Reports of 12-15 Deaths in the balance of the shootouts
Sonora has experienced an
explosion of violence since the end of December when Macho Prieto of the Sinaloa Cartel was killed in a violent shootout with police in the city of
Rocky Point.. Especially in the border
city of Agua Prieta. Multiple fierce harsh
shootouts have occurred, including 3 in the past week in an apparent struggle of
the plaza.

In the mix was the attempted
kidnapping in Agua Prieta, 6 blocks from the US border, (point A on map at left), of the popular sports figure, and successful entrepreneur Armando
“Mandy” Moreno.
Moreno was killed as he attempted to flee from his kidnappers, with two passengers in his vehicle. The vehicle hit a center divider and rolled a half a dozen times, killing all three men.
Moreno was killed as he attempted to flee from his kidnappers, with two passengers in his vehicle. The vehicle hit a center divider and rolled a half a dozen times, killing all three men.
Official cause of death is pending, photos of the vehicle indicated
gunshots from an automatic weapon had pelleted the vehicle, leaving a Swiss
cheese impact pattern.. So it is possible
Moreno was killed before he rolled.
Reports of small convoys of trucks with markings of GN have been noted in Agua Prieta.
The Investigating (PEI) State
Police reported that during the last hours six people were killed and four were
wounded in attacks and shootouts in various municipalities of Sonora.
Confirmed in a statement this
morning in Agua Prieta two criminal groups exchanged gunfire with four dead and
three wounded, police also claimed that five vehicles, some armored.
Dead are; Juan Miguel Favela, Luis Enrique Barraza
Ceballos, Hector Ulises Romero, these three natives of Sinaloa, and another
male person, which has not yet been identified.
In clashes in the colonias and
Industrial Center Infonavit injured Moran Laura Lizbeth Benitez, Manuel
Alejandro Navarro and Manuela Beatriz Márquez Pérez Suárez, who are recovering
in the village clinics.
In Caborca
At km 249 +900 of the Caborca-Sonoyta road
this morning was found the body of a man and has yet unidentified, killed by multiple
gunshot wounds.
In Puerto Peñasco. (Rocky Point
where Macho Prieto was killed), around 22:00 pm yesterday, Pascuala Moon
Negrete, 45, was shot and killed by unknown assailants.
Minutes later, in Ciudad Obregon,
Luis Fernando Vega Franco, 27, was hospitalized after being seriously wounded
by gunshots.
RioDoce-MiMunicipio-Facebook are the sources used to write this post.
SiskiYouKid has a post read here
After Mandy and crew rolled their truck a group of eight individuals including two women got out and shot the vehicle to shit killing the occupants.
ReplyDeleteYou know what's sad, I went to my local smoke shop today to buy cigarrettes and a 12 year old approached me asking for 50 cents, he looked raggedy and dirty and I asked him ill give you 50 bucks if you really tell me what you're gonna buy because I don't believe your bus money story, his eyes lit up when I took out the 50 and he said I wanna get some spice...sad
Delete22:00 P.M. what the heck.......................................?
ReplyDelete10:00 pm idiot
DeleteThanks for the info chivis from wat now am hearing is that it finally happened the seperation of mayo and chapo and quintero is involved with chapo and there gona clean mayo out but thats wat am just hearing!
ReplyDeleteWere did you here that cuz thats a major split if that really happened at least one is going down by the dea thats for sure
DeleteAnd I guess the one that is running the show to get AP is un tal chuy bravo!
ReplyDeleteLet me guess chapo is losing the plaza or he snitched fuckn lame asses
ReplyDeleteGN is chapo's group dumbass if anything he is cleaning the plaza up
Delete@12:24 22:00=10pm 24:00=12am
ReplyDeleteIf Mandy had kept his vehicle under control, assuming that Anon@12:19 is correct, he would be alive today.
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War rages across the 'Americas', are YOU ready?
Black Jack -
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePollo Coachella, who you served with? 2nd Bn San Bernardino or Fontana boys/girls scouts?
DeleteSometimes people here don't know shit about what happens in Mexico they see and cartel member gets killed and they cheer but they don't know that guy was keeping the city safe and free from kidnappings and extortion
ReplyDelete"entrepreneur"? He was heavily involved in the drug business and word is that he was in charge of the Agua Prieta Plaza. He was a big player. Think about it. Agua Prieta has been peaceful, then this guy gets killed and it suddenly erupts into violence. He was a big player.
ReplyDeleteIf he was in the bizz he was doin it right keeping the city peaceful something others cant
Deleteal chapo le quieren calentar el terreno eso es todo,imposible que le tumben la plaza del charco al c.d.s es la que mas le da a ganar por ser tranquila y remota de todas las demas fronteras conflictivas,aqui es una sola linea y siempre a sido asi desde que cayeron los beltran leyva que eran los unicos que operaban en esta frontera,los unicos que puedan estar calentando aqui son los ztas,y no creo que duren mucho aqui es muy chico para esconderse y el gobierno de peÑa nieta esta a la disposision del chapo y del mayo.
