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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Templarios-Beltran Alliance?

Borderland Beat forum post by El_Cuatro_Veinte

Don't shoot the messenger- CT and CDG have long had agreement, CT has crossed drugs in all the CDG border plazas since they originated.  As for BLO-CT alliance, I find that highly questionable....but, lets hear your thoughts.

The security cabinet federal government has information that indicates that the criminal group of Caballeros Templarios (CT) and Beltrán Leyva cells have collaborated since at least 2011 for the smuggling of drugs into the United States. Yesterday they were entered two alleged links of these groups.

Federal sources told 24 Hours that through intelligence work, supported by information gathered from various "sources" in Michoacán and Mexico City , information on how these criminal groups are collaborating were obtained.

In fact , this issue was one of the points covered in the meeting held yesterday the security cabinet including CISEN with governors of states bordering Michoacán, revealed sources consulted.

"We are working on the network links but there are already signs of cooperation with these criminal organizations. There are several lines to develop yet. The information comes from several sources that cannot be revealed yet "an official familiar with the case said.

In the Attorney General 's Office ( PGR ) reported that the criminal group led by Servando Gomez alias " La Tuta " They have control over precursor chemicals illegally entering Michoacán and in the manufacture of methamphetamine. However , its scope is limited in distribution chains to the north of the country, they would have sought to forge alliances to move product .

In an interview with 24 HOURS a representative of the self Estanislao Beltran, have revealed that data in Puebla Templar leaders were collaborating Hector Beltran Leyva aka " El H " .

Last week, the U.S. intelligence agency Stratfor left also hinted that the Templars were able to promote a network of links to the north of the country, which would be involved including representatives of the Gulf Cartel .

In exchange for support in distribution, presumed in the Federal Government , the Templars would support two years of people Beltran hit men and weapons to strengthen their struggle with antagonistic groups as the Pacific Cartel and the Zetas in the northern fringe country .

den pool

Last week members of the Navy and SEIDO implemented an operation in an apartment building located at 70th Street Ometusco the Hippodrome Confess Federal District colony, where they were arrested Francisco Javier Valles Zúñiga and Javier Suárez Villa, Coria and Erick Urbina, both originating in Uruapan , Michoacán.

" The suspects are allegedly linked to criminal organizations for the smuggling of cocaine, and methamphetamine precursors from other countries to the United States through Mexico , and their distribution in the state of Michoacán," said an official statement from the PGR.

24 Hours



    1. Dime a kien le vale verga? Do the math.


  3. I thought the templars were working with the sinaloa cartel? Anyone kno if that's still an active alliance? Cuz that would def. create problems bcuz cds and blo are at war with one another

    1. Their aliance broke years ago. Sinaloa cartel supports CJNG now in its effort to fight CT. The alliance was actually with LFM before Tuta broke off and I am not sure if what is left of LFM still has the alliance but I think they are aligned with the BLO as well since the BLO once had the stronghold of Mexico city

  4. Piensenla bien..esto de el narcotrafico jamas se acabara. Jamas porque al igual jamas se acabara quien use las drogas. Mientras existan demanda existira quien la venda. Es mejor para Mexico que todos los carteles se respeten y se repartan sus terrenos y asi puedan trabajar sin tenerse que estar matando. El gobierno siempre ha estado involucrado y asi va a seguir...entonces dejense de tantas mamadas y si dejan trabajar al narco como lo hacian antes tal vez se termine tanta extorcion y tanto secuestro. Si ya no se tienen que preocupar por dinero, que reciben del traslado y produccion de drogas, ya no buscaran dinero por otro lado. Lo malo es que ahora un solo guey quirere controlar todo Mexico y asi la guerra nunca va a acabar. Ah, y que tambien los gabashits dejen de mandar tanta pinche arma y municion para Mexico.

    1. Si pero lla vez como son los goviernos de pendejos ke dejan ke los gavachos maricones ecarven todo el petrolio por una mierda de dinero si acaso les dan el 10% luego no kieren legalisar la mota ke detodos modos se la fuman esos gov balen verga. Claramente estan al lado de los gavachos

    2. Tienes razon, esto no se acabaran pero no crees que seria mejor si se mataban los narcos entre ellos mismos y no se metieran con la gente inocente? Extorcionan, violan, roban y maltratan a la gente y por esa razon van a terminar a los CT porque la cagaron. Si no tienes el soporte de tu propio pueblo entonces no tienes nada y eso lo van a aprender. Y por querer ser la cara de la organizacion (porque la tuta no es el que manda) van a querer la cabeza de ese wey cortada primero. De que va ver mercado de drogas y quien las consuma y quien las venda siempre va a existir pero hagan lo alla por su propio pedo

    3. Va mas alla de eso el gobierno se vende al mejor $$ y le cierra las puertas a otros so ellos hacen sus mamadas pa recuperar lo perdido con la gente innocente. Si Estados Unidos le vale madre mandar armas mandeles drogas. La gente innocente q culpa tiene de sus avaricias y addiciones. Si los politicos no pueden con su chamba es obligacion del pueblo sacarlo ala chingada.

