain.
"From the point of view of hospitalization believe the time will be short, the medical problems have been solved; however, it requires close monitoring for consultation until the next two or three weeks. " 
Mireles eats baby food and liquids using a straw.  Moreover, for rehabilitation, he is walking and performing  breathing exercises.  "he looks good," summed the surgeon. 
Was the injuries life threatening? The surgeon was asked. "A multiple trauma is always risk and he was brought in with  several injuries,  fortunately he was well resuscitated where he was  attended initially (in Michoacán)," he said. 
To attend Mireles, the hospital used surgical intervention such as neurosurgery, orthopedics, Plastic and reconstructive surgery jaw surgery.
Canavatti said that all expenses have been covered by the family and friends of the victim.
Reforma and FB


  1. I can't begin to express how proud I am of the good people of Mexico. They were faced with cruel treatment by the cartels. They did not choose to remain silent. They did not choose to choose evil. Instead they choose the harder path of good. They banded together to rid their towns of the cartel cancer. If they keep this up they will have to build a northern wall to keep all of the Americans from fleeing the great imoral liberal socialist north.

    - on a side note. I am proud to be be an American citizen. However, the action these brave men have taken would be considered a criminal act in the USA. And when the US was faced with a similar problem in the prohibition period they sat quietly and allowed the evil to abuse them.

    1. Ay el chino anthrax ordered the hit on the arellano in los cabos blog de narco comfirmed it was r1

    2. 6:03 you was going good until "the great immoral liberal socialist north".
      For your information,the great border wall got planned by the great conservatista Republican government of the US,right before all the great hell broke lose in Mexico,like it was foreseen by the great clairvoyants that knew what was coming, they always work all the angles,preventing for the consequences of their dirty tricks.
      Don't be lazy,Mister American citizen, inform yourself before expressing such bullshit as you have,Google it while you can,before it gets controlled by law,they are working on it right now,just like the Chinese on the Great Firewall of China,to control the information people can access or not...

  2. government should pay his hospital bill

  3. Aww mexico, your greedy practices need no Introduction, no trust, this guy was not the pilot, like he was carrying the cash on him to pay for the treatment, lol usually in the states if you cant pay they cant keep you

  4. I like also how there is no doctor patient confidentiality, any and all medical issues are discussed freely with the press. Lame doctors just want to be on tv

  5. no Obamacare in Mexico?

  6. Mexico is a disgrace for the American continent, well, everything south of the U.S. is... Fucking Spaniards, we should've been conquered by some other country.

    1. You should be stripped of your american citizenship if you are one , you are a disgrace , lowlife

    2. Just curious as to why the above poster (9:42am) should be stripped of his American citizenship? In no way am I wanting to start crap, just curious because he makes no mention of being a U.S. citizen.

    3. @2:26 11:08 may be talking about 6:03...
      That is why my woman,la chiva says to post the time we are answering to,which you 2:26 did not do either,atentamente:
      El Chapo

  7. He should have died fuck mireles

    1. Fuck you lame ass fool. He is a real man fighting for the rights of people.

    2. 10:57 and he will die,as a man,not hanging from la puta tuta's balls like you, cocksucker.ora por pendejo,vas y chingas a tu madre...pedazo de cagada.

  8. 8:41...actually this was info released on grillonuatuas and reported by Pricilla their reporte,r she is one Dr Mireles knows and apparently trusts. SHe interviewed the doctors with Dr Mireles permission.

  9. Re:Obama Care. Indeed there is. Though the doctors are good the facilities are not so much. This is a private hospital. I use only private hospitals for my projects in Mexico.

  10. we are very grateful that Dr Mireles is still in this world. It is a sign of his own strength that he has recovered so quickly, and a blessing from above. If these injuries had been just a little worse, he could have been gone. Dr Mirles - make the most of the time you have left on this Earth. Do good things, and make this second chance count. ALL THE BEST!! P, CA

  11. Did they handcuff him to the desk until someone coughed up the dinero?

  12. Hey, Chivis, Sr. Gobernador CT is gonna go ahead and move his office down to Apatzingán. That's his base of support. He belongs there!!

  13. If it wasn't for Santa Anna you gringos would be speaking spanish right now.

    1. 2:58 not all gringos are bad people,many love Mexico and the Mexican people,and try to learn Spanish,with a passion,there are people that only love the economic possibilities,and come to steal all they can, or just steal it by proxy,let's don't generalize and let the evil ones get away with it...

  14. I could use some enlightenment.

    Are the good folks of Micholand getting a pass from the federals because of their cultural and indigenous status (similar to our North American Indians)?

    The feds could easily disarm them if they wanted to.

    Also, I don't see this self policing going on in other states. Seems a well organized vigilantee committee could ruin the day for the Monterey gangsters.
    With all that open farm land running up the east coast there can't be many places for the little bastards to hide. Wadayathink.

    1. 3:01 I am affraid the government is letting all the rebels come out,then they will deal a devastating blow when they see the whites of their eyes,to teach a lesson to anyone that want to follow their example,we'll see.