ReplyDeleteit sounds like cds is cleaning house but is it at the right time having that there finding out that most of them have turned on each other trying to become independent and having a direct arraingement with el cartel de tijuana i guess chapo made alot of mistakes and he is loosing little bye little control of its permission or arraingement to move merca threw baja after having to pay la familia derecho de piso i guess there not has weak and not having the brains to beat any other cartel in a chess game
ReplyDeleteOk so here is the new up date wats going on in el charco is no a battle for the plaza is a limpia ir is not another cartel coming in its CDS cleaning the plaza CDS has sent sicarios y and the millitary n the federal police to take out the Gente Nueva cuz the wrnt listening to ther boss el Chapo Guzmán n keeping all the money to them self not reporting nothing bak to CDS So thats whats led to this GN has refused to turn ovr the plaza so this is expected to keep going on untill all GN renegade are exterminated so in other words chapo has turned on genre nueva now in the charco first Durango then Chihuahua n now Sonora agarate Tijuana aquiles n froggy yur next
ReplyDeleteEl chapo snitched
ReplyDeleteIdiot! Snitch to whom? How would he know where are other criminals?
Delete1:52 damn that sounds reasonable, the only evidence of narco was cds and gn so it was confusing. In the truest sense it is a fight for the plaza but not from a new outside group. thanks so much
ReplyDeletejust describing what he is known to be...yes we know what is said he is connected. do you have links to that information of his involvement so I can add?
ReplyDeleteYou do realize your second video is what Agua Prieta sounds like ringing in the new year...nothing to do with what has been going on since Thursday....just saying!!
ReplyDeleteI also heard for 2 weeks about the Mayo Chapo conflict. I am not buying it. For no other reason than it is illogical. Sure I could be wrong. Just my dos centavos
ReplyDeleteI'm sure if it was chapo vs mayo we would se nationwide killings. It seems just AP is crazy hot. Everything else is normal
DeleteLooks like the Zetas are sparking CDS up. The invasion has begun!
ReplyDeleteThere are no zetas left, only wannabes, z42 is hiding en Nuevo Laredo and Saltillo, he is almost broke, and all his friends and halcones deserted, so he is only with a couple loyal guys left, but they aren't doing shit.
DeleteLol you sound like a fucking ex wife
Deleteal chapo le quieren calentar el terreno eso es todo,imposible que le tumben la plaza del charco al c.d.s es la que mas le da a ganar por ser tranquila y remota de todas las demas fronteras conflictivas,aqui es una sola linea y siempre a sido asi desde que cayeron los beltran leyva que eran los unicos que operaban en esta frontera,los unicos que puedan estar calentando aqui son los ztas,y no creo que duren mucho aqui es muy chico para esconderse y el gobierno de peÑa nieta esta a la disposision del chapo y del mayo.
ReplyDeleteyup sorry about that...
ReplyDeleteMaybe mayo and chapo going to war so this is my opinion they kill r5 then they payback with killin el mp then they turn in chino antrax then they kill plaza boss of sonora now they go into internal war you gotta understand el mayo had macho prieto and his army and el chapo had el r5 and his army and there goin to war thats what happened in tijuana when mayo and chapo couldnt control them they are sometimes more faithful to their leaders than to chapo and mayo. Understand its called lead by example anyways its my opinion so fucking shit talkers dont open your mouths atte el californiano
ReplyDeleteThe only other cartel that has influence/power in Sonora is Beltran leyvas but if it is CDS vs GN infighting than a large group decided to cut chapo out. I wouldn't be surprised if they reached to BLO. Maybe I'm wrong.
ReplyDeletewas he a soccer player ?
ReplyDeletethis is from Saturday morning
Chivs I been seen all this info in a fb a page called memes de agua prieta n another one called la voz de agua prieta they been keeping ever one informed n worring ppl avoid going out on saturday Night cuz ther was ecpected to b a gun battel at mid Night bit withe the arival of the military n feds n state police everone States in side the arresta where loonly not even los tiradores dealers could be seen I have familly there so they jeep mi well informed on the situation any questions jst ask again for ppl that dnt knw its Gente Nueva vs Cartel De Sinaloa
ReplyDeletesorry chapo lovers his own organization is finding out how he turns on his own trusted men just to protect himself i think that was senor pablo escobar of medellin fall correct?? chapo is going to fall hard el azul is quiet have you guys notice also its heard mayo is pissed off how his people are all being cleaned out just to make wave for chapo people its causing more than friction mayo has been pissed off since vicentillo got arrested word is mayo patches up his dissagrement with the family and it got sttled when his nieces got kidnapped and mayo is like that he jumps ship when its sinking remember he belong to felix gallardo then amado carrilo then arellanos then slept with el chapo
ReplyDeleteAll this because your local American dope fiends at the liquor store panhandling for some change needs their next hit, when I buy my Marlboros and my polar pop they see me getting in my 2013 dodge ram and they walk up with their "hey sir you got 50 cents?" And I'm like no I don't when my ashtray is filled with them, giving yall 50 cents is like me funding the drug war because after there whole day of begging they go their crack dealer and buy their junk
ReplyDeleteBuyers are only 1/3 of the problem... the other 2/3 is on your end. Can't buy stuff someone is not making or selling.