  5. The templarios protect Michoacan from other cartels, yea they take some taxes but they keep the bad gangs out. While the government takes your money and leaves you unprotected. The auto-defensas started from a greedy family that dint want to share with the pueblo. The templarios started asking for taxes while another gang would of just killed you and took your land. Realize who the real enemies are. The templarios built houses and a clinic and gave construction jobs to many people in my town south of michoacan and the templario minimum wage would be higher than government pay. They would pay the workers 2000 pesos thats 200$ a week for just building streets. Thats why im confused as to why nobody looks at how and why the towns people dint want to pay. It started with a selfish person and now they fight those who actually protected the state from wicked cartels.

    1. @6:48p.m bullshit! My friends parents live there and his dad didnt have their extortion money they wanted so they hung him so dont spin that crap and expect ppl to believe it! He was not involved with the narcos he just didnt have the money they wanted.there is a special place in hell for the ppl who did this to made me angry cause it made my friend sooo sad!

    2. That is the stupidest thing I ever heard chale

    3. Youre a fuckin retard.

    4. The people of Michoacan have spoken and they don't want Templarios or any other cartels in their towns!!!

    5. Yea the ct protect the people thats why the self defense groups want their heads lol duhhh

    6. Are you in cracked dude or you just retard just don't speak just think

    7. @6:48 pm
      Sounds like you got family in the rich-quick scheme of being a templario. "Take taxes"??? Are you fucking serious? Where I'm from it's called extortion or pay-up-or-get-killed. Dumbass!

    8. There is some truth to these comments, but I believe the bad out weighs the good.

  6. could you at least translate it correctly please

  7. What exactly is a den pool?

  8. What does 'La Tuta' bring to the table?

    Have the Mexican Marines relinquished control of the port facilities at Lazaro Cardenas, has it been returned to the CT? No.

    If not, what does he have, but a fractured base of operations.

    Granted, he could sell the meth precursors that have been delivered from China, but when those are gone, how does he replace them?

    If his people are scurrying about Mexico like cockroaches, well, there is little future for them, now that the lights are on.

    It is hard to play in a table stakes game when you can't ante up.
    Who would loan him the stake, and why?

    His position and that of the CT is no longer what it was, in 2011.

    The government is blowing smoke, not to deny that there have been 'negotiations', in the past, but the idea is they do not want folks to look forward, but to look back.

    If he went to Guatemala, the Kaibil, and thus Los Zetas, will have him soon enough.

    If he is still in Mexico, the CT has no base of operations, comparable to what they had, in 2011.

    El Profe as a foot soldier, I just don't see it.
    Who is he, but a deadman walking, without Michoacan in his pocket?

    What am I missing?

    1. Well written. Roaches with the light on jajaja

  9. Why would BLO ally with ct they have nothing to gain out of it. Blo has been making methamphetamine for years now and they get their precursor chemicals from the mazatlan n Acapulco ports. Look at cds their the biggest suppliers of meth n I think they don't even have chemicals coming from lazaro Cardenas because they have other ports where they receive their chemicals

  10. Cuatro used computer translator but I did not have much trouble reading it and I think those not looking for mistakes won't either.

    1. No se dice dice menumento. Ni para que te molestas en contestarle a esa gente que solo entra a criticar. A como pongan las cosas siempre va a haber una indiorante criticando. Gracias por su trabajo.

    2. Menumento.... Es broma verdad? Si no pues estas mas ignorante tu. Si si es broma mis respetos.

      Atte: Elma Cano.

  11. The claim is highly questionable and it's hard for me to see how the Sinaloa's bitter rivals (the BLO) can have an alliance with the CT, who are together with the Sinaloa Cartel. If anything, I think the alliance has something to do with the CT's fight with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). Perhaps the BLO wants them out too and figured that a (temporary) truce with the CT was good for business. That's assuming that the CT have not distanced itself from the Sinaloa Cartel, which tends to prefer a "quiet" and non-violent approach when doing business.

    1. I thought the blo was working with the zetas too, so doesnt that complicate everything a little more

    2. Sinaloa cartel was never allied with CT. The alliance was with LFM

  12. Anyone that wants to complain about translations, ought to do it themselves.

    Otherwise, be grateful that someone found the article in Spanish and took the time to introduce YOU to it.

    As I said, if the quality of the translation is not to YOUR standard, do it yourself.

  13. I looked at the original reporting from Mexico City, it was well beyond my ability to translate it better than the machine did it.