    2. @10:10am- This is a fear we all share. Let's hope we're proven wrong. Viva Mexico! Paz.

  15. 9:20 you wish,the health care named seguro social,collected fees from workers,the parents wife and children were covered,no deductibles,no gold,silver or copper plan,if needed,you had access to specialists,medicines covered too,and there were bunches of money to steal,until the administrators decided it was better to steal all the money every presidential term,until there was not much left,which is another mater.
    not having private insurance companies fucking around,or stealing the money or overcharging the government,facilitated the successful launching of the social security in mexico,until the politician satraps got into robbing it.
    obama's problem has been alowing private insurers to manage the clients' accounts,and letting them cut corners to enhance their revenue,that has the ACA fucked up before it even got started...

    1. 9:20 you seem to despise obamacare,which is only trying to get the government as out of it as possible,as there will be nobody overcharging bills to the government,which has been THE PROBLEM NOBODY TALKS ABOUT.
      the governor of Florida,rick Scott got kicked out of his own healthcare managing organization after it had to pay back to the government BILLIONS OF DOLLARS it had overcharged for Medicare,and that was the lesser evil.
      Mitt Romney's companies got into it too, when things got hot,mitt Romney's company dedicated to defrauding Medicare got dumped,but still had to return millions of dollars.the easy fraudulent way of life is all the crying is about,and the ignorant teabagger tools do not even know about it.

  16. NPR in USA. Story this PM about Dr Mireles:

    God be with you patriots. We should focus on improving our own hemisphere. US, CDN, MX, CA, SA .... we are all one Americas.

  17. "Chivis..
    Re:Obama Care. Indeed there is. Though the doctors are good the facilities are not so much. This is a private hospital. I use only private hospitals for my projects in Mexico" Very nice if you have the funds..some don't,and are decent people.American citizens are very quick to shout USA and apt to be very jingoistic towards other countries,,but when someone mentioned trying to spread healthcare so all our fellow Americans could be treated,,the brotherhood and fellowship and all the attendant"USA"bullshit quickly went out the window.

    1. 6:47 right on,telling it like it is thank you.

  18. It needs to be said so here i go, Dr Mireles is by far one of the most important men in Mexico since El Comandante Marcos and Emiliano Zapata. He is a high value target and the establishment has him in their sights! We need to monitor Dr. Mireles and see if his phycology has changed since the accident. The establishment has a way of threatening and using mind control tactics to overturn a human mind. he also needs to take X-rays of his entire body and a CAT scan to see if he was injected with any type of visible transmitter. He needs to submit himself to a full blood work analysis done by him and tested by only the medical professionals he trusts. i wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up dying from cancer like other hard fighting leaders i.e Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Yusaff Arafat. Sigue la pelea Dr Mireles aqui te apollamos desde los estados unidos digo separados

    1. Roger tolces of is the worlds best counter survellance expert,and electronic mind control remote neural mind survellance,abd manipulation,satilite etc,countermeasures,and he travels.


  19. Senore Mireles Valverde is the poster for this movement,his benevolent smile and calm demeanor,his definite decency is why he engenders people to want to protect him and follow him,indeed,happy to follow him.How can anyone say this is wrong?He does not want to hurt anyone,but he wants to free people from the yoke of the dirty CT.Personally i think they have all shown remarkable restraint in dealing with these rats.Greetings and good wishes to Senore Mireles Valverde and the people of Michoacan.

  20. Hey Chivis ... have you seen this? It is what I was hinting at - a couple of articles earlier. I don't think its a good thing, but it cannot be a surprise.
    P, CA

  21. about the deployment read my article here. I think the feds had to step in, its their duty. BUT, they must remember who to target. I remember Chiapas in the 90s, God help us if that happens.

  22. The present Mexican government is a cartel admirer.
    Their party has been collaborating with them for decades.
    All the evil Mexicans see today flowed from this association.
    Hope the brave Mexican people will be able to overcome two evils: their government and the cartels!!!

  23. In the sixties,the mexican government had also the instituto de proteccion a la infancia (IPI), that provided free lunches to all the children attending public schools every day,the regional hospitals provided free care to the poor,and it was good.
    Then the satrapy started,with the arrival of Zulma Faiad and other expensive but beautiful starlets, the flight of money progressed to Lopez portillo sending Mexico's money to Spain to buy Sasha Montenegro, Carlos Salinas de gortari bought himself an oxigenated blonde,and pena nieto,was tired of chicken and got himself a gaviota,fake red head. The point is,without the stolen money, would they have stayed with their wives?
    Of course pena nieto got rid of his previously,
    but were these women planted there to push the stealing of Mexico's money? Widows usually survive their husbands,and the money goes to the proper pimp...

  24. Please go offense but for those who are here for a better life and leave me to pay for your family to go to school...go home and take the cartel way of life with you. You are needed there. If my country was in shambles I wouldn't abandon it.


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