Delete@3:36 p.m not this american.HELL NO do they make a single penny off of me and i dont ride without my 4 yr old pitbull terrier so the bums are a little hesitant to approach me for that!:)
DeleteHow does that nice truck look parked outside of your trailer? If you don't like the country them get the fuck out you piece of shit. Only people with very little brag about material possessions. I am sure that it will be repossessed soon
Delete8:36 E. De Rothschild,worth about:
Delete500 TRLLION US $, Is not on forbes' list of richest people in the world
HSBC Holdings plc or llc or lop 2.65 trillion dollars...
Laundering about 1.5 trillion dollars a year under the watchful eye of several national and international police organizations...
And you worry about 50 cents USD?
You can buy by the six pack on some other outlet,but maybe you feel more superior when you deny the derrelicts that hang around little out,they may get sick of "asking" for fifty cents,then it will be your ass...
I thought pricks drove BMWs now they ride in trucks too aww shit
Delete3:05 mexican naco-narc juniors ride ferraris and lamborghinis, made in china...
DeleteChapo is Losing The War.
ReplyDeleteEsto es lo que rodea por aca en el charko aka que el mismo cds que esta limpeando la plaza del charko por que no pagavan y tenian mucho poder y otrs rumores son que caro quintero mando esto pk el quiere la plaza que el es responsable por la muerte del mandy y del r5
ReplyDeleteAgua prieta era plaza del R5 y la gente nueva, no creo Que el chapo los haiga traisonado. Con la muerte del R5 va ver personajes Que quieran la plaza. El el vendedor de droga por mayoreo. El Trabaja con el Que tome el control. A el no le importa quien gane. Save que al final tienen que ocupar de el o Si no entonces Si les pone DEDO!
ReplyDeleteAp es plaza de m100 marcos paredes machado y r5 was in charge of the security of ap for m100 vitoaz
DeleteIts internal fighting en el charco they did fuck up by taking out compa mandi shitt was good and peacful just hope that who ever does takes the plaza takes care of ap like it has bin taking care of in the past!!!
ReplyDeleteKreo ke la plasa se habia vuelto revelde y los gefes mandarom para rekuperarla.
ReplyDeletePor eso se llaman gente nueva. Porke son unos pendejos ke no saben lo ke andan haciendo
ReplyDeleteNo fools. All this shit has to do with foreign interests coming into northern Mexico to begin the privatization of Pemex. The government is cleaning out the crap, so one cartel can control and keep that side of the business viable, while oil production begins to ramp for foreign markets. Why do you think they started to clear out the dumb ass Zetas last year. Wake the fuck up.
ReplyDelete7:30 nice finding people with the eyes on the prize,the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) fueled by the pirate vultures of international investment("global"),that come to cash in on their bets on corrupting the Harvard cathedratics that learned how to become Mexican satraps to sell their country to the best bidder.
DeleteJayhawk,is your paramilitary training center haliburton or blackwater contractors related?,of course it would be a just a Job proposition,and they may be recruiting for the white guards that the new owners of the Mexican banana republic will need when they come to lord it around,in which case,remember,you are only big when you are part of the team,and it is still an iffy proposition,because when the team is carrying dead weights,it gets dragged down, as we have seen clearly on Vietnam, Iraq, afghanistan,and other past and present hot spots,and even more specially when such dead weights are "managed" by chickenhawks that NEVER WOULD FIGHT THEIR OWN WARS,AND WOULD NOT PUT THEIR SPAWN ON HARM'S WAY EITHER...
El chapo triniz
I have been very sad when they kidnaped my nephew. Will here now (US). Finally give up on Mexico. The cartels and bad government won, God Bless who is left to suffer
ReplyDeletethank you 3:15 I will take a look
ReplyDeleteQuiet one night , the bowels bursting another. Welcome to Mexico. From border to border what was once tranquil is now hell. Homicidal maniacs in pickup trucks led by the devil himself. One day it is Juarez , The next Veracruz, Then Michoacán, Then all over again.
ReplyDeleteBrothers, you came from our own people. You are killing your own brother peasants when any human order to kill must be subordinate to the law of God which says, 'Thou shalt not kill'. No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God. No one has to obey an immoral law. it is high time you recovered your consciences and obeyed yourconsciences rather than a sinful order. The church, the defender of the rights of God, of the law of God, of human dignity, of the person, cannot remain silent before such an abomination. We want the government to face the fact that reforms are valueless if they are to be carried out at the cost of so much blood. In the name of God, in the name of this suffering people whose cries rise to heaven more loudly each day, I implore you, I beg you, I order you in the name of God: stop the repression
- Archbishop Oscar Romero -
People need to tell their children not to serve in the armies of the govts. of the world. The only purpose of the armies of the govts. of the world is to harm its inhabitants, and that for the benefit of the elite, multinational corporations, and banksters.
DeleteThe Archbishop did not live to see 1982.
ReplyDeleteI was witness to General Adolfo Blandón, the Salvadoran Army Chief of Staff saying;
"Before 1983, we never took prisoners of war."