    Which is not saying much, really.

    But truly, you are an ungrateful mooch, aren't you.

  14. @6:43pm
    Sinaloa has never had an alliance with LCT.

  15. Wtf that clown Tuta still around. I thought gone just like his cartel. BLO doesn't need CT. They can enter Tierra Caliente without firing a shot. Once the ADs lay down their arms, the coast would be clear. LFM/CT was created by the Zetas when they were still in union with CDG. I think with Tuta their would be an issue of trust. LFM was hit hard by the federal govt. when the schism with Tuta/Kike occurred in
    2011. ADs have hit CT hard in 2013/14. I could see BLO alliance with Zetas or CDG considering a general from BLO controlled plazas in Nayarit or northern Sin. was transferred to Reynosa recently. I wouldn't be surprised if Tuta gets captured soon. He isn't as untouchable as Gov. Vallejo's son Rodrigo. It went all downhill for LFM/CTGM when El Chayo was killed -- Nazario Moreno Gonzalez or Ernesto Villa Zapata.?

  16. A BLO- CJNG alliance would be more believable. El H is already the 2nd most wanted man in Mexico after his far cousin Chapo. The US said they are gaining power under H. Now why would he ally himself with Tuta,and idiot that the public hates and has raised arms against. Simply not possible.Hector has been in the game almost as much as Chapo he knows that having public support is important.He has always been low key,not like Tuta.

  17. Calm down.

    The autodefensa Facepage, where Papa Smurf posts, says only that "El Chayo" is so drugged out of his mind, he's thinking of an alliance with BLO.

    It also says the part about "La Tuta" siding up to Los Golfos, which makes a lot of sense.

    As for Puebla, all I see is that "El H" is there, which makes sense because Puebla, heading toward Hidalgo and VZ, is Z territory.

  18. This article starts with "the security cabinet federal government" so I didn't even read it. Lol. What the fuck.... Also, since when does one claim to know anything about a subject in which the primary language that subject is encompassed isn't spoken by that person? Piss off with the I don't speak Spanish but am intrigued by the narco war bullshit. Ignorance makes for an atrocious defense; learn a fucking language it's not that hard.

  19. I think that hector beltran leyva (El H) is trying to establish a foot hold in mitchoacan because he knows the Templarios are finished. He wants to be able to take shit over once theyre out of the picture.

  20. @6:49 p.m dont be a grammar and language douchebag!

  21. Now that the caballeros templarios are running around mexico like caca roaches looking for a place to hide what have the CT leaders done with all their millions of dollars they were raking in? You know they must have huges stashes of money hidden somewhere. You don't just go running around mexico with trucks full of cash. Where are their fortunes hidden?

    1. Its probably invested in companies all over Mexico and the USA. I dont think they would have that much money in cash. La tuta clearly said they have alot of people here in the U.S. so some might be Accountants managing their money

  22. After reading all the comments above im still a little shocked that regulars here have trouble understanding this. All the cartels are a Business. It doesnt matter where the drug load comes from as long as you pay the fee for moving it through a certain territory.
    This has always been the case , BLO have access to crossing points that the CT do not , CT move meth through the BLO plazas across the border. They probably also ship loads through the CAF/Sinaloa plazas the CDG plazas and the zetas plazas. No one gives a fuck as long as the fee for the load is paid. Like the Sicillian mafia this is just business.
    Not difficult to understand. Rivalries do not matter when it comes to money , and all the cartels have money as the priority because with it they buy power and protection.
    Sicarios are told to escort particular loads through particular plazas , they have no clue as to where the drugs originated , or where they are going. Only the capos know the origin , and they have a long history of meeting to discuss problems like movement of weight , and problems with authorities , regardless of blood feuds. Only the zetas have a complete corridor through mexico and so don't have to ship loads through other cartels plazas.
    1. Make Money
    2. Make Money
    3. Make Money

  23. México is starting to see the light at the end of the tunel.Z`s are all but done,ct are near their end,very little news from cjng,all these other cartel wanna be`s were quickly deal the end only true mafioso cartels will survive such as cds,blo,caf,cdg.

  24. 6:48 when el taliban left the zetas,he hung narcomantas advertising te CDS,CDG and his zeta faction alliance,zeta 40 took action against him in fresnillo zac, and snitched until el taliban got arrested in san luis potosi, i don't know what happened with el taliban's zetas,or who is in charge of them but there was war in zacatecas,cdg vs z40's loyalists who are said to only have fresnillo now,BB said so on some past reports.
    What happened with sangre zeta? since fidel herrera beltran, z1,is not governor of veracruz anymore,there has been some killings of "zetas" reported,but not much...
    @6:48 regarding the ct,s good deeds,tas bien pendejo vale!!, thepeople of michoacan have risen against the ct because nobody likes their stupidity, their politica ranchera, and psych ops just fucking plain sucks,only the most retrograds believe it,don't be so stupid,it is beneath a human being to be so much of a sucker.

