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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Self-Defense Groups Liberate Eight More Communities in Guerrero

Given the wave of violence, the community organized their own "Community Police"
Photo By: Anwar Delgado
The people are tired of suffering through kidnappings, extortions, and murders, says Justino Ocampo Hernández, coordinator of the SSJC.

By: Juan Cervantes Gómez

January 24, 2014- The Self-Defense Groups extend all the way to Guerrero, specifically in eight communities referred to as the valley of El Ocotito, located around 30 kilometers from the capital, towards the port of Acapulco.

The purpose of these groups, they say, is to combat against the organized crime gangs.  The people got tired of the extortions, kidnappings, and murders.

On Thursday of this week, coordinators of the Community Police of the Union of Organized People of the State of Guerrero (Unión de Pueblos Organizados del Estado de Guerrero (UPOEG)) lead by Bruno Plácido Valerio, conducted raids on homes in the communities of Cajeles, Mojoneras, El Rincón, Carrizal de la Vía, Dos Caminos, Buena Vista de la Salud, La Haciendita and El Ocotito, where they captured 13 suspected members belonging to organized crime; six of which have been released since they only had minor offenses.

Justino Ocampo Hernández, coordinator of the Security and Justice Citizenry System (Sistema de Seguridad y Justicia Ciudadana (SSJC)), in El Ocotito, in a meeting held in the community; announced on Friday that they won’t be backing out in the formation of the Community Police, because the people are tired of suffering through kidnappings, extortions, and murders, “We gave a notice to the government but they ignored us”.

The Community Police will operate in the towns where they conducted raids in order to detect and arrest suspected members of organized crime and bring tranquility to its residents, he said as he thanked the presence and cooperation of the Community Police from Tierra Colorada, Ayutla and Tecoanapa, to perform the operation.
Mobilization in El Ocotito, Chilpancingo
Apart from the police that emerged in El Ocotito; they’re going to be creating other groups in 14 communities of the municipalities of Chichihualco and Tlacotepec, and Filo Mayor De Guerrero, with the same goal of ending the insecurity he continued.
Mobilization in El Ocotito, Chilpancingo
As the leader of the CANACO (Mexico’s Local Chambers of Commerce), Pioquinto Damián Huato, said that the merchants of this capital look favorably at the formation of the Community Police in El Ocotito, he also added that next week they’ll announce their own plan of action that will take into account the formation of the Self-Defense Groups in the capital, but declined any further details.

Source:  El Universal

Footage from Grillonautas2



  1. Eso es todo mi raza del pueblo y para el pueblo.

  2. Quit being stupid! you guys are going to ruin Mexico by making it so hot the U.S. will intervene! PS
    all the narcos are smartening up and joining the "community police" as a cover to avoid being arrested... the ones committing the crimes in chilpancingo are the same ones signing up... don't be naive please help Mexico actually rid itself of corruption don't endorse it without fulling understanding whats going on on the ground.... i have real time sources and intelligence from within in the war zone, even the other CP are starting to doubt mireles and all the other "CP" springing up all over the place are fake.. just a cover.... like the templarios were for the familia michoacana...... open your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree they should overthrow their crooked ass government first..

    2. Quit saying the u.s will interviene they wont do Nothing. mexicos constitution wont allow any foreing army to set foot on mexican soil. any u.s troops in México would be considered an act of war

  3. Awesome. The cartels must go.

  4. the mexican people need the right to keep and bear arms. pronto!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. the people, the merchants, should pay the auto defenses in some way. there needs to be a people's movement against taxes which are used to pay actual police which were either corrupt or have been removed. bleed the beast.

  7. Broly gets 66 comments and these heroes get only 4?? (not counting Ayala's rants)... Good going Guerrero!!! I don't know about the Guerroro ADs, but in Michoacan everyone knows who the CTs are and Mireles has already said they weed them out...

  8. The Movement is growing. Once the outs the Nieto and get good goverment

  9. I agree Nieto is a poor leader

    1. "Pena nieto esta muy guapo y bien parecido"...pinches viejas pendejas,todas las que votaron por ese cabron que de pilon es maricon,ambicioso y asesino.
      El 20% de votos que saco y el 5% que compro mas el 9% que se robo no lo hacen presidente,pero ahi esta,trabajando para salinas de gortari, quien ciertamente regreso del exilio a volver a robar a mexico, igualito que antonio lopez de santana,nomas que santana si les partio su madre a los gringos unas cuantas veces...
      Remember the Alamo, it has happened and it can happen again.

  10. 5:42 your a ignorant sheeple im not ranting and raving i have proof....

  11. tu sancho :what you want them to charge cuota? they already do if you dont want to go support their barricades... and they take women and children because they know nobody will shoot at them!

  12. alberto, you misunderstand me. let my try saying it another way... the local people, especially merchants, should stop paying taxes or at least that amount they determine goes to government police. instead, they should pay the same amount to the ADs to help support them. no net loss to the merchants, more support for the ADs.


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