Lieutenant Colonel Sigifredo Ochoa Perez, a former director of the Treasury Police and political ally of Major Roberto d'Aubuisson, established 12 free-fire zones in Chalatenango.
Ochoa is still alive, Oscar Romero is not.
The battle is joined, but remember, right does not make might.
Black Jack
9:36. Blackjack,nice nickname,make general Pershing proud,d'aubuisson the rightista murderer of his people,died a proud murderer,central America like other countries in the Latin Americas is still dying a slow death. The school of the americas' disciples are still murdering their Latin-American brothers and sisters,anything to say about that?
DeleteWe're fine down in Tico & Pana land. Low crime high education levels. Nice and quiet. Thanks.
Delete10:42. The Kaibiles were trained at the U.S.A. Military School of the America's, as I'
Deleteam sure some GAFES and GANFES were also trained. We're did the Zetas come from? You guessed it -- from the GAFES. Z-3 recruited Kiabiles, who brutally terrorized the Guatemalan people, to help train his Zeta army who brutally terrorized the people of Mexico.
4:01 pm, Kaibiles have their own school in Guatemala, they don't get any training at the School of the Americas, neither do the Gafes, 95% of the soldiers attending the School of the Americas are officers, the other 5% are high ranking nco's, you have to have special qualifications and training to be admitted, or do you believe that they are going to train any low rank illiterate mofo? Get your shit straight. Thanks Army Veteran 1968-1990, 2/75 Ranger Regiment. AIRBORNE!
Delete@6:04 well at least the latin american officers that go and train the latin american mofos of low intelligence on military bases on their own banana reoublics DO GET TRAINING AT THE SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS, not that we are going to find any records, unless some guy steals them for us.
DeleteBy the way,any chicken hawk that you know of,has ever taken training at the heroic and famous S of A? or their spawn?
Atentamente: a disciple of a west point cadet,plebe,ret.
6:04 after it was on the US news about the great crimes of the first latin american S of A disciples,,the US did not want to train so many eliterettes, it was messy and shameful,however,the US keept training and financing them,at the same time they was financing the development of comunist cells and guerrillas to fight with their kaibiles,gafes,contras,argentinian army mechanics,etc and etc,thank God we still have some freedom of information in the US, use it...
DeleteSo you think those officers/nco don't take their training home to teach their fellow soldiers. You have to be pretty naive to think that the U.S.A.govt./armed forces/C.I.A. doesn't train amies/armed groups all over the world with as much involvement the U.S. govt. has all over the world. Look-up El Jabil of CDS. Army veteran who fought for Chapo in Sonora. Some of the ADs are returning Mexicanos from the U.S.
Delete10:07pm, yes some do that, but they're very few, but if the US government finds that they are training some people without authorization, their FBI, CID and military records will show the word 'Traitor' in red ink. Do you really believe that this guy you call El Jaibil gave el Chapo a copy of his DD 214? Hope you know what a DD 214 is. I'm 64, and Army retired, during my life I have met hundreds of men who claimed to have served in the USA Armed Forces, and they were nothing but liars. That some of them lived in the USA either legally or illegally may be true, that they went back to México to fight and free their people may be true, but no self respected Armed Forces Veteran is going to betray what they were sworn to protect and sell their training and combat expertise to a drug cartel that is killing his/her own people.
Delete9:38. Look-up Barry Seal, Oliver North, Ismael Rodriguez to name a few.
DeleteI know all about them, Barry Seal and Ismael Rodriguez were just nobody, I made the jump in Panamá with the 82nd Airborne Division, Oliver North was involved in the Iran-Contra Affair, but he was an O-6 (hope you know what that means) following presidential orders, he was no traitor. If you served at least 8 years in a parachute infantry regiment or ranger battalion and held at least the rank of sargeant first class when you got out we can talk about it in a private chat room, I don't talk to low ranking veterans or people without military service background because they wouldn't know anything about infantry, ranger combat tactics or training, if I would speak like halo or haho military jumps, they wouldn't understand anything, I don't need to Google anything, I was active for 22 years and retired with the rank of E8 (first sargeant) I'm 64 years old and lived thru all that shit, Nam, Iran-Contra affair, Panamá, etc etc etc.
Delete9:05 pm, Quit dreaming, you don't have any kind of training. What plebe means? West Point Cadet disciple? Jajajaja! You have never been past the fence in your grandma's ranch in Mamácuaro, Michoacán.
DeleteLos Avengers are taking over
ReplyDeleteEverytime a Plaza leader is arrested or killed (R5 and Macho Prieto) there is a increase in crime . Competing groups like BL and Zetas will attempt to take over the plaza. Infighting within Gente Nueva and Sinaloa leadership. because there is no plaza leader common criminal feel they can kidnap and steal believe it or not having a plaza leader reduces crime Sonora was a state with very little crime ..
Having real police & non corrupt politicians works wonders too. And you don't have to worry about instability when some criminal gets bumped off to boot.
DeleteImagine that.
7:05 there are no police or military in mexico that is not corrupt or made mute by the corrupt,from top to bottom,and the same phenomena applies to the politicians, but they get bought by much richer people than narcs,international vultures of private enterprising capitalists,they have the US on their knees,and catching a whole lot of flack,americans can't see where it is coming from yet...