    1. I heard the war still going on in zacatecas , cdg vs zetas all the factions el taliban had are now cdg led by some comandante F-1 theres videos on youtube these cdg members from zacatecas are cool with polimenso n cortez from tamaulipas , I think they from Reynosa la maldoza B)

    2. Simon aqui en zairo sigue la guerra todas las celulas del talivan son cdg y se asen llamar talivanes y los dirijen varios como el f1 el acido el lobo hay mucha raza del cdg aqui en fresno a cada rato hay putaceras y cuerpos decapitados nomas que los noticieros estan censurados por e.p.n pero sigue el rollo grande..dias pasados se miravan trokas marcadas con cdg talivanes cdg f1 cdg m3 cdg pumas un chingo de trokas facil eran como 60 y los zetas ni sus luces...saludos desde zairo.

    3. Jajaja orale no pues sta chido , yo nomas decia y ya salio un reporte de zacatecas hoy

  25. "You don't just go running around mexico with trucks full of cash. Where are their fortunes hidden?"

    every high level cartel member popped was caught with a truckload full of cash...where you been?

    "Wtf that clown Tuta still around. I thought gone just like his cartel."

    where did you hear he was gone? not one high ranking member of CT has been popped or touched...AD's haven't done shit, but get marked for death. Tuta is a smart dude, probably studied Sun Tzu and is laying low while the ADs are strong, but once they tire of not finding anyone and return to their homes, CT will exact their revenge. the CT are career criminals while the ADs are farmers who at some point have to return to work, or tax folks to keep their movement a book on strategy before making lame comments! its ART OF WAR 101

    most of you fools can't connect the dots or see the forest for the trees, I'm surprised` you haven't drowned from looking up at the sky during a rainstorm!

    1. Wtf Tuta a military strategist! He probably doesn't even know how to play chess, or checkers for that matter,
      much less military strategy. I don't call shooting unarmed protesters in the back military strategy. However, when those same protestors arm themselves that clown gets his ass kicked!!! His army is almost gone. Look-up and see what happened to Chango after he lost his army.

    2. 9:18 try and get some info on big banks and money laundering,then compare the money they launder with the naco-narcs money,and you will see who is the big enchilada.
      the baddest of the narcs and corrupt mexican police put together,are not as evil as the people that eggs them against the mexican crime victims...

  26. 11:11 your mind is on the money . Lol funny guy , but that money gonna have a new owner .

  27. @9:18 am , believe me all cartels minds are on their money. I hope the CT lose it all , but that is unlikely to happen as the CT political protection hasn't yet run for cover, and they wont unless they have no choice. I mean the high ranking politicians not state mayors. How convenient that the federals turned up during the firefight at the ranch in cofradia , just in time to slow down the advance of the AD and create a hole in the blockade through which el mas loco and tuta escaped. The federals are probably right now shipping the CT cash stores out of the state , for a fee of course.

  28. 9:18 sun tzu,the people that have read him the most,namely the us military,can not win a war against a bunch of raggedy ass whooly heads in twelve years.does sun tzu say anything about trying to catch hailstones in the desert?
    the chinese never could shake free of british colonialism,nor get away from drug dependency,if only because of the economics,now the chinese are progressing at the expense of their environment and because of the cheap slave communist labor they exploit, i guess sun tzu was not a really a great clairvoyant,and there is something wrong with his program, do you have a military explanation or excuse for the messes i mention above?
    if not, it is OK,don't cry,don't choke with your tears, we still love you...

  29. "if not, it is OK,don't cry,don't choke with your tears, we still love you"...

    just because the US military reads sun tzu, doesn't mean they know how to apply it. Its worked for me such that I've climbed from the bottom rung almost to the top....Sun Tzu says that generals in field should not take orders from the sovereign i.e prime minister, president etc etc and in the US, its the president, half of whom were draft dodgers or skirted actual military service, that call the shots for our wars. So your argument is flawed in that you assume reading his philosophies implies knowing how to apply does not...and i don't need your love! i'm a born leader loved by all. trust me, if your wife or mom or sister met me, they would love me too! even your dumb ass would fall under my go reread my comment ten times until you understand that reading something, does not equate to understanding fact the viet cong who beat the US during the Nam war, employed Sun Tzu tactics to a tee, and they kicked a churro

  30. 1:06 amongst other wrongs,the viet cong never beat the US on any battlefield, their diplomats beat the US diplomats,because they were mainly fixing things up for foreign enemies of the US, that were on their way to making china a super power,as we see more clearly everyday now...

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