DeleteLes puedo asegurar que no son beltranes ni chapo trinis. Son Machos los que estan peliando por la plaza.
ReplyDeleteBlack Jack - you need to post a Web link for your driving course. and better do it before Chivis hunts you down - and kicks your add off the site :-) But don't think this would have saved Mandy because he was already pumped full of 7.62 x 39 bullets. P, CA
ReplyDeleteEl macho prietos alive and taking shit over he jst needed to recover from injuries now its showtime theres gona b another war
ReplyDeleteThat's right macho prieta is very much alive preparando la vengansa he made it out alive was saved by his people he was with a younger brother of his!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy are you yelling
DeleteBlack Jack, you maybe try craigslist, yes?
ReplyDeleteArmando Moreno, el Mandy era el jefe de la plaza en el Charco. Nadie iba a secuestrarlo sino a matarlo. Despues del accidente el estaba vivo y los sicarios fueron a rematarlo. Si lo hubieran querido secuestrar ahi tenian su oportunidad pero lo mataron. Ah, chivis, el no era ningun entrepreneur sino un narcotraficante.
ReplyDeleteIts el macho prietos people vs gente nueva
ReplyDeletelos salazares se yaman cuando se unieron con el cds se isieron yamar gente nueva no es un nuevo grupo idiotas dejense de estar mirando tanto univision el chapo no manda a la gente nueva estan solamente unidos para estar en este negocio es mejor estar unidos ke solo dejen de estar diciendo ke echan rata y traisona el chapo esaes plaza de los salzar ke tiene ke ver el enano con eso nada cds es una union no tienen jefe los areglos se asen de acuerdos con todos los grandes al mando de su cellulas
ReplyDeleteY tu si sabes idiota,mejor callate el osico.menso
Delete@658am callese a la verga morro pendejo el compa de arriba sabe como corre el Agua aqui, es un acuerdo que tienen con el patas cortas no son pendejos se alinian con el lado que suelte mas feria
DeleteIvan Maytorena aka R4, dead or missing?
ReplyDeleteHes missing but missing means dead
DeleteWhat about his brother Luis? Does anyone know anything about him?
DeleteEl mandi era el encargado de la plaza de sonora por parte de marcos paderes el m100
ReplyDeleteThis is crazy. CDS lost control of Agua prieta,its under dispute. The only reason Mexicali isnt like that too is because Checo is still alive. But he's the next plaza boss to die. In a matter of a couple month CDS would have lost control of two of their most important border plazas. Wait and see. They say chapo triniz( a blo plaza boss, I think he operates in ciudad obregon but recently launched an offensive,throughout the state) have been spotted in Nogales. CDS is taking hits.
ReplyDeletethis was to be expected. The cancer of the narco-economy is spreading fast. Is next door when is Obama going to pay attention?
ReplyDeleteWord in Culiacan(breaking as of about half-hour),federal forces have Chapo in the Mira,and are hunting him down and chasing him in the sierra de Sinaloa and Durango..crazy shit going on.
ReplyDeleteLimpiando la plaza de las lacras del mp puro mz y el tio
ReplyDeleteLos chapo no son los dueños de plaza por sonora los paderes todo el tiempo an tenido el charco los tacuaches pagan piso por entrar por sonora asi como lo asen para entrar en tijuana! Chapos are going down!!!!
ReplyDeleteat 3:36 PM
ReplyDelete"All this because your local American dope fiends at the liquor store panhandling" What an asshole,yeah we heard you,dodge ram.Really constructive,we never heard that one before..Go back asleep.
Gerald Gardner,,chill out dude,,we heard you,,there are starving babies,and kids dying from dirty water right now.Whats your point?Its a fucked up world?
ReplyDeleteWe all agree.
at 4:27 PM
ReplyDelete"and they may be recruiting for the white guards that the new owners of the Mexican banana republic"
Racist Mexicans again ?Horrible,,no wonder there is so much trouble,you hate everyone with a different skin color or language.Everyone in this life has troubles,stop blaming other people.
9:16 google guardias blancas,estupido,it is some of the worst lackeys that vulture capitalists hire to keep safe their dominions in the banana republics,it is "racist" as white slavery.not everything we post here is necessarily racist,I am sorry the hail mary you caught turns to be another turd...again!
at 10:42 PM
ReplyDelete"The school of the americas' disciples are still murdering their Latin-American brothers and sisters,anything to say about that?"
We got a pretty good idea what you would whine,i mean say.
10:42 pm doesn't know what he is talking about, 98% of soldiers that training the School of the Americas are American soldiers, and they are now serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, some of them as advisors in Sudan, and about 250 of them were deployed to Jordan two days ago to train some battalions of the Iraq's Army special
Deleteoperations forces, reason is that Al - Qaeda has taken back most big cities in Anbar Province.
Whats happening is that there were snitches and people who were keeping some of the profit for themselves. No one is battling for the plaza, they're cleansing it from all of the rats. Its the bosses who are sending these people from the same group to kill their minors.
ReplyDelete12:09 not being a school of the americas alumn i would not have an idea,so why don't you say what you mean exactly...can you?
ReplyDeletethere is noting like a little explanation,pointy and to the point,that leaves nothing to the imagination.
the more latin american ginirals from the banana republics go to take military training with the US military,the more blood thirsty and greedy scum we have there,any scientific explanation?
Like I said, if you don't have any military background then I can't elaborate more in this matter, because then we are going to have people that thinks CT's trained there.
Deletethere was another shootout last night
ReplyDeletefed vs gn vs la letra/beltran
Lets get it right mandy who works for m100 marco antonio paredes machado was the person in charge of ap for m100 . M100 is the plaza boss of ap
ReplyDeleteTo the prissy asses that take offense at the mentionig of the school of the americas, do you wear lone ranger or zorro masks?ay least be honest with yourselves,the cat has been out of the bag for a while,maybe not everybody that has gone there is corrupt,as not all of the worst criminals have attended
ReplyDeleteyour pride and joy,only the worst of the worst latin american criminals.
The best intentions, don't always produce the best results...grow up.
Join and serve in the US military, earn enough rank in a combat MOS and apply to attend the School of the Americas, go on a couple combat deployments or serve as an advisor to a foreign military, then you can express your opinion about it, until then stfu because you are showing those who know how ignorant in this matter you are.
DeleteThanks. Former US Army SOG Operator. THE OPPRESSO LIBER.
Sorry my mistake! It's DE OPPRESSO LIBER.
DeleteSome dont understand the idea of a long drawn out war of attrition reduces the chances nationalistic uprising in places where the government has interests and is cheaper than engaging directly.lran/iraq war prime example pawn them off against each other and keep them in a weakened tumultuous state so they dont threaten you geopolitically...sedition on a global scale plain and simple all to advance a form of modern imperialism .u dont have to know how to jump out of an airplane to understand your elitist tone seems out of place a little bit.
Delete3:24 quit reading science fiction books.
DeleteLet me tell you all it is a sad day. I know Marcos Paredes cannot be happy. I rarely speak out anymore. But I feel bad for the paredes crew. Sad day.
ReplyDeleteMr Rabbit has spoken
Hey my buddy where u been vito corleone has spoken
DeleteJust when I thought I was out...they draw me back in!!
Delete2:50 yep,i can imagine her dissapointment,and i understand that there wasn't much to tell, but i'd bet if you could have explained, she would still have loved you,no mater what,in this country being like that is not a crime anymore,nobody has to suffer in silence in the closet,and you can marry your partner now,isn't that great?
ReplyDelete9;38 there are many condecorated members and ex-member of the US armed forces, that are ashamed of their service and their medals,others that have turned into bad criminals,and many turned international sicarios at the service of whoever pays them best.
ReplyDeleteoliver north is a clear example of a patriotic hero that went to work for interests other than his fellow americans' that only wanted to enrich themselves, under guise of doing patriotic work,for the US government!?!?!
i would suggest to the truly honest military,to not let any crooks take refuge in their midst,no mater what their past or present heroics,and don't blame it on PSTD either.
the employers of the nazis that they helped escape to the americas,are always needing fresh meat,be aware that military contractors have the best interests of the US as close to their heart as another former revolutionary hero, a benedict arnold, whose name was banished by no other than the general of the US armies himself, US PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON
Like I said it's only about .0000001% that we call traitors, and that is 1 in 10 million. But why don't you stop Googleing info and join the Armed Forces and serve for at least 4 years, things are heating up in Iraq again and you can get some hands on combat experience, and as far as I know 99.9% of all our active duty soldiers and veterans are very proud of their service.
DeleteHere in my hometown, I'm a member of the American Legion, VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) and I know about 2000 veterans of all branches of the Armed Forces, and none of them are, or have turned into criminals. War experiences are different and affect soldiers minds in different ways, most of them suffer from. PTSD, some are amputees and some were luckier than other ones, but we are all proud of our service and don't blame the US government for whatever happened to us during our combat deployments, and some were lucky to serve during peace time and they are also proud to have served and we don't treat them different since we all are brothers in arms.
DeleteWhat in Gods name does this statement actually purport to say"as far as I know" /incomplete knowledge. "99.9% are proud of their service" I wont do the math but golly thats alot of people to have first hand knowledge of such a personal nature of that would make you remarkably omniscient for an e-8
Delete99.9% as far as I know means that it's still the same and that percentage hasn't gone down, yes an E-8 with 22 years of military service, 22 years in combat units, I've never been a supply specialist, or mechanic, or S1, always in combat mos's.
DeleteLe quitaron la plaza a Marcos?
ReplyDeleteNo todo es lo mismo vito corleone speakin
DeleteHi my brother. I am sorry. I have felt horrible ever since i heard the news of Mandy.
DeleteI know mandy was a good man. I feel bad.
DeleteAre you still at same place. I will write you.
DeleteYes i am bro missed u yeah i no he was like fam to me hit me up
Deletethe general line of the military ranters is in defense of the military,and of the servicemen,believe it or not,i am with you,what i am against is the private contractors that go and cook up wars for other people's children to fight, wars those chickenhawks would not fight,nor would they send their own spawn to fight, also, there is no law in the US that requires any military element to blindly obey a presidential orders that is clearly illegal,you are also not required to interpret orders given by the president while he is asleep regurgitating on his wife's lap,if bill casey gave the orders,you are not required to interpret them in any manner or form,if you did any of the above any way, you are not supposed to snitch on the president.
ReplyDeletethe use of military resources to have a war between iran and iraq,assisting both sides with israei in the middle, supplying poison gasses to iraq,was immoral too besides illegal,i do not think any military with honor can find any justification for it, as for the use of military training for latin-american elements that turned muderers of their own people,i don't blame the US government,or the military,as much as those that use the military of the US to carry on like they do,even against the best interests of their own country and their countrymen,in the US i believe the lowest ranking soldier has the right and the duty to tell the president and his superiors to go to hell and worse if he or she thinks that is the right thing to do,no matter what the for my military experience which is none,i would recommend that you read the memoirs of a west point cadet,plebe,ret.
that would be freshman in college,it took that long to see what was up.
there is also one of my favorite generals,dugout doug,who "got fired, not because he was a sonofabitch,which he was. he got fired because he had no respect for the office of the president" Harry S. Truman one favorite also,
in the process of an old wives quarrel,the US lost the opportunity of ending the problems on asia once and for all,which brings us to the present...china conquering africa, latin-america, the US...for somebody else,with the help of the modern patriots,the rightful heirs of benedict arnold...
if the chickenshit has not ruined all of your brain,and if it is not against your concept of military discipline,do yourself a favor, THINK....
Do yourself a favor, JOIN, and like I did spend 22 years in the Army, and start from the bottom like everyone else, basic training, infantry school, jump school, ranger school, special forces school, after that if you can cut it is the Deltas, I only made it to SF, stop reading books written by some guy who never served, and history books with stories that are not accurate. Volunteer for some combat deployments and apply for the School of the Americas, after that you can post what you know, because you know thereal thrut aabout it. Like that guy that mention Barry Seal, which is not his real name. His job was that of an RTO(radio transmitter operator)his active duty was less that a year, basic, ait and jump school, he was in the National Guard and assigned to the 20th Group Special Forces, Army National Guard, although he was authorized to wear the coveted Green Beret, because of the Unit he was assigned to, he NEVER, NEVER had any special forces training, which is training in an 18 MOS designator. What made Barry Seal a very special and valuable man was his ability to fly almost any kind of aircraft, whether it was civilian or military, he was the youngest guy ever to be licensed to fly the Boeing 747, when he was checked in the 747 he was 2 months short of his 19 birthday. Please get your facts together before you post anything. Don't look so ignorant.
DeleteDo yourself a favor, JOIN, serve at least 10 years in a ranger battalion or special forces group, then comment about military operations.
DeleteI disagree as military personnel your job is to serve the "po ignant civvies" you love to to condescend to so much as your effing bosses we will ask whatever question or make whatever statement we damn the people for the people...its all moot anyway plans change constantly once shots are fired...all im saying about SoA is we didnt accidentally train murderers and genocidal maniacs it was a clear strategy all in the name of capitalism you all signed up to serve your country but wound up serving capitalism its been that way with every war since Ww2 whether to advance ideology or just plain old greed it all boils down to capitalism.
Deletethe latin-american graduates of the School of the Americas that went back to their countries to train at the franchises in their own countries the recruits that have been murdering their countrymen, are the point of contention, not the american graduates of any military institution on the US.
ReplyDeleteof course not all of them went bad either, only about 99%.
I'm sure you never served, didn't even joined the boy scouts. You wouldn't make it out of basic training in a battalion of female trainees. No disrespect to the ladies. I won't argue with you because you have no knowledge at all of how the US Armed Forces operate, and you know nothing about military operations and tactics. I'm sorry you're so ignorant. Please next time post about the Army of the country you were born at, well that's if there is something that comes close to an army, and not a bunch of soldier wannabes.
DeleteOn the contrary none of us want to be you thats the whole reason the integrity of the institution's being called into question ...and you know what I seem to remember a great general named H.NORMAN SWARTZKOPT(?) saying that AMATEURS TALK TACTICS AND BRILLIANT MILITARY MINDS FOCUS ON LOGISTICS.
DeleteAt 3:48 pm, Yes a great General H. Norman (The Bear) Schwartskopff graduated from the School of the Americas back in 1962 when he was a captain and by the end of 1962 he was an advisor for the South Vietnamese Army in Khe Shan. One of the greatest, he passed away in Florida almost 11\2 years ago. You need to join and serve sir, so you can comment on something you know or have lived. Thanks Army Veteran 1968-1990.
Delete3:48 I don't believe General Schwartskopff would say anything like that, but I'm sure that if he ever commented on amateurs, he was referring to people like you, who never had the civil valor to wear the uniform, and anything you might know about the US military you learned reading Sargeant Rock comic books. Thanks, Army Veteran 1968-1990. Amateur with 22 years of service? Make yourself a favor, JOIN then, talk to me, and please serve in a combat MOS and get jump qualified, because I don't talk to pogs or legs.
DeleteYou need to learn the difference between TACTICS & LOGISTICS.
DeleteSaw my neighbors blood...pints of it in a national park restroom a few months ago in Southeast Az...the guy who did it then took her truck and headed to AP. I find it a bit annoying that you all seem to view this as a chess match..real blood on the floor...pints of it
ReplyDeleteI am dancing with joy! All the scum bags are being cleared out of Augua prieta! They all deserve to die!
ReplyDeleteel cardian unos de los balaceados en AP esta vivo fue un roson nomas pero en Naco andan todos escondiendose con miedo.ya les tocaba pagar un poco todo el dano que han hecho pues esta banda desaparecieron a muchos.
ReplyDeleteAre yoq talking about Havier Rascon. (Kadafi) What in gods name is going on down there? Since Leo was murdered in 2004 it has been some what quiet in AP. Mexico sucks any more. I gave up on it. Too much disgusting crap going on down there.
ReplyDeleteNo of u guys on here no wat really happened
DeleteHit me up ill let u no rabbit all of the theories on here from people are wrong
DeleteI emailed you. Sorry what happened down there. Crazy.
DeleteStupid comments! . Get fuckin real its El 20 was fooled into giving up the Plaza, "temporarily suspended" being disciplined and was promised to have it back. Never happened, he was ordered out by R5 and was stabbed in the.back after three years of doing the dirty work for the Paredes retaliated baked up by Benito Portillo ,El Sobrino Chuy Bravo. They Want the Paredes out; People get for real ,Its ridiculous la linea or Beltranes would have interest in little Old Douglas and AP its becoming a ghost town here
ReplyDeleteThe big problem is that people have been trying to run the paredes out forever. Marcos is doing time. I imagine what happebed to macho pprieto. Is related to this whole stupiduty. Weather agua prieta is a gost town is irrelivent. Thr region is very important to the people who know it. Like the paredes. They controlled it because they knew it. I will wager that more violence is to come. I beleive what you say is correct. But the region is very important to chapo and mayo.
ReplyDeleteWell if the region is important to Chapo en Mayo. It is certainly not important now is it ? since the AP plaza dispute has proven to be internal within its members. Maybe it was important before but not now would be fair to say. About Macho Prieto ? what about R5 El Goyito , Serafin Zambada and Chino Anthrax all happened in less than 2 months. I would say it is more than Chapo and Mayo cleaning out the house. It is more like they have to start patching all the cracks to the house before it collapses. I see huge problems.
ReplyDeletewell, for more than 25 years the Paredes have been doing despicable things to stay on top of the narco trade on both sides of the border. I have first hand knowledge of their back-stabbing, ill-done behavior. (that's putting nicely) I always wondered if their reign would come to an end. (or how it would come to an end) Leo died the same year as my father. My father from cancer, serving a life sentence in prison, Leo gunned down in his eating establishment. It was almost poetic. (even though I wished better for the both of them) (I mean I had no ill-will towards Leo)
ReplyDeleteHowever, if any person believes that Los Paredes doesn't have a strong ties there, they are fooling themselves. Truthfully, what is going on down there- and in all of Mexico- is despicable as hell. And I imagine what you are seeing down there isn't in-fighting, it was the existing power structure's desperate attempt to hold on. Even the Paredes could put up a fight, if push came to shove, from anyone.
Mandy Moreno from what I know was a good man. (by narco accounts) And he was tough. Most people didn't know who 20 really was. But everyone who needed to know, did, The region is so important to Mexico and U.S. Narco relations. Narco money is king in that area. My guess is that it could be the end for them. But they are survivors. (who knows)
As for Chapo and Mayo, they have the big money. They will invest in doing what is necessary to hold on. The reason that there is cracks in their house, is because the people that held on to that area suffered casualties. I imagine what happened to Macho Prieto was part of the fight to control the area. (I say I imagine) But no matter what, the violence and stupidity could be a regular matter down their, which is something that that area had been spared. I think what is happening their is a mistake.
But lets get real about some things. There isn't anyone strong enough and as financially equipped to take the area. (other cartel) Sinaloa has Arizona on lockdown, it's theirs.
Major problems? The bigger they are the harder they fall. Sometimes it is best to keep things well enough alone. But with the DEA constantly causing havoc, and narco jealousy, (hating) the outcome is always the same. A wise man once told me there is no honor among thieves. (maybe)
What is going to end all this stupidity? (I know, I am a bleeding heart liberal) Really, what's it going to take? As long as there is big money in it, it will exist. I think it's disgusting and horrid. Maybe the infighting is how the government wants it. But it all equates to something bad. Really disgusting
hey wats up az bunny killer hey i havent wrote back cuz the email u have is no good no more and ive tried many times to publish on here with my phone and it wont let me no more so heres my new email and hey ur my dog but i gotta differ with u on the paredes stayin on top by backstabbing people they and u should no are some of the few old school guys around who are fair and just when it comes to business anyways all these statements and really no truth to any except a few but hit me up for sure ill be waiting
ReplyDeleteNo matter what you are my brother
DeleteChivis, please remove the above e mail address. These guys are old friends. But his email popping out there for all to see is silly. It was innocent. But should not still